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cpaelzergood morning06:17
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mardyMirv: hi! Do you understand what is the problem here? https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-yakkety-ci-train-ppa-service-landing-067/yakkety/amd64/u/unity8/20160803_115255@/log.gz08:29
mardysil2100: or do you? ^09:01
sam_yanHi,In ubuntu14.04,which daemon or modules is used to apply the ima(integrity measurement architecture)?09:09
Mirvmardy: you'll need to either ask QA to be ok with yakkety failures (assuming xenial/vivid green) or archive admins to rerun yakkety tests with --all-proposed. this should be unneeded possibly later today if/when we get unity8 landing greenlighted, get unity8 autopkgtests to pass and get 200+ source packages to migrate to release pocket09:09
Mirv(and if there is still any problem with the landing, I'll beg release team again to let u8 pass so that the big migration can stop annoying people)09:10
mardyMirv: I'm not in a hurry; can you please ping me later, if/when it's time to retry?09:11
Mirvmardy: I fear it'll be very late today, if it happens today.09:11
MirvQA has not yet started revalidating the rebuilt silo09:11
mardyMirv: ok, nw, I'll check tomorrow morning then09:11
Mirvand autopkgtest + migration infra will take hours09:12
Guest58264hi guys09:41
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zokkowhy CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER=y09:41
zokkois not enabled in 4.7/09:41
jtaylorzokko: there is no 4.7 in ubuntu09:47
jtaylorit enabled in 4.4 which we have09:47
zokkojtaylor: i'm talking about http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.7/09:49
zokkoit's almost ready, but im interested why ueventhelper is disabled?09:49
jtaylorask in #ubuntu-kernel my guess is mainline uses a different configuration than ubuntu09:50
zokkoin 4.2 it's enabled by default: root@s42260:~# grep UEVENT /boot/config-4.2.0-42-generic09:50
LocutusOfBorgcan anybody please retry curl/systemd autopkgtestsuite?10:14
LocutusOfBorgor better, ignore the test since it seems to be an unrelated issue10:14
juliankLocutusOfBorg: I can retry it10:22
juliankand I did10:23
juliankoh dear, Laney did as well, now it runs twice...10:27
* juliank is waiting for the apport tests to finally start running on i386 or amd6410:27
Laneyoh yeah10:29
LaneyI forgot to say10:29
Laneyjuliank: ah nice, you're fixing apport?10:30
juliankLaney: Yeah, I want to get the apt upload migrating now before I sync the new upstream release10:30
juliankLaney: It's only test suite bugs10:31
juliankThe apport test suite is complicated too look at with each test case being run individually10:32
juliankI wonder if it could use python-apt's test_all.py script, that imports all test classes and then runs them. Which means you only have one summary at the end of all tests10:32
juliankand all errors at the end10:32
Laneyapport/amd64 looks suspicious10:35
Laneyah no10:35
Laneyit is moving10:35
juliankLaney: It had some quota issues in the first try and now tries again10:36
LocutusOfBorgbut the test is failing since a lot of time (new systemd seems to have broken it)10:36
LocutusOfBorgmaybe just ignore?10:36
Laneyit's being fixed, see above10:36
LocutusOfBorgoh you are talking about that, thanks10:36
Laneyunless you mean the curl one10:38
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LocutusOfBorgyes, I mean the curl one10:38
LocutusOfBorgseems that the test broke a while ago10:38
Laneymeh, pitti force-skiptested it10:39
LocutusOfBorgI have wild guessed it too, because systemd migrated already10:39
LocutusOfBorgisn't force-skiptest something persistent?10:40
Laneynot if it gets removed10:40
LocutusOfBorgbut why, the test is not fixed10:40
Laneyseems like a mistake10:41
Laneydo you want to file a bug?10:41
LocutusOfBorgagainst systemd?10:41
LocutusOfBorg"please fix testsuite" or "please skiptest"?10:42
LaneyI would usually start by assuming the testsuite is finding a real bug10:42
LocutusOfBorg"please investigate ppc64el test failure"10:43
LocutusOfBorgbut for now can we skip once more and see curl migrate?10:44
LocutusOfBorgI would like to have the CVE fixes in10:45
Laneycurl is in10:45
juliankIf we're lucky, we'll get socks5 proxy support in APT soon, and built-in tor support10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1609740 in systemd (Ubuntu) "please investigate ppc64el networkd-test.py failure" [High,New]10:47
LaneyLocutusOfBorg: merci10:52
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juliankapport:i386 passed test!11:00
