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schnoodles | Not too sure if this channel really supports it but does anyone know how the 5.7 backport is going and if it will be released any time soon ? | 05:21 |
katherine | Hi, am I live | 07:24 |
katherine | ? | 07:24 |
katherine | I need some help with configuring content filtering | 07:24 |
katherine | Anybody home? | 07:24 |
katherine | Hi, edamrose, can you see me? | 07:25 |
katherine | Hello? | 07:25 |
user|69232wfp | google earth crashing on Kubuntu 16.04 | 07:39 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:51 |
katherine | Hi lordie | 08:00 |
katherine | This is not a very helpful channel | 08:04 |
Smurphy | you can't expect people to sit here to wait for your request. | 08:17 |
Smurphy | Some work, or sleep or do other things :} | 08:17 |
acheronuk | or quit when they don't get a prompt response... | 08:18 |
lordievader | Yeah, in my opinion, with the right timing, this can be a very helpful channel. | 08:34 |
Vorap | Sorry my wifi died. What's up lordievader? | 09:59 |
soee | Vorap: hiho, any questions ? | 10:55 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning folks | 11:11 |
Vorap | Oh, sorry soee, didn't relize I was typing in the wrong channel, that was meant to go to #kubuntu-offtopic :P | 11:15 |
konrados | Morning :) | 12:36 |
BluesKaj_ | Ḿorning konrados | 12:44 |
konrados | Oh, well I had a question but solved my problem :) | 12:49 |
BluesKaj_ | good, but Iḿ curious , what was your issue? | 12:52 |
BluesKaj_ | konrados ^ | 12:55 |
konrados | BluesKaj_ I'm a newbie in Ubuntu, I have ~/bin in my PATH environment and I tried to start a test.sh script (which is there) without anything, i.e. I entered test.sh - wasn't working, then I recalled I have to do something like bash test.sh | 12:56 |
Smurphy | try: ./test.sh | 12:58 |
Smurphy | if test is not in ~/bin - it won't start. | 12:58 |
Smurphy | Also, the shell-script needs to have: #!/bin/sh as its first line | 12:58 |
konrados | Smurphy, BluesKaj_ thanks, but I'm not in this directory, I'm in / | 12:58 |
Smurphy | where is test.sh ? | 12:58 |
konrados | in ~/bin | 12:59 |
Smurphy | then test.sh should work. | 12:59 |
konrados | This dir is in my PATH env variable | 12:59 |
konrados | sec... | 12:59 |
Smurphy | Did you make it executable ??? chmod 755 ~/bin/test.sh | 12:59 |
konrados | Smurphy, I forgot that ^ :( as I said I'm a newbie, thank you! | 13:00 |
Smurphy | ;) no worries. Everyonme has to start somewhere :) | 13:02 |
konrados | Thanks, I feel better now :) | 13:02 |
Smurphy | :) | 13:03 |
BluesKaj_ | ok sounds good ...setting up a .bashrc _aliases file on 16.10 | 13:09 |
BluesKaj_ | actually .bash_aliases | 13:14 |
Smurphy | yes. I ahve an alias that is verffy handy... | 13:17 |
Smurphy | alias sclean='sudo rm -fv .*~ *~ *.BAK *.tmp' | 13:17 |
Smurphy | Alwyas have that one :) | 13:17 |
Smurphy | type "clean" and all temp files are removed :D | 13:17 |
BluesKaj_ | cool | 13:22 |
BluesKaj_ | I use shortened commands for apt and a few others to update upgrade etc in the aliases file | 13:25 |
Smurphy | I tend to write wrapper scripts, especially for git... :} | 13:27 |
BluesKaj_ | not much need for git here ...compiling isn´t my favourite pastime | 13:31 |
Smurphy | Not compiling. Developing ;) | 13:43 |
BluesKaj_ | then you should join #kubuntu-devel and offer your services | 13:45 |
feep | hi | 14:01 |
feep | I'm using an SSD and Xorg takes _ages_ to start | 14:01 |
feep | is there any way I can get systemd to load xorg way earlier in the boot process? | 14:01 |
feep | (ie. instead of boot, boot, boot, xorg, sddm, do xorg, boot, boot, sddm) | 14:01 |
feep | since all xorg _by itself_ should need is localmount | 14:02 |
feep | like, xorg is actually the main slowdown in my boot process atm | 14:02 |
feep | afaics | 14:02 |
feep | like, I presume the "blinking cursor at the top left" phase is xorg loading | 14:03 |
feep | /initializing | 14:03 |
feep | it goes like, ":splash screen blinking:, text cursor top left that stays around for three seconds, sddm | 14:05 |
feep | *" | 14:05 |
BluesKaj_ | uhm , you mean grub takes 3 secs to load, feep ? | 14:19 |
lordievader | feep: What is the output of 'systemd-analyze'? | 14:25 |
feep | be back in a bit, gonna try converting to efi first in the hopes I can cut off the (much slower) bios part of the startup | 14:37 |
BluesKaj_ | feep, ?? if you have eufi then you don´t have bios, or vice versa | 15:01 |
