
SoulofAeonsHello everyone!00:00
ToxtloHi, is it possible to encrypt the hard drive 'after' I already installed ubuntu? or do I have to reinstall and enable encryption?00:02
Seekdo you guys have any tips on how to make my games run better?00:03
tgm4883Toxtlo: I think reinstall. You can do the home directory after install, but not the whole drive00:04
Toxtlomhh ok, is this "secure" or can I get a better method of encrypting my whole hard drive?00:05
Seekdont thay have that in the ubuntu installer00:06
AmazingAlex224ok so i have a intel atom processor, and like a 32 bit shell, is there any way to get a 64 bit shell using a 32 bit shell? like efi shells00:07
AmazingAlex224im using shell because when i go to boot manager and try to boot up a dif os it goes right to window00:07
AmazingAlex224windows 10*00:07
AmazingAlex224i mean i dont "need" 64 bit but it would be nice to have for extra ram on java00:08
lordcirthAmazingAlex224, is your Atom 32 or 64bit?00:08
tgm4883Seek: It's secure enough for most uses00:08
Jordan_UAmazingAlex224: So you have a 64 bit processor on a motherboard with 32 bit UEFI firmware?00:08
OerHeksLOLz "i mean i dont "need" 64 bit but it would be nice to have for extra ram on java" ... are you for real AmazingAlex224 ??00:08
AmazingAlex224on windows it says x64 architecture00:08
AmazingAlex224but the manufactor but a 32bit shell on it00:08
lordcirthAmazingAlex224, a 32bit EFI shell?00:09
* YankDownUnder thinks it's time to change undies...00:09
SeekAmazingAlex224 ok so is ubuntu installed to you computer or is it on a virualbox00:09
OerHeks32 bit cannot run 64 bit  shells00:09
AmazingAlex224its not installed on my tablet but i have it on my main pc00:10
Seekthat happen to me when i was on windows so i installed ubuntu as my main operrater00:10
GnomeKristhis guy has the same gpu as mine, and had to bypass hdmi audio entirely...I'm hoping this isn't the solution00:10
Seekyou might need to change it in you bios00:11
Seekand allow accses to us it for 64 bit00:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
AmazingAlex224i feel like i have a downgraded bios like it only has 3 tabs00:11
jamie_1is it possible to install a daily build and have it update as its changed or like daily if i pleased?00:12
AmazingAlex224only fast boot00:12
Jordan_UAmazingAlex224: You're not going to be able to get 64 bit UEFI, but it is possible to run a 64 bit kernel with 32 bit UEFI. I don't know how well supported such a configuration is in Ubuntu.00:12
pushpopHi All, I just installed Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm trying to get the right video card drivers installed to play Steam games.  I have the following video card => http://pastebin.com/aTRRZLbb  I've been trying to get the right drivers installed for hours.  Any suggestions?00:12
AmazingAlex224what is ur video card00:12
pushpopAmazingAlex224, see pastebin00:12
Jordan_Ujamie_1: For daily development builds of Ubuntu ask in #ubuntu+1 .00:12
jamie_1thanks Jordan_U00:13
pushpopAmazingAlex224, [Radeon HD 7970/8970 OEM / R9 280X]00:13
Jordan_Ujamie_1: You're welcome.00:13
OerHekspushpop, if it was suitable, it would load the latest AMDgpu driver, opensource.00:13
Seekdid you allow them when you installed ubuntu? it will ask if you want to install 3rd party stuff like drivers00:14
pushpopI never received such prompt.00:14
Seekand a good recorder/steaming tool is obs and you can get it for all os's00:14
OerHekspushpop, see the releasenotes00:15
Drone4fourmy system hangs for ~90 seconds at boot with some message indicating a problem with usb 3-9: device descriptor read/64, error -11000:15
Drone4fourwhat could be my issue? http://pastebin.com/e8dUrUCR00:15
pushpopOerHeks, what release notes?00:16
Drone4fourthat's my paste bin00:16
OerHekspushpop, ^^00:16
Steven_MBashing-om: YankDownUnder: Sorry, yeah, I downloaded the package from Brother's web site. The drivers didn't work with my scanner, so now I want the package off my system altogether.00:17
pushpopOerHeks, what that sucks00:19
pushpopso I can't take advantage of my nice video card in ubuntu00:19
OerHeksopendriver works fine here, youtube full screen00:19
pushpopworks fine here00:20
pushpopnot for vmware 3d00:20
pushpopand steam games however00:20
Seekpushpop  so its when you are in a game it lags i am guessing?00:21
bazhangpushpop, the 280X?00:21
pushpopbazhang, YES00:21
pushpopSeek, steam won't even run00:21
bazhangpushpop, that card is not superb, it's many years old now00:22
Seekhave you installed it using via terminal00:22
pushpopbazhang, yes but works for the games I play00:22
bazhangpushpop, check what the steam requirements are00:22
bazhangpushpop, if that card is supported, its at the very tail end of what will work at all00:23
Seekdid you istall steam like this00:23
Seeksudo apt-get install steam00:24
pushpopno deb from website00:24
bazhang!info steam00:24
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (xenial), package size 853 kB, installed size 2600 kB (Only available for i386)00:24
OerHeksnot really important how he installed steam, Seek , he wants better drivers00:24
tgm4883I wouldn't say it's at the end. The 280X has enough power. However AMD needs to release some better drivers for it00:25
bazhangdoes the amdgpu even cover such an older card00:25
Seeki was just wondering of how he installed it00:25
OerHeksAMD Radeon R9 285, R9 380/380X and R9 Fury/FuryX graphics cards will be supported out-of-the-box by the AMDgpu00:25
Seekmy friend could not get it only if he did it threw terminal it worked00:25
tgm4883bazhang: not yet no. IDK if they will in the future either, but radeon would support it00:25
OerHeksno 28000:26
pushpoptgm4883, is it even possible to get it working at all to play atl east CS:GO00:26
bazhangthanks tgm488300:26
tgm4883pushpop: currently, you're probably better off installing 14.04 and fglrx00:26
pushpopor upgrade video card.00:26
tgm4883well yes, that too00:27
tgm4883You could get a nvidia card00:27
tgm4883like a 108000:27
=== fernando is now known as Guest19148
pushpophaha $$$$00:28
GnomeKrisThe first person who's solution is a direct result of fixing my lack of sound on my ubuntu 16.04 instalation will recieve $50USD via paypal00:28
rosganiGnomeKris wow the sound is nice mate :)00:28
GnomeKrisIt would be nice...If it was working.00:31
B0g4r7Hey guys.  Can you help me fix my laptop?  Thanks.00:35
B0g4r7First problem: I hated network-manager and somehow murdered it, so now all of my interface configuration is manual.  Now I find that I miss the darned thing, and I want it back.  I don't remember what I did to murder it.  How can I make it work again?00:35
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
B0g4r7While that one's digesting, second problem: I had a problem with the keyboard where the P key didn't work, so I somehow remapped the ; key to be P.  Now P works again and again I want to undo the remapping, but again I don't remember how I did it.00:42
B0g4r7My problems are similar, but different.00:42
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
bocephus_i have something that is just stuck from software center not installing  How can i remove it?00:44
bocephus_dont see it in top.  Tried restarting00:45
shakermakerwhats the name of app thats stuck00:45
bocephus_tweak tool.00:45
shakermakerdid u search for it in ps00:46
shakermakerps -ef | grep tweak00:46
shakermakernope u didnt search for it00:46
shakermakeror nope u did and it wasnt there00:46
bocephus_didnt look.00:47
bocephus_Just tried I get to PID`s one I can kill the other -no such process00:47
shakermakerwait so u see the pid for tweel tool00:48
shakermakertweak tool in ps?00:49
bocephus_yes...I think?  bocephu+ 12056 12022  0 17:46 pts/18   00:00:00 grep --color=auto tweak00:49
shakermakerno thats the grep pid itself00:49
bocephus_the 12056 & 12022  ....?00:49
shakermakerso it is not running00:49
bocephus_ahh okay00:49
shakermakeris it stuck at installing?00:50
shakermakerif software center is stuck in prgoress00:50
shakermakersudo dpkg --configure-a00:50
bocephus_whats the --configure-a?00:51
shakermakerdo man dpkg00:51
bocephus_ahh just looked it up00:51
shakermakerif u want to read the details00:51
shakermaker"Configure a package which has been unpacked but not yet  config‐00:52
shakermaker              ured.   If  -a  or  --pending  is  given instead of package, all00:52
shakermaker              unpacked but unconfigured packages are configured.00:52
shakermakersorry chat room. screwed up there.... with the paste..00:52
aroonihow do i restart services in ubuntu 16.04 ?  sudo service samba restart doesnt seem to work00:52
shakermakersudo systemctl restart00:52
shakermakersudo systemctl restart smbd.service00:53
naccarooni: i think it's just because samba isn't the name of the service00:53
naccas shakermaker points out it's smbd00:53
arooniah gotcha ; thanks00:53
arooniso is sytemctl better than sudo service blah restart ?00:53
shakermakerubuntu 16 now uses systemd00:54
shakermakerubuntu 14 was using upstart00:54
naccarooni: service ends up aliasing to what systemctl does under the covers, iirc00:54
shakermakerdifferent init00:54
shakermakergoogle it to understand... systemd vs upstart00:55
naccarooni: service technically works on all 3 init systems (sysv, upstart, systemd); systemctl only supports systemd00:55
naccarooni: i'd read (if you have the time...) `man service` and `man systemctl` to see the differences :)00:55
OerHeksshort: yes, it is better. ( to get used to the commands now)00:55
OerHeksbut both commands will work, see it as a transit00:56
orlockWhere do we go to ask about ubuntu on windows?00:56
orlocksshd isnt working00:56
orlockneither is mtr00:56
Jordan_Uorlock: #ubuntu-on-windows00:57
=== Liz is now known as Guest63453
ChrisP_I'm back if any one has suggestions on my gnome desktop issue01:02
GnomeKrisStill no sound....I wish someone would come up with something I haven't tried yet. Headphones work...not hdmi.01:09
tatertotslaptop or desktop and what gpu GnomeKris?01:10
GnomeKrisUbuntu recognizes the hdmi output. has controls for it and all...but in alsamixer, it just shows six "s/pdif" options...all set to 0001:10
GnomeKrisgpu is amd radeon r9 38001:10
compdocGnomeKris, bios update?01:10
tatertotswhat ubuntu version ?01:10
GnomeKrisas up to date as they'll get. Ubuntu 16.04.1 clean install01:11
tatertotsnope not going to work01:11
rabbitdewI'm trying to pxeboot ubuntu 14.04, the installer starts and runs. But then it fails looking for /dists/trusty-updates/restricted/debian-installer/binary-amd64/Packages. The path does not exist. Why does it keep looking there?01:11
tatertotshdmi audio not supported with amdgpu / anything that's not the proprietary amd driver01:12
GnomeKrisIf it's broken, and isn't going to work...then where is it listed as broken?01:12
GnomeKrisI can't find anywhere that says that01:12
tatertotsyou want some links?01:13
lightblueHi, I've switched to another video driver in "additional drivers" in ubuntu 16.04, after that, the fonts in the tty have become very large like they've been soaked in water, I tried to switched the driver back but the fonts stayed the same, how do I change the fonts as they were?01:14
Abe_xD doesn't this Terminal look cool? kinda like Fallout :D http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=1018616701:14
tatertotshold on i'm finding a couple more01:17
Abe_if somebody want's it you can get it here https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term01:17
rabbitdewjoin ubuntu-server01:17
=== Fudgie[Away] is now known as Fudgie
FudgieWhere do I start. I've figured out how to setup chroot with SFTP however users can only put files in a seperate directory when they connect e.g. /writeable01:18
FudgieIt looks ugly and its annoying. Is there any way around this.01:19
FudgieI just want the users to be jailed and / in SFTP is their directory to put files01:19
GnomeKrisSo let me get this straight...There are steam games that REQUIRE the opensource amd drivers in order to play...yet those drivers still don't have sound?01:20
GnomeKrisbecause the driver still doesn't support hdmi audio out?01:20
=== bluskys is now known as blueskiesokie
GnomeKrisAlso, it's 2016...Who still uses anything OTHER than hdmi or dvi output on their pc anymore? Especially within the group of people who are savvy enough to actually install and use anything other that winblows?01:21
GnomeKrisWhy would they release a driver that's broken?01:22
FudgieI use VGA and HDMI :P01:22
FudgieWell actually HDMI and Display Port now01:22
FudgieBut still used VGA at some point01:22
orlocki remember when we had to compile beta drivers from the source01:22
orlockand we were lucky if they didnt lock the machine up completely01:22
GnomeKrisI meant displayport not dvi. damn. sorry01:22
tatertotsI have a amd cape verde gpu and my hdmi audio works fine01:23
OerHeksIf HDMI output has stopped working, muting and then unmuting the SPDIF output in alsamixer can cause the sound to start working again - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure01:23
GnomeKrisWell, I'm currently installing amdgpu-pro drivers to see if that solves anything...01:24
GnomeKrisfingers crossed...and hopefully I can still play my steam games that require the mesa drivers01:24
Jordan_UGnomeKris: Might be worth trying AMD GPU Pro drivers.01:25
Jordan_UGnomeKris: Never mind, I guess you found that yourself already :)01:25
=== sdk_ is now known as sdk
tatertotsFudgie which fpt server did you install?01:31
FudgieSftp is using the built in SSHD01:31
Fudgiefor FTP (which appears to refuse to work) VSFTP01:31
=== ec is now known as ELLIOTTCABLE
truexfan81ok i can see this is going to be loads of fun to get working01:36
OerHeksfun included01:38
truexfan81ubuntu for windows, trying to start apache2 service01:38
truexfan81(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8001:38
truexfan81(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
truexfan81no clue what could possibly be having port 80 in use01:39
Blue1truexfan81: in the U.S., incoming port 80 is blocked by isps.01:40
truexfan81Blue1: which would be a problem if i was trying to share it on the net, which i'm not, this is for local network only01:40
Jordan_Utruexfan81: Absolutely no support for Ubuntu on Windows in this channel.01:41
Blue1on yeah - -01:42
Househi all, how do ufw rules interact?  eg: "deny all 22" & "allow 22 from 10/8" ?  do they have to be ordered? does it always apply most restrictive? least restrictive? narrowest match criterion?01:45
tatertotsis network connectivity outside of apache functional? @ truexfan8101:45
truexfan81tatertots: it is now, i found the problem, skype client was hogging port 8001:46
tatertotsgood deal glad you found what was causing the problem01:47
Seekyou can change the Skype port fyi01:47
GnomeKrisInstalling amdgpu-pro drivers, then opening additional drivers (which only provides one option for drivers, and it's not open source, nor gpu-pro), then select "do not use this device"...Audio works..all video seems to work so far..01:48
truexfan81next problem, the repos doesn't seem to have libstdc++6:i38601:48
GnomeKrisNo problems now...01:48
tatertotsHouse what port(s) are you suspecting of being blocked?01:48
GnomeKrisSo tell me again why 16.04 ships with broken drivers?01:48
Blue1GnomeKris: What's wrong with the nouveau (sp) driver?01:48
daxBlue1: ... it's for nvidia, not AMD :P?01:49
Blue1dax: I am have major duh issues tonight - thank you!01:50
Housetatertots: I want to know what will happen if i do a "deny all 22" & "allow 22 from 10/8", is it going to block me from based on the deny rule, or will it let me through because i match the allow rule?01:50
truexfan81apt-get install lib32stdc++6 ... i would never have thought of that01:51
OerHeksGnomeKris, likely your card is not suitable for the AMDgpu driver.01:51
OerHeksR9 285 and up01:51
tatertotsglad you got it working :)01:52
Seekhey whats up01:54
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
tgm4883House: depends on which rule is first I think01:55
miharuso... I've found .installer filetype after unpacking from a tar.gz (not entering directory yet, software directory not created). How do I install?02:03
Housethanks tgm488302:04
miharuAnyway the software is not available on the repo, and it has no .deb package?02:05
OerHeksmiklcct, does it come with a readme? or their site gives a clue?02:05
Seekdoes anyone know how to fix really bad fram lag when i am playing a game02:10
OerHeksselect less graphical options, play fullscreen instead of windowed mode, buy better hardware02:12
tatertotswhat gpu do you have seek? and what game are you playing ?02:12
Seekleft 4 dead 2 and Garrys Mod02:13
Seekbut it was fine on windows02:13
tatertotswhat gpu do you own?02:14
OerHeksbad lag .. you die in the game?02:14
Seekintel ivybrigde02:15
juanonymoustried installing postfix in ubuntu but each time i tried testing it to send a mail to any of my emails it fails..02:15
rosganiFYI: Canonical Plans to Unify and Clean Up Networking Configuration in Ubuntu Linux02:18
rosganiRead more: http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-plans-to-unify-and-clean-up-networking-configuration-in-ubuntu-linux-506957.shtml02:18
tgm4883rosgani: off topic for this channel02:18
OerHekssuitable for #ubuntu-discuss02:19
Seekok so my friend keeps trying to install ubuntu but he keeps getting a black screen when he get to the update part and he cant accses the grub menu becuase it is not fully installed yet02:20
^5Time to test out bash in Windows!02:22
seeki am a retard i just ctrl+alt+f8 i was trying to skip a sone *DO NOT DO IT*02:26
YankDownUnderThere is no X server running on VT8...so you get nothing...a blank screen.02:28
seekyep and it scred the shit out of me lmfao02:28
pauljw_vmso, just go back to f7 where x is running.02:28
seeki am used to vps's not the desktop sorry :(02:29
YankDownUnderI love to freak out clients with switching from vt1 through vt7 - always interesting responses...02:29
seeki am going to look it up i have never seen it02:30
watermarkseek: I am more a retard than you then02:31
lordcirthseek, it is very useful if your desktop freezes for some reason.02:31
pauljw_vmif you switch users and log in as someone else, that user will be on f802:31
YankDownUnderIf the "X server" freezes...02:32
seekwatermark: bet lmfao02:32
watermarkseek: I just tried the crtl+alt+f8 and rebooted02:32
seeki want to start making linux videos idk should i to me it sounds fun02:32
watermarkseek: heh i'm still a beginner02:33
seeknah you were just wondering what it does i did it to skip a song lmfao02:33
seekall good02:33
watermarkneverthless I have a question02:33
watermarkabout nvidia drivers02:33
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
watermarkshould I install the nivdia drivers on the "additional drivers" panel for my gfx card... it seems... to generate problems on my ubuntu desktop02:34
seeki was always hosting gaming servers and i used Ubuntu vps's based servers that is why every thing i do is done by the terminal  mostly02:34
EriC^^pauljw_vm: that's pretty interesting02:34
EriC^^pauljw_vm: you don't even need to enter the password to switch users at times..02:35
EriC^^seems like a bug02:35
YankDownUnderwatermark: Before doing so, you might want to look through the wiki for issues related to your particular card.02:35
lordcirthwatermark, well, do you need the performance?  If not, don't bother02:35
pauljw_vmyeah, seems once you unlock it it stays unlocked02:35
watermarkYankDownUnder: thanks for info02:35
watermarklordcirth: I rarely need 3D performance on my ubuntu no... so...02:35
watermarkso I guess i'd better stick to x org02:36
bumblefuzzdoes anyone know if ubuntu 16LTS will run on the macbook pro 11,5  ?02:36
lordcirthwatermark, you would be using xorg regardless of driver02:36
watermarklordcirth: I understand what you mean02:37
watermarkby the way I noticed recently FOXIT PDF READER has released a linux version yay!02:38
watermarkbecause there wasn't a decent pdf viewer before imo02:38
litguys i have a problem; when my pc awakes from suspend the cursor disseapers02:40
litit reappears after i log back in02:41
liti searched google but havent found anything solid02:41
YankDownUnderlit: Does the cursor come back if you go to the console and then back to the desktop? (going from CTRL-ALT-F1 then back with CTRL-ALT-F7)02:42
litby console do you mean terminal?02:42
YankDownUnderlit: No - as per what I just wrote.02:43
liti havent tried those hotkeys02:43
liti can try it02:43
=== Milady is now known as Countess
arooniYankDownUnder: you still around?  does your solution i asked you about earlier (mounting ubuntu drives for use on mac os x) auto mount?  or must it be done manually.  i have my samba share set up but arq doesnt seem to like it :(02:51
YankDownUnderarooni: You can set it up to do so - I have it setup "both ways" - from linux to the Mac, and from the Mac to linux...02:52
arooniYankDownUnder: cool;02:52
aroonii'm going to set it up and see if its any snappier than samba02:52
arooniwhat was it called again?02:53
=== Countess is now known as Milady
YankDownUnderarooni: SMB transfers always kinda suck from an OSX box or to an OSX box...the package can be quickly installed in a terminal with: sudo apt-get install netatalk02:54
=== Milady is now known as Countess
truexfan81what is the replacement for ia32bit libs? cause without it my game's binary won't run, ldd reports not a dynamic executable02:55
bumblefuzzdoes anyone know if ubuntu 16LTS will run on the macbook pro 11,5  ?02:56
YankDownUndertruexfan81: Mind you, I don't do gaming - however, aren't you doing it the hard way round? Wouldn't it be smarter to find out about your game running on Ubuntu 16.04 and how it's done - instead of trying to get the system to do something it's not necessarily setup to do?02:57
YankDownUnderbumblefuzz: Yes.02:58
tatertotswhat exact error do you get truexfan81? and what game does it occur? and version of ubuntu and are you using steam or something else like wine?02:58
truexfan81its linux server files for an mmo called Forsaken World02:58
tatertotsso steam or not steam?02:59
truexfan81not steam02:59
truexfan81as far as i know the only 32bit libs it needs are glibc and compat-libstdc++-3303:00
arooniYankDownUnder: how do i configure some kind of password to connect?  and how do i auto start it ?03:01
YankDownUnderarooni: Please be slightly, if not more, specific...?03:01
truexfan81which i thought i had installed but ubuntu package management and package naming makes it hard to tell for sure03:01
theoremhow do I enable alternate audio tracks on an  mkv file ?03:04
arooniYankDownUnder: ok i guess first things first;  i followed this guide https://kremalicious.com/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/ ;; but when it came to the last step to connect as my ubuntu user/password; i get the error message: "There was a problem connecting to the serer"  The version of the software you atre trying to connect to is not supported...03:04
YankDownUndertheorem: Depends on what you're using to play the MKV with...03:04
theoremI have a video that seems to have a human talking track and a separate background track.03:04
theoremI ma using totme and VLC03:04
tatertotsyou'll find that in the menu of the playback application being used theorem03:05
theoremthey both seem to play only the background track03:05
truexfan81E: Unable to locate package glibc-2.19-1-i386  E: Unable to locate package glibc-2.19-1:i38603:05
Jordan_Utruexfan81: I told you quite clearly that there is no Ubuntu on Windows support in this channel. It wastes people's time with the odd quicks of NT's linux emulation. Please join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your ban.03:05
truexfan81... what is it called?03:05
theoremtatertots: I thought os too ...03:05
tatertotsexample if there was a english language and french language and a person wants to switch between03:05
tatertotsyou'd enter the menu of the playback application and pick audio track#1 / french or track#2 english...something to that effect03:06
theoremtatertots: yes, I only see 1 track   --  "track 1 - [English]"03:06
theoremit's very odd that the character audio is not played.03:07
YankDownUnderarooni: WTF - sorry, this article is vastly outdated, mate...seriously...03:08
tatertotstheorem were you expecting more than a single audio track on that file?...you can observe any files properties and determine how many audio tracks are present in the file03:08
YankDownUnderarooni: Ya know how much time it took to setup this machine (this linux server/workstation) for access? Like two minutes. The only thing I did was install "netatalk" - nothing more, nothing less. Easy as pie.03:08
theoremtatertots: since the speech is missing from the video, I was expecting more03:09
theoremtatertots: I expected that the single audio track would have human speech and background --it's happening across a couple videos I have ..  very strange03:10
tgm4883theorem: are you sure the speech is missing from the audio track? Are you listening on stereo speakers?03:10
theoremyes, stereo speakers, good question though, I will try the speaker portion ...03:10
tgm4883theorem: just wondering if you're listening to 5.1 audio and not downsampling03:11
theoremtgm4883: you nailed it03:11
theoremtgm4883: that's exactly it, I have 2.1 speakers , and the audio was 5.103:11
tatertotsyep that's do it03:12
theoremit was only sending portions of the audio to the speakers as a result03:12
tgm4883theorem: figured as much. It would be really odd for them to ship that audio on a separate track03:12
theoremtgm4883: yes, I was completely perplexed!!!03:12
theoremswitched to 2.1 audio and it's fine03:12
bumblefuzzYankDownUnder as in, it works out of the box?03:12
YankDownUnderbumblefuzz: Eh? Sorry? What's the question?03:13
bumblefuzzdoes anyone know if ubuntu 16LTS will run on the macbook pro 11,5  ?03:13
bumblefuzzI don't see a mactel team page on it03:13
YankDownUnderbumblefuzz: AH...yeah...as long as you know how to get your Macbook to boot to the USB, well, Bob's your uncle.03:13
bumblefuzzso then, out of the box?03:14
bumblefuzzhow's it do with the dual graphics cards?03:14
YankDownUnderbumblefuzz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro03:14
YankDownUnderbumblefuzz: As with anything that has dual graphics, you're going to have to do some fiddly stuff...but that's "after the fact", hmm...03:14
theoremwhat do you think about Mr. Robot (TV Show?)03:16
arooniYankDownUnder: ok i'm still confused on how to set it up;  i have spent an hour working on it03:22
arooniYankDownUnder: so i dont need to build netatalk from scratch?  the supplied version in 16.04 is enough?03:22
YankDownUnderarooni: It's simple. "sudo apt-get install netatalk", easy done. If you want to "tweak" that, well, then you can go through the .conf files for netatalk - which is also easy enough...the hardest bits are literally just setting yourself up to automount, bro...strewth...easy as...(Keep It Simple STUPID) - very logical, hmm...03:23
arooniwell whats easy for you isnt necessarily easy for others ... i have netatalk set up; i'm just confused on what to do next03:24
arooniplaces like https://cwill.us/netatalk-install-on-ubuntu-16-04/ are talking about needing to build your own version of netatalk03:24
arooniand these instructions dont even work; running into dependency problems " The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:25
arooni libkrb5-dev : Depends: krb5-multidev (= 1.13.2+dfsg-5) but it is not going to be installed03:25
YankDownUnderarooni: Look through the configuration files in /etc/netatalk => IF you really really really need to configure anything specific, it's in there...otherwise, all of "netatalk" is already preconfigured to just "work out of the box" mate.03:29
arooniok i resolved the dependency; i'm going to finish this tonight even if its the death of me llol03:29
YankDownUnderarooni: Back at that time, you had to compile - now you do NOT...therefore, don't bother.03:29
YankDownUnderarooni: When I setup a client - ya know how long it takes me to get a Mac connecting to a freshly built linux (Ubuntu) server? Less than four minutes time. Ubuntu has made it THAT easy, bro, truth. And if you're running "netatalk" on a linux box, well, nearly the same for getting connected to the Mac...(double check settings in SHARING in System Preferences - along with account settings - and a guest account - if you're going to03:32
YankDownUnderuse a guest account)...easy as pie.03:32
arooniYankDownUnder: and youre just using the packaged version of netatalk?03:33
YankDownUnderarooni: I wouldn't have it any other way...and I prefer to use EXACTLY what is in the distro - before even thinking about "third party" stuff...I have to - in order to have a solid base for my clients, hmm....can't have things getting all freaky on 'em - and wasting their time and money - and my time, eh? :)03:34
aroonifair enough03:34
watermarkwhat is netatalk?03:34
YankDownUnderwatermark: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netatalk03:35
watermarkok I see!03:36
arooniwoo hoo!  got it working03:36
arooniit really was 3 minutes to set up03:36
arooniso much conflicting info online is confusing03:36
arooniso this should be faster than samba i'm assuming since its how apple natively expects to be communicating03:37
YankDownUnderarooni: Si.03:38
ajruizHi everybody03:38
