
cmaloneyHow goes?16:01
Scary_Guystill fighting with nut, can't seem to make it connect but the ups might not be supported16:03
Scary_Guydad's got the same one, had the same issues with the windows version of nut16:03
Scary_Guythe proprietary apc powerchute program runs fine though16:04
Scary_Guysorry not nut, apcupsd16:04
cmaloneyI got it working once16:07
cmaloneyYou might have to do some user perms with USB and apcuspd16:07
cmaloneyI don't recall if it runs as root16:07
Scary_Guyno, the windows box was apcupsd, mine is nut.  also nut can run as its own user16:09
Scary_Guythey also recommend strong security since someone could send a shutdown command through it16:09
cmaloneybrousch: pygame is getting a new release. ;)16:52
brouschWhat year is this?16:52
shakes808anyone know C# ASP.NET?18:11
jrwrennot anymore.18:11
jrwrenthat knowledge has long left my brain.18:11
shakes808I am having an issue18:12
shakes808"Parser Error Message: Only Content controls are allowed directly in a content page that contains Content controls."18:12
shakes808site.master and the child page look good18:12
shakes808but get that with the code being18:13
shakes808Line 1:18:13
shakes808Line 2:18:13
shakes808Source File: /Default.aspx Line: 118:13
shakes808been trying to figure this out all day :( getting irritated.  No one here knows or gives me the same advice that I have found in StackOverflow... which isn't working18:14
shakes808Figured someone in here is smarter than the average bear ;)18:14
jrwrenshakes808: pastebin the Default.aspx?18:16
jrwrenshakes808: also, ##csharp on this irc network is a wonderful place. Maybe  bit too chatty, but used to be full of good peeps.18:16
shakes808I posted in there but nothing yet :(18:16
jrwrenshakes808: are you using visual studio? does the editor give any syntax errors?18:17
shakes808Yes VS 1318:17
jrwrenshakes808: all microsoft ;]18:19
jrwrenshakes808: err... CALL.18:19
shakes808can i do that?!18:20
jrwrenshakes808: is the master page doing something stupid like also wrapping in a content control?18:20
jrwrenshakes808: this is why people use ASP.NET/C#, right? because it is supported by giant corp and its paid for... yes... call them up!18:20
shakes808site.master ^^^^18:21
cmaloneybrousch: It's a strange year.18:22
jrwrenshakes808: that commented out stuff in master looks weird. Is it actually committed to VCS that way?18:23
jrwrenshakes808: ya know its ok to delete code, you can always pull it out of history, right?  ;]18:23
shakes808I took that out to try to see if it would work.  That is just some of the default stuff that loads in when creating a project.18:23
shakes808After I got it to work I was going to clean that up18:24
jrwrenshakes808: can you hook up a debugger and get a stack trace?  i guess probably not becuase its on parse.18:24
shakes808I put breakpoints in at every page_load.  it is happening after compile and before rendering.18:25
shakes808only thing that I can see is the 500 server error because of the parse18:25
jrwrenshakes808: i've no idea. that is a cool problem. content control isn't getting confused by id=body on the div and changing the <asp:Content ID="bodyContent" to <div id=body and they are colliding, are they?18:26
shakes808Shouldn't be.  that is default tags.18:26
shakes808I will mess with that and see if that changes anything18:27
jrwrenshakes808: delete line 2 so that <asp:Content> is immediately after <%@ Page ?18:28
shakes808jrwren: same issue18:28
jrwreni dunno, i'm grasping at straws.18:28
shakes808thank you, but no change18:28
shakes808i know, i don't understand18:28
shakes808shouldn't be this difficult18:28
shakes808we should change our stack to node and python ;)18:28
cmaloneyhttp://www.peppercarrot.com/en/article379/episode-18-the-encounter <- I helped inspire this episode. ;)18:30
jrwrenshakes808: i dunno... asp.net is pretty sweet. sounds like something stupid getting in your way18:31
jrwrenshakes808: i just poked around MSDN... omg the docs for asp.net are TERRIBLE these days. They were much better 10yrs gao.18:40
cmaloneyThat's suprising18:41
shakes808jrwren: right?!  the csharp chat just responded.  "I don't see anything obviously wrong"   .... :| wouldn't be in there if it was something simple haha18:46
jrwrenshakes808: i still think it is something stupid, like <%-- isn't commenting or end commenting correctly or something.18:46
shakes808alright, I will get rid of all that18:47
shakes808:| nope... :(18:47
shakes808jrwren: I guess I can try to remake it and see if I get a different result, but doubt it18:49
jrwrenshakes808: line endings?  dos v. unix style?18:49
shakes808How do I check that in VS?18:49
jrwrenshakes808: encoding?  asci v. utf8 v.?18:49
jrwrenI dunno, know your editor :p18:49
jrwrenif you copy and pasted something from somewhere, sometimes those can pull wrong line endings and paste tehm.18:50
jrwrenread your source in a hex editor? :]18:50
jrwreni'm crazy enough to do that. I don't actually recommmend it.18:50
shakes808in the site.master it has the charset.  Changed it to ASCII and ANSI and nothing has changed :( same error18:54
jrwrendoes the UTF8 saved file have a BOM header?18:54
jrwrenmaybe there are hidden null characters?18:54
jrwrendoes the file XML parse?18:54
jrwrenit is well formatted XML?18:54
jrwrenmaybe run through XML Lint18:54
shakes808I can see if I can find anything in a HEX editor18:55
shakes808I see this in front, but some special characters in front.  but i think that is the header of the file to denote the type of file?  It comes back like this when I copy it " using System.C "19:02
shakes808looks like an i with two dots then  >> followed by upside down ?19:04
shakes808Going to try to remake the project and add this stuff back in19:05
jrwrenwhat hex values?  if it is 3 bytes, 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF  its the BOM19:07
jrwrenadding stuff back in with copy and paste might just paste bad characters if it is bad characters causing the problem.19:08
shakes808it is the first three char19:08
shakes808alright, then I will retype it all out19:08
shakes808jrwren: so I just got done typing most of my code back in.  it had to be something to do with copy and pasting the code.  :|  wasted a day on copy and paste .... WTF!!!!20:29
greg-gwelcome to computers20:31
shakes808greg-g: HAHA :( ;(20:31
gamerchick02bad time with computers right now?20:32
shakes808gamerchick02: spent the day trying to figure out what was going on with my web app when it would seem it was a copy and paste issue.  started a new proj and typed all the files out and it is working ..... :| X{20:36
gamerchick02oh ugh. that stuff happens.20:36
jrwrenshakes808: beware pasting.20:37
jrwrenshakes808: Imma claim that I helped.20:37
shakes808HAHA, well you did point me in that direction that copy and paste might be off.20:38
shakes808too bad I didn't find this sooner20:38
shakes808 :(20:38
gamerchick02well you found it now.20:39
gamerchick02i call that a success.20:39
shakes808and the other issue is that we are using VB and C#.  If we weren't compiling all the time and changing references and whatever else we need to do, this could have been a non issue.  :)20:39
shakes808nothing is consistent :|  Working on getting them there :)20:40
gamerchick02ooof that's a big job. good luck20:44
shakes808i know.  I am working on getting both of the dev teams in the same work flow right now and utilizing TFS a better way and a better release process... i have my work cut out for me.20:45
gamerchick02you do. wow.20:46
shakes808have a good weekend all21:00
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanS
gamerchick02you too!21:04
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD

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