acheronuk | tsimonq2: that's half way there then | 00:00 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: I have the impression you just have to do quilt push && quilt refresh for each one of the patches with fuzz | 00:01 |
acheronuk | sometimes..... | 00:02 |
acheronuk | sometimes not so easy.. | 00:03 |
santa_ | acheronuk: I know, in this case with my stuff here against git they refresh fine | 00:04 |
acheronuk | I'll have a look what's happened with them in the morning | 00:16 |
acheronuk | For now. goodnight :) | 00:16 |
tsimonq2 | AHHHHHHHH NOO WHYYYYY Project merger_kde-baseapps build #18: FAILURE | 00:17 |
acheronuk | trying to checkout a revision that no longer exists | 00:21 |
tsimonq2 | yeah I'll fix it... | 00:21 |
acheronuk | just make sure that the patchs after modification either (a) do what they were intended to or (b) are removed disabled if now defunct | 00:23 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: I'm keeping that in mind ;) | 00:23 |
tsimonq2 | acheronuk: thanks though | 00:24 |
acheronuk | I know that's stating the obvious, but with forcing things and quilt refresh, it's easy to end up with empty patches | 00:24 |
acheronuk | Ok. Goodnight | 00:25 |
tsimonq2 | :) o/ | 00:25 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: I would like to know how you could reproduce it locally, apparently I can't tell here dpkg-source to fail on patches with fuzz | 00:27 |
santa_ | allegedly it does that by default | 00:27 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: I'm using sbuild | 00:28 |
tsimonq2 | YES I think I did it! | 00:41 |
tsimonq2 | come on | 00:41 |
tsimonq2 | go go go go GO! | 00:41 |
tsimonq2 | :(\ | 00:56 |
tsimonq2 | ^ I'm working on fixing that now | 01:17 |
santa_ | regarding this commit: | 01:22 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: ↑ are you sure this is what you actually want to do? | 01:22 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: what about it? | 01:22 |
santa_ | because kubuntu_folderview_livecd_directory.diff is gone which seems refreshable here | 01:23 |
santa_ | also | 01:23 |
tsimonq2 | oh okay, really? | 01:23 |
tsimonq2 | after I fix the build errors I'll restore | 01:23 |
santa_ | kubuntu_folderwidget_drawing.diff and kubuntu_disable-failing-test.diff are also disabled in debian/patches/series | 01:24 |
tsimonq2 | | 01:25 |
santa_ | and kubuntu_ignore-tests.diff is now on top, it seems there is no need to do that | 01:25 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: just see the diff of the link I pasted | 01:25 |
tsimonq2 | cloned from the Git source and are using a fresh Git clone? | 01:25 |
santa_ | I think so | 01:26 |
santa_ | and according to what I tested here to get the patches applied without fuzz it was enough to do "quilt push && quilt refresh" on each patch having fuzz | 01:27 |
santa_ | the orig.tar.xz I'm using is a tarball created with latest upstream code from Applications/16.08 from kde's git | 01:28 |
tsimonq2 | oh k | 01:28 |
tsimonq2 | let's see | 01:28 |
santa_ | the packaging I'm checking is the latest in the kubuntu_unstable branch | 01:28 |
tsimonq2 | pull some changes I just made please | 01:28 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: would you like to fix it? if you push it somewhere I can pull from your changes | 01:30 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: I see them, but the stuff with the patches I described is still there | 01:31 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: I know, my changes were just dep fixes | 01:32 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: what if I guide you towards fixing it? so you deal with quilt properly | 01:32 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: sure | 01:32 |
tsimonq2 | what do I need set up? | 01:32 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: ok, revert the commit where you touched the patches in your local clone and paste me the result of git show | 01:33 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: the hash of the commit in question is c6d67e5ff88332f34f11ef3d4ddaaa213b905166 | 01:34 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: so literally git revert HASH ? | 01:35 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: git revert c6d67e5ff88332f34f11ef3d4ddaaa213b905166 | 01:35 |
santa_ | if that's what you mean | 01:35 |
tsimonq2 | yeah | 01:36 |
santa_ | so we can re-do it easily | 01:36 |
tsimonq2 | $ git show | pastebinit | 01:36 |
tsimonq2 | | 01:36 |
santa_ | allright. now let's do it properly | 01:37 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: now inside the git clone of the packaging "git clean -xdff" then "tar xvf ../kde-baseapps_16.04.3.orig.tar.gz --strip=1" | 01:38 |
