bryan_att | Hi any JuJU experts: How do I restart a JuJu service VM after reboot? | 00:33 |
lazyPower | bryan_att hey there o/ still around? | 01:50 |
bryan_att | lazyPower: yes - but I think I figured it out... power-on via MAAS restored it. | 01:51 |
lazyPower | perfect, just making sure you werent' left hangin | 01:51 |
lazyPower | best of luck :) | 01:51 |
bryan_att | lazyPower: thanks | 01:51 |
jose | ohai, anyone hit timeout problems when using ubuntu-repository-cache? It never downloads the data, gets stuck in a timeout loop | 01:56 |
blahdeblah | jose: yes; check for details | 01:56 |
jose | blahdeblah: do you by chance have a bug#? on mobilr and can't seem to find jt | 01:58 |
blahdeblah | jose: not handy - but it shouldn't be hard to find; the list of bugs on u-r-c isn't that long | 01:59 |
* blahdeblah checks | 01:59 | |
blahdeblah | jose: I think is the one I've seen | 02:00 |
jose | the thing is it doesn't even download the data. any known workarounds so it can download stuff? | 02:00 |
* jose needs to set a local mirror for a conf | 02:00 | |
blahdeblah | there's an rsync which runs from a cron job on the lowest-numbered u-r-c unit; make sure your juju units are all idle, then try the rsync manually and see what it says | 02:01 |
blahdeblah | usually it's a hung rsync from a previous try, or some other failed juju unit getting in the way | 02:02 |
blahdeblah | has been logged asking for the design to be changed, but I haven't seen any action on that | 02:02 |
mup | Bug #1576920: ubuntu-repository-cache-sync should be called outside of juju hooks <ubuntu-repository-cache (Juju Charms Collection):New> <> | 02:02 |
jose | I think i'll just try ubumirror | 02:05 |
hloeung | you sure it's not egress filtering or something else? | 02:07 |
hloeung | 'rsync -avz --dry-run rsync://' should give you a listing | 02:07 |
hloeung | jose: ^ | 02:08 |
hloeung | run that from one of the u-r-c units | 02:08 |
hloeung | if it fails, then check your secgroups or the equivalent for whatever provider you're using | 02:08 |
jose | I'm using manual on a local machine, but I'll double check | 02:09 |
jose | ooooh ports. firewalled connection | 02:09 |
jose | thanks for the idea, it never popped up! | 02:10 |
hloeung | heh yeah :) | 02:10 |
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban | ||
godleon | Hi all, is there any way to resolve or recover service from blocked status ? | 08:50 |
magicaltrout | you can mark units resolved godleon | 08:50 |
magicaltrout | so they will continue starting up | 08:50 |
magicaltrout | of course if something broke, it will remain broke :) | 08:51 |
godleon | juju resolved ? | 08:51 |
magicaltrout | yup | 08:51 |
magicaltrout | you normally have to run it a few times to get past the failed hooks | 08:51 |
godleon | ok, but I got message "ERROR unit "neutron-gateway/1" is not in an error state" | 08:51 |
magicaltrout | sorry my bad | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | blocked could be waiting for a relation from something else | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | like if my charms need a java relation, i set them blocked until the relation is made | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | or awaitng an action or something | 08:52 |
magicaltrout | depends why its set the blocked state | 08:53 |
godleon | magicaltrout, ok, I try to deploy openstack base bundle in xenial, but I got unit errors in neutron-gateway. After resolving it, it turned into blocked forever...... | 08:53 |
godleon | and never recovered again. | 08:53 |
magicaltrout | | 08:54 |
magicaltrout | you can see where it blocks up here | 08:54 |
magicaltrout | if valid_plugin() returns false | 08:54 |
magicaltrout | it should also give you an error message? | 08:55 |
magicaltrout | | 08:55 |
godleon | yap => Services not running that should be: neutron-openvswitch-agent | 08:55 |
magicaltrout | i guess skipping the unit errors just skipped whatever is now blocked :) | 08:56 |
magicaltrout | godleon: you'd be better off looking at the juju log for the unit and figuring out why you had to juju resolved | 08:56 |
magicaltrout | that will probably get you running easier than hacking around in the charm | 08:57 |
