
tgm4883I'd like to float a rather interesting idea that Infinity mentioned today. What are people's thoughts on a somewhat of a super xfce ISO that at the end of ubiquity would have package selection that would either install, xubuntu, mythbuntu, or ubuntu studio?00:42
Unit193In addition to, or replacement of the current ISO?00:43
tgm4883Unit193: your call. This stems from Mythbuntu dropping ISOs completely00:44
tgm4883Basically, Mythbuntu (me) would just be piggy backing off of your ISO at that point. If not, the Mythbuntu ISO will cease to exist after the 16.04 point releases00:45
Unit193I'd like to know what technically it'd be, but wouldn't want to replace the main ISO with something likely more than twice as big.  And yeah, you told me about that, condolecnces again.00:45
tgm4883I haven't discusses with -studio yet, Infinity just brought them up as well00:45
Unit193tgm4883: I mean right now it uses squashfs as the system then just decompresses that and runs a few postinst scripts.  Having 3 squashed systems on there would be a huge waste of space, downloading everything then installing like the Debian installer is a bit slow and not really an option for offline.  If it were basically the current setup, with an option to install one of the other tasks on top, 00:54
Unit193that'd be kind of handy but would mean the other tasks basically get stuck with what we choose so Myth would get Libreoffice, which I'm sure you wouldn't want.00:54
Unit193(Of course, keep in mind I'm simply one person here.)00:55
tgm4883Unit193: hmm, could we only offer the package selection if an internet connection is present and download the packages from the internet?00:56
knomeis there any reason mythbuntu doesn't just create metapackages that one can install on top of "any" system?00:56
tgm4883knome: we have that currently00:57
Unit193tgm4883: That seems somewhat like the last option.00:57
knometgm4883, that AND isos? why not just drop the ISOs?00:57
tgm4883knome: well we are dropping the ISOs00:57
tgm4883knome: I'm likely just to point people at xubuntu-core00:58
knomefwiw, from my POV, you are completely free to peruse xubuntu's ISOs and configuration00:58
knomebut i agree with Unit193 that a "shared" ISO doesn't sound very exciting for us00:58
knomemyth/studio could have better synergy together00:58
knomei know the studio folks discussed going DE-agnostic at some point00:59
knomebut i have no idea of the current status00:59
Unit193Well the last option certainly doesn't seem ideal for them, but gives Myth a little easier installation and a few advantages.00:59
knomethey've had their leaders changed lately as well00:59
Unit193(US is still very tied to Xfce at the moment.)01:00
knometechnically yes01:00
knomebut on planning, no idea01:00
knomemaybe their new leader doesn't have the same motivation to move away from xfce01:01
knomewell, not really "away", but...01:01
knomeif they keep on creating ISOs, they'll have to have a default DE anyway01:01
knomewhether one that is selected or installed by default.01:01
knomeby selected i mean they could do further mods to the installer and let their users select their DE during installation01:02
knomebut they likely wouldn't include them all on the ISO anyway01:02
Unit193tgm4883: You still plan on keeping what remains of Myth updated?  Basically, wouldn't want to get caught up maintaining more and having to do additional QA.  Don't get me wrong, not against the idea at the core, just wondering some details.01:02
knomeyeah, QA...01:02
tgm4883Unit193: we'd keep mythtv and mythbuntu-control-centre updated, which is all of our packages that we really care about01:03
tgm4883Unit193: we'd drop packages like mythbuntu-desktop, which is our metapackage and would be pointless to keep01:03
knometgm4883, if you install the myth packages on top of the ubuntu desktop, what happens?01:03
tgm4883knome: it works, but you've got unity01:03
knometheoretically, what's wrong with that?01:04
tgm4883Probably nothing anymore. In the past there were some fullscreen issues, but that's been worked out01:04
Unit193knome: Problem with that, it's Unity, not Xfce!01:05
* Unit193 is fond of Xfce.01:05
* bluesabre <3 Xfce01:05
knomeUnit193 fondue Xfce.01:05
knometgm4883, so what if you install mythtv on top of the kubuntu desktop?01:06
knomedoes it work but you have the kde desktop?01:06
Unit193Hmm.  Where's their autostart?01:07
tgm4883knome: I would assume so. I've not tried the kde desktop01:08
Unit193Sounds like we found another agenda item.01:09
knomeUnit193, yeah.01:09
knometgm4883, the reason i'm asking these questions is to determine how tied to xfce myth really is01:09
knometgm4883, the simple answer is: way less than studio01:10
tgm4883yea we're not really tied to anything01:10
