[09:29] Hello> Is there some one who can spare 5 minutes for helping me with a cloud-init problem ? === rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb === sterfield_ is now known as sterfield [14:51] pava2, ask [15:03] smoser: I want to config growpart to expand /dev/vdb1 partition [15:06] you can just arrange for it to do that. via runcmd or boothook. [15:06] if you know its going to be /dev/vdb1 [15:06] smoser: I know I just saw the .cfg version [15:06] smoser: I was trying that but it's ignored for some readon [15:07] reson [15:18] pava2, i'm sorry,, i dont follow [15:18] #cloud-config [15:18] bootcmd: [15:18] - [growpart, /dev/vdb, 1] [15:20] smoser: thank you [15:23] probably quote the 1 [15:23] maybe not needed. [15:27] smoser: ok, thanks. === rangerpb is now known as baude === baude is now known as raner === raner is now known as ranger === ranger is now known as Guest18906 [18:11] ok, @smoser any idea whats up with this https://gist.github.com/harlowja/4419d6dfa3c16cd2795d55ac11a89cb8 :-P [18:11] seems to be borking now ;) [18:12] did something just merge [18:14] harlowja, works here. i think [18:14] hmmm [18:15] is that acutally opening a google url [18:15] hmmm [18:15] no. doesnt work here. [18:15] wth [18:15] ya, jenkins started puking on this one [18:17] something in tox must have changed [18:17] in pip [18:26] hmmm [18:26] durn [18:26] ok, i'll see about that, killing my cloud-init piepline of recent [18:26] can you look ? [18:26] i know that i ran tox on friday [18:26] and fucntional [18:26] k === Guest18906 is now known as rangerpb === rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz [20:34] harlowja, did you dig at all ? [20:34] i have a tox on one system that works. need to compare pip list in working versus current [20:35] harlowja, [20:35] -requests (2.10.0) [20:35] +requests (2.11.0) [20:35] horay! === contrapumpkin is now known as copumpkin [20:49] smoser haven't yet [20:49] it was requests? [20:51] weird [20:51] did mocking bork though, or is some mock missing [20:57] i dont know. one system it works for me one doesnt [20:57] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22735242/ [20:57] k, i'll mess around [21:24] harlowja, just confirmed, this does "fix" http://paste.ubuntu.com/22738487/ [21:24] hmmmm [21:24] kk [21:24] wonder what changed [21:28] maybe httpretty needs a change [21:30] though 'KeyError: 'public-keys'' seems like a valid error, just need to dig into it [21:49] ya, smoser the whole httpretty crap isn't getting called [21:49] which seems odd [21:50] does it with the older ? [21:50] i agree, i'm kind of confused on how it was working. [21:50] ya [21:51] not sure what to do. i planned on releasing something as 0.7.7 tomorrow [21:51] https://gist.github.com/harlowja/363ac5a228a79abca0c7c90ab7a3dff3 if u want to see [21:51] :( [21:51] that whole request callback never gets called with the newer requests [21:52] harlowja, what do you think of this: [21:52] http://paste.ubuntu.com/22741578/ [21:54] seems ok with me [22:03] harlowja, so i was / am expecting to make 0.7.7 release like tomorrow with what is in trunk. [22:03] this tox not working is a pita. [22:04] ya, pretty sure its cause of some urllib3 bundling chane [22:04] *change [22:05] * smoser thinks we'll ultimately end up with tox envs of 'xenial', 'trusty', centos7... [22:05] and 'pip-tip' or something [22:06] cools [22:18] harlowja, do you have a handle on this ? or should i just put == 2.1.0 [22:18] or 2.10.0 rather [22:18] looking into it, unsure exactly where it got broke [22:18] trying to find out :-p [22:19] but blocking it will work until then [22:20] k. i will just do that for now. [22:21] k === m4tt_ is now known as Guest1125 [22:33] ok i think https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/commit/bd9e8f2271 did it [22:34] at least before that it was working (minus a key error i think we need to handle) [22:34] so thats at leaset part of the puzzle [22:36] let me see if i can fix that easily [22:36] well, if you get a fix and its proper, please let me knwo. [22:36] if not i'll fix with 2.10.0 [22:38] k, give me a few :-P [22:38] need more time captain [22:38] lol [22:45] ok smoser i got it [22:45] https://gist.github.com/harlowja/428fd8efb769c1efa57597873bc4b7d2 [22:45] smoser ha [22:45] thats it :-P [22:46] the outgoing header validation not liking bools [22:46] *new outgoing header validation [22:47] https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/302350 [22:48] don't use non-string in headers [22:51] harlowja, works with 2.10.0 too [22:51] ? [22:51] wow. [22:51] thats nice. thankyou. [22:51] yaya [22:51] np [22:51] np [22:51] here to help [22:51] will unbork my jenkins, ha [22:56] harlowja, can you rebase ? [22:56] and push [22:56] sure [22:56] you're one commit behind [22:57] k, updated [22:57] should now be in sync [23:00] harlowja, pushed. dankeshan [23:00] np [23:00] dankemeinbubble [23:00] dankemoser [23:00] lol [23:03] (i made those up) [23:03] lol [23:05] ok, time to see about packaging being built now (the part of my pipeline thats missing)