
ali1234there's a generated wrapper in the mix too00:01
ali1234my command line in the snapcraft is : desktop-launch infodump --platform eglfs00:01
ali1234okay infodump is completely absent from the snap... wat00:06
ali1234oh wait, no it isn't00:06
ali1234it is at /snap/infodump/x1/home/ubuntu/snaps/infodump-test/parts/infodump00:06
ali1234/home/ubuntu/snaps/infodump-test is of course the directory with the snapcraft.yaml00:07
ali1234command-infodump.wrapper has: exec "desktop-launch" infodump -platform eglfs "$@"00:11
ali1234so of course infodump is not on the part00:11
ali1234hmm i see a snapcraft upgrade on desktop00:20
ali1234maybe i can't reproduce it because it is a regression00:20
stokachuwhats your snapcraft.yaml look like ali123400:37
stokachuali1234: i think the infodump under parts: is what is confusing snappy00:38
stokachucall it like infodump-copy00:38
stokachuali1234: https://github.com/conjure-up/conjure-up/blob/master/snapcraft/snapcraft.yaml thats mine00:38
stokachui had the same problem with my binary 'conjure-up'00:39
ali1234i have another one00:39
stokachuhad to make sure the keys didn't overlap00:39
ali1234this one works fine00:39
stokachuah ok00:39
stokachumay not be the same problem i had then00:39
ali1234found the problem :/00:41
ali1234target.path = build in the stupid qmake file00:41
ali1234i thought i fixed that00:41
stokachuwell at least you know the issue now :)00:42
ali1234yeah. i wonder why it reverted00:42
ali1234probably forgot to commit the change on git00:42
stokachuive spent several days trying ot get my stuff packaged00:43
stokachui feel your pain00:43
ali1234i keep running into walls tbh00:43
ali1234missing interfaces mainly00:43
stokachuyea same here00:43
stokachuim just pulling everything i need into a single snap00:43
stokachumakes it bloated but works00:43
ali1234i'm making something for embedded use... at the moment i need: sysfs gpio, i2c-dev, sysfs backlight, uinput, videocore... and a patched Qt00:45
ali1234oh and pulseaudio in the all-snap00:45
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pbekFor some reason I get a "Issue detected while analyzing snapcraft.yaml: Cannot find definition for part 'desktop/qt5'. It may be a remote part, run `snapcraft update` to refresh the remote parts cache" again when building a snap with Launchpad or locally with snapcraft. It worked 12h ago.06:56
pbekI locally have snapcraft 2.14 installed.06:57
didrockspbek: hey, did the issue just happened?06:57
didrocksI wonder if the transition plan from josepht didn't work as expected06:57
pbekyes, just now. worked 12h ago06:57
didrocksok, can you try replacing it with desktop-qt5 and check if it works?06:57
didrocksjosepht: sergiusens: seems like something is wrong on the transition plan for / in parts, see ^06:59
jcjordyn120go join #thelinuxgeekcommunity06:59
pbekdidrocks: I still get "Issue detected while analyzing snapcraft.yaml: Cannot find definition for part 'desktop-qt5'. It may be a remote part, run `snapcraft update` to refresh the remote parts cache"07:00
didrocksdid you run snapcraft update as indicated?07:00
didrocks(I think you did, but just checking ;))07:00
pbekyes, I did07:00
pbek(it's part of my build script) ;)07:01
didrocksI don't remember the API endpoint… is it urgent, like, can this wait for josepht to show up online to debug with him?07:01
didrocksI can give you a quick workaround, but I think you will not be the only one to get this07:01
didrocks(but then, please stay online and revert the workaround to ensure we get to the bottom of this :))07:01
pbekwgrant from the launchpad channel mentioned: https://parts.snapcraft.io/v1/parts.yaml's desktop part looks weird. I wonder if something's changed around subparts.07:02
didrocksyeah, subparts changed07:02
didrockssee the ML and my concerns about it :)07:02
didrocksyeah, no dekstop/* or desktop-* entry here07:02
didrocksthat's why it's failing07:03
pbekIt's not urgent, I there are not many snap users yet...07:03
didrockspbek: I think they will be up in ~5-6h, mind pinging them then?07:03
pbekdidrocks: I think I'll be gone by then...07:04
pbekthis is the repository I use: https://git.launchpad.net/~pbek/qownnotes-snap/tree/07:05
didrockspbek: perfect, I was going to ask you for the repo :) I'll ensure we have a look at it so that we can fix this. Sorry for the trouble07:05
pbeksnapcraft is software... always evolving :)07:06
didrockspbek: heh, I have a tab opened with your tree as a reminder :)07:07
didrockspbek: btw, I think source-type isn't necessary in your snapcraft.yaml. Autodetection from extension should work07:08
didrocks(if not, we can fix it)07:08
pbekI will remove it in the next release, thank you07:09
pbekI love snaps, I hope my last issues I have with the QOwnNotes snap will be gone some day (or I find a workaround).07:13
pbekissues: https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/issues/145 (on the bottom)07:14
didrockspbek: the home issue changing is more a feature than an issue, what's the pb with it?07:14
didrocksQt theme -> we have a plan with platform/runtime snaps for this :)07:15
pbekQOwnNotes did detect the home directory and stored that as setting for the note folder (like  `/home/omega/snap/qownnotes/13`), but after an update the folder wasn't accessible any more because the revision changed ;)07:17
pbekI worked around the problem by cutting out the `/snap/qownnotes/\d+` part07:18
didrocksahhhhhh, you save the folder to not really on env variable afterward, interesting07:20
