
dufluOh hello hikiko05:40
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seb128good morning desktopers07:27
seb128xnox, seems like those firefox ppa builds are still unhappy :-(07:28
xnoxyeah, i know =(07:29
seb128oh, and hey xnox ;-)07:29
xnoxi'm not sure what i'm doing right or wrong. will be doing "interactive" build on s390x to see what's happening, becuase it looks like it's not doing what i thought it was going to =)07:29
seb128chrisccoulson might be able to help you maybe? he knows the build system at least07:30
chrisccoulsonThe build system has changed a lot since I last worked on firefox07:31
chrisccoulsonYou can ask me anything about the chromium one though ;)07:31
xnoxchrisccoulson, which one of the two is a more complete linux distribution?07:31
chrisccoulsonThe chromium one is a lot simpler07:33
jibelmorning, currently upgrade to Yakkety fails with bug 1611256, could someone have a look?07:35
ubot5bug 1611256 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "X to Y upgrade fails with gconf2 depends on python3:any; however: Package python3 is not configured yet." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161125607:35
seb128cyphermox, doko, ^07:37
seb128hey jibel07:37
jibelSalut seb12807:37
Trevinhomorning guys07:43
xnoxchrisccoulson, so even though i have patched icu.m4, the *b.dat is not getting picked up07:43
xnoxso i'm guessing that moz.build is not actually using that....07:43
seb128hey Trevinho07:48
Trevinhohey seb128 ...07:52
Trevinhowow, I'm at my parents' these days... And... no electricity for three hours today ---07:52
seb128how come?!07:52
dufluor doesn't07:53
Trevinhothank god I've a mobile 4g modem, so I can have high(er) speed connection anyway07:53
TrevinhoI just hope batteries would last, but they should07:53
Trevinhoor... I'd just move to somewhere else :)07:54
xnoxchrisccoulson, or maybe i should not use autoconf2.69 manual when building with autoconf2.13....07:56
desrto hai everyone!07:57
desrtforgot to mention in the meeting yesterday: GUADEC starts tomorrow!07:57
seb128hey desrt, I guess you are going? is anybody else from the team going?08:00
desrtuh... larsu? :)08:00
* larsu smiles08:01
desrtwe're kickin' it oldschool.  sharing a hotel room and everything.08:01
Trevinhooh... guadec!08:01
seb128how big is GUADEC this year?08:03
desrtno idea.08:03
desrt"not as big as the universala kongreso"08:03
seb128well at least 2 people going we can say ;-)08:03
Laneyguten morgen08:04
desrtreminds me i need to do my duolingo108:04
desrtmorning, laney :)08:04
desrtyou're not on the guadec train, are you?08:04
Laneyi'm going to be at the seaside08:04
desrttoo bad.08:04
seb128hey Laney08:04
Laneyhey seb12808:05
Laneyhow's it hanging?08:05
larsuprobably much smaller even than in recent years :(08:05
didrocksseb128: 4 people from Lyon going! :)08:05
larsuhi Laney and seb128 and Trevinho and desrt and didrocks08:05
didrockshey larsu!08:05
Laneyhey larsk08:05
seb128didrocks, #gnomefr is Lyon based indeed08:06
seb128jbicha, can you email ubuntu-desktop@ asking for your ubuntu-desktop membership to be reactivated? ;-)08:06
larsuLaney: oh, who is that? The person you hired to replace me?08:07
Laneythe evolved form08:08
Laney(too much pokemon)08:08
didrocksbtw, I stumbled again upon this yesterday: http://aruiz.synaptia.net/siliconisland/2012/08/why-cant-we-be-friends.html08:09
didrockssee how larsu looks young! :)08:09
didrocksor rather "looked"08:09
LaneyI don't see any difference08:10
larsuhaha awesome!08:10
larsuwe all look young on there08:10
larsuLaney hadn't been born at that time08:11
didrockstrue facts! :)08:11
Laneymaybe I was conceived there08:11
* Laney shudders08:11
larsuoh and where is desrt?08:12
didrocksyeah, unsure…08:13
desrti think i was dreaming up the dbus protocol for GMenuModel or something08:13
desrtactually, more likely thinking about action muxers08:13
Laneyrock and roll08:13
Laneysomeone just retried the failed build of ffmpeg so fast that by the time I clicked the link from the email it was already gone08:16
Laneythat was the second failure too08:17
Laneythird time's the charm08:17
seb128somebody who just joined IRC? ;-)08:17
* Laney has joins off08:17
