
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
mupPR snapd#1651 opened: More create-user fixes <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1651>02:18
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mupPR snapd#1652 opened: Correct interface connection JSON documentation (used an object inste… <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1652>03:34
mupPR snapd#1653 opened: Correct documentation on refresh action (referred to an old update ac… <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1653>03:54
mupPR snapd#1654 opened: Fix typo mutlipart -> multipart <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1654>04:47
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mupPR snapd#1654 closed: Fix typo mutlipart -> multipart <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1654>06:47
mupPR snapd#1652 closed: Correct interface connection JSON documentation (used an object inste… <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1652>06:50
zygagood morning06:53
cpaelzergood morning zyga07:08
cpaelzerI wonder is there a way to refer to snap paths like $SNAP_DATA from the snapcraft yaml when specifying commands07:11
cpaelzerI have a forking daemon, and wonder if I could modify it's "command" to include such07:12
cpaelzerthat would allow to avoid a lot of glue-code just to pass the right config file directory07:12
cpaelzerI have seen in snappy-playpen others used a launcher.sh to pickup the path07:12
cpaelzerbut there could (should?) be a way to do e.g.07:12
cpaelzercommand: usr/local/sbin/ntpd -c $SNAP_DATA/etc/ntpd.conf07:12
cpaelzermaybe just the right amount of escaping ...07:13
cpaelzerthe given example above resolves to just /etc/ntpd.conf for now07:13
cpaelzerhmm - just wondered about the ML archives - was the snappy-devel list discontinued for the snapcraft list?07:29
cpaelzer"Please use https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/snapcraft instead."07:30
cpaelzerah yes, ok07:30
zygacpaelzer: hey07:34
zygacpaelzer: the command field of each app should be able to resolve environment variables (they are just copied and eventually are resolved by the shell)07:35
zygacpaelzer: hmm07:35
zygacpaelzer: can you look at the prime directory and see if it is resolved early? My point is that it should be present there verbatim, as you spelled it above07:36
cpaelzeryeah I just examined the systemd service07:36
cpaelzerit is just referring to its "usual" warpper07:36
zygacpaelzer: and it doesn't contain $SNAP_DATA?07:36
cpaelzerit does07:36
cpaelzerso the wrapper is "good"07:37
cpaelzerlet me check all of this for typos and such07:37
cpaelzerexec "$SNAP/usr/local/sbin/ntpd" -c $SNAP_DATA/etc/ntpd.conf "$@"07:37
zygacpaelzer: hmm cna you pastebin the systemd unit?07:37
cpaelzersure, just a sec07:37
cpaelzersystemd http://paste.ubuntu.com/22782806/ wrapper http://paste.ubuntu.com/22782810/07:37
cpaelzeruh that is nice07:38
cpaelzerzyga: I found it07:38
cpaelzerit is actually an application issie I think07:38
cpaelzerservice snap.ntpsec.ntpd status reports 30780 /snap/ntpsec/x1/usr/local/sbin/ntpd -c /var/snap/ntpsec/x1/etc/ntpd.conf07:38
cpaelzerso it did resolve07:38
zygayes, it looks correct07:38
cpaelzerI was tricked by seeing that in journal for it "getconfig: Couldn't open </etc/ntp.conf>: No such file or directory"07:39
cpaelzerso it is more an app bug to ignore its arg for whatever reason07:39
draglyTried building and installing the ubuntu-clock-app example with snapcraft + snap install now. I get the following errors: "libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast" "Unrecognized OpenGL version".07:39
cpaelzeranyway it was good to go down the snap-systemd unit -> wrapper -> command path at least once07:39
draglyShould this work with the current version of snapcraft and snap?07:39
cpaelzerzyga: thanks07:39
zygadragly: does the old version from the store work?07:40
draglywhat's the name in the store?07:41
zygadragly: ubuntu-calculator-app07:41
draglycan't find anything with that name in Ubuntu Software nor with apt07:43
draglyI'm running Ubuntu 16.0407:43
draglythe one I tested was from https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen07:45
cpaelzerdragly: snap find clock gives me "ubuntu-clock-app" from the store07:48
cpaelzertrying to install now on my16.40 just to check07:49
cpaelzerdragly: fetch & install from store worked fine - was your issue that the one from playpen didn't build or install ?07:52
draglyah, sorry, I forgot that snap install != apt install07:52
draglycpaelzer: it both builds and installs, but when running I get the OpenGL errors07:53
netphreakhi, guys!07:53
draglysame with the one from "snap install ubuntu-clock-app"07:53
cpaelzerrunning the one from store http://paste.ubuntu.com/22783564/ (works)07:54
netphreakAnynews on Ubuntu core and RPI3?07:54
draglycpaelzer: doesn't work here, seems to be the same issue as others are reporting: https://askubuntu.com/questions/759647/opengl-error-in-snaps-ubuntu-16-04/760096#76009607:54
draglyI had the same issue previously, but thought it was fixed07:55
draglyI think there is a bug report on it somewhere. Let me see if I can dig it up.07:56
draglycpaelzer https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/157485107:57
mupBug #1574851: libgl not found on nvidia machines (so far) <Snappy:Triaged> <nvidia-graphics-drivers-361 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1574851>07:57
draglyI haven't tried to workaround, but will be distributing an app to others with Nvidia machines, so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do without having to ask the users to copy the nvidia libGL.so to /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl ?07:59
mvodragly: can you please try to install "snap-confine ubuntu-core-launcher" from xenial-proposed? that should fix the nvidia problem08:05
seb128mvo, hey08:05
zygamvo: I understand that there are some regressions that are blocking the update out of the SRU proposed pocket, correct?08:05
mvohey seb12808:05
mvozyga: yes, however I think those got all resolved by now, I think its good to go now08:06
zygamvo: including the one you pinged me about last week, the X11 one?08:07
seb128mvo, attente, unsure when/where snapd-xdg-open was discussed but I would like to start a discussion about removing the whitelist, filed https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapd-xdg-open/pull/12 for that but maybe a mailing list would be better? can you do suggestions?08:07
mupPR ubuntu-core/snapd-xdg-open#12: don't restrict the urls that are handled <Created by seb128> <https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snapd-xdg-open/pull/12>08:07
mvozyga: yes, this no longer happens with snapd 2.11 and I think its was adt artifcat08:08
mvoseb128: iirc gustavo suggested to put this in place, he is probably the best one to discuss how to ease/remove it08:09
zygamvo: that's good to know, thank you08:12
seb128mvo, ok, thanks, I'm unsure what we protect against and ideally we are going to want to let apps open the urls they handle, like skype handles x-scheme-handler urls and you are going to want that to work without us having to patch the helper to know about every application on earth08:13
seb128x-scheme-handler/skype I meant08:13
mwhudson_mvo: did you get the "add to whitelist" syntax wrong on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1651 ?08:16
mupPR snapd#1651: More create-user fixes <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1651>08:16
mvomwhudson_: I did, thanks! should be fixed now08:17
zygamwhudson_: congratulations to your family :)08:17
mwhudson_zyga: thanks :)08:17
mwhudson_mvo: i'm hacking on adding --sudoer and --yaml flags now08:18
mwhudson_the 'details' link on the test results on my PR isn't working for me08:29
mwhudson_" took too long to respond"08:29
zygamwhudson_: on integration tests?08:32
zygamwhudson_: that's over VPN08:32
zygamwhudson_: aka annoying ylink08:32
mwhudson_not very community?08:33
mwhudson_but not too bad for me :)08:33
mwhudson_ah duh08:34
mwhudson_zyga, mvo: what does snappy think about rebasing?08:34
zygamwhudson_: doesn't like it much08:36
zygamwhudson_: merges are more welcome08:36
mwhudson_zyga: well my PR fails a test08:37
zygamwhudson_: merge with master to fix it (if that fixes it)08:37
mwhudson_zyga: i could rebase and fix the problem, or push a new commit08:37
mwhudson_it's a real problem :)08:37
zygaoh, just push a new fixing commit then08:37
mwhudson_can i run the integration tests locally easily08:38
zygamwhudson_: sure08:38
zygamwhudson_: with the exception of magic version of ubuntu-device-flash you should just be able to run run-tests --integration08:39
zygamwhudson_: it's tad slow though08:39
mvothe u-d-f from http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/ should work with this08:39
zygamwhudson_: maybe something has changed since I first looked, fgimenez knows this part better than I do08:39
zygamwhudson_: so just staick that in your $PATH and you should be ok08:39
zygamy link is laggy today, downloading some stuff for work later08:40
imexilHi, is there a quick way to get out of "error: cannot remove "X": snap "ipe" has changes in progress" limbo08:42
imexilI already tried to restart snapd but that did not help08:42
* mwhudson_ lols at the ascii art "crushing failure and despair"08:46
zygaimexil: can you tell me what does "snap changes" say08:47
imexilwell I cancelled an install with CTRL+C and that's what it is still doing.08:48
zygaimexil: unlike apt or yum, snapd remembers and retries requests08:48
draglymvo: Sorry, I managed to overlook your message earlier. Installed snap-confine ubuntu-core-launcher now.08:48
imexilzyga: 123  Doing   2016-08-09T08:14:25Z  -  Install "ipe" snap from file "ipe_7.2.5_amd64.snap08:48
draglyNow ubuntu-clock-app.clock returns "multiple nvidia drivers detected, this is not supported. errmsg: No such file or directory"08:48
zygaimexil you just quit the front end, the backend (snapd) is still doing what you asked it to do08:48
zygadragly: can you report a bug on snap-confine08:49
zygadragly: with all the details you can add08:49
imexilzyga: so how do I kill the backend?08:49
mvodragly: and pastebin "ls -d /usr/lib/nvidia*" please?08:49
zygadragly: especially output of /usr/lib/nvidia-[1-9][0-9][0-9]08:50
zygaimexil: you don't have to08:50
draglyzyga: Sure! Do you happen to know what returns the error message so that I can try to figure out why it detects multiple versions?08:50
draglyI get /usr/lib/nvidia/  /usr/lib/nvidia-352/  /usr/lib/nvidia-361/  /usr/lib/nvidia-361-prime/08:50
zygaimexil: what do you want toarchive?08:50
zygadragly: yes, I wrote that code :/08:50
draglyThe install on this machine is an upgrade, could that be why I have multiple nvidia versions in that folder?08:51
imexilzyga: well I can't do anything since it just sits there in limbo for 30 mins or more now08:51
zygadragly: can you try rmeomving all except the one you actually want to use08:51
zygaimexil can you do this: snap abort 12308:51
zyga(123 i the identifier of the task)08:51
fgimenezzyga, mwhudson_, mvo yep, with the new udf all should be fine to run the remaining integration tests (most of them have been ported to spread)08:51
zygayou can salso see snap change 12308:51
zygafor details08:51
imexilzyga: Thanks!08:51
imexilThat worked08:52
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zygaimexil: note that if you had killed snapd it would just restart the next time and resumed the whole activity08:52
imexilI see.08:53
mwhudson_i think is going to make me very upset with adduser(1)08:55
draglyzyga: I tried to remove the nvidia-352 with "sudo apt remove nvidia-352" and also checked dpkg --get-selections for any other nvidia packages. However, the folder still remains. I'll remove it manually now, but I suspect the script might need to verify if multiple packages are really installed.08:56