didrocksyou could as well replace this version number with current/07:20
didrocksscratch that, doesn't work for SNAP_USER_DATA07:21
pbekI got that directory from QDir::homePath() ;) but in the case of QOwnNotes I wanted the real home directory of the user because ownCloud will be syncing with that anyway, so my workaround is ok07:23
pbekthe character set problems and the languages are more bothering...07:23
didrocksyeah, there has been discussions on the ML. There are some ideas to explore to fix those07:24
pbek+1 :)07:27
mupPR snapd#1668 opened: tests: prevent restore error on test failure <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1668>07:58
liuxgwhen I try to remove a snap from the system, it complains "error: cannot remove "tomcat-webapp-demo": snap "tomcat-webapp-demo" has changes in progress". is there any way to force to remove it from my system? thanks08:17
ogra_sergiusens, kyrofa, josepht, bah, the final version of the "type: os" fix doesnt work, something you changed since the initial commit seems to have broken it ... (the snapcraft i used in the PPA had the initial patch only)08:21
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls -lh /home/08:21
ogra_total 4.0K08:21
ogra_drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 11 08:17 ubuntu08:21
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zygaogra_: http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/08/11/u-boot-now-supports-uefi-on-32-bit-and-64-bit-arm-platforms/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=google_plus&utm_source=socialnetwork10:16
ogra_zyga, yeah, awful10:17
ogra_zyga, oh, idmap ! thats indeed a good idea10:23
* ogra_ just read the bug 10:23
ogra_though that operates on a filesystem level10:24
ogra_so you would have to hook iinto squashfs10:25
zygaogra_: you can either idmap all the snaps so that they look consistent or idmap the hostfs so that it looks consistent for running snap apps10:32
ogra_well, doesnt that need support on the FS side ?10:33
zygaogra_: but yeah, I just don't know if idmap is available outside of nfs10:33
ogra_(does it work with other filesystems than NFS)10:33
zygawell, just a kernel patch (rolls eyes)10:33
ogra_but see my bug comment, seems squashfs actually creates a caching table for the uids10:34
* mwhudson reads macaroon code, feels his brain dribble out of his ears10:34
ogra_so if something like idmap could hook in there and simply cheat them to the correct value, that could work10:34
zygaogra_: as for uefi on uboot, I think that's pretty useful :)10:35
* ogra_ hands mwhudson two cups for his ears10:35
ogra_zyga, i dont ... but yeah, some cloud people might like it10:35
* ogra_ finds it as useful as chainloading grub from uboot ... :P10:35
ogra_(just added useless complexity)10:35
ogra_(since you need to hand the dtbs from one bootloader implementation to the next on the boards we use)10:36
mwhudsonogra_: would you like some acpi too?10:37
* mwhudson gets LEG flashbacks10:37
ogra_heh, yeah, though didnt acpi for arm64 server boards actually happen in the end ?10:38
mwhudsondefine 'happen'10:38
ogra_well, being implemented ...10:38
mwhudsoni think there is support in the kernel at last, not sure about shipping hw actually using it...10:38
ogra_i think there are some server boards10:38
ogra_doing uefi and acpi ... so you dont need to adjust the cloud SW that runs on top10:39
mwhudsoni don't think ubuntu is supported on any of them using acpi though10:39
mwhudson(might be wrong, i sort of agressively stopped paying attention a while ago)10:39
ogra_yeah, that was a jonmasters thing ... i guess fedora supports it10:40
zygaogra_: if you think of it ubuntu-core is just like that cloud software, whatever you or I think about acpi or uefi, consistency is useful10:46
zygamwhudson, jdstrand, mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/98/files10:46
mupPR snap-confine#98: Move apparmor profile for snap-confine to src/ <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/98>10:46
zygathis is a simple but tricky change, I just want to ensure that all the packaging gets it right downstream10:46
mwhudsonzyga: i certainly support the intent10:47
ogra_hmpf ... linux-meta in proposed is out of sync ... that nicely made tonights ubuntu-core amd64 builds explode10:49
ogra_mwhudson, seems you havhe e to wait a day longer for the netplan fix :(10:50
mwhudsonogra_: it's ok, we're making our own snaps anyway still10:51
ogra_err, so i can revert the writable dir ?10:51
mwhudsonwell no, we'll need it sooner or later10:53
mwhudsonjust the failure of builds today is not a problem10:53
ogra_i hope i have the separate kernel snap builds done today ...  then i can rip out all the breaking code from the ubuntu-core builds10:54
ogra_oh, bah ... dear LP ... dont show me timeouts on the request-builds page and still run the builds ... grrr ... now i have two builds going in a row10:55
zygamvo, mwhudson: where do we keep snap-confine packaging for xenial and yakkety? I'm looking for something like a git repo that can be maintained and that is used the next time an upstream release has to be packaged10:56
zygaI asking because I'm working on removal of stale debian/ from snap-confine source tree so that spread tests are ran against the source tree and current state of downstream packaging10:57
mwhudsonzyga: i haven't done any ubuntu specific stuff for snap-confine10:57
zygaso that eventually we know if we can release now and if it really works as intended10:57