Laneybut I uploaded it, so only I would have had the email08:18
* Laney confuse08:18
larsuLaney: don't worry, it's Wednesday08:21
* larsu hopes to add to the confusion08:21
* Laney goes back into the cave08:24
desrtso.... it's fivethirtyeight season again08:24
desrti'm really going to enjoy opening this page every morning for the next couple of months08:25
xnoxchrisccoulson, any pointers as to how to pass --disable-ion on powerpc & s390x as a.... configure flag?08:40
xnox./debian/rules is madness in firefox package08:41
chrisccoulsonxnox, debian/config/mozconfig.in08:41
chrisccoulsonif we're passing things like that, we should really be turning off the official branding too08:41
xnoxupstream has no ion support for powerpc & s390x, so they should be doing the right thing by default.08:42
xnoxi might submit upstream patch to their mozconfig too.08:43
xnoxi'm not uploading this, just trying to make it build.08:43
xnoxhowever, imho ion jit should just use gcc atomics and stop pretending they don't work on powerpc & s390x08:43
xnoxchrisccoulson, most of our ports arches are not supported upstream and are tier-308:57
xnoxthe littleendian ones have atomics support implemented upstream, e.g. for ion jit support08:57
xnoxhowever there are no atomics support upstream committed for powerpc (32bit) nor for s390x.08:57
xnoxhowever fedora do build s390x firefox.... http://s390.koji.fedoraproject.org/kojifiles/packages/firefox/48.0/5.fc26/data/logs/s390x/build.log08:58
xnoxyet with official branding09:00
seb128grrr, just got an update + sru rejected because of an upload not commited to the package vcs09:03
willcookemorning from London09:30
willcookeurgh, lag09:30
seb128hey willcooke!09:31
seb128new wifi card or still experiencing grumpy nm at the office? ;-)09:31
willcookemade good time this morning 1hr 15mins09:31
willcookeI've got an ethernet cable :)09:31
willcookeit's the future09:31
seb128errands and lunch, bbl09:38
willcookeseb128, waaaiit09:38
dokowell, seb127 could better tell what exactly is wrong09:40
seb128doko, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/3.8.1-0ubuntu9 was not commited to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/vino/ubuntu (which is the vcs referenced in debian/control), so I did bzr pull/change/commit/push/dput -> got rejected email because the version was existing in the archive with different content09:41
seb128yes I could have checked the archive first09:42
seb128but ideally the vcs is uptodate and we avoid those issues09:42
dokoI was told to leave vino alone, and this one just is a no-change upload ...09:42
seb128unsure what you mean leave it alone09:43
seb128but if you do an upload please update the vcs09:43
seb128even in no change uploads09:43
seb128because otherwise we hit cases like I just described09:43
seb128I had to uncommit, merge your work, do mine back and push overwrite09:43
seb128anyway lunch time09:43
dokono way, if this can't be automated09:44
xnoxchrisccoulson, seb128 - i give up on s390x/powerpc for now. It builds in fedora, doesn't build in debian.09:48
xnoxneed to dig more into what is borked.09:48
ricotzhey desktoper10:16
Trevinhoouch, no electrictity till 14:00... What bastards! :/10:16
ricotzbuilding against cups 2.2~rc1-1 seems broken "/usr/include/cups/ppd.h:40:22: fatal error: raster.h: No such file or directory"10:17
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chrisccoulsonxnox, thanks10:50
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Trevinhomain laptop power is over... Well, lunch time anyway... Hope to get electricity back in a bit11:18
Laneygood luck!11:18
seb128Trevinho, enjoy lunch!11:33
seb128ricotz, hey, that's worth mentioning to tkamppeter when he gets online11:36
seb128ricotz, do you have a build log showing the issue or a bug report?11:38
ricotzseb128, I see, not anymore since I retried the builds without -proposed enabled11:40
seb128k, what source was it?11:40
seb128let me try in a pbuilder11:41
ricotzit was 3.21.4 but I assume 3.20.6 will fail as well11:41
seb128likely if it's a cups bug11:42
Sweet5harkwillcooke: http://www8.hp.com/us/en/products/proliant-servers/product-detail.html?oid=7152904#!tab=features <- requesting this as next hardware replacement11:53