magicaltrout | (i've never deployed openstack, but that seems like a reasonable guess) | 08:57 |
godleon | hmm.....ok, will do. | 08:57 |
godleon | thanks for your advices. :) | 08:58 |
magicaltrout | you can juju debug-log although personally i just ssh to the unit and grep through the logs looking for whatever broke it | 08:58 |
jamon | how does this pattern work with charm relation-foo scripts? | 09:04 |
jamon | when i try referencing a common script in a charm, i just get script not found, e.g. it looks like a path issue | 09:04 |
jamon | (this is with juju 1.25.6) | 09:04 |
* magicaltrout wonders who could offer some sage advice there | 09:10 | |
magicaltrout | babbageclunk or stub if they are around could probably help jamon | 09:10 |
jamon | i can just write the relation scripts, but i thought that hadoop pattern looked rather clever | 09:10 |
jamon | saves on repetition since my config-changed handles things nicely | 09:11 |
stub | that link doesn't work for me | 09:12 |
kjackal | Hello Juju World! | 09:14 |
jamon | stub: does it just says 'hadoop-common'? | 09:16 |
jamon | s/says/say | 09:16 |
stub | yes | 09:16 |
jamon | ah that's expected, it is calling this script: | 09:16 |
jamon | | 09:17 |
jamon | all the relation joined or changed hooks refer to that common one | 09:18 |
stub | And its bash, so I'm not going to be any help ;) | 09:18 |
stub | but the pattern should work fine once you create the foo-relation-changed symlink (and foo-relation-joined, departed and whatever else you need) | 09:20 |
stub | I much prefer the reactive approach though - no need for this sort of thing any more. | 09:21 |
magicaltrout | i can't even write non reactive charms any more | 09:22 |
magicaltrout | my brain can't process the hookage | 09:22 |
jamon | is there a good charm to show this reactive pattern? | 09:24 |
jamon | i'm exactly new to this :) | 09:24 |
magicaltrout | okay if you're new chuck that stuff away :) | 09:25 |
magicaltrout | run | 09:26 |
magicaltrout | charm-create mycharmname | 09:26 |
magicaltrout | and it will create you a charm skeleton | 09:26 |
magicaltrout | in that skeleton you'll find a reactive directory | 09:26 |
jamon | i think i did that, but i may have been looking at the 1.25 docs | 09:26 |
magicaltrout | you'll also find layer.yaml | 09:26 |
magicaltrout | which allows you to inherit layers and interfaces from that website you were perusing | 09:27 |
magicaltrout | the when you run charm build | 09:27 |
magicaltrout | it will compile all of is into a funcioning charms | 09:27 |
magicaltrout | -s | 09:27 |
magicaltrout | (make sure you have some environment variables set so stuff goes in the correct place) | 09:27 |
magicaltrout | so for example I build my charm in ~/Projects/mycharm, JUJU_REPOSITORY is set to ~/Projects/charms | 09:28 |
magicaltrout | then charm build will compile my charm and put the whole thing into ~/Projects/charms/.... | 09:29 |
magicaltrout | at which point you can juju deploy etc | 09:29 |
magicaltrout | jamon: are you seem to be fiddling with hadoop stuff, I have a pretty simple drill charm that is reactive | 09:30 |
magicaltrout | | 09:30 |
jamon | | 09:30 |
jamon | here's where i'm at | 09:30 |
jamon | i was just using hadoop as a reference | 09:30 |
magicaltrout | ah right | 09:30 |
jamon | so i must have run charm-create | 09:31 |
jamon | all hazy now :) | 09:31 |
magicaltrout | well reactive/ is where you want to be | 09:31 |
jamon | so i'll work on porting my bash stuff there? | 09:31 |
jamon | using your reference? | 09:31 |
magicaltrout | you can write bash reactive scripts | 09:31 |
magicaltrout | but i've never done it | 09:31 |
jamon | i'd rather ansible if i'm honest | 09:32 |
magicaltrout | kjackal likes this stuff, kjackal got any bash reactive samples? | 09:32 |
kjackal | magicaltrout: Hello, lgive me a sec to read the conversation | 09:32 |
magicaltrout | jamon: there is some ansible stuff kicking around | 09:33 |
magicaltrout | | 09:33 |
magicaltrout | | 09:33 |
magicaltrout | I don't know what the state is | 09:33 |
jamon | i've seen references to something possibly being integrated into juju core? | 09:33 |
magicaltrout | but I've seen some demo stuff | 09:33 |