BluesKaj_ | uefi even | 15:02 |
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lordievader | BluesKaj_: Uefi usually supports the legacy way too. | 15:35 |
lordievader | Hence those can switch. | 15:35 |
feep | BluesKaj_: yes that was the point, yes :p | 15:36 |
BluesKaj_ | yes, but itś not BIOSthatś to blame for his slow boot lordievader | 15:36 |
feep | didn't help sadly, this bios is too old to skip parts of itself when booting efi | 15:36 |
feep | I wish I could run coreboot :/ | 15:36 |
feep | BluesKaj_: actually bios is the slowest part of my boot :P | 15:37 |
lordievader | feep: So, could you answer my question? | 15:37 |
BluesKaj_ | feep if you efi , you don have bios | 15:37 |
feep | lordievader: nope, because I don't have access to the system right now (it's upstairs) | 15:37 |
feep | BluesKaj_: my bios disagrees :p | 15:37 |
feep | lordievader: but it says like four or five seconds in bootchart, which is outright wrong, there's a lot of sitting around waiting for .. something that bootchart doesn't show, I think | 15:38 |
feep | I suspect it's xorg startup when the login is already nominally running | 15:38 |
lordievader | Is that the output of systemd-analyze? | 15:38 |
feep | systemd-analyze plot, yes | 15:38 |
feep | afaics my delay isn't in there | 15:39 |
habits | Hi, guys. I have been trying to arrange my taskbar icons in Kubuntu but I cannot find out how I can do this. Could you please help on this. | 15:39 |
feep | I suspect it's because it only bothers with services up to login, and X is "started" at that point already | 15:39 |
feep | so there's nothing blocking on it from systemd's perspective | 15:39 |
lordievader | feep: Well you can ofcourse use 'systemd-analyze blame' to see which service is taking the longest to start. | 15:40 |
feep | lordievader: you don't understand | 15:40 |
feep | my services start fast | 15:40 |
feep | my _X_ starts slow. | 15:40 |
lordievader | habits: Unlock the taskbar first ;) | 15:40 |
lordievader | feep: X is still a service (started under sddm). | 15:40 |
rattking | if X is starting but then hanging take a look in ~/.xsession-errors for clues | 15:40 |
feep | lordievader: yes, but there's a difference between "X has started" from systemd's perspective | 15:40 |
feep | and "X is usable" from the user's perspective | 15:40 |
feep | rattking: it's not hanging | 15:40 |
feep | it just takes five seconds to present a picture | 15:41 |
habits | lordievader: I unlocked it, but still I cannot change theiir order. | 15:41 |
feep | habits: which icons? | 15:41 |
feep | the system tray icons? | 15:41 |
habits | not the system tray, but the shortcuts which I placed in the taskar | 15:41 |
lordievader | habits: Panel options ->Panel Settings | 15:41 |
feep | ah | 15:41 |
feep | try pressing the button that appears at the end of your taskbar when you select "Unlock" | 15:42 |
feep | that should put it in edit mode | 15:42 |
habits | yes, I did that | 15:42 |
feep | and you still can't reorder them? | 15:42 |
lordievader | habits: Then you should be able to drag and drop. | 15:42 |
feep | lordievader: anyway, that's why I wanted _systemd_ to start X, not sddm | 15:43 |
feep | so that it'd get a headstart | 15:43 |
lordievader | feep: You want a bare X? | 15:44 |
feep | lordievader: no, I want sddm | 15:44 |
feep | to run when it currently does | 15:44 |
feep | ... in an X that was started earlier. | 15:44 |
feep | so that the Xorg can get a headstart on configuring the monitor while the rest of the services start. | 15:44 |
lordievader | Sounds like a lot of trouble for nothing, if you ask me. | 15:44 |
feep | sounds like a lot of trouble for possibly two or three seconds less during boot to me :p | 15:45 |
feep | anyway so it's not possible? | 15:45 |
lordievader | Perhaps if you write your own services... | 15:45 |
feep | ah, darn :/ | 15:45 |
feep | ah well, worth an ask | 15:45 |
lordievader | Writing services ain't difficult ;) | 15:45 |
feep | yeah but they tend to conflict with updates | 15:46 |
feep | I'll just wait for wayland and hope it starts faster | 15:46 |
feep | anyway thanks for trying tho | 15:47 |
BluesKaj_ | feep is your pc from 2009-2010 ?..understand some machine from that era had both, but itś news to me | 15:47 |
feep | BluesKaj_: 2012 or 2013ish I think | 15:47 |
feep | oh no, 2011 | 15:48 |
BluesKaj_ | hmm, interesting , an anomaly I guess | 15:48 |