santa_ | so we have the proper upstream source code | 01:39 |
tsimonq2 | yup | 01:39 |
tsimonq2 | done | 01:39 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: so now if you do a "quilt push -a" you must get something like this | 01:40 |
santa_ | can you confirm this is correct? | 01:40 |
tsimonq2 | wrong | 01:41 |
tsimonq2 | | 01:41 |
tsimonq2 | hmm | 01:42 |
santa_ | ohh | 01:42 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: where did your upstream tar come from? | 01:42 |
santa_ | so we have something different here | 01:42 |
tsimonq2 | yeah | 01:42 |
santa_ | from kde's git, branch Applications/16.08 | 01:42 |
tsimonq2 | I don't think it pulls from that | 01:43 |
tsimonq2 | I'm pulling from master | 01:43 |
santa_ | and the kci pulls from master to create the tarballs? | 01:43 |
tsimonq2 | I believe so | 01:44 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: lets work on that asumption then, let me recreate my tarball to see what's up actually | 01:47 |
tsimonq2 | alright | 01:47 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: I'm really sorry but I have to go to bed | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | I'm really tired | 01:48 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: if you leave me something for tomorrow, I'll be sure to take a look | 01:49 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: allrigh, I'm investigating the thing | 01:51 |
santa_ | ok, just for the record | 02:12 |
santa_ | this is the impression I have after a quick look (needs more proper investigation) | 02:13 |
santa_ | enable_debianabimanager.diff - must be refreshed | 02:13 |
santa_ | enable_dlrestrictions.diff - must be refreshed | 02:13 |
santa_ | kubuntu_folderview_livecd_directory.diff - this patch patches something which doesn't exist anymore in -baseapps, but may be needed to apply it in other package or other file | 02:15 |
santa_ | kubuntu_folderwidget_drawing.diff - same as the previous one | 02:15 |
santa_ | kubuntu_disable-failing-test.diff - I think this one should be dropped, because the test in question doesn't exist anyore, not even in the file lib/konq/autotests/CMakeLists.txt | 02:17 |
santa_ | kubuntu_ignore-tests.diff - I have the impression this one should be dropped too, because... | 02:19 |
santa_ | Description: ignore failing tests | 02:19 |
santa_ | ignore tests failing due to switch to plasma 5 | 02:19 |
santa_ | Author: Jonathan Riddell | 02:19 |
santa_ | Origin: me | 02:19 |
santa_ | Forwarded: nope | 02:19 |
santa_ | Last-Update: 2015-09-01 | 02:19 |
santa_ | it says in the description the tests fail due to plasma 5, but apparently the test were ported to frameworks | 02:20 |
santa_ | * the tests | 02:20 |
santa_ | disclaimer: all what I wrote above is based on the assumption that KCI grabs the source code from kde's git master | 02:21 |
santa_ | whenever you wake up, yofel ↑ | 02:22 |
santa_ | context: patches of kde-baseapps/kubuntu_unstable they don't apply well anymore, making the KCI fail | 02:23 |
acheronuk | santa_ tsimonq2 yes, unstable is builds of master | 07:12 |
acheronuk | think yofl said he is trying to work out how to reinstate stable branch builds on KCI | 07:13 |
yofel | reminder: 14.04.5 needs testing | 07:37 |
acheronuk | DLing now to test install in VirtualBox | 07:45 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:51 |
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz | ||
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 11:11 |
soee | hiho BluesKaj | 11:18 |
BluesKaj | Hey soee | 11:20 |
jimarvan | aaand hello :) | 11:38 |
clivejo | hi jimbo! | 11:39 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Morning! | 11:40 |
acheronuk | afternoon :) | 11:40 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Feels good to be back on a US time zone! | 11:40 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> :D | 11:40 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Sick_Rimmit> \o/ | 11:40 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Sick_Rimmit> Hi there.. | 11:41 |
acheronuk | Hi Rick :) | 11:41 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> (sleep schedule, I didn't travel anywhere :P) | 11:41 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Hey Rick! | 11:41 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> How are you? | 11:41 |
yofel | PST or EST? ^^ | 11:42 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> CDT | 11:42 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> So an hour before EDT | 11:43 |
yofel | oh right, it's summer | 11:43 |
acheronuk | clivejo: you said you are packaging kdiagram? | 11:46 |
clivejo | acheronuk: nods | 11:46 |
acheronuk | great :) | 11:46 |
clivejo | I was attempting it | 11:46 |
clivejo | I need a chroot | 11:46 |