Sweet5harkwillcooke: (including the private power plant needed for it)11:53
willcookeSweet5hark, :DD11:55
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
* Laney cries12:07
jbichaseb128: ricotz: see https://bugs.debian.org/833889 (I accidentally filed against the wrong pkg yesterday!)12:16
ubot5Debian bug 833889 in libcups2-dev "libcups2-dev: Missing dependency on libcupsimage-2-dev" [Serious,Open]12:16
ricotzjbicha, thx12:18
seb128jbicha, k, I had the same conclusion ...12:26
seb128Laney, what's the issue? :-(12:26
seb128jbicha, do we really need to make gnome-session depends on the new gnome-shell?12:28
seb128that blocks gnome-session gnome-keyring etc in proposed12:28
Laneycan't fix ffmpeg12:28
jbichaseb128: I haven't tried yet but https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/g/gnome-session/changelog-3.20.0-112:30
seb128if it's only a .desktop name that's easy to patch12:31
jbichayes or we can try to fix gjs12:39
Trevinho.... and FUIT LUX!12:40
jbichalast week, I triggered an autopkgtest.u.c from my PPA, I saw the test on running.html but I have no idea where PPA tests results go…12:40
Laneyyou have to explore swift yourself12:41
* Laney is running gjs tests locally now12:41
jbichaLaney: thanks, found my test result12:44
jbichagjs passes its tests on my computer :|12:45
Laneyhere too12:53
Laneyalthough I rebuilt it12:54
Laneylet's try with the binaries in the archive12:54
* Laney goes off to mooch around the library while that grinds away12:54
Laneythis new office is good12:55
seb128is that the one with pants wifi? ;-)13:00
Laneybetter today13:04
Laneyso gjs passed when I rebuilt the source, but it failed when I used the archive binaries13:04
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jbichaLaney: ok, how about we retry rebuilding gjs then, since gjs was built we got gobject-introspection 1.4813:06
Laneyworth a try13:07
Laneyyou want to do that upload?13:07
jbichasure, I'll do it now13:07
Laneywould be nice to understand this interaction enough to know what's making it fail13:08
Laneyho hum13:08
Laneyi'll be back in a bit13:09
seb128jbicha, your evolution merge request is in the sponsoring queue but you should have access to merge/upload that one (upload is blocked on eds but you can probably already merge in the vcs)13:27
jbichaoops, I didn't intend to propose that for merging since I can upload myself13:29
jbichabut no, I can't push to ~ubuntu-desktop branches yet13:29
seb128oh, right, vcs doesn't match upload acls13:31
seb128I overlooked that13:31
seb128you can upload but not commit13:31
Sweet5harkfirst half of august, suposedly the hottest time of the year.13:53
Sweet5harkoutside: hail13:53
ogra_Sweet5hark, yeah, but hot hail ...13:56
Laneyjbicha: seb128: It's probably a good idea to push the branch under ~motu if it's moved to universe, and fix Vcs-Bzr in the package13:57
Sweet5harkpzzt! eis und heiss13:59
jbichaLaney: I don't think ~motu is a good place for it, see how empty https://code.launchpad.net/~motu is13:59
LaneyI doubt anybody browses that to find branches13:59
LaneyThere's history to keep here, and you might as well make it so that the branch is writable by those who can upload14:00
jbichawill merge proposals spam all of ~motu?14:00
LaneyThere's an email address set for that team, so nope14:00
Laneyjust like I never get emails for ubuntu-desktop14:00
Laneyjbicha: sorry, can't +1 your ubuntu-desktop application because I can't type my passphrase14:04
* Laney has failed 9 times now14:04
Laney12th time is a charm14:04
* Sweet5hark hums "Im going slightly mad".14:06
tedgCan unity7 skip the unity8 autopkg tests here? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/yakkety/update_excuses.html#unity14:15
tedgSweet5hark: That's because global warming is a lie, told by big hail to distract you.14:16
seb128tedg, Laney might be able to help you (or anyone who has upload right might but I never remember if that's the case and how)14:18
Trevinhotedg: I'd love to... But.... no. At least unless someone would push a button14:19
TrevinhoLaney: can maybe? ^14:19
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
LaneyIt's the release team, but I don't want to14:20
