=== Dave__ is now known as Dave [09:26] I had a lover, I don't think I'll risk another these days [09:26] ? [12:04] JustinHitla> is this channel about Katamari Damaci ? [17:34] ok, anonymous120 must have a watcher in #ubuntu, they only joined and spammed after amir107 posted a question [17:34] Pici: See above [17:35] DJones: they spammed at :28 unpromted [17:36] Yeah, but again, pocketkiller that they hilighted didn't say anything between them joining and the spam [17:39] Hmmh, pocketkiller isn't even in the channel [21:21] bekks called the ops in #ubuntu (rmrfnopreservero) [21:28] @comment 73641 issued "rm -rf --no-preserve-root /", booted, returned [21:28] Comment added.