zygadragly: what is inside?08:56
draglyI currently only find libnvidia-fbc.so.1@  libnvidia-wfb.so.1 in the folder08:56
draglytwo dead symlinks to libnvidia-fbc.so.352.63 and libnvidia-wfb.so.352.6308:56
zygadragly: you can use dpkg -S to find which package puts stuff inside that folder08:57
zygadragly: yeah, please try to remove them08:57
draglyseems like noone is taking responsibility for those files08:57
mwhudson_how _do_ you add a user to a group with extrausers08:58
zygadragly: then they must be created by postinstall scripts08:58
draglynow I'm back to the "libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast"08:59
zygadragly: hmm09:00
draglytrying to update all packages with xenial-proposed now09:00
draglyI guess snapd should be updated too?09:00
zygadragly: snapd doesn't affect this but sure09:02
zygadragly: you can update it09:02
zygadragly: I think someone with nvidia hardware of the same / similar era should be able to explore this bug in detail09:02
mwhudson_can i d/l an ubuntu-core image yet?09:04
mwhudson_oh, http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/09:06
draglyzyga: Sure. I would also be happy to explore it further myself. Should any links have automatically been created in /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl/ with the above packages installed? Currently this folder is empty.09:07
mwhudson_uh does libnss-extrausers just not support supplementary groups at all09:31
draglyTried the workaround by copying the files from nvidia-* to /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl, but that didn't work either.09:33
ogra_mvo, so i'm a bit desparate with my kernel snap creation ... whatever i try with u-d-f i can not get any working arm images (funnily kvm works, even if the kernel package isnt built correctly) ... when i mount a pi2 or dragonboard image after dd'ing i end up with:09:51
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ ls /media/ogra/writable/system-data/snap/pi2-kernel/09:51
zygadragly: re, sorry I was on a call09:52
zygadragly: it is a bit magic, you need to read this to understand what is going on09:52
zygadragly: http://www.zygoon.pl/2016/08/snap-execution-environment.html09:52
zygadragly: the only way to see the actual environment is to experience it at runtime, try the hello world snap or anything that includes bash (I use snapd-hacker-toolbelt snap)09:53
zygadragly: then you can see what the /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl folder really contains09:53
zygadragly: you should also, after you get familiar with the ideas, look at github.com/snapcore/snap-confine09:53
zygadragly: there's src/mount-support-nvidia.c there that does all the nvidia work09:54
zygadragly: so please explore that and get in touch when you have some ideas09:54
mvoogra_: is this a sideloaded kernel?09:54
ogra_i didnt want to upload potentially broken ones to the store09:54
om26erI am running snappy on my RPi2 after a while, seems there is no longer enable-classic command ? Was that removed or is that another way for that ?09:55
ogra_(and currently my kernel build script is broken wrt pi2 so i cant quickly give you something to test)09:56
mvoogra_: aha, ok. I think that is the issue, i.e. a bug in that code path09:56
om26erdownloaded from https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/09:56
ogra_ah, phew09:56
ogra_mvo, another thing ... did you ever try to reboot a kvm image 3-4 times ?09:56
zygahey ogra_ how are you doing? :-)09:56
ogra_about the 3rd time it wipes the grub variables09:57
zygaogra_: magic broken grub thing?09:57
mvoogra_: I have a vague idee what it is, I can give you something in maybe 1h or so, just ping me when you have your script ready again09:57
ogra_mvo, ok09:57
mvoom26er: please try "snap install classic"09:57
mvoogra_: uh :( does it happen if you randomly reboot in the middle of the boot process?09:57
mvoogra_: or normal reboots?09:57
ogra_normal reboots09:57
ogra_fresh install, do the first boot and check you can log in ... reboot ... do that again ... grub dead09:58
mvoogra_: ta, I have a look09:58
ogra_i forgot if it is the second or third time ... but it is reliably reproducable09:58
* zyga recalls checkbox reboot stress test (just 30 reboots)09:58
om26ermvo, says snap not found09:59
ogra_yeah, that would have hit it quickly09:59
mvoom26er: sorry, "sudo snap install --devmode classic"09:59
ogra_om26er, --devmode --edge09:59
om26erogra_, does --edge give me yakketty ?09:59
mwhudson_uh uh is /etc/sudoers.d supposed to be writable?10:00
ogra_mvo, also, if you check the store ... ubuntu-core auto-uploads work ... i talked to jdstrand_ about getting an exception into the review tools to auto-publish (i was hoping it was done today, seems not... i should have turned off auto-build :) )10:00
ogra_mwhudson_, yes, cloud-init needs to put a file in there10:00
draglyzyga: Ok, thanks. I'll try to package a bash script and see what I can figure out.10:01
ogra_om26er, no, yakkerty is dead beef ... all channels are xenial ... edge is just the test channel10:01
mwhudson_oh right10:01
* mwhudson_ was being dumb10:01
zygadragly: you can use my snapd-hacker-toolbelt snap10:02
zygadragly: just install it and run snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox sh10:02
zygadragly: then explore10:02
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morphisogra_: do I have to change any configuration file to enable the pi3 serial console with your image?10:33
ogra_morphis, nope, serial is the default10:34
ogra_works here  ...10:34
morphis115200 8n1?10:34
ogra_(i just use screen for that: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200)10:35
morphislet me verify my pin connection10:36
ogra_third pin is ground ...10:36
morphisogra_: following https://www.element14.com/community/servlet/JiveServlet/previewBody/73950-102-10-339300/pi3_gpio.png?01AD=3qQ4vBf_OyjHCgCsVfVCaOLElbWZscIAIt5xnDSIb_jh1EytwTHJ-Ag&01RI=4BD464EBE91DD68&01NA=na10:36
morphisand https://www.sparkfun.com/products/987310:39
ogra_ah, i just use a cable ...10:42
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morphisogra_: works10:48
morphismy fault10:48
mupPR snapd#1655 opened: integration-tests: look for ubuntu-device-flash on PATH before calling sudo <Created by mwhudson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1655>10:48
morphisogra_: ok, a manual ifdown/ifup makes ethernet working10:59
ogra_yeah, there is some race that mwhudson filed a bug about (cant find it atm)11:00
zygaSon_Goku: hey, I cracked the go-xgettext issue11:01
zygaSon_Goku: I pushed the package to github.com/zyga/snapcore-fedora, just doing local builds in mock to ensure it is good11:05
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Son_Gokuzyga, sweet11:20
zygaSon_Goku: morning :)11:34
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zygaSon_Goku: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1359802#c911:45
ogra_sergiusens, marking bugs as inclomplete but not asking for and info ? (bug 1608432)11:45
mupBug #1608432: snaps with type: os should allow publishing of .manifest files <Snapcraft:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1608432>11:45
Son_Gokuzyga, approved11:49
zygaSon_Goku: woot, thank you, looking at snap-confine now11:51
Son_Gokuyou should go ahead and import go-xgettext and prepare the bodhi things now11:52
Son_GokuBodhi has now been activated for F25, too11:52
zygayep, I read the mail today11:53
zygaI see a few things that rpmlint reports on snap-confine, I'll do as you said and then return to snap-confine11:53
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* zyga returned from small lunch :-)12:20
zygaSon_Goku: package requested, focusing on snap-confine now12:23
morphisogra_: what are you building the pi3 kernel snap from? is there a snapcraft.yaml?12:23
zygaSon_Goku: someone finally updated pkgdb code to select rpms by default (instead of the docker images) :-)12:24
Son_Gokuthat drop down is going to be get really annoying12:24
Son_Gokuespecially once we have modules :/12:24
Son_Gokuand if the snapcraft stuff gets done, snaps too12:25
zygaI heard about modules last week but I didn't dig into it, what are they?12:25
Son_Gokuzyga, they're some abstract definition of a collection of software that provide a specific capability12:29
Son_Gokufor now, a module is a definition that pulls in a bunch of RPMs and generates a self-contained repository of them12:30
Son_Gokuand when you install a module, it installs all of the repository12:30
Son_GokuI'm not entirely sure why we're doing this, since (to me) it looks like it's the same thing as the comps groups (composition groups)12:30
zygaSon_Goku: looks like old package collections12:31
* Son_Goku shrugs12:31
ogra_morphis, it is the pi2 kernel actually (same thing, just additional FW for the pi3 is needed)12:35
ogra_morphis, this is the (currently still broken) attempt to roll automated kernel snaps https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/kernel-test-snap ... https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+snap/kernel-test-snap12:36
ogra_the original code for this lives in livecd-rootfs in the live-build/auto/build script12:37
sergiusensogra_ I did reply to that12:38
sergiusensogra_ hmm, didn't make it through :-/12:38
zygaSon_Goku: does this look sensible http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22798002/12:39
zygaSon_Goku: I see the setuid bit, the setgroups that is actually desired in this case (I checked with the security team) and the script in /lib/udev/12:39
Son_Gokudoes snap-confine not support using capabilities in-place of setuid?12:40
zygaSon_Goku: capabilities?12:40
zygaSon_Goku: well, I'm not sure12:40
zygaSon_Goku: let me check12:41
zygaoh, I see12:41
zygacool, let me try12:41
zygait *probably* is enough12:41
zygathough snap-confine still checks for uid == 012:41
zygaI think that check is obsolete when capabilities are in use12:42
Son_Gokuif it supports using file capabilities instead of needing setuid/setgid bits, then you should probably adjust the build system to offer the choice12:43
Son_Gokuboth SUSE and Fedora prefer caps over setuid/setgid12:43
zygaSon_Goku: upstream code doesn't support this yet but it seems easy enough to implement12:44
zygaSon_Goku: where are the authoritative caps I can use?12:44
zygaI see     Invalid capability: cap_setuid,cap_dac_override,cap_sys_admin12:45
zyga+%attr(0755,root,root) %caps(cap_setuid,cap_dac_override,cap_sys_admin) %{_libexecdir}/snap-confine12:45
Son_GokuI think file caps are documented in the capabilities manpage12:45
Son_Gokuman 7 capabilities12:45
Son_Gokuzyga, also, it should be /usr/libexec/snapd12:47
Son_Goku... /usr/libexec/snapd/snap-confine12:47
Son_Gokusnap-confine needs to be in a folder in /usr/libexec12:47
zyganoted, let me change that12:48
Son_Gokuit's essentially the same rule as in debian, except we actually use /usr/libexec for helper programs12:49
Son_Gokuinstead of stuffing them into /usr/lib12:49
Son_Gokuhonestly don't know why debian hasn't adopted it, especially since it's now part of the FHS spec as an optional component12:49
timothylibexec is not present in hier anymore12:49
Son_Gokuyes it is12:49
Son_GokuFHS 3.0 includes it12:49
timothydrizzt@liara ~ % man hier | grep libexec12:50
timothydrizzt@liara ~ %12:50
* zyga tries to guess the %caps() syntax12:51
timothyTo accomodate this restriction, it became common practice to use /usr/lib instead. Either practice is now acceptable, but each application must choose one way or the other to organize itself.12:51
Son_Gokutimothy, yes, I know12:52
Son_Gokuhence "optional"12:52
