infinity | tgm4883: Have you started testing myth for trusty yet? | 00:28 |
tgm4883 | infinity: no, I asked earlier if that could be dropped | 00:28 |
tgm4883 | infinity: we've never supported ISOs past LTS+1.1 | 00:29 |
infinity | tgm4883: Err. You certainly have in the past. Including all of the trusty point releases to date. | 00:29 |
infinity | So, not sure about "never". :P | 00:29 |
tgm4883 | infinity: Sorry, let me clarify. Our policy is to support LTS releases up to the first point release of the next LTS | 00:30 |
infinity | tgm4883: Part of being LTS kinda implies signing up for this. | 00:30 |
infinity | tgm4883: Right, .5 is the last one, which coincides with next.1, and is rather important to exist. | 00:30 |
tgm4883 | infinity: I thought that was up to the flavor | 00:30 |
tgm4883 | infinity: ah ok | 00:31 |
infinity | tgm4883: We don't do more after .5 | 00:31 |
tgm4883 | well I guess I'll download then | 00:31 |
infinity | tgm4883: Anyhow, I was asking because you ship nvidia-304, which I was about to release, which would trigger a respin. :P | 00:31 |
tgm4883 | so I should wait then? | 00:31 |
infinity | tgm4883: I'm happy to test one arch if you test the other, after I've respun. If you can wait that long. | 00:31 |
infinity | (I don't know what tz you live in...) | 00:31 |
tgm4883 | I should be able to do them both fairly quickly | 00:31 |
tgm4883 | I'm in PST | 00:31 |
infinity | Ahh, kay. Cool. | 00:32 |
infinity | Then yeah, let me finish testing nvidia, promote it, and respin you. | 00:32 |
infinity | Should be about 2h at the most, hopefully less. | 00:32 |
wxl | infinity: /ctcp <nick> time next time you want to find someone's tz :) | 00:32 |
infinity | wxl: Not always reliably true. | 00:32 |
infinity | wxl: My client is often in UTC. :P | 00:33 |
infinity | (Though, not right now) | 00:33 |
wxl | bah | 00:33 |
tgm4883 | infinity: well then let me state now that I'd like to drop all future release ISOs (16.10 and on) | 00:33 |
infinity | And when I'm traveling, I don't change my client's TZ either... | 00:33 |
wxl | alright alright, you win | 00:33 |
wxl | (as always) | 00:33 |
infinity | tgm4883: Right, 16.10+, no more myth? (well, 18.04+, since you're LTS-only anyway) | 00:33 |
infinity | tgm4883: I can go disable you in crontab for devel now. Won't go deleting anything, in case you decide to change your minds in 6mo. | 00:34 |
tgm4883 | infinity: correct. I'll point people to xubuntu and have them install/configure from there. We don't have the manpower to really fix all the issues we have with new ISOs (meaning issues that spring up from LTS releases, not point releases) | 00:34 |
tgm4883 | We had a tough time doing it for 16.04 | 00:35 |
infinity | tgm4883: The elegant solution might be for myth/xu/studio to combine forces and have nice package selection at the end of the install to customize. | 00:36 |
infinity | tgm4883: And one single ISO for all XFCE based installs. | 00:36 |
tgm4883 | Hmm, that's not a bad idea | 00:36 |
infinity | tgm4883: I think studio already has package selection plugins for ubiquity, so that might not be much effort. | 00:36 |
tgm4883 | We've got package selection stuff for ubiquity as well | 00:36 |
infinity | Probably the same plugins. :) | 00:37 |
infinity | So, yeah. | 00:37 |
infinity | Turning that into a super-XFCE installer might be smart. | 00:37 |
infinity | If the xubuntu people are down. | 00:37 |
infinity | Or just combine myth and studio. | 00:37 |
infinity | tgm4883: All tested and released, will respin ASAP once the packages hit disk on ftpmaster. | 00:47 |
infinity | tgm4883: Oh, and myth for 16.10+ is disabled now. | 00:47 |
tgm4883 | thanks | 00:48 |
tgm4883 | ping me when the ISOs are ready | 00:48 |
infinity | Will do. | 00:48 |
infinity | yofel: Is anyone smoketesting the kubuntu/14.04.5 ISOs? | 02:56 |
infinity | zequence: No one seems to have touched studio/14.04.5 testing. | 02:56 |
=== zhangchao1 is now known as zhangchao | ||