feep | yeah they really halfassed the efi | 15:48 |
feep | the entire bios is barebones | 15:48 |
* feep wants a coreboot :( | 15:49 | |
feep | oh well | 15:49 |
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root8950 | test | 16:59 |
amsharma | i'm facing this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanager-qt/+bug/1569674 | 17:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu Xenial) "[Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,Fix released] | 17:10 |
amsharma | have tried installing all the packages that've been mentioned | 17:10 |
amsharma | but still no luck! | 17:11 |
amsharma | how can I debug? | 17:11 |
amsharma | i just want a way to start a hotspot so that i can send internet to my mobile devices | 17:11 |
lordievader | amsharma: Do you have two wireless nics? | 17:13 |
amsharma | huh? how do i find that? | 17:14 |
lordievader | amsharma: Or do you want to share the ethernet device? | 17:19 |
amsharma | i have a ppp device that provides internet to my laptop | 17:19 |
amsharma | i then create a Shared WiFi connection | 17:20 |
lordievader | amsharma: That works I suppose. | 17:20 |
amsharma | that my android devices can connect to | 17:20 |
amsharma | everything was working till about a week when i started seeing these errors | 17:20 |
amsharma | i can create a an adhoc hotspot | 17:21 |
amsharma | (one that has no security on it) | 17:21 |
amsharma | wait a minute, this is nice | 17:22 |
amsharma | i didn't know android devices could connect to adhoc networks too | 17:22 |
amsharma | so... things are working | 17:22 |
amsharma | but this has the obvious issue, that anyone can now use it | 17:23 |
amsharma | is there a way i can limit the network to some particular mac? | 17:23 |
lordievader | Johan says that he can still connect using the nmcli client rather than the gui one. | 17:24 |
amsharma | lordievader: link? | 17:24 |
lordievader | It is in your bug report. | 17:24 |
amsharma | oh found it | 17:24 |
lordievader | #13 | 17:24 |
amsharma | hm, but he hasn't provided a command sadly | 17:25 |
amsharma | do you know how i can connect via nmcli? | 17:25 |
lordievader | amsharma: nmcli ;) | 17:25 |
amsharma | as in the exact command :P | 17:25 |
amsharma | with arguments and all | 17:25 |
* amsharma opens up man nmcli | 17:26 | |
lordievader | amsharma: nmcli c up <network-name? | 17:26 |
lordievader | ?=> | 17:26 |
amsharma | oooooh noice | 17:27 |
amsharma | doesn't work | 17:27 |
amsharma | BUT | 17:27 |
amsharma | we have a better error message | 17:27 |
amsharma | Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network 'what'. | 17:27 |
amsharma | Warning: password for '802-11-wireless-security.psk' not given in 'passwd-file' and nmcli cannot ask without '--ask' option. | 17:27 |
amsharma | i suppose i should pass --ask | 17:28 |
lordievader | Yes | 17:28 |
amsharma | yay! | 17:28 |
amsharma | the connection got connected | 17:28 |
lordievader | Nice | 17:28 |
amsharma | let's try connecting the android | 17:28 |
amsharma | WORKED! | 17:29 |
lordievader | Good to hear :) | 17:29 |
amsharma | now we just need to figure out what the real problem is | 17:30 |
lordievader | The gui ;) | 17:30 |
amsharma | lordievader: any idea where this passwd-file is supposed to be? | 17:30 |
amsharma | oh, the GUI isn't actually reading the password field | 17:30 |
lordievader | Oh, you can set a (plaintext) passwd-file for nm to read. Or tell it to use the kwallet (<- I prefer this one). | 17:31 |
lordievader | The gui client probably gets it from the wallet. | 17:31 |
amsharma | kwallet is the kubuntu equivalent of osxkeychain? | 17:32 |
lordievader | Euhh... if osxkeychain holds passwords, then yes. | 17:32 |
amsharma | so, kde wallet manager says the wallet is closed etc. | 17:34 |
amsharma | where do i put that text file? | 17:35 |
lordievader | Pff, no idea. | 17:35 |
amsharma | or do i pass it as an arg? | 17:35 |
amsharma | https://developer.gnome.org/NetworkManager/unstable/nmcli.html | 17:35 |
amsharma | found it! | 17:35 |
amsharma | let's try this... | 17:35 |
amsharma | lordievader: now that we're discussing all this, what is the difference between a connection name and an SSID? | 17:37 |
amsharma | (somewhere they call it BSSID) | 17:37 |
amsharma | :/ | 17:37 |
lordievader | A BSSID and an ESSID are different things ;) ESSID is usually seen as the connection name. | 17:38 |
lordievader | The BSSID is used to identify the networking gear. | 17:39 |
