=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit === ganesh is now known as Guest63515 === Guest63515 is now known as gkadam === daker_ is now known as daker === maclin1 is now known as maclin === JanC is now known as Guest57323 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:02] cjwatson, wgrant: can we do anything to speed publishing of binaries in PPAs back up? it's gotten crazy slow as of late, nowhere near the ~15-30 minutes it once was [17:25] dobey: Sadly from my investigations (albeit not very in-depth) it looks like it's just death by a thousand cuts of large files to publish etc. and only the diskless-PPAs project is likely to help. I could be missing something. [17:29] hmm :-/ [23:45] cjwatson: I started working on making phase A asynchronous last week. [23:45] cjwatson: s/working on/experimenting with/ [23:47] It's not quite trivial because we want to preserve similar atomicity properties, but it's doable.