mwhudsonzyga: but, take the branch on alioth, push it to github or launchpad or something?10:57
zygadebian is in the same boat but I want to start with ubuntu because all the tests are passing there10:58
zygamwhudson: yeah, that makes sense, I'm just asking if there's a branch like that already, I'll wait for mvo to reply10:58
mvozyga: I just use the packaging from the archive and apply the individual fixes for now10:59
* mwhudson zzz11:00
zygamvo: ok, would you oopse if I take the packaging form the archive and upload it to launchpad/github11:01
zygamvo: and so that the next time we do a release that packaging is combined with the upstream tarball to form a release11:01
zygamvo: my intent is to ensure that *tested* (during usual spread CI) code is released and packaged *as tested*11:01
mvozyga: sure, thats fine11:03
zygamvo: great, thanks!11:03
zygamvo: I will document everything in the upstream tree11:04
mvozyga: new snap-confine is uploaded to xenail-proposed, thanks for the fix. I also uploaded it to the ppa so I can test it with spread11:11
jdstrandzyga: probably the easiest thing to do there would be a make install to /usr and then diff the resulting profile with what we had before. do the same to /usr/local and see it the correct parts change11:11
ogra_mvo, so where do we stand with the kernel sideloading fix ? (i got new kernel snaps but yesterday the pi2-kernel was still not sideloadable)11:13
mvoogra_: do you have r4 for ubuntu-device-flash?11:13
mvoogra_: sudo snap refresh --devmode ubuntu-device-flash11:14
ogra_yes, that was the one i had upgrade issues with ... i remved/reinstalled it yesterday to make it work again11:14
mvoogra_: ok, you got a zimage failure, iirc, could you please run "file" on the kernel.img and initrd.img11:15
mvoogra_: I wonder if something got corrupted11:15
ogra_let me try a fresh build ...11:16
mvoogra_: it might be some corruption issue11:19
zygamvo: thank you11:20
zygajdstrand: good idea, I will do that in a second, just writing some documentation11:21
ogra_ok, fresh build ...11:29
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ ls /media/ogra/writable/system-data/snap/pi2-kernel/11:29
pbekdidrocks: 'desktop/qt5' reminder ;)11:30
ogra_mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23014754/ seems to be all fine11:31
zygajdstrand: I just checked, the profiles are identical except for the new features that were added (nothing is broken by the branch I linked to)11:38
zygajdstrand: if you can comment on https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/98 that would give me more confidence in merging this11:38
mupPR snap-confine#98: Move apparmor profile for snap-confine to src/ <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/98>11:38
ogra_mvo, and along with the above paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/23015149/ thats the snap.yaml that snapcraft created for it11:38
mvoogra_: and if you boot that?11:39
ogra_well, see the "unset" in the first paste ... the snap doesnt even end up on the image ... so i'm pretty sure it cant boot ... but let my try anyway11:40
ogra_reading pi2-kernel_x1.snap/kernel.img11:40
ogra_** Unable to read file pi2-kernel_x1.snap/kernel.img **11:40
ogra_reading pi2-kernel_x1.snap/initrd.img11:40
ogra_** Unable to read file pi2-kernel_x1.snap/initrd.img **11:40
ogra_Bad Linux ARM zImage magic!11:40
ogra_Scanning mmc 0:1...11:40
ogra_there you go11:40
zygamvo: how can I apt-get source from the proposed pocket?11:40
ogra_zyga, by adding a deb-src line to your sources.list for it11:41
ogra_(and update ...)11:41
mvoogra_: uh, its not on the image - hm, what commandline did you use?11:41
mvoogra_: I will try to reproduce11:41
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ sudo /snap/bin/ubuntu-device-flash core 16 --channel edge --gadget pi3 --kernel pi2-kernel_4.4.0-1019_armhf.snap --os ubuntu-core -o test-pi3.img11:41
zygaoh, nice, Ican use deb-src without deb, thanks11:41
ogra_mvo, the snap i use is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+snap/kernel-test-snap/+build/267011:42
zygawill any apt-pinning get in the way?11:42
ogra_mvo, this is the equivalent amd64 snap from the same build (with adjusted name/version in snapcraft.yaml) https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/+snap/kernel-test-snap/+build/2681 which works fine in kvm11:43
ogra_it is definitely uboot related11:43
ogra_(or non-amd64 related ... however you want to put it)11:43
mvoogra_: hm, must be something subtle, I got a booting pi2 yesterday, lets see11:44
ogra_mvo, from a local kernel snap ?11:44
mvoogra_: so I assume your system-boot does not have unpacked kernel subdir?11:44
mvoogra_: yes, local sideloaded kernel11:44
ogra_let me try with a kernel from the store again .... but i tried that yesterday with the same result ...11:45
ogra_... just to be sure11:45
zygatimothy: did you get your spread key?11:45
mvoogra_: no need to try, I strongly suspect a bug somewhere in u-d-f11:45
* ogra_ tries to find some lünch12:07
jdstrandzyga: I plan to12:10
mvozyga: hm, looks like with snap-confine with the mkdir change the "failed to create user data directory. errmsg: Permission denied" is back on ecryptfs systems :(12:15
zygamvo: oh, drat12:26
zygamvo: we don't test that in spread :-(12:26
zygamvo: encryptfs is the thing where the home directory is encrypted12:27
zygamvo: or when the whole / is encrypted?12:27
zygajdstrand: ^^ can you please help us out?12:27
mvozyga: just home12:27