timothyfor example systemd uses /usr/lib/systemd by default :)12:52
zygaSon_Goku: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package talks about %caps(cap_net_admin=pe) FOO.BAR12:53
zygaSon_Goku: do you know what =pe is for?12:53
Son_Gokuwe're getting into weird stuff now :)12:53
Son_Gokuone sec12:53
* zyga googles12:53
Son_Gokudwalsh is online on #fedora-devel12:53
Son_Gokuyou could ask him12:53
zygayep, let's try that12:53
Ursinhawhere do I report issues with the docs? in tour instructions, to be precise12:53
Son_Gokuhe's usually the guy to turn to on these things12:53
mupBug #1611287 opened: provide canonical way to install templates and configuration files into $SNAP_* dirs <Snapcraft:New> <Snappy:New> <snappy (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611287>12:54
renatuI am trying to create a snap for EDS and I am using "plugin: autotools   configflags: [..]". It is running configure with the correct flags. But looks like it is trying to use the configflags as gcc arg as well.12:55
renatuWhich is causing problems12:55
renatulike that: gcc-5.real: error: unrecognized command line option ‘--sysconfdir=/etc’12:55
renatuHow I can solve that?12:55
timothyrenatu: i's not an autoconfig configure12:56
renatutimothy, what you mean?12:58
zygarenatu: maybe it is a configure script but it is not a real autoconf configure script12:59
zygarenatu: but a hand-written one13:00
renatuzyga, timothy, I am using the same flags that I found in debian/rules: DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += [...]13:04
timothyrenatu: as CFLAGS or what?13:04
renatuI did not see any special case13:05
renatuthis is the full log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22799750/13:05
timothyyes, you are passing configure flags as CFLAGS13:06
renatutimothy, how I can avoid that?13:07
timothywhat is you yaml file?13:07
renatutimothy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22799877/13:07
dpb1hey guys: anyone know the story here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1611078  installing snaps in containers needs some more tricks?13:11
mupBug #1611078: could not install hello-world snap in lxd container <landscape> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611078>13:11
ogra_cjwatson, do you have an opinion about bug 1608432 ? (specifically about sergiusens' comment)13:15
mupBug #1608432: snaps with type: os should allow publishing of .manifest files <Snapcraft:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1608432>13:15
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cjwatsonogra_: it would make more sense to do it in launchpad-buildd, since that has the build tree right there13:18
ogra_cjwatson, ok, any preference for the location or the naming ?13:20
ogra_(do you want me to sort the full naming scheme and just put it in meta/ so you can just blindly cp *.manifest)13:21
cjwatsonogra_: well, could be even simpler13:21
cjwatsonogra_: can you just write another file to the same output directory that the .snap is written to?13:21
cjwatsonogra_: (it would certainly be best if launchpad-buildd didn't have to have a pile of naming logic in it)13:22
ogra_i can try to, yes (the files already exist i think. live-build hasnt changed in that regard and i dont explicitly remove them)13:22
qenghoCool if that manifest had a checksum in it too.13:22
cjwatsonogra_: launchpad-buildd would have to whitelist the file too13:22
cjwatson            if entry.endswith(".snap") and not os.path.islink(path):13:22
cjwatson                self._slave.addWaitingFile(path)13:22
Son_Gokutimothy, systemd was granted an exception back in 2012 in Fedora13:23
Son_Gokuit's not allowed without good reason13:23
ogra_hmm, i see:13:24
ogra_[2016-08-08 04:33:53] lb_binary_manifest13:24
ogra_P: Begin creating manifest...13:24
cjwatsonSon_Goku: Debian never adopted /usr/libexec basically because it would have been a ton of work for negligible benefit13:24
ogra_but i dont see the .manifest file anywhere (i thought i had some "ls" in the build to show the output dir)13:24
ogra_i need to check that13:24
Son_Gokuwhat work? even debhelper still sets it by default13:24
cjwatsonit's hardly that simple13:25
Son_Gokuthe debian maint stuff overrides that explicitly13:25
cjwatsonlots of little details of hardcoded paths etc.13:25
cjwatsonand nobody felt it was important13:25
fgintherIs there an official snappy app store?13:26
fginthera browsable URL?13:27
ogra_fginther, only https://uappexplorer.com/apps?sort=relevance&type=snappy13:27
fgintherogra_, thanks13:28
ogra_(semi official ... (i.e. even linked from official pages but run by a community member)13:28
Ursinhaogra_: that says is unofficial13:28
ahasenackwhere does it get its data from? API calls to the snap store?13:28
ogra_Ursinha, and it is ... but we link to it from i.e. snapcraft.io because we have no better alternative13:29
qenghofginther: $ snap find ...13:29
ogra_Ursinha, thus "semi official" :)13:29
qenghofginther: It reproduces the search queries that "snap find" uses. There's a RESTy API for the store.13:30
ogra_well, snap find wont give you anything if you dont use a query string13:30
ogra_so getting all snaps available is currently impossible via snap find13:30
Ursinhaogra_: right13:31
* Ursinha tcpdumps to find the actual API call13:31
stokachuhow can you specify the SNAP_USER_DATA in the snapcraft.yaml so that built files can be placed there13:32
stokachuand accessed during runtime13:32
ogra_i dont think you can13:33
ogra_(in snapcraft.yaml at least)13:33
ogra_you can use it in a wrapper script for your binary though13:33
stokachuso the issue is we're building some dll's with dotnet that gets created during build13:33
stokachubut we need to have the lockfile writeable when someone runs our snap and that happens in the same directory as our build13:34
zygastokachu: you cannot because that happens at runtime not at build time13:35
zygastokachu: just use a wrapper for your apps/services that copy data there if missing13:35
zygastokachu: SNAP_USER_DATA is not a part of the snap13:36
zygastokachu: it's not in the squashfs file13:36
zygastokachu: so you cannot place anything there at build time13:36
stokachuok, makes sense13:36
mupPR snapcraft#716 opened: Add Waf plugin (LP: #1611335) <Created by cpaelzer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/716>13:37
balloonsis a new release planned soon?13:45
la_juyishi popey, for compiling mono would you recommend a plugin different than autotools?13:45
mupBug #1611384 opened: Change detection not working, have to "snapcraft clean" between builds when modifying snap contents <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611384>13:49
sergiusensballoons fighting adt and yakkety even as worthless as it is to release to yakkety for us13:49
sergiusenssame old same old fighting build systems for days13:49
* sergiusens cannot wait for snapcraft to be released as a snap13:49
sergiusensbut work needs to happen for that to be viable13:49
balloonssergiusens, yuck. I'm sorry to hesar that. I know all about13:49
ogra_sergiusens, is it actually worthless for snapcraft ? (i imagine yakket users might want to roll snaps too)13:50
ogra_it likely is useless for snapd13:50
sergiusensogra_ snaps that might or might not work as the base is different13:51
ogra_well, you'd have to add libc to stage-packages for sure13:52
ogra_but the rest should still work i imagine13:52
mupPR snapd#1656 opened: snap: do not sort the result of `snap find` <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1656>13:56
zygasergiusens: hey, what are your plans to let snapcraft consume RPMs?13:57
popeyla_juyis: I haven't built any mono things yet, sorry13:59
ogra_popey only builds stereo :)13:59
matteodon't worry, be snappy ;)14:00
dpb1I don't want that song in my head14:00
jamespageok folks - so I did a simple bit of openstack and snapped the nova compute control plane services - that works OK14:01
jamespagegoing for the harder one now - specifically nova-compute - which will have to interface to libvirt or lxd and openvswitch or <insert sdn choice here>14:01
jamespageanyone looked at snapping libvirt yet?14:01
jamespagenova would need to access the local libvirt socket, and allow libvirt to consume qcow2 disk files that its sourced and setup14:02
ogra_jamespage, well, there would have to be an interface that provides libvirt access for your snap14:04
ogra_(you can not access anything outside of your snap without an interface)14:05
jamespageyeah got that bit - so something like 'libvirt-manage' or suchlike14:06
jamespagemaybe 'libvirt-control' inline with other interfaces14:06
zygadpb1: let it snow, let it snap ;-)14:08
mupPR snapd#1657 opened: tests: add udev rules spread test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1657>14:08
mupPR snapd#1658 opened: partition: fix cleaning of the boot variables on the second good boot <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1658>14:08
sergiusenszyga they are plans; it will happen when I get kyrofa back14:10
sergiusensso I can dive into that and not fix all the minor problems everyone runs into14:10
zygasergiusens: understood, thanks14:11
mvoogra_: the bug about cleaning the boot vars is fixed (well, PR is up)14:14
jamespageogra_, is there an existing interface that allows a snap to share a directory with other snaps?14:17
jamespageso nova-compute could expose a slot to allow libvirt to access its qcows2's for example14:17
zygajamespage: content14:19
jamespagezyga, ta14:19
zygajamespage: but it cannot be used to share anything in $SNAP_DATA yet14:19
zygajamespage: but AFAIK that is the plan, for now it can only be used to share $SNAP14:19
zygajamespage: (or a fraction of $SNAP)14:20
jamespagezyga, it would need to be the writable area that was sshared14:20
jamespageso $SNAP_COMMON I think for this instance14:20
jamespageas the data is not specific to a version of the snap14:20
zygajamespage: I see, in both cases it would require new code in snapd14:21
ogra_mvo, great, thanks !14:21
* zyga focuses on snap-confine capabilities14:25
jamespagestgraber, do you have a lxd snap yet?14:28
camakofolks, in the yaml, is there a way to copy a file under multiple names? Something like this ---> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22805771/14:29
jdstrand_zyga: you'll need to think through using fscaps. the fs needs to support xattrs. snaps are typically built with -no-xattrs. the core snap may or may not be (I don't know), but if it is, the fscaps will be stripped for all snaps14:29
jdstrand_zyga: s/all snaps/all snap systems/14:30
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zygajdstrand: this is just for fedora (and perhaps suse) when snap-confine is packaged in the distribution-native format14:33
zygajdstrand: I'm trying to wrap my head around https://lwn.net/Articles/528542/14:33
mupPR snapd#1653 closed: docs: fix references to refresh action <Created by robert-ancell> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1653>14:33
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zygajdstrand: nothing I'm doing is changing snap-confine anywhere else14:34
zygajdstrand: and I must say, the way caps work makes me want to shout and run :)14:35
zygajdstrand: I will build a test app that shows all capabilities set and see how it behave14:35
camakodholbach, thanks for reviewing the mesa-demos snap. I see that it failed for you. What GPU do you have?14:36
dholbachcamako, i91514:37
dholbachin an x220 if that matters14:37
camakodholbach, hmm interesting... Also, I'm not sure why this dir doesn't exist in your snap --> /snap/mesa-demos/x1/egl/opengles214:39
camakodo you at least have /snap/mesa-demos/x1 ?14:39
dholbachcamako, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22806726/14:40
