
knightwisegoor moning mapps06:18
brobostigonmorning boys and girls08:43
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Thursday, and happy Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! 😁  đŸȘ09:10
zmoylan-pidisaster... no choc chip cookies in the house... were was the 2 week build up at local supermarkets like they have for valentines day?!09:11
foobarryanyone know how to get the package containing synclient?09:11
foobarrypackage xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is not availabel but is referred by another package09:11
popeyfoobarry: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics exists here10:03
foobarrythx, i was on livecd, so had issue. turns out my device isn't synaptic10:03
foobarryhaving terrible issues with my touchpad10:03
foobarryhow would i find out the driver version being used by a touchpad?10:15
zmoylan-pi? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/41817/linux-how-to-find-the-device-driver-used-for-a-device10:23
=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke
foobarrymanaged to disable my keyboard \o/11:10
foobarryfixed the jittery mouse issue in doing so. now need to decide what i want the most11:10
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
popeyhello bittin11:32
bittinrunning Ubuntu on a friends chromebook here watching a bit of Assembly11:34
zmoylan-piit does seem the only way to replace my now ancient netbook is to run ubuntu on a chromebook...11:39
diddledan__this is a fun one: http://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/04/25/debugging-memory-corruption-who-the-hell-writes-2-into-my-stack-2/11:46
popeyi understand a small amount of that11:53
popey"Somebody had been touching my sentinel’s privates – and it definitely wasn’t a friend. " made me chuckle11:53
diddledan__popey, I think you've been spending too much time listening to my innuendo11:54
zmoylan-piif that's what you kids call it these days... :-P11:54
diddledan__love space-hair! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-S4NxNYnoU12:00
zmoylan-piclosest thing to a tricorder yet when you can glance at female astronaut hair for quick check of air tight integrity... :-P12:03
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledan__is it a limitation of X that ubuntu can't scale each screen's window-contents separately? if I set scale to screen with largest controls then everything is huge on my 72dpi screens and if I set to scale to the smallest controls then everything is too tiny on my retina screen13:07
diddledan__where 72dpi is a synonym for "normal"13:07
ali1234no, that is not a limitation of X13:18
ali1234there are multiple different ways ubuntu could do that13:18
diddledan__still at least it's better than before when nothing was scaled at all13:24
diddledan__this is incremental progress, which is good13:25
diddledan__I prefer incremental development to revolution13:25
=== Darkstar is now known as Guest76500
foobarrylaunchpad having a bit of a wobble14:52
foobarrytimeouts on performing actions14:52
diddledan__foobarry, perhaps the americans got their measurements wrong again and the rocket is veering offcourse (launchpad)14:55
foobarry"Timeout error, please try again in a few minutes."14:55
foobarrycannot save a bug as a dupe14:55
diddledan__perhaps someone needs to file a bug about launchpad, on launchpad14:56
daftykinsi think that would tear a hole in all that we know14:57
diddledan__oh, yeah, launchpad is broken so you can't file a bug about launchpad on launchpad because launchpad is down14:57
diddledan__daftykins, like God disproving his own existence in a puff of logic?14:58
daftykinswhom? ;)15:02
foobarryfixed now. i knew going for a poo fwould fix it15:02
daftykinsbut have you calculated how much you're being paid for that strategy?15:02
diddledan__I see omgubuntu claiming that dekko will be snapped soon. I wonder how soon that soon is?15:21
DJonesfoobarry: popey: Just looking at todays updates for Ubuntu, there is an update to "Secure Boot chain-loading bootloader (Microsoft signed binary)" I wonder if that is to deal with the problem you had yesterday15:45
diddledan__what problem was that?15:46
DJones11:45 < foobarry> anniversary update totally hosed my grub15:47
diddledan__I thought that was completely wiping non-windows partitions from the gpt/mbr15:47
DJonesI think popey will know more about the issue, he tweeted something about it15:48
diddledan__popey tweeted about linux partitions disappearing, as I said15:49
DJonesYeah, that was the one15:49
DJonesI'm wondering if that update is the fix for it15:49
diddledan__grub cannot work if there's no partition for it's files15:49
diddledan__I fail to see how a grub update can fix a problem of the parition being not there15:49
daftykinsa secure boot update would have nothing to do with a legacy bootloader getting hosed15:50
daftykinsyou'd think...15:51
diddledan__the issue wasn't anything to do with the bootloader. the partitions were physically gone15:51
diddledan__the windows anniversary updater removed any linux partitions15:52
daftykinsseems dubious15:52
diddledan__no linux partitions, means nothing for grub to read it's config from15:52
diddledan__hence hosed grub15:53
daftykinsyeah i kinda know how it works15:53
diddledan__is an office suite made of sugar and tastiness?15:56
diddledan__I like sweets15:56
daftykins365 flavours15:56
daftykinsso i hear15:56
daftykinsi wonder what config needs to be present to give it a trial run, it'd be interesting to see if i can replicate it16:03
DJonesdaftykins: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/16/08/03/1614223/windows-10-anniversary-update-borks-dual-boot-partitions  Don't know if that gives you any extra info16:06
diddledan__I don't understand slashdot16:07
diddledan__what's the point of posting a verbatim copy of someone else's article?16:07