clivejo | | 11:46 |
clivejo | I cant remember what packages contain what | 11:48 |
acheronuk | I git cloned the kde repo and built that, and it just built straight off with whatever -dev packages happened by chance to be on this machine, so looks nothing too complicated | 11:49 |
acheronuk | Failed call: qmake-qt5 -query "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" | 11:53 |
clivejo | same here | 11:53 |
acheronuk | is that qtchooser? I can't recall just this sec? | 11:53 |
clivejo | it built fine locally | 11:53 |
clivejo | and I cant remember how to configure a new pbuild | 11:54 |
clivejo | and of course the instructions are a great help | 11:54 |
acheronuk | I had that same error in something a couple of weeks ago, and damned if I can recall what! | 11:55 |
acheronuk | maybe one of the packages that ported to KF5? | 11:55 |
acheronuk | the same? | 11:59 |
clivejo | yes | 11:59 |
clivejo | its needs qtbase5-dev? | 12:00 |
acheronuk | not quite "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" vs "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" | 12:00 |
acheronuk | but this sorted my one | 12:01 |
clivejo | Im "trying" to create a chroot locally | 12:02 |
clivejo | its not going well | 12:02 |
acheronuk | qtbase5-dev at least, as I seem to recall they did port to qt5 | 12:02 |
acheronuk | not well, how? | 12:02 |
* clivejo kicks pathetically slow internet | 12:02 | |
acheronuk | oh. that! | 12:03 |
acheronuk | linode? | 12:03 |
clivejo | I cant work properly from Linode | 12:03 |
acheronuk | shame | 12:03 |
clivejo | I dont want to upload my keys to it :/ | 12:03 |
clivejo | not that I dont trust yofel | 12:04 |
acheronuk | shh or gpg? or both? | 12:04 |
clivejo | I have my machine configured how I like it | 12:04 |
clivejo | and I need a local chroot | 12:05 |
acheronuk | true. It was a slight faff to sort even a local reinstall the other week, even being able to copy config files straight over | 12:05 |
clivejo | just instructions for how to set it up are so confusing | 12:05 |
clivejo | instructions are all over the place | 12:06 |
clivejo | we need a set of instruction for just Kubuntu | 12:06 |
acheronuk | that is pretty simple | 12:07 |
acheronuk | but depends what you want to do | 12:08 |
clivejo | I had a great set of tools for xenial | 12:08 |
clivejo | but I cant seem to get it to work with yakkety | 12:08 |
acheronuk | everything seems as it was, in place upgrading to YY here | 12:09 |
acheronuk | but I bet if I tried to transfer to my laptop it would all go pear shaped | 12:10 |
clivejo | do you have eatmydata installed? | 12:12 |
acheronuk | yes | 12:13 |
acheronuk | I think | 12:13 |
clivejo | is it working correctly in yakkety? | 12:13 |
clivejo | my packages dont seem to be cached | 12:14 |
clivejo | seems to want to download everytime | 12:14 |
* clivejo leaves it downloading and goes for some lunch | 12:15 | |
acheronuk | I mostly use pbuilder-dist and get the cached on my home partition/folder | 12:15 |
acheronuk | setting APTCACHEHARDLINK=no so it can link accross | 12:16 |
clivejo | where is that set? | 12:16 |
acheronuk | .pbuilderrc | 12:17 |
clivejo | whats the key combin to drop out of the pbuilder environment | 12:19 |
acheronuk | CTRL D | 12:19 |
clivejo | thanks! | 12:19 |
acheronuk | I've not got pbuilder set up quite the way the kubuntu docs said, but it works for me and I'm loathed to change it now | 12:20 |
acheronuk | beside tweeks | 12:21 |
clivejo | oh I think that is working now | 12:24 |
clivejo | not downloading all the packages everytime | 12:24 |
acheronuk | last thing you would need on a slow connection! | 12:25 |
clivejo | yup | 12:25 |
clivejo | especially as they are here locally | 12:26 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> I use sbuild and apt-cacher-ng on my host system | 12:35 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Also, I can do SHM builds with it too | 12:36 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> So if I already downloaded the package files and I have some RAM free (I have 16 gigs) builds FLY | 12:37 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> has instructions | 12:37 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> clivejo: ^ | 12:38 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> I set up a special KCI sbuild that I use that has the PPA enabled | 12:40 |
acheronuk | must try that sometime | 12:44 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Must try now :P | 12:46 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> Don't keep putting it off | 12:47 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> It is absolutely amazing | 12:47 |
acheronuk | pbuilder is v swift here. limit is on cpu(s) not much else | 12:48 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> v swift? | 12:49 |