zygamvo: I don't have any test environment for that, I can try to install ubuntu in a VM with encrypted home but this will take me a while12:27
zygamvo: I assumed that during the sprint in leiden, when some people encountered this, the proposed version of snap-confine already fixed this12:28
zygamvo: do you have the apparmor denial?12:28
zygawho might know about ecryptfs and how to set that up for a single test user?12:30
mvozyga: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23018211/12:30
mvozyga: tyhicks or jdstrand know about ecryptfs, afaik its possible to create it for a new user just for testing12:31
zygamvo: I want to have a spread test that has this, otherwise it will just break again :/12:32
mvoogra_: fwiw, I got the same error 10 today on my system when upgrading from r4 to r5 of u-d-f12:42
josephtogra_: hrm, I'll take a look12:42
ogra_mvo, seems to only happen for the --edge --devmode combo though12:43
ogra_(or --beta --devmode)12:43
didrocksjosepht: hey, did you see the discussion we had with pbek earlier?12:46
didrocksjosepht: seems the transition doesn't work as expected (please scrollback)12:47
josephtdidrocks: looking12:47
mvoogra_: ha! I have a kernel OOPS12:47
ogra_aha !12:47
ogra_apparmor ?12:47
ogra_or squashfs ?12:47
mvojdstrand: I got an apparmor oops :/12:47
mvoogra_: apparmor12:47
josephtdidrocks: I just replied to my PR, we need the plain version of the desktop sub-parts in the snapcraft-desktop-helpers repo.  Want me to file another PR?12:48
didrocksjosepht: sure, please do!12:49
didrocksjosepht: I don't know about the plain version as "gtk2", those never existed12:49
didrockspeople are using either desktop/gtk2 or desktop-gtk2, right?12:49
didrocksnow, if we look at the API, there is only "desktop" and that's it12:49
josephtdidrocks: right, but in the snapcraft.yaml for the origin they are just 'gtk2', etc12:49
didrocksoki, trusting that would work :)12:50
mvoogra_: can you please try r5 of u-d-f from the store? I suspect it was snapcraft playing tricks with me12:51
mvoogra_: I will test in a sec too, but the oops killed my machine12:51
ogra_i know what you mean :)12:51
* ogra_ snap removes and snap installs instead12:51
ogra_WOAH !12:52
jdstrandmvo: that's no good. can you file a bug with a reproducer? jj is off today, but he can perhaps look at it tomorrow (or perhaps tyhicks sooner)12:52
ogra_mvo, jdstrand http://paste.ubuntu.com/23019578/12:53
josephtdidrocks: https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/612:53
mupPR ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers#6: Add back the original parts as well so older versions of snapcraft-parser works <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/pull/6>12:53
ogra_thins time even after a remove/install run12:53
ogra_(i got a kernel updated today and havent rebooted yet though)12:53
ogra_and also a kernel oops12:55
jdstrandmvo: (cc tyhicks) that seems to be the same trace as bug #157913512:55
mupBug #1579135: kernel BUG on snap disconnect from within a snap <apparmor (Ubuntu):Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579135>12:55
josephtdidrocks: I just re-ran the parser and the desktop/xxx parts are back12:56
jdstrandmvo (cc tyhicks): jj (and to some extent I) tried to get a reliable reproducer for that but were unable to12:56
josephtpbek: can you try again after doing another 'snapcraft update' please?12:56
mvojdstrand: I commted with how it happend to me, I can try to reproduce but will need to reboot first, looks like apparmor_parser is hanging12:57
tealeghmmm... the desktop remote part seems to have been corrupted somehow12:58
ogra_mvo, same here ... i tried to install it again but it doesnt move anymore12:59
josephttealeg: can you try 'snapcraft update' and see if they are fixed now?12:59
tealegjosepht: yes!12:59
tealegjosepht: ha.. I've been fiddling for 20 minutes, and the moment I come here it's fixed ;-)12:59
tealegjosepht: cheers!13:00
josephttealeg: just good timing, I made a mistake in a PR to get ready for the removal of namespacing13:00
ogra_hmpf ... and it seems the hanging apparmor_parser made my shutdown go stuck13:03
ogra_see above13:05
ogra_kernel oops on snap refresh .. after that the parser hangs13:06
didrocksjosepht: nice! :)13:07
josephtogra_: which livecd-rootfs package?13:07
morphismvo: I still have problems with the latest u-d-f: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23020975/13:12
ogra_josepht, ?13:12
liuxgkyrofa, ping13:12
ogra_josepht, what do you mean13:12
kyrofaliuxg, pong13:13
josephtogra_: to test the os snap ownership issue; there are three versions of livecd-rootfs.  I assume the latest?13:13
ogra_josepht, ah, it is the one in the snappy image PPA13:13
liuxgkyrofa, in China, a customer is trying to package mysql, tomcat into a snap. I refer to your owncloud example for the mysql part. it is a great example. I want to understand whether your mysql listens to port 3306 or just a socket?13:14
josephtogra_: here right? https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image13:14
ogra_josepht, you can do a local build using lp:ubuntu-core-snap (needs sudo for the snapcraft call since it creates a bunch stacked of chroots)13:14
ogra_and yes, then locally install that livecd-rootfs package first13:14
ogra_(just wget and dpkg -i the deb)13:15
kyrofaliuxg, just a socket, certainly13:15
jdstrandogra_: istr you saying you had an sshfs snap. would you mind sharing it with me?13:15
kyrofaliuxg, but it requires the use of the my.cnf shipped in the snap, too13:15
kyrofaliuxg, skip-networking, specifically13:15
