=== ahoneybun_ is now known as ahoneybun | ||
k1l_ | cantstanya> Have idiots bothered inappropriately asking about Umbongo on Windows here yet? | 21:47 |
ikonia | just an idiot comment | 21:48 |
ikonia | no discussion needed | 21:48 |
k1l_ | a known troll. bantracker is full of him | 21:48 |
dax | reminds me, i was going to factoid about AMD | 21:52 |
dax | !search amd | 21:52 |
ubottu | Found: virtualbox, kickstart, torrents-#lubuntu, amd64, binarydriver, 64bit, amd, magnets-lts-#xubuntu, magnets-#xubuntu, newfglrx and 11 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=amd | 21:52 |
dax | !search ati | 21:52 |
ubottu | Found: kickstart, alternatives, eir*, kde docs, xampp, stats-#ubuntu-uk, tv, purge-ppa, artteam, matlab and 480 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=ati | 21:52 |
dax | uh | 21:52 |
cantstanya | hi k1l_ is mad and I'm curious why they're taking it out on me. | 21:53 |
cantstanya | cf.: http://sprunge.us/WGDH / http://sprunge.us/RYfU | 21:55 |
cantstanya | Did they have a bad day or something? | 21:56 |
cantstanya | Are they jelly of my belly? | 21:57 |
cantstanya | I donut diet. | 21:57 |
dax | !no, amd is <reply> Open source driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (new cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed source drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, only available before Ubuntu 16.04). For information on GCN compatibility and other details, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see | 21:59 |
ubottu | I'll remember that dax | 21:59 |
dax | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD | 21:59 |
dax | ugh | 21:59 |
dax | !no, amd is <reply> Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD | 21:59 |
ubottu | I'll remember that dax | 21:59 |
dax | !amd | 21:59 |
ubottu | Open driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD | 21:59 |
dax | !no, ati is <alias> amd | 22:00 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 22:00 |
dax | !no, ayymd is <alias> amd | 22:00 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 22:00 |
dax | !no, fglrx is <alias> amd | 22:00 |
ubottu | You are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm | 22:00 |
dax | !-binarydriver | 22:01 |
ubottu | binarydriver aliases: nvidia, binarydrivers, binarydrivershowto, gatos, nv - added by Seveas on 2006-07-16 15:07:36 - last edited by dax on 2016-03-30 18:50:22 | 22:01 |
cantstanya | Just being thrown under the bus now huh | 22:02 |
dax | !no, binarydriver is <reply> For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » | 22:03 |
ubottu | I'll remember that dax | 22:03 |
ikonia | dax: maybe the nvidia/amd whole thing could do with an update and better split, including the old wiki pages | 22:09 |
ikonia | something thats needed for a long time, maybe the amd changes would be a good time to do that | 22:09 |
dax | wiki gives me a headache, i'll leave that to someone else | 22:12 |
dax | i just split off amd on the factoid side of things, if someone who knows anything about nvidia wants to do the same for them, it'd be a good idea indeed | 22:12 |
ikonia | yes, me too, more so when people who really don't understand it just edit it with "WFM" type comments | 22:12 |
dax | (and really, when was the last time someone asked about matrox :D) | 22:12 |
ikonia | I'll have a ponder about this as I did a load of work on nvidia a long time ago (2009 ?) and 3 months later people had just filled it with junk and wrong info | 22:13 |
ikonia | it's why I keep thinking we should maintain something on the ubottu site in terms of info | 22:13 |
dax | and i don't know ubuntu well enough to add instructions to it for amdgpu-pro, unfortunately | 22:13 |
ikonia | I'd put more effort into the docs again if it wasn't free for people to then wreck with bad info | 22:14 |
dax | since "get from AMD's site and compile stuff from source as needed" isn't really Ubuntu-y | 22:14 |
dax | there's probably a PPA somewhere, idk | 22:14 |
ikonia | I'm sure we could do something clean with the amdgpu stuff | 22:14 |
dax | honestly someone needs to make a website where you put in your graphics card and your Linux distro+version and it tells you wtf to do | 22:14 |
dax | anyways, i'll be back later, just got new storage and going to reinstall | 22:15 |
ikonia | excellent | 22:16 |
valorie | cantstanya: I've read your links, and see no reason to change your status | 22:16 |
ikonia | oh, is he still here | 22:16 |
valorie | k1l_ has nothing personal against you | 22:16 |
cantstanya | wow rude ikonia | 22:16 |
valorie | k1l_ has nothing personal against you | 22:16 |
valorie | now, please leave | 22:16 |
k1l_ | valorie: thanks. but that is a known troll and i am done waisting time to be part of his trolling games. | 22:17 |
valorie | right | 22:18 |
k1l_ | has 22 bantracker entries since 2014. | 22:18 |
ikonia | can someone just ban him in #ubuntu-irc | 22:18 |
ikonia | thanks k1l_ | 22:19 |
ikonia | it's sad that so many people (rightly) quote and reference the archlinux wiki to help people with ubuntu, as its so much better and better maintained than the ubuntu wikis | 22:34 |
k1l_ | yeah. we have a really really good german ubuntu wiki. and i never understood why the main wiki didnt increase | 22:35 |
k1l_ | like this (random article) https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Festplattenstatus/ | 22:36 |
ikonia | so the german wiki is a good one then, thats interesting | 22:37 |
* valorie gave up working on the wiki long ago | 22:37 | |
ikonia | as did I | 22:38 |
valorie | login is so chancy | 22:38 |
valorie | and changes often are never saved properly | 22:38 |
valorie | not worth the work | 22:38 |
valorie | moin moin is just..... | 22:38 |
k1l_ | yes, somehow the german linux community grouped around the ubuntuusers page and formed that wikipages. but i guess main reason was a active team maintaining that. | 22:38 |
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