cjwatsonogra_: so I can easily enough do http://paste.ubuntu.com/22806674/, but let me know first if you manage to get something spitting out the file to the right place14:40
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camakodholbach, I think I'm missing egl/gles packages in the snap... I'm assuming the gl apps worked for you (mesa-demos.{gears|teapot})?14:43
dholbachthey do! :)14:44
stgraberjamespage: kinda14:44
stgraberjamespage: snap install --edge --devmode lxd14:44
stgraberjamespage: that will work, but we still need to sort out the interface we need and get some bits done on the snapd side (socket activation and group management at least)14:44
jamespagestgraber, ack14:45
jamespagestgraber, 'lxd-control' type or something I guess14:45
jamespagestgraber, just thinking about a nova-compute snap14:45
stgraberjamespage: yeah, so we'll have a lxd interface which will both allow lxd to do all that it needs and will allow other snaps to connect to it14:46
stgraberjamespage: it's not going to auto-connect for obvious security reasons, so you'll have to install the nova-compute snap, and then use "snap connect" to attach to the lxd interface so you can drive it14:47
jamespagestgraber, I was making that assumption14:47
mupPR snapcraft#717 opened: fix checker errors to let runtests.sh pass again <Created by cpaelzer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/717>14:52
ogra_cjwatson, i can surely get it there (might need some test builds, but effectively it is just the builddir)15:10
elopiomhall119: do you have a project that fails because of https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/688 ?15:12
mupPR snapcraft#688: Strip common path prefixes from linkname as well as name when extracting a tarfile <Created by mhall119> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/688>15:12
elopiowell, that failed before your patch.15:12
sergiusenselopio the arduino thing15:12
sergiusenslook at his g+15:12
mupPR snapd#1659 opened: wrappers: ensure services have a valid SNAP_USER_DATA dir <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1659>15:12
mupPR snapcraft#657: Add constraints to python2 plugin <Created by SamYaple> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/657>15:13
SamYapleim goign to assume 5 days to complete teh tests is not normal...15:14
SamYaplehow do i trigger a recheck?15:14
sergiusensSamYaple let me check15:16
sergiusensSamYaple oh, travis even15:17
sergiusensSamYaple can you do a noop commit --amend and push to trigger? travis didn't even assign it a job to retrigger15:17
SamYapleokie dokie. will do. ill get it going again15:18
elopiosergiusens: https://gist.github.com/elopio/a749810edd9a80517b46ace63d45b166 This is the testing for the SRU.15:21
elopioppisati: can you give me please the steps you are following to build the kernel snaps?15:22
ppisatielopio: e.g. git clone git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/xenial15:24
ppisatielopio: git checkout master-next (beucase it contains the snapcraft.yaml file)15:25
ppisatielopio: and then execute snapcraft15:25
ppisatielopio: bear in my mind that you need *at least* one patch15:25
ppisatielopio: to cope with the vmlinuz -> kernel.img rename15:25
ppisatielopio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22810646/15:26
ppisatithis is the snapcraft patch15:26
ppisatiwith this, it won't boot at all15:26
ppisatinonetheless, it'll hang during the initrd phase ATM, i'm trying to debug why15:26
elopiothank you!15:27
ppisatii need to compare the snap created using the snapcraft's plugin vs ogra's kernel snap15:28
ppisatiogra's kernel work are ok, snapcraft's kernel plugin hangs @ initrd15:28
ppisatiogra_: indeed15:28
ppisatiogra_: do you have a kernel snap somewhere that i can use?15:28
ogra_did you try just dumping my initrd into your sanp ?15:28
ppisatiogra_: if i can get my hand on your snap, yes15:29
ppisatii mean, i'll do15:29
ogra_ppisati, i think this pone worked15:29
ppisatiogra_: which one?15:30
ppisatik, me tris that15:31
mupBug #1611424 opened: Additional "lts" channel or support for upstream series <lxd> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611424>15:31
ogra_sorry, pasted the url into the terminal instead of the irc client :P15:31
ali1234how do i write new interfaces?15:31
ogra_i'm trying alongside ...15:32
ogra_ali1234, zyga had a series of blog posts about that somewhere15:32
mhall119elopio: yes, it was arduino15:32
elopiomhall119: can I get the link to the snapcraft please?15:32
ali1234i need a bunch of sysfs access15:32
ali1234gpio, backlight, maybe iio15:33
ali1234and i2c-dev15:33
ogra_gpio is in the works15:33
ali1234and spidev15:33
mhall119elopio: https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/tree/arduino/arduino15:33
ogra_(and i think i2c as well)15:33
ali1234also i need device tree overlays working15:33
ali1234bug 160744715:34
mupBug #1607447: Please install device tree overlays <apport-bug> <armhf> <xenial> <linux-meta-raspi2 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1607447>15:34
ogra_thats a problem until we can make them fully work in uboot (for which i currently dont have the time)15:34
ali1234just let the blob load them and don't mess with it15:34
ogra_(i know there was upstream work for generic overlay support)15:34
ogra_the overlays are in the pi2-kernel snap15:35
ali1234is that usable yet?15:35
ogra_but you still need to copy them around manually15:35
ogra_(they have always been there)15:35
ali1234they aren't in the classic image15:35
ogra_ah, classic15:35
ogra_yeah, never touched that :P15:35
ali1234unless they are really well hidden15:35
ogra_under lib/firmware/device-tree15:36
ogra_that is where i drag them from in the snap  creation15:37
ogra_ppisati, tested again., that snap boots here15:37
ali1234well that's not very much use. they need to be on the fat partition or the bootloader can't see them15:38
elopiofgimenez: do we have the hubot deployed somewhere?15:38
ogra_ppisati, that was built using https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+junk/kernel-test-snap rev 3615:38
ogra_ali1234, so you need to copy them there15:39
ogra_not different to the snap image15:39
ali1234that directory doesn't exist on the classic image, what package do they belong to?15:39
ogra_just a different location to copy from15:39
ogra_they shoould be in the linux-image-raspi215:39
ali1234they aren't15:39
ogra_or linux-image-$version-raspi2 rather15:40
ogra_well, i pull them from there15:40
ppisatiogra_: ok, i installed your vanilla pc-kernel snap15:40
ppisatiogra_: same exact problem upon boot15:40
ali1234how can linux-image install things in /lib/firmware? everything in it needs to be versioned?15:41
ogra_ali1234, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22812010/15:41
fgimenezelopio, not currently, we had it while testing a not landed PR, whith the last wipeouts of the cluster it went away15:41
ogra_thats the code that copies them in livecd-rootfs15:41
balloonsis there a snapcraft whomai command? in other words, what's my login creds?15:41
ogra_ppisati, what u-d-f and what channel do you use ?15:41
fgimenezelopio, this should be enough to redeploy it https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy-jenkins/pull/164/files15:41
mupPR ubuntu-core/snappy-jenkins#164: hubot <Created by fgimenez> <Conflict> <https://github.com/ubuntu-core/snappy-jenkins/pull/164>15:41
ppisatiogra_: i'm using mvo's all-snaps-amd64 img, scp the snap over and installing it15:42
elopiofgimenez: awesome, thanks.15:42
sergiusensballoons no, but that warrants a wishlist bug ;-)15:42
ogra_ppisati, oh ... not sure that works15:42
balloonssergiusens, ack, filing15:42
ogra_ppisati, i always build a fresh iimage15:42
ogra_ sudo ./ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --kernel pc-kernel_4.4.0-31_amd64.snap --gadget pc --os ubuntu-core -o test.img15:42
sergiusensballoons right now you can check in .local/share/snapcraft if really needed15:42
ogra_with the last u-d-f from mvo's dir15:42
* ppisati tries to build a new image, can you try to install your pc-kernel snap like a regular snap pkg?15:43
ali1234okay so they are actually in /lib/firmware/4.4.0-1009-raspi2/device-tree/ - ie it is versioned15:43
ogra_ah, right15:44
* ogra_ is spoiled by the handy find command :)15:44
balloonssergiusens, I see a headers.yaml and parts.yaml in there.15:44
ogra_ppisati, i can, but i doubt that works correctly15:44
ogra_ppisati, since  the magic for the bootloader wont kick in15:44
balloonssergiusens, I know I asked earlier, but I realized I can't have lp build my snap until the godeps plugin is released. So now I really am curious when it might land :-)15:45
elopioballoons: yakkety today, xenial as soon as the SRU process is done.15:47
balloonselopio, can you land the SRU on a one day turnaround?15:48
balloonsdo you have an exception to do so?15:48
ppisatiogra_: guess what if i create an img instead of trying to install a new kernel on it?15:49
elopioballoons: yes. I takes me like a couple of hours to test it, and then it's a matter of finding a free person with permissions.15:49
ppisatiit works15:49
ogra_indeed :)15:49
mupPR snapd#1660 opened: add vim swap files to gitignore <Created by tych0> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1660>15:49
ogra_i dont think sideloading kernels is actually supported atm ... ask mvo though15:49
balloonselopio, as soon as it's in proposed, let me know. That's enough to get the lp builders working for me15:49
elopioballoons: I think you could do a trick to get it earlier. The launchpad page has a ppa textfield, I wonder what happens if you put https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/snapcraft-daily in there.15:50
ppisatithe kernel.img patch for snapcraft is still needed, so i'll fill a bug for that15:50
balloonselopio, hmm. good idea, I'll try15:50
ali1234what should i put in the version field in my snaps?15:50
ali1234the version of the software i am snapping? something else?15:50
ogra_ppisati, that should be tied to "type: kernel" not actually too the kernel plugin though ... (then it helps me too)15:52
ogra_ali1234, whatever you want ... its just a string after all and does not have any effect15:52
ali1234anything at all?15:52
ogra_i think you need something in there, else snapcraft complains15:52
ali1234is the version used for anything?15:53
ogra_but you could put "foobar" in15:53
ali1234like does it have to always be increasing?15:53
ali1234if i make a newer release how does it know?15:53
ogra_the store (or snapd for sideloaded snaps) cares for that via the revision15:53
ogra_in case of sideloading it just is $current_revision+1 ...15:53
ali1234so i can just leave it on version 0 forever?15:53
ogra_in case of store packages the revision gets created at snap upload time15:54
ali1234can i make snapcraft automatically fill the version field with something from the build?15:54
ogra_not atm15:54
ali1234okay, 0 it is then15:54
ogra_i think there is work being done that you can use the version from snapcraft.yaml inside your build15:54
ali1234that's not very helpful15:54
ogra_(so the other way around)15:54
ogra_it totally is :)15:54
balloonselopio, that works for me, ty :-)15:55
ogra_for me at least15:55
ali1234the build knows what version it is15:55
elopioballoons: cool. Remember to remove it after the release :)15:55
ogra_i.e. building a kernel snap i need the version in certain moments ... today i have to grep snapcraft.yaml for that15:55
ali1234i don't know before i run snapcraft what revision it is going to pull from git... or the repo15:55
ogra_having a var for it is massively helpful here15:55
ogra_in that case it isnt15:55
ogra_as i said, the other way around than what would be helpful for you15:56
ali1234what is the proper syntax for multiline texts in yaml?15:57