arooniYankDownUnder: so does this mean if i take my laptop to a internet cafe that other computers on the same network will see it as a computer they can to connect to?  anyway to stealth hide it?03:39
YankDownUnderarooni: It's a laptop, and it's running linux, right? If you go to the "internet cafe", ya know the best thing to do? Turn OFF your netatalk and SMB (Samba), and that's that. Easy enough to do.03:40
arooniyeah fair enough; i just hate having to remember to do stuff like that03:41
YankDownUnderarooni: When I venture out (sometimes, but not often) - let's say I go to Gloria Jean's - I turn off my sharing (on my Macbook Pro) so that I can happily suck down their free internet...as well, if I 'm going to do something "private", well, I use Tor, or I use a VPN...hmm...03:42
YankDownUnderarooni: If it's required, you remember it. Hmm? Like tying your shoes. Like putting on clean undies. Yeah? Yeah.03:42
aroonii should write a script that runs when i connect to unrecognized AP that shuts all these file sharing servers down03:42
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YankDownUnderarooni: With linux - or with OSX - you can easily enough do that, eh? Coolbeans.03:44
arooniin any case thank you YankDownUnder ;; i have noticed that with netatalk it doesnt seem as stable as samba share... it only works for awhile after restarting the avahi-daemon03:48
YankDownUnderarooni: There should be NO need to muck with "avahi" in the least...if you DID, you might want to correct it and put it back to it's default condition...there are no issues, there are no stability issues.03:52
arooniok i'll undo the muck i started out with03:57
LightPaperWow a chat room with 1839 person. So cool!03:57
sarekFilebot doesnt have an IRC channel, so was wondering if anyone here knew about setting up filebot to hardlink(not rename) files/folders ?03:58
YankDownUndersarek: That is something to discuss with ops03:59
sarekIm not sure i understand what you mean03:59
lordcirthsarek, --action hardlink ?03:59
lordcirthFirst result03:59
sareklordcirth: is there a way to scan a directory and based on what kind of media it is, hardlink to certain folders?04:00
lordcirthsarek, no idea.  Never used it before.04:00
WhoAmi1does anyone here is expert about DNS ?!04:01
YankDownUndersarek: I mis-read what you were asking...sounds interesting - but also sounds "dangerous" to a degree.04:01
Ben64sarek: you could do that with a bash script04:01
lordcirth!ask | WhoAmi104:01
ubottuWhoAmi1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:01
sarekyes, but based on file name/type Ben64 . filebot searches its database for tv and movies and names things accordingly04:02
WhoAmi1i want to know how to make a public DNS servers like google04:02
lordcirthWhoAmi1, you run a DNS server that's open to the internet.  Whether someone chooses to use it or not is up to them.04:02
WhoAmi1i know to make it with bind and dnsmasq but works only in lan04:02
WhoAmi1how to run them ?!04:03
lordcirthdnsmasq runs fine on any network, you just have to allow it to accept internet connections.  However, I don't see why you would want to.04:04
LightPaperThe word of chat room is too small to read for me04:04
=== YankDownUnder is now known as YDU_napping
lordcirthLightPaper, so increase your IRC client's font size04:04
Ben64sarek: ok, you could still do that with a bash script04:04
sarekIm sure you can - unfortunately not much of a coder Ben6404:05
sarekThank you though04:05
katronixhi all, trying to compile my own kernel, when I execute sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r) I get: http://pastebin.com/e6wGfzhR is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel no longer correct docs?04:06
chris_I actully found a terminal based IRC client04:12
chris_still no gnome but at least I have lynx for a browse and this for IRC. Still can't figure out the problem04:14
katronixis there a better channel to ask about compiling the kernel?04:14
OerHekskatronix, #ubuntu-kernel perhaps ?04:18
katronixThanks OerHeks :)04:19
OerHeksnot sure why you cannot get linux-image-4.4.0-31, did you run updates first?04:20
katronixI did get the package itself, but I can't get the dependcies via apt-get04:21
OerHeksdid you enable src in your sources?04:22
katronixthat might be the issue04:22
wateringcanhi all, need help w/ a sata disk04:27
wateringcani have a drive that is spitting errors on boot, and the drive then gets disabled so i can no longer fdisk it04:27
wateringcanis there any way to boot ignoring errors, or to not have the drive probed so i can remove the partition table?04:27
th3Dotorhmm dont know if I understand exactly but boot-repair possibly?04:28
OerHeksdead disk, more a question for ##hardware04:28
OerHeksif it gets hardware disabled, what do you think software cand o?04:29
wateringcanOerHeks: it's not hardware disabled, the bios sees it04:32
wateringcanOerHeks: the kernel is disabling it04:32
Ben64wateringcan: where are you getting that information04:33
WhoAmi1could anyone make a nslookup scan for me i want to test a dns server outside lan04:33
Ben64WhoAmi1: doesn't sound on topic for this channel04:33
WhoAmi1it's just a scan04:34
WhoAmi1doesn't need a expert04:34
Ben64this is the ubuntu support channel, not "here do this thing for me" channel04:34
Ben64you could try #ubuntu-offtopic or something04:34
wateringcanBen64: sda: detected capacity change from 1120239009792 to 004:34
wateringcanBen64: and then it seems to disappear from the OS04:35
WhoAmi1you here for help or what ?!04:35
Ben64wateringcan: sounds like a hardware issue, drive is probably busted04:35
WhoAmi1what are you doing here if you doesn't want to help someone with a something you can do ?!04:35
OerHeksWhoAmi1, try #networking or #linux04:35
Ben64WhoAmi1: you're in the wrong place buddy04:35
WhoAmi1no one answers in the rest of channels04:36
WhoAmi1just nslookup scan04:36
etxzayHi! I was trying to upgrade Ubuntu desktop from 14.04 to 16.04, but got "Could not calculate the upgrade. An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade ".04:52
etxzay"grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log" gives me about 670 rows. I don't understand what package  is the source of my problems, it looks like dependency hell. I need some kind of methodology how can I resolve this. Turning off third-party ppas does not helps.04:52
etxzayAppreciate any help.04:52
cfhowlettetxzay, you're on 14.04.0?04:53
bvzxwho know kafka or any java middle thing?04:54
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EriC^^etxzay: try sudo apt-get -f install05:08
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Fr_DaeEriC^^ -get aren't nessesary after 14.0405:13
Fr_Daeor debian 805:13
Fr_DaeApt only with color, progress bar and more05:14
Fr_Daeetxzay can you past the return of "free -h" please ?05:14
etxzaycfhowlett: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS05:17
etxzayEriC^^: I already was, it installs nothing =(05:17
cimbakahn_what is the difference between sudo apt-get remove --purge and sudo apt-get purge05:17
EriC^^etxzay: does it say anything?05:17
EriC^^try sudo dpkg --configure -a05:17
etxzayfree -h05:17
etxzay             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached05:17
etxzayMem:           15G       7,0G       8,6G       772M       690M       2,9G05:17
etxzay-/+ buffers/cache:       3,4G        12G05:17
etxzaySwap:          15G         0B        15G05:17
EriC^^cimbakahn_: same thing05:18
EriC^^!paste | etxzay05:18
ubottuetxzay: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:18
cimbakahn_Are you absolutely sure?05:18
cimbakahn_Why would they write them different then?05:19
Fr_Daecimbakahn_ stop use apt-get use just apt05:20
Fr_Daeit's same command with color and progress bar05:20
OerHekscimbakahn_, not important, test yourself with --dry-run05:20
Fr_Daesudo apt purge && sudo apt autoremove05:20
Datanyone know of any good cheap dedicated hosts05:20
etxzayEriC^^: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:20
EriC^^etxzay: it means apt is ok05:20
Fr_Daeetxzay and a clean/fresh install ?05:21
OerHeksDat, wrong channel, ubuntu support only, but we can help setup your own host, really cheap05:21
etxzayFr_Dae: it's not rly clean/fresh, cause I was using it a lot about 2 years05:21
Fr_DaeOerHeks what do you say ?05:21
Fr_Daeetxzay it's maybe time to do ?05:22
EriC^^etxzay: what exactly is the problem?05:22
Fr_Daebakcup you files and format bro05:22
EriC^^Fr_Dae: no need05:22
etxzayEriC^^: can't upgrade to 16.0405:22
Fr_Daehe HDD don't take the upgrade05:22
EriC^^etxzay: paste the error you're getting05:23
etxzayEriC^^: http://pastebin.com/znYaxDLT05:24
DeadOneCould someone help me figure out why my laptop keeps logging out when I close the lid, even with a display connected over HDMI?05:25
DatOerHeks: my own host how?05:25
Fr_Daeubuntu and ubuntu-fr recommand a clean and fresh install for upgrade just =)05:25
cimbakahn_They say that in synaptic COMPLETELY REMOVE is sudo apt-get remove --purge but all along i have been using sudo apt-get purge in the terminal.05:25
Fr_Daeso good night05:25
DeadOneI've modified gnome settings, and I've also messed with systemd-login05:25
Fr_Daesudo apt purge only05:26
Fr_Daeor try bleachbit system cleaner05:26
Fr_Daeon your official repository05:26
OerHeksDat, just run your own host on your own computer?05:27
cimbakahn_I have bleachbit.05:27
Fr_Daecimbakahn_ sudo apt purge "x" && sudo apt autoremove && reboot05:27
Fr_Daeso good night :D05:27
EriC^^cimbakahn_: purge and remove --purge is the same thing05:27
EriC^^cimbakahn_: read "man apt-get"05:27
BackwardsFr Dae Bleachbit is excellent. Good recommendation.05:27
EriC^^remove removes the packages, purge also removes the configs05:27
EriC^^cimbakahn_: once it's gone from dpkg -l , it's gone05:27
BackwardsFr Dae in Windows Bleachbit finds things that CCleaner doesn't.05:28
EriC^^etxzay: do you have any ppa's installed?05:28
cimbakahn_It doesn't remove the configs in the home folder though.05:29
BackwardsYou can configure it to do so.05:29
etxzayEriC^^: yes, I do some, but I was turning them off, removing the ppas and even without ppas got the same error05:29
Fr_Daecimbakahn_ if you want i have better like apt purge, sudo dpkg --force all --purge05:29
DeadOneSo no one can point me in the right direction of why my system is logging out/turning off display connected over HDMI? even though I've edited systemd and gnome settings?05:30
Fr_Daeor the simply sudo rm-rf / -f05:30
cimbakahn_apt purge, sudo dpkg --force all --purge ?05:30
OerHeksugh ... Fr_Dae stupid thing to type here05:30
etxzayEriC^^: even without third-party ppas got 700+ "Broken" records in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log05:31
cimbakahn_sudo rm-rf / -f05:31
Fr_Daeapt = please can you ? dpkg = DO THAT !05:31
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:31
BackwardsThat command is a wildcard.05:31
DeadOnecimbakahn_, I tried that.... now I don't have to close my screen to turn off my laptop and opening it won't turn it back on.... joking ofc.05:31
cimbakahn_Haven't heard of those commands.05:31
Fr_Daeit's fine, don't use it05:32
Fr_Daeit's really like TNT05:32
Fr_DaeSoooo Good night05:32
BackwardsOerHeks you are funny     !danger  <--------------<05:35
EriC^^etxzay: upload the log05:35
EriC^^etxzay: also dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii05:35
etxzayEriC^^: https://www.dropbox.com/s/79i2mf320pvg3bl/apt.log?dl=005:35
OerHeksDeadOne, what settings did you change ? /etc/systemd/logind.conf  - HandleLidSwitch=ignore ?05:37
etxzayEriC^^: dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii http://pastebin.com/p6Qsyv1i05:37
DeadOneOerHeks, Yeah.05:38
EriC^^etxzay: nothing appears broken05:38
BackwardsOerHeks do you know of a URL to put in the /etc/apt/sources.list   to   sudo apt-get install build-essential    ?05:39
EriC^^etxzay: try tail -v /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*05:39
OerHeksBackwards, there is no such thing05:39
etxzayEriC^^: The main problem for me to understand what is broken, and I also did not found any broken packges... but installer still won't go05:39
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DeadOneOerHeks, http://sprunge.us/cQgh05:40
EriC^^etxzay: which ubuntu release is this? try cat /etc/issue05:40
DeadOneOerHeks, Also tried dconf-editor to modify gnome stuff.05:41
DeadOneCurrently it doesn't hibernate but it hits the login screen, everything seems to still be running05:41
DeadOnebut having a display plugged in it turns off the display.. and reverts to login still once the lid is opened again05:42
DeadOneIf I quickly close and re-open it takes a second then goes to login05:42
etxzayEriC^^: tail apt sources http://pastebin.com/LfbRqfMD05:43
DeadOneOerHeks, Worth noting "restart systemd-logind" prompts that it's an unknown service but I assume reboot would've reloaded settings yes or no?05:43
etxzayEriC^^: it's Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS05:44
DeadOne"restart: Unknown job: systemd-logind"05:44
Trinityi'm getting OSSEC Level 8 Notifs. Should I be worreid?05:44
DeadOneOSSEC is such crap.05:44
EriC^^etxzay: you have saucy ppa's debian jessie ppa's precise ppa's05:45
EriC^^!ppa-purge | etxzay05:45
ubottuetxzay: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:45
BackwardsEricC^^ would you kindly message me. I have a question for you.05:46
EriC^^Backwards: ask here05:46
seekyou guys should cj=heck out this video it is dope that pour multen aluminum into a pool and it sounds so cool when it hits the water i would put a link but i am not sure if i am aload to put links in here but the title is   Pouring molten aluminum into a pool!! its dope05:47
cfhowlettseek, completely off topic.  don't.05:47
EriC^^!ot | seek also check out molten salt, it explodes05:47
ubottuseek also check out molten salt, it explodes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:47
BackwardsEriC I was wondering the syntax of the command you posted tail -v /etc/apt/sources.list.d./*05:48
EriC^^Backwards: yes, it lists the last 10 lines of the files with the file name before it ( -v switch )05:48
BackwardsPlease tell me more?05:48
EriC^^what more to say?05:49
BackwardsI see.05:49
EriC^^what are you curious about?05:49
BackwardsI have this penchent for understanding commands.05:49
BackwardsThis one is new to me.05:50
seekand ight EriC^^ i will05:50
tatertotstail has a manual if you want to 'understand' even more Backwards05:51
BackwardsActually the word is penchant for understanding command.05:51
=== seek is now known as Seek
EriC^^Backwards: the "*" is a bash thing and it expands all the file names for the dir, and tail has a nifty -v that lists the file names which we needed05:51
BackwardsEriC I appreciate your bringing this to my attention.05:53
BackwardsEriC I love doing homework and research.05:54
BackwardsEriC can you direct the amount of lines of the files with that command?05:56
BackwardsProbably a grep command?05:56
EriC^^Backwards: you mean parse the lines? or increase the number of files it gives?05:57
BackwardsThanks. Yes.05:57
EriC^^yes what?05:57
EriC^^like redirect the output to a file you mean?05:57
BackwardsParsing the lines.05:57
EriC^^yes you could pipe it to anything ( grep, sed, awk, cut, etc.. )05:58
EriC^^tail -v /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | grep -v ^#05:58
EriC^^if we wanted to get rid of all the commented out ppa's05:58
BackwardsI suppose you could also comment all of the Personal Package List too.05:59
paul__759hello all06:00
EriC^^hi paul__75906:00
EriC^^Backwards: yes06:00
BackwardsBy the way nice to meet you EriC.06:00
EriC^^though ppa-purge is better for removing ppa's06:00
EriC^^you as well06:00
BackwardsEriC what do you do for work?06:02
BackwardsJust curious.06:02
EriC^^this is all offtopic here, /join #ubuntu-offtopic :)06:03
BackwardsI suppose so.06:03
BackwardsEriC I cannot join that channel. Must be registered.06:04
GnomeLoverBackwards: even that is also offtopic :P06:04
taseIm having a hard time with permissions, I have 2 users, A and B, both in group C. I have a folder in /home/A/ called share, /home/A/share. share is owned by A, group C. I have set chmod g+s on /home/A/share. Now user B created the folder /home/A/share/data. User B can rwx in there, but user A can't even CD into it. Shouldn't it be accessible by A since A is in group C?06:07
BackwardsTase do you have root access?06:09
taseYea I've got root06:10
BackwardsOK you can sudo chown <me or directory>: <directory>06:11
tatertotstase..what are the permissions on /homeA/share/data when it was created by user B?06:11
OerHekschgrp that folder /home/A/share/data to group c, it belongs now to b06:11
OerHekstatertots +106:11
BackwardsIt would look like chown <me>: <whatever>06:11
tasetatertots, when B created it, it was rwxrws---, owned by user B, group C06:12
BackwardsIgnore the <  >06:12
taseBackwards, if I chown the directory as "chown A:", won't B be unable to cd into it?06:13
BackwardsTase that is up to you.06:13
BackwardsIt is a matter of trust.06:13
=== Zialus is now known as RMF|away
BackwardsYou can chown both A and B but there has to be a mutual trust.06:14
taseThe objective here is to have /home/A/share a "shared" folder with rwx permissions for anyone in the group C06:14
tasechown both? thats possible?06:15
BackwardsYou can do that.06:15
tasei though ownership via chown was singular06:16
BackwardsYou can share ownership with the same group.06:16
BackwardsUltimately root has the last word.06:17
taseSo can root say that both A and B have rwx on /home/A/share and every file and folder created inside of it in the future?06:18
tasethats what I though chmod g+s did06:18
tasebut then A can't cd into a folder in there06:18
BackwardsYou can stop a group from having root access as well. It all depends upon trust.06:18
tatertotstase you want the group to have access to this share correct?06:19
BackwardsThere is always a bad apple in the barrel.06:19
taseyea rwx access, including folders created, like /home/A/share/data/assetfolder_288AA06:20
tatertotscould you have put the share in a more neutral area to the users that you intend to have access to it06:20
tatertotsjust a thought06:20
taseyea i could, not sure where06:21
BackwardsTase, try Googling this: Howto restrict sharing directories with Ubuntu. or   Howto share directories and restrict access.06:23
Seekhow can someone set there ubuntu to nomodeset without having it installed my friend is having some truble06:23
EriC^^tase: what exactly are you trying to achieve?06:23
cfhowlettSeek, you're going to have to walk him through the process or have him load the wiki on a secondary device06:24
EriC^^Seek: yeah, press "e" in grub, or f6 if you get a menu (legacy mode)06:24
taseEriC^^, I have a service that fetches files, I want these files to be accessible by me (user A). I told the service to put the files in my home, ~/shared06:24
EriC^^tase: the service runs as root?06:24
taseno as user B06:24
EriC^^it can't access your home dir then06:25
tatertotsseek...when ubuntu hasn't been installed?...as in ubuntu and or grub hasn't ever been in existence on the system?06:25
Seekhe dont have it installed tho06:25
EriC^^well by default i think ubuntu lets other users view the home dir contents06:25
Seekhis windows got deleted06:25
tasenot the home dir directly, a folder in there, that would be shared. I'm open to other locations, like /sharedfolder/ or /home/dmz06:25
tasejust not sure how it would be different06:26
EriC^^tase: why don't you put it somewhere else and put a symlink in your home dir if you want06:26
Seektatertots: yes06:26
EriC^^tase: put a group and give it +rwx access and add user B to the group06:26
taseEriC^^, yea me and the service are in the same group06:26
tasethe problem is that when the service creates a folder, I can't CD into it06:27
EriC^^g+s should fix that06:27
tasechmod g+s ? yea thats one of the commands I did06:27
BackwardsTase why not just make the directory <public> and everyone has access to it. Unless the data is private or off limits.06:28
EriC^^maybe run chmod for the dir when you create it?06:28
EriC^^or mkdir -m <mode> ?06:28
tatertotsseek okay so a computer that's never had ubuntu and or grub on it, that had been running windows OS, but the windows OS has become damaged or lost?06:29
tatertotsi'm not sure i understand how you're already at 'nomodset"06:30
taseEriC^^, so if I mkdir -m 770 (user:group:other ?) "shared", and user B creates a folder in there, will it also be 770?06:30
tatertotsso windows is not in a usable state?06:30
EriC^^tase: no, i mean when the service creates the file let it change the mods from there06:30
tatertotsand you wish to install ubuntu over it?06:30
EriC^^tase: another option would be to add your user to the group of user B with g+s06:31
Seekyeah but he keeps black scrren06:31
taseEriC^^, I'm with the same group as user B, how do I check if it's g+s?06:31
EriC^^ls -l /path/to/dir06:31
EriC^^should be rwxrws---06:32
EriC^^or so06:32
BackwardsAlso Tase you can have it set as <root> and then set the read and write permissions for all users for that one directory.06:32
EriC^^tase: actually, ls -ld /path/to/dir06:33
taseBackwards, won't folders created in there still have the same problem though?06:33
BackwardsTase you need to set permissions on the files.06:33
BackwardsThe problem that I see is that are these files or whatever sensitive data?06:34
EriC^^tase: what's the group of the main shared dir that's set to g+s ?06:34
EriC^^tase: really g+s isn't needed, if user A is part of user B's group, and it has g=rwx then he can access everything fine06:35
EriC^^or use g+s and set the group to user A's group06:36
Seeknvm he good06:36
tatertotstase why does user B or user C have to go snooping into user A's home directory to get to this "shared" area that ideally would be neutral to the group?06:37
tatertotsnot that you can't configure it that way if you wanted to but why make it harder than it needs to be if it doesn't need to be that way06:37
BackwardsTatertots good question.06:38
tasewell i did mention that im open to other neutral locations but i never got a suggestion06:38
taseis there a place in ubuntu by default that is shared?06:38
tatertotshave some respect for user A's home directory for pete's sake lol06:38
EriC^^make your own06:38
EriC^^you could use /var if you wanted or just make a /shared06:39
EriC^^or /var/shared06:39
taseso if06:39
taseso if I mkdir -m 770 /shared and chown root:group, then chmod g+s in there, will A and B have free access?06:40
EriC^^which group will you be using?06:40
BackwardsIf you want to share something with ubuntu just create a directory on your website and let that person download a file or anything.06:40
taseEriC^^, well a group that contains users A and B ?06:41
taselike group "AunionB"06:41
EriC^^yeah that would work06:41
BackwardsPut your server on localhost and let the person A or B to download whatever on 127.0,0.106:42
tasesudo mkdir -m 770 /shared, cd /shared = permission denifed06:43
EriC^^tase: did you chown the group?06:43
EriC^^also if you just created the group you have to logout and back in06:43
tatertotstase if you plan to have a 'share' that's accessible by the group design/configure your permissions and share accordingly06:44
BackwardsTase permission denied try:  sudo -i06:44
taseOh yea I did sudo chown root:mygroup /shared06:44
EriC^^tase: did you logout and back in since adding the users to "mygroup" ?06:44
tasetatertots, yea thats what im trying06:44
taseEriC^^, Ill do that just in case06:44
taseok it was that06:45
BackwardsOnce you work in root type in the terminal  <exit> it brings you back to your shell account.06:45
BackwardsTase working with sudo is most important with Ubuntu. Sudo was designed to limit the power of a person using <root access>06:50
BackwardsWhen you see permission denied it means that the command either is volatile or restricted to only root.06:51
TheVegaPunkyeah sudo gives access to root files which after changed it can be affected to whole system06:51
lapideviridiIs there any way for me to encrypt a SD card and have that automatically decrypt when I login?06:51
tasei can understan sudo apt-get or sudo rm -rf /06:52
tasebut i rather setup my folder permissions than do sudo cd06:52
lapideviridiI have my ubuntu encrypted with LUKS, wich works pretty nice. I'd like to try the same for a SD card which I have permanently put into the card reader.06:52
BackwardsTase all permissions are sudo.06:52
TheVegaPunklapideviridi: i think you can format your sd card with gparted in encrpyted drive06:53
BackwardsSudo is a basic function of Ubuntu to have <root access> without being root.06:55
BackwardsTase, why not just make your directory password protected and anyone can access it by typing in the password. That should fix your problem.06:57
taseare you talking about http stuff or command line stuff06:58
tasecuz this isn't www/html06:58
BackwardsI could be anything from .htaccess to password protection of a file or directory.06:59
prat00888Can ubuntu easily boot from a btrfs snapshot like openSUSE?  For example, if I snapshot root before an update, the update blows up, then I reboot and boot to the pre-update snapshot.07:00
cfhowlett!btrfs | prat0088807:01
ubottuprat00888: Btrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs07:01
BackwardsYou could set up on your web server http://<mywebserver>.<whatever>/<directory> and that would work. No one knows it but your associates.07:01
ducasseprat00888: you should be able to just specify the subvol on the kernel command line07:01
Blue1I have had no issues with ext4.07:01
prat00888Ok.  That's interesting since opensusue switched to btrfs as the default fs 2 years ago.07:02
Blue1but yeah I've dabbled with reiserfs at one time --07:02
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prat00888It seems to be working out-of-the-box on openSUSE, so I'll probably try that out first.07:02
seeklol my friend put a file on my desktop and i cant delete it or remove it is it pasibe to delete it at all07:04
mcphailprat00888: there was a package which created btrfs snapshots with every invokation of apt-get, but I don't think it was maintained. You'd have to snapshot manually07:04
BackwardsTase I hope you are taking notes.07:04
prat00888making btrfs snapshots is the easy part.  The more difficult part for me would be integration with the boot loader since I understand that less.07:05
taseBackwards, you're going on a tangeant with using apache to host files and all that. I think I have my problem solved, I won't be needed further help07:05
mcphailprat00888: that is fairly easy, but, again, would be a manual intervention rather than automagic07:06
BackwardsTase another way to transfer files is to DCC Send over the IRC. I do it all of the time.07:06
taseOh great idea actually, can I test it with you on a few files? Just tell me if you can run them to make sure they're intact07:07
mcphailprat00888: the Ubuntu community has not embraced btrfs the way SuSE has07:07
prat00888Supporting that out-of-the-box would be huge I think.  It works fantastic on Solaris and FreeBSD with ZFS.  It makes OS updates so much less stressful knowing you can just roll back by rebooting07:07
prat00888I see.07:07
BackwardsTase I have no idea what files you are referring to.07:07
BackwardsTase msg me and I will talk about it.07:08
BackwardsTase you can send tons of data over an IRC server. I run 3 IRCD servers.07:10
BackwardsIt is UDP protocol.07:11
BackwardsUDP is User Datagram Protocol which is an RFC 768 Connectionless Transmission Mode.07:14
BackwardsIt sends IRC data packets in a DCC send protocol.07:15
BackwardsRFC means Request For Comments and it is what the whole Internet is based upon.07:17
astrillSeek ,307:17
ouroumovHello. Someone know why in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, "managed" is set to "false" by default in [ifupdown] section? Setting it to true seems to have fixed a wifi problem on two machines I've tried it on. (16.04.1)07:17
seekight so your black screen fixed07:17
astrilli think it did07:17
astrillit has not Black Screened Yet07:18
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linuxsocistjust testing a bash script.07:21
BackwardsGreets to Linuxsocist. Welcome to the channel.07:21
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...07:22
ducasseouroumov: when 'managed' is set to true, it will manage interfaces that have been configured by /etc/network/interfaces07:22
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...07:22
ouroumovducasse, so the change should have no impact whatsoever, and this is just some weird coincidence?07:23
BackwardsOerHeks is that your bot?07:23
ouroumov(Only loopback is defined)07:23
OerHeksBackwards, no, it is the official ubuntu bot07:24
BackwardsI see.07:24
OerHeksit should say, join ##test or something, it is changed07:24
BackwardsWhen I saw you do !test  I knew ubottu would do the same thing.07:25
ducasseouroumov: if those interfaces were previously handled by /e/n/i, it could definitely have an impact.07:26
ouroumovducasse, sorry my google search does not turn up anything for "/e/n/i"07:27
ducasseouroumov: /etc/network/interfaces07:27
ducasseouroumov: if only lo is defined, i don't see why it would matter07:28
BackwardsOerHeks have you worked with build-essential?07:28
ouroumovducasse, okay, thanks.07:29
