=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 | ||
swift110-phone | hey | 04:01 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest64002 | ||
=== Guest64002 is now known as pavlushka | ||
Skyrider | Is anyone familiar with mouse/keyboard issues? Demo of Lubuntu works fine.. but after installation, mouse/keyboard refuses to work. | 15:35 |
sodomy | Skyrider: USB keyboard/mouse? Try an lsusb -t | 15:58 |
sodomy | (from a remote login obviously) | 15:58 |
=== davidcalle|afk is now known as davidcalle | ||
gordonjcp | ayeup | 16:50 |
gordonjcp | what's the minimum amount of space that it's possible to install Lubuntu on? | 16:50 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest93771 | ||
=== Guest93771 is now known as pavlushka | ||
Skyrider | sodomy: indeed, USB. | 17:29 |
Skyrider | is remote enabled by default? | 17:29 |
wxl | Skyrider: nope. just boot up with a live cd/usb. | 17:29 |
Skyrider | live/demo works. | 17:30 |
Skyrider | It's the full installation which is the issue. | 17:30 |
wxl | right so use lsusb to get information | 17:30 |
Skyrider | I'm lost ^^. | 17:30 |
wxl | there have been no reports about the keyboard/mouse not working | 17:31 |
wxl | therefore, it is highly likely that you have a particular set of hardware that others don't have | 17:31 |
wxl | so in order to troubleshoot the problem, we need more information | 17:31 |
wxl | lsusb provides said information | 17:31 |
Skyrider | Ah.. I get it.. I just thought you wanted to get some information that I can't type on the lubuntu having the issue :p | 17:31 |
wxl | nope | 17:32 |
Skyrider | So.. lsusb -t, brb.. rebooting into live mode. | 17:32 |
wxl | if you want easy access to remote just install ssh | 17:32 |
Skyrider | Currently on windows. | 17:34 |
Skyrider | wxl: http://imgur.com/FRL0XnF | 17:44 |
Skyrider | Still weird that live works perfectly. | 17:45 |
wxl | Skyrider: um, hate to be a pain, but could you pastebin that? | 17:52 |
Skyrider | No can do. | 17:54 |
Skyrider | I have to keep switching os's. | 17:54 |
wxl | lsusb -t | pastebinit (install pastebinit if you haven't already) | 17:54 |
Skyrider | cant view image?.. | 17:58 |
wxl | images are difficult to deal with when dealing with text; also it seems that some text is missing | 17:59 |
Skyrider | That is the complete info that lsusb gave. | 17:59 |
wxl | so you have an input devices that's attached to a hub that's attached to a hub that's attached to a hub ??? | 18:04 |
Skyrider | keyboard/mouse -> hub -> pc. | 18:05 |
Skyrider | no other hubs in between. | 18:05 |
wxl | does the keyboard have a hub in it? | 18:05 |
wxl | i.e. is the mouse connected to the keyboard? | 18:06 |
Skyrider | Nope. Both seperated | 18:06 |
Skyrider | **separated | 18:06 |
wxl | how bizarre. that tree is nuts. | 18:06 |
wxl | what happens if you get rid of the hub and connect straight to the pc? | 18:07 |
Skyrider | I see.. | 18:07 |
Skyrider | Keyboard has USB connections. | 18:07 |
Skyrider | Never really, knew.. lol | 18:07 |
Skyrider | First time I'm finding this out. | 18:07 |
wxl | ok that makes sense then, sheesh | 18:07 |
Skyrider | Wonder why I never noticed this. | 18:08 |
Skyrider | Using Mouse in keyboard to pc connection now, removed the hub.. | 18:11 |
Skyrider | lets see if that works. | 18:11 |
Skyrider | Weird if it does though.. linux mint had no issues with the keyboard/mouse, and its the same os. | 18:12 |
wxl | well, potential difference in kernel | 18:13 |
Skyrid3r | Weird stuff, still nothing | 18:17 |
Skyrid3r | .Strangest thing is.. even the network is disconnected. | 18:18 |
Skyrid3r | Live version works fine though | 18:18 |
wxl | well it might be a broadcom chip | 18:18 |
wxl | they usually require more oeffort in the installed version | 18:18 |
Skyrid3r | I'm pretty sure I tagged the download stuff at installation. | 18:18 |
Skyrid3r | inc, third party. | 18:19 |
wxl | yeah that doesn't necessarily mean anything unfortunately | 18:19 |
wxl | you can use `lspci -nnk` to figure out what chip you have and what kernel module it's using | 18:19 |
wxl | if it's broadcom you'll need this— | 18:19 |
wxl | !b43 | 18:19 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 18:19 |
Skyrid3r | Why would the packages differ from live / installed version? | 18:23 |
Skyrid3r | I mean, if it 'works' on the live version.. wouldn't you expect that those things also work on the installed version? | 18:24 |