ppisatisergiusens: lp161143515:58
ali1234nvm found it15:58
ogra_bug 161143515:59
mupBug #1611435: kernel plugin: hard link vmlinuz to kernel.img <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611435>15:59
ogra_ppisati, just confirming, sideloading my kernel snap in the working image gets me the initrd prompt on reboot16:01
ppisatiogra_: that's the stuff i was hitting today16:06
ogra_not sure if it is a bug though16:06
ogra_assertions might make sideloading kernels impossible by design16:07
ogra_(they havent landed yet)16:07
ppisatiogra_: and how do i test a new kernel? from a developer POV16:07
ogra_you have to ask the core team16:07
ogra_you build an image16:07
ogra_probably niemeyer or pedronis can chime in here ... they are the assertion masters and can tell if sideloading kernels will be possible in the future16:08
ogra_(i would assume not, but that you can always build a local image using your local kernel snap instead ... for testing)16:09
ali1234is there a plugin that dumps a text fragment from the yaml into a file?16:09
ali1234like copy except without needing a separate file16:09
ali1234would be handy for the one-line wrappers that literally everything seems to need16:09
* ogra_ would just use the make plugin and a makefile16:09
balloonskyrofa, can you take a look at this error lp got trying to build juju using the godeps plugin? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/277983664/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_amd64_juju_BUILDING.txt.gz16:09
ali1234a makefile is an external file16:10
kyrofaballoons, looking now16:10
kyrofaballoons, eww16:10
kyrofaballoons, I have no clue what that means. Do we have any bzr people around here?16:11
kyrofasergiusens, you're a bzr pro, aren't you?16:11
niemeyerogra_, ppisati: Loading of custom kernel snaps will definitely possible.. we'll probably tweak settings to account for the fact the kernel is unknown, but the system should boot fine16:11
ogra_niemeyer, ok16:11
ogra_ppisati, then it is a bug, please file one16:12
sergiusenskyrofa balloons feels like a proxy issue, cjwatson might now better16:12
kyrofaballoons, looks like cjwatson and ogra_ may have had a conversation about this already16:13
balloonsit feels like it's something to do with the builder16:13
cjwatsonkyrofa: no, that was entirely unrelated16:13
ogra_kyrofa, about what exactly ?16:13
niemeyerogra_, ppisati: Note that I'm literally reviewing mvo 's prepare-image *today*, so the fact you even have an image is surprising!  ;)16:13
ogra_niemeyer, we have a hacked up u-d-f that mvo provided last week16:14
ogra_(which is supposed to give us everything but model assertions afaik)16:14
cjwatsonballoons: can you make it use lp:tomb etc. rather than https://launchpad.net/tomb ?16:14
ogra_(with a ton of hardcoding atm)16:14
niemeyerogra_: I know, I'm half-joking.. just pointing out there are obviously missing pieces, and we're working on fundamental parts of that problem still16:15
cjwatsonah, or in fact ogra_ and I did talk about this some days ago I think16:15
balloonscjwatson, umm, yes I can do that, assuming nothing breaks16:15
kyrofaogra_, cjwatson bug #160620316:15
mupBug #1606203: Failed to build of snappy package on Launchpad: Invalid header value 'Basic U05BUEJVSUxELTE4NzAtMTQ2OTQyNjE0ODpjOTJkYzVjOWQ0OTg0ZGE5OWZlNGY1ZjI3ODRhMWJk\nOA==' <launchpad> <snappy> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1606203>16:15
kyrofaballoons, ^^16:15
ogra_niemeyer, that is why i summoned you since i wasnt sure it is desired behaviour ;)16:15
cjwatsonyeah, I remember now16:15
niemeyerogra_: I don't think it gives you everything either, but mvo would know more16:15
ogra_it fakes a lot16:15
cjwatsonso I don't remember whether lp: will actually help16:16
cjwatsonthis is basically a bzr bug but there's a not very difficult workaround possible in snapcraft16:16
ogra_by just using git ? :)16:17
kyrofaogra_, hahaha16:17
cjwatsonoh, hmm16:17
cjwatsonin this case bzr is being called via godeps, right?16:17
balloonsget those dependencies out of launchpad16:17
balloonscjwatson, yes16:17
cjwatsonso unsetting https_proxy would be problematic16:17
cjwatsonwho said out of launchpad?  we have git suppor t:P16:17
balloonsohh true..16:18
* balloons notes it's building from a git repo on lp16:18
cjwatsonI don't really know what to do here; maybe somebody has to spend a few days fixing bzr16:18
cjwatsonyou might be able to bribe vila perhaps16:18
mupBug #1611444 opened: Cannot share a namespace between apps in a SNAP <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611444>16:20
balloonsI'm guessing I can get those maintainers to host outside of bzr. But I suppose we should update the bug report with the latest thoughts16:21
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niemeyerjoc_: one last comment on snapd#1644 and we can merge it16:34
mupPR snapd#1644: interfaces/builtin: add gpio interface <Reviewed> <Created by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1644>16:34
mupPR snapcraft#714 closed: Release changelog for 2.14 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/714>16:34
morphisogra_: installing my own kernel snap always gives me : https://paste.ubuntu.com/22818250/16:41
morphisis that expected?16:41
mvo_ogra_: sorry, I miss a bit of context here, whats the issue? that sideloading kernels fails currently? I think this is just a bug ("just" ;)16:51
ogra_mvo_, sideloading kernels on amd64 works but leaves you with a broken boot on reboot16:52
ogra_what morphis sees above is presumably the same issue you fixed today and unrelated to what ppisati has16:53
morphisogra_, mvo_: so that is expected :-)16:53
ogra_morphis, there was a bug in general with arm kernels that left me with broken images ... mvo_ fixed that one today ...16:54
morphisogra_: in snapd or u-d-f?16:54
ogra_(but thats the same here ... )16:55
morphismeans building a new core snap with new snapd or do we have daily's already?16:55
SamYaplesergiusens: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/65716:57
mupPR snapcraft#657: Add constraints to python2 plugin <Created by SamYaple> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/657>16:57
SamYapleit really doesnt like that PR, tests still havent run16:57
mupPR snapd#1657 closed: tests: add udev rules spread test <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1657>16:58
mupPR snapd#1659 closed: wrappers: ensure services have a valid SNAP_USER_DATA dir <Created by mvo5> <Conflict> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1659>16:58
ogra_morphis, i dont think the fix was released yet16:58
morphisogra_: I really had waiting for things ..16:59
morphismvo_: https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/ubuntu-device-flash is the latest u-d-f to generate images?16:59
mvo_morphis: yeah, anything missing or not working?17:00
morphismvo_: no, just trying it :-)17:00
morphisogra_: you have the cmdline handy you use for the all-snap pi3 image?17:00
ogra_mvo_, do we have a snapd with your fix for the arm kernels yet ?17:00
morphisogra_: did this https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~morphis/+junk/pi2-kernel-snap/revision/38 dirty thing to include the wifi firmware now17:01
ogra_udo ../ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --kernel pi2-kernel --gadget pi3 --os ubuntu-core -o test.img17:01
ogra_something like that17:01
ogra_you could just unsquashfs ... cp the files in there and run snapcraft snap squashfs-root17:02
joc_niemeyer: thanks, made the change17:03
niemeyerjoc_: Just saw it, thanks!17:03
niemeyerjoc_: Just waiting for tests to go green17:03
morphisogra_: getting: cannot use "pi3", must be one of: ["canonical-i386" "canonical-pc" "pc" "canonical-pi2" "pi2" "canonical-dragon" "dragonboard" "beagleblack"]17:04
morphislooks like my u-d-f version isn't correct17:04
mvo_morphis: hm, i may need to build an update17:05
ogra_right, you telegrammed me the fixed version17:06
morphisah :-)17:06
morphissuspected sth like this17:06
morphismvo_: you should create a devmode snap with that u-d-f version17:06
sergiusensSamYaple travis is just busy this time it seems17:06
mvo_morphis: heh, good idea17:08
morphismvo_: if you don't have time let me do that17:08
morphisbut that would semi-solve this situation :-)17:09
morphismvo_: if you have a branch somewhere we can build from that17:09
mupPR snapd#1405 closed: interfaces: add zigbee-dongle interface <Reviewed> <Created by jocave> <Closed by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1405>17:10
mvo_morphis: excellent idea17:13
morphismvo_: so if you want I can cerate a snapcraft.yaml quickly tomorrow morning17:13
morphismvo_: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/goget-ubuntu-touch/minimal-first-boot-no-prepare-image is the right one?17:14
mvo_morphis: sounds great, if there is no ubuntu-device-flash by tomorrow then that is very welcome17:14
mvo_morphis: sorrect17:14
mvo_morphis: correct17:14
ahasenackhm, does it make sense to include manpages in a snap?17:15
ahasenackthe system-wide man command obviously can't see them17:15
lazyPowerahasenack - i dont think so, i would think we want the snaps to be as slim as possible, especially considering the system man command cannot find the shipping manpages17:17
lazyPowerits extra bits on disk with no use unless you're bundling man with your snap17:17
ahasenackhow do I include some files that "make install" didn't install? using filesets?17:20
kyrofaahasenack, essentially create a new part that uses the same source and use the copy plugin to get them where you want them17:21
ahasenackok, let me try that17:22
morphismvo_: ok, created it now17:28
morphisjust one issue:17:28
morphissimon@nirvana ~/Work/ubuntu/snappy/hwe/ubuntu-device-flash (master*) $ ubuntu-device-flash.run17:28
morphisUnknown command `/snap/ubuntu-device-flash/x1/bin/ubuntu-device-flash'. Please specify one command of: core, personal, query or touch17:28
mvo_morphis: woah!17:28
mvo_morphis: \o/17:28
morphissomehow the flags parser gets sth wrong17:28
morphisthe problem are not the wrapper scripts17:28
morphisif I take just the binary I get the same problem17:28
mvo_morphis: sounds like its in the code :/17:28
morphis$ prime/bin/ubuntu-device-flash17:28
morphisUnknown command `prime/bin/ubuntu-device-flash'. Please specify one command of: core, personal, query or touch17:28
mvo_morphis: what ubuntu-core snap do you have? the latest from edge?17:29
morphismvo_: https://code.launchpad.net/~morphis/+git/ubuntu-device-flash/+ref/master17:30
morphismvo_: you mean on my desktop?17:30
morphismvo_: fetching the newest now17:30
morphismvo_: but that one doesn't fix the "unknown command" problem17:32
mvo_morphis: I have a look after dinner17:34
morphismvo_: thanks17:34
morphismvo_: same result with a manual: go build -v -a launchpad.net/goget-ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-device-flash17:35
mvo_morphis: it rings a bell, it smeels like a bug in snap-exec, but I'm not sure right now why its happening, this got fixed a while ago17:35
stokachuso im getting a failure attempting to create a directory in $SNAP_DATA17:35
stokachunot sure why since $SNAP_DATA should be writeable17:35
ogra_stokachu, for daemons ...17:36
ogra_(which run as root by default)17:36
morphismvo_: possible just an old version of the flags GO lib?17:36
SamYaplesergiusens: for the python plugins, requirements.txt and constraints.txt can both be http url addresses rather than files. I can write a quick'n'dirty check to not run it through os.path.join if it begins with http[s]:// , does that seem useful?17:36
ogra_stokachu, do you try to use it for a binary a user runs manually ?17:36
SamYapleor do we not want http[s]:// addresses?17:36
mvo_morphis: maybe, if you share your snapcraft.yaml (or create a PR) I will debug17:36