ogra_jdstrand, sadly i only tried to create one ... i didnt finish it13:15
liuxgkyrofa, if I want to change it to listen to the, how can I change it? https://github.com/kyrofa/owncloud-snap13:16
jdstrandogra_: would you mind sharing what you have?13:16
ogra_i'll try to find the time before EOW13:16
kyrofaliuxg, are you using that config file?13:16
liuxgkyrofa, the customer is using jsp to develop the webserver.13:16
jdstrandogra_: I'm looking into the fuse interface and wanted to play with different things13:17
liuxgkyrofa, yeah, I am trying to understand your code, or I just stage-package from the standard ubuntu archive?13:17
kyrofaliuxg, you'll run into issues with using the stage-package: https://kyrofa.com/posts/snapping-nextcloud-mysql13:18
kyrofaliuxg, but yeah, try just removing the skip-networking stanza in the config flag13:18
kyrofaconfig file rather13:18
ogra_jdstrand, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23021415/13:18
kyrofaNo coffee yet13:18
ogra_jdstrand, you want to rip out the zenity bits though ... doesnt work13:18
ogra_oh, and i dont have the sshfs bits in there anymore (and have no history)13:19
liuxgkyrofa, thanks for sharing the article. do you have any links on how to configure it?13:19
ogra_essentialyl you want to replace the ssh exec call with an sshfs mount call there13:19
jdstrandogra_: ack, thanks!13:22
liuxgkyrofa, so removing skip-networking is the only place I need to change, do I need to set the IP address and port number there in the my.cnf file. thanks13:22
kyrofaliuxg, try bind-address=
* ogra_ sighs and reboots his PC too ... same apparmor_parser hang and oops 13:23
kyrofaliuxg, I think you can also use port=<whatever>13:24
liuxgkyrofa, thanks. other than this, it should be fine. do I need to change anything there in the mysql.server file?13:25
ogra_and indeed same hard hang on shutdown13:25
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morphisogra_: did the new u-d-f work for you with a local kernel snap?13:26
liuxgkyrofa, I have seen that you are using mysql.sock in the file mysql.server.13:26
ogra_morphis, well, i could have tested it if the snap refresh call had not killed all my machines13:26
morphisogra_: oh, did apparmor crash on the kernel side?13:27
morphisogra_: saw the same here13:28
kyrofaliuxg, yeah I used the mysql.server file to put things in the right place13:32
pbekjosepht: I rebuilt QOwnNotes on https://code.launchpad.net/~pbek/+snap/qownnotes and it worked great! Thanks a lot!13:34
josephtpbek: great! you're welcome13:34
josephtpbek: ... and sorry for the trouble :)13:34
jdstrandmvo, morphis, ogra_: if all of you are seeing the crash, can you give detailed instructions on how you are triggering it in bug #1579135. we weren't able to do it. eg, if using all snaps system include the core, kernel, gadget snaps used to create it (or where to fetch the image), the commands needed to trigger it, etc13:35
mupBug #1579135: kernel BUG on snap disconnect from within a snap <apparmor (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579135>13:35
jdstrandit sounds like all of you have stumbled upon a reliable reproducer13:35
ogra_yeah, i just need to snap remove/install the u-d-f package on my desktop PC to trigger it13:36
liuxgkyrofa, do I need to change it if I use localhost:3306?  I found that you replaced it with your own. I am thinking whether I just use the original one without replacing it. thanks13:36
pbekjosepht: that's the beauty of free open source, problems can be found and fixed fast :)13:36
Ursinhahi all, I created a snap that uses the camera interface but after I install it "snap interfaces" doesn't show ":camera" as being used, like other interfaces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23022501/13:37
Ursinhaam I missing something or this is a bug?13:37
mvoogra_: did you had a chance to test u-d-f r5? if not I will do it now13:37
kyrofaliuxg, you'll need to figure out some way of making mysql use $SNAP and $SNAP_DATA, then13:37
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/images/snappy$ ls -l /media/ogra/system-boot/pi2-kernel_x1.snap/13:37
ogra_insgesamt 946413:37
ogra_drwxr-xr-x 2 ogra ogra     512 Aug 11 11:54 dtbs13:37
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 3029303 Aug 11 11:54 initrd.img13:37
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 6660128 Jul 23 00:35 kernel.img13:37
mvoogra_: oh, that looks promising13:38
ogra_mvo, looks very good, havent tried to boot it yet ... gimme a bit i need to re-setup all my serial terminals again (rebooting sucks !!!)13:38
kyrofaliuxg, you _might_ be able to do that all in the config file. But then I'm not sure why I didn't (this was a while ago, now). Maybe I couldn't get environment variables in there13:38
morphisjdstrand: yeah, mvo already put in what I did too13:38
liuxgkyrofa, yeah, right. I saw that in your code. you did change the directory paths there in the file due to security.13:39
jdstrandok, cool. maybe now that we have something more reliable jj can track down the bug (tyhicks and ratliff, fyi ^)13:39
liuxgkyrofa, do you mean in the my.cnf file? maybe I can have a try. thanks!13:40
kyrofaliuxg, indeed13:40
liuxgkyrofa, it seems that we can do the configuration in the file my.cnf according to the article at http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enable-remote-access-to-mysql-database-server.html13:40
kyrofaliuxg, not security just so much as to make it work in the snap period :)13:41