wxl | there is occassionally a bit of a difference. updates account for some of that. it could certainly be a regression that causes a problem | 18:24 |
Skyrid3r | I doubt I installed it incorrectly ^^, I had linux mint installed.. wiped that partition and installed Lubuntu over it. | 18:24 |
wxl | yeah i don't think you did anything wrong for sure | 18:25 |
wxl | it's really curious. different ports don't produce different results? | 18:25 |
Skyrid3r | 'fraid not. | 18:25 |
wxl | what version of lubuntu is this again? | 18:25 |
Skyrid3r | 16.04 | 18:26 |
wxl | i wish you had remote access | 18:27 |
wxl | it would be interesting to see if lsusb produces different results in the installed system | 18:27 |
wxl | we could also grep the logs at that point | 18:27 |
Skyrid3r | Ya, dito... unless I can override it somehow. | 18:27 |
wxl | invariably there's a clue there somewhere | 18:27 |
wxl | well, you could try to fix the wireless issue | 18:28 |
Skyrid3r | ethernet connected. | 18:28 |
Skyrid3r | So, not using wireless. | 18:28 |
wxl | ah there you go | 18:28 |
wxl | so | 18:28 |
wxl | 1s | 18:28 |
Skyrid3r | ? | 18:29 |
wxl | so there's a wiki page that deals with re-installing kernels when you've deleted them all | 18:29 |
wxl | you can use this to install your package | 18:29 |
wxl | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels/Problems | 18:29 |
Skyrid3r | I don't remember removing any kernels. | 18:30 |
wxl | except when you get to installing your kernel, just install the broadcom package | 18:30 |
wxl | (instead of the kernel) | 18:30 |
wxl | and of course you won't need to update grub | 18:30 |
wxl | that is assuming that the package will solve your problem | 18:30 |
wxl | first you'll have to see if you have a broadcom chip and fi you do which one so you know which package to install based on: | 18:31 |
wxl | !b43 | 18:31 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 18:31 |
* wxl kicks ubottu | 18:31 | |
Skyrid3r | Realtek | 18:31 |
wxl | oh | 18:32 |
wxl | right you have ethernet | 18:32 |
wxl | i forgot about that | 18:32 |
Skyrid3r | ^_^ | 18:32 |
wxl | so go through that process and instead of installing the kernel, install `ssh` | 18:32 |
Skyrid3r | I do have wireless plugged in, just not using it atm. | 18:32 |
wxl | then you can boot to it and you should be able to connect to it over ssh using another computer on the network | 18:32 |
wxl | heck you could use your phone :) | 18:33 |
wxl | hope that makes sense | 18:34 |
Skyrid3r | wth is going on.. | 18:37 |
Skyrid3r | Oh, ya.. it does.. using debian myself on my pi2. | 18:37 |
Skyrid3r | Been working with linux for a few years now. | 18:37 |
Skyrid3r | Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' | 18:38 |
Skyrid3r | When trying to update. | 18:38 |
wxl | Skyrider: did you do the resolv.conf trick? | 18:39 |
Skyrid3r | Ya, did the complete list up to apt-get install | 18:39 |
Skyrid3r | can't install anything without updating the list though. | 18:39 |
wxl | i assume you can't ping archive.ubuntu.com? | 18:40 |
Skyrid3r | Not from the terminal. | 18:40 |
wxl | argh | 18:41 |
Skyrid3r | Strange.... | 18:41 |
* wxl sighs | 18:41 | |
Skyrid3r | Actually, can't ping anything.. | 18:42 |
wxl | try disconnecting and reconnecting the ethernet cable and then doing the resolv.conf bit? | 18:42 |
Skyrid3r | So that tutorial makes a direct connection with my local installation? | 18:43 |
Skyrid3r | Because when I exit the connection, I can ping again. | 18:44 |
wxl | correct | 18:45 |
wxl | the idea is that since it's not connected, your local installation doesn't have networking set up properly | 18:45 |
wxl | so you need to copy over the working configuration from the running system over to the mounted local install in order to get the internet to work when you chroot into the local install | 18:45 |
Skyrid3r | Tried copying the file, didn't work though. | 18:46 |
Skyrid3r | Why can't the connection make use of the existing network connection I have now on the live version? | 18:46 |
wxl | brb | 18:46 |
wxl | technically you probably could but it would take some rewriting | 18:48 |
wxl | the thing is that the system is set to look for /etc/resolv.conf | 18:49 |
wxl | when you mount --bind and chroot, you're making /etc refer to your local install's /etc | 18:49 |