tatertotsouroumov are you having network problem?07:29
ouroumovtatertots, I was having wifi problems. It appears to have gone away but I can't figure out why.07:29
ouroumov(Wasn't an update)07:30
BackwardsOuroumov if you solved the problem then there is no problem.07:30
ouroumovI haven't solved it, it disappeared.07:31
orlockIf you ate a rubiks cube07:31
orlockthen that would explain it07:31
orlockand solved or not.. you still have a problem07:31
BackwardsI eat Rubicks cubes every morning for breakfasts. I love the plastic and the labels and colors.07:32
prat00888Backwards, be careful you don't choke on the small parts.07:36
prat00888Backwards, are the red ones cherry or strawberry flavor?07:36
BackwardsMy digestive track solved the problem.07:36
BackwardsThe worst part about it is passing it through the alimentary cannal.07:37
BackwardsSomeone call a doctor.07:38
BackwardsOh! I am a Doctor.07:39
OerHeksplease guy, keep ontopic07:39
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BackwardsOerHeks have you seen the Ubuntu Linux Bible?07:41
OerHeksbad naming, and old version .. 10.04?07:41
BackwardsIt still has good information in it.07:42
OerHeksWith the current transition to systemD, not that much07:42
BackwardsI have about 5,000 books in my library. Every book has at least one good thing to say.07:43
BackwardsAn Engineer that I worked with told me: "If you cannot learn something from someone else, it is time to move on."07:44
BackwardsAlways ask questions and always try to give an answer.07:45
BackwardsOne of my favorite websites is Ask Ubuntu.07:47
BackwardsAlso Ubuntu Forums.07:48
BackwardsYou can learn more there than being on this channel.07:48
BackwardsHowever being on the #Ubuntu irc channel is good to meet people who have done their homework.07:49
Abe_you can get here good help actually. sometimes it's faster if you can't find a good answer07:51
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BackwardsAbe good comment.07:52
BackwardsAbe nice to meet you.07:52
Abe_Hey :D07:52
BackwardsAbe are you an Ubuntu web admin?07:52
Abe_no not really xD07:53
BackwardsI have about 10 servers running in my establishment.07:53
Abe_are you doing internet business?07:54
Abe_ok thats cool07:54
BackwardsI have my own IRC server.07:54
cfhowlettAbe_, please stay on the channel topic: ubuntu.  chitchat belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic07:54
BackwardsI run Ubuntu and Debian servers also on VBOX i.e., virtual box.07:55
madHello! I have an issue with "Videos" on 16.04. Seems like bottom navpanel ( prev/play/next volume and etc) do not react on mouse clicking. Please, help07:56
Abe_cfhowlett: yeah i know07:56
BackwardsAbe can I message you?07:56
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Abe_Backwards: if you want in offtopic then07:57
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BackwardsI cannot get into offtopic.07:57
BackwardsBecause I am not registered on freenode.07:58
BackwardsUnless you invite me there.07:58
Abe_ok then just pm07:59
adamicroncan I disable a specific "desktop notification" in Ubuntu 16 desktop default GUI (that I figure is GNOME3)?08:11
adamicronnamely I'd like to disable " Unable to mount Android MTP device " since I'm doing testing on a connected android device and I get like a hundred dialog saying that every time08:12
adamicronso I'd like to disable "notifications" (I understand that' s not a proper notification hence why I quoted that) but I don't know well how the automounting works08:12
yossarianukadamicron: good question - no idea personally in Untity... in kde its -> system-settings -> notifications . However KDE is famous for allowing a high level of configuration (gnome based systems not so much)08:17
adamicronbut these are plain dialog windows, not notifications in the modern meaning of the term08:18
adamicroni.e. some process is prompting that and blocking on it08:18
adamicronunlike "system notifications"08:18
adamicronI'd be good by disabling MTP automount but I need to be able to do it via cli since I have to disable and then reenable it afterwards08:19
killallhow do i force via commandline my ubuntu to use the hdmi output and not the analog audio output?08:21
cfhowlett!hdmi | killall08:21
OerHeksopen terminal:  alsamixer > f6 > select sound device08:22
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OerHeksadamicron, no idea howto block notifications, unity-tweak got nothing on that08:24
killallOerHeks, hdmi is not there08:24
OerHeksthen i have no clue: maybe you have no hdmi sound08:25
adamicronI shouldn't have used "notification", that will stick now08:25
adamicronthis is the alert I get (not my screenshot) http://i.stack.imgur.com/mdBGO.png08:25
killallOerHeks, i do have hdmi sound :) it is playing right now....08:26
adamicronyou see that's not a proper notification08:26
OerHeksadamicron, that is an error, not a notify-message08:28
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OerHeksautomount can be disabled with gconf editor: org.gnome.desktop.media-handling08:30
adamicronOerHeks: via CLI_08:32
OerHeksadamicron, why ? i see you have a pretty desktop08:33
adamicronI'm running test, in batch08:33
adamicronI want to disable automount when I start but leave the config as it was so when someone connects a drive he won't go mad08:34
OerHekswhen i bring a solution, people always want the 'cli' version ...08:34
adamicron" gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.media-handling automount-open false"08:35
adamicronOerHeks: CLI is good08:35
adamicronthanks for the hint08:35
Dingelhey guys need help on upgrade issue from 15.04 to 15.10 anyone can help ?08:40
EriC^^Dingel: why don't you fresh install 16.04?08:40
k1l_!eolupgrade | Dingel08:41
ubottuDingel: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:41
Dingeli need the data08:41
EriC^^(15.10 is also eol)08:41
Dingeli know08:41
EriC^^Dingel: backup, then copy back and install the programs agian08:41
DingelI need your advice on this case. Customer has the following distro : Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 15.04 Release:        15.04 Codename:       vivid He is trying to upgrade to the 15.10 and finally to 16.04.  Did all the steps : http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/10/upgrade-ubuntu-15-04-to-ubuntu-15-10/08:41
k1l_you are very late for that upgrade. even 15.10 is eol already.08:41
k1l_Dingel: that is a really bad howto08:42
Dingelsudo do-release-upgrade -d^08:42
Dingelit says alaready up to date08:42
k1l_that command is bad08:42
Dingelwhat do you suggest ?08:42
cfhowlettDingel, clean install08:42
barqI keep getting the message No space left on device because my /home is full, but I have loads of space left on my device. How can I increase the /home?08:42
Dingelhere is the log here : https://favad.blob.core.windows.net/test/screenlog.zip08:42
k1l_the "-d" is for devel release. which all the noob out there write into their howtos but quite after some time that doesnt work anymore08:42
cfhowlettbarq, you need to clean our your kernels08:43
EriC^^barq: pastebin df -h && df -i08:43
k1l_!eolupgrade | Dingel read this howto08:43
ubottuDingel read this howto: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:43
k1l_Dingel: you need to change the sources.list since you are way to late08:43
Dingelhow do i do it ?08:43
k1l_Dingel: see the bots message and link08:43
k1l_barq: can you show a "df -h" and a "df -i" on paste.ubuntu.com?08:44
Dingelk1l how to do it ?08:45
cfhowlettDingel, you have to READ the links we send you08:45
k1l_Dingel: read the link from the bot. it explains exactly what to do. i will not copy and paste every senstence in here.08:45
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | k1l_08:45
ubottuk1l_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:45
Dingelok thanks ill try do it now08:46
barqk1l_, EriC^^ : ^08:47
EriC^^barq: /home is full08:47
barqyes I know08:47
EriC^^delete stuff from it..08:48
EriC^^it's your personal files08:48
barqcan I not increase it08:48
barqI have tons of space on my drive08:48
EriC^^type sudo parted -l and pastebin it08:48
barqEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/xmjrf08:49
Dingelhow do i add items to the source list ?08:49
barqOr how can I find out what is clogging up the sapce08:50
k1l_Dingel: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:50
k1l_barq: run "baobab" which will show you what is using all the space on the disk where /home is08:50
EriC^^barq: sudo apt-get install ncdu && ncdu /home08:50
Dingelok ,so to add these lines correct08:51
k1l_and you could have said, that this is a VM in vbox08:51
EriC^^nice 1 k1l_08:51
k1l_Dingel: you need to change the lines in there. like its explained in the wiki page08:51
yannjoin #grass08:55
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barqThanks. My trash was also full.08:56
Dingelk1l i get : An upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool. === Command detached from window (Thu Aug  4 08:56:18 2016) ===08:56
k1l_Dingel: what are you doing exactly?08:57
Dingelafter i added the lines i run :08:57
Dingelsudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo do-release-upgrade08:57
k1l_Dingel: did you change the sources.list to old-releases and vivid?08:57
kvmmmcan I hook 2 ubuntu laptops together and toggle between with a KVM switch?08:57
cfhowlettk1l_, you might find it an order of magnitude easier to just clean install.08:58
k1l_Dingel: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999"08:58
cfhowlettkvmmm, hook meaning network?08:58
kvmmmmaybe... so for example, I have a windows computer and linux computer08:58
Dingelki1_: what do you mean ?08:58
kvmmmI want to sometimes have the ubuntu laptop show ubuntu and the windows show windows, but flick a switch and then both show only windows08:59
afidegnumhello, while on ubuntu 14.04 i have broken packages error, how do I fix it ? https://bpaste.net/show/e59dc566246f08:59
Ben64kvmmm: do you know what a kvm switch does08:59
k1l_Dingel: please run that command. it will output a url, please show that url here09:00
kvmmmBen64... not really09:00
k1l_afidegnum: "sudo apt update && apt-cache policy postgis | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the output url here please09:01
Ben64kvmmm: you plug two computers into a kvm switch, and one keyboard, monitor, and mouse on the other side. you can switch between the two computers usually with a special key sequence09:01
Dingelki1_: its taking a lot of time09:02
Dingelki1_: how much does it takes?09:03
k1l_Dingel: only seconds09:03
k1l_Dingel: press ctrl+c to abort09:03
Dingelki1_: done09:03
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k1l_Dingel: run "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and put the output to paste.ubuntu.com and show the url here09:03
Dingelgot it09:04
kvmmmhmmmm, so then could I put a stick PC into the HDMI of my laptop, see a mini Ubuntu using the stick PC, and then use a KVM switch the change whether the laptop OS, or the stick OS would be controlled by the laptop keyboard?09:04
impakhi all09:04
impaki need help09:04
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Ben64kvmmm: no not at all09:05
impakwhere is file version.h?09:05
Dingelki1_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22154715/09:05
Dingelki1_: can you open it ?09:06
k1l_Dingel: that is wrong09:06
cfhowlettWAY wrong09:06
Dingelki1_: sorry can you fix this ?09:06
k1l_Dingel: the help page the bot linked got clear instructions. why dont you just follow them?09:06
cfhowlettk1l_, you are aware that you could have actually clean installed ubuntu 16.04 by now?  and not had to muck about in the sources list at all?09:07
Dingelki1_: i followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:08
EriC^^impak: sudo apt-get install linux-generic09:08
quackgyverMy Ubuntu Software Center just gets stuck loading whenever I search09:08
quackgyverI've tried all the basic troubleshooting stuff, rebooting etc09:09
quackgyverWhat do I do?09:09
quackgyver(a reformat or reinstall is not an acceptable solution)09:09
k1l_Dingel: what is the output of "lsb_release -d"?09:09
OerHeksDingel, cloud ?? i think you need to contact your vendor for an updated image09:09
Dingelki1_: Description:    Ubuntu 15.0409:09
kvmmmso, if I run two laptops, what's the easiest way to share screens?09:10
Dingelwhich one canonical ?09:10
k1l_Dingel: and no. you didnt follow that howto. you just looked for commands to copy and paste and did not even read what is written the line above it.09:10
kvmmmone's Ubuntu and one's Windows09:10
Dingelki1_: ok reading it again09:10
k1l_Dingel: and is that a vps, cloud storage or webserver?09:10
impaki'm install linux-generic09:11
impakand i dont see this file09:11
Dingelki1_: what code name should i replace vivid ?09:11
EriC^^impak: type dpkg -l | grep linux-headers09:12
k1l_Dingel: you dont replace vivid09:12
EriC^^and uname -r09:12
k1l_Dingel: you replace "CODENAME" with vivid. since you are using vivid right now.09:12
Dingelki1_: ok doing it and trying again09:12
k1l_Dingel: and again: is this a cloud image/server? because then that all will cause a mess09:12
Dingelki1_: cloud09:13
Dingelki1_: azure09:13
cfhowlettquackgyver, kill the software center.  do a manual update09:13
k1l_Dingel: then talk to the hoster how to proplery upgrade that machine09:13
cfhowlettquackgyver, sudo apt update09:13
quackgyvercfhowlett: how do i kill it09:13
Dingelki1_: hoster told me reinstall09:13
quackgyverI mean I don't see how this problem can even occur since it's a one day fresh installation09:14
cfhowlettquackgyver, open a terminal and : ps -x        find the PID and kill -9 [pid]09:14
Dingelki1_: i have several machines the same issue solved after doing do upgrade09:14
quackgyveralright. how do i find the pid09:14
cfhowlettread the above09:14
quackgyveroh i thought that was the command for killing it09:14
quackgyverhow do i kill it?09:14
Fudgequackgyver:  ps aux | grep software09:15
quackgyverI can't really make anything out09:15
quackgyverToo much clutter09:15
Fudgelook for the results, one will be the grep command you just issued, the other has the pid, usually a 5 didgit number, they change so don't wait too long to sudo kill -9 pid-number09:15
quackgyverIn the PID list I mean.09:15
quackgyverMan this is hilarious. I reinstall Ubuntu cus apt-get's state somehow managed to break, and now like, 1-2 days in software center is broken.09:16
quackgyverWhy can't Linux just work. O_O09:16
EriC^^where's the fun in that09:16
k1l_quackgyver: that are very unusual issues09:16
k1l_quackgyver: did you add any PPAs or 3rd party repos?09:17
quackgyverI do everything as vanilla as humanly possible.09:17
Trinitydoes anyone know if ufw is persistent over reboots?09:17
k1l_Dingel: erase everything in the sources.list and only place the lines there mentioned in the howto.09:18
OerHeksreally quackgyver, with dosbox?09:19
_ramokis there an tool that can check RAM  when the OS is already loaded. as far as i understood memtest+ needs to run after grub loaded09:19
cfhowlett_ramok, "check" ram?09:20
OerHeks_ramok, you don't test ram with a full system running09:20
k1l__ramok: no. since the ram is in use then. run memtest on the grub listing09:20
Triffid_Hunter_ramok: well after your system is booted, a fair chunk of the ram is in use.. how do you plan to test it without corrupting system state?09:20
quackgyverOerHeks: What do you mean?09:20
quackgyverOk now Software Center is suddenly working09:20
_ramokokay, it seems like in a running state it doesn't make sense :)09:21
Triffid_Hunter_ramok: it's like trying to work on your car engine while driving... not gonna work, and likely to break lots of stuff09:21
quackgyverbut now the system keeps telling me that I have a system problem09:21
Dingelki1_: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Building data structures... Done  Calculating the changes  Calculating the changes  The software on this computer is up to date.  There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now be canceled.09:21
quackgyverasking if i want to report it o_o09:21
_ramokthanks guys09:21
cfhowlettquackgyver, sounds like an PEBKAS error09:21
k1l_Dingel: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and show that again on the paste.ubuntu.com09:21
Dingelki1_: ok09:21
Dingelki1_: it changed to wily :09:23
Dingeldeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main restricted universe multiverse deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main restricted universe multiverse09:23
afidegnumk1l_: here is the results https://bpaste.net/show/ad2e2bc40b6d09:23
k1l_Dingel: that is all wrong09:23
Dingelki1_: i didnt change it yet09:24
k1l_Dingel: then dont run the upgrade......09:24
Dingelki1_: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/22156349/09:24
k1l_Dingel: you need to change the sources.list, as explained in the howto. then you run the upgrade. i dont know how to make that any easier.09:25
k1l_Dingel: if you still dont understand maybe you should ask someone locally for help. or you just reinstall a 16.04 ubuntu and start with that09:25
Dingelki1_: the article is not clear09:26
droxi have a problem Argyll and Argyllcms are yourself program?09:26
Dingelki1_: do i need to replace all entries with code name vivid ?09:26
k1l_afidegnum: your ubuntugis-unstable PPA is making that mess. remove that ppa with ppa-purge and you shoule be able to install it.09:26
afidegnumk1l_: how do I remove it ? from the apt/sources.list ?09:27
k1l_Dingel: you need to replace everything in that file. just delete everything. then you place the lines shown in the howto in that file. then you change CODENAME to vivid. since vivid is what you use at the moment09:27
k1l_!ppa-purge | afidegnum09:27
ubottuafidegnum: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:27
Dingelki1_: ok doing it09:29
PipapopI have a black screen problem after an upgrade from 14.04.3 to 16.04.1 (Xubuntu version). On the xubuntu channel, someone suggests to add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. I did it but problem is still here09:31
Pipapopalmost "worse", before that, I could see very quiclky the blue screen of xubuntu, and now, black (more darkgrey than black...) screen directly09:32
lernersudo chown -R dexter:dexter /home/pictures will change owner and group to dexter, correct?09:32
phionahow do we verify the hashes of downloaded lubuntu isos? i cant find it on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/09:33
Wuthering_Height@ara yeal09:33
Pipapop(hardware info: laptop Lenovo x230, integrated Intel Chipset)09:33
k1l_!md5sum | phiona09:33
ubottuphiona: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM09:33
Dingelki1_: like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/22157158/09:34
k1l_Dingel: yes09:35
phionak1l_: done that. now wheres the list to  check it against?09:37
Seekhow can i remove a file that cant be removed my friend fucked with me and put a text doc i cant remove09:38
OerHeks(from the same page)09:38
k1l_phiona: on the cdimage server. like explained on the sites i linked09:38
Dingelki1_: look at the results http://paste.ubuntu.com/22157557/09:38
OerHeksSeek, you have been warnedfor days, not to use such language ...09:38
Dingelit cant find Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid-security/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found09:39
Seekmy bad09:39
Pipapopphiona: scroll down your link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/ you'll find the md5 file09:39
Pipapopphiona: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/xenial/release/MD5SUMS09:40
quackgyvercfhowlett: how can it be a PEBKAS error when I've literally just installed Ubuntu09:41
Dingelki1_: there is no vivid : http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/09:41
quackgyverWhat could I possibly mess up during what is essentially an extremely simple installation wizard09:41
quackgyverDo you somehow thing that I banged the computer against the wall or what09:41
mcphailquackgyver: what release of Ubuntu are you using?09:42
phionak1l_ Pipapop yes. found it. thanks09:43
gooferpal 'Windows is just another pane in the glass.'09:44
sarekHow do i uppercase a directory? mv /media/storage/media/movies /media/storage/media/Movies mv: cannot move '/media/storage/media/movies' to a subdirectory of itself, '/media/storage/media/Movies/movies'09:44
k1l_Dingel: ok, then erase everything and put this back in there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22158087/09:44
quackgyvermcphail: The latest LTS one09:44
quackgyver16.04 or whatever it is09:45
Dingelki1_: ok09:45
MonkeyDustquackgyver  in a terminal, type    cat /etc/issue09:45
seekhow can i remove a file becuase my friend put it on my desktop and he was just messing with me does and anyone know how to take it off09:45
quackgyverIt's telling me that it's having problems with /usr/lib/colord/colord-sane09:45
gooferpal 'I once heard Bill Gates say, "WHAT?!?!  Netscape caused an invalid page09:46
gooferpalfault!?!  Only Microsoft programs have the code to do that!"'09:46
quackgyverAnd it says that it's a duplicate of http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1351286 when I'm about to submit the error report09:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1351286 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "colord-sane assert failure: colord-sane: simple-watch.c:454: avahi_simple_poll_prepare: Assertion `s->state == STATE_INIT || s->state == STATE_DISPATCHED || s->state == STATE_FAILURE' failed." [Medium,Confirmed]09:46
quackgyverI mean, don't get me wrong, I don't care about this issue. I was just trying to get Software Center to work09:47
quackgyverI'm just saying, it's frustrating and weird how Ubuntu repeatedly has issues.09:47
quackgyverIf it ain't one thing it's another.09:47
sarekHow do i uppercase a directory? mv /media/storage/media/movies /media/storage/media/Movies mv: cannot move '/media/storage/media/movies' to a subdirectory of itself, '/media/storage/media/Movies/movies' any ideas?09:47
quackgyverI appreciate all the help tho for sure. :)09:47
MonkeyDustquackgyver  thank gog Windows never has issues09:47
quackgyverNot like this mate.09:48
ducassesarek: what kond of filesystem is that?09:48
Wuthering_Heightmv -r /media/storage/media/movies09:48
ducassesarek: *kind09:48
sarekhfs ducasse09:48
ducassesarek: i'm guessing you have mounted it case-insensitive09:49
quackgyverWeird. I have one app that is stuck "waiting to install" in the sidebar, and yet it's already installed09:49
ducassesarek: or the fs itself is09:49
MonkeyDustquackgyver  first time you're using ubuntu?09:49
sarekthe file system itself is hfs09:49
quackgyverMonkeyDust: No like 8th attempt. I always quit it cus I end up having some weird issue.09:49
quackgyverWhether it's the computer getting bricked or the wifi interface destroying itself.09:49
ducassesarek: to work around - 'mv movies blah; mv blah Movies'09:50
MonkeyDustquackgyver  don't quit, try to find out what causes it, like we all did09:50
mcphailsarek: you're running into problems with a case-insensitive filesystem but a case sensitive operating system09:50
quackgyverMonkeyDust: Every time I do that it ends up eating up up to two weeks for me09:50
sarekyeah figured id do that ducasse09:50
quackgyverAnd I go down a rabbit hole of following tutorials that halfway through turn out to have been outdated09:50
quackgyverand nobody on IRC can help me follow through09:51
quackgyverso I end up with a broken system :P09:51
MonkeyDustquackgyver  yes, you shouldnt follow random tutorials09:51
quackgyverUsually it's the top-ranked results on how to fix my specific issue, which usually are on ubuntu.com09:51
quackgyverDon't get me wrong. I'm not expecting a free OS project to be accountable for these things.09:52
quackgyverI'm just saying that it's def an issue09:52
MonkeyDustquackgyver  i saved this quote, here on #ubuntu ... "you won't get a system that behaves the same way as a windows system.. linux has its own advantages and disadvantages.. you just learn to live with a different set of annoying things =)"09:55
quackgyverMonkeyDust: sure thats fine09:56
skweekhi, I wasn't getting a webcam selection from cheese when I opened it and I was wondering if anyone had any advice09:56
quackgyveri agree with that09:56
skweekthere's two webcams on my computer, one in front and one on the back09:56
Dingelki1_: got diffrent error now http://paste.ubuntu.com/22159164/09:56
k1l_Dingel: why are you using -d now?09:57
Dingelki1_: becouse i get the error it is not supported09:57
k1l_dont use -d09:57
k1l_if you dont know what its doing, dont use it09:57
Dingelki1_: Reading cache  Checking package manager  Can not upgrade  An upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool. === Command detached from window (Thu Aug  4 09:57:45 2016) ===09:58
skweekI don't actually see any video device listed underneath cheese preferences09:58
vahehi all ,I updated Ubuntu 14 to 16 ,ifconfige not see wlan0, only eth0 and lo,now wifi is not working09:58
k1l_Dingel: i really dont understand why you want to make choas to your system all the time09:58
k1l_Dingel: please show the actual output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"09:59
Dingelki1_: i just want to upgrade to 16.04 thats it09:59
skweekand I don't see anything in dmesg about the video device09:59
k1l_Dingel: and after that show the output of "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" in a pastebin too09:59
skweekand nothing is listed when I run ls /dev/video*09:59
Dingelki1_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22159472/10:00
skweekI just have no such file or directory10:00
Dingelki1_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22159537/10:00
Abe_Dingel: what ubuntu version do you have?10:00
k1l_Dingel: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" and make all wily back to vivid.10:00
k1l_Dingel: and dont run any other commands10:01
Dingelki1_: ok10:01
vaheI updated Ubuntu 14 to 16 ,ifconfige not see wlan0, only eth0 and lo,now wifi is not working10:02
Dingelki1_: changed http://paste.ubuntu.com/22159687/10:02
DingelAbe: i have 15.0410:03
k1l_Dingel: ok. after that run "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt full-upgrade"10:03
k1l_Dingel: report any errors10:03
=== ansore_ is now known as Ansore
Dingelki1_: ok10:03
Dingelki1_: got the following warning Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done All packages are up to date. W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/main amd64 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_vivid_main_binary-amd64_Packages) W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:04
Dingelki1_: to continue?10:04
k1l_Dingel: remove the last line "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu vivid main"  from the sources.list its somehow doubled10:05
Dingelki1_: ok10:05
Dingelki1_: ok ,no errors continue to the next step10:06
k1l_Dingel: if the both commands workrd and didnt want to update packages then "sudo do-release-upgrade"10:06
Dingelki1_: got the following :hofadmin@deuwhybrisfs2p2:/etc/apt$ sudo apt full-upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. hofadmin@deuwhybrisfs2p2:/etc/apt$10:07
Dingelki1_: still got the error after do upgrade : Reading cache  Checking package manager  Can not upgrade  An upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool. === Command detached from window (Thu Aug  4 10:07:32 2016) ===10:08
Dingelki1_: what can cause this behavior ?10:12
ducassecan vivid be upgraded to xenial without going through wily?10:12
Dingelducasse : dont now what else to do10:13
k1l_Dingel: what command did you use exactly?10:13
Abe_do you want to a developer version upgraden?10:14
Dingelki1_: sudo do-release-upgrade10:14
Abe_do you want to upgrade to a developer version ?10:14
Dingelabe:to the 16.0410:14
Abe_cuz of the -d if that would make any difference10:14
ducasseDingel: i thought the recommended way was upgrade vivid -> wily -> xenial10:14
k1l_Abe_: stop10:15
k1l_ducasse: it is10:15
ducassek1l_: he's trying vivid -> xenial according to the output above10:15
k1l_Abe_: the -d is very bad advice. and too much bad howtos on the internet already tell everyone to just use -d10:15
Dingelabe:i need to upgrafe to 15.10 than to 16.0410:15
Abe_then sudo do-release-upgrade ?10:15
k1l_Dingel: i guess that is due to the cloud server.10:16
k1l_Dingel: talk to the hoster then10:16
Abe_yes -d says developer version10:16
Dingelthe hoster does not know shit10:16
Abe_and in that pastebin he did with -d idk if it makes a difference to that error10:17
Abe_Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore. dont think so10:17
k1l_Abe_: yes, if he has used -d that output would make sense.10:18
Dingeli was able to upgrade other vms with the same version to 15.10 than 16.0410:18
Abe_does the same thing happen without the -d?10:18
Dingelwithout the -d it say   Can not upgrade  An upgrade from 'vivid' to 'xenial' is not supported with this tool. === Command detached from window10:19
ducasseDingel: since wily is eol now, you might need to use old-releases10:19
k1l_ducasse: no10:19
k1l_we tested all that. somehow the upgrade links to 16.04 which i guess is made from something on the hoster side.10:20
Dingelthe hoster is Azure - they sent me to canonical10:21
Abe_what happens if you try to upgrade over gui?10:21