acheronuk | quick | 12:53 |
* yofel has pbuilder with ppa on shm - works the same ^^ | 12:54 | |
yofel | though eatmydata is easier to do with sbuild | 12:54 |
yofel | not that it has much of an effect here ^^ | 12:54 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: do you have apt-cacher-ng or something like it? | 12:55 |
acheronuk | if think any further tweaks I made here would only be marginal speedwise | 12:55 |
yofel | tsimonq2: yes | 12:58 |
yofel | I do occasionally use sbuild after all | 12:58 |
tsimonq2 | oh cool | 12:58 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: would you be able to confirm what santa_ said yesterday re: kde-baseapps ? | 13:08 |
yofel | tsimonq2: regarding what exactly? I read the discussion and found it a bit confusing | 13:09 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: kde-baseapps was failing because of patch fuzz. I committed this, which I thought was correct: | 13:12 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: santa_ stopped me and said that it wasn't correct | 13:12 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: he left some comments last night telling me what he believed should happen | 13:13 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: I'm all for fixing my mistake, I just want to understand why :) | 13:13 |
tsimonq2 | (if I even made a mistake) | 13:13 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: I'm asking, what's your opinion on this? | 13:14 |
yofel | hm, so the debian abi manager fuzz part is correct | 13:16 |
tsimonq2 | great | 13:17 |
yofel | he does have a valid point about reordering series, please don't do that. It might work this time if the patches are independent from each other, but as soon as you need a patch order that would've broken something | 13:17 |
yofel | it's also an unnecessary diff | 13:17 |
tsimonq2 | yeah, I must have did that when I was working with the patch locally, I'll revert that | 13:18 |
yofel | refreshing enable_dlrestrictions.diff isn't really neccessary, unless that has fuzz too. Offsets we don't usually refresh | 13:19 |
yofel | oh THAT is where that folderview OEM patch was | 13:20 |
yofel | tsimonq2: yes, that patch needs moving to plasma5 | 13:21 |
yofel | once someone finds out where | 13:21 |
santa_ | hi everyone | 13:21 |
tsimonq2 | hey santa_! we're just discussing kde-baseapps :) | 13:22 |
yofel | that's supposed to show you the "OEM setup" icon on the desktop after you did an OEM install | 13:22 |
tsimonq2 | oh yeah | 13:22 |
tsimonq2 | ok | 13:22 |
yofel | which I think is missing currently? | 13:22 |
santa_ | yofel: as a possible stop in gap solution we could do this with the patches: | 13:22 |
santa_ | refresh the abi manager and dl restrictions, as it's obvious that ones must be refreshed | 13:23 |
santa_ | drop the ones disabling the tests as it seems they are not needed anymore | 13:23 |
yofel | that ignore-tests patch I'm not sure what to do with, does that even do anything? | 13:23 |
santa_ | that removes a test which doesn't exist anymore | 13:24 |
yofel | kill it | 13:24 |
santa_ | as I mentioned yesterday | 13:24 |
santa_ | and regarding the foldevview patches we could comment them out temporarily | 13:24 |
yofel | no, that can go, that's useless in that package and needs to be added elsewhere | 13:25 |
yofel | not sure if in plasma-framework or plasma-workspace though | 13:25 |
santa_ | so delete them? | 13:25 |
yofel | yes, esp. as the other one seems like a Qt4 workaround o.O? | 13:26 |
santa_ | oh, one cuestion more, the KCI grabs the upstream source code from git master right? | 13:26 |
yofel | unstable == master, stable == branch (but those jobs are MIA) | 13:27 |
santa_ | allright | 13:27 |
santa_ | so at this point I could either: | 13:27 |
santa_ | a) prepare a merge request with the agreed changes to the -baseapps changes | 13:28 |
santa_ | b) mentor tsimonq2 to do it | 13:28 |
santa_ | whichever you prefer | 13:28 |
tsimonq2 | I'd kinda like #2 :) | 13:29 |
tsimonq2 | santa_: but there are a bunch more fuzz issues in KCI | 13:29 |
santa_ | I can help you with quilt if you are in trouble too | 13:30 |
tsimonq2 | yofel: so remove folderview, what about folderwidget? | 13:34 |
tsimonq2 | I assume I can remove that? | 13:35 |
yofel | yes, that plasma widget isn't even in use anymore as that's kde4 | 13:35 |
tsimonq2 | alright | 13:35 |
santa_ | the only 2 ones which must survive are the abi manager and the dlrestrictions one iirc | 13:36 |
tsimonq2 | kubuntu_disable-failing-test.diff | 13:37 |
tsimonq2 | that seems outdated ^ | 13:37 |
tsimonq2 | it can't find the input file | 13:37 |
santa_ | yes, that test doesn't exist anymore, that patch should be removed | 13:38 |