wxl | (among other things) | 18:49 |
wxl | you might want to make sure you're booted into the live desktop environment and make sure that nm-applet has your connection set up properly first | 18:50 |
wxl | and then check the content of the live /etc/resolv.conf | 18:50 |
wxl | it should be nothing more than the likes of a nameserver ip (usually and a search domain | 18:52 |
wxl | well, actually the search domain is optional and probably not relevant | 18:56 |
Skyrider | weird stuff. | 19:01 |
charlie_sanders | how Do I tell ubuntu to use my custonm downloaded of JAVA so it's not constantly trying to download a java-runtime ? | 19:04 |
wxl | charlie_sanders: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Choosing_the_default_Java_to_use | 19:05 |
charlie_sanders | ok, I tried alternatives, let me read that and try again | 19:06 |
wxl | charlie_sanders: it's possible that the way you have it installed, maybe it doesn't provide an alternatives option. you'll have to rtfm and figure out how to take care of that. alternately, read the whole page and see if anything there doesn't apply to how you want to install. | 19:07 |
charlie_sanders | ugh, it says theres only one choice, and so its the default, but any package that relies on java is trying to download headless-java | 19:07 |
charlie_sanders | oh hmm | 19:07 |
wxl | oh yeah that's going to be problematic, too. | 19:08 |
charlie_sanders | maybe theres a headless java alt | 19:08 |
charlie_sanders | yeah, cause I need to tell my _package manager_ that I have a java installed | 19:08 |
wxl | you're using Oracle Java? | 19:08 |
charlie_sanders | yes | 19:08 |
wxl | 7 or 8? | 19:08 |
charlie_sanders | 9 | 19:09 |
charlie_sanders | oops | 19:09 |
charlie_sanders | 8 | 19:09 |
charlie_sanders | i come from the future! | 19:09 |
wxl | seems there's a ppa that should solve all your problems | 19:09 |
wxl | and keep you from having to manually download and install updates | 19:10 |
wxl | http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html | 19:10 |
wxl | wow it does have 9 in there | 19:10 |
wxl | https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java | 19:10 |
genii | Yes, 9 has been in there a while now | 19:11 |
wxl | last version of 8 was uploaded on the 21st of July, so seems fairly updated | 19:12 |
Skyrider | wxl: Is this because lubuntu is so light? | 19:14 |
wxl | Skyrider: hahah yeah we eliminate everything XD | 19:15 |
Skyrider | Hopefully you know I'm referring to my issue :p | 19:15 |
wxl | Skyrider: no, it should be totally unrelated. especially at the kernel level, we're all the same as ubuntu itself. | 19:16 |
Skyrider | There must be a difference somewhere.. Linux mint / Lubuntu both use 16.04 | 19:16 |
wxl | Skyrider: i'm not sure how mint does things. it's possible they might not actually use the lubuntu seeds. | 19:17 |
Skyrider | mmmhhh | 19:18 |
Skyrider | Weird, weird, weird. | 19:18 |
wxl | now there's a question i didn't ask you | 19:20 |
wxl | are you absolutely 100% sure that you downloaded and copied the image without failure | 19:20 |
wxl | i.e. did you check the hashes? | 19:20 |
Skyrider | That, I did not. I just expected it to work properly.. | 19:21 |
charlie_sanders | wxl: oh ok, thx | 19:21 |
wxl | np charlie_sanders | 19:21 |
wxl | Skyrider: cuz 1 bit of difference could result in weird inconsistencies | 19:21 |
Skyrider | Current usb is at 4.576.088.064 bytes | 19:23 |
Skyrider | let me rewrite the image file. | 19:23 |
wxl | you should ALWAYS check hashes | 19:24 |
wxl | always always always | 19:24 |
wxl | of course if you use torrents, that's already done for you | 19:24 |
wxl | still, there's the matter of checking the media (which you can do at the grub menu) | 19:24 |
Skyrider | Not much of a hash person, as 99% of all time it d/ls correctly :p | 19:24 |
wxl | there's that 1% | 19:25 |
Skyrider | Very rarely, corrupted installations ^^. | 19:25 |
lynorian | Skyrider, but the 1 percent of the time it does finding the problem is really hard | 19:26 |
Skyrider | Where's the hash located. | 19:26 |
Skyrider | Found the md5. | 19:27 |
Skyrider | MD5 checks out. | 19:28 |
wxl | now boot the live system and "check the cd for defects" | 19:30 |
wxl | man we have to change that language | 19:30 |
skyrid3r | meh.. | 20:00 |
skyrid3r | I apologise. | 20:00 |
wxl | Skyrider: copying error? | 20:01 |