stokachuogra_: would be nice if the docs mentioned that17:37
stokachuogra_: yes this is a binary17:37
* mvo_ dinner17:37
ogra_stokachu, for user invoked binaries you want $SNAP_USER_DATA instead17:37
* ogra_ takes a bit from mvo_ to check if he actually tastes like dinner17:37
morphismvo_: https://code.launchpad.net/~morphis/+git/ubuntu-device-flash/+ref/master17:38
stokachuso the frontpage on snapcraft.io doesn't mentioned SNAP_DATA being for daemons only17:38
ogra_stokachu, well, it is under /var/snap...17:38
morphismvo_: do you think we're ok with uploading the snap as canonical?17:38
stokachuogra_: why does that matter if the app is self contained?17:38
mvo_thanks morphis17:38
morphisor do we want to keep it personal to not make it official?17:38
mvo_morphis: a good question, its probably ok for now and has the advantage that we can collaborate on it easily17:39
ogra_stokachu, well, /var is usually not writable for normal users ...17:39
stokachuogra_: but the app is self contained17:39
ogra_nno matter what the snap does in a subdir there17:39
stokachulol that is so confusing17:40
ogra_even with confinement the normal filesystem permissions apply17:40
stokachuif the app is self contained why do we care where it is17:40
lazyPoweris there something special I have to do to set the GOPATH and GOROOT tha ti'm not seeing?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/22824346/   -  heres my snapcraft.yaml, and it looks pretty straight forward, however my build fails gloriously17:40
stokachuogra_: so you're saying the app is not fully self contained?17:40
ogra_stokachu, now thats a question for someone from the core snap team :) it could indeed be anywhere (theoretically)17:40
ogra_wht does the confinement have to do with it ?17:41
stokachuif the app is confined why does it matter where the "host" allows you to write data17:41
ogra_if you invoke a snap binary as stokachu, it runs under your system credentials ... if you have permission to write to a dir the binary will too17:41
mmcchi ogra_: re stokachu's question about SNAP_DATA, I think the distinction wrt SNAP_USER_DATA needs to be clarified in the docs on snapcraft.io - mind if I try to paraphrase you in a bug on that site?17:41
ogra_if you dont, the binary wont either17:41
ogra_mmcc, sure. go ahead17:42
stokachuogra_: wouldnt i have permission to write to /var in a snap?17:42
ogra_(feel free to just copy/paste the conversation above )17:42
stokachuisn't it just /var with regards to the snap itself?17:42
ogra_stokachu, try "touch /var/foo.txt" ... what do you get ?17:42
stokachuthat fails  obviously17:43
ogra_well, and why would a binary you run as stokachu on your machine have any more permissions on /var ?17:43
stokachuwhy is snap trying to access /var on the host system??17:43
ogra_(unless it would be suid root)17:43
stokachurather than within it's confined space17:43
ogra_because it needs to store stuff in some writable space17:44
ogra_for processes that run with high enough permissions variable data goes to /var17:44
lazyPowerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/22824864/ -- here's the build log from my attempt to build with the snapcraft.yaml from above ^17:44
ogra_for processes that run under user permissions such data usually goes to some place in /hoem/$USER17:44
ogra_snappy doesnt change that fundamental setup ...17:45
ogra_you cnt write in /snap/$yourapp ... simply because that is a readonly squashfs17:46
stokachuyea i just figured you would keep it all within /snap17:47
ogra_so you need places where your variable data can go ... which is either $HOME/snap/$yourapp for user related data ... or /var/snap/$yourapp for system related data17:47
lazyPowerand since i biffed on the OG paste, here's a re-paste with all the build log info i was trying to send in teh first place:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22825168/17:47
mupPR snapcraft#495 closed: Add in command to list-parts, this could be useful to further enhance… <Created by cwayne18> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/495>17:49
ogra_lazyPower, perhaps someone with some go background can help you here ... i.e. kyrofa ?17:49
kyrofaSad... I'm known as the guy with the go background?17:50
kyrofaWhere has my life gone?17:50
* ogra_ hugs kyrofa 17:51
* kyrofa hugs ogra_ back17:51
kyrofaOkay lazyPower what's going on here...17:51
lazyPowerkyrofa - we're looking into snapping up kubectl, the kubernetes client side application to communicate with a k8s api server17:51
lazyPowerkyrofa - i'm not a gopher, but i'll give it a whirl :) I'm not sure if this is due in part to a misconfigured go workspace, or if i need to send some additional love to the snapcraft yaml to get it to properly fetch those godeps17:52
kyrofalazyPower, offhand the yaml looks fine17:53
kyrofaLet me look at this project a little closer17:53
ahasenackI'm kind of regretting adding perl to my snap, but now I'm curious why this isn't working: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22825810/17:53
ahasenackthe file seems to be there at the right place17:53
ahasenackthe only interesting thing maybe is that the 5.22 component of that path is a symlink:17:54
ahasenacklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Mar 13 08:54 /snap/bip/x4/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 -> 5.22.117:54
ahasenackare there issues following symlinks? Maybe something security related?17:54
ogra_ahasenack, heh17:54
ogra_(i havent found the time to port it to series 16 yet ... there is a 15.04 snap in the store)17:55
ahasenackogra_: I'm using this as a learning experiment17:56
ogra_if you want to use perl, you need to bend the module paths and stuff17:56
ahasenackwhy? Because of the symlink?17:56
ahasenackor something deeper17:57
* ogra_ digs ... my very first snap from two years ago actually did that but i dont have a public branch 17:57
kyrofalazyPower, sorry, I made the poor choice of working from a remote cabin this week. The power just went off for a few seconds so the router had to reboot :P17:58
lazyPower\o/ power issues17:58
kyrofalazyPower, anyway, this looks like it's due to the use of absolute imports, which means you need to use the go-importpath17:59
lazyPowerif its any consolation, i found that snapcraft fetch would tank my network connection from my VM, so i'm now doing this in the cloud17:59
lazyPowerkyrofa - ok, that go-importpath that i have commented in teh yaml doesn't look correct?17:59
lazyPowereverything i'ms eeing from the dump of errors is referencing k8s.io17:59
kyrofalazyPower, indeed, that's odd eh?18:00
kyrofalazyPower, but yeah, check this out: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cmd/kubectl/kubectl.go18:00
kyrofalazyPower, so try making go-importpath: k8s.io/kubernetes18:00
lazyPower1 sec, standup, sorry18:01
kyrofalazyPower, no problem, give that a try when you're able and get back to me18:01
ogra_ahasenack, phew, that took some digging http://paste.ubuntu.com/22826676/18:01
ogra_ahasenack, look at the "start: " line18:02
ogra_nowadays you would prefix perl/ with $SNAP ... but that should give you an idea18:02
ahasenackI see18:03
ogra_(the perl installation in that snap obviously lived under perl/ ... so "perl/usr/bin/perl -I perl/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/perl/5.20.1 -I perl/usr/share/perl/5.20.1" execs the interpreter with the -I paths for modules)18:03
ogra_hmm, i should actually re-vive that snap and finally control my heating with it18:04
ogra_(and replace the 10 year old fhem machine that does it today with a snap based one)18:04
lazyPowerkyrofa - aha! new errors, much progress, such excitement18:12
mmcchi folks, simple question - the first body paragraph of snapcraft.io currently describes snaps as "secure, sandboxed, *containerised* applications" -- does anyone else think that saying "containerised" might be confusing for people new to snaps, who might know more about docker/lxd containers?18:12
qenghoDocker doesn't own containerhood.18:15
qenghoThe bug in that sentence is the missplled "containerised".18:16
SamYapleqengho: "Docker doesn't own containerhood."18:16
SamYaplethat gave me a good chuckle18:16
SamYaplei want to paste that in #docker18:17
SamYaplemmcc: saying something is "containerised" is refering to the linux tech behind containers (namespaces) which snappy absoletly does use.18:18
SamYaplei agree though, it tends to feel more like packaging than "containers" if you are familiar with docker18:18
qenghoWe need a de-brainwashing paragraph, maybe.18:19
SamYaplei wont argue with that qengho18:20
mvo_morphis: I can reproduce it, checking but it smells like the binary is broken for some reason, running /snap/ubuntu-device-flash/x1/bin/ubuntu-device-flash directly gives the same error18:20
mmccSamYaple: thanks - I should've looked further into how the confinement was implemented. I just skimmed some of the snapd core docs, but didn't see references to user namespaces18:21
sergiusensqengho isn't containerised correct in the UK? Kind of like color colour?18:21
qenghosergiusens: Yes, okay in the UK. At least, no one will send you to gaol.18:22
SamYaplemmcc: im not sure if user namespaces are actually18:22
stokachuanyone seen anything similar to ^?18:23
stokachuif i try to load the yaml outside of the snap it loads just fine18:23
mmccAs far as placing a claim on the term 'containerised', I will just say that if you want to describe it that way, it might be best to clarify it in contrast to LXD and docker containers.18:24
kyrofastokachu, any chance that has something to do with locales?18:24
SamYaplemmcc: and lxc and rkt? what about openvz?18:24
SamYaplemmcc: a comparison page seems useful, but its certainly not a requiremetn everytime you say "container"18:25
stokachukyrofa: ^ is my locales inside the snap18:26
stokachumaybe i need to force LC_ALL?18:26
mmccSamYaple: sure, I wouldn't want to include a big feature comparison matrix in the first paragraph. If the consensus here is that it's not confusing, I won't push it further18:27
kyrofastokachu, I suspect you've hit bug #157641118:28
mupBug #1576411: UTF-8 is not very well supported inside snaps <xenial> <Snappy:Triaged> <snapd (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576411>18:28
kyrofaWhich isn't titled all that well18:28
mupPR snapcraft#718 opened: Fix bug lp:1586546 allowing setup.py to work on some projects <Created by blakerouse> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/718>18:28
kyrofastokachu, essentially, the environment in which your snap runs says it wants en_US. The desktop has the en_US locale, but the environment in which the snap runs does not18:28
stokachuah ok18:29
kyrofastokachu, there are some workarounds on the bug18:29
stokachuyea im going to try those now18:30
kyrofastokachu, in one of my snaps I work around it by setting LC_ALL=C.UTF-818:30
kyrofastokachu, but obviously that's a limited "fix"...18:30
stokachuyea im going to start with a wrapper that has that in there18:31
stokachusee if it gets us passed this18:31
=== faenil_ is now known as faenil
sergiusensjosepht seems something went wrong with your merge/rebase https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/65818:36
mupPR snapcraft#658: parser - Return non-zero code for wiki errors <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/658>18:36
josephtsergiusens: argh! I'll fix it.18:39
mupPR snapd#1658 closed: partition: fix cleaning of the boot variables on the second good boot <Reviewed> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1658>18:43
ahasenackis there the concept of applying patches or fixes to a source tarball in snappy, before building?18:43
ahasenackor running a simple command, that would also work18:45