magicaltrout | so you write a juju charm that calls your ansible stuff | 09:34 |
magicaltrout | the new hadoop stuff does similar using puppet | 09:34 |
magicaltrout | kjackal knows about that stuff i'm just an observer | 09:34 |
magicaltrout | but you could use python to install and run the ansible stuff on a node | 09:35 |
jamon | aweomse, thanks for the pointers, there should be lots to get me going here | 09:35 |
jamon | awesome | 09:35 |
kjackal | Hey jamon! | 09:35 |
magicaltrout | in which case you could just dump it into that install hook thats already in the template you see | 09:35 |
* magicaltrout passes the baton over | 09:35 | |
magicaltrout | NASA project go live day and i'm discussing ansible | 09:36 |
magicaltrout | should probably get my priorities sorted out ;) | 09:36 |
kjackal | magicaltrout: :) | 09:36 |
jamon | juju deploy spaceshuttle :D | 09:36 |
magicaltrout | if only | 09:36 |
magicaltrout | more like docker-compose up huge-genomics-project.yaml | 09:36 |
kjackal | so jamon, did you go through the documentation we have for the reactive things? | 09:37 |
kjackal | It is a good place to start | 09:38 |
kjackal | let me find some good starting point | 09:38 |
jamon | i wasn't sure about using 2.0 docs | 09:39 |
kjackal | jamon: what version of juju do you have deployed? 2.0 or 1.25? | 09:40 |
jamon | 1.25.6 | 09:40 |
kjackal | Cool, 1.25 is the stable one | 09:40 |
kjackal | 2.0 is almost stable | 09:40 |
kjackal | so we are on 1.25, great | 09:41 |
kjackal | here is the starting point | 09:41 |
jamon | right that's where i did the walkthrough | 09:41 |
jamon | | 09:42 |
jamon | that got me my running hubot | 09:42 |
kjackal | jamon: awesome! | 09:42 |
kjackal | and what are your next steps? | 09:42 |
jamon | where i'm at now might be useful information | 09:42 |
jamon | hubot likes to talk to redis to persist information | 09:43 |
jamon | so i'm trying to get that linked up via relations | 09:43 |
jamon | e.g. i expect it is as easy as relation-get private-address in a relation changed/joined hook | 09:43 |
kjackal | jamon: yes it should be as easy as that | 09:44 |
jamon | but if i should be trying with reactive, i'm happy to port it over | 09:44 |
kjackal | so first you need the interface layer | 09:44 |
jamon | that will give me experience with both types of charms | 09:44 |
kjackal | where is your charm right now? Is is availuable for me to see how it looks like? | 09:45 |
jamon | kjackal: not sure you saw this, but here's my charm now | 09:45 |
jamon | | 09:45 |
jamon | hah nice timing | 09:45 |
kjackal | Cool! | 09:46 |
kjackal | So I see you created the charm by providing the install etc scripts under hooks and now you want to do the same thing with layers | 09:46 |
kjackal | layers + reactive | 09:47 |
kjackal | nice | 09:47 |
kjackal | This example shows how to use layers: | 09:49 |
kjackal | So, here is how we are going to do this | 09:50 |
jamon | ah ok | 09:50 |
kjackal | Strongly suggest you create a branch, because you will have to remove the hooks directory | 09:50 |
jamon | right easy enough | 09:50 |
kjackal | Then lets pick up some layers to form our charm so that we reuse code | 09:51 |
jamon | i was wondering what a good base charm would be | 09:52 |
kjackal | Lets use the "basic" layer: | 09:52 |
kjackal | and you also said we will need to interface with reddis. So we will need the reddis interface | 09:52 |
kjackal | | 09:53 |
jamon | right ok, so my layer.yaml has includes: ['layer:basic'] already | 09:53 |
jamon | now i just need to add the redis interface | 09:53 |
kjackal | I am not making all this up. In this url: you can find all the layers and interfaces registered with juju | 09:54 |
kjackal | you can also register your own layers for others to use | 09:54 |
jamon | ah terrific | 09:55 |
kjackal | i do not know anything about hubot, so I need to ask you, is the relation to redis optional or is it required to have hubot running? | 09:56 |
kjackal | is redis a had dependency or is it good to have ? | 09:56 |
jamon | it is optional but highly recommended for production | 09:56 |
jamon | i'd make a config.yaml option to disable redis | 09:57 |