ogra_[   97.091705] cloud-init[2602]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.7 running 'init-local' at Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:40:53 +0000. Up 93.42 seconds.13:41
ogra_[  OK  ] Started Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking).13:41
ogra_[    **] A start job is running for Run snap...boot setup (1min 21s / no limit)13:41
jdstrandkgunn: couple small things for the mir PR13:41
ogra_mvo, it boots, but i get the above13:41
ogra_(network connected etc)13:41
mvoogra_: aha, interessting13:41
ogra_now it timed out and slowly moves on mounting the snap units13:42
kyrofaliuxg, unfortunately that doesn't help you: https://serverfault.com/questions/476924/environment-varibales-in-mysql-configuration-file13:42
ogra_but each of them seems to take ~30sec13:42
kyrofaliuxg, unless you want to hardcode those paths, which I recommend against13:42
ogra_ubuntu@localhost:~$ snap list13:43
ogra_Name         Version     Rev  Developer  Notes13:43
ogra_pi2-kernel   4.4.0-1019  x1              -13:43
ogra_pi3          16.04-0.1   1    canonical  -13:43
ogra_ubuntu-core  16.04.1     182  canonical  -13:43
ogra_yeah,., looks fine13:43
ogra_that was a pi3 btw :)13:43
liuxgkyrofa, ok. I understand you. the variables cannot be used in the my.cnf file. that is the purpose doing it in your mysql.server file, right?13:44
kyrofaliuxg, indeed13:44
ogra_and i can finally verify my kernels ... and they work13:44
liuxgkyrofa,  do I need to change anything if I do not socket to connect to the database. I have not studied your mysql.server file too much yet.13:45
kyrofaIf you disable the socket then yeah, you'll probably want to remove the --socket param and related code13:46
jdstrandzyga: fyi, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1502 is tagged 'Reviewed' so I think it falls off people's radar, but it has my +1 (see my comment from a moment ago)13:46
mupPR snapd#1502: Add an interface for tpm <Reviewed> <Created by jessesung> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1502>13:46
jdstrandzyga: I might also mention that the team's use of 'Reviewed' is awkward since it then disappears from lists that people look at and people may not see the changes that the requestor makes. perhaps I don't understand the process you guys are using for that13:47
ogra_sergiusens, kyrofa, so when building a snap with "type: kernel" in my snapcraft.yaml, but nmot using the kernel plugin itself, snapcraft populated snap.-yaml with "kernel: vmlinuz" as a default value ... mvo told me yesterday soon only kernel.img will be allowed for that entry, can we make snapcraft default to that (do you need a bug ?)13:48
liuxgkyrofa, thanks. I will have a try.13:48
morphismvo: do you saw my paste from above?13:49
mvoogra_: this entry can go away entirely13:49
morphismvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23020975/ it is13:49
ogra_mvo, does u-d-f/u-image ignore it (i.e. is it harmless) ?13:50
mvoogra_: yes13:50
mvomorphis: hm13:50
ogra_ah, then it is just cosmetics anyway13:50
* ogra_ doesnt care about lipstick :P13:50
mvomorphis: ls -l kernel.img please? maybe a broken symlink?13:50
morphisits a symlink but a valid one13:51
mvoogra_: yeah, it should still not be there13:51
ogra_morphis, are you still using my branch ?13:51
morphisah wait13:51
josephtkyrofa: it seems shutil.copystat doesn't do what I wanted/expected wrt ownership13:51
ogra_i switched the kernel.img stuff yesterday13:51
morphisogra_: yes13:51
ogra_probably re-sync then13:51
ogra_(save your snapcraft.yaml somewhere, i cahnge that one all the time)13:51
kyrofajosepht, ugh, darn. I saw that bug re-opened, wondered about that13:51
ogra_so pi2-kernel and pc-kernel are good to go ... only dragonboard missing now ... then i can drop 200 lines (or so) from livecd-rootfs :D13:52
ogra_lovely day that is :)13:53
mupBug #1612260 opened: My package is published but not showing up in the store <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612260>13:53
jdstrandmvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/1579135/comments/2113:53
mupBug #1579135: kernel BUG on snap disconnect from within a snap <apparmor (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579135>13:53
kyrofajosepht, does it not work at all, or just not the way we expected?13:54
josephtkyrofa: it doesn't preserve owner/group13:55
josephtkyrofa: everything else though13:55
kyrofajosepht, ah, just the mode bits?13:55
kyrofaBasically everything we don't need?13:55
kyrofajosepht, ogra_ that's my mistake, I'm sorry13:55
ogra_no worries13:56
ogra_i just rolled back the PPA snapcraft13:56
josephtkyrofa: nah, I should've caught that13:56
ogra_once the full fix lands i can drop it again13:56
kyrofajosepht, another reason I wish we could figure out a way to have an integration test for this13:56
ogra_luckily thats super easy to do13:56
kyrofajosepht, even when we do it right, we're wrong! :P13:57
mvojdstrand: its not so straightforward it seems, but i try some more13:58
liuxgkyrofa, just confirm one thing, the database "owncloud" user is "root", and it has no password, right? thanks13:58
kyrofaliuxg, I'm afraid it's far more complicated ;) . See https://github.com/kyrofa/nextcloud-snap/blob/master/src/mysql/start_mysql13:59
mvojdstrand: I'm trying it with a different version upgrade now (r3 -> r5) but hit a store issue14:02
liuxgkyrofa, yes, it looks very complicated. it is random. In fact, I use "mysql-client", and I can create tables for owncloud. but it needs to have root proivilege to do it.14:04