LaneyGet the Unity 8 team to fix the test14:21
seb128Saviq, ^14:21
LaneyI said last time I did it that I wasn't going to do it again14:21
TrevinhoLaney: I've been told they've been fixed in some silo for long time... but14:21
TrevinhoLaney: the thing is that is blocking unity7 too.. :-(14:21
LaneyIt needs to be a priority14:21
Trevinhowhich... blocks other works..14:22
LaneyTrevinho: Sorry that you have to feel the pain, but it's better in the long run14:22
Trevinhoso you want us to annoy u8 people?14:22
seb128the issue is that it put the annoyance on the wrong people14:22
TrevinhoLaney: I mean, I agree... but it's just we're affected by something which they aren't...14:22
seb128u8 team doesn't care about u7 being blocked14:22
LaneyThey do now14:22
Trevinhothat's thet thing.. how seb128 said.14:22
seb128how do they do?14:23
Laneygo direct the pressure at them instead of the release team14:23
Laneythen they will care14:23
seb128I pinged Saviq yesterday14:23
Saviqyay, /me getting bashed14:23
Trevinhonot that I couldn't try to fix them too, but maybe it would take more time14:23
Laneyit's always easier to disable, skip or ignore tests14:23
Laneybut it's not often the right thing to do14:23
seb128in an ideal world we sure would fix every issue14:23
Saviqguys, if it was *easy*, we'd have fixed them long ago, but most of those failures only happen, intermittently, on britney, not even in our CI14:24
Saviqany case, OK, I will put more pressure on getting those to be more stable14:24
seb128Saviq, thanks14:25
tedgWe've also see tests that only fail intermittently on britney and no where else. It seems that environment is different somehow. Causing people to disable autopkgtests :-/14:26
LaneyTrevinho: You should do what you said yesterday and split the dependency14:26
seb128Trevinho, meanwhile what work does it block?14:26
LaneyI'll retry the tests meanwhile, maybe they work this time14:26
seb128Laney, that's cheating as much as skipping the test :p14:26
seb128you are virtual skipping the test by another mean14:26
LaneySort of14:27
Laneyif they go green you know they aren't totally broken14:27
seb128I meant the package split14:27
seb128not the retry14:27
seb128that just let unity7 in an remove the insensitive to fix unity814:28
Laneythe point of testing unity8 when unity7 gets uploaded is that there's a relationship there14:28
Laneya unity 7 upload could break unity 814:28
Laneybut if you remove the relationship then that can't happen14:28
seb128right, though in the current case it's not the unity7 schemas breaking the test14:28
LaneyI know!14:29
seb128your point was that not skipping is putting incensitive to fix unity814:29
tedgseb128: Is it possible to get someone from desktop/foundations to look into britney's test environment. I know it's a bit of a science experiment, but it seems like the reliability could be improved.14:29
seb128but splitting is removing that14:29
seb128anyway just pointing it out14:29
seb128the separate schemas thing is still good imho14:29
LaneyIt'll remove it from unity 714:29
Laneybut other projects will still have it14:29
seb128which is not much different from forcing the current unity7 upload in14:29
LaneyIt's not an argument which says that random packages should block on random other ones14:30
LaneyJust to spread the pain around14:30
LaneyIt's not pain for pain's sake14:30
seb128well I think we each understand each others position14:31
seb128so no point arguing here14:31
seb128Trevinho, why is the migration blocking more work?14:31
seb128you could force merge the silo and do another landing in proposed no?14:31
tedgseb128: I am trying to rebuild the systemd unit silo, which has Unity in it.14:32
Trevinhoseb128: ah, if I can force-merge the silo is fine... it was more blocking the SRU maybe14:33
seb128tedg, I doubt you are going to get anyone working on infra before ff, especially with pitti on holidays14:33
seb128Trevinho, I told you yesterday that SRU team doesn't care about migration14:33
seb128having it in yakkety-proposed is good enough14:33
seb128the rule is about making sure things land14:33
seb128once they are in proposed they are in the pipe14:33
seb128there is no way they are not going on14:34