magicaltrout | you can handle all of that in the relation jamon :) | 09:58 |
kjackal | ok, do you want to have hubot up and running without redis and when redis becomes available (related to hubot) then hubot gets reconfigured to use redis? | 09:58 |
magicaltrout | options are for wimps ;) | 09:58 |
jamon | kjackal: yeah that sounds right | 09:58 |
kjackal | cool, I am trying to find the state the basic layer sets to signal "all-is_ready" | 10:01 |
kjackal | ok, we do not need to care much about the states of the basic layer | 10:05 |
kjackal | for now at least | 10:05 |
kjackal | jamon: looking at the install script | 10:06 |
kjackal | I see we first add a repository then we apt-get install nodejs things | 10:07 |
kjackal | I wonder if there is any nodejs specific layer we could reuse | 10:08 |
jamon | was the only one i found when searching for nodejs on the store | 10:09 |
kjackal | jamon: Hey it seems we have this layer: | 10:09 |
kjackal | I was looking at the | 10:10 |
jamon | hmm i'll have to start looking there it sounds like | 10:10 |
magicaltrout | the stuff you see there jamon is all the stuff you can inherit | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | and get free code ;) | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | similarly, you could deploy layer-hubot there and I could pick it up and customise it to fit my needs | 10:11 |
magicaltrout | for example | 10:11 |
jamon | right, reusability | 10:12 |
kjackal | jamon: so, looking at the readme of nodejs layer we can easily get npm installed! | 10:12 |
magicaltrout | absolutely. The hadoop example is a good one, I don't care how hadoop is installed, and I don't know how to install it, but I do need haddop and the hadoop client | 10:12 |
jamon | looks like that layer will let me specify the nodejs versions too, which is important | 10:12 |
magicaltrout | so I can just pickup a layer that allows me to reuse all of that | 10:12 |
jamon | | 10:12 |
kjackal | jamon: awesome, lets do this! | 10:13 |
kjackal | you can provide these options at deployment time | 10:15 |
kjackal | jamon: like so: | 10:15 |
jamon | right yes i've been using a hubot.yaml with api tokens in it for config | 10:16 |
kjackal | there is always the option to use the apt-layer and add your repository in the same way nodejs layer is doing here: | 10:21 |
jamon | this looks like a great example layer to use | 10:22 |
kjackal | jamon: Do you have enough material to go on by yourself? | 10:32 |
kjackal | Do you want to ping me when/if you get stuck again? | 10:33 |
kjackal | jamon: I would be very happy look at how you are handling this | 10:34 |
jamon | absolutely, it's lots to go on | 10:34 |
jamon | just have to do a bit of $dayjob work here for a bit | 10:34 |
jamon | then back to this charm and provisioning a new laptop with 16.04 so i can hack on charms more easily | 10:35 |
kjackal | jamon: we have this program that might interest you: Basicaly resources for work on charms | 10:39 |
jamon | ah cool | 10:40 |
jamon | i'm hoping i can just use my laptop with lxc | 10:40 |
jamon | lots of resources | 10:41 |
jamon | i've been using my aws account in the meantime | 10:41 |
magicaltrout | you can certainly use lxc | 10:41 |
magicaltrout | you can also get aws credits for juju developers | 10:41 |
jamon | nice and lightweight | 10:41 |
kjackal | yes, lxc is also my first option | 10:42 |
magicaltrout | not sure what the aws application link is any more, but marcoceppi deals with that stuff | 10:42 |
D4RKS1D3 | Hi, someone knows how to add new parameters in juju to be added to my config files? | 11:57 |
D4RKS1D3 | test = test for example in /etc/test.conf | 11:58 |
magicaltrout | config.json I suspect D4RKS1D3 | 11:58 |
D4RKS1D3 | you mean config.yaml ? | 12:00 |
magicaltrout | yeah sorry | 12:00 |
magicaltrout | brains not in gear | 12:00 |
D4RKS1D3 | hahaha, do not worry, i have the same "problem" hahaha thanks for your help | 12:01 |
lazyPower | o/ morning charmers, bug filers, and fellow community constituents | 12:10 |
jrwren | good morning lazyPower | 12:11 |
lazyPower | Ejat: having trouble with conjure? | 12:14 |
=== redelmann is now known as rudi|wfh | ||
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stokachu | his problem is running on ppc64 | 13:01 |