krytarik | infinity: We have, at least i386 - before the respin finally landed. | 03:19 |
infinity | krytarik: Well, more results on the current ISO would be nice. :) | 03:20 |
infinity | (or any...) | 03:20 |
krytarik | infinity: There are plans to do some later in the day, yes. | 03:26 |
infinity | tgm4883: ^^ there are yours. | 03:28 |
tgm4883 | infinity: yep, already grabbing it | 03:29 |
infinity | tgm4883: Ta. | 03:29 |
Mirv | can someone please run on snakefruit: retry-autopkgtest-regressions -s yakkety --ci-train-silo 073 --ci-train-ticket 1575 --all-proposed | 04:27 |
Mirv | so that we get slightly better autopkgtest coverage as long as that silo hasn't landed and the huge amount of source packages are only in proposed (the only blocker is unity8 now) | 04:28 |
=== zhangchao1 is now known as zhangchao | ||
apw | Mirv, looking | 07:21 |
apw | Mirv, and done | 07:26 |
Mirv | thank you | 07:29 |
Mirv | Saviq: ^ proposed tests running again | 07:30 |
=== zhangchao1 is now known as zhangchao | ||
yofel | infinity: not yet, I'm trying to wrap up some quick tests | 07:38 |
Saviq | Mirv, thanks, could you recycle too? | 07:41 |
infinity | yofel: Ta. | 07:41 |
Mirv | Saviq: I did already, running | 07:46 |
Saviq | Mirv, ah ok thanks :) | 07:46 |
acheronuk | infinity: a few basic tests of kubuntu/14.04.5 ISOs done in VirtualBox. about all I can do I'm afraid. have reported results | 08:23 |
infinity | acheronuk: All I'm looking for is boot/install/reboot -> did the right thing, computer didn't explode. | 08:23 |
infinity | acheronuk: Obviously, you guys can hold yourselves to a higher standard, but that's my minimum for "will I release your image". :P | 08:23 |
acheronuk | infinity: ok. what I did should be useful then. great :) | 08:25 |
infinity | acheronuk: Anyone going to do the same for i386? | 08:26 |
acheronuk | infinity: ok. I shall try | 08:26 |
infinity | Ta. | 08:26 |
acheronuk | infinity: done. reported. hope that helps | 08:53 |
infinity | acheronuk: Thanks. | 08:53 |
=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke | ||
Laney | Hrm | 11:54 |
Laney | Looks like gir1.2-ubuntu-app-launch-2 was removed on yakkety/s390x, but it has rdeps, and those rdeps have rdeps | 11:56 |
mvo | infinity: do you know if there is a way to trigger the autopkgtest for snapd (for the SRU of snap-confine ) again? i.e. the topmost will probably work against 2.11 | 13:40 |
tseliot | can an archive admin reject nvidia-graphics-drivers-367 in NEW, please? (some archs fail) | 13:54 |
apw | tseliot, done | 14:40 |
tseliot | apw: thanks! | 14:41 |
Laney | Someone should reject that apt - juliank synced it to -updates | 14:41 |
apw | Laney, ! | 14:44 |
LocutusOfBorg | and accept python-tornado, just an added -doc binary :) | 14:44 |
apw | infinity, i assume you are not expecting an apt sync to anywhere ... | 14:45 |
* apw rejects the -updates one ... | 14:46 | |
Laney | nice one | 14:47 |
Laney | sync to -proposed for an SRU should be okay, assuming the tools can cope with it | 14:47 |
Laney | which they probably can these days, because CI train | 14:47 |
Laney | But me no SRU team | 14:48 |
tsimonq2 | could someone mark Lubuntu 14.04.5 amd64 and i386 (NOT PowerPC yet) as ready please? | 15:58 |
bdmurray | infinity: Wily still shows as supported in LP | 16:00 |
LocutusOfBorg | thanks to whoever accepted it | 16:02 |
dmj_s76 | infinity: Testing with nvidia and nvme seems good to me | 16:21 |
infinity | bdmurray: I know. I need to clean it up a bit first. | 17:05 |
infinity | apw: Would have been expecting it to proposed, not updates. | 17:05 |
apw | infinity, there is another one now to -proposed, i left that for your perusal | 17:08 |
apw | (to xenial-proposed) | 17:08 |
infinity | apw: *nod* | 17:08 |
* infinity tries to wake up. | 17:09 | |
apw | (i did reject the -updates one) | 17:10 |
infinity | tjaalton: Oh, not sure if you noticed, but I cleaned up your xorg-lts-transitional a bit (and then made my own stupid AA mistakes and reuploaded a no-change version bump, derp) | 17:20 |