tsimonq2 | alright | 13:38 |
tsimonq2 | kubuntu_install_flash.diff is commented out, I can remove it, right? | 13:38 |
tsimonq2 | we also have upstream_Use-user-places.xbel-instead-of-bookmarks.xml-in-pla.patch but it's not in series | 13:40 |
tsimonq2 | can I remove those two? | 13:40 |
santa_ | I would leave the flash one like that for know, unless you want to investigate properly why it should be finally removed | 13:40 |
santa_ | the upstream one sounds safe to remove | 13:41 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: indeed the upstream one was already applied upstream according to debian/changelog, so I think it's safe to remove it | 13:42 |
tsimonq2 | great :) | 13:43 |
santa_ | probably someone forgot to "git rm" it after it was deleted from series | 13:43 |
tsimonq2 | santa_, yofel: how does this diff look? | 13:46 |
santa_ | tsimonq2: if I'm not overlooking anything seems good - i.e. does what we discussed here | 13:48 |
soee | ahoneybun: | 13:49 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> They are on fire | 13:51 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> I've got 3 games that they ported | 13:51 |
clivejo | yofel: are you enabling stable again in KCI? | 13:53 |
yofel | clivejo: once I have a place to store the configuration, and the tooling can read that... yes | 13:56 |
yofel | For now I'll probably make that all a pre-source static configuration in kci.yaml, which should be fairly easy to adapt to | 13:56 |
tsimonq2 | pushed! \o/ | 13:58 |
tsimonq2 | although I still think the build fails | 13:58 |
acheronuk | LOL ''So you tried to chicken out from symbol validation, not going to happen'' | 13:59 |
tsimonq2 | ARGH | 14:01 |
clivejo | la la la la | 14:03 |
jimarvan | lol | 14:03 |
tsimonq2 | o/ clivejo | 14:04 |
* acheronuk hums a tune | 14:04 | |
clivejo | doh ray mee | 14:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Sick_Rimmit> o/ Jimarvan | 14:04 |
clivejo | doh | 14:05 |
jimarvan | yo :) | 14:05 |
clivejo | double doh | 14:05 |
tsimonq2 | lol I'm listening to some Eminem loudly, I can't hear you singing lol | 14:05 |
acheronuk | how many retries? | 14:06 |
tsimonq2 | hm? | 14:06 |
clivejo | grrrr this IP camera is really annoying me now | 14:06 |
clivejo | piece of *beep* | 14:07 |
yofel | grrrr | 14:14 |
ubottu | Debian bug 829545 in lintian "lintian: [PATCH] Do not complain about new Testsuite-Triggers in dsc." [Normal,Open] | 14:14 |
yofel | let me cherry pick that | 14:14 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: ping | 14:21 |
ahoneybun | pong? | 14:21 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: how did you build the code for the Kubuntu manual? (build) | 14:22 |
ahoneybun | sphinx | 14:23 |
ahoneybun | it is a python tool for making docs | 14:23 |
ahoneybun | | 14:23 |
tsimonq2 | it's an awesome idea | 14:23 |
ahoneybun | is it? | 14:24 |
ahoneybun | works pretty well so far | 14:24 |
ahoneybun | *worked | 14:24 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: would I be able to fork it and customize it for Lubuntu? | 14:25 |
tsimonq2 | there's no license in it | 14:25 |
ahoneybun | of course | 14:25 |
tsimonq2 | great! :) | 14:25 |
ahoneybun | I should add that I guess | 14:25 |
ahoneybun | GPL v3 would be best no? | 14:26 |
tsimonq2 | idk as long as I can fork :P | 14:26 |
ahoneybun | tsimonq2: it's currently on a server like this: | 14:26 |
ahoneybun | xubuntu has a similar server name but not sure what they used | 14:26 |
ahoneybun | I think they used something else maybe latex | 14:28 |
ahoneybun | but it is html | 14:28 |
ahoneybun | tsimonq2: the github page for the project has some links | 14:28 |
yofel | I *think* kde usually goes with the GFDL for documentation | 14:28 |
ahoneybun | to the sphinx main page and rst | 14:28 |
ahoneybun | which is what the docs are written in | 14:29 |
ahoneybun | then a few scripts make html and such | 14:29 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: I might not fork, but I'll see if I can at least use the same style, with your permission of course :P | 14:29 |
ahoneybun | it can make pdf and epub as well | 14:29 |
ahoneybun | the site is using the bootstrap theme | 14:30 |
ahoneybun | LN 107 and down: | 14:31 |
ahoneybun | tsimonq2: ^ | 14:33 |
ahoneybun | yofel: | 14:34 |
ahoneybun | yep | 14:34 |
ahoneybun | there added a license | 14:38 |
ahoneybun | it allows modifing | 14:38 |
acheronuk | yofel: is it the -c0 already there in override_dh_makeshlibs that is making this fail? | 14:55 |
yofel | acheronuk: yes | 14:55 |
yofel | come to think of it, that should be a bit more descriptive.... | 14:55 |
acheronuk | ok. was looking at the ruby and couldn't quite see if that should fail it, or just give that message and carry on | 14:56 |
