[07:38] xnox, hello [07:38] xnox, today I encountered this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/1583741 [07:38] Launchpad bug 1471927 in launchpadlib "duplicate for #1583741 AccessToken.from_string() crashes on python3" [Undecided,New] [07:39] xnox, bjf told me that you have a fix for that, and maybe it's not released yet [07:57] true. [07:57] i should fix that [08:52] xnox, thanks === davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 [16:23] <`ph8> Hi all [16:24] <`ph8> I've found a fix for a problem i'm having on Xenial, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89055 [16:24] Freedesktop bug 89055 in DRM/Intel "[SKL APL] WARN_ON(!wm_changed) hit in the WM code with multiple pipes enabled" [Major,Closed: fixed] [16:24] <`ph8> It says it'll be "available upstream in Kernel 4.8" [16:24] <`ph8> can anyone tell me how to get Kernel 4.8 on Xenial? Is it possible? [18:25] `ph8, you can get the v4.8-rc1 kernel from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc1/ [18:25] `ph8, that kernel is only suggested for testing. Can you also open a launchpad bug, so we can get the patch sru'd into Ubuntu? [19:14] there is no single patch [19:15] for skl watermarks [19:15] it's a huge mess === davmor2 is now known as davmor2_Hols [19:15] and still not actually fixed upstream [19:15] 4.8 might get it right in the end [19:40] Hi all, sorry to be a pain but i was here earlier asking about Kernel 4.8 and how to get it on Xenial, then my internet connection completely lost it and i never saw whether anyone responded [19:40] did anyone answer? [19:44] ph8, you can get the v4.8-rc1 kernel from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.8-rc1/ [19:44] ph8, that kernel is only suggested for testing. Can you also open a launchpad bug, so we can get the patch sru'd into Ubuntu? [19:45] that sounds like fun [19:45] what's an SRU? A backport type thing? [19:46] ph8, basically. It's a stable release update. [19:46] ph8 If you are not familiar with how to open a bug, the following wiki page should help: [19:46] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [19:47] i think i'm going to find it's mentioned in many other bugs [19:47] just doing some cross referencing [19:47] this seems to describe it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1553503 [19:47] Launchpad bug 1553503 in linux (Ubuntu) "multi monitors - black flashes or black screen when the mouse cursor leaves a monitor" [High,Triaged] [19:48] ph8, Thanks possible. You can add comments to those bugs and mention that you are affected as well. [19:48] ph8, if you comment on an existing bug, you can add the tag 'kernel-da-key' to ensure I see it for the backporting. [19:49] ph8, An easier way a bug can be opened verses reading that whole wiki is by running the following from a terminal: [19:49] ubuntu-bug linux [19:53] nice one jsalisbury, i added the tag to this bug and commented to show it affects me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1553503 [19:53] Launchpad bug 1553503 in linux (Ubuntu) "multi monitors - black flashes or black screen when the mouse cursor leaves a monitor" [High,Triaged] [19:53] thanks! [19:53] ph8, great, I'll review that bug and comment as well. [19:53] thanks, i mean this isn't exactly my problem [19:53] but that bug is a bug that i think affects me [19:54] My second screen just doesn't come on and i get a stack trace that matches the freedesktop bug report [19:54] (well, it flickers, crashes X etc) [19:55] ph8, ack. I'm going to ask for some testing in the bug you mention to narrow things down. [19:55] Amazing, thanks! [19:56] do you think me trying 4.8 in the meantime is a terrible idea? [19:56] It's a laptop i work on every day ;-) [19:58] ph8, It's worth a test. You can always uninstall it and boot back into the supported kernel. There is some documentation on that here: [19:58] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds [19:58] Thanks again! [20:04] np [20:45] jsalisbury: did you see my comments? :) [20:49] jsalisbury, ph8: upstream is still working on that, 4.8-rc1 isn't fresh enough [21:16] tjaalton, thanks for the update. Your comment was scrolled off. [21:42] jsalisbury: ok, added a short comment that it's still being worked on upstream