zequence | autumna: Which command? To clone the branch? | 05:19 |
sakrecoer | autumna, zequence: here is the assets branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website/ubuntustudio-website/+git/trunk/+ref/assets | 08:32 |
autumna | zequence: the variation to the command to clarify username etc? | 10:02 |
sakrecoer | autumna: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SetupDeveloperEnvironment#Set_up_bazaar in the case of the assets branch it is git, the instructions are bellow on that wiki page | 10:56 |
sakrecoer | you need to have you ssh public key in your launchpad account also.. | 10:56 |
geirdal | Hi all | 18:46 |
autumna | hi geirdal | 19:35 |
autumna | sakrecoer thanks, that's what I was looking for | 19:35 |
geirdal | autumna, images fitted in your template http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-0 | 19:36 |
autumna | geirdal, I like your edit to image of the about section in the unified front page. do you have a modified version for the header image through? | 19:37 |
autumna | *goes to replace the image | 19:37 |
autumna | a version of this: http://geirdal.is/images/studio/studio_07.png cropped, darker, less contrast and saturation etc? | 19:39 |
krytarik | ..Thought we were going to try with the original one of that though? I don't like this one really. | 19:49 |
autumna | I just color corrected geirdal's version of the about image because it was too bright for readability. still dislike it krytarik? (I am torn, on one hand I find I am liking the pure image more as well, on other hand there is sense in having all the images be matched) | 19:56 |
autumna | pure image -> pure photo | 19:57 |
autumna | as reference: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/home-alternate/ | 19:57 |
krytarik | autumna: I'm referring to studio_07.png (which you just linked to) vs. studio_06.png (which geirdal and I prefer) - though yes, the workflow icons would be better on the left side. | 20:02 |
autumna | OOOOH | 20:03 |
autumna | you prefer this one? http://geirdal.is/images/studio/studio_06.png | 20:04 |
krytarik | To clarify, yarp. | 20:06 |
geirdal | yes :) | 20:07 |
autumna | *switches images in the work in progress | 20:10 |
autumna | krytarik, geirdal: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/home-alternate/ | 20:37 |
geirdal | ok | 20:41 |
geirdal | I will upload this image without the logo | 20:41 |
autumna | actually geirdal, i kind of took the liberty to edit shift colors a bit and rotate your image 180 degrees. | 20:43 |
autumna | let me know if you like it? | 20:44 |
autumna | hi dool | 20:44 |
autumna | dool7 even | 20:44 |
dool7 | ? | 20:44 |
dool7 | Hi | 20:44 |
autumna | (its also what sakrecoer did in his initial mockup, so the idea isn't exactly mine) | 20:45 |
dool7 | ? | 20:45 |
geirdal | autumna, http://geirdal.is/index.php/studio-0 | 20:47 |
geirdal | see how it fits | 20:47 |
autumna | trying | 20:54 |
autumna | geirdal, krytarik, sakrecoer http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/comparisonofIntroImages.png choose | 21:12 |
autumna | (and anybody else who wants to voice an opinion ;D) | 21:12 |
geirdal | I like the lower one better | 21:17 |
autumna | :) | 21:19 |
autumna | I have a preference for the upper one from a readability and overall design (not surprising I guess), but I like the details stand out on the one on lower side. | 21:26 |
krytarik | autumna: Yeah, the upper one works better indeed. | 21:37 |
autumna | :) | 21:38 |
autumna | lightened up the upper image a tiny bit. | 22:19 |
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