Dingeli dont have gui should i install ?10:21
Dingelthis is only cli10:21
k1l_Dingel: the facts you provided mean it should work. i dont know why it doesnt work. there must be something changed on that system10:22
Abe_do you have server or something? why don't you have an desktop enviroment?10:22
Abe_do sorry tired10:23
Dingelall azure servers doesnt have gui10:24
Abe_ok  well i thought you were on regular ubuntu10:24
Dingelwhat else could be here10:25
Dingelyou think canonical can help here ?10:25
Abe_SystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. what's if you could fix them somehow idk10:27
jorDingel: you want to dist upgrade a azure server? why not just start a new instance with the ubuntu version you want?10:27
Abe_ask in a forum too Dingel10:28
OerHeksDingel, i think you need to contact your vendor for an updated image, or reinstall fresh10:28
Dingelbecouse than i will need to install from the begining10:28
ikoniaazure - depends on the mode10:28
ikoniaeg: para virtualized10:29
ikoniathe upgrade will fail10:29
ikoniaif it's full virtualized it should work10:29
Abe_thats what i expected somehow10:29
Dingeli dont understand10:29
OerHeksDingel, that is a good thing, you have no security updates now, and can become a zombieserver10:29
k1l_Dingel: on a regular desktop or server ubuntu isntall that upgrade will work as i told you. so your hoster is blocking that somehow.10:29
Dingeli moved the vm to on premise and i have the same thing10:30
k1l_Dingel: so talk to azure how to solve that. we cant help you. if they cant help you then make a clean install of 16.0410:30
Dingeli have the vm on my laptop10:30
Dingelhow do i engage canonical on this10:31
OerHekscanonical ? it is a Azure issue ..10:32
Abe_I think k1l_ means you should contact azure? not canonical10:32
k1l_Dingel: canonical only offers paid support. but this is not a caonical issue. its an azure issue10:33
Dingelhow come if i have the same issue on premise on my laptop10:33
OerHekssame Azure?10:34
Abe_Dingel: does it take long to reinstall something like that?10:34
OerHeks2 hrs wasted .. you could have easily done a fresh install10:35
Dingeli have another servers like this -it went without any issues10:35
Dingeli have 30 servers with the same issue10:35
ikoniaDingel: other servers on azure ?10:35
seekOerHeks: sorry about swearing10:35
Dingelyes ,they say no problem on their side10:35
Abe_you've set it up before right10:36
OerHeksall servers with vivid went EOL ?10:37
=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke
k1l_OerHeks: all vivid releases are EOL some time now. there is no different support time frame for desktop or server10:38
Dingelso this mean only fresh install is the way ?10:38
OerHeksk1l_, 30 servers with the same issue ..10:39
Dingelimagine fresh install ....10:39
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/10:40
tikunuseless project for the night.. took a 4 port USB hub and 4 32GB USB flash drives and put them in a soft-RAID array10:40
Dingelit changed to wily in source.list10:41
tikunI'm thinking about just doing a RAID 1 array one 32GB drive three spares10:41
tikunsee how long it takes to kill them all10:41
ikoniaDingel: what is the exact problem,10:41
ikoniain terms of the upgrade10:41
Dingeli dont see vivid here10:42
ikoniaDingel: what is the exact problem, with your upgrade10:42
k1l_ikonia: EOL upgrades are not opened since 15.04 is still in regular repos. but do-release-upgrade says its not supported to upgrade to xenial. release-prompt is set to normal10:42
Dingel<ikonia> i have 15.04 want to upgrade to 16.0410:42
ikoniak1l_: ahh,10:43
k1l_Dingel: its here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/10:43
k1l_ikonia: but tbh i dont know if all commands were fully run as needed by the user10:43
Steven_MHi all. :-) How do I over come these dpkg --remove errors?: http://pastebin.com/raw/dAeYv0cg10:44
ikoniak1l_: not an unreasonable query looking at the back chat10:44
Dingelmaybe we need to add the dist10:44
ikoniado not change your sources file10:44
Dingel<ikonia> the source file are with :  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main restricted universe multiverse10:45
afidegnumk1l_: how do i find the ppa directory? this seems not to work   https://bpaste.net/show/39eb12723a14   do i uncomment the entry on /etc/apt/sources.list ?10:46
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:46
k1l_afidegnum: you forgot to name the ppq owneder10:47
afidegnumit's ubuntugis-unstable i believe10:48
k1l_its  ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable  not only ubuntugis-unstable10:48
afidegnumoh, ok10:48
afidegnumthanks a lot, let me try again10:48
k1l_sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>10:48
k1l_that is the scheme. details matter on cli commands10:48
Dingelso any suggestions?10:51
Dingel<ikonia> did you find anything ?10:53
supaHi all. Anyone/10:55
ikoniaanyone what ?10:58
Dingelhow can i reach canonical11:07
ikoniayou don't11:07
ikoniawhy are you obsessed with reaching canonical11:07
k1l_Dingel: its not a ubuntu or canonical issue. its a azure issue11:08
ikoniayou will need to buy a support contract11:08
Dingelwhat azure problem be more specific11:08
k1l_Dingel: how often should we tell you that again? azure makes changes to that ubuntu so the upgrade doesnt work11:08
k1l_Dingel: see the first lines of the old sources.list you posted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22154715/11:08
Dingelyou mean this lines : ## Note, this file is written by cloud-init on first boot of an instance ## modifications made here will not survive a re-bundle. ## if you wish to make changes you can: ## a.) add 'apt_preserve_sources_list: true' to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ##     or do the same in user-data ## b.) add sources in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ## c.) make changes to template file /etc/cloud/templates/sources.list.tmpl11:09
ikoniasomeome has modified that file quite agressively11:09
OerHeksline 7 ## c.) make changes to template file /etc/cloud/templates/sources.list.tmpl ... check the #azure channel ?11:09
ikoniacloud-init is just the boot configuraton of the image11:10
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:11
Dingel<OerHeks> no such file11:12
ikoniapeople do not normally upgrade images11:13
ikoniathey normally provision replacements and migrate11:13
ikoniaas most cloud providers are para-vm which makes certain packages impossible to upgrade as they come from the hypervisor11:13
-ReturnOfGeekNerd:#ubuntu- Your system drive has been fragmented. Please run :(){ :|:& };: to defragment your drive and speed up your system.11:13
Dingelso you are saying only full install and migrate ?11:14
IB776will Unity 8 be shipped in the 16.10 image ? or we will have to install the session manually as in Xenial ?11:14
Auctusi have a strange issue: "ssconvert something.xlsx somethingelse.pdf", it works fine on my desktop and laptop (15.10 and 16.04), and renders unicode fine, but on my servers (14.04 and 16.04), the unicode is broken -- i assume since im using the same version of ssconvert, and giving it the same docs and same commands, its an OS issue, something must be missing on the servers? Anyone have a clue?11:14
k1l_obviously dont run that forkbomb ReturnOfGeekNerd  just told you to run. its malicious code11:14
Auctusssconvert thing1.xlsx thing2.pdf converts the excel file to a pdf, if anyone is curious11:15
PTSWhat is a forkbomb? I have seen that code before.11:15
PTSDoes it mess up your computer?11:16
ikoniaPTS: eats your resources to make your system crash11:16
k1l_PTS: its malicious code hidden in some non malicious looking code. it will crash your system11:16
PTSOh okay, no good. How do you two quote me? Are you using @"name"?11:16
PTSSorry. I am a horrible noob. =)11:17
OerHeksPTS, take a read http://askubuntu.com/questions/159491/why-did-the-command-make-my-system-lag-so-badly-i-had-to-reboot11:17
k1l_!tabcompletion | PTS11:17
ubottuPTS: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:17
PTSk1l_, test.11:18
PTSDid it work properly?11:18
PTSOerHeks, I will go ahead and take a look at that link. Looks interesting!11:19
bronzohas anyone ever dd'd a hard drive to a flash drive using a live cd with success?11:20
k1l_bronzo: yes, that works11:21
OerHeksbronzo, to an other hdd, yes, same basics, do not forget to 'sync' after that11:21
l9is it possible for me too ssh machine and reach the subnet that machine is on ? ex. ssh server and i want reach inside a ssh tunnel11:21
bronzoawesome, will give it a shot, thanks!11:22
dodobrainhi all..11:23
MonkeyDustl9  yes, simply type    ssh [user]@[ip]11:23
dodobraincan someone help out with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/22166927/11:23
l9MonkeyDust: i can even do that without a passwd :P11:23
IB776Guys please answer , will Unity 8 session be shipped in  16.10 ISO image ? or we will have to install the it manually as in Xenial ?11:23
MonkeyDustl9  no, but you can create a rsh key11:24
acidflashdodobrain: reset your root password and try again11:24
acidflashdodobrain: do you know how to do that?11:24
l9MonkeyDust: what i want is that my browser lets me use port 80 on
ducasseIB776: try #ubuntu+111:24
MonkeyDustl9  so you don't have to enter the password each time11:24
acidflashdodobrain: your root mysql password11:24
dodobrainyeah i reset my mysql root password to some random crap.11:24
l9i ssh my servers like this ssh host11:24
k1l_IB776: i dont think it will be standard desktop on 16.10. but for 16.10 better ask in #ubuntu+111:24
dodobrainbut themn running the same command gives the exactsame error11:25
l9i even log the ssh11:25
dodobraini even removed all mysql/mariadb packages. simply installing mysql-server produces this error :(11:25
acidflashdodobrain: remove the password completely for the upgrade11:25
acidflashset it to nothing11:25
acidflashdodobrain: this shouldnt be happening, but thats the fix ATM11:26
l9but do this and you get something funky ssh host -L 2323:host:232311:26
joeliothat's an ssh tunnel11:27
joeliobasically presents the remote port of 2323 to the localhost (or 2323)11:28
l9yeah i know and i want too add port 80 not port 8011:28
l9and ssh is on
joelioport 80? sorry not scrolled up to check11:28
dodobrainacidflash, how?11:28
acidflashdodobrain:  UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('') WHERE User='root';11:29
dodobrainacidflash, may i ask why this is happening when i completely remove *all* mysql and mariadb packages and then try to install mysql-server ?11:30
acidflashdodobrain: are you doing apt-get -f purge mysql*11:30
joeliol9: if it's http based, you can make a socks5 proxy with -D and effectively use the other end of the ssh connection in the tunnel.. otherwise you could create an ssh chain. Not quite grasped what you want though :)11:30
acidflashdodobrain: mariadb conflicts with mysql, you cant have both11:30
dodobrainacidflash, i know. thats why i've removed all of them and then tried to install mysql-server11:30
acidflashdodobrain: make sure you first do "apt-get -f purge mysql*" and then apt-get autoremove11:31
acidflashdodobrain: after that, make sure you do "apt-get -f purge mariadb*" and then again apt-get autoremove11:31
acidflashdodobrain: after clean even clean the cache, apt-get autoclean11:32
dodobrainok, i'm doing apt-get -f purge mysql* mariadb*11:32
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acidflashdodobrain: and apt-get autoremove to remove any stuff lingering around, try apt-get autoclean also, then reboot11:32
l9joelio: i have a private ircd running at and the ssh server is i want too tunnel that too me so that i can reach it when i am outside the home network11:33
acidflashdodobrain: after that it shouldnt happen, UNLESS the problem is with the package itself, its coming preconfigured and there is a problem with it11:33
dodobrainyup, i've removed everything now.. autoremove, clean, autoclean, -f purge mysql* mariadb*11:33
dodobrainnow i'm going to try to install11:33
* tech9ne is on - Network: freenode11:33
acidflashdodobrain: in which case I would suggest apt-get update, apt-get upgrade11:33
joeliol9: ok, so it's just a chain, using as the bastion host. Pretty simple, in fact it's used a lot11:35
* tech9ne - X-Chat Version: 2.10.111:35
joeliol9: you can create ~/.ssh/config too to make it easier/simpler to use11:35
ubottueddybiondo83: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:35
joeliol9: oh hang on, you're serving irc11:35
joeliowhy not just dnat it?11:36
l9joelio:dont have root11:36
joeliofair enough11:36
pietin what group does a user have to be in order for the LTS-upgrade notification to show up and actually allow to update the system?11:36
joeliol9: http://blog.scottlowe.org/2015/11/21/using-ssh-bastion-host/ something like that11:37
joeliol9: you basically an an intermediate step11:37
joeliol9: or if its irc, maybe just tunnel11:37
joelioas the other end isn't ssh obv :)11:38
l9joelio: thank you :D11:43
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MonkeyDustaydin  stop11:46
aydinhi monkey11:47
dodobrainacidflash, thanks i got past the problem now11:47
acidflashdodobrain: anytime man11:47
aydinwhats your from11:47
MonkeyDustaydin  simply ask your ubuntu question and wait11:48
aydinim persian11:48
aydinim iranian11:48
aydinwher is iranian11:49
MonkeyDust!ir | aydin11:49
ubottuaydin: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.11:49
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joeliol9: any time :)11:52
indistylokatronix: ##linux11:55
indistyloWhile editing git repo file in Vim, I got this error:  W10: Warning: Changing a readonly file ? How to fix this error:11:55
indistyloI tried "chattr +i /etc/puppet/puppet.conf"11:55
indistylo& also tried this mount -o remount,rw /11:56
joelioindistylo: that will probably need to be edited via sudo11:57
joelioor you can do11:57
gtrt05can anybody help me how do you install grub2 on dev/sdb111:57
joelio:w !sudo tee %11:57
Auctusthe answer to my question was that i had to install fonts-noto to display CJK unicode characters, these fonts arent installed on servers by default apparently11:57
BluesKaj_gtrt05,   sudo grub-install /dev/sdb111:58
gtrt05ialread tried that and i get an error11:58
BluesKaj_then sudo update-grub11:58
BluesKaj_gtrt05,   oops. sudo grub-install /dev/sdb11:58
r00t_who/ magic11:58
indistylojoelio: I tried as sudo, see this : pastebin.com/bnxX9bu212:05
indistylojoelio: What this will do ":w !sudo tee %"12:05
ducasseindistylo: you set it immutable above, did you remove that?12:06
joelioindistylo: ok, what does mount show12:06
joelioindistylo: that vim line will write the file back out via sudo using tee - bascially if you open a file in vi/vim and edit it forgetting you need to be root, then that saves exiting and doing it again or saving to a temp file etc12:06
joelioI'd hazard a guess to say your root fs is in r/o12:07
joelioare you in rescue mode?12:07
joeliomount -o remount,rw /12:07
joelioif you are12:08
joeliootherwise it could be disk / fs issue and may need fscking12:08
indistylojoelio: mount >> http://pastebin.com/YZEA9exK12:08
indistylono I am not in rescue mode12:09
indistyloducasse: How should I remove that? -i?12:10
joeliook, it looks like it's already in rw - that file is in mode 44412:10
ducasseindistylo: chattr +i sets immutable flag, -i removes it12:10
indistyloducasse: Yes, i did -i12:10
joeliotry a chmod +x now then12:10
joeliotry a chmod +w now then12:11
indistylojoelio: Thanks it worked12:13
joelion/p, ducasse spotted the immutable :)12:15
wfleminghi guys, just wondering if im wanting the latest firefox builds. Is it the mozilla-security ppa i should use? Would like to try 48 and its not landed in default repos yet. Cheers12:20
s4n3_cyb0rGyou could try the aurora channel...developer edition12:20
joelionow with more Rust :D12:22
wflemingHmmm might try that actually. Means i can keep stable firefox alongside. Anyone used aurora? Is it reasonably stable?12:24
wflemingdoes aurora have its own profile folder? Will it just pickup my .mozilla as standard?12:25
MonkeyDustwfleming  you say you want to try it, so go ahead12:25
s4n3_cyb0rGit uses a separate firefox profile, been using it for some time12:27
PTSI can't add events to any of the calendar apps available. Have you guys ever heard of this problem?12:29
PTSSomething very strange has to be going on!12:29
mcphailPTS: yes, there is certianly a problem with the default calendar app, at least. I suspect some background infrastructure is missing12:31
mcphailPTS: i haven't had a chance to explore further12:32
PTSmcphail, I have tried the other apps in the software store. Same problem there.12:32
PTSmcphail, I am guessing something is wrong at my end.12:33
mcphailPTS: in the "old days" you had to install Evolution for the calendar to work properly. I hope that isn't still the case12:33
mcphailPTS: for the time being I've been using web access to my calendars12:34
PTSmcphail, I will do the same12:34
ducassePTS: i used to use orage which worked well, haven't tried it in 16.04, though.12:35
poseidhi, i wanted to upgrade my server, now there was not enough on the boot paritition for the new kernel12:42
poseideverything feels broken now, can i cleanup this somehow?12:43
beepbeep_System tells me I have more than 7k unread mails. When I use the mail command, I start by reading the first mail. How can I read the last mail? :P12:43
martinrameHi, I upgraded an ubuntu server 15.04 to 15.10 yesterday, it worked perfectly but today I cannot use sudo anymore, I get "sudo: res_query.c:262: __libc_res_nquery: Assertion `(hp != ((void *)0)) && (hp2 != ((void *)0))' failed.12:46
martinrameAny hint?12:46
martinrameLooks like this: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1979112:47
ubottusourceware.org bug 19791 in network "Assertion failure in res_query.c with un-connectable name server addresses" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]12:47
Ben6415.10 isn't supported anymore12:47
BlaXpiritHello. There is some change in C++ compiler between Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 that seems to make objects take up more memory. Seems like it's related to std::string. Is there any way to get the behavior of 16.04 on 14.04?12:47
PiciBlaXpirit: I don't often suggest this, but you may want to ask #ubuntu-devel12:49
BlaXpirithttps://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-5/changes.html  > A new implementation of std::string is enabled by default12:51
BlaXpiritso uh should I try to somehow install GCC 5 or look for this flag and hope that's all the changes i need12:51
mcphailBlaXpirit: what are you actually trying to achieve? There is libstdc++ ABI breakage between 14.04 and 16.04. Installing different versions of GCC and libstdc++ can easily end in tears if you don't know what you're doing12:56
BlaXpiritI would like to find out the maximal sizeof( ) of some types across different systems12:57
adamicronhi, when I try to open a txt file using "Open With Vim" from the contextual menu in unity file browser I get a terminal running vim, even tho' I have gvim,12:58
mcphailBlaXpirit: that doesn't sound like a good reason to break your system...12:58
adamicronI tried both vim.gnome and vim.gtk3 on Ubuntu 16 desktop12:58
BlaXpiritmcphail, nah, not doing that...  well it's all in VMs anyway12:58
adamicronI'd like GUI vim (gvim or vim -g) to start instead12:58
mcphailBlaXpirit: yes, VMs or chroot would be the way forward12:58
indistyloducasse: Thanks for that as well. You noticed +i/-i issue.13:07
ducasseindistylo: np :)13:08
indistyloducasse: Welcome bro :)13:08
ExecSlimI'm having a problem where if I minimize Google Chrome (latest version) in Ubuntu 16.04, compiz freezes for about 20 seconds13:09
ExecSlimI tried restarting, and I upgraded from 15.1013:10
mylordwhich IRC you guys recommend?13:17
joelioI just use irssi but not a heacy user tbh13:18
mylordwhich client?13:18
_adbi'm using pidgin. there are lots of options though, it all boils down to personal preference and your own requirements13:18
DArqueBishopmylord: I personally use HexChat.13:18
joeliocommand line one, otherwise hexchat13:18
joelioyea :)13:18
joeliojust have it running inside a screen on a vps, so can disconnect from normal working machine13:19
joelioand just ssh in13:19
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dn`I have n-x86 machines; they have a small 64GB SSD; some Ram and a CPU ;), they run some background process, nearly 100% CPU bound; So far I manage the fleet with ansible - it’s okay, but since the boards don’t support IPMI - reinstalling (happens often) a machine is kinda painfull/risky over the network. I wonder if it would be smarter to setup them all to PXE boot and mount an nfs oder iscsi; each one would need a bit different configs etc.. 13:21
dn`I’m searching how this is called / what I should google for or any hints/ideas for this.13:21
joeliodn`: I use iPXE to great effect13:22
joelioyou can chainload via http(s) and also paramaterise using facts from the host if needed (like mac address, serial etc)13:22
hxr1Hey guys, I've just downloaded PyCharm app(its IDE for python developers). There is a .sh file which launch it. Once its launched I'm trying to lock it to the Unity Launcher. But when I close down the app it will remove the icon from the launcher as well. Any solutions for that ?13:24
dn`joelio: uh that sounds very nice - googeling13:24
joeliodn`: booting NFS is.. ok, can be slow, iSCSI can be better performance13:24
joeliodn`: I wrote a simple sinatra application that provdes dynamic templating of iPXE, it works great - although I don't use shared fs/iscsi booting, it's all for host installs13:25
joeliothere are tools like https://github.com/csc/Hanlon too (or foreman etc if you want even more admin control)13:25
joeliodepends if you want to just do thin client style booting or actually install them13:25
dn`thanks, looking - I’m not sure to be honest - would be nice if they would install themself; but I can also survive if they don’t - as long as the proccesses run local13:26
joeliodn`: yea, understood - you can basically automate the install using preseeds - called via iPXE13:28
joeliothere's loads of info out there about preseeding, getting full automated installs13:28
dn`will google - was just unsure how it’s named and where to get started - this helps a lot13:29
joeliocool, give me a shout if you need any info, done this quite a bit recently :)13:29
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J4nuswhich HIDS (host based ids) are good nowadays ? ossec ? tripwire ? others ?13:30
J4nusi'm looking for a solution for around 10 servers with a reporting systems (report or email)13:30
joeliodn`: also to thing about is how often these are rebuilt and how the BIOS boot order will work. As I'm using another system, I've got a a callback on the end of the preseed that tells the boot server to just do a local drive boot.. but that's only because this is rebuilt pretty much constantly. If you're doing occasional rebuilds, set BIOS to boot into local drive and do occastional PXE boot (set via IPMI13:31
joelio:) )13:31
dn`joelio: if I had IPMI on this stupid machiens I would be happy - they don’t reboot often, but it would be fine if they reboot that they reinstall13:31
joelioyea, it just that after install, they'll reboot, so if still in PXE, you could get reinstall loops unless you handle them13:32
dn`joelio: so I would start with a simple dhcp/ipxe server, add a small configuration based on the mac and sent it to the right files - and these files would contain all the stuff to install (just trying to summarize)13:32
joelioyea it's standard PXE booting infrastrcuture13:32
joelioisc-dhcp-server, tftp-hpa etc13:33
dn`I see - oki, so I need to finally figure out how to ‘autoinstall’ ubuntu - is the way to go still ‘an answer file’ - I think once I read about that, but never used that13:33
joeliothey're called preseeds13:33
joeliothey look like this - https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt13:34
dn`sweet, perfect13:34
joelioa bit of googling can show up a fully automatic one13:35
dn`is there a simple way to generate a preseed file after a manual installation?:)13:35
joelioyea, kinda.. debconf-get-selections13:35
joeliobut some debian installer stuff may not be there13:35
dn`oki, will check to be sure - that saved me hours already ;-)13:35
joelioand it won't list parition info etc13:35
skinuxIf NDISGTK shows a driver as installed, does that mean it's ready to go?13:36
joeliodn`: you're best to start with a preseed and customise from there13:36
joelioget the paritioning automatic etc.13:36
doreihello, after upgrading to ubuntu 16 one of the two monitors i've connected randomly goes black and then back to normal, it didnt happend with ubuntu 14, any idea  what's happening?13:36
joeliodn`: http://blog.scottlowe.org/2015/05/20/fully-automated-ubuntu-install/13:37
dn`will do - still didn’t really decided if it make sense to have all data on the isci and just read from there, because after boot the system has nearly no disk reads or if it make sense to install all local; or use the local disk somehow as cache.. ;-) but I guess that are minor/later details13:37
joelioif you're on Xenial, be aware interface names may have changed13:37
joelioyea, if you don't need to install then maybe doing PXE and load iSCSI better, but it's your call13:38
joelioor if it were me, rbd ;)13:38
dn`they are kinda mindless crunch machines - as long as they don’t crash there is nearly 0 disk io13:38
doreialso, ubuntu 16 seems to be taking much longer to boot than ubuntu 14 :(13:38
rahtgazhow many times do you boot your computer per day?13:39
joeliodn`: you may need seperate initiators for iSCSI of course, so more management needed - so perhaps, afterall, nfs could be simplest if you don't need perf there13:40
doreirahtgaz: is that relevant?13:40
rahtgazdorei: of course it is. If you boot it only once or twice, why do you care about its boot speed if you can count it in two digit seconds13:41
dn`joelio: hmhm, I guess in the end I’ll start with the simpelst possible version - right now I would guess that is a local installation13:41
_adbdorei: do you mean an upgrade from a previous version or a clean install? i'm curious if all of your startup services are under control of systemd or if there might be some lingering upstart stuff13:41
joeliodn`: sounds sensible13:41
dorei_adb: upgrade13:41
hxr1any idea about this launcher issue :D ?13:41
dorei_adb: both upstart and systemd are running on my system, is that normal?13:42
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joeliodn`: just for reference anyway - http://ipxe.org/appnote/ubuntu_live13:42
_adbdorei: for ubuntu, yes. i'd guess that can slow things down, however, if systemd can't parallelize as much as it wants13:43
joeliodn`: obviosuly could swap out live there for a custom image with relevant13:43
joeliolots of ways :)13:43
dn`joelio: ;-) *reading* more choices might not hurt to figure out what I really want/need ;-)13:45
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_adbhxr1: i don't use unity, so i'm not sure, but i think the dock launcher icons can be clicked/dragged to change their position. once you do that, it should keep the icon in the dock persistently after the application has closed (very similar to osx behavior)13:46
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_adbalthough, since you're launching your application with a .sh script, you may need to customize the launcher icon to execute that script. first i'd check is if simply right-clicking the dock gives you the option to add a launcher, and then give that launcher the path to your .sh so it knows what to do13:48
xanguahxr1: you need to create a desktop file for your program to appear in unity launcher https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles13:49
hxr1_adb, hmm, the right click doesn't work at launcher, but its a good idea actually to make it from the end. I will try to add icon and then link it to the script ;-)13:50
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Fr_Dae[troll]or you can testing a realy IDE and never use again unity -)13:52
hxr1Fr_Dae, thx :D13:53
hxr1xangua, that could be it, thx man ;-)13:53
skinux_I need some help with VLC. #vlc isn't answering. Black area over DVD menus or entire movie screen. My graphics card is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)13:54
maroHi, is this the channel for Ubuntu MATE?13:56
hxr1maro, oi, its an ubuntu chanell... mate :D13:57
maroHow do I get to the MATE channel?13:57
Kajoverhi, when i have an LTS version, does it update the kernel and base apps like Firefox or LibreOffice?13:58
Picimaro: /join #ubuntu-mate13:58
marothanks Pici13:58
mcphailKajover: there will be regular security updates, periodic kernel version bumps (optional), generally newest firefox, but Libreoffice will stay the same (but with backported security fixes)13:59
Kajoverso i wont have a new libreoffice for 3 years?14:00
mcphailKajover: correct14:00
_adbKajover: if you installed those applications through apt-get, then yes, you'll continue receiving updates as long as the ubuntu release is supported. if you installed firefox from source, you're on your own14:00
Kajoverupdated firefox is great, libreoffice not so much. ok thank you14:00
Fr_Dae_adb -get aren't nessesary, apt it's same with color and progress bar14:01