lordievader | You can have multiple BSSID's under one ESSID (in the case of a mesh network). | 17:39 |
amsharma | um, in layman terms, the connection name is what i'll use when passing to nmcli | 17:40 |
amsharma | and ssid is what android devices will see? | 17:41 |
amsharma | (or any other device for that matter) | 17:41 |
lordievader | amsharma: They should see the same thing, unless it is another network. | 17:42 |
amsharma | i can't get the passwd-file parameter to work | 17:46 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Afternoon folks, I'm having an issue with my shiny new kubuntu install. And that issue would be that I'm in initramfs and fstab has emptied itself | 17:47 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Other than that I dunno what else I can tell you guys. So my question is what is the best way to go about this? | 17:47 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: Do you have a non-traditional setup? | 17:49 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | lordievader: What is meant by that? | 17:51 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | I can tell you part by part what I have setup hardware wise if you want | 17:51 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, scroll down to "2 answers" here http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/120198/how-to-fix-boot-into-initramfs-prompt-and-mount-cant-read-etc-fstab-no-su | 17:53 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Alright BluesKaj , where would I set the parameter? At grub? | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | if you can get to grub then you should be able to boot into your new install, Tundra_O1dDsktop | 17:56 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: I get put into initramfs after grub | 17:57 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Why hello vroap, funny seeing you here | 17:58 |
vroap | Hello tundra! Take this to #kubuntu-offtopic? | 17:59 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Sure if you'd like, or we can take it back to our chan | 17:59 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | vroap: ^^ | 18:00 |
vroap | Sure | 18:00 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | :) | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | damn efi machines | 18:01 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: Yeah | 18:02 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: If you don't know, then you are running a traditional setup ;) | 18:02 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: So do I just provide the line from the first answer in a command line or what? | 18:02 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | lordievader: Well I partially don't know cause I don't know what's considered "traditional" | 18:03 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: Anyhow, do you see your disks and can you mount them in the initrd? | 18:03 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: Traditional is whatever the installer does by default. | 18:03 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, on bios machines you can login to vt/tty do sudo blkid then add the entry to /etc/fstab with nano save the file and reboot | 18:04 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | lordievader: you're gonna need to guide me a little more than that | 18:05 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: Do you see an sda in /dev? | 18:05 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: He is in the initrd... | 18:06 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: It doesn't boot to the full os. | 18:06 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | I have sda sda1, sda2, and sda5 | 18:07 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: Do you happen to know which is the root? | 18:08 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Should be sda1 if I recall correctly | 18:08 |
lordievader | If you do I'd suggest to add 'root=/dev/sda1' to your kernel parameters and see if it continues booting. | 18:08 |
lordievader | Got to go, be back in a couple of hours. | 18:10 |