mupPR snapd#1668 closed: tests: prevent restore error on test failure <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1668>14:05
kyrofaliuxg, yeah you can do it that way. But yeah, with the way the snap is configured all those files are stored in SNAP_DATA which is only readable by root14:05
kyrofa(with the permissions I set, I mean)14:05
liuxgkyrofa, so, it does not need to have a password in the sense?14:06
kyrofaliuxg, it does actually. That's part of what's generated in start_mysql, and it's saved in a .ini in $SNAP_DATA/mysql14:07
kyrofaliuxg, check out the mysql-client as setup in the snap14:07
kyrofaYou'll see it using that file14:07
liuxgkyrofa, yes, it uses the root.ini file. I got it thanks.14:08
tyhickszyga: did you get an answer about how to set up an encrypted home user?14:29
tyhickszyga: on a classic system, `adduser --encrypt-home <username>` will work14:30
zygatyhicks: nope14:33
zygatyhicks: I popped up a new VM :)14:34
zygatyhicks: thanks, this will be valuable for spread14:34
tyhickszyga: it'll be a bit of a pain because you'll have to do an actual login and provide a password before the encrypted home directory will be mounted14:37
zygatyhicks: that's okay, for now I just want to do a one-off fix14:37
kgunnjdstrand: hey so i do want the mir interface to work for actually 3 configs a kiosk/all-snaps, u8-system/all-snaps & u8-system/classic14:44
kgunnknowing that....what would be the best category in implicit14:45
kgunnother than the name implying it....how do those implicit lists get treated differently by snapd?14:45
kgunnzyga: ^ ?14:46
kgunn@implicitClassic vs just implicit14:46
nothalkgunn: No such command!14:46
zygakgunn: sorry I don't understand what you mean by that14:50
kgunnzyga: so when adding a slot to the system you also add the interface to the list in14:52
kgunnone list is implying Classic in the name14:52
kgunnjust wondering...do those interfaces get treated differently by snapd? or is it just convention that we're keeping seperate lists?14:52
SamYaplesergiusens: ok. just to be clear, the approach i will take regarding refactor of python modules is a _new_ module called python, combine everything in like the qt module did with qt4 and qt5, then change the python2, python3 modules to super the python module for backawards compat15:00
SamYaplethen i guess we deperate python2 and python3? maybe?15:01
SamYaplei guess we dont have to even15:01
zygajdstrand: hey, can you weigh your opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/161229115:02
mupBug #1612291: cannot create $SNAP_USER_DATA when using ecryptfs and sudo <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612291>15:02
zygakgunn: ah, I see, they are treated differently15:03
zygakgunn: based on release.OnClassic one of the lists is not used15:03
zygakgunn: classic being anything but an all-snap image15:03
tyhickszyga: why can't 'owner' be used? are there files being written to those directories that aren't owned by the user?15:06
zygatyhicks: because of sudo, I presume15:06
zygatyhicks: I just tested this15:06
zygatyhicks: the owner check probably checks euid15:07
tyhickszyga: that change allows snaps to read the encrypted files of any user15:07
zygatyhicks: with sudo15:09
zygatyhicks: or with services15:09
zygatyhicks: do you have any other suggestion?15:09
zygatyhicks: currently this is a blocker for SRU according to what mvo said15:09
tyhickszyga: that's the best that can be done in policy15:10
tyhicksjdstrand: have any additional thoughts?15:11
zygamvo: ^^15:11
mvozyga: I wonder if we should bite the bullet and just not do it in snap-confine and land all the other fixes instead to avoid that this is needed15:11
mvozyga: seems its a can of worms :/15:11
liuxgkyrofa, I just tried to remove the option "--socket="$SNAP_DATA/mysql/mysql.sock"" in the mysql.server, and the mysqld failed to get started. I found that "root.ini" file has only one field "password=xxxxxx".  is there any switch to turn off the "socket" besides that option there in the file? thanks15:12
jcastrowhat component do I log a bug against for the store/login/auth piece?15:12
=== matiasb1 is now known as matiasb
zygatyhicks: wait, I disagree, this is just for snap-confine, per-app policy already should allow this to make :home work15:12
zygatyhicks: this is just for snap-confine to setup the data directory, after that we switch the apparmor profile to one that already works OK15:13
tyhicksI missed that this was a change for the snap-confine profile15:13
zygamvo: ^^ maybe not all is lost :)15:13
mvozyga: :)15:13
tyhickszyga, mvo, jdstrand: since this is for snap-confine's profile, I'm fine with the change15:14
morphisogra_: ok, its your script creating incorrect symlinks: kernel.img -> vmlinuz-4.4.0-1019-raspi2-*15:15
mvomorphis: ha! I suspected its a broken symlink :)15:16
* mvo feels smug now15:17
zygatyhicks: thanks, I'll take that as an approval to make the change15:17
tyhicksthat's fine15:18
balloonszyga, remember our bash completion discussion in Leiden? I thought there was a bug report for it, but it seems there isn't. I'd like to file one now, under snapcraft I think, as a request for a bash completion interface. Does that make sense?15:18
zygaballoons: under launchpad.net/snappy plase15:19
balloonszyga, do you think it's something snappy itself has to solve? that too was my initial thought, but then I wondered if framing it as an interace request made more sense15:19
jdstrandzyga, tyhicks: that change is fine for snap-confine imo15:20