yofel | acheronuk: yes it fails on that. We did use -c0 by default in the past, but today it's better to not have it when working on the release packages | 14:57 |
yofel | I didn't think that anything would actually hit this..... | 14:58 |
acheronuk | understood. I just couldn't work out from the code if failure was the intention there | 14:59 |
acheronuk | yofel: ok. I was too dumb to notice the 'raise' part of that! | 15:02 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: | 15:12 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Cool cool | 15:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> That @ symbol is wrong though | 15:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> hm? | 15:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> The @ messes up the link | 15:33 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: Telegram did that | 15:54 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> Mm yea most likelu | 15:54 |
acheronuk | think this needs a new library package adding? libKF5MimeTreeParser | 16:43 |
jimarvan | see ya later peeps :D | 18:48 |
jimarvan | another hard working day ;) | 18:48 |
jimarvan | lol 19:48 jeez... | 18:48 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> o/ | 18:49 |
jimarvan | need a swim :P | 18:49 |
jimarvan | CIAO | 18:49 |
acheronuk | kf5-messagelib seems to require 2 new library and associated -dev packages for libkf5webengineviewer5 & libkf5mimetreeparser5 | 19:49 |
acheronuk | Q1. they don't seem to have moved any functions from the existing libraries into those, so I presume they should start afresh with their own new symbol files? | 19:49 |
acheronuk | Q2. if so, then considering that these new libraries are in both master and 16.08 branches, using pkgkde-gensymbols would we still version them initially as 16.04.3+git$date if we are doing this for KCI? | 19:49 |
jimarvan | and back :D | 20:33 |
tsimonq2 | o/ | 20:33 |
jimarvan | hi simon :) | 20:34 |
acheronuk | hi jim | 20:38 |
tsimonq2 | hey rik | 20:39 |
jimarvan | hey rik :D | 20:39 |
santa_ | acheronuk: if they are completely new it's ok to start new symbols files. the initial version doesn't matter, as long as it <= than the initial version | 20:39 |
santa_ | ugh | 20:40 |
santa_ | let me reword it | 20:40 |
santa_ | acheronuk: if they are completely new it's ok to start new symbols files. the initial version of the symbols in the symbols file doesn't matter, as long as it <= than the initial version of the package in the archive | 20:40 |
santa_ | so replying directly to Q2, yes | 20:40 |
acheronuk | ok. thanks | 20:41 |
clivejo | :( | 21:22 |
clivejo | what happened KCI | 21:22 |
tsimonq2 | be more specific? | 21:23 |
clivejo | it was down to about 14 failures | 21:23 |
clivejo | and on one screen | 21:23 |
acheronuk | yofl restored the post publishing checks. | 21:28 |
soee | yoda not yofl :D | 21:29 |
soee | someone is using kmail 16.04 ? | 21:29 |
ahoneybun | nope broken and too big | 21:29 |
ahoneybun | buggy as well | 21:29 |
clivejo | I used it in 16.04 | 21:35 |
soee | ahoneybun: works pretty good except is it so slow | 21:37 |
soee | opening message 3-4 secons | 21:37 |
soee | deleting it the same | 21:37 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> locks up for me sometimes too | 21:37 |
soee | ahoneybun: seen warhammer announcement ? :) | 21:40 |
jimarvan | kmail does not work with gmail well :( | 21:40 |
ahoneybun | you posted it to me | 21:40 |
jimarvan | so no not using it either | 21:40 |
ahoneybun | I only use gmail | 21:40 |
ahoneybun | so that's a problem | 21:41 |
ahoneybun | which is why I was looking at trojita | 21:41 |
jimarvan | I have very strong knowledge of google api now | 21:41 |
jimarvan | I would love to touch kmail a bit :/ | 21:41 |
ahoneybun | mm | 21:41 |
jimarvan | if I had the f*** time | 21:41 |
jimarvan | :) | 21:42 |
ahoneybun | I'd love for someone to fix that bug on the login | 21:42 |
jimarvan | I know | 21:42 |
ahoneybun | when making an account | 21:42 |
jimarvan | yeap | 21:42 |
jimarvan | I have learned how to use | 21:42 |
jimarvan | so I know how to use google login and others | 21:42 |
tsimonq2 | .or | 21:43 |
tsimonq2 | whoops sorry | 21:43 |
jimarvan | google's own account chooser is out of date | 21:43 |
jimarvan | the code example they have | 21:43 |
jimarvan | at least it was 3 months ago I was researching | 21:43 |
jimarvan | the trick is to use Ubuntu's online accounts authentication | 21:44 |
jimarvan | directly into Kmail | 21:44 |
jimarvan | it was broken in telepathy for 15.xx but it was fixed in 16.04 | 21:44 |
jimarvan | so it should be physible to do it in Kmail too ;) | 21:44 |
jimarvan | anywho, going to bed! as always exhausted :))) | 21:45 |