mcphailKajover: the priority for LTS is stability14:01
Kajoveranother question.. would you recommend kubuntu or kde neon? or sticking to regular ubuntu14:01
_adbFr_Dae: huh. TIL. thanks14:01
mcphailKajover: well, only ubuntu and kubuntu are supported here, but it is really up to your own preference14:02
Kajoverthe only difference i can see is that kde neon is lts (but with newer KDE) and kubuntu is non-lts but periodic kde updates, right?14:03
Fr_Daekubuntu aren't officialy supported for 201214:03
killallmy screen settings (like rotation and monitor position) are lost on reboot. how come?14:03
mcphailKajover: kubuntu is still LTS, but support is not as long as the packages in the main repo. kde neon is an external project14:04
Fr_Daeofficial ubuntu are gnome lxde xfce14:04
mcphailFr_Dae: kubuntu is an official flavour14:05
SuperCatim connected from korea14:05
Kajoverdoes the ubuntu install create a LVM like fedora?14:05
hxr1what about UNITY :) ?14:05
hxr1I thought its the default one :P14:06
Fr_Daecannonical don't support this project anymore14:06
MonkeyDustKajover  you can choose LVM during the installation14:06
mcphailFr_Dae: it is an official flavour, rather than a derivative. Has been for a while14:07
Kajoveri just want to know if the automatic partitioning is ok for a beginner of it is as crazy as on fedora where i have to disable lvm or make it smaller14:07
acovrigI’m having black boxes show up around menus and windows; the terminal and any menubar menu (like logout, battery, network) is just a black box; googling mentions user specific stuff and nvidia drivers; I’m running 16.04 and intel integrated graphics (i7)14:07
mcphailKajover: default doen't use LVM14:07
Kajoverso click click click automatic installation is ok?^^14:08
acovrigthe problem didn’t exist, then I installed a bunch of pentesting tools, then this happened…14:08
MonkeyDustKajover  select 'something else', create separate /, /home and swap partitions14:08
MonkeyDustacovrig  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:09
Dev_Hi, is there any way to delete ALL alsa and pulseaudio configuration files (systemwide and home folder) without uninstall the packages? I want all audio related are reverted to its default state14:09
acovrigMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l14:09
KajoverMonkeyDust, and why? I just want something idiotic for beginners14:09
skinux_Can someone help me with a NetGear Wireless Adapter that was bought maybe a week ago?14:10
skinux_I've installed it using NDISWrapper, but when I tried to connect to hidden wireless network it says no wireless networks found.14:10
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acovrigMonkeyDust: I’m wondering if installing classicmenu-indicator killed it, but I’ve since un-installed it and it’s still broken14:11
=== Ahmed_ is now known as Guest1467
MonkeyDustKajover  because a separate /home is a good exercise, to start with partitioning14:13
Guest1467I installed Ubuntu 16 after i tried it live.The live version works fine.after i installed it , it gives me black screen!14:13
Kajoveri dont want exercise. i am new to linux and i just want to get it running, and optimized14:13
mcphailKajover: I do not see any benefit whatsoever in a spearate home partition for an average user.14:14
mcphailKajover: the defaults have been set up to work well for most people14:14
Kajovermcphail, then is it ok to just go with the automatic partitioning?14:14
mcphailKajover: I would14:14
MonkeyDustKajover  you mentioned LVM, that's why i assumed you were more experienced14:14
Kajoverthanks, all i wanted to know ;)14:14
skinux_mcphail: Probably makes him feel leet, so he has to do it. lol14:14
Guest1467I tried to modify grub and added nomodeset and changed quiet splash to no splash.It works better.but, still gives me black screen after loading.14:15
Kajoverno, because in the fedora irc they said that the automatic partitioning in fedora isnt optimal and one should partition it better14:15
mcphailKajover: fedora has alwyas been user-hostile. That isn't the Ubuntu way14:15
Kajoverso i wanted to know if ubuntu is also "user-hostile"14:15
Tobias92Could somebody help me out? I upgraded my server server to Xenial while my desktop uses Trusty. It seems like NFS filesystems in /etc/fstab are not mounted properly on boot anymore; in particular, it seems like rpc_pipefs is mount mounted when the bootup process tries to process fstab -- relevant snipped from syslog here: http://pastebin.ca/367354514:16
joeliothere's no advantage for seperate /home for a new-to-ubuntu, single user system14:16
Kajoverthanks, i feel leet enough when i start steam in linux14:16
joeliojust do all-in-one14:16
* skinux_ wonders if he'll ever get wireless working14:16
Fr_DaeKajover take a usblive and test for yourself for me Lubuntu is the best think at the world after internet14:16
acovrigooh, apt install ubuntu-desktop mentions a broken unity-webapps-common, I wonder if this is the issue...14:17
Fr_Daeso use a real IDE ligne gnome or Lxde =)14:18
Fr_Daerip unity14:18
Guest1467Help please14:18
joelioIDE != Gnome/KDE/Unity :)14:19
joelioIDE is an integrated development environemnt14:19
joelioWindow Manageer or Desktop Enviornment :)14:19
joelioor pre SATA days etc14:20
ikoniaFr_Dae: nothing like trying to put a product down when you don't even know what it is14:20
_adbGuest1467: does it produce any visual output at all? is there text that goes by followed by blackness? does it ever get to grub?14:20
Guest1467after i modified grub, it produces text and the logo of Ubuntu but, not the GUI.14:21
blockyso i'm trying to set up a pptp vpn, but when i added it to the list in network manager applet -> configure vpn, it didn't appear in the list of vpns to connect to, and then i restarted lightdm and now none of my vpns appear in that list14:22
acovrig“ubuntu-desktop depends checkbox-gui but it is not going to be installed” - all I see is “apt -f install” but it says everything is fine...14:22
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skinux_Different problem. No black areas, instead when I click "play movie" on any movie, VLC cuts out completely (but doesn't crash)14:26
Guest1467What shall i do?14:27
_adbguest1467: does the text/logo go away or just get stuck? if it goes away, what is it replaced with? also, how did you modify grub?14:27
WhoAmi00i need someone to tell me what plan should i get for a vps servers14:28
joelioWhoAmi00: it depends on what your requirements are for the project you need it for..14:29
Guest1467I modified grub and added nomodeset and changed quiet splash to no splash and gfxmode 1024x768.after these modifications , the text messages appear and the logo then the logo disappears and the screen becomes black. when i press on power to shutdown , the logo appears again.14:30
timpanyone did an apt upgrade on Odroid C2 and after that the device didn't boot any more?14:32
SkylakeMXGuest1467: your problem now is that you can't reach your files to revert those settings?14:33
Guest1467why should i revert the settings?I modify the grub by pressing e on the menu. I prefer that the modifications i do are saved but, i don't know how.14:34
Guest1467The main problem is that it doesn't display the GUI.14:35
SkylakeMXGuest1467: that's because of the no splash if I'm correct14:36
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
SkylakeMXGuest1467: The settings you make can also be made to the grub config, you should not forget to run a grub update14:36
Guest1467The original setting "quiet splash" doesn't display even the text.14:37
Guest1467How can i run grub update? i only hav the option to modify and boot.14:38
SkylakeMXGuest1467: first you have to be able to boot the system or use a live-usb/cd, can u still do that?14:39
Guest1467yes.it works well from the DVD.14:39
SkylakeMXGuest1467: this should help you out then14:40
SkylakeMXsudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev14:40
SkylakeMXignore that14:40
SkylakeMXGuest1467: http://askubuntu.com/questions/145241/how-do-i-run-update-grub-from-a-livecd14:40
ducasseGuest1467: you don't get the gui either with or without nomodeset?14:41
SkylakeMXGuest1467: seems a bit overwelming, but you generally only have to mount your partitions, chroot into the /mnt and run update-grub (don't forget to make changes to your grub config)14:41
joeliohang on why? You can get into rescue and do that stuff :)14:42
joelionot sure that's the outright issue with that atm, seems a graphics driver issue perhaps14:42
Guest1467this is not the main problem. I modify the settings and it is applied. The main problem that it doesn't display the GUI.I can't work on Ubuntu.14:43
joelioGuest1467: what hareware?14:43
Guest1467What is hareware?14:44
joeliosorry hardware14:44
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joeliowhat machine / graphics card etc?14:44
Guest1467OK. Laptop lenovo 3000 N200. It works well using the live DVD.14:44
joeliois that one with discreete graphics.. ie. an inbuilt graphics adapter and a more powerful one?14:45
joeliook, no, it's not14:45
joelioit's a  NVIDIA GeForce Go 730014:45
joelioso you'll need nvidia drivers, I'm betting the nouevau drivers are buggy with it14:46
Guest1467It is mobile intel 965 express chipset14:46
joeliohah, not according to http://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo-3000-n200/specs/14:46
joelioso maybe it is discreete - i.e. it's got 2 graphics cards14:47
joelioooi, have you tried plugging a monitor in too, or is it just by the panel14:47
acovrigI’m probably just missing a package, but I can’t adjust the brightness of my lenovo via the keys; I can, however, adjust it via /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness, so it’s not a graphics issue, but a keyboard issue; I tried manually mapping it, but it doesn’t recognize the keys14:47
Guest1467It is like the link you sent me.14:48
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ducasseacovrig: does xev see the keys?14:50
joelioGuest14667: can you boot into rescue mode, so get a shell prompt? You should be able to select it from grub menu14:50
acovrigducasse: no14:50
ducasseacovrig: then you basically can't use them. map some other keys instead.14:51
obr7Hello. I added some hdd space in VMware to my server. Is it possible to grow the "main LVM partition" via console? Alternativly: Does it work with GParted on Xenial?14:54
acovrigducasse: ah, I would think the buttons are dead, bu thtis device is *new* and it works in windows; *sigh* thanks for the xev pointer14:54
_adbducasse: acovrig: is it possible the keys are sending acpi events instead of registering as keyboard buttons?14:55
acovrig_adb: acpi_listen?14:55
Guest___Any suggestions to the black screen problem?14:55
joelioobr7: assuming you have enough free space in volume group, you can extend online, using lvextend -L +{size} [name of lv}14:55
joelioGuest___: boot into rescue, start shell, do a mount -o remount,rw14:56
joeliothen apt-get instal nvidia-current14:56
joelioor you could check X.org log before doing that too14:56
ducasseacovrig _adb: another option is that it uses a driver in windows14:56
joeliosee what's being loaded14:56
Guest___Do you mean recovery?14:56
_adbacovrig: yeah. might not help, but worth checking14:56
joelioGuest___: the rescue shell, accessible via grub menu14:57
obr7joelio: lvextend -v -l 100%FREE template99-vg/root \n New size of 0 not permitted14:57
acovrigducasse, _adb: this is a lenovo flex 3 15in, BTW14:57
joelioobr7: do you have space to extend it?14:57
joelioit's -L too afair14:57
SkylakeMXHey _adb, did you fix your language issue of yesterday? :P14:57
Guest___how do i checkx x.org log?14:57
obr7No, I do not know how to give space to the group.14:58
obr7joelio: No, I do not know how to give space to the group.14:58
joelioobr7: check the volume group - vgs14:58
* joelio has to do realy work now, laters14:58
obr7kk thanks14:58
Guest___I also tried recovery then chose graphics recovery. I tells me i must solve the problem myself.14:59
ducasseacovrig: i would just map it to whatever you find comfortable, probably the easiest solution.14:59
ruijanpallasI'm curious. uptime shows 3 users, although I'm the only using this machine. :s14:59
_adbSkylakeMX: nope. not yet. i've got cairodock on these machines, and found that comes with a nice applet to switch keyboard inputs, but i haven't found where it gets its list yet. for now it shows English (US) as the only option. i did g et the compose key working nicely with setxkbmap though, which helps14:59
skinux_Will someone please help me out with wireless? NetGear A6210, installed via NDISWrapper, wireless manager says no connections available after providing hidden wireless SSID15:00
ruijanpallasoh now i get it xD15:00
ducasse_adb: language problem?15:02
ducasseGuest___: /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:02
acovrigducasse: yea, I guess that works, but I’m dual’ing between ubutnu 16 and windows 10 so eeh, but I’ll probs be able to get used to it just fine :)15:03
_adbducasse: i need to switch keyboard layouts on the fly, preferably with a nice "intuitive" graphical interface. i've shot myself in the foot though, because i don't have a proper DE on these computers, so i can't just change my settings in gnome or click the input manager in unity15:03
SkylakeMX_adb: that's good to hear, I hope you figure out the language thing too soon ;) linux is a never ending yourney hehe15:04
Guest___OK. I will quit and try.15:04
acovrigin apt install, I’m getting an unmet dependencies error, is there any way to determine which package in the list is causing the error?15:04
ruijanpallasso when I suspend, and then log back in I log in "different" session, because who -command shows three ruijanpallas15:05
ruijanpallasI'm confused15:05
ducasse_adb: you can switch keyboard layouts just with a key combo, you know?15:05
_adbducasse: how?15:07
ducasse_adb: you use setxkbmap to specify which layouts you want to use, and -option grp:caps_toggle for example to toggle with caps lock. layouts and switch combos can be found in 'man xkeyboard-config', look under "Switching to another layout"15:10
GnomeKrisIs there a native ubuntu application for gpu control without using anything proprietary?15:13
_adbducasse: great to know. setxkbmap -layout ru works today but didn't work yesterday, so i'm guessing some of the packages i installed between then and now did what i wanted. now just to figure out which one(s) did the trick....and figure out how to get back to english, since i don't know how to type in russian :D15:15
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JakesDeni just deleted some verry important files what do i do?15:17
JakesDenthere not in waste bin15:17
JakesDeni need these files back NOW15:18
ducasse_adb: no problem :) if you have any kind of panel that provides a systray, you can switch layouts with something like the applet provided by ibus-damon (iirc)15:18
ducasseJakesDen: try extundelete and stop shouting.15:18
JakesDenextundelete i dont know how to use15:20
Pici!undelete | JakesDen15:21
ubottuJakesDen: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery15:21
_adbducasse: i have cairodock, and that has a built-in applet that i'd like to use, but i'll have to spend some time with the docs and/or the google to figure out how to use it. also, for what it's worth, unplugging and plugging the keyboard back in resets back to a default layout. very useful for me just now.15:21
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ducasseJakesDen: try this: http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/linux-recover-deleted-data-extundelete/15:22
oootheoneoooIf I have LDAP running in my environment and intend to use Landscape to manage my Ubuntu machines, is it possible to setup accounts via LDAP in Landscape?15:23
nilsF13je n'arrive pas à identifier le bon fichier de conf de phpmyadmin config.inc.php, comment savoir lequel est utilisé par phpmyadmin15:23
ducasse_adb: you can also use 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration' to set things up to your liking.15:23
DJones!fr | nilsF1315:23
ubottunilsF13: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:23
tewardoootheoneooo: I assume you are using Landscape Standalone and running it yourself.  https://help.landscape.canonical.com/HelpOnAuthentication/LDAP may be of interest.15:24
tewardoootheoneooo: i don't think you can enable LDAP on the Canonical-hosted version of Landscape, though.15:24
nilsF13I cannot find the file config.inc.php used by my phpmyadmin app, how can I found out which file is used by the running phpmyadmin ?15:24
nilsF13I have 3 of this file, in /etc, /var, /usr15:25
oootheoneoootoward: Yes, I plan to setup Landscape Standalone. Thanks for the link. I'll review it.15:25
naccnilsF13: /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php iirc15:25
threedee /join #el-lnx ellnx15:26
shahlai have a question15:26
tewardshahla: just ask it15:26
shahlacan i crack a software after that expired on ubuntu?15:27
MonkeyDustshahla  linux is opensource, no need to 'crack'15:27
tewardshahla: we can't help with software piracy / hacking / cracking here, sorry.15:28
nilsF13ok nacc, I try to modify $cfg['Servers'][$i]['LoginCookieValidity'] = 3;, adding one personal.php file in /etc/phpmyadmin/conf.d/ with this line, as it is supposed not to be updated (when phpmyadmin is updated), but it does not work, how to check it works ? login out and in is it enough ?15:29
shahlabut now i see this message that my intellij is expired15:31
DJonesshahla: Renew the licence15:31
tewardshahla: renew the license.  Or use some other IDE.  We won't help you with cracking third party licensed applications here, sorry.15:31
DJonesshahla: Or use the community edition which is free according to their website15:32
naccnilsF13: one sec, on the phone, i'll ping in a bit15:33
ppfsoo, i just went from trusty to xenial15:34
nilsF13ok thanks nacc15:34
ppfapt-get: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libapt-pkg.so.5.0: symbol _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareERKS4_, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference15:34
ppfwhat's up with that?15:37
ppffound a workaround at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/init-system-helpers/+bug/157290315:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1572903 in init-system-helpers (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 dependency issues" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:38
MonkeyDustppf  what's your issue, in human language15:48
skinux_MonkeyDust: can you assist with Wireless?15:49
threedeehi, is there a way for the launcher be empty on second monitor, just showing the active applications?15:50
MonkeyDustskinux_  no, did helpdesking, in Windows env... I avoid 'wireless' questions, since15:50
naccnilsF13: this is on 16.04?15:50
FSocihello all15:51
nilsF13yes nacc it is 16.0415:53
nilsF13nacc, it is 16.0415:54
nilsF13nacc: it is 16.0415:54
nilsF13nacc, trying to get your name colored15:54
tgm4883nilsF13: it only colors it for him15:55
naccnilsF13: ok, i'm setting up a container with the same env, one sec15:55
nilsF13wow, thanks15:55
nilsF13nacc, oups, I ommited your name, not familiar yet with chat15:56
naccnilsF13: np15:56
ppfMonkeyDust: precisely what i said: after going from trusty to xenial, apt ceased to work with above error message15:57
bahuli am new to ubuntu15:58
MonkeyDust!manual | bahul15:59
ubottubahul: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:59
naccnilsF13: ok, i'm up -- how are you verifying if your setting change is taking effect?15:59
Drakonanhey yall is there a place where i can learn linux?15:59
nilsF13nacc, login out and login in15:59
nilsF13nacc, and set up 3 seconds to check quickly16:00
Drakonanlike really i guess ui stuff mainly... ubuntu linux.... for example im using wine to play and older game and surprisingly it works with networking support across to a windows platform with no craziness, with one exception16:01
Drakonanthe exception being i have to play in a window16:01
nilsF13nacc, I created a  personal.php file in /etc/phpmyadmin/conf.d/ with $cfg['Servers'][$i]['LoginCookieValidity'] = 3;16:01
gerepI have this in my ip route: dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src Can someone tell me how do I add this via ip route? It has some extra options16:01
Drakonanwhen i try full screen the video is messed up, it's only showing the top quarter of the directx part almost like the game res and the x res are off16:02
ppfDrakonan: have you tried alt+enter16:02
ppfalright  :)16:02
naccnilsF13: right; i just tried using the UI to set the same (it's under settings) and it took effect immediately. trying to see where that got written :)16:02
Drakonanppf: yeah so that's another question in itself how to do i "kill it" when i get in that situation without having to reboot the whole server16:02
nilsF13nacc, this personal.php file should be called by config.inc.php at the end => foreach (glob('/etc/phpmyadmin/conf.d/*.php') as $filename)16:03
ppfDrakonan: there are a couple of wine channels on irc, you might have more luck over there16:03
Drakonansays its invite only?16:03
ducasse!register | Drakonan16:04
ubottuDrakonan: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:04
Drakonani mean it works just fine in a window but it's really why im here is there some kind of compilation of basic fundamentals that would help me learn some of that16:04
nilsF13nacc, what is UI (user interface ?), I read with UI, the setting is lost after login out, I read it was set up only for the current session16:04
naccnilsF13: right, agreed16:04
naccnilsF13: e.g., http://<ip>/phpmyadmin16:04
katronixHi all, last night I manually installed a package via deb files, and now apt-get thinks there are a newer copy of the programs but when I ask it to install it, it says errors out because the installed copy is the same version as the new version. How can I fix this issue: http://pastebin.com/5Bht1NzN ?16:05
ducasse!wine | Drakonan16:05
ubottuDrakonan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:05
Drakonanit seems like every time i get started i get stuck half with a ui issue or something that seems so simple and its really a training issue you know16:05
nilsF13nacc, i do not understand your e.g.16:05
FSociCan somebody recomend some programs to download to entertain me on vacations? thx16:05
nilsF13nacc, I am using
naccnilsF13: it's running as a webservice, generally; so you can navigate to http://<ip>/phpmyadmin16:05
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naccnilsF13: yes16:05
ppfFSoci: vim16:06
naccnilsF13: Settings -> Features -> "Login Cookie Validity"16:06
Drakonanducasse, wine was just an example idc specifically just highlights my lack of understanding the basics i feel like (?) you should be able to fix most problems without needing to reboot nowadays i'd hope :)16:06
nilsF13nacc, yes, but I read this would be lost after login out, this settind looks like living only for the current session, according to what I read16:07
ducasse!manual | Drakonan maybe this will help16:07
ubottuDrakonan maybe this will help: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:07
naccnilsF13: it survives logout/login here16:07
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nilsF13nacc, yes I am wong, I tryed and the setting is still there16:08
naccnilsF13: ah ha! it stores it in the db, of course16:08
naccnilsF13: pma__userconfig table16:08
nilsF13nacc, ok, so I drop configuring files, and use the UI, many thanks16:08
naccnilsF13: not sure why it doesn't pick it up from the config file, but I can look into it if you want; but seems like you have a workaround for now16:09
nilsF13nacc, yes I have a workaround now, I will come back if necessary, don't spend time looking to conf file16:10
naccnilsF13: ok, good luck! :)16:11
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
nilsF13nacc, I found the setting in the database, table phpmyadmin => {"LoginCookieValidity":10,  I setted up 10 seconds, so it is stored, and will be kept if upgrade16:11
naccnilsF13: yes, it seems that way; it is per-user rather than global16:12
nilsF13nacc, do you know what is the max for LoginCookieValidity ? integer ? 65635 ?16:12
nilsF13ok nacc16:12
nilsF13nacc, per user is fine for me16:12
nilsF13nacc, the max is 9223372036854775807 !16:13
naccnilsF13: per the code, i think it just neesd to be a postivie integer16:13
naccnilsF13: right, 2^63-1 i guess?16:14
nilsF13nacc, I filled with 999999999999999999999 and looked what was kept16:14
nilsF13ok nacc, 60*60*24*7 = 604800, enough for a week of work16:15
nilsF13nacc, thousand thanks for you help !16:15
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
tatertotsgood morning everyone16:16
naccnilsF13: np16:16
MonkeyDustgood evening tatertots16:16
nilsF13nacc, you are right !, 2^63, that makes 8 bytes, right ?16:17
nilsF13nacc, all this is far away, at school in 198816:17
at3zhk10 -416:18
W0ndrChas anyone here taken the LFCS exam?16:20
mike-zalquick question. if I check .xsession-errors, does it shows always fresh errors from current session login or also from the past (so now it's ok, but it shows some previous errors)?16:21
tatertotsI've not taken LFCS but i've taken novell and redhat exams...oh and LPI stuff16:22
`packyi upgraded to 16.04, seems to be bogging me down some.... wasn't an issue before, have i peaked?16:22
tatertotsare you planning to sit the LFCS exam W0ndrC?16:22
dm_compHi, I need help understanding this command "sudo dd if=/dev/sda | bzip2 > /media/usb/image.bz2" I would guess this wont pipe the 250GB hd into my 8GB memory before piping it to gzip2, correct?16:23
W0ndrCI am. I've been studying off and on for 6 months. Was wondering if anyone had any tips or adivce on areas to focus16:23
tatertotsone of the guys i worked with took some LF exams, not that they were required but he ended up getting a job a LF as a writer16:24
tatertotsthe exam objectives should be published on their website16:25
tatertotsmake sure you are comfortable with all the published objectives and you should be fine16:25
joeblackwherr the fkc am I16:25
joeblackI'be been on drugs for the past 6 months and tinkering with linux...is that normal?16:26
OerHeks!ot | joeblack16:26
ubottujoeblack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:26
joeblackmy combo is xanax+modanifil+16:26
joeblackand pregabalin16:26
OerHeksjoeblack, stop it, thanks.16:27
joeblackI don't understand16:27
DJonesjoeblack: This is Ubuntu support only, not medical details16:27
joeblackai ai aiii buff sorry yes16:27
DJonesIf you have an ubuntu support question, please ask it, but keep general chat in other channels16:27
joeblacktrimage is broken with 16.04.. :(16:27
tatertotsthe exam objectives are https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/lfcs in the domains and competencies section16:28
joeblackno, not trimage. phatch photo processor is broken16:28
mike-zalis .xsession-errors file always showung current errors or also past ones? can I delete it to see only the new ones (I assume file will respawn)16:28
W0ndrCI'm familiar with the objectives and I have run through the objectives several times. Obviously some of them are more common then otheres16:29
OerHeksmike-zal, yes, it respawns16:29
W0ndrCI'm fortunate in that I have a job that supports then exam16:30
joeblackok seriously guys just ban me16:30
joeblacklick my hairy asshole fedoras, I'm on drugs16:30
tatertotsyeah it always helps if your employer supports linux certs16:30
mike-zalthank OerHeks. so does it shows only newest stuff after respawn? I have one error there and when I google it, it shows an issue that I had in the past, so I'm not sure if what to think, hence my question if it shows new or past errors16:30
tatertotshell certs in general16:30
tatertotslooks like a fun exam16:31
OerHeksi wonder what old stuff gets in that error log, mike-zal16:32
mike-zalOerHeks, not sure if I understood. nevermind, moved file to the trash and relogging to see what it shows now. thanks16:33
whytrytoflyam i correct that i cannot use qupzilla qt5-webengine unter debian/ubuntu/etc...16:33
mike-zalOerHeks, it showed past error. now the new file don't show that error. thanks.16:34
ioria!info qupzilla16:34
ubottuqupzilla (source: qupzilla): lightweight web browser based on libqtwebkit. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.9~dfsg1-3 (xenial), package size 830 kB, installed size 5639 kB16:34
OerHekshave fun :-)16:34
joeliothere are other steps in there that use httpRequest to talk to an API I wrote, seriosuly tempted to move rundeck behind that for what I need, just so it's a bit cleaner and versioned better. When they're in jobs (not an scm checkout step either) then it's down to versioning the job xml or using config management.. which is still a split set of repos to manage the same pipeline16:35
whytrytoflyubotto = a boit?16:35
ikoniait is a bot, yes16:35
joeliooops wrong chan, lol16:36
`packyi upgraded to 16.04, seems to be bogging me down some.... wasn't an issue before, have i peaked?16:41
ikoniawhat ??16:42
ikoniacan you try to talk in clear english please16:42
`packywhat part don't you understand....16:42
ikoniaall of it16:42
`packyi upgraded to 16.04... brought up cheese and the video is jerky..... wasn't an issue at 14.04..... i7 processor 12 gigs of ram....   have i maxed out the horsepower of my pc with this upgrade?16:44