infinity | tjaalton: For the record, it's really, really, really hard to see an s/v/w/ typo. Please never do that again. :) | 17:21 |
infinity | (Seriously, I was writing test scripts and scratching my head, and COULD NOT FIGURE OUT why the vmware bit wasn't working right) | 17:21 |
infinity | Friggin' wmware. | 17:22 |
Odd_Bloke | What a nightwmvare. | 17:22 |
tsimonq2 | hehehehe | 17:26 |
tjaalton | infinity: oh hell :p | 17:28 |
Mirv | FYI there would be a chance now to migrate Qt, KDE and half the world to release pocket with the new unity8 8.14+16.10.20160803-0ubuntu1 in yakkety-proposed. feel free to guide/hint things for that do become a reality, I guess some hinting might be required for things to migrate together. one list of source package names trying to migrate is | 17:32 |
Mirv | + combined | 17:32 |
Mirv | unless of course boost or GCC6 somehow block it. anyway, everyone would be pretty happy to see the migration happening | 17:32 |
Mirv | and we know already that unity8 doess pass autopkgtest with proposed (unless some flakiness kicks in): | 17:33 |
Mirv | I can only check in 12h myself | 17:35 |
dmj_s76 | infinity: changes to the xorg-lts-transitional package since yesterday's iso | 17:40 |
dmj_s76 | ? | 17:40 |
infinity | dmj_s76: That's in xenial, not trusty. | 17:43 |
infinity | dmj_s76: But yes, fixes to make 14.04.5 -> 16.04.1 upgrades work correctly. | 17:44 |
dmj_s76 | ...ah, right, misread that | 17:44 |
dmj_s76 | good, we like fixes that make upgrades work right, reduces support calls | 17:44 |
infinity | dmj_s76: As people who field a lot of front line user pain, we'd be happy if you escalate upgrade bugs to us. | 17:49 |
infinity | dmj_s76: Some other retailers who shall not be named are less helpful, and give us bug reports like "upgrades sometimes break, we suggest you don't let users upgrade, ever". | 17:50 |
infinity | tgm4883: Any reason I shouldn't mark myth ready? | 18:06 |
tgm4883 | infinity: nope, I tested the ISOs and marked them passed yesterday. | 18:07 |
utlemming | y | 18:07 |
tgm4883 | infinity: is there somewhere else I'm supposed to mark them ready? | 18:07 |
infinity | tgm4883: You can tick the iso and then "mark as ready" at the bottom, though that requires specific perms, which you may or may not have. Give it a try. | 18:07 |
utlemming | sorry....keyboard typo :) | 18:07 |
infinity | tgm4883: (Note how everyone but you is bold) | 18:07 |
tgm4883 | infinity: I'm possibly on the wrong page, looking at I don't see any way to do it | 18:09 |
tgm4883 | nor on the page | 18:10 |
infinity | tgm4883: It would be the builds page, so I guess you don't have the perms. That's cool, I'll do it. | 18:10 |
infinity | tjaalton: And an update-manager-driven 14.04.5 -> 16.04.1 upgrade just now went flawlessly, even with an evil nvidia blob installed, I call it good. | 18:20 |
* ogra_ sighs ... who is sitting on the arm builders ? | 18:24 | |
infinity | They could use a little cleanup. | 18:26 |
* infinity goes to play. | 18:26 | |
ogra_ | well, i'll give up for the day ... the builders are lying though ... they tell me "starting in 1h" since 5h or so ... | 18:29 |
tjaalton | infinity: nice, a bit tight schedule-wise though ;) | 18:30 |
tjaalton | and :/ | 18:30 |
infinity | tjaalton: Also, wmware. >:( | 18:31 |
infinity | WMWARE. | 18:31 |
infinity | ARGH. | 18:31 |
ogra_ | virtual windowmanagers ? | 18:32 |
infinity | ogra_: <-- See the diff to gencontrol at the end. It took me like 2 hours to spot the s/v/w/ bug. | 18:33 |
ogra_ | argh ! | 18:34 |
ogra_ | thats super nasty | 18:34 |
infinity | Ran it through -x ... Was half convinced I'd found a bash bug. | 18:36 |
infinity | Stupid font making v and w look so similar to blind people. | 18:37 |
tjaalton | infinity: too easy to typo :) | 18:37 |
infinity | tjaalton: Please make future typos more obvious. :) | 18:37 |
tjaalton | :P | 18:37 |
doko | who can I convince to override the libreoffice autopkg test, triggered by gcc-6? it doesn't make things worse | 19:01 |