BluesKaj | lordievader, no kidding | 18:10 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | lordievader: do I just add that line to the end of where I can edit to boot option in grub? | 18:10 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: would you be able to shed some light on that? | 18:11 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, I'm searching | 18:14 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Well, I've made progress | 18:29 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | I can now boot to the OS ohwever there isn't a gui | 18:29 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | *however | 18:29 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | But its more than where I was | 18:29 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Kernel_parameters scroll down to systemd-boot, it tels you how to edit grub bt adding your root partition /dev/sdX to the boot paramter | 18:31 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: well, I can get it to boot now, but now I have other issues | 18:31 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: The GUI doesn't load and attempting to run apt-get update returns me alot of warnings about a read-only filesystem | 18:32 |
Tundra-Server | BluesKaj: any thoughts? | 18:34 |
BluesKaj | Tundra-Server, you need to reboot and edit grub as the shown in the above url | 18:35 |
Tundra-Server | BluesKaj: Will that help with the new errors? | 18:35 |
Tundra-Server | Cause I can get the system to boot now | 18:36 |
BluesKaj | yes because you have no write permissions | 18:37 |
Tundra-Server | Alright | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | brb ,. mailbox errand | 18:37 |
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Tundra-Server | Sp BluesKaj , what do I need to specify for the boot line? Do I need to specify the UUID or the /dev/sdX ? | 18:43 |
BluesKaj | tu the /dev/sda ort b or whatever /dev/sd? yoiur / (rrot) partition is designated as | 18:45 |
BluesKaj | Tundra-Server,^ | 18:45 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Ok, alright, I'm gonna try that | 18:47 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: I'm sorry, ubt I'm gonna have to ask this. Am I opening the menu at grub or what am I doing? | 18:50 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | *but | 18:50 |
BluesKaj | when at grub use the "e" key to edit then add the parameter as described above, are you able to do that Tundra_O1dDsktop ? | 18:54 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: Ok, so now that I'm there I'm looking for what line? | 18:56 |
BluesKaj | so obviously tou have no access to the urls I poster, correct ? | 18:58 |
BluesKaj | tou=you | 18:58 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: You told me to look at the system-boot section. I'm not seeing anything that looks like those lines in GRUB | 18:58 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: Hang on | 18:59 |
BluesKaj | I'm almost in the dark about this as you are, never seen this situation before | 19:00 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | BluesKaj: do you know parameters for the grub boot? | 19:00 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Because there's one that I'm looking at | 19:00 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, let me chec k ..brb | 19:00 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | And I think this is the root of the problem | 19:00 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | So BluesKaj , find out anything? | 19:19 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, I don't see anything relevant in grub edit that I would want to fool with , suggest you go to #ubuntu or ##linux with your question.Unless someone else hare has a better suggestion | 19:20 |
BluesKaj | hare=here | 19:20 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Well, I reckon I'm gonna go ahead and try an idea | 19:21 |
BluesKaj | I don't have much knowledge oabout EFI and GPT , it's still mostly a mystery to me | 19:22 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Myself as well | 19:22 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | I'm gonna try to install actually in EFI mode and see how that shakes out | 19:23 |
BluesKaj | Tundra_O1dDsktop, yeah, that's the best method, but make sure you setup you partitions manually so that you know which ones are which | 19:36 |
Tundra_O1dDsktop | Eh, what could possibly go wrong? | 19:37 |
lordievader | Tundra_O1dDsktop: You know, a 'sudo mount -o remount,rw /' might help you ;) | 19:37 |
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robonauta | hello | 22:36 |
bprompt | allo | 22:39 |
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