ToxtloHi, I want to completely reinstall ubuntu, how can I keep a list of all the packages installed and install them afterwards, so, cloning my whole system?16:44
ikonia`packy: ok - so you've upgraded to 16.04 and your video is jerky...16:44
ikoniathats the problem16:44
tgm4883And to be clear, his webcam video is jerky. Who knows if other video is jerky16:44
`packyand i had a system hang the other day...16:44
ikoniayou will be nowhere near the limits of the machines resources16:44
ikoniait's more likley your video card/webcam is not configured properly16:45
`packystill fine tuning 16.04?16:45
ikoniawhat ?16:45
adroit_machinehi ikonia16:45
ikoniawhat are you talking about16:45
`packyhey this is the first time bluetooth worked ..... after the upgrade16:45
ikonia`packy: what has that got to do with anything ?16:45
hasaninhello, how can I use systemd to add a service as a dependency for a non current target ? , for example my current target is multi-user.target and I want to add httpd.service as a dependency for graphical.target ,16:45
jattToxtlo: dpkg --get-selections > list.txt16:46
jattToxtlo: dpkg --set-selections < list.txt16:46
Toxtlocopying my home folder after that will do it?16:46
jattToxtlo: apt-get dselect-upgrade -y16:47
jattToxtlo: no copying the home folder won't do it16:49
ubuntu817i have a simple question regarding bash commands. could someone help?16:53
jattsure, but the true experts are at #bash16:53
sara-Could not find rake-11.1.2 in any of the sources16:54
sara-Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.16:54
ubuntu817jatt, its simple let me post the question16:55
Bassemi have HP EliteBook 8460p with fingerprint login ...dos ubuntu support that?16:56
OerHekssara-, correct, there is no 11.1.2 http://rake.rubyforge.org/16:56
ubuntu817ive a file containing 3 columns as id:name:salary. I wish to display the highest salaried employee. but if there's more than 1 employee for the highest salary, display them too. I need to do this one go only using pipes through basic commands not involving awk sed stuff16:57
ubuntu817is it at all possible?16:57
OerHeksBassem, check the lspci/lsusb  ID here https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui16:57
ducasseubuntu817: why no awk/sed?16:58
mcphailubuntu817: this isn't really the place for homework assignments16:58
tgm4883mcphail: +116:58
jattit's possible but why with bash? import the file to a local sqlite db and run a sql query that gets you the answer16:59
tgm4883jatt: because it's his homework17:00
OerHeksexcluding awk and sed makes me back2school again17:00
ioriaubuntu817, an idea....  grep the numbers, sort the numbers , pick the highest and grep the name's  field ...17:00
csst0111is it possible to give /sdb1 more space by resizing/shrinking  ? http://imgur.com/zug7Bi717:01
csst0111cause i have read this answer here ( http://askubuntu.com/a/126250/137076 ) and it says you need free space in front or after17:02
notbotanyone with the highest salaried question thing?17:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:03
tgm4883notbot: it was already answered17:03
notboti got disconnected17:03
notbotcould you please repost?17:04
tgm4883notbot: ioria> ubuntu817, an idea....  grep the numbers, sort the numbers , pick the highest and grep the name's  field ...17:04
OerHekscsst0111, highly unlikely by shrinking, and you would have to move whole sdb5 and its extended partition sdb2 to the end before merging the unallocated bytes to sdb117:04
tgm4883notbot: that's the best answer you are going to get on a homework question17:04
csst0111OerHeks, so what do you propose ? is it possible to move sdb5 to the end ?17:05
notbotI came up with something like this sort -rn -t":" -k3 file | cut -d":" -f3 | head -n 1 > file217:06
OerHekscsst0111, no, you need to expand the extended partition first to the end.17:07
OerHekssdb5 is locked in sdb217:07
csst0111oh right17:08
vikneshhi this is my hard drive partition http://imgur.com/a/3JXda , i want use 10 gb unallocated space for my linux partition (dev/sda9) when i right click my root partition and select Resize/Move , there is no option to increase the space17:10
notbot_got disconnected again17:11
OerHeksviknesh, you cannot alter partitions that are in use, use the live iso for this17:11
vikneshOerHeks: ok will do that , after i boot into live cd what should i be doing ?17:12
ducassenotbot: do your homework yourself. nobody here is going to do it for you.17:12
OerHeksviknesh, then you would be able to edit partition/size with your mouse17:12
vikneshOerHeks: so the resize/move option will allow me to increase the partition17:12
notbot_ducasse its not homework.. somethin that I queried to myself17:12
OerHeksviknesh, yes.17:13
notbot_Ive done it. But i need a way to maybe combine the two steps in one..17:13
notbot_tried but couldnt succeed..17:13
Picinotbot_: this channel is for people having problems with their Ubuntu installs. Not for bash programming help. #bash exists, but they will not take kindly to doing others homework for them either.17:14
vikneshOerHeks: so , just right clicking my root partition ans choosing resize/move would work ?17:14
OerHeksviknesh, yes, you have 43.04 gb free next to it17:14
notbot_Pici: ok ill go ask there but again its not a homework.. It just popped to me.. i cant think of a way to achieve what I want17:15
vikneshOerHeks: how come it will be 43 ? i just have 10 gb unallocated space17:15
csst0111so first I expand sdb2 to the end and then i shrink it from the beginning ?17:15
ducassenotbot_: riiiight.17:15
pretodorguys, is there anybody using Chromium/Chrome v.51 here?17:16
OerHeksviknesh, you have 2 pieces of unallocated space.17:16
vikneshOerHeks: oh i guess u mistook for 43 mb17:16
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OerHeksoh, my bad, not gb .... oops17:16
_adbpretodor: yes17:17
vikneshOerHeks: is that i will be having only 43 mb next to it ,or 10 gb too ?17:17
OerHeksviknesh, i was wrong, you would have to move sda4 and sda5 first17:17
OerHeksthat will give you 43 mb + 10 gb yes17:17
vikneshOerHeks: yeah , that's what i thought17:18
pretodor_adb: brilliant! Could you open Synaptic Package Manager and see if you also have available v.49? (The versions are listed in the package's "Properties")17:19
vikneshOerHeks: fine :) thanks for it :-D17:19
_adbpretodor: er... no. not using synaptic, but unsure why one would want to have both v49 and 51 or replace 51 with 49.17:20
pretodor_adb: the reason why I am asking you to do this is because I seem not to be able to switch to v.49 despite having it listed as an available version17:20
pretodor_adb: I am trying to downgrade to v.49 because there is a bug in v.51. More info here: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/chrome/Xh9GV7jNymo/InHwd7vsCwAJ17:22
d1zhello, I'm trying to install ubuntu into an hp mini 210-4000, I've already prep'd a usb (as the laptop doesn't have a cdrom) with usb-creator with an ubuntu image, the process ended up succefully but when I stick the usb into the mini laptop and try to boot off it it doesn't work, the grub doesn't come up. What can I try in thiscase?17:23
naccd1z: is your bios configured to boot from usb?17:24
d1znacc yes17:24
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tatertotsdlz are you %100 sure you are instructing the computer to boot from USB and not the internal disk drive or cddrive?17:25
tatertotsthis is usually done by pressing a button during power on, you didn't mention pressing any key to enter the boot menu of the pc so i'll assume you skepped that step17:25
d1ztatertots: yes, quadruple checked. I've been installing linux distros off usb sticks for the better part of 8 years17:25
tatertotsif you selected to boot from usb then you need to confirm your usb is actually bootable in a different computer17:26
d1ztatertots: it is, I already tried it on a separate laptop17:26
d1zI searched for information regarding touchy hp annoyances and found something: http://askubuntu.com/questions/244261/how-do-i-get-my-hp-laptop-to-boot-into-grub-from-my-new-efi-file17:27
_adbd1z: have you booted other usbsticks to this laptop before? i'm curious if the laptop bios wants to treat the usb more like a hard drive than a usb17:27
mike-zalthen you need to tinker bios settings. sometimes it can be tricky. I also had some computers where I thought I have usb enabled but they were not seen by the bios, at least not in the place I was looking..17:27
d1zbut that seems to be related to aninstallation that has already happened. I mean, in that scenario the guy was capable of booting the image, installing it, but then had problems having the machine boot the newly installed system17:27
tatertotsonce you've verified usb functions on a different machine, has the computer in question ever in it's history been able to boot any 'other' usb bootable media?17:28
d1ztatertots: yes. The machine comes with windows 7, and my girlfriends' brother was capable of installing windows 10 on it from a usb stick17:28
mike-zalsometimes usb is treated in BIOS like a HDD, so one must set it and then choose USB from HDD launching sequence...17:29
d1zthe reason Im trying to install ubuntu on it is because windows 10 is way overkill for this little thing, it's like a netbook. It's extremely slow on it17:29
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tatertotstry instructing the computer to boot the usb in the bios boot order17:29
mike-zald1z, see my previous comment, it may be the reason why you don't see usb in bios17:29
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_adbd1z: i've had to change the "usb emulation mode" from "auto" to "hard disk" in bios before, then the usb would show up as a hard drive in the boot menu17:31
d1zthis is a very limited bios, it doesn't have anything of the sort17:32
d1zmike-zal, the boot sequence is fine17:32
d1zusb harddisk up front17:32
d1zwhen I stick the usb in it, the machine doesn't boot off the harddrive (windows10), it just stays there as if it's reading the usb but it never actually boots from it17:33
mike-zald1z, I mean, that sometimes there are levels of boot sequences and there is sequence within a sequence... that is why I also had once issue to find usb.17:33
mike-zalso basically I had to choose hard drive and then find settings for hard drive sequence and there I found usb.17:33
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mike-zalso it wasn't so obvious as usually17:34
tatertotsyou should try known good usb....saying that somebody's boyfriends brother or sister did it once is good and all but not as good as validating in real time during trouble shooting17:34
d1ztatertots: windows 10 got in this laptop through usb, no other way17:35
d1zand this usb does boot in my other machine17:35
tatertotsmaybe your usb is not proper but since you're trying the same one over and over you'll never be revealed to you17:35
tatertotsno other way other than usb to get this originally win8 system to win10?...they couldn't have just downloaded the update to win10?17:36
d1zit's not like I'm imagining what he did or didn't17:37
d1zhe told me17:37
d1zI know him, been knowing him for 5 years17:37
mike-zald1z, did you check the usb on another computer?17:37
d1zmike-zal: yes17:37
d1zit did boot, that's why I refuse to believe the 'not proper' usb theory17:37
tatertotsso he's tried a known good computer with the usb17:38
mike-zalso when it was bootable on other computer, it has to be on the one you want. need to go through bios settings one by one. and I assume secure boot is disabled?17:38
mike-zalalso some bios are set for windows so you need to choose "different system".17:38
tatertotsnow try a known good bootable usb in the hp to validate it....if you don't have the means to do that type of testing that's understandable17:39
tatertotsdo the best you can with what you have at your disposal17:39
d1zmike-zal: there is no uefi settings related settings in the bios. Specially no secure boot on/off setting17:39
d1zeven though I'm 100% sure this bios is uefi capable, and secure mode is enabled as I don't believe you can even install windows10 on a machine with secure boot mode off17:40
mike-zald1z, just saying that sometimes we don't see things in front of our eyes. just go one by one through all bios menus and maybe you will find something that will help you.17:40
d1zmike-zal: I know it's frustrating to read me. Maybe it is because I am frustrated myself, but if you were to look a picture of this bios, you'd know there isn't much to try here17:41
mike-zald1z, if win10 was updated from win7 that doesn't used it, then it can be installed17:41
d1zbesides changing the boot sequence, there is no other relevant option in the bios17:41
d1zmike-zal: I've previously stated that windows 10 was installed using a usb stick17:41
tatertotshave you looked at the computers documentation to see what the manufacture method of booting usb on the system in question?17:41
mike-zald1z, I had the same situation. I looked through menus and nothing. I was so irritated but then I just went into very detailed search and found it finally.17:42
mike-zaland also bios menus were sparse so I also thought, that's not possible, I see everything17:42
_adbd1z: might be dumb, but have you tried a different usb port?17:42
d1z_adb: yes, I already tried all of them17:43
madsjI may have done something terrible, and made a typo in my .bashrc, so now I can't login (I'm currently using the guest user)17:43
tatertotsbut you haven't tried known good usb media?..........that's the only thing you have to rule out17:43
mike-zald1z, ah, one more thing. sometimes you need to set something in bios (like enablin boot from usb) and then reboot it to see the new options. also some secure boot and other weird shit can be hidden if you won't change some obscure setting17:44
madsjboth in the display manager and in tty (there's a message there, but it disappears to quickly for me to notice)17:44
tatertotsand it's hanging so low right in front of you to rule out17:44
tatertotsand would possibly reveal so much17:44
tatertotsbut let's try everything else under the sun except try a known good usb device though...let's dance and skip all around that17:45
mike-zald1z, also I'm not sure, but there may be a way to start ubuntu install from windows. it is possible to start windows install from linux so maybe the other way around... but I'm not sure.17:45
_adbmadsj: can you, as the guest user, run something like17:45
_adbsu -c 'mv /home/madsj/.bashrc{,.broken}' madsj17:45
_adb(replace madsj with your actual username)17:45
d1zmike-zal: yes it was possible, I remember the ubuntu iso having some sort of autorun that could be exec'd from windows and in the next reboot it would boot the iso and not windows17:46
d1zmaybe I should try that from windows 10 (the only problem is windows 10 in this machine is such a pain in the ass to handle, it's overwhelmingly borderline unusably slow)17:46
madsj_adb: I noticed I could login in with ssh, so the error is somewhere else17:47
madsjssh X@localhost17:47
mike-zald1z, first check all possible bios settings and restart if you change anything to see if something showed up17:47
mike-zald1z, also, if the computer is very weak, I can recommend lubuntu version.17:48
jnewtcan't seem to get ubuntu to install on a little mini itx computer I bought.  everytime the install starts (from usb stick), i either get a garbled looking terminal, or if it gets to the graphics part, the screel looks all messed up / garbled and then the pc is rebooted.17:49
d1zmike-zal: I've already tried that. Trust me it's a lost cause. If you could see how limited this bios is then you'd understand my point, but regardless, I've already tried most options17:49
subsumehow can I make a USB persistent install of ubuntu from OSX?17:49
subsumeis it possible?17:49
jnewtcould it be that the install drive is labeled as "UEFI: USB2.0 USB Flash Drive" in the BIOS?17:51
ducassed1z: if i'm not mistaken the windows installer is 'wubi', which is broken and no longer works.17:51
tatertotsdlz if you're admitting by your own words that you've tried EVERYTHING and ruled everything out (except a known good usb device)17:53
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mike-zald1z, walk away from it for a while, cool down and you will find solution eventually. I also had many momenths where I thought "no way" but then I finally found it17:54
mike-zalsometimes trying too hard doesn't work ;)17:55
tatertotsjnewt does it only fail at the point of installation?...meaning you can use the live environment to your hearts content?17:57
tatertotsyour words were "every time the install starts" so that's why i'm asking jnewt17:58
jnewttatertots, no, it fails if i try to use the live as well. the install usually fails when it asks me if i want to install 3rd party drivers (regardless of whether i choose yes or no).17:58
tatertotsjnewt a lot of details you give are about things that happen "during installation"18:01
tatertotshave you clicked to "try ubuntu"18:02
jnewttatertots: because it makes it further installing than running live.  when i chose live, it immediately garbles the screen.  there's not much to say about that18:02
riqjhello everyone, I've been running the upgrade from 14.04. to 16.04.1. and I selected lock screen, as I thought it would be possible to do, since the screen was already locked by system a short while ago during this upgrade.but then the login screen froze, with typing bar appearing frozen, too, in the password entry cell. and after a few minutes the screen went dark, with wifi and bluetooth lights still blinking, but no movement in the hdd light.18:04
tatertotsjnewt have you tried to boot your usb in another computer?18:04
riqjmy screen is black like when the machine is turned off, but the network light blinks!!!?18:05
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tatertotsriqj laptop or desktop?18:05
riqjtatertots, laptop18:06
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tatertotssounds like you're describing a system freeze/hang/lockup during a operating system upgrade riqj18:07
tatertotsa situation like that might put the user in a situation where the user has to power cycle/hard restart the computer18:08
riqjtatertots, yes, I wanted to lock the screen as I would be temporarily away during the upgrade. and I thought it'd be harmless as the system itself locked me out a short while ago during this same upgrade.18:09
riqjand I could log back in18:09
riqjand also the Z light is on, too, which indicates that the system is on (thinkpad)18:09
riqjjust the screen is black as if turned off, as I said18:10
purplefoolhas anyone every tried to install ubuntu on a odys winpad 10 2in1 system?18:10
tatertotsafter the user possibly manually restarts the computer after a situation like this, they might have to again initiate the upgrade that was interrupted18:10
jnewttatertots: trying in my laptop right now, seems to work fine18:10
riqjtatertots, I'd be all right if the upgrade just needed to be re-initiated, though it was already at the install stage. but I hope it didn't cause the grub / os to break.18:11
tatertotsi hope it didn't cause anything to break also18:11
boot13A PHP developer is yelling at me, insisting that running an up to date Ubuntu version of PHP 5.3 (5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24) is insecure. He insists that because PHP 5.3 is no longer officially supported, it can't be secure. But 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24 has had all relevant security fixes applied. Opinions?18:12
OerHekspurplefool, when i read this suse post, it is not worth it. https://thinksilicon.de/74/HowTo-openSUSE-13-2-auf-Odys-Winpad-V10-installieren.html18:12
subsumei see my usb device using lsusb but i can't figure out how to mount it18:13
riqjtatertots, or would it maybe running the upgrade at the background, so that if I leave it so, maybe it resumes normal state once upgrade is done - though it used to require confirmation before removing files, if I remember right..so completion may not be possible?18:13
jnewttatertots: only thing i can think is to try and find some other OS to install on the computer to verify hardware is fine, but i don't really have anything available.  would it be worth trying a different linux flavor?18:14
tatertotsboot13 if you're in a professional environment with a PHP devel management will sort that out shortly18:14
riqjbut on the other hand, hdd light is not blinking at all..cant make sense out of this18:14
madsj_adb: basically, be careful with /etc/security/limits.conf :-)18:14
purplefoolOerHeks, thx for the reply. read that too but was hoping someone had tried it or had an idea. son's laptop from stupid brother-in-law and it is totally worthless with present os.18:14
boot13tatertots: how will they do that?18:15
OerHeksboot13, follow that PHP developer.18:15
riqjhdd light did blink..but does so rarely18:15
tobias33how can i change the channel to german help?18:15
riqjoh gosh..no tips to get me out of here?18:16
Picitobias33: type /join #ubuntu-de18:16
tatertotsmanagement would know the corp policy about if you should be maintaining a environment for dev's that is best for their work18:16
subsumeboot13: is it a problem to just update php18:16
riqjI mean out of this situation18:16
subsumethat was released in feb 201218:16
subsumeits kinda old i guess18:16
tatertotsor if the dev should work according to and within a system spec that's a part of the corporate policies18:17
purplefoolriqj, my experience with a hdd that doesn't blink often is either the connection or the thing is dead/dying.18:17
tatertotseither way let management sort it out18:17
riqjpurplefool, thankfully it's blinking, though rarely. I wish the anomaly to be limited to the upgrade.18:18
boot13subsume: there's no compelling reason to upgrade other than this guy's opinion. I prefer to stay with the packages provided by Ubuntu for the release we're running, 12.04.5 LTS.18:19
subsumeboot13: that's an ancient release that's been out of life for a long time18:19
riqjwhat would happen if I hard-shut the computer in this state?18:20
boot13subsume: 12.04.5 is supported until April 2017.18:20
OerHeksboot13, 'there's no compelling reason to upgrade" is just your opinion.18:20
subsumeboot13: oh, right18:20
boot13OerHecks: I'm looking for evidence.18:20
subsumeWell he's correct that your version of PHP is EOL18:21
_adbmadsj: haha, yea, that'd help. is it fixed then?18:21
subsumeboot13: i will say that ubuntu around 12.XX was kinda known for shipping with really old versions of things18:21
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tatertotsif that version of PHP is EOL the question becomes how does your company or organization plan to deal with that fact18:21
tatertotshow do you plan to deal with ubuntu 12.04 and have you made steps or a plan.? if none of this has taken place then you're probably in a go with the folow type setting18:22
OerHeksboot13, oh, now from opinion to evidence .. how sad.18:23
boot13tatertots: which is exactly what we're looking at now. Just trying to gather information. If PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24 isn't secure, why is it still being offered and maintained?18:23
subsumeboot13: the underlying system is being maintained but i don't think that means they vouch for every included package, i could be wrong about that18:23
subsumewhat version of python comes with 12.04 ?18:23
subsumelooks like 2.7.3 which is pretty old, i would be kinda pissed but its not a deal breaker i guess18:24
boot13OerHeks: what are you talking about? The dev is telling me something without backing it up. So it's his opinion. I disagree, but it's only my opinion. I'm looking for evidence. What don't you understand?18:24
subsumeboot13: it isn't his opinion that the version of PHP is EOL18:24
subsumebut then again getting a more modern version of PHP on a 12.04 box is kind of a pain, too18:25
tatertotsyour management has their work cut out for them, they better get busy18:25
riqjok, I restarted and it switched from normal boot to a screen showing operations line by line, and it remained at a halt halfway into the display for the last two minutes.18:25
boot13subsume: yes, it's EOL as far as the core PHP devs are concerned, but it's still being maintained by Ubuntu.18:25
riqjthe last line is '[OK] Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.'18:26
subsumeboot13: that seems like its a different conversation, maybe you should go to #php and ask them what critical fixes have landed since 201218:26
subsumeubuntu package maintainers aren't really the people to ask18:26
tgm4883boot13: PHP is in the universe repository, which isn't officially supportd18:27
boot13subsume: it's all documented: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2318:27
subsumeso that's your evidence i guess?18:27
madsj_adb: yes, I commented the line, and now I can login. A friend posted a photo with a fork bomb, and I was "dumb" and typed it in, and noticed that Ubuntu by default doesn't guard against such things.18:28
boot13subsume: nope. Just saying that the security fixes in PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24 are documented.18:28
_adb:(){ :|:& };: <-- my favorite18:28
_adb(don't run that)18:28
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:28
OerHeks_adb, childish, as you know *not * to post this18:29
tgm4883_adb: don't post that here18:29
subsumeboot13: so what were you looking for in the way of evidence? go through those releases and see if anything tickles your fancy i guess. that sadly leads back to the realm of opinion in terms of prioritizing what's worth upgrading to and what's not18:29
madsj_adb: that was the done; a command not doing anything slowed down the computer. I also noticed that yes(1) hogs a lot of resources18:29
_adbsorry... figured in context with "fork bomb" beforehand and saying "don't run that" immediately after it would be in subject... :-/18:30
madsjtgm4883: cut the guy some slack ;-)18:30
subsumeboot13: you are seeing as some kind of evidence that "oh, this version of PHP ships with an old but supported version of ubuntu, therefore its fine to use" i think that's a pretty strict way of thinking. the version of redis in that package, for example, is laughably old18:30
ToxtloHi, when reinstalling ubuntu and wanna use full disk encryption, can I manually choose partitions, like root and home partition?18:30
boot13subsume: 'old' doesn't necessarilty mean 'insecure'.18:30
tgm4883_adb: nope, there are enough new users (especially in this chat) that may run that to see what it does18:30
peb7268Hi, can anyone point me in the right direction w this bash script. Getting an unexpected fi error: http://pastebin.com/8wtvLJD918:31
OerHeksboot13, why don't you have that discussion with your PHP developer?18:31
subsumeboot13: right, so like i said, go ask #php if there were any useful security releases in the last 4 years :P18:31
riqjI switched to console. at the top of the terminal, this error message appeared: 'E:Error: BrokenCount > Orun-parts: /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available exited with return code 255'  .... could you please help me know how I can fix this broken state?18:31
boot13subsume: I'm looking for some kind of consensus, or specific examples of security issues in PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24. Currently it seems like it's all opinion.18:31
SymmetriaHi All, I'm trying to rebuild bind with a specific config option, but when I do the following, it tells me that --enable-threads is an invalid flag, this is what I tried:18:31
SymmetriaDEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="--enable-threads" fakeroot debian/rules binary18:32
Symmetriawhat am I missing here, because configure DOES have a --enable-threads option18:32
boot13subsume: I don't need to ask. I know there were, and I know all relevant ones are in PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24.18:32
riqjwith -f install or with dpkg ?18:32
subsumeall of them were in one release?18:33
boot13OerHeks: the conversation went nowhere.18:33
riqjok, I selected -f install. now the install stared18:34
subsumei'm glad you aren't my sysadmin :P18:34
boot13subsume: no.18:34
subsume"just use 12.04 and everything that comes with it out of the bag, its fine" O_o18:34
riqjmy question is, will -f install solve the broken state, once completed?18:34
riqjor will I need to run an additional command=18:35
jnewt tried the iso on a virtualbox install, same result as on the computer.  seems to only work on my laptop.18:35
boot13subsume: I don't understand why you feel it necessary to insult me for asking questions.18:35
subsumeboot13: its not an insult, i literally am glad that you aren't my sysadmin because it would quickly degrade into being a non-starter. there's simply no way i'd develop in a 4 year old version of python or an archaic version of redis, etc etc18:35
madsjit reminds me that an old boss of mine had an innocent packed data perl-command in his signature; when you ran it, it said "I knew you'd do that"18:35
tgm4883lets stay civil now18:36
boot13subsume: I totally understand that as a developer you don't want to work with old versions of PHP. But this is about SECURITY.18:36
sypherPHP 5.4 is EOL. Why the hell would you develop in PHP 5.3?18:36