lazyPowerkyrofa : I think that sorted me, there's additional work to be don ehere, like not building the whole k8s ecosystem in this snap, but that fully sorted me. Can i ask how you came ot the conclusion thats what i needed to do?18:45
kyrofalazyPower, excellent!18:47
kyrofalazyPower, I knew because of the errors you were getting-- complaining about not being able to find itself, but in a different path18:48
kyrofalazyPower, particularly one that wasn't github was easy to spot18:48
josephtsergiusens: that PR should be fixed now18:51
lazyPowerah ok, so this really is golang internals18:51
* lazyPower makes a note to read a book on go18:52
kyrofalazyPower, indeed. go directly maps import "foo/bar/baz" to filepath positions: $GOPATH/foo/bar/baz18:52
mupPR snapd#1644 closed: interfaces/builtin: add gpio interface <Reviewed> <Created by jocave> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1644>19:00
niemeyerjoc_: ^^^19:00
dpb1ahasenack: I'm interested as well, did you find anything out?19:03
lazyPowerkyrofa - any chance we can pass extra env vars during the build? i'm not seeing that outlined in the tour19:04
ahasenackno, not yet19:04
lazyPowerkyrofa - we should be able to pair this down with a WHAT=kubectl, then firing off the go build, and i think that sorts it19:04
ahasenackdpb1: so far I'm leaning towards forking the tarball, and shippig the files I need as I need them19:04
kyrofalazyPower, no, no build environment yet, but it's on the roadmap19:05
dpb1that sounds less than ideal19:05
ahasenackmaybe "organize" in my case19:05
ahasenacka fancy name for "rename"19:05
=== faenil is now known as faenil_
kyrofaahasenack, no, no concept of patching yet. But it's pretty easy to create your own local plugin for snapcraft to use if you want to go down that path19:06
sergiusenselopio 2.14 is in -proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft/2.1419:12
elopiosergiusens: ok. I'll it while it syncs in the archive19:13
elopio*eat :D19:13
ahasenackthe copy plugin, looks like it doesn't create directories19:15
kyrofaahasenack, it should be. How are you using it?19:20
ahasenackkyrofa: I have a conf file at the same directory level as my snapcraft file, I want it to land in etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf19:22
ahasenackah, let me try something19:22
kyrofaahasenack, try:19:23
kyrofa  conf-file: etc/squid-deb-proxy/19:23
kyrofaI suppose that would actually be:19:23
kyrofa  squid-deb-proxy.conf: etc/squid-deb-proxy/19:23
ahasenackit worked now, but I might still be doing it wrong19:23
ahasenack       files:19:24
ahasenack          squid-deb-proxy.conf: /etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf19:24
ahasenackbefore I had19:24
ahasenack       files:19:24
ahasenack          squid-deb-proxy.conf: /etc/squid-deb-proxy19:24
ahasenackand that just created the file under that other name19:24
ahasenackmaybe because I missed an ending /19:24
ahasenacklet me try with an ending /19:24
wililupy|travelIs the snappy store down?19:26
=== wililupy|travel is now known as wililupy
stokachukyrofa: yea putting LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 in a wrapper fixed the encoding error19:31
kyrofastokachu, good deal. That's annoying, I'm sorry. Please say something on that bug19:31
stokachuwill do, thanks19:31
ahasenackI'm getting a file not found error at the and of the snapcraft run, yet the file seems to be right where it needs to be19:33
ahasenack[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/sbin/squid'19:33
kyrofaahasenack, seems it's actually looking in /usr/sbin/squid (on the system)19:34
ahasenackyeah, I feared that19:34
kyrofaahasenack, is there a symlink pointing there perhaps?19:35
ahasenackhere I was trying to use squid as a run-time dependency (stage-packages), instead of building it as part of the snap19:35
ahasenacksince this snap is really just a set of config files for squid (squid-deb-proxy)19:35
ahasenackkyrofa: no, no symlink19:35
kyrofaahasenack, hmm... odd that it's happening in prime, then19:36
kyrofaahasenack, all that happens there is file migration and ldd crawling19:36
kyrofaahasenack, do me a favor and run snapcraft -d19:36
kyrofaahasenack, so you can get a trace19:36
* ahasenack cleans first19:36
kyrofaNo no19:36
kyrofaJust the prime would be fine, you don't need to clean completely19:36
kyrofaThough it doesn't hurt anything19:37
ahasenackyeah, it's quick19:37
kyrofaGood deal19:37
ahasenackkyrofa: it's during ldd of sorts: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22837387/19:38
kyrofaahasenack, mind if I take a quick look at your yaml?19:39
ahasenacknot at all19:39
ahasenackbut keep in mind it's super work in progress, I'm trying things19:39
ahasenackbuilding it step by step19:40
kyrofaahasenack, haha, don't worry, I won't judge ;)19:40
kyrofaahasenack, you should see some of mine19:40
ahasenackkyrofa: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22837563/19:40
kyrofaThere it is19:40
ahasenackit needs to be a daemon, etc19:40
kyrofaahasenack, your command is specifically trying to call /usr/sbin/squid19:40
kyrofaahasenack, which doesn't exist19:41
ahasenackhow do I reference it, should I drop the first /?19:41
ahasenackor just let PATH sort it out?19:42
kyrofaSure, try that. Most of the bins are added onto the PATH by snapcraft, but I'm not sure it'll grab the sbin19:42
kyrofasergiusens, should snapcraft add the sbin directories to PATH as well?19:42
kyrofaI don't think it does, but should it?19:42
Ursinhaahasenack: what I'm doing is to define the command as only foo if foo can be found in the path (in the case /snap/bin)19:43
ahasenackkyrofa: dropping the starting / worked19:43
ahasenackkyrofa: thx19:44
kyrofaahasenack, good deal, though it might break when you actually run it since it may depend upon cwd19:44
kyrofaahasenack, worst case, you ship a shell script that runs $SNAP/usr/sbin/squid19:44
ahasenackkyrofa: I will need a shell script anyway I think, because squid needs to create those cache directories when first started on a fresh system19:45
kyrofaAh yes19:45
ahasenackkyrofa: something the deb initscript does19:45
kyrofaThen do that. And put it in bin19:45
ahasenackkyrofa: here I will have to adapt19:45
kyrofaThen make your command just call that (it'll be in PATH)19:45
mupBug #1611068 opened: 401 when trying to install hello-world <amd64> <apport-bug> <xenial> <Snappy:New> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611068>19:45
kyrofaahasenack, I'm still lobbying for an install hook that can be used to setup that initial stuff19:46
ahasenackkyrofa: I missed a way to patch or run commands pre-build time (from the top of my huge 1,5 day experience with snappy)19:48
mupBug #1611493 opened: No TTY in snaps. <landscape> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611493>19:48
ahasenackbut it's an experiment, and I don't want to be biased by the deb packaging world19:48
ahasenackwhich is much harder I think19:49
mbruzekCan anyone help me with how to install snapcraft from source?19:51
mbruzekI found this url: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/HACKING.md19:51
mbruzekI ran ./setup.py install without any luck.19:52
mbruzekThat step failed19:54
mbruzekerror: The 'requests' distribution was not found and is required by snapcraft19:54
kyrofambruzek, you can just run it: <snapcraft>/bin/snapcraft19:55
kyrofambruzek, no need to install19:55
mbruzekkyrofa: I installed in in a virtual env, and when I run $snapcraft build, I got an error that "yaml" could not be imported19:56
mbruzekso pip3 install pyyaml19:56
mbruzekthen I ran snapcraft build again19:56
mbruzekjsonschema was missing19:56
mbruzekpip3 install jsonschema19:57
mbruzeknow I get the following19:57
mbruzekI tried it another way and got an import error on progress bar: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22839680/20:00
mbruzekWhen running it from the github cloned location20:00
lazyPowermbruzek - i took the liberty of filing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/161149820:01
mupBug #1611498: snapcraft fails install using virtualenv instructions <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611498>20:01
stokachumbruzek: you have python3-progressbar installed?20:01
mbruzekstokachu: Yes. I tried to show that in the pastebin20:02
stokachumbruzek: you aren't running a venv or anything are you?20:02
mbruzekstokachu: Yes I was trying to keep this in a virtualenv, following the HACKING.md instructions20:03
stokachumbruzek: try pip install progressbar220:03
mbruzekstokachu: Yep, I got past that one now, but ImportError: No module named 'magic'20:04
mbruzekThere are a ton of magic packages, not sure which one20:05
stokachuyea hmm20:06
mbruzekYou know I _already_ did "pip3 install -r requirements"20:06
stokachumbruzek: try pip3 install pymagic20:06
kyrofastokachu, mbruzek sorry, internet flaked again. Anyway yeah, the setup.py needs some love. We don't typically use it (we just run straight from src)20:07
mbruzek  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pymagic (from versions: )20:07
mbruzekNo matching distribution found for pymagic20:07
mbruzekHow can I install from source?20:07
kyrofambruzek, you don't need to-- you can run straight from it20:07
kyrofambruzek, just run the bin/snapcraft executable20:07
kyrofaAdd it to your PATH if you want20:07
stokachukyrofa: he's in a venv and missing some modules it seems20:07
sergiusenskyrofa maybe, but we will be adding the environment keyword soon20:07
mbruzekkyrofa: I __changed__ the code and want to run with some modifications20:08
stokachumbruzek: oh pip3 install libmagic20:08
mbruzekstokachu: That install worked, but still getting the same import error20:09
mbruzekImportError: No module named 'magic'20:09
kyrofambruzek, I'm not sure where we're missing each other, here :P . If you run bin/snapcraft it'll use your changes20:09
stokachumbruzek: try python-libmagic and python-magic20:09
mbruzekkyrofa: Yep I get that.20:09
mbruzekkyrofa: I am running it this way....20:09
mbruzek(matt3) mbruzek@warhorse:~/workspace/snapcraft/kubectl$ ~/workspace/git/snapcraft/bin/snapcraft build20:09
mbruzek~/workspace/git/snapcraft/bin/snapcraft is giving me these import error20:10
stokachumbruzek: s/and/or20:10
kyrofambruzek, _not_ in the venv? Just install the stuff in debian/control20:10
mbruzekand pollute my development system?20:10
mbruzekkyrofa: I thought the beauty of python was we could use virtualenvs20:11
mbruzekPlus the HACKING.md file told me to20:11
stokachumbruzek: maybe it's one of these? :X https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Vi90hD8i/20:12
mbruzekstokachu: yeah I found  a ton of them when searching too20:12
mbruzekwhich is why I am asking here20:13
kyrofambruzek, just trying to give some suggestions. Please feel free to develop with whatever setup you desire20:13
mbruzekkyrofa: Not trying to be critical, I am just following the instructions20:14
mbruzekstokachu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/22841208/  the install of the python magic worked, or maybe it did not20:14
stokachumbruzek: :(20:15
stokachucouldnt we just make a snap out of snapcraft? :)20:16
mbruzekstokachu: Wouldn't that be nice20:16
sergiusenskyrofa does this ring a bell http://paste.ubuntu.com/22841604/ ?20:16
kyrofasergiusens, sounds like some environment variables aren't being set correctly20:17
kyrofasergiusens, to redirect it20:17
kyrofasergiusens, rosdep init isn't being run with sudo since it should be writing into parts/foo/rosdep or something like that20:18
sergiusenskyrofa I did not touch the catkin plugin though20:18
kyrofasergiusens, looking a little closer20:18
kyrofasergiusens, huh... yeah ROSDEP_SOURCE_PATH is set in _Rosdep._run20:20
