[04:43] hello bug squad! I need to add tasks for Trusty and Precise for OpenJDK 7 to LP:#1611598 with importance High (all jamvm packages are broken with the 2.6.7 update - packaged but not uploaded yet until the fix is in place) === faenil is now known as faenil_ === hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln === hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko === davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 [14:35] teward, thanks for the help on LP: #1611598 ;-) [14:35] Launchpad bug 1611598 in OpenJDK "jamvm is broken due to missing native methods in sun.misc.Unsafe" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611598 [15:57] tdaitx: you're welcome it needs approvals though [17:40] teward, tdaitx: Precise and Trusty tasks approved [17:40] hggdh, teward thanks! ;-) [17:50] tdaitx: thank *you* for working on this [18:11] hggdh, teward: could you please set importance as High in LP: #1611598 for both Trusty and Precise? Without that fix the jamvm is completely broken and for some archs that is the fastest VM available [18:11] Launchpad bug 1611598 in OpenJDK "jamvm is broken due to missing native methods in sun.misc.Unsafe" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611598 [18:13] tdaitx: done [18:13] =D === davmor2 is now known as davmor2_Hols [21:27] Hello ya'll - I'm a RHEL sysadmin but I noticed something Red Hat is in the process of fixing for RHEL also affects Ubuntu 16.04 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1255507 [21:27] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1255507 in NetworkManager "NetworkManager no longer provides complete FQDN (DHCP_HOSTNAME) to dhclient" [High,Verified] [21:27] I just happened to have a host running a live version of 16.04 and thought I'd compare just for fun though we aren't a Ubuntu shop [21:28] I believe it affects any distro using NetworkManager in an environment that uses MS DHCP and MS Dynamic DNS [22:33] cyphermox: ^ [22:44] hggdh: thanks for taking care of tdaitx's items there, and thanks for approving the task nominations :) [22:44] * teward got busy as hell [22:44] heck* [22:44] hellck? [23:29] hggdh: s/hell/heck/ <-- this should have been done, but my mind went away : [23:29] (too busy trying to write up one of my scripts for code review by the community on the Code Review StackExchange site)