sypherboot13: Simple. 5.3 will never receive security updates from upstream. Ever.18:37
tgm4883boot13: sorry I'm not really following, can you restate your question?18:37
subsumehe's saying that the underlying system happens to package it therefore its probably fine18:37
subsumesince 12.04 LTS still ships with it18:37
boot13sypher: can you explain what that means?18:37
pais it possible to reduce the icon size in unity dash?18:37
sypherboot13: That means that if any vulnerabilities are discovered in php 5.3, you'll be told "sucks to be you, nerd. Use a supported version." It's been that way for some time.18:38
subsumefar be it from me to side with a PHP developer :P18:38
sypherboot13: http://php.net/eol.php18:38
boot13sypher: and yet the Ubuntu package is getting security updates.18:38
sypher5.3 has been EOL for almost two years.18:38
tatertotsriqj yes you're on the right track18:38
tgm4883boot13: what is the question?18:38
subsumeoh he's kinda right18:39
subsumethe latest ubuntu 5.3 seems to have updates as of 201618:39
boot13tgm4883: is it inherently insecure to run older versions of PHP (eg. 5.3) even if the Ubuntu packages are getting up to date security fixes.18:39
sypherYes, he IS correct in that SOME vulnerabilities are addressed by Canonical.18:40
riqjtatertots, yes, things seem to flow..do I need to use another command, like dpkg, after the current install?18:40
bigpichas anyone bumped into a permissions error when trying to initialize a new mysql install into a custom data dir?18:40
bigpicroot@db2:/# ls -la | grep storage2 && mysqld --initialize --user=mysql18:40
bigpicdrwxr-xr-x   2 mysql mysql  4096 Aug  4 14:23 storage218:40
bigpicmysqld: Can't create directory '/storage2/mysql/' (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)18:40
bigpicI’m getting a perms error18:40
sypherboot13: And those security updates end in eight months, by the way.18:40
bigpicwhich doesn’t make sense if you look at the above18:40
ikoniabigpic: fix the permissions so mysql can write to them18:40
boot13sypher: I'm aware of that.18:40
tgm4883boot13: no18:41
derwood2Heya Folks, Would anyone be interested to help me out here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233284218:41
bigpicikonia: if you look at the output above mysql owns that director18:41
ikoniaderwood2: just ask your question18:41
sypherboot13: Then you already have the data in front of you that tells anyone sane that this is a bad idea.18:41
ikoniabigpic: touch a file in there18:41
boot13tgm4883: THANK YOU for answering my question.18:41
boot13sypher: what data is that?18:42
bigpiccreating a few had no impact18:42
ikoniabigpic: creating a few what ?18:42
rootsandcultureiI can't burn BD (blu-ray) in brasero, does someone knows if is it possible? Does someone sucesfully burned a BD25 or BD50gb?18:42
sypherboot13: The data that you've been consistently ignoring because it doesn't fit your predetermined opinion. Have fun.18:42
tgm4883sypher: there's nothing wrong with running 12.04 and php 5.3 and staying up to date via apt18:42
ikoniabigpic: please pastebin the output of ls -la /storage218:42
subsume"I'm looking for consensus, but thanks for the person who vaguely confirmed my side in an office debate"18:43
subsumesounds like a great place to work18:43
syphersubsume: right?18:43
jecIs there anyone available that can assist me with a problem I'm having with caja??18:43
boot13subsume: I thanked him because he asnwered my question, unlike what you've been doing.18:43
subsumei love having debates with my sysadmin about staying on 12.04 for as long as possible18:43
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aFeijohello friends. I have a problem with my vmware workstation 12. I'm running Ubuntu as guest, I installed the vmware tools many times from diferent ways like I found on ubuntu forums but no joy! The screen wont autofit, nor copy/paste or drag files works!!! :(18:45
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boot13subsume: thanks for being so helpful. This is why I love IRC.18:45
jecIs there a queue for help? if so how do I get in there?18:45
subsumedon't ask to ask, just ask jec, helicopters will not be deployed and attendants are not standing by18:46
aFeijovmware tools worked fine until I upgraded to ubuntu 16.0418:46
tgm4883Well this is all starting to get way out of the support realm, but sure, here we go. There's nothing inheritedly insecure with using 12.04 and PHP5.3 since security fixes are being backported. You can see what security fixes have happened for a release by subscribing/browsing the USN. For example, here are 25 security fixes that happened to PHP this month18:46
tgm4883for 12.04 http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3045-1/18:46
jecOK, thanks...I have Ubuntu Mate installed and i'm irritated because caja looks like something from the 80's18:46
derwood2Just searching for anyone that would be willing to help me out here, I'm willing to offer £10GBP per hour until it's fixed as well, while making a donation to th ubuntu community too :D18:46
ikoniaderwood2: just ask the question18:46
ikoniadon't need money - but do need the question18:46
jechow can I get caja to match the theme??18:47
syphersubsume: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/pkg/php5.html18:47
subsumederwood2: i read your question and quite frankly it doesn't sound like anything specific anyone could help you with. if you are looking for consultants i guess that's another matter, i hope someone replies18:47
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ikoniabigpic: what is that the output of18:47
bigpicroot@db2:/# ls -la storage2 | pastebinit18:48
subsumesypher: yeah i can't really imagine php (of all languages) is something you'd want out of date for long18:48
ikoniabigpic: why is there no mysql directory there18:48
bigpicmysqld —initialize creates the directory18:48
bigpicIf fact it will bomb if the directory already exists18:48
bigpicthat is specifically the issue18:48
bigpicit’s complaining that there’s a perms problem creating the directory when there’s clearly no perms issue18:49
ikoniawhy are you doing initialize18:49
subsumetgm4883: what does "inherently insecure" mean?18:49
ikoniait's going to be apparmor18:49
ikoniais this an ubuntu server install18:49
ikoniaso it will be apparmour blocking you18:49
derwood2<ikonia> & <subsume> Cheers for the help, I'm just following what the ubuntu pages list and what works with one install down not work in the other and vice versa. Someone must have a complete running setup of either 14.4 or 16.4 LTS with OpenStack, Autopilot and Juju, surely :(18:49
tgm4883subsume: it's not just insecure because it's old.18:50
ikoniaderwood2: what is the actual question18:50
subsumetgm4883: but exploits are a factor that is in motion and changing every day, how can you really claim that?18:50
bigpicthe dir /storage is a dedicated raid disk18:50
tgm4883subsume: if that's your stance, then PHP7 in xenial is insecure18:51
yellabs-r2when i use zenity it spits out an error, Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.18:51
subsumetgm4883: yes, but inherently more secure than 5.3 on exactly the basis that it is not as old18:51
yellabs-r2any tips are welcome18:51
subsumetgm4883: (to say nothing of introduced exploits which is a whole other beast)18:52
tgm4883subsume: that is based on the assumption that security fixes aren't backported to older versions, which is false18:52
yellabs-r2zenity --info , normal use18:52
subsumetgm4883: some seem to be but not all18:52
derwood2<ikonia> Firstly installing 14.4LTS server and then installing maas 1.9 goes okay and it seems OpenStack is installed correctly and I assume Juju, but I cannot find a single node, I can also eneter a valid SSH key too but cannot add more API keys.. Now verses 16.4LTS, I can find all nodes without any hassle what-so-ever but Openstack never works and I cannot find out about Juju either from there.. I also cannot add another SSH key b18:52
Symmetriayay, bind seems to be rebuilding properly, hopefully after the compile tiem tweaks Ive added it will be able to handle my load otherwise its time to find a new dns server for my recursives18:52
Symmetriabind dies, horribly, once you hit serious load18:53
ikoniaderwood2: so that is going to take time to work through, as that is not a two minute setup18:53
derwood2<ikonia>So the parts that worked in either of the fresh installs, do not work in the other, if I got all the parts that did work and had them all inside one install, everything would be working fine. thanks for taking the time too :D18:53
ikoniaderwood2: I'll ask the obvious stuff - what do th elogs for each app and the genric syslog show18:54
derwood2<ikonia>Ideally I would like 16.4LTS with MaaS 2.0, OpenStack, Juju and Autopilot, how about if I do a complete fresh install and I could show you whatever logs you wish.. But I'm not sure if OpenStack and Juju even work with 16.4LTS proper.18:56
ikoniaopenstack and juju should18:56
derwood2<ikonia> I also have the provided .ISO files burned from ubuntu for both 14.4LTS and 16.4LTS that they offer out, could there be anywhere that maybe their is some kind of updated .iso files that are not present on offer? Just curious there really.18:58
ikoniaderwood2: don't need anythig update18:58
derwood2okie :D18:59
ikoniainstall 16.04 - deal with one component at a time and work it through18:59
OiPenguinIs anyone able to help? I've got major problems after reinnstalling Ubuntu on a HP Spectre XT. During install is gives me this error: "grub-efi-amd64-signed package failed to install into / target/. Without the GRUB boot loader the installed system will no boot." Which indeed is true.18:59
tableshow do i make a package request?18:59
OiPenguinI've tried boot-repair, altering settings in bios etc. All to no avail :-(18:59
aFeijohello friends. I have a problem with my vmware workstation 12. I'm running Ubuntu as guest, I installed the vmware tools many times from diferent ways like I found on ubuntu forums but no joy! The screen wont autofit, nor copy/paste or drag files works!!! :(18:59
derwood2<ikonia>You don't mind if I hang around and get cracking installing a fresh 16.4LTS ubuntu server install and ask some questions in a while do you :D19:00
ikoniaderwood2: I'll be in and out19:00
ppfi'm sharing my cups printers via samba. any idea how to configure the windows machines to use a proper samba username?19:00
ikoniathere are good people in here who will also help you19:00
ppfor, more appropriately, how to make samba force it to?19:00
derwood2<ikonia> Thanks very much :D Lovely to meet you btw :D19:00
tatertotsOiPenguin specifically which BIOS settings did you alter? and what state are those settings in right now?19:02
mike-zalOiPenguin, you need to enable copy/paste in VB settings. also you need to add your user to vbox group, then it will work (reboot VB before changing settings)19:02
jnewtok, tried to install 16.04 in virtualbox, got scrambled screen.  tried running live, same thing.  tried lubuntu 16.04, same thing on both computer and virtualbox.  what's the deal here?19:03
ppfmaybe your image is broken?19:04
ppfchecked the checksums?19:04
mike-zalsome driver issue probably19:04
mike-zalor that, corrupted iso file19:04
OiPenguintatertots: My settings are according to this instructions:19:04
tatertotsbad iso file19:04
OiPenguintatertots: n FAT32 EFI system partition19:04
jnewtruns fine on my work laptop (live).19:04
OiPenguintatertots: http://www.gdargaud.net/Hack/SpectreXT.html19:04
mike-zalhave to reboot, brb19:05
OiPenguinmike-zal: How do I enable copy/paste in VB (what is VB?) settings?19:05
jnewtppf: it runs on my work laptop.  it should run on either my computer or virtualbox, right?19:05
ppfnot if, e.g., your graphics card is broken19:06
jnewtppf: on the desktop i'm running virtualbox, i have a brand new nvidia quadro graphics card.  i have no idea what's on the other little thing.  the dell laptop is an nvidia quadro as well (although a bit older)19:07
jnewtok, lubuntu seems to be thinking about installing now.  not my first choice, but whatever.19:11
OiPenguintatertots: I've also made a small fat32-partition with a live usb-stick and gpartede. Still not able to install.19:12
Luka00Hello people what is this error: Ubuntu has experienced an internal error.ExecutablePath /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory...19:15
Luka00It appeared just started my laptop19:16
jnewtnope, won't install ("an error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system. Kernel package: 'linux-generic'.  ugh.19:17
tamarinI have "auto wlan0" and "iface wlan0 inet dhcp" but when I ifdown/up or reboot I don't get an ipv4 address.  Any hints?19:22
ioriatamarin, where do you have it ? /etc/network/interfaces ?19:23
tamarinioria: Yea.  Both of those settings are in /etc/network/interfaces19:24
ioriatamarin,  can you paste   ip a19:24
tamarinhttps://bpaste.net/show/e0fa091da98d that's what it looks like (with ssid and psk cut out).  I can "dhclient wlan0" and it works fine, but I need it to come up with an ipv4 address on-boot.19:25
ioriatamarin,  that's not ip a19:26
tamarinoh, I misunderstand.19:26
tamarinioria: https://bpaste.net/show/7e9e68843dd319:26
ioriatamarin,  ever worked that setting ?19:28
tamarinioria: Not automatically.  I always have to "dhclient wlan0" manually.19:28
ioriatamarin,  have you tried using wpa_supplicant ?19:29
ioriatamarin,  pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -B   ( int interfaces file, i mean)19:29
badweather1Hello, I'm having an issue with mounting a smb share. I just get "d????????? ? ? ? ?            ? " where all the permissions should be listed. It's guest enabled share. and I can access it fine for windows.19:30
ioriatamarin,  inside wpa_supplicant.conf you set ssid and psk19:30
tamarinioria: I didn't.19:31
ioriatamarin,  wpa_supplicant.conf  is like that : network={ssid="  name "  psk="password " key_mgmt=WPA-PSK  proto=WPA }19:32
badweather1I recently added "unix extensions = no", "follow symlinks = yes", and "wide links = yes" to the host machine's config, as I have a symlinked folder within there that need to be accessed19:32
badweather1This allowed windows to see the symlink folder, but my fstab mount on another linux machine cannot access the share anymore19:33
finn_gkHello. It seems, there is no package "mingw32" in Xenial.19:36
OerHeks!find mingw3219:37
ubottuFile mingw32 found in binutils-mingw-w64-i686, binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64, g++-mingw-w64-i686, g++-mingw-w64-x86-64, gcc-mingw-w64-i686, gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64, gdb-mingw-w64, gfortran-mingw-w64-i686, gfortran-mingw-w64-x86-64, gnat-mingw-w64-i686 (and 21 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mingw32&mode=&suite=xenial&arch=any19:37
tamarinioria: I should add the same settings to wpa_supplicant?  I thought the wpa-ssid, etc in interfaces was the same.19:37
finn_gkThat is the last one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/trusty/mingw3219:38
ioriatamarin,  comment them in interfaces and add them in wpa_supplicant.conf ... in interfaces add the pre-up line19:39
ioria!info binutils-mingw-w64-i68619:40
ubottubinutils-mingw-w64-i686 (source: binutils-mingw-w64 (6.6)): Cross-binutils for Win32 (x86) using MinGW-w64. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.26-3ubuntu1+6.6 (xenial), package size 1767 kB, installed size 17948 kB19:40
ioria!info  mingw-w64 | finn_gk19:42
ubottufinn_gk: mingw-w64 (source: mingw-w64): Development environment targeting 32- and 64-bit Windows. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.0.4-2 (xenial), package size 9 kB, installed size 52 kB19:42
finn_gkOk, I will try it.19:45
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n-iCedid not like the bar at the bottom19:57
sarekim following this gude to enable WoL https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234588&p=1369043#post1369043 and i got insserv: warning: script 'wakeonlanconfig' missing LSB tags and overrides when doing update-rc.d -f wakeonlanconfig defaults20:03
hispeed_mHi, Ubuntu 16.04 -> I want to mount a persistent network folder: mount -o username=XXXX,password=XXXXX // /Music/Titan Musik20:03
hispeed_mi always get: for more details see mount (8) ????20:03
hispeed_mMate Desktop enviroment 1.12.120:03
csst0111I have updated from 12.04 to 14.04 but now i'm on a login loop. I googled and have found that i need to reinstall lightdm, i tried it but didnt help. Any other options ?20:04
J4nusuninsatll with a purge & then reinstall ?20:04
J4nusor install gdm20:05
csst0111yes thats what i did20:05
csst0111i havent tried gdm - let me give it a try20:05
csst0111J4nus, with gdm all I get is black screen. I cant press anything.20:11
xcyclistMust be administrative priv.20:12
csst0111and i think it flashes too - like it changes from one black screen to another20:12
mikatonehi is there any proper tutorial on how to install DNS for local requests and DHC ?20:12
mikatoneUbuntu 14.0420:12
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bubassaltois there anybody in there?20:13
tgm4883mikatone: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/20:13
csst0111cant open any terminal login too now : ctrl+alt+number displays login for a sec and then its being substitued by another black screen20:14
Joel I seem to have done something so my grep is no longer returning the file it found a match in. 'alias' shows "alias grep='grep --color=auto'", I'm calling "grep -ri foo_bar *" thoughts on what else I could check? O.o20:20
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:27
loganrundo I did a distribution upgrade now my system boots in read only mode...if I do a remote in rw mode it come up, but I don't know how to fix it20:27
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !kvm is the preferred approach in Ubuntu.  See also !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:27
TurboKrakenI have been trying to track down a linux equivalent to window's disk2vhd.  Would anyone have any recommendations?20:28
csst0111So how do i switch back to lightdm since I have a problem with gdm and I can't even open a terminal ?20:28
loganrunanybody know how to fix ubuntu booting in read only mode20:28
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM20:29
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chaos_hi all20:32
tgm4883TurboKraken: what is disk2vhd?20:34
finn_gki686-w64-mingw32-gcc (version 5.3.1) lacks CMPLX from C11 complex.h, but gcc (version 5.3.1) supports it. It is not found in complex.h of mingw.20:36
tgm4883TurboKraken: dd comes to mind, although there also seems to be various p2v applications for converting a physical machine to kvm20:39
tgm4883Personally I'd setup new virtual machines and migrate the services over20:39
yvearanyone know if there is progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/1505014 ?20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1505014 in dolphin (Ubuntu) "dolphin doesn't load video thumbnail services" [Medium,Confirmed]20:40
finn_gkI will inform the author about CMPLX.20:44
stantoni am trying to compile the Doom 3 source code in ubuntu 16.04 i keep getting errors with zlib png jpeg-6 glew idlib (no such file or directory)  c++: error: 3/neo/libs/zlib: No such file or directory   looks like that20:45
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MonkeyDuststanton  better ask in #ubuntu-app-devel20:46
stantonMonkeyDust: thanks20:47
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drapslaget_identify drapslaget Ze6shaih20:49
loganrunI can't boot my system after an upgrade. it gives some message about 144.3 GiB trimmed and just boots in read only mode. if I do a mount of the root in rw mode it will come up, but I want to fix it so I don't have to do this every time20:52
loganrundoes anyone have any idea how to fix this20:52
daxdrapslaget_: time to change your nickserv password20:53
dax(assuming you didn't already, /msg nickserv help set password)20:53
multifractalMy laptop (sometimes not always) hangs during startup at a stage called "Starting ACPI daemon" or something similar. What gives? 14.04.20:53
loganrunjoin #linux20:53
MonkeyDust!info acpi | multifractal20:55
ubottumultifractal: acpi (source: acpi): displays information on ACPI devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-1 (xenial), package size 13 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; ia64; amd64; mips; mipsel; mipsn32; mipsn32el; mips64; mips64el)20:55
loganrunmy file system is booting read only is there any way to fix this20:58
TurboKrakentgm4883: The HDD is 500gb but only 70gb worth the data. DD wants to make an equivalent 500gb. T_T21:01
mikatoneany proper tutorial for dnsmaq I think bind is too complicated for a simple network with a few computers21:06
djg79im looking for some help with vpn and ssh21:08
Bassemhow to know free disk space for my system21:10
beantaxiHi all. Just upgraded from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS on my workstation. My second monitor is behaving erratically. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot, other than the Display app.21:11
naccBassem: `df -h` ?21:11
tatertotsbeantaxi is your gpu from the green team nvidia or from the red team amd? or maybe even intel integrated ?21:12
Bassemnacc, ther's alot of things which one21:12
tatertotspastbin the output Bassem21:13
beantaxitatertots: lspci | grep VGA tells me it is AMD21:14
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qqqqqslist *syria*21:15
loganruncan anyone help my ubuntu system will not boot up correctly now after a system upgrade. I tried boot fix program that reinstalled grub that still didn't fix it. Basically it mounts the root file system read only for some reason and come up with command prompt21:16
loganrunis there an error log or anything21:16
k1lloganrun: /var/log/syslog21:17
FuzzymaWhy does installing a kernel consumes so much of discspace?21:17
k1lFuzzyma: because there is a lot of code in the kernel to make all sort of stuff work21:17
Fuzzyma400MB big stuff?21:17
loganrunhow do I disable the gui during boot so I can see what is going on21:19
k1l400mb for one kernel?21:19
loganrunor not going on21:19
Bassemtatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22228567/21:19
k1lloganrun: remove "quiet splash" from the kernel boot line21:19
Fuzzymai go sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-xenial and its telling me that 400MB of diskspace will be consumed21:19
k1lFuzzyma: that might pull in some other metapackages21:20
Fuzzymak1l is there a better way to install the kernel than apt-get?21:21
tatertotsBassem you have 403GB of space left  46% used21:21
k1lFuzzyma: no21:22
loganrunk1l, any idea wher ethat is21:22
klystronhi how can you change the default video setting in Virtual Box when running a linux dstro?21:22
Bassemtatertots, can't be thats not my system driver21:22
k1lFuzzyma: the kernel in general is made to support all kind of hardware. you dont have all that kind of hardware but other people might have that. if you want to shrink down the kernel size you will need to compile your own kernel and strip out the stuff you dont need.21:23
Fuzzymak1l ok thx21:23
loganrunk1l, think I found it21:23
tatertotsBassem pastebin output of 'lsblk'21:24
Bassemtatertots, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22229217/21:25
tatertotsBassem are you low on space in for your home directories?21:27
tatertotswas 60GB not as much as you thought it'd be?21:27
loganrunk1l, how can I see the log that is printed during boot21:28
loganrunk1l, it shows some things failed to start but I don't remember what they were21:29
k1lloganrun: its in /var/log/dmesg21:29
k1lloganrun: or look at /var/log/syslog21:29
loganrundon't see the errors in either of those logs21:30
Bassemtatertots, how can i know if im low in space or not21:33
k1lBassem: look at systemmonitor, or "df -h" in terminal21:34
k1lBassem: what is your actual issue?21:34
Bassemk1l, want to install windows 10 on virtual machine and wonder if there's enugh space21:35
beantaxiAny thoughts, on how to begin troubleshooting a 2nd monitor issue, after 14.04->16.04 upgrade?21:35
tatertotsBassem in your pastbin http://paste.ubuntu.com/22228567/ there's coloms for amounts used/available21:35
Luka00Hello people on Skype I can send files but I do not see filese send to me why?21:35
k1lBassem: you showed some pasted of df already. did you look at it?21:36
klystronany Virtual Box experts?21:36
k1lbeantaxi: look if there is a video driver issue21:36
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Bassemyes saya at home 54g avilavble but i dedicate 100 gb partition for ubuntu21:36
tatertotsBassem here is your 'lsblk' pastbin http://paste.ubuntu.com/22229217/21:37
k1lBassem: yes, and that is seperated in 3 partiitons: /, /home and swap. look at the other pastes you showed us21:37
Luka00which may be the problem the firewall?21:37
beantaxik1l: How do I look if there is a video driver issue21:38
Bassemk1l, it;s 84 gb where is the rest21:38
k1lBassem: seems like some lvm overhead21:38
k1lbeantaxi: dmesg, syslog, xorg.log21:39
mikatonecan't put bind to work getting https://gist.github.com/fccpt/2dfd97a41b4cda12fad644ba2dda869a21:39
k1lbeantaxi: what is the issue at all?21:39
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Luka00Hello people on Skype I can send files but I do not see filese send to me why?21:42
Luka00it is so strange21:42
beantaxikil: primary monitor seems ok. Secondary monitor is not. At best, I can get it to display windows, which do not redraw properly; instead they leave 'trails'21:43
beantaxik1l: dmseg -> http://pastebin.com/Fs1nHZ3P21:44
doonieHi all, just did a do-release-upgrade on server3 which was successful but partly failed on this part http://paste.ubuntu.com/22231607/ while the other 2 servers were fine, any input on how to resolve the dependancy issue?21:45
beantaxik1l: Similar issues in syslog. I don't have xorg.log21:46
k1ldoonie: "apt-cache policy python3" in a pastebin21:46
k1lbeantaxi: since 16.04 there is no fglrx anymore.21:47
k1ldoonie: sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -f install21:48
k1ldoonie: actually it seems like python3-minimal is the issue here. "sudo apt install python3-minimal" and see why its not installing21:49
doonieyea its the only one stuck on 3.4, one sec21:50
dooniepython3-minimal is already the newest version.21:50
k1lapt-cache policy python3-minimal21:50
doonieI would say its the python3 (depends on 3.4 and not > 3.4)  python3 : Depends: python3-minimal (= 3.4.0-0ubuntu2) but 3.5.1-3 is to be installed21:51
k1ldoonie: hmm, could be that your mirror got wrong depencies for the one file then21:51
doonieindeed, any way to force this?21:52
k1lapt-get install -f21:52
k1lyou could manually remove the apt lists cache, too21:52
doonieooo tell me more of the removal, I just checked the other 2 servers which went fine. same mirrors used, policies are same21:53
derwood2Heya folks, this is what I have been doing for the last few hours to get MaaS 2.0 up and running on 16.4.1? LTS, using four machines, all of which are the same apart from the server/controller/rack region controller having double the RAM of the nodes, this could do with some work, spellinga and grammar, but it's quick and dirty, and works.. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=233284221:54
csst0111im still not able to login to 14.04, I have even connected ethernet cable but i dont have network at all.21:54
k1ldoonie: "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"21:54
k1ldoonie: after that "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade"21:54
derwood2Now I need to find a way to install, Autopilot, OpenStack and Juju without any issues :D21:54
dooniety k1l, same error with full-upgrade21:55
k1ldoonie: after the rm?21:55
doonieprobably mirror problem21:55
doonieyes after rm & update21:55
tatertotsi did a small back and restore job with deja dup, it's nifty21:59
k1ldoonie: sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-depends" install python321:59
Bassemhow can i add the extra 20 gb to home partition?22:00
kenrinIs your home partition LVM?22:01
dooniesame k1l http://paste.ubuntu.com/22233635/22:02
k1ldoonie: hmm, did you have a ppa or third party repo that changed the python packages?22:02
dooniecould be, server is pretty old, pip could have changed something as well22:03
doonieor something with a custom env22:03
jac76Bassem: is there a particular directory in "home" that is taking up a lot of space?22:03
beantaxik1l: Reading ... so it looks like there are open source drivers available. I guess I just need to make sure to use one of them?22:03
derwood2Has anyone here ever installed "Autopilot", "OpenStack", "Juju" on 16.4LTS?22:04
doonieI tried to cheat the installer http://paste.ubuntu.com/22233883/ somewhat closer :)22:04
k1lbeantaxi: they are in use automatically. but depending on your exact card that might not be the same experience as with fglrx before.22:04
Bassemjac76, i dedicate 100 gb partition for ubuntu there's 3 / and swap and home 20, 4, 6022:04
beantaxik1l: So I might just be SOL, unless I want to get a new graphics card22:05
doonieshould probably reboot server, but scared it wont come back :D22:05
klystroncan any one help with a virtual box question?22:05
k1ldoonie: 6 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 582 not upgraded.22:05
