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ahoneybun | http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/get-started/design-values | 02:15 |
ahoneybun | this looks sooo nice | 02:15 |
ahoneybun | but all the time mockups | 02:15 |
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ahoneybun | https://uappexplorer.com/app/katanafruit.fmulcar | 13:10 |
ahoneybun | that's using an old framework | 13:10 |
popey | sure, but it's a webapp so it largely doesn't matter | 13:12 |
ahoneybun | oh | 13:12 |
ogra_ | popey, didnt the app scope recently start hiding snaps with obsolete frameworks ? | 13:15 |
popey | ogra_: indeed it does. Good job ubuntu-sdk-14.10 isn't an obsolete framework :) | 13:18 |
popey | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -l /usr/share/click/frameworks/ubuntu-sdk-14.10* | 13:18 |
popey | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42 Oct 14 2014 /usr/share/click/frameworks/ubuntu-sdk-14.10.framework | 13:18 |
ogra_ | :) | 13:18 |
popey | ^ from my pro 5 | 13:18 |
ogra_ | good | 13:19 |
mimecar | The latest stable version of the SDK is the 15.04, isn't it? | 13:29 |
popey | yeah, i see frameworks up to 15.04.7 on my device | 13:36 |
mimecar | thanks popey | 13:36 |
mimecar | I will develop this month with Ubuntu Touch | 13:38 |
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kalikiana | timp: review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/acceptTheOptionSelector/+merge/301478 | 15:27 |
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pmcgowan | ahayzen, hey is there a way to get the duration of audio before it plays? it seems to always be 0 | 19:05 |
pmcgowan | ah I see the bug now | 19:17 |
ahayzen | pmcgowan, yeah there is a bug somewhere in media-hub IIRC :-) | 19:18 |
pmcgowan | bugging jhodapp about it now | 19:18 |
jhodapp | ha nice pun ;) | 19:19 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 19:21 |
pmcgowan | ahayzen, so what did you to, set a short timer? | 19:21 |
pmcgowan | do that is | 19:21 |
ahayzen | pmcgowan, i don't think i understand the question, do in what case ? | 19:22 |
pmcgowan | ahayzen, how do you get a valid duration on the player bar | 19:22 |
ahayzen | if the duration is zero... it sets it to 1 for the player bar, until a valid result appears | 19:23 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, i wonder if bug 1604735 is also linked/affected by the same issue | 19:24 |
ubot5 | bug 1604735 in Ubuntu Music App "After opening the music-app, if it preloads a queue this should be playable from the indicator-sound straight away and not after a play + pause cycle" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1604735 | 19:24 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, seems when you set the source it needs to pre roll to find out the duration ... but for ^^ bug i need to double check it isn't our side | 19:24 |
jhodapp | ahayzen, that is not music-app's fault, that's just how the system works | 19:25 |
jhodapp | I'd even mark that as not a bug | 19:25 |
ahayzen | hmm | 19:25 |
ahayzen | i'd sortof expect it todo what the bug states | 19:25 |
ahayzen | as there is a queue of songs loaded, and if you press play in the music app it plays... just if you do it in the indicator it doesn't, until you have pressed play+pause in the music-app | 19:26 |
pmcgowan | ahayzen, I see this workaround which seems to be a one time timer http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22214029/ | 19:26 |
pmcgowan | I agree thats a bug | 19:26 |
jhodapp | ahayzen, must be just what other platform you come from...on iOS it works like Ubuntu does now | 19:26 |
ahayzen | pmcgowan, oh yeah! i forgot about that :-) | 19:27 |
pmcgowan | jhodapp, that seems broken, present a playlist that wont work? | 19:27 |
jhodapp | pmcgowan, but why would you bring up something like the music-app to play music but then start it from indicator-sound the first time? | 19:27 |
pmcgowan | i tried a quick play pause but that didnt fool it | 19:28 |
ahayzen | pmcgowan, jhodapp ^^ code snippet should probably be linked to the duration bug, basically if you query it MediaPlayer object after a bit of time, it does give you the duration | 19:28 |
pmcgowan | jhodapp, I can programmatically add a playlist from things without UIs to play them | 19:28 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, they open via launcher...but play via a smart-watch (which uses MPRIS) | 19:28 |
pmcgowan | or I may have closed the app then went back to play them | 19:29 |
jhodapp | yeah, I could see those cases indeed...these would be enhancements as it's not currently how it works | 19:29 |
jhodapp | plus I'd want to check with design...this functionality hasn't been speced out | 19:29 |
jhodapp | but I'd also not expect as a user for something that hasn't played yet to take over the current player | 19:30 |
jhodapp | so maybe it's only in the case of there not being a current player set at all | 19:30 |
ahayzen | jhodapp, FYI i've commented on bug 1494031, stating how our workaround works and linking our code in the music-app | 19:35 |
ubot5 | bug 1494031 in Canonical System Image "Duration of track is zero/unchanged when source is set" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1494031 | 19:35 |
jhodapp | ahayzen, thanks | 19:36 |
stanton | i am trying to compile the Doom 3 source code in ubuntu 16.04 i keep getting errors with zlib png jpeg-6 glew idlib (no such file or directory) c++: error: 3/neo/libs/zlib: No such file or directory looks like that | 20:48 |
stanton | anyone know of how to fix these errors for the doom 3 source? | 20:50 |
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