Sweet5harkhmmm, /me went from "it doesnt work and I dont know why" to "it works and I dont know why" #notsureifimprovement14:34
seb128(well except if we delete the proposed version, but we usually don't)14:34
tedgseb128: Yeah, I'm more interested in getting it on the TODO list long term. Not the first time it has been an issue.14:34
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, i remember that... It was just that pitti asked why the fixes weren't released in yakekty yet... So...14:34
seb128tedg, yeah, maybe talk to Steve...14:34
tedgseb128: K, will do.14:34
Saviqjust for you guys, Albert just found out why at least one of our tests was flaky https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/161016514:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1610165 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "qmltestrunner::DashContent::test_mainNavigation() does not always pass" [Undecided,New]14:34
seb128Trevinho, I don't think he said that for things that were in yakkety-proposed but not migrated14:34
seb128Saviq, thanks!14:35
jbichaSweet5hark: as long as it keeps working, I don't see a problem there :)14:35
Trevinhoseb128: ok, I can ping sru team again14:35
seb128Sweet5hark, working is always an improvement ;-)14:35
Saviqseb128, that said, for a long time now our autopkgtests in yakkety because of migration issues and that they are built with proposed but tested without it14:37
Trevinhoseb128: as for finalizing the silo, I'm getting error 401... Unauthorized14:37
Trevinhoseb128: should i ask trainguards?14:38
Saviqlooking at http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/unity8/yakkety/amd64/ we've had a ~good track record before 07.21 or so14:38
seb128Trevinho, yes please14:39
LaneyI feel bad now14:40
LaneyMaybe a force-skiptest for unity7 wouldn't be so bad14:40
Sweet5harksooo, how does gtk handle precedence if a style context has multiple classes added?14:41
seb128Laney, don't, you have a defendable position and you said previous time you wouldn't skip it again so fair enough14:41
LaneySweet5hark: Add a provider with a higher priority if you want it to win14:42
seb128Laney, I don't think it's blocking the world, like if it had been blocking the gtk update to land I would have argued more in favor of unblocking14:42
Laneyseb128: You made me doubt myself!14:42
seb128sorry man!14:42
LaneyI did skip loads of stuff for the qt migration14:42
Sweet5harkLaney: whats a provider and what is it doing in my gtk?14:42
Laneykubuntu tests are a whole new world14:42
seb128I can image14:42
seb128that one is almost impossible to get in14:43
seb128and that's without being strict14:43
seb128it would have been impossible by sticking to the "no workaround/exception"14:43
LaneySweet5hark: It's a way of giving style information to a context14:43
Laneyfor example there are CSS style providers14:44
Laneywhich you can create in code14:44
Laneyspeaking of qt14:45
* Laney goes to look at ffmpeg again14:45
Sweet5harkLaney: well, I just wanted to give the toolbar context in libreoffice another class, so that I can override the theming for libreoffice to be a bit different than for others. So I found the place where the context sets the "primary-toolbar" and "toolbar" classes to the context, and wanted to add a "libreoffice-toolbar" and I wonder if order matters in this.14:47
LaneySweet5hark: Oh right, I should think that the priority only matters if you have conflicting selectors and rules within them14:48
LaneyYou should be able to just add the class14:49
Saviqseb128, Trevinho, Laney, ok so the plot thickens - I assume what you're fighting is http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#unity? in that case it won't pass, courtesy of gcc6 I believe - we need a newer unity8 to be tested there (it's trying to test one from almost a month ago)14:50
Saviqwe've fixed the build issue (yes, I know, we shouldn't be building anything in autopkgtests, we're getting there)14:52
LaneyI'm working on the migration :-/14:52
Saviqbut it never got into release pocket, so britney's trying to test the old one14:52
Saviqyeah that will improve things for sure14:52
Saviqnothing flaky (that we can see) or broken there then14:53