lazyPower | ah, makes sense | 13:02 |
=== cory_fu-vac is now known as cory_fu | ||
D4RKS1D3 | Its possible to debug a value in a charm? | 13:51 |
D4RKS1D3 | {% if metadata_shared_secret -%} | 13:51 |
kjackal | wait up petevg I havent yet created a PR for the part we consider ugly. That one is on the namenode. | 13:54 |
kjackal | :) | 13:54 |
petevg | kjackal: I look forward to being grumpy about it in the comments :-) | 13:54 |
kjackal | lol petevg | 13:54 |
lazyPower | D4RKS1D3 - that looks like a jinja template, and you sure can. but we'll need to know where its getting context from | 13:56 |
D4RKS1D3 | I am trying to enable metadata_shared_secret in the nova-compute charm | 13:57 |
D4RKS1D3 | in the config.yaml does not exist this parameter | 13:57 |
D4RKS1D3 | I do not know how to enable | 13:58 |
D4RKS1D3 | you have enough details lazyPower ? | 14:02 |
lazyPower | D4RKS1D3 - looks like its either coming from neutron or keystone | 14:04 |
lazyPower | just based on its location in the nova.conf | 14:04 |
lazyPower | D4RKS1D3 - so you will need to do one of two things. Inspect the relationship data coming from keystone/neutron, or dump the context object before it renders that configuration to see whats in there. | 14:05 |
D4RKS1D3 | Okey I will do that thanks lazyPower | 14:05 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
mbruzek | evilnickveitch: I was looking for how to set the default region for juju and I found it in the docs | 15:46 |
mbruzek | evilnickveitch: Thanks! | 15:46 |
mbruzek | evilnickveitch: that was a surprisingly excellent experience and I wanted to thank you | 15:46 |
evilnickveitch | mbruzek, I knew those thousands of words would come in handy some day :) | 15:48 |
* lazyPower +1's this conversation thread | 15:48 | |
* lazyPower has reacted with :cake: | 15:48 | |
evilnickveitch | heh | 15:48 |
mbruzek | evilnickveitch: Some people always complain when something goes wrong, I am letting you know it went well. | 15:48 |
mbruzek | I could open an issue against the docs to thank you if you wish! | 15:49 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk | ||
kjackal_ | cory_fu: I am done with the review queue for today | 17:14 |
cory_fu | kjackal_: Thanks. I'll send it out in a bit. | 17:14 |
cory_fu | kjackal_: Have a good evening! | 17:14 |
kjackal_ | cory_fu: Just a sec | 17:14 |
kjackal_ | I gave a +1 to pubphoto. So, if it is fine with everyone I could try to promulgate it tomorrow, but I would appreciate if you could look over my shoulder this time | 17:16 |
kjackal_ | cory_fu: also, the card with Hadoop HA has links to branches that I was working on. | 17:17 |
kjackal_ | It would be great if i could give you a tour, any feedback would be much appreciated | 17:17 |
cory_fu | kjackal_: Sure. Did you want to do that tomorrow, since it's late for you, or spin through it now? | 17:18 |
kjackal_ | I have some time now but, whatever is more convenient for you | 17:18 |
kjackal_ | I do not want to pull you from whatever you were doing | 17:19 |
cory_fu | kjackal_: Now is fine | 17:19 |
kjackal_ | ok cool, daily sync then? | 17:19 |
cory_fu | Yep | 17:19 |
D4RKS1D3 | someone can explain me this variable "relation_ids('neutron-plugin')" where is filled this var is in a method and this method is called when @hooks.hook('neutron-plugin-relation-changed') | 17:49 |
D4RKS1D3 | Thanks | 17:49 |
lazyPower | D4RKS1D3 - sure, each unit participating in a relationship gets a numeric id | 17:49 |
lazyPower | the relation_ids('neutron-plugin') returns the numeric identifier for the relationships attached to that relation. it should return an array of those id's | 17:50 |
D4RKS1D3 | And then with related_units(id) I can extract the information about the units? | 17:52 |
D4RKS1D3 | lazyPower, I am lost here, I do not understand where the charms change information among them | 17:53 |
lazyPower | are you trying to get at the relation data D4RKS1D3? | 17:53 |
D4RKS1D3 | Could you explain me? | 17:54 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
lazyPower | so, normally how this is done is you attach to the unit in debug-hooks, and when you hit the context of *-relation-changed you invoke on the shell directly "relation-get" | 17:54 |
