[01:10] Back .. not too much the worse for the beating . round 2 for Tuesday, completed . [01:16] :D [01:16] congrats! [01:21] Yeah, uh huh ..pleased got that much more done .. 'til next Tuesday . [01:21] did you catch my success snaps? :) [01:22] yay soldering \o/ [01:23] You betcha ! .. Once you done it a time or 2 .. piece of cake . Huh ? [01:23] absolutely! [01:23] now i'll have to wander the house to find things to fix ;) [01:28] OH Boy .. look at the monster you have created . [01:30] we can rebuild said monster, faster... stronger... better... [01:32] Now .. just get it to serve the tea . [01:33] mmm i should buy milk tomorrow and get back on the tea drinking [01:33] #1 mission! [01:34] See, I am good yet for something ! [01:35] :D [01:35] cutting the grass, too :> [01:37] Oh well ..some may think of cutting grass as good .. It be a chore that has to be done .. else you get frowned upon . [01:37] yep the wrath of mrs.bashing would result! [01:38] i must put my head down for the night, g'night sir \o [01:38] Nighty nite .. === LambdaCo1 is now known as LambdaComplex [06:20] morning all === davidcalle is now known as davidcalle|afk [11:24] hey ducasse \o [11:24] what's new? [12:04] too small for me .. http://www.zdnet.com/article/worlds-largest-ssd-revealed-as-seagate-unveils-60tb-monster/ [12:06] :) [12:06] gm BluesKaj o/ [12:06] Hey all [12:07] hi daftykins [12:07] did you catch my soldering pics? i replaced those blown caps yesterday :D [12:07] hello daftykins BluesKaj [12:08] sir \o [12:09] hi OerHeks [12:09] no daftykins, I didn't see your solder pics [12:09] http://imgur.com/a/halRm \o/ [12:12] if you soldered all those pins , very impressive :-) [12:13] hehe nah just the single capacitor in the closest corner to begin with [12:14] then the 3 pairs of legs together in the center [12:14] i see , looks good [12:14] thanks :> [12:14] and it didn't release the magic smoke on powering up! [12:17] I haven't soldered much the last few yrs, just some loudspeaker connections and xover networks [12:18] ooh [12:22] i wish i could have made them look as good as the originals XD i figure that's machine done though? [12:22] for the mass production on a motherboard [13:23] hey pauljw_vm [13:23] mornin' BluesKaj :) [13:23] Hi everyone [13:24] hi sir \o [13:24] o/ [14:18] afternoon everyone [14:18] hey sir \o how goes the explodey phone? :) [14:18] (back in a few, quick post office trip) [14:18] hey daftykins :D [14:18] ok :) [14:26] hi EriC^^ [18:27] hi pauljw_vm [18:27] :) [18:27] :) [18:28] how's everything? phone hanging in there? [18:28] it's good [18:28] :D [18:28] i bought another phone [18:28] samsung j1 ace [18:28] ah, good deal [18:28] $100 [18:29] :) [18:29] :) [18:30] blech non-playing clients, what a pain [18:30] *paying [18:30] wow what a bad typo [18:49] I paid only 100bucks CDN for an alcatel mini ...mainly use it as a phone, altho I have used it on the internet a few times thru wifi.. data usage is turned off, only for emergencies which I dont think will be necessary very often [18:50] pay as you go [22:36] great, LO snap 64 bit, http://www.libreoffice.org/download/snap/ [22:41] Some testing efforts to get libreoffice off the ground : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2327088&page=2 . [22:46] nice post, thanks! [22:48] Snaps, the wave of the future .. but do I want to learn it now ? Now that is the question . [22:53] mmm tough one [22:57] I got on my learning plate - systemd - that will be more than enough to digest . [22:58] mmm that's on mine too [23:02] Fortunately ... we have a few years to digest systemd . I am in no big hurry . [23:04] i had to restart a service the other day so did a quick google cheat :> [23:04] i was running the old commands but nothing was reported, so i couldn't tell what was happening [23:17] Yeah. going to have our trials determining the interfacing . systemd/upstart/ what in the world is the kernel doing now ! [23:40] :D