Sweet5harkLaney: right. so I now have a context that has "primary-toolbar" as class (so that other themes work as expected) and added a "libreoffice-toolbar" class so I can fix it for Ambience. Now I wonder how I write a selector that triggers on the "libreoffice-toolbar" class in Ambience and how to make sure it takes precedence over any selector on the generic "primary-toolbar" class in ambience ...14:54
Sweet5harkand so far I havent figured that out yet ...14:55
LaneySweet5hark: Make your rule more specific (such as .primary-toolbar.libreoffice-toolbar), then it will be used15:03
LaneyBut the other one will match too - that's how CSS works - so you need to set any properties you care about in the more specific one15:04
Sweet5harkLaney: so how does that work for e.g. when one sets "background-image:something;" and the other one sets "background-image:none;"? is something "more specific" than "none"?15:05
Laney"To determine the effective style for a widget, all the matching rule sets are merged. As in CSS, rules apply by specificity, so the rules whose selectors more closely match a node will take precedence over the others."15:06
* Sweet5hark suspects he sees heisenbehavior here, and the changes in theming he sees are results of the RNG doing a different throw, not because of code changes15:13
SaviqLaney, seb128, can you guys ACK https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/fix-1607240/+merge/301605 please? thanks15:38
GunnarHjseb128: Objection re bug #1607937! There is an upload proposal in a PPA.15:52
ubot5bug 1607937 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu Xenial) "font viewer starred from dash: Unknown option --gapplication-service" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160793715:52
seb128GunnarHj, the bug could be a bit more explicit about that, also I doubt we want a 3.16->3.20 update as a SRU15:53
GunnarHjseb128: Sorry if it was 'hidden' in the middle of the description. As regards 3.16 -> 3.20, I argued for it. Few and small changes.15:54
GunnarHjseb128: With that said, I can try to use a patch instead, if you prefer that.15:55
seb128GunnarHj, the changelog is misleading in this case, the update has new features (support for TTC fonts)15:56
seb128e.g Support TTC fonts15:56
seb128so you at least need a bug with a testcase for that changeset if you want to do the update15:56
seb128otherwise I would suggest just backportinghttps://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-font-viewer/commit/?id=acf919c43cf0e7700aaf05931f424843ce4b29dd15:57
GunnarHjseb128: Then I'll backport that commit. Getting back on the topic.15:57
seb128GunnarHj, thanks15:59
GunnarHjseb128: Np. Your response was a calculated risk. ;)16:00
jbichaGunnarHj: it's not impossible to argue that that update is bug fixes but it takes more work to be able to persuade the sru team16:05
seb128well the bug being fixes is fine16:06
seb128it's just that the upload has more changes16:06
seb128so those should be documented/explained why they are useful and how to test them16:06
GunnarHjjbicha, seb128: Let's focus on the main issue. Patch coming soon.16:08
jbichaGunnarHj: yeah, that's a lot less time and effort :)16:08
seb128k, time for sport and dinner16:29
seb128have a nice evening desktopers16:29
seb128see you tomorrow16:29
Laneybye seb128!16:30
willcookecya seb12816:31
* Trevinho finally killed a tiger mosquito and it's probably the best way to close the day too16:34
Trevinhogoing for a run... have a nice evening folks.16:35
GunnarHjjbicha: Wrote a patch and confirmed that it fixes the issue.17:07
jbichaLaney: gjs autopkgtest apparently works since gjs and gnome-shell 3.20 migrated17:35
bschaeferTrevinho, hey, have you seen the crazyness thats happening with yakkety + U7?19:05
bschaefercompiz is like freaking out (the main UI keeps moving around/flashing?) As if its attempting to move a workspace but doesnt19:05
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_Hols
ochosihm, has anything changed in compiz in 16.10? i just received a bugreport against my theme that it suddenly has square corners instead of rounded ones...20:31

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