zequence | Installing 64bit | 08:50 |
zequence | All done, and ready for release. | 09:57 |
OvenWerks | with regard to bug 1585007. I thought we were removing lv2rack. What was the replacement? | 22:03 |
ubottu | bug 1585007 in Ubuntu Studio "gxtuner hangs lv2rack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585007 | 22:03 |
OvenWerks | I have confirmed the above bug. Jalv is not a nice replacement to use as it must be started from CLI. It could be used from a desktop file so long as the target plugin is included. | 23:02 |
OvenWerks | If someone would like to learn python ;) and design some glue using jalv.qt or jalv.gtk and lv2ls to provide a menu to load a plugin... that would be wonderful. | 23:04 |
OvenWerks | calf rack does load lv2s... but only calf ones. Just found out the rack ears can be turned off with calf rack and then affects other calf hosts as well. | 23:32 |
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