Unit193But Xfce is an ideal base, full fledged yet stays out of the way.01:10
knometbh, if i was you, i'd avoid any ISO like a plague as it only means QA01:10
knome..in the best way possible01:11
tgm4883Yea, Ideally I'd like to just point people at snap packages and say install on whatever you want01:11
knomewhy wouldn't you just do that?01:12
tgm4883well I got to get snap packages working first01:13
knomeheh, sure.01:13
knomebtw, since we're talking about mythbuntu...01:13
knometgm4883, https://github.com/knomepasi/ubuntu-community-wordpress-theme01:13
knometgm4883, if you are interested in an easy website facelift01:14
knometgm4883, it's a theme that somewhat imitates ubuntu.com, but you can customize it with your own logos and colors01:14
tgm4883knome: easy? I'd have to setup a web server01:14
knomewell, you have mythbuntu.org somewhere already01:14
tgm4883knome: that currently resides in google sites01:15
knomewell, canonical IS can host your website01:15
tgm4883Who handles updates at that point?01:16
knomethe IS.01:16
knomeyou only have to care about your content01:17
knomethe downside is that sometimes the IS isn't the fastest team to reply01:17
knomeincluding setting up things for the first time...01:17
knomei've got to the point where i get my xubuntu.org requests done in a few days of time, pretty much always01:18
knomeit's probably many factors...01:18
knomeyou don't really need the IS though unless you want to change files01:20
knomeand with that theme, you basically wouldn't need to01:20
knomeanyway, it's past 4am, need to go to bed01:23
knomebe in touch with me if you want to talk more about it or start setting up :)01:23
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knomeakxwi-dave, let's take it here :)08:26
akxwi-davejust reading the convo you had woith flocculant last night.. The Idea behind the guide I am doing with the images, is to help those who have never tested before and wnat to get involved,,08:28
akxwi-daveI have found over the past 30 years on IT that if you have a full step by step guide for the first time anyone tries something new like this, it gives them a bit aof confidence, when they can see what they ae doing actually look like what someone else has done, that knows what to look for08:28
akxwi-daveDidn't think you were08:28
akxwi-davejust wanted to let you know My reasoning#08:28
knomewe were mostly talking about the place where we'd want to publish it08:29
akxwi-dave:-)  08:29
knomeso do you think it would be generally useful for all flavors?08:30
akxwi-davehehehe.. I actually didn't think about that when I originally started.08:30
akxwi-daveIt could be yes..08:31
knomeno problems08:31
knomei mean if it can, then let's not put it in our wiki08:31
knomebecause that's not the place people look at08:31
knomeat least all people ;)08:32
akxwi-daveI originally thought about just having it as something I could just email out to people who wanted to give testing a go..08:32
knomethat works as well i guess08:32
knomethough it would be cool if it was available at all times online08:32
knomeand since we have all the bells and whistles...08:32
akxwi-daveBut the same Idea would be useful for all flavours, just amened for the indvidual tests08:33
akxwi-daveyep.. could always stick a dwnload link online08:33
knomeyeah, if it's a pdf/doc file, we can host it on static.xubuntu.org08:34
akxwi-davemy other original thinking behind it was to have it in 3 parts, Priority, Mandatory and Rune Once (dependant on size). I  know we are supposed to save the planet etc and cut down on printed stuff, but to be honest it really helps if you have something printed to refer too as you step through it. (well it did for me :-) ) but that could just be me getting older08:37
knomewell, anybody can print that pdf/doc for sure08:37
akxwi-daveEven if it brings just one other regular tester into the fold.. :-)08:39
knomeso what's your preferred format?08:40
knomedo you even want to put it in a wiki?08:40
knomeor rather maintain a document?08:40
knomeor put it in docbook and in the contributor docs?08:40
akxwi-daveall have merits... 08:41
knomei know08:41
knomethat's why i'm asking you, as you are the one doing the biggest work08:41
akxwi-davelet me think about it.. it could just come down to how big it all ends up..08:42
knomeno rush08:42
knomeonce you know and if you need help with anything, just poke me08:42
akxwi-dave;-) will do..08:42
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - what's going on with the gtk3.20 theme thing - last I heard last week was some upload11:28
flocculantbluesabre: ok :p11:28
bluesabreflocculant: will try to get that uploaded tonight11:28
flocculantha ha ha 11:29
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren

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