juliankSoon it should pick up amd64 results and migrate11:00
LocutusOfBorgmerci a toi11:14
LocutusOfBorgLaney, I was going to assign pitti, but I don't see him here, maybe he is on VAC11:14
LocutusOfBorgI'm happy you did it :)11:14
Laneyemail works11:21
pietin what group does a user have to be in order for the LTS-upgrade notification to show up and actually allow to update the system?11:23
pietthe notification just wreaked havoc in a mid-large ubuntu workstation cluster used by users that should never be able to trigger system-updates11:25
seb128LocutusOfBorg, he's on VAC since yesterday yes11:30
seb128LocutusOfBorg, you better don't block/count on it and find somebody else11:31
LaneyIt's not blocking anything11:31
LocutusOfBorgI actually don't have a real issue11:31
seb128k, no need to write emails either then ;-)11:32
LaneyLaunchpad wrote the email11:33
seb128but yeah, I was just pointing out he's out11:33
seb128no need to be picky on the words I used11:33
Laneyjust saying, nothing to worry about11:33
seb128k, well I was not going to worry, I don't even know what you are talking about11:33
seb128he asked if pitti was maybe on VAC11:33
seb128I replied to that11:33
seb128end of the story11:34
juliankLaney: It migrated. APT to follow soon, hopefully11:37
Laneyjuliank: Good work!11:38
Laneynow I can retry the gtk one11:39
juliankLaney: Might want to wait a bit until apport binaries have been published11:39
juliankThis was amazing: 4 APT uploads, 1 python-apt, and 2 apport11:41
juliankI actually have a apt 1.3~pre2ubuntu5 built too, but I'm going to skip this, as I uploaded a new upstream release containing the stuff which I'll sync then11:42
Laneyusing your new powers for good?11:42
juliankLaney: Yeah, there will be a proper deprecation python warning soon11:43
juliankor something harsher11:43
juliankLaney: I'm giving up for now. I wanted to retry the apport for apt tests now that apport -0ubuntu4 is published, but it still tests against 2.20.3-0ubuntu2 ...12:22
Laneyjuliank: Still not published out12:23
Laneyjuliank: I'm watching rmadison12:23
* juliank only sees launchpad seeing published since 24 mins12:23
juliankBut right, rmadison says it's still in -proposed12:23
LaneyI think Launchpad marks everything at the start of the publisher, but it's not really available to consumers until later on12:24
Laneyand if rmadison shows then it's definitely available on ftpmaster12:24
juliankSo annoying...12:25
LaneySend a shipment of hamsters to Launchpad HQ12:26
juliankLaney: Looking at apt-rpm and thinking about merging that into apt is more annoying, though!12:27
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Laneyyou're crazy12:28
juliankThe initial version being based on 0.5.5 and the latest on 0.5.1512:28
Laneyjuliank: If you see it happen before me, please hit the apport test on gtk too12:44
* Laney goes to lunch12:44
juliankAye, aye!12:45
LocutusOfBorgdoko, why not syncing boost-defaults in ubuntu?12:48
LocutusOfBorgxnox, ^^12:49
xnoxLocutusOfBorg, because doko didn't know better =)12:49
xnoxwill fix with my upload12:49
xnoxlater, there are fixes to be made.12:50
LocutusOfBorgI see some changes in the debdiff12:50
LocutusOfBorga package disappeared12:50
LocutusOfBorgand create-boost-defaults-control.py shouldn't point to BoostVersion('1.61.0')?12:51
juliankLaney: hitting it now12:57
juliankThis might take some time ....12:58
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LocutusOfBorgxnox, FYI, I pinged the maintainers for cufflinks zegrapher deal.ii, they are the only three packages depending on boost1.60 in Debian, I think you might want to remove it, right?13:13
xnoxLocutusOfBorg, sure, but there is a lot of work to do still to e.g. remove boost1.5813:18
xnoxit will sort itself out13:18
LocutusOfBorgxnox, it is easier to remove 1.60 than 1.5813:22
LocutusOfBorgat least in Debian13:22
LocutusOfBorgfor 1.58 we need the transition to finish13:23
juliankLaney: All tests seem to have run now, let's wait and see what the next excuses update says13:50
ScottKrbasak: It would be nice if someone would investigate the postfix test regressions in Ubuntu.  I suspect it's more likely issues with the tests than the package, but in either case, I'd be glad to incorporate any needed changes in Debian (the tests have never worked on Debian infrastructure for reasons I haven't figured out, so it's not a 'regression' there).13:52
juliankMmh, I tried SRUing apt/xenial via "syncpackage -V 1.2.14 -r xenial-updates apt" but have not received anything from LP yet. Is -r xenial-updates wrong?14:39
juliankIt definitely shows the real target version number14:39