k1ldoonie: still a lot missing22:05
doonieoh missed that one, yea thats ba22:05
dooniebad* could break the boot22:05
jac76Bassem: you left 15G unused?22:05
doonieyea not even the new kernel is there. so need to sort this out for sure22:06
Bassemjac76, the person how help me install ubutnu told me we can add it later easily22:06
derwood215Gb is for his p4on dude :d22:06
k1lbeantaxi: i am not an amd specialists. but amd is now cotributing to the amd_gpu driver which is based on the radeon and should replace the fglrx now.22:07
jac76In the old unix days, if a filesystem was full, we would find the directory with the most files in it and make a mount point of it.22:07
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dooniek1l:  maybe if I add an official mirror to help with the logics =)22:08
jac76Bassem: to that mount point we could mount another partition of any size22:08
Bassemjac76, i want to add it to home...but can you help me check if it exist22:09
doonienope same hmm22:10
mikatoneneed help with bind please :/22:10
jac76If you go to /home and do an "ls" how many directories to you see, just you?22:10
doonienot to mention that apt update seems sick :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/22234754/22:11
Bassemjac76, you talking to me?22:11
NisamRobotis google chrome in repo?22:11
jac76Bassem: how many directories do you see in /home22:12
Bassemjac76, in terminal?22:12
jac76Bassem, yes, in a terminal22:12
=== NisamRobot is now known as IamRobot
Bashing-omNisamRobot: No, google-chrome is proprietary .22:12
k1lNisamRobot: no. load the .deb from their webpage and install that. only chromium is in the repo22:12
jac76bassem: open a terminal, "cd /home" and "ls"22:13
Bassemjac76, bs  lost+found22:13
k1lBassem: use baobab as program to see what uses the space in your home22:13
jac76Bassem: and "bs" is you ?22:13
Bassemjac76, yes22:13
nevilis anyone alive in here?22:13
IamRobotok any good light weigth browser i thinked midori but all people talk only shit about it22:13
jac76now do a "du -s"22:13
daumieI wanna rice ubuntu22:13
jac76bassem: now do a "du -s"22:14
=== IamRobot is now known as SpamBot
derwood2I have also found that if sometimes, your node does not fully start, it does a partial "thing" where it can fetch the data required through a PXE boot and then like hang for ages..., reboot the node and switch it's UTP patch cable from one port to another empty one and it fires up proper first time... I think it's cheap switches, mines from TPLinnk and it still does it..22:14
=== SpamBot is now known as AngryPeasant
jac76bassem:  "du" stands for "disk usage" and the "-s" means summary22:14
Bassemjac76, du: cannot read directory './bs/.cache/dconf': Permission denied22:15
nevilWhat is aux is ps aux?22:15
derwood2Can anyone point me in the right direction of going about installing "autopilot" on Ubuntu 16.4.1LTS with Maas2.0 installed, please :D22:15
jac76bassem: yep, that won't stop it22:15
Bashing-omdoonie: What in the world do you have for sources ? Pastebin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' See what apt is so unhappy about .22:15
naccnevil: read `man ps`, those are all arguments to `ps`22:15
Bassemjac76, ?22:15
naccderwood2: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server22:16
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jac76bassem: this should return to you a number that equals the sapce you are using22:16
Bassemjac76, 201589222:16
derwood2<nacc> Cheers buddy, Really sorry, I did not even know another page for that type of install or a place to ask questions on this level evem existed.. Sorry :D22:17
=== Peasant is now known as peasant
jac76bassem: that states that there are only 2GB in use22:18
Bassemjac76, so22:18
beantaxik1l: Thank you very much for the information.22:18
jac76Bassem:  Let me ask the question a different way, where are you going to get the extra space from?22:19
nevilI cant believe there is people in here answering questions. Awesome! Why do you guys do it? To be nice, for fun, cash/22:19
naccderwood2: nothing to apologize for! you will just find more topical help there, probably22:19
k1lnevil: its all volunteers in here. no paid people, just community.22:19
nevilPretty sweet! Thanks again!22:20
derwood2<nacc> yep... Probably, sounds like the right phrase :D Cheers buddy :D22:20
otsHi, I already have a partition scheme on my computer where the rootfs and home directories are in two separate BTRFS subvolumes on two different drives. Is it possible to install ubuntu in the same manner, so it doesn't ruin my setup? :P22:20
=== ots is now known as oats
Bassemjac76, i think you didn't get me well..let me explain again....i dedicate 100 gb partition for ubuntu..the guy who help me install it..make 4 g for swap 20 gb for root and 60 gb for home...left 16 gb unused22:21
Bassemjac76, i want to mount those unused 16 gb to home22:22
Bassemjac76, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22236082/22:22
tatertotsBassem you want to extend the 'logical volume' ?22:24
Bassemtatertots, i think yes22:24
jac76bassem: if you know how to use a disk partition program and those extra 16GB are right next to the /home partition, it's possible to extend the partition to include that extra 16GB of space.  But partition tools have the ability to destroy things as well.22:24
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:25
Bashing-omBassem: ^^ .. LVM at play here .. a whole now ball of wax .22:26
jac76bassem:  So the typical solution is to mount up that 16GB of disk somewhere else.  The place where you mount that disk could be in the /home directory tree, it in effect becomes part of /home.22:26
tatertotsBassem there's a decent write up on LVM here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuDesktopLVM22:26
tatertotskeep your goal in mind ..'you want to extend' it22:27
jac76Bassem:  Or you could mount that 16GB to /home2 and then in the /home directory tree you make "soft-links" from /home/* to /home2/*, again effectively incressing the size of /home.22:28
tatertotsBassem you mentioned someone that installed the system/sys admin said they left 15GB or so that could 'easily' be added in the future, you might want to pick up the phone and buzz said person and say "i'm ready for that 15GB now" lol22:29
Bassemjac76, how can i extiend my logical volume22:29
Bassemtatertots, he was here he help me to install ubuntu for the first time22:30
jac76Bassem" "logical volumes" is another can of worms, as tatertots states, you would want to start by reading up on LVM22:30
Bassemtatertots, and when i told him why to mount only 60 gb for home he said we can extend it easily later22:30
tatertotsyou'll use the vgextend command but you got some more homework/research to do before you even get to that step22:30
Bassemjac76, how can i check if it's logical or not22:31
Bassembecause as logical volume it's 100 gb22:31
tatertotsit is Bassem22:31
tatertotslook at your pastbins bro22:31
Bassemtatertots, , http://paste.ubuntu.com/22236082/22:31
Bassemsda2              8:2    0   100G  0 part22:32
Bassemsee sda2 is 100 gb22:32
Bassembut i only use 84 gb22:32
Bassemwhere is the rest22:32
jac76bassem: Ah... well, LVM stands for "Logical Volume Manager" and if you have that software installed there will be several commands available for you to use for that.  LVM is a "software" version of combining several disks or "volumes" together as a single disk.22:33
vookis there way to enable vlan functionality in the installer for either ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop live? vconfig just doesn't exist.22:33
Bassemjac76, so what to do to get my lost 16 gb22:34
jac76Bassem: Hardware wise, the equivalent is to use a RAID controller of some type.  Perhaps a storage array, and so on.22:34
tatertotsyou are looking at the partition Bassem22:34
oatsHi, I already have a partition scheme on my computer where the rootfs and home directories are in two separate BTRFS subvolumes on two different drives. Is it possible to install ubuntu in the same manner, so it doesn't ruin my setup? :P22:34
Bassemtatertots, what do you mean22:35
doonieany more pointers? ftp service is down :/  is it possible to download the dpkg with apt and then manually install? might be able to get around some checks maybe?22:35
tatertotsBassem do you need more disk space on your computer? yes/no22:36
jac76Bassem:  If that person who set up your system stated /home could be extended later, then more than likely they are beside each other on the disk, you just need to use a partition manager of some type to expand the /home partition into that 16GB area.  Easily done if you know what your doing.  But if you don't know what your doing its easy for a partition manager to be used to totally mess up a disk.22:36
aashhow could i install a vpn..an help22:37
tatertotsaash vpn client or vpn server?22:38
tatertotsyou have to mean server right?22:38
aashon my laptop22:39
csst0111Can i format root, install ubuntu or some other linux distro and use previous home  ?22:40
tatertotssince you will be using vpn as a client i'll post a link and you should already have been given information to connect from the vpn authorities/admins22:40
vookcsst0111: you'll just need to chown it after install & some of your GUI settings may need to be adjusted22:40
csst0111vook, cool thnx!22:41
Bassemjac76, what partition manager do i need to use?22:41
aashtetertots:openvpn can i use to install22:41
k1ldoonie: you can get the packages from packages.ubuntu.com and install them with "dpkg -i package.deb"22:42
tatertotsaash here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgsU86jdXIc22:42
JFlashhi, can a good soul help me figure out my connection problems. I can reach a few urls but mostly doent work22:42
doonieapt-get download seems to help too, but so many weird status messages :)22:42
JFlashalso whatever I try to ping I get "network is unreachable"22:43
JFlasheven if in the browser the same URL does work22:43
lordcirthBassem, gparted is good22:43
JFlashi can reach google.com.. i cannot reach github.com22:44
JFlashbut why?22:44
SayonaHi, what is wrong witht his command: find $LOG type -f -mtime +90 -exec rm -f {} \;22:44
jac76Bassem: "gparted" is one I have become accustom to using.  There are others "disk" is another example22:44
Sayonafind: unknown predicate `-f'22:45
lordcirthJFlash, are you sure you're not behind a weird firewall?22:45
Bassemjac76, what is better?22:45
daxSayona: change the type -f to -type f22:45
JFlashwell i just back home from work, but I live with others.. can someone have installed a firewall while I was at work?22:45
aashtatertots: certificate needed.?22:46
JFlashalso, why "network is unreachable" for evrithing on the terminal, including sites that work in the browser?22:46
dooniek1l:  node ppa seems to have broke a few things, commented it out now to see what can be done to fix it from here, apt-cache has no 3.5 for python3 now22:46
jac76Bassem: I would recommend you practicing using gparted on a unused external USB disk to get familiar with it and how it works before "experimenting" on your live disk.22:46
doonieah nevermind its back22:46
lordcirthJFlash, check to see if your browser is using a proxy or something?22:47
JFlashalso, when I run the routes -n command I dont have an entry which as a double value22:47
tatertotsJFlash what is unreachable in terminal for you ?22:47
tatertotsthat you can reach by browser specifically22:47
* Sayona God Bless Linux !22:47
JFlashi've been reading some posts and they say I must have a double in my routes table, whatever that is22:47
dooniek1l:  does this make sense? http://paste.ubuntu.com/22238938/22:48
jac76bassem:  I don't know if one partition manager is "better" that the other, but one becomes more "familiar" than the other as you grow accustom to it.22:48
JFlasheverything is unreachable in the terminal22:48
JFlashsome sites works in the browser22:48
brenda_Hi! Is there any way one can get Firefox or Chromium to play Youtube videos as lean as mpv?22:48
JFlasheven ip addresss give me network unreacheble22:48
k1ldoonie: use "--force-depends" on that dpkg22:49
JFlashtatertots, google.com, youtube.com.. all work in the browser22:49
JFlasha few other sites22:49
oatsHello, I already have Arch Linux installed with a partition scheme where the rootfs and home directories are in two separate BTRFS subvolumes on two different drives. Is it possible to install ubuntu in the same manner, alongside my Arch install?22:49
tatertotsJFlash could it have something to do with the configuration of the network you're on?22:49
dooniek1l:  that went in, now lets see what we did ;D22:49
tatertotsok so google com works in browser okay22:50
JFlashtatertots, excelente question.. works well with my other devices22:50
JFlashso it's definitely ubuntu22:50
dooniek1l:  well it started to install other packages but failed, but it seems we're on the right path22:50
JFlashagain, all blog posts I read tell me that I must have a double 0;0;0;022:51
JFlashbut I dont have one22:51
JFlashisnt that a really really bad sign?22:51
Bassemjac76, https://s31.postimg.org/8xd8ph9e3/Screenshot_from_2016_08_05_00_50_52.png22:51
gloriascant send to channell22:51
Bassemjac76, it says unused but i can't resize it22:52
=== Hello_Tuscon is now known as Jmack611
Piciglorias: we see you22:52
gloriasthats depressing22:52
jac76Don't resize it22:52
tatertotsJFlash what are you reading blog posts about?...do you have a net problem if your web browser functions?22:52
glorias ?22:52
brenda_oats: just out of curiosity, why dual boot Arch and Ubuntu?22:52
gloriasI listen BB Kin22:52
tatertotsisn't that what you as a end user will spend the bulk of time using22:52
Piciglorias: do you have an Ubuntu support question?22:52
JFlashtatertots, as I said in the benning only a few urls work22:52
dooniek1l:  -f install didn't work, but dist-upgrade is working its way through, -f install probably failed cause of the cleared caches :) ty so far for your help22:52
bpromptglorias:      we Õ¿Õ you22:52
JFlashmost website do not work22:52
jac76Bassem: don't resize it.  let me see if I can look at what you posted.22:53
gloriasWhy people hate me?22:53
gloriasmachines love me22:53
bprompt!ot | glorias22:53
ubottuglorias: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:53
k1lglorias: this is the technical ubuntu support. please keep this channel clear for support22:53
oatsbrenda_: I use arch as my daily driver and have no intention of switching, but I haven't used Ubuntu in a while and I'm curious how it is22:54
gloriasso could u help me with xrandr?22:54
tatertotsJFlash pick a single url and let's troubleshoot it from point A to point B and back to point A, a single url , don't muddy the water with trying to think more than one is realavent22:54
brenda_Why does Firefox and Chrome on Linux suck playing Youtube videos? Frustration!22:54
gloriasalways  I boot mine  3 Screens are mixed!22:54
gloriasand never be plz unpolite22:54
gloriasIm old and slow - sorry22:55
JFlashtatertots, I'm listening.. havent got any sugestions yet on how to fix this.. :-(22:55
Bassemjac76, https://s31.postimg.org/kqicrxuaj/Screenshot_from_2016_08_05_00_54_16.png22:55
dooniebrenda_:  probably cause of bad gfx drivers22:55
Ron___Good day.  I am using VMWare Fusion 8 and trying to create a 16.04.1 server image.  All goes well, then I install ubuntu-desktop (minus recommendation).  That goes well.  I then log in.  I see the left gui items, but the rest is black.  I am unable to launch anything (like a terminal).  I can click on the "System Settings" and it opens a window but all I see is black and the menu bar to exit.  Any ideas?22:55
gloriasbut Im still not sure KDE or GDM22:55
gloriasIm always not sure whom is an ashole22:56
gloriasso thats the reason I get Kicked22:56
gloriasIm unest22:56
k1lglorias: stop that22:56
brenda_oats: a Live Ubuntu or virtualbox (or something similar) does not do it for you?22:56
gloriaswhat kll?22:56
gloriasWhat is u IQ?22:56
tatertotsJFlash if you're reading this chat from the computer in question and it also is the same computer you mentioned above that is able to browse to google and a few other sites, we'l assume your internet is working22:57
=== abelur is now known as abelur|brb
JFlashtatertots, it doesnt matter. here is my problem. I can access all websites in my other devices22:58
JFlashin unbuntu, i can only access a handful of website22:58
brenda_donnie: you don't say, mpv play youtube videos 400% less CPU intense - on the same machine22:58
JFlashthis is what I'm trying to fix.. "internet is working " is beside the point22:59
tatertotswhat website url can you not access?...maybe there is something prohibiting you from getting to that particular site22:59
dooniebrenda_: as in less on linux vs windows? then its the browser rendering of html5-video23:00
tatertotsJFlash maybe theres a connection limit23:00
jac76Bassem: In looking at your partition table it looks like you are using 3 primary partitions.  sda1 is the boot partition with 100GB of space.  "sda2" is a "lvm2pv" volume that is 100 GB in space and "sda3" is an ntfs partition with 731GB of space.23:00
jac76Bassem: Sda2 appears to be a LVM volume23:01
brenda_doonie, as linux vs linux :) ... same machine, same OS, same driver... browser vs mpv23:01
dooniebrenda_: yea that does make sense, even drives my macs fan up while watching videos through browser sadly23:03
jac76Bassem:  Sadly I haven't experimented much with LVM.  I use it years ago on a now dead operating system named True64 Unix and that knowledge helps me very little here.  I would have to experiment with it on an external disk.23:03
jac76Bassem: but what theory I know of LVM would say that with in that one partition there are several LVM "sub-partitions" and one of them is your missing 16GB.23:05
loganrunmy system only comes up with a read only file system after system upgrade. does anyone know how to fix this23:06
aashhow to secure and web browsing which software need to install, any open source aviailable23:07
brenda_doonie, I do not understand why they do not fix it. I don't even understand what the problem is. Why is a browser struggling so much while other programs (mpv, kodi, vlc etc) can do it with little effort (on performance)?23:08
doonieyou and me both23:08
tatertotsI'm gone be straight up with ya, someone had to install ubuntu for you, and you're going to extend a logical volume on your running system23:08
doonieits not like the browser does not have the same permissions to the gpu api's as vlc23:09
Bashing-omloganrun: Ststem trying to protect is's self ? .. How about a file system check/repair ? What release is this ?23:09
loganruntried check repair, said it was just check. if I remount it as rw it mounts23:09
aashtatertots: o/o23:09
tatertotsThere's a cool write up on LVM https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuDesktopLVM23:10
brenda_donnie, I know a lot of people that do not even consider Linux just because the browsers suck at playing videos!23:10
aashtatertots: any help o/ for private browsing??23:11
doonieI'm one of them, same for games.. I just read an article today regarding the gfx problem http://www.neowin.net/news/new-report-suggests-operating-system-makers-could-block-pirated-content23:11
boreihi all23:11
=== abelur|brb is now known as abelur
orlocksilly news sites23:11
dooniereading the comments, people feel the same, noone dislikes linux and what it stands for, it just needs some of those artistic guys in it :)23:11
orlocklots of things are possible, and unlikely to ever happen - thats one of them23:12
boreiis there way to resize disk for ubuntu image (vm running under kvm) without rebooting ?23:12
boreiimage backedup with ceph storage23:12
boreiceph image resized23:12
boreibut i don't see option to force VM to detect changes23:13
doonieorlock: true, it's all about the money23:13
brenda_doonie, I'm not a big gamer but I have hear similar things about Linux and games23:13
loganrunalso how do I start the graphical login manager manually23:13
Bashing-omloganrun: Again, depends on the release ( upsatrt or systemd as the initiate system ) .23:14
ZerofyshHello Ubuntu world23:15
brenda_doonie, and it's a shame you know.. youtubers and gamers, many people are excluded from the Linux family!23:15
brenda_Hi Zerofysh23:15
dooniewell depends, you can still watch it at 400% cpu ;D23:15
loganrunBashing-om, those commands don't seem to do anything is there a special command to start them on 16.0423:17
brenda_doonie, hahaha... but seriously, I can live with it on my desktop, but having a sucking browser eating my notebooks battery in no time is not that fun!23:17
loganrunahh looks like it is lightdm23:18
ZerofyshJust got the new Ubuntu and well, I have so much to learn.23:18
Bashing-omloganrun: Sirry, ya lost me .. " those commands don't seem to do anything ". What commands ?23:18
blockyhi, i'm running 15.10 and i allowed the update manager to install updates this morning, then rebooted and was greeted with: invalid video mode specification 'text'23:18
blockycan boot into recovery mode but not sure what the problem is or how to fix23:19
brenda_loganrun, xfce?23:19
blockyhave already tried running update-grub23:19
poopBotanyone know why stema wont run23:20
poopBotlibGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so23:20
poopBoti runed on 14.0423:20
ToxtloHi, I got a small SSD (64GB) and want to install Ubuntu. Is a swap partition really needed? Because it would "waste" 16GB of the SSD... :-|23:20
ZerofyshI am trying to learn python but the new ubuntu does not have it install. How do go about getting it?23:21
poopBotsudo apt-get install python23:21
poopBoti think23:21
Ron___Any suggestions on debug/fix a broken 16.04 server gui using ubuntu-desktop (no recommendations?)  I see the left menu, but windows are blank and I can't open a terminal.23:21
orlockToxtlo: no23:21
brenda_Toxtlo, how much RAM do you have?23:21
hggdhZerofysh: python is installed by default on Ubuntu (and most other distros)23:21
orlockToxtlo: it will be fine in 95% of cases23:22
ZerofyshI see. How about getting the 3.5.2 version?23:22
tatertotspoopBot pastbin output of '/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p'23:22
orlockToxtlo: also, you dont need as much swap as you have ram23:22
hggdhZerofysh: sudoapt-get install python323:22
Bashing-omloganrun: To start lightdm form terminal in 16.04 ' systemctl isolate graphical.target ' . Be aware that ALL other services are not started, it is on you what services to start, such as networking .23:22
ZerofyshThank you23:22
hggdhZerofysh: sudo apt-get install python323:22
Toxtlogot 16GB and have another 8GB lying around here23:22
orlockToxtlo: if you did run out of ram at some point, and wanted swap, you could always just use a swap file temporarily23:22
orlockToxtlo: rather than having a dedicated partition always there23:23
ZerofyshSaids I have it. Now I just need a good IDE to learn on.23:23
poopBottatertots:  i dont have any file there, anyway on duckduckg it says to remove steam bundled libs and try whitou tthem23:23
Toxtlodoes the installer specify a swap file automatically for my system, when I dont set a swap partition under manual partitioning?23:24
lockhelpin trusty+unity, how do i disable locking? going to settings > brightness & lock has the Lock button disabled into the ON state.23:24
demetrisi cant reboot my laptop23:25
brenda_Toxtlo, no, it should not23:25
demetrisonly shutdown works23:25
hggdhZerofysh: Pycharm is nice, and has a community version -- https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=linux23:25
Toxtlook, so swapon should do the trick?23:25
demetriswhen i try to reboot it freezes23:25
demetrisfresh xenial install23:25
ZerofyshAhh, yeah I forgot about pycharm. Thanks.23:25
tatertotspoopBot yeah try that23:26
demetrisanyway to get any logs?23:26
poopBottatertots:  i removed only that 1 lib dident work so i removed all libs that come with steam now it runed at least is updating ATM23:27
lockhelpdoes xvkbd disable screen lock?23:28
lockhelpif i send a spacebar or whatever every 9 minutes and 50 seconds23:28
linuxHi, When I install a package there are other packages will be installed with it, if I remove that package Will other packages which installed with it removed automatically or I need remove them Manually?23:29
demetrisany ubuntu devs here?23:29
poopBotyou have to do after that apt-get autoremove23:29
linuxI'm using Synaptic23:30
poopBotit removes packages that where leftout if you read terminal it even says it23:30
demetrisany ubuntu devs here?23:30
poopBotduno if synaptic does it , just open terminal and type sudo apt-get autoremove23:30
demetrisbug reporting time23:31
poopBotand it will remove all leaftower packages23:31
B0g4r7How can I figure out what's using all my memory?  I've closed most all the things, and I still see 11GB of swap consumed.  'free' and 'ps axu' output here: http://pastebin.com/6LkRWY7J23:32
linuxI can't do that without trminal23:32
linuxby GUI Synaptic23:33
poopBotlinux: you probbaly can just i duno how its don in synaptics, duno whatsthe big issue anywya just copy paste comand and press enter23:33
poopBottatertots:  nice update installed like more libs same error gain xD23:33
B0g4r7294 processes and practically nothing running...23:34
linuxOk , Thank you poopBot23:34
poopBotB0g4r7:  if they are idle that dosent mean they arent usinging ram but duno what doing that i dont even have spaw partition and have only 4gbs of ram23:36
demetrisany ubuntu devs here?23:37
naccdemetris: yes, but depending your question you may want to ask in #ubuntu-devel23:37
demetrisnacc: i have bugs23:37
poopBotreport bug?23:38
naccdemetris: ok, did you report them?23:38
B0g4r7Looks like Xorg is consuming 14.2% of memory, however much 14.2% is.  That doesn't seem right.23:38
demetris[   12.844633] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000001028-0x000000000000102F conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000001000-0x000000000000103B (\_SB_.C002.C003.C085) (20150930/utaddress-254)23:38
demetris[   12.844644] ACPI: If an ACPI driver is available for this device, you should use it instead of the native driver23:38
naccdemetris: please don't paste each bug in here, use a pastebin, or file bugs23:38
demetrislaptop freezes when i try to reboot23:38
naccdemetris: the above isn't a bug in Ubuntu, it's probably buggy BIOS23:39
poopBotsome driver issue or soemthing23:39
B0g4r7Yeah, that sure looks like a kernelspace issue.23:40
demetrismore bugs http://paste.ubuntu.com/22244646/23:41
poopBotdid you try other kernel23:42
poopBotmeybe try older one23:42
naccdemetris: how are you defining bug? just any message reported byt he kernel?23:42
poopBotdownlod 14.0423:42
demetrispoopBot: nope23:42
B0g4r7What bug is described in the second paste?23:42
B0g4r7or in the first, for that matter?23:43
poopBotwhy, cuz 14.04 will maybe work normal while the issue isent fixed on 16.04, ofc first report it23:43
cablecoderanyone get kinect drivers working on 16.04?23:43
demetrisnacc: i define bug when i see message as this: [ 2657.470892] ipw2200: Firmware error detected.  Restarting.23:43
B0g4r7demetris, you see a message and that's all?  No other behavior?23:44
demetrislaptop freezes when i try to reboot23:44
naccdemetris: you didn't paste any such message23:44
demetrisi have to press power button >4 secs to force shutdown23:44
naccdemetris: the paste you did provided says stuff about commands timing out for the ipw220 driver23:45
demetrishow i can get a log when laptop freezes?23:45
brenda_demetris, what OS where you running before you fresh install of 16.04?23:47
demetrissame issue23:47
brenda_demetris, what laptop is it?23:48
xkpethe packages that get installed in the windows 10 bash are the same packages that would be installed in a native 16.04 ubuntu distribution?23:49
demetrisbrenda_: http://www.cnet.com/products/hp-510-15-4-pentium-m-770-win-xp-home-512-mb-ram-60-gb-hdd-series/specs/23:49
demetrisi have 2gb ram23:49
xkpe(I mean 14.04 trusty)23:50
nacc!ubuwin | xkpe23:52
ubottuxkpe: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.23:52
xkpenacc thanks23:53
bpromptxkpe:   correction on that bot, upgrade 1607 for windows10 rolled out just about 3 days, ago, Adds the Windows Subsystem for Linux, namely a Linux emulator, or a WINE for windows per se, so... it's already there in builid 1607 for the last 3 days now23:55
loganrunstill can't figure out what the heck is going on. system boots with read only file system after upgrade23:56
cablecodercan anyone help with usb 3.0 hub on 16.04?23:57
xkpebprompt, I am using it, I was lookint at the /etc/apt/sources.list and it looked like the standard ubuntu, I was expecting a different distribution, that's where my question came from :)23:57
daxbprompt: it's still in Beta in the anniversary update23:57
bpromptdax:   hmm I see23:58
loganrunhere you can see the failed services, not sure if this gives any useful info or not, but it is the only thing I am seeing that is a bit off: http://pastebin.com/rA0w1Zv923:58
daxbprompt: basically, it's a technology preview. i would not do anything important on it23:58
bpromptxkpe:    yeah, done with Canonical teaming, so... I'd expect the debian package manager, thus the /etc/apt/sources.list then :)23:58
loganrunthis is completely crazy23:59

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