jimarvan | see ya peeps, have fun and thank you for been awesome! :D | 21:46 |
soee | hah i'm also like that atm. | 21:47 |
tsimonq2 | lol I'm like | 21:49 |
tsimonq2 | except those are empty :P | 21:50 |
acheronuk | lol | 21:50 |
soee | don't drink that shit :/ | 21:50 |
tsimonq2 | soee: I've had it...not again for a while... lol | 21:50 |
tsimonq2 | I was bouncing off the walls batshit insane | 21:51 |
soee | (: | 21:51 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ahoneybun> We have to follow the CoC on language | 22:18 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <tsimonq2> I'm sorry | 22:18 |
acheronuk | All that GREEN. Lost..........! :( | 22:58 |
valorie | blame yofel! | 22:59 |
valorie | we'll get it done, I think | 23:00 |
valorie | fundamental fixes happening that will make everything a lot smoother and better | 23:00 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: | 23:00 |
tsimonq2 | that's a thing :P | 23:00 |
tsimonq2 | we should make one for yofel XD | 23:01 |
acheronuk | yes. we've just 'leveled up' on the fixing game! | 23:01 |
valorie | tsimonq2: lol | 23:01 |
acheronuk | next level. nastier, and meaner | 23:01 |
valorie | with more rubies! | 23:01 |
tsimonq2 | NOOOO | 23:01 |
tsimonq2 | NO MORE RUBIES | 23:01 |
tsimonq2 | :P | 23:01 |
valorie | lol | 23:02 |
tsimonq2 | let's get some Pythons in here :D | 23:02 |
* valorie had to go out and buy a new backup HD | 23:02 | |
valorie | this one, 3 terrabytes! | 23:02 |
valorie | about to quit, back up konvi logs and upgrade...... | 23:02 |
tsimonq2 | that's triple my only drive! | 23:03 |
tsimonq2 | :O | 23:03 |
valorie | last one was 1.5 Tb for about the same price | 23:04 |
valorie | they keep doubling in capacity for the same price | 23:04 |
valorie | I also found out that my $HOME was 94% full | 23:05 |
acheronuk | they do, and SSDs are cheap now as well for a decent size | 23:05 |
valorie | because not only did I have ~/Music but also ~/Music/Music | 23:05 |
tsimonq2 | /dev/sda2 197G 162G 26G 87% /home O___O | 23:05 |
valorie | with the same music! | 23:05 |
tsimonq2 | I'm using 87% | 23:05 |
valorie | now down to 81% with all those extra tunes deleted | 23:06 |
valorie | I have a DATA drive I could move the music to..... | 23:06 |
acheronuk | 240GB SSD here, with two 1TB HDDs | 23:06 |
valorie | Sysinfo for 'valorie-GT60-2PC': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.6.3 on Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) powered by Linux 4.4.0-23-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4810MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 2800-3607/3800 MHz, RAM: 23642/24030 MB, Storage: 686/3944 GB, 329 procs, 964.23h up | 23:06 |
valorie | it's an awesome lappy | 23:06 |
valorie | son's "old" gaming laptop | 23:06 |
* clivejo gets a bad cause of tech evy | 23:07 | |
clivejo | case | 23:07 |
clivejo | everyone else is sooo much bigger | 23:07 |
valorie | could someone use another SSD? | 23:08 |
valorie | I have a used one I can remove from my broken laptop and bring to Akademy | 23:08 |
* clivejo wouldnt say no | 23:08 | |
valorie | cool | 23:08 |
clivejo | is it decent? | 23:09 |
valorie | I'll figure out how big they are and ask again | 23:09 |
valorie | the drives are both good | 23:09 |
valorie | not their fault I broke the hinge | 23:09 |
clivejo | building stuff can kill an SSD | 23:09 |
valorie | I didn't build much on that laptop | 23:09 |
valorie | tried to build Amarok once I think | 23:10 |
clivejo | LOL that all? | 23:10 |
valorie | i'm not a packager! | 23:10 |
valorie | anyway, it's free so you can use it until it fails and then toss it without regret | 23:10 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: I can't come to Akademy but I really want an SSD :( | 23:11 |
valorie | tsimonq2: I might have a smaller one too | 23:12 |
valorie | I will look | 23:12 |
valorie | the broken laptops gotta be parted out | 23:12 |
valorie | instead of stacking up | 23:12 |
valorie | woah this is a big upgrade | 23:13 |
valorie | and full-upgrade still not available on YY? | 23:13 |
valorie | dist-upgrade will have to do | 23:13 |
valorie | tsimonq2: I'll see what I can do | 23:15 |
valorie | ok, restarting | 23:17 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: thanks :) | 23:18 |
valorie | konvi had to be apt -f installed | 23:25 |
valorie | everything else was just awesomely smooth | 23:25 |
ahoneybun | mm I know using do-release-upgrade -d broke my laptop | 23:29 |
ahoneybun | could really use those fixes for dual screen work | 23:29 |
ahoneybun | valorie: did you upgrade from xenail or do a fresh from a daily image? | 23:30 |
valorie | upgraded YY | 23:32 |
valorie | haven't shut down or upgraded for a month or two | 23:33 |