daftykinswell they filtered the pathetic Microsoft hatred from omgubuntu, so there's that16:07
diddledan__more to the point, why DJones did you link the slashdot and not the original? :-p16:07
DJonesdiddledan__: That was the first link that came up16:08
DJonesJust looking at the comments from users on omgubuntu16:08
DJonesLooks like most cases it works ok, just a small minority that have issues, not limited to Ubuntu, I see mentions of archlinux as well16:10
daftykinsi have a sneaking suspicion the people suffering would have installed Windows second16:12
diddledan__daftykins, ask foobarry16:13
DJonesAnd looking at other links, its not limited to linux partitions, seems like its also wiping ntfs partitions as well16:13
DJonesThats reading through http://windowsreport.com/partition-disappears-windows-10-anniversary-update/16:13
daftykinshow's it going, knightwise ?16:16
* DJones welcome knightwise 16:16
ali1234why is it so hard to just leave the partition table alone?16:36
diddledan__ali1234, yeah it's really sucky that windows is STILL making a mess of multi-boot scenarios16:37
ali1234this is why i will only ever run windows in a VM16:38
daftykinsseen plenty of drama in #ubuntu - not like Linux is immune to woes16:43
daftykinsonly cool to slate MS though i guess16:43
diddledan__daftykins, of course. it's all MS' fault.16:44
ali1234i can't remember the last time linux had a data loss bug16:44
diddledan__daftykins, just like shauno should feel bad for being an apple fanboy :-p16:45
ali1234probably btrfs16:45
diddledan__ali1234, with btrfs, any data loss has been with people that are running it before it's been deemed stable16:45
daftykinsdiddledan__: :D16:45
ali1234also completely unrealistic to claim that people only complain about MS16:46
diddledan__the borg of software16:46
ali1234yeah. and gnome 3, and unity, and wayland16:46
daftykinsi don't believe that's what i said16:46
* diddledan__ borgs daftykins 16:46
diddledan__/nick diddlekins16:47
* daftykins is now known as diddlekins16:47
diddledan__or maybe daftydan?16:47
Laneythe horror17:00
Laneyradio 4 just played some of the pips at 6pm17:00
Laneyas well as the bongs17:01
Laneyit probably means there's a nuclear attack going on17:01
zmoylan-pisomewhere the british sub commanders are looking up their emergency orders...17:05
daftykinsand cracking out the floppies17:05
zmoylan-pi+++evacuate british subjects from rhodesia+++ this will be difficult for a number of reasons... :-P17:07
diddledan__zmoylan-pi, didn't Boris wonder where that place was?17:08
zmoylan-pisome of boris's teachers probably were born there...17:08
DJonesdiddledan__: I doubt Boris even knows where the Isle of Wight, Falklands, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man are17:13
DJonesOr Ascension Island17:13
daftykinszmoylan-pi: defending the Channel Islands will also be difficult, so we won't worry about that bit ;)17:14
diddledan__daftykins, we'll just let you get occupied again17:15
popeyLaney: i flinched too17:15
daftykinsand start thinking about giving us back to France17:15
daftykinssacré bleu17:15
zmoylan-piat least you can then ignore talks about brexit... :-P17:16
* DJones puts daftykins on ebay17:16
diddledan__popey, Laney, was it like: pip pip booooooong?17:16
daftykinszmoylan-pi: we could to begin with - and did17:16
zmoylan-pitomorrow it'll be *pip* *pip* *pip* *cuckoo* just to shake things up17:17
ali1234so kodi-pvr-mythtv in ubuntu doesn't work with the version of mythtv in ubuntu, which is the current stable release22:09
ali1234the source package claims to be taken from a git repository which doesn't contain the source code22:09
ali1234and as far as i can tell the claimed version number doesn't exist22:10
daftykinsali1234: how about the PVR addons from the kodi repo?22:45
daftykinsassuming you don't have it added22:45
ali1234there aren't any pvr addons in the kodi repo22:46
ali1234the category straight up doesn't exist22:46
ali1234there is a video add on called mythbox which is several years out of date22:46
daftykinshmm surprising22:47
ali1234there is a ppa which has a newer version of the pvr plugin22:48
ali1234but when i install it, it just says "the add-on could not be loaded"22:48
daftykinsand the log says?22:48
ali123423:45:47 T:140576512505600   ERROR: ADDON: Could not locate pvr.mythtv.so22:49
daftykinswonder if you can pinch it from the other package22:49
ali1234no need, the ppa installs it22:49
ali1234kodi just can't find it because apparently it is brain damaged22:49
daftykinsmaybe looking in the wrong place22:50
daftykinshow about throwing it in ~/.kodi/...blah blah22:50
ali1234oh i see the problem22:50
ali1234it is supposed to be at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kodi/addons/pvr.mythtv/pvr.mythtv.so22:51
ali1234i will just make a symlink22:51
daftykinsso was this 16.04, where the stable mythtv was updated and kodi-pvr-mythtv wasn't? just to work out where it's stemming from22:53
ali1234it still doesn't work22:53
ali1234yes it is 16.0422:54
ali1234mythtv 0.2822:54
ali1234pvr.mythtv 2.8.0 and 2.8.4 (ppa)22:54
ali1234oh there's another version bump in 2.8.522:55
ali1234i guess i will just build the package myself then22:55
daftykinshttps://packages.debian.org/stretch/kodi-pvr-mythtv why are they so different o022:57
ali1234there's found versions of kodi22:57
ali1234and so there's four versions of the plugin maintained in parallel22:58
ali12341.x is for helix, 2.x is for isengard, 3.x is for jarvis, 4.x is for the dev release22:58
daftykinsah har22:59
ali1234hey look at that it finally works23:05
daftykinsoften get folks coming in asking where the PVR addons are, seems to be a mess23:06
daftykinsglad i don't touch liveTV setups23:06
ali1234livetv is literally the only bit i want23:07
ali1234i might just make my own23:07
ali1234this was still easier than getting mythtv-frontend to work23:08

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