Laneyjuliank: xenial-proposed14:39
Laneybut yes, it did work: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=14:40
LaneyYou don't get mail for syncs that go to queues, unfortunately14:40
juliankLaney: OK. I also tried -proposed, but it showed "current version 1.2.10ubuntu1", not "current version 1.2.12~ubuntu16.04.1" as -updates did. In the end, all probably get remapped anyway, but this seemed safer...14:42
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juliankLaney: But it's listed in a different pocket than the others :/14:42
juliankweird stuff14:42
Laneyjuliank: Yes, it's going to be rejected - I guess the tool doesn't look at -updates first for syncs to -proposed14:42
Laneysyncing for SRUs is pretty unusual14:43
Laneyyou should re-sync to proposed14:43
juliankLaney: Doing so14:43
juliankLaney: That's the last sync from Debian. I can do future SRUs via PPA sync as infinity wanted or via direct uploads.14:44
Laney04/08 15:44:14 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: apt (xenial-proposed/main) [1.2.12~ubuntu16.04.1 => 1.2.14] (core) (sync)14:44
Laneyqueuebot is smarter than syncpackage14:44
rbasakScottK: I wasn't aware. I'll make a note for us to take a look, thanks.14:47
rbasakWe're sprinting next week, so I'm not sure if we'll get to it before we're back though.14:48
rbasakI'll certainly bring it up.14:48
hallynrharper: sorry (you didn't call me out and I forgot about this until this morning) - yeah, yakkety has to come first for the qemu sru14:49
juliankLaney: The advantage of the PPA being that I can test the stuff more properly before actually uploading it to the archive14:49
hallynrharper: and where is the fix?14:49
rharperhallyn: heh, I'm trying to extract just the ddw patches from your deb in the ubuntu-virt ppa14:49
hallynoh, right.14:50
rharperthe ddw package had a bump to 2.6 + cherry pick14:50
Laneyjuliank: and run the autopkgtests against it, in theory14:50
juliankLaney: yep14:50
rharperthings have moved;  I'm somewhat nervous about bumping qemu from 2.5 to 2.6 in xenial just for DDW14:50
hallynrharper: what do you mean by "thinkgs have moved" ?14:50
rbasakhallyn, rharper: FYI, I uploaded a minor qemu SRU to the Xenial queue earlier.14:51
rbasak(for nacc)14:51
hallynyeah saw the email14:51
rharperjust the base version of the packages , your patch against 2.5-1ubuntu12 (which isn't in xenial at all), it has a 2.5-1ubuntu10.214:51
hallynrharper's is a much bigger deal so i think we wait for yours to clear rather than combine them :)14:51
hallynok, i thought you meant the code has changed a lot.  i've not really compared.14:51
rharperjust some rebasing of the patches is needed14:52
rharperif you have a pointer to the upstream patchset you cherry picked, then I can just go grab that and look to do the rebase14:52
hallynok.  it's worth thinking about which we think might be more stable long term, if either14:52
hallyni don't want in 4 months to be asked to upgrade xenial to 2.7 bc of some other feature, that's setting a bad precedent14:52
rharperI need to poke the openstack folks, maybe coreycb or jamespage would know if cloud-archive is going to pull in 2.6 or 2.714:53
rharperhallyn: exactly14:53
rharperif yakkety is going to get 2.714:53
hallynbah, that's irrelevant :)14:53
rharperthen instead of bumping to 2.6 + ddw now14:53
hallynyakkety is a flash in the pan14:53
rharperhallyn: my point was around testing14:53
rharperI'd rather have the same versions under test14:53
hallynthere have been a few qmeu-img regressions reported, i can't recall offhand - were those against xenial or yakkety?14:54
jamespagerharper, no plans to rev qemu or libvirt in newton UCA unless I have to14:54
jamespagei.e. it will be the shipped Xenial release versions by default14:54
rharperso 2.5 for now14:54
rharperhrm =(14:54
rharperonly this DDW asking for newer bits;  I suspect getting just the DDW fixes for ppc64 won't easily backport to 2.5; hallyn did you look at that or just move up to make the patches import easily /14:55
hallynthe latter14:55
hallynso how badly does someone want these patches in x, and why14:56
LocutusOfBorgsad builders?14:56
rharpergpu pass-through on power is unusable14:56
rharperthey attempted for FFE for X, but the upstream patches weren't ready14:57
rharperdidn't land till may IIRC14:57
hallynare the ppl requestiong the feature the ones who did the upstream patch?15:01
rharperyeah, IBM15:01
hallynthey haven't provided patches against 2.5 for us right?  seems like a reasonable request for us to make15:02
rharperheh, well, we can ask15:02