doko | same for the one triggered by boost-defaults | 19:02 |
robru | Can somebody investigate this unity-scope-click failure? It's holding up unity8 which is holding up Qt which is holding up a pile of phone stuff that everybody is waiting for | 20:05 |
robru | Segfault, which means nothing to me. Is this a gcc6 thing or boost? | 20:06 |
infinity | robru: You'd probably be better off asking the scope-click developers. | 20:11 |
robru | Bah | 20:12 |
bdmurray | jdstrand: the last click-reviwers-tools SRU had a meta bug like bug 1584231. This upload doesn't have one and I feel like it should. | 20:13 |
ubot5 | bug 1584231 in click-reviewers-tools (Ubuntu Yakkety) "update to 0.43 (aka, support 'confinement' field in snap v2 yaml)" [High,Fix released] | 20:13 |
jdstrand | bdmurray: are you saying you want me to create one and reupload? | 20:14 |
bdmurray | jdstrand: Let's check with another SRU team member. infinity, slangasek? I'm of the opinion that the click-reviewers-tools upload should have a metabug regarding the new version similar to the previous SRU. What do you think? | 20:24 |
* jdstrand notes that for all issues fixed that had a bug he added the SRU paperwork | 20:26 | |
infinity | jdstrand: That check is oddly amd64-specific. | 20:27 |
infinity | jdstrand: And the concern is that there are changes that don't have a bug, so there should be some other bug describing why we want those and what's up. | 20:27 |
infinity | extra_files=['/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/,'] is also fairly amd64-specific. | 20:28 |
jdstrand | if you want to do file a bug and reupload, I can | 20:28 |
bdmurray | And what the test plan is to ensure there are not any regressions. | 20:28 |
jdstrand | infinity: that is the testsuite | 20:28 |
jdstrand | it's a mocked file | 20:28 |
infinity | Ahh. | 20:29 |
infinity | Kay. | 20:29 |
slangasek | bdmurray: certainly, any SRU should have /either/ a metabug for the whole update, including testplan etc., /or/ a bug for each included change with testplan etc. Are you saying this upload has bugs for some of the changes but not all? | 20:29 |
jdstrand | slangasek: that is what he is saying and what he is saying is true | 20:30 |
slangasek | ok | 20:30 |
slangasek | then "metabug" seems the most straightforward path for getting this SRU done | 20:30 |
jdstrand | ok | 20:30 |
slangasek | bdmurray: btw, please note that shim-signed has corresponding uploads for the other releases, maybe it's easiest to process these as a batch | 20:31 |
bdmurray | slangasek: Okay, I usually try and do that but missed the other tasks for some reason. | 20:34 |
slangasek | maybe the tasks were not created by the uploader :-) | 20:35 |
bdmurray | slangasek: there's an existing SRU of shim-signed waiting for verfication in Precise. LP: #1574727 | 20:42 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1574727 in shim (Ubuntu Xenial) "[SRU] Enforce using signed kernels and modules on UEFI" [Undecided,New] | 20:42 |
slangasek | bdmurray: right, I had gotten some feedback out of channel suggesting that the verification process on that one didn't work... I'd say we can leave precise as-is for right now | 20:44 |
dmj_s76 | infinity: Are we expecting a release today or? | 21:34 |
infinity | dmj_s76: Yeah, it's pushing to mirrors. | 21:36 |
infinity | dmj_s76: Patience. | 21:37 |
infinity | dmj_s76: Plenty of Thursday left in the day. ;) | 21:37 |
dmj_s76 | yeah, sorry to bug on that one, just wanted to know we can stage things properly to offer it tomorrow. | 21:37 |
infinity | dmj_s76: Ubuntu x86 ISOs should already be on releases.u.c | 21:38 |
infinity | Syncing the world takes a bit longer. ;) | 21:38 |
dmj_s76 | ah...wasn't there several minutes ago | 21:39 |
infinity | dmj_s76: I'm magic. | 21:41 |
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.5, Xenial 16.04.1 | Archive: open | Yakkety Release Coordination | Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis |
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