skyrid3r | wxl: While the MD5 was correct, the writing didn go well to USB. | 20:01 |
skyrid3r | I re-did it, and installed.. its working perfectly now. | 20:01 |
wxl | skyrid3r: yeah it happens, man, don't sweat it. that's usually the first place to look if things are just *weird* | 20:01 |
wxl | skyrid3r: in any case, glad you're all fixed :) | 20:01 |
skyrid3r | Indeed ^_^ | 20:01 |
skyrid3r | still have to get used to this GUI though. | 20:02 |
skyrid3r | Dont have a super slow system, but it aint fast either. | 20:02 |
skyrid3r | Cinnamon was actually, laggy for me. | 20:02 |
wxl | lubuntu's about the best there is from what i've found | 20:02 |
wxl | well, lxde | 20:03 |
skyrid3r | What do you use for start-menu search? | 20:03 |
skyrid3r | Found out it has no function for that. | 20:03 |
wxl | you could arch your way to an absolutely perfect system for only what you want | 20:03 |
wxl | we don't have anything like that, and i really haven't had the need, so can't speak to it personally | 20:03 |
skyrid3r | Alrighty :), I often search stuff through the start menu on w10. | 20:04 |
skyrid3r | Easier to find things without blogging my desktop. | 20:04 |
skyrid3r | Appreciate all the help btw :) | 20:06 |
wxl | np :) | 20:06 |
skyrid3r | Will have to reinstall lubuntu later on anyway.. | 20:07 |
skyrid3r | Currently just installed on a 60gb partition... unless I mount the home to another one in the future | 20:07 |
skyrid3r | Familiar with windows wxl ? | 20:11 |
wxl | skyrid3r: a bit. | 20:12 |
skyrid3r | I believe in windows, the bottom right side mouse is being blocked to go to the second monitor. | 20:12 |
skyrid3r | In order to use minimize all function properly. | 20:12 |
skyrid3r | Not sure if possible with (l)ubuntu / the GUI. | 20:12 |
wxl | tl;dr you want to be able to move the mouse to the bottom right and make it minimize all windows? | 20:13 |
skyrid3r | Without it moving to the second monitor, ya. | 20:13 |
wxl | yeeeeeah i'm not sure that works or not | 20:13 |
wxl | i'm not even sure there's a mouse corners option | 20:14 |
skyrid3r | Ugh.. need to change keyboard settings as well.. ' / " not working properly | 20:14 |
skyrid3r | Found the minimize all function | 20:14 |
skyrid3r | Though it won't revert it | 20:14 |
skyrid3r | brb, update on some stuff / nvidia, etc. | 20:14 |
exwindows10user | is 14.04.1 out? | 20:26 |
wxl | !trusty | exwindows10user | 20:26 |
ubottu | exwindows10user: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes | 20:26 |
exwindows10user | sorry I just uninstalled Windows :D | 20:27 |
exwindows10user | And installed ubuntu, but people keep telling me to try lubuntu because use less resources. | 20:27 |
exwindows10user | so what you sent me says, that no, right? 14.04.1 is not out yet | 20:27 |
wxl | the more current LTS release is xenial | 20:27 |
wxl | !xenial | 20:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/xenial | 20:27 |
wxl | exwindows10user: no it says check for point releases at releases.ubuntu.com :) | 20:27 |
exwindows10user | I don't get it | 20:28 |
exwindows10user | who is ubottu | 20:28 |
exwindows10user | it's weird | 20:28 |
exwindows10user | ubottu: your links are sending me to ubuntu not lubuntu | 20:28 |
ubottu | exwindows10user: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:28 |
wxl | exwindows10user: lubuntu is ubuntu. all of ubuntu's flavors are at release.ubuntu.com | 20:29 |
wxl | releases, that is | 20:29 |
wxl | to make it real easy for you: | 20:29 |
wxl | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/ | 20:29 |
exwindows10user | but then I must be in the wrong site | 20:29 |
exwindows10user | I can't find the 14.04.1 download link | 20:29 |
exwindows10user | :/ | 20:29 |
wxl | 14.04.1 is technically kind of old | 20:30 |
wxl | are you sure you don't mean 16.04.1? | 20:30 |
exwindows10user | 16.04.1 | 20:30 |
exwindows10user | Im sorry! | 20:30 |
lynorian | yeah the updates would take a while | 20:30 |
wxl | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04.1/release/ | 20:30 |
exwindows10user | wxl and ubottu your help is not really clear | 20:37 |
exwindows10user | This is my first time in Linux | 20:37 |
exwindows10user | Now I'm really confused | 20:37 |
Fr_Dae | thanks wxl | 20:54 |
Fr_Dae | i have same the exacte Same on hilm | 20:54 |
Fr_Dae | him | 20:54 |
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