hallynall right so if you want to build+test i'll back yo uup on that, but in my opinion you should simply say "if you want it in x give us a simple, backported patchset for 2.5 as it is in x"15:03
hallyn(whether or not you can do that will of course depend on the pressure they're causing for you :)15:03
hallyngotta skeedaddle - ttyl15:04
rharperI'll through in the request for patches for now;  given that we don't have anything else yet pushing for 2.6 or 2.7 into X; I'd rather not bump base version in X without good reason (and testing)15:04
rharperhallyn: thanks!15:04
seb128doko, hey, is there any toolchain or such package that got bigger in yakkety? trying to figure out why the iso is 1.7G now when it was 1.5G in xenial15:37
dokoseb128, cc1/lto1 are not yet stripped in y15:39
seb128doko, would that account for that much difference?15:39
jbichadoko: for bug 1609215, I gave you the output of bzr diff but there were file renames which appear to not be applied with patch -p016:57
ubottubug 1609215 in grilo-plugins (Ubuntu) "Merge grilo-plugins 0.3.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160921516:57
dokojbicha, hmm, usually these should be part of a debdiff?16:58
jbichadoko: I don't know, I just pushed a packaging-only branch to https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/grilo/update-to-grilo-0.3/ if you want to try that instead17:05
jbichamaybe patch doesn't recognize bzr mv so I would have been better off just removing the old file and adding the new one17:07
bdmurraycyphermox: is bug 1604499 verified or just not v-failed?17:31
ubottubug 1604499 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu Xenial) "include loopback and squash4 modules in EFI binary" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160449917:31
rharperhallyn: well, yuck;  the ddw device is a property only on machinc type 2.6 for ppc17:55
dokojbicha, could you have a look at the freerdp ftbfs?18:00
cyphermoxbdmurray: fully verified.18:07
bdmurraycyphermox: could you add a comment about the verification?18:08
cyphermoxI thought I did18:13
cyphermoxah oops18:13
cyphermoxbdmurray: done18:16
rharperhallyn: so, the ubuntu-machine types patch we carry only -$release values for the x86 pc-i440fx machine type;  if we bring back ddw device into 2.5, then we'd need a pseries-2.5-16.04 (alias to pseries-2.5) and pseries- (with ddw)19:05
hallynrharper: pseries-specific, <shrug>20:03
rharperit's not yet a problem due to the number of users doing live migration on ppc6420:03
hallynugh    "One of the main differences is that all access to your secret key will be handled through gpg-agent, which should be automatically launched as needed.20:10
rharperhallyn: the libvirt secrets stuff ? or something else20:20
hallynthe new gpg which is becoming the default in debian20:21
hallyn(the gpg agent sucks a bit of battery ,and i'm a miser)20:22
rharperI see20:22
bdmurraynacc: Your qemu upload for LP: #1490611 seems to have been superseded by a security update20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490611 in qemu (Ubuntu Xenial) "Using qemu >=2.2.1 to convert raw->VHD (fixed) adds extra padding to the result file, which Microsoft Azure rejects as invalid" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149061120:45
naccbdmurray: ah ok, i'll review21:06
rbasakAh, just seen this. I commented on the bug thinking that you won't have seen the queue reject email.21:16
naccrbasak: yep, i won't have :)21:18
naccrbasak: bdmurray: updated debdiff just attached21:19
tvossxnox, you around?21:32
tvossxnox, if so: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtest21:32
tvossxnox, sorry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtest/+bug/160998921:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1609989 in gtest (Ubuntu) "Undefined behavior "member call on null pointer of type 'const struct ResultHolder'"" [Critical,New]21:33
tvossxnox, with gcc-6 in y, using gtest/gmock segfaults when mocking functions returning void21:33
tvossxnox, would you be able to take a look at the proposed solutions?21:34
tvossdoko, ^21:34
sarnoldxnox: you ping-timed-out moments after tvoss asked if you could look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtest/+bug/160998922:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1609989 in gtest (Ubuntu) "Undefined behavior "member call on null pointer of type 'const struct ResultHolder'"" [Critical,New]22:25
sarnoldman there sure are a lot of these "triggers looping" bug reports :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates23:09
Unit193Everything is just so loopy. :(23:14
sarnoldyes :(23:17

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