kyrofasergiusens, from what I've seen so far, I have no explanation why your branch is causing that to be weird20:20
kyrofasergiusens, and you can duplicate locally?20:21
sergiusenskyrofa with my branch, yes20:25
sergiusenskyrofa the paste is from a local run20:25
sergiusenswell define local ;-)20:26
kyrofasergiusens, and what you've pushed is up-to-date?20:26
kyrofasergiusens, heh, not adt :P20:26
sergiusenskyrofa yes, up2date20:26
kyrofaWell, CI-driven, I guess20:26
kyrofasergiusens, okay let me take another pass here...20:26
sergiusenskyrofa and working off of a server lately20:26
kyrofasergiusens, yeah20:26
lazyPowerkyrofa - i don tknow what sorcery you have lead us to, but that bin/snapcraft does do what you claim it does despite my best efforts at being a skeptic20:27
kyrofalazyPower, hahaha20:27
kyrofasergiusens, dude, this makes no sense20:28
kyrofasergiusens, let me try this myself...20:28
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kyrofasergiusens, ... this works for me ...20:32
kyrofasergiusens, that was a pull, right?20:32
kyrofasergiusens, right at the beginning of the pull?20:32
sergiusenskyrofa yes, pull indeed20:33
kyrofasergiusens, yeah... it works here20:33
kyrofaBut you're seeing that in CI as well?20:33
sergiusenskyrofa yeah20:34
kyrofasergiusens, x, right? Not y?20:34
sergiusensyeah, always X, x-men here20:35
sergiusensalthough I think I am generation y20:35
sergiusenskyrofa so my branch works for you?20:36
kyrofasergiusens, oh... wait I'm stupid20:36
sergiusenskyrofa why is that?20:37
kyrofasergiusens, testing again20:37
sergiusensnot running from the branch?20:37
kyrofasergiusens, maaaybe20:37
kyrofasergiusens, there it is20:38
sergiusenskyrofa the solution to the problem?20:40
sergiusensofficial word was we could break this before it spread20:41
cwaynesergiusens: hey, would i need to be part of any specific team to add a part to the wiki?20:41
sergiusensbut getting everyone on the same page might be worthwhile20:41
kyrofasergiusens, you're far too optimistic. No, but now I can see the breakage at least :P20:41
sergiusenscwayne logged in and an ubuntu member I guess20:41
sergiusenscwayne if you want to be on the good side of things, don't use subparts20:41
sergiusenscwayne https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/70520:42
mupPR snapcraft#705: parser - Remove namespacing and subparts <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/705>20:42
cwaynedidn't even know subparts was a thing20:42
sergiusenscwayne keep it that way!20:43
cwaynewill do :)20:44
qenghoSUBPARTS WAT?20:49
kyrofasergiusens, does this change any of the apt params other than the caching one?20:52
jhobbsthis python application i'm trying to snap wants to play in "/home/jason/.testrepository" - is there some interface to allow this? or will the application need to be changed to work elsewhere?20:52
sergiusenskyrofa there are no apt params changed really20:56
sergiusensjhobbs does it repect xdg?20:57
jhobbsi don't know20:58
kyrofasergiusens, something is clearing out the rosdep folder in your branch21:00
kyrofasergiusens, I suspect https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/677/files#diff-e8d25d56f5ed513cad7c55002a709f32R17821:03
mupPR snapcraft#677: playing with caching <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/677>21:03
kyrofasergiusens, that directory is used for more than just debs in the case of rosdep21:03
sergiusenskyrofa ah, that can be it, let me refine this21:04
kyrofasergiusens, we might be able to change that a bit on the catkin side, too21:04
kyrofasergiusens, but yeah21:04
ahasenackI have maybe a basic question,21:05
sergiusenskyrofa no, deleting rootdir was an experimental shortcut (well I assumed the directory was private to this, but fine ;-) )21:05
ahasenackbut for the app inside the snap, it's not in a chroot, right?21:05
ahasenackI mean, /etc/foo for the app is the real /etc/foo in the system where it's running, if referenced like that?21:06
kyrofasergiusens, heh21:06
kyrofaahasenack, indeed21:06
ahasenackkyrofa: hm21:06
ahasenackkyrofa: that can get interesting in the case of a config file that includes other config files21:06
ahasenackusing absolute paths21:06
kyrofaahasenack, indeed, absolute paths means it makes some assumptions about how it's packaged21:07
ahasenackkyrofa: is the absolute path that begins with /snap "stable", as long as it uses the "current" symlink? Is that a reasonable alternative?21:07
ahasenacklike /snap/squid-deb-proxy/current/etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf21:08
kyrofaahasenack, I'm probably not the best person to ask, there. zyga and slangasek probably have some feelings on that matter21:08
ahasenackthat conf file includes other conf files in that directory, I'm not sure I can use relative paths21:08
ahasenackkyrofa: cool, thx21:08
kyrofaahasenack, and these conf files are dynamically generated? Or do you ship them yourself?21:09
ahasenackI ship them21:09
kyrofaahasenack, can they accept environment variables?21:09
ahasenackmaybe in my script that starts the service I could generate them dynamically, if it comes to that21:10
ahasenackadjust paths according to some $SNAP_var, then start the service21:10
ahasenacksounds overkill at first21:10
ahasenackbut I'm new here :)21:10
kyrofaahasenack, hmm. Yeah I had to do that for redis, check this out: https://github.com/kyrofa/nextcloud-snap/blob/master/src/redis/scripts/start-redis-server21:10
ahasenackSNAP_DATA is the versioned system-wide writable directory, right?21:11
ahasenacknot the user one, and not the common one that is unversioned21:11
* ahasenack getting used to these names21:11
kyrofaahasenack, indeed this might be helpful: https://askubuntu.com/questions/762354/where-can-ubuntu-snaps-write-data21:11
ahasenackkyrofa: I see you had to do that exactly because it's versioned, so it's kept on upgrades21:12
ahasenackand indeed, I will have to do that too, if I want to preserve config files during upgrades21:12
kyrofaahasenack, nah, I did that because I didn't want to write the config file anywhere21:12
ahasenackkyrofa: but there is a current symlink in there too21:12
ahasenack /var/snap/<name>/current21:12
kyrofaahasenack, indeed, that is SNAP_DATA21:13
ahasenackhm, no, my SNAP_DATA uses the revision21:13
ahasenackexport SNAP_DATA="/var/snap/squid-deb-proxy/x3"21:13
ahasenack(from the bin script)21:14
kyrofaahasenack, right, current points to the currently active revision21:14
kyrofaahasenack, you shouldn't need to care about that though, no?21:14
ahasenackbut there is no var with "current" in it21:14
kyrofaahasenack, true. Why do you need that?21:14
kyrofaOh, to write to config files?21:15
ahasenackkyrofa: I hope not. I hit this now because (I think) I added squid to the snap by installing the package in stage-packages, instead of building it21:15
ahasenackI think when I build it with snapcraft, it will take care to put the config files in the right places, but I'm not there yet21:15
ahasenackvia ./configure --things I mean21:15
kyrofaahasenack, snapcraft won't put anything in SNAP_DATA and its ilk21:16
ahasenackthat got me thinking about config files21:16
ahasenackhm, not even --sysconfdir=DIR21:16
ahasenackso that will be /etc by default21:17
ahasenackin my mind, SNAP_DATA would be the place for system-wide configuration files that you want preserved across upgrades, among other things21:17
ahasenackstuff that would normally be in /etc21:17
ahasenackand SNAP_USER_DATA for files that are usually ~/.something21:18
ahasenackbecause the script generated by snapcraft does export HOME="$SNAP_USER_DATA"21:18
* ahasenack reads that askubuntu question now21:19
ahasenackyeah, that's it21:20
ahasenackit just doesn't mention /etc specifically, or system config files in general21:20
kyrofaahasenack, it's impossible for snaps to pollute other snaps, so you can really use those directories for whatever you wish21:23
kyrofaahasenack, but people use them differently, and they're runtime-specific things, so snapcraft doesn't deal with them21:23
kyrofasnapcraft just gives you a squashfs image21:23
slangasekahasenack, kyrofa, zyga: my feeling is that for the cross-distro story, /snap is a bit of a time bomb because it's not in the FHS, it's unrealistic to think it'll be in the FHS before the heat death of the universe, and there have already been examples given of it conflicting with local usage21:25
kyrofaslangasek, agreed21:25
kyrofaahasenack, so probably try to avoid if at all possible21:26
ahasenackslangasek: so how should I best handle config files? Where should they live?21:26
slangasekahasenack: I assume they live in the snap and you should locate them relative to the $SNAP_* variables?21:27
ahasenackslangasek: that's doable, but SNAP_* has the revision in it, not "current"21:27
ahasenackslangasek: am I fine in using "current" instead of the revision?21:27
slangasekI don't have a convenient solution for this for software that has to hard-code a path at build time21:27
ahasenackslangasek: yeah, sorry, I'm just looking for best practices21:28
slangasekhmm, I think by definition the running instance is always "current"21:28
slangasekin which case, "yes" that should work :)21:28
slangasekhowever, current is always a symlink to the revision one21:28
ahasenackI just checked the vars set by the /snap/bin/foo wrapper, they have the revisions21:28
slangasekso if you're resolving the variable at runtime, that should also still work?21:28
ahasenackslangasek: my specific problem is a config file that includes other config files by absolute path21:28
ahasenackslangasek: yeah, but I will have to regenerate that config then21:28
ahasenackeverytime I start the service21:28
slangasekI see21:28
slangasekyes, I think "current" is doable there21:29
ahasenackunless "current" was stable enough, then I could just use "current" in the path21:29
ahasenackbut still, I would then have /snap/foo/bar in there, hardcoded...21:29
ahasenacknot pleasant21:29
sergiusenskyrofa just for the kicks, look at distutils.file_util.copy_file ;-)21:29
jhobbsis there a way to provide a file by default in /home/<user>/snap/<snap>/<rev> ?21:29
kyrofasergiusens, I've seen it, but didn't want to introduce another dependency21:30
sergiusenskyrofa could get rid of link_or_copy and is part of the stdlib already21:30
kyrofasergiusens, I seem to remember people saying to avoid distutils for some reason...21:31
ahasenackslangasek: kyrofa thanks guys21:32
kyrofaYeah slangasek thanks for jumping in21:39
mupBug #1611526 opened: temp directories not deleted when snap fails to start <lxd> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611526>21:43
mupBug #1611530 opened: can't install devmode snap from store <landscape> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611530>21:49
jdstrandnoise][: hi! can someone a store pull for review tools r705? fyi, I'm going to have another commit tomorrow morning, but r705 has (among other things) the update to allow the tools to not block uploads of the ubuntu-core snap21:58
jdstrandcc ogra_ ^21:58
jdstrandnoise][: I guess it is fairly urgent due to auto-uploads21:59
noise][jdstrand: EOD here, but i'll see if there's anyone that can pick that up22:14
noise][jdstrand: likely will be tomorrow morning though22:16
EAbdelIS there any one ?22:38
EAbdelplease i have an issue22:39
EAbdelabout snapcrafts22:39
qenghoThat solved itself.22:57
sergiusenskyrofa yes, you should use setuptools, https://docs.python.org/3/library/distutils.html22:57
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EAbdelHi please, is there any one i can talk to ?23:05
mupPR snapd#1661 opened: Remove documentation on a 'private' flag to /v2/find that doesn't see… <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1661>23:54

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