lazyPower | its already got context setup for you | 17:54 |
lazyPower | if you have that relation-id, you can inspect the relation data out of band | 17:54 |
lazyPower | relation-get -r # | 17:54 |
D4RKS1D3 | lazyPower, I am trying to know in which part of code this "if enable_nova_metadata:" | 17:54 |
D4RKS1D3 | is true | 17:54 |
lazyPower | beisner - do you have a short answer for D4RKS1D3 here which relation provides the shared_metadata_secret key? | 17:55 |
lazyPower | cc thedac | 17:55 |
* thedac reads backscroll | 17:56 | |
D4RKS1D3 | I saw all the neutron charms, ovs charm and I do not know how to enable | 17:56 |
D4RKS1D3 | thanks for your help lazyPower | 17:56 |
lazyPower | D4RKS1D3 np, i'm not terribly familiar with the intricacies of the openstack charms, but i can certainly lend a hand with generic info. I try not to ping the openstack charmers until we're out of my depth | 17:57 |
* beisner may need to defer to thedac on this one | 18:00 | |
D4RKS1D3 | thanks beisner for your time too | 18:01 |
thedac | D4RKS1D3: ok, so you can see that the neutron-ovs sets metadata-shared-secret and passes it to nova-compute. I an see that it is not clear. But this only happens when using DVR and we want the compute node to run metadata itself rather than the neutron-gateway charm which does by default. | 18:01 |
thedac | s/an/can | 18:01 |
D4RKS1D3 | I check it | 18:02 |
thedac | So if you are writing an SDN charm you only set that to a value if you need the compute node to run nova-api-metadata rather than have it centralized on neutron-gateway | 18:02 |
D4RKS1D3 | I am not writing a charm, i am trying to enable metadata in my computes nodes | 18:03 |
thedac | I see | 18:03 |
thedac | I am thinking if there is a way to do that without turning on DVR. Give me a sec | 18:04 |
D4RKS1D3 | thedac, you mean this value "enable-local-dhcp-and-metadata" | 18:04 |
D4RKS1D3 | put a true this value? | 18:04 |
thedac | D4RKS1D3: yes that will do it | 18:05 |
thedac | That means the dhcp agents and the metadata agents will run on the compute nodes | 18:05 |
D4RKS1D3 | I want to configure in /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini in the defaultconfig nova_metadata_ip = controllerIP | 18:07 |
D4RKS1D3 | and metadata_secret= METADATA_SECRET_PASSWORD | 18:07 |
D4RKS1D3 | and in the computes service metadata proxy = true | 18:08 |
D4RKS1D3 | and the same password in this file | 18:08 |
D4RKS1D3 | After saw all the python scripts i am not sure if this boolean flag you talk me enable this option, you know it thedac ? | 18:09 |
thedac | D4RKS1D3: it will enable the metadata service on the compute nodes | 18:09 |
thedac | D4RKS1D3: which openstack version are you deploying? mitaka liberty etc? | 18:10 |
D4RKS1D3 | liberty | 18:10 |
D4RKS1D3 | thedac, | 18:12 |
thedac | We are setting the metadata_proxy_shared_secret | 18:14 |
thedac | I am double checking to make sure we don't need a template refresh for liberty+ | 18:14 |
D4RKS1D3 | I will enable this option | 18:15 |
D4RKS1D3 | Thanks for your help thedac | 18:15 |
thedac | no problem | 18:15 |
D4RKS1D3 | lazyPower, thanks for your help and explanations too | 18:16 |
lazyPower | np D4RKS1D3 | 18:16 |
lazyPower | thedac - thanks for picking that up. i tried :) | 18:16 |
thedac | no worries. That was a bit in the weeds | 18:17 |
thedac | for completeness for anyone following allong the other side of the relation, nova-compute, adds the metadata info to nova.conf: | 18:19 |
beisner | thanks thedac, lazyPower :) | 18:25 |
petevg | cory_fu: in the interest of working on the open more better, I am going to merge with the spark branch. That way, it will show up in the upstream PR, and people can make comments as part of the whole spark PR. | 19:15 |
cory_fu | petevg: +1 | 19:17 |
petevg | cory_fu: Cool. I just did the same thing w/ the fixes for the hbase tests. | 19:18 |
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=== petevg is now known as petevg_vacation | ||
=== petevg_vacation is now known as petevg_afk | ||
=== petevg_afk is now known as petevg_vacation |
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