ahoneybun | upgrade to YY from XX? | 23:33 |
ahoneybun | oh | 23:33 |
valorie | just from YY to YY | 23:33 |
valorie | huge list of upgraded packages though | 23:33 |
ahoneybun | tbh I'm tempted to use GNOME on my desktop or something else as this machine is slow at times | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | yay global 14.04.5 is out! | 23:34 |
ahoneybun | I don't think we have one | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | I meant global | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | I meant global | 23:35 |
tsimonq2 | there finally :P | 23:35 |
clivejo | wow 128 executors on linode! | 23:35 |
* clivejo mouth drops | 23:35 | |
ahoneybun | mm | 23:36 |
clivejo | 4+128+48 | 23:36 |
acheronuk | hmmm. that could kill LP and kde git in one easy step! | 23:36 |
clivejo | we've got sycamores protecting KDE | 23:37 |
yofel | nah, git is throttled to one-at-a-time, and LP uploads now have working retries and are attempted 10 times | 23:37 |
yofel | *should* work ^^ | 23:37 |
clivejo | LP is half dead anyways | 23:37 |
acheronuk | I was kidding | 23:37 |
yofel | once stable jobs are back, we need this amount of builders, so lets see how this goes | 23:38 |
clivejo | yofel: what have you done thats failing all these jobs?!? | 23:38 |
yofel | clivejo: uh, fixed the build log parser? | 23:38 |
ahoneybun | is the installer still broken? | 23:38 |
clivejo | The fix list was so small yesterday | 23:38 |
yofel | though, a lot of that "unstable" is from a bug in lintian :( | 23:39 |
clivejo | now its huge :( | 23:39 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: on YY? define broke | 23:39 |
ahoneybun | does not work? | 23:39 |
yofel | as in, how? | 23:39 |
clivejo | LOL | 23:39 |
acheronuk | it works to install | 23:39 |
ahoneybun | does it install at all?> | 23:39 |
acheronuk | YY? yes | 23:39 |
ahoneybun | mm | 23:41 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: but at the moment you'd need to add some ppas post install to sort some issues out | 23:41 |
ahoneybun | that does not sound like fun | 23:41 |
clivejo | eakk | 23:43 |
clivejo | W: ark: spelling-error-in-changelog seperator separator | 23:43 |
clivejo | W: ark: spelling-error-in-changelog overide override | 23:43 |
clivejo | Simon do you work on Lintian? | 23:44 |
valorie | acheronuk: which PPAs should be added? | 23:46 |
valorie | I didn't add any | 23:46 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: ping if you need me, don't just say my first name :P | 23:47 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: and what do you mean by that? | 23:47 |
acheronuk | I have the staging-plasma and staging-kdeapplications ppas enabled on YY | 23:47 |
clivejo | you are very knit pickie on spelling | 23:48 |
clivejo | and so is Lintian | 23:48 |
acheronuk | I presume clivejo is running much the same? | 23:48 |
clivejo | yup | 23:48 |
clivejo | Plasma 5.7.2 and Apps 16.04.3 | 23:48 |
acheronuk | so far the worst bug I've had is | 23:49 |
ubottu | KDE bug 362531 in Panel "Plasma panels are not transparent after login" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] | 23:49 |
clivejo | oh thats a nasty bug! | 23:49 |
clivejo | how can you live with that! | 23:49 |
acheronuk | I soldier on bravely.... | 23:50 |
ahoneybun | where are the XX builds... | 23:50 |
clivejo | in the backports script | 23:51 |
ahoneybun | is there anything in the backport-landing? | 23:51 |
clivejo | Plasma 5.6.5 I believe | 23:52 |
ahoneybun | but that;s in backports too | 23:52 |
clivejo | yes | 23:52 |
acheronuk | I'm done I think. Goodnight all :D | 23:53 |
clivejo | good night Rik | 23:53 |
valorie | I'm a bit leery about running staging PPAs on my main system | 23:53 |
clivejo | valorie: understandable | 23:54 |
valorie | although if I had been smart I probably wouldn't be running YY yet | 23:54 |
valorie | my son was very disapproving | 23:54 |
valorie | lol | 23:54 |
clivejo | you are helping the cause | 23:54 |
* ahoneybun backs things up | 23:54 | |
clivejo | we need testers | 23:54 |
ahoneybun | I can't just reinstalling though | 23:55 |
ahoneybun | keep reinstalling | 23:55 |
ahoneybun | mm | 23:55 |
clivejo | tsimonq2: are you up to much? | 23:56 |
valorie | perhaps I should move ~/Music over to DATA drive so there is enough room for another VM or so | 23:56 |
tsimonq2 | clivejo: releasing Lubuntu 14.04.5 then finishing a spec for the Lubuntu Manual, why? | 23:56 |
clivejo | just curious, could use some help fixing some of these KCI complaints | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | shoot them my way and I'll take a look when I get a min | 23:57 |
valorie | tsimonq2: you are release manager for lubuntu? | 23:59 |
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