zygaballoons: yes15:20
balloonszyga, ack. I'll file requesting support. Thanks!15:20
jdstrandzyga: I noticed that the /usr/src and /var/log changes aren't in xenial-proposed. can the next upload to xenial-proposed include those?15:20
jdstrandzyga: not sure if you saw, I acked the .in PR just now15:21
zygaballoons: I'm not sure, mvo is handling SRU in a custom way to make things effectively land; I'm working on upstream changes and on making testing reliable now15:26
zygaballoons: that change will be in 1.0.40 upstram15:26
zygajdstrand: thanks!15:26
mupBug #1612303 opened: Snaps don't support bash autocompletion <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612303>15:27
balloonszyga, are you saying the autocompletion is coming?15:27
jdstrandballoons (and zyga): that is a dupe of bug #159076715:29
mupBug #1590767: Support snap installed completion scripts <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1590767>15:29
balloonsjdstrand, bah I was looking and looking for the dupe bug. I swore I'd seen it15:29
mupBug #1612303 changed: Snaps don't support bash autocompletion <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612303>15:30
zygaballoons: no :)15:34
zygaballoons: It's probabyl very hard or impossible for untrusted snaps15:34
zygaballoons: and even if the actual runtime may require changes to existing completion support15:34
zygaballoons: but you asked :)15:34
jdstrandzyga: I actually outlined a way to pull it off in the bug15:36
zygajdstrand: oh, interesting, I'll read that with interest then15:36
kgunnjdstrand: so based on what zyga's answer was, i think mir actually is an implicitslot (not classic)15:39
zygakgunn: is't mir a slot on the mir snap?15:40
zygakgunn: or on the core snap on classic when mir is a package15:40
zygamvo: can you please comment on https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/97 so that I can land it15:41
mupPR snap-confine#97: Restore creation of $SNAP_USER_DATA <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snap-confine/pull/97>15:41
ogra_morphis, did you update to the latest ?15:41
ogra_morphis, i fixed that yesterday morning15:41
tgm4883What's the process for getting something added as an interface? I don't see an interface that would give access to what I need15:43
tgm4883Looking at http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/interfaces15:43
zygatgm4883: file a bug, work on a patch, discuss this, read http://www.zygoon.pl/2016/08/creating-your-first-snappy-interface.html15:44
tgm4883zyga: ah cool, thanks15:44
kgunnzyga: so it's actually kind of all of the above.... mir is a snap on core, mir is a package on u8-classic, mir will be part of some-os-snap for u8-personal15:47
zygakgunn: so the interface is the same in both cases, just the decision if classic should get the mir slot should be dynamic, based on availability of mir as a classic package15:48
zygakgunn: i'd start simple15:48
zygakgunn: make mir a snap, ignore the classic package15:48
kgunnzyga: in which case, it should be an implicitslot right?15:48
kgunnalso fwiw, mir is in main, so technically all classic ubuntu will have it15:49
jdstrandkgunn: you're goal is to have it be implicit on classic aiui. that's fine but it won't work as is since on unity8 classic mir will be unconfined and installed via debs. like I said, that can be fixed in a future. I suggest moving to implicitClassic then. that way the slot doesn't show up on all-snap systems unless the snap is installed and shows up on classic15:49
jdstrandkgunn: or if you are keeping it simple now, just remove it from implicit altogether15:50
kgunnjdstrand: but what about u8-personal?15:51
jdstrandkgunn: you said that is an all snaps system15:51
kgunnyes, all snaps15:51
jdstrandkgunn: which means either it is installed as a snap15:51
jdstrandkgunn: or there is a different 'core' image that has it preinstalled15:51
jdstrandkgunn: since that different core image doesn't exist today, don't pretend it does15:52
jdstrandkgunn: therefore, leave out of implicit15:52
jdstrandwhen the landscape changes, we can adjust that15:52
kgunnalright, was just trying to plan ahead15:52
jdstrandit sounds like we may need some detection logic on whether or not it is implicit. again, future stuff15:52
kgunnjdstrand: or would there be yet-another implicit list?15:53
kgunnlike is implicit really just ubuntu-core?15:53
kgunnimplicit today that is15:53
jdstrandwell, afaik no one has blessed an alternative core for personal as a thing15:53
jdstrandso it's not all thought through15:54
jdstrandit could easily be implicitPersonal or something15:54
kgunnjdstrand: oh i see, so you could say....it just shows up as part of some-other-snap-on-top-of-core15:54
jdstrandor there could be detection15:54
kgunnright, that's what i was thinking implicitPersonal15:54
jdstrandkgunn: it depends on how personal is put together. is it core as it exists today plus a bunch of snaps or is it a fat alternative core15:55
kgunnjdstrand: one last thing, you are right that today mir is on classic...in which case, i should move it back to classic15:55
kgunnjdstrand: per the Heidelberg sprint I believe everyone wants core-as-today + another-snap-with-u8-on-top15:56
kgunnniemeyer: ^ right ?15:56
jdstrandafaik that question has never been answered. people have expressed opinions, but until we know the answer it is hard to implement for it. but this is minor/easy stuff to implement. I like zyga's advice of sticking with just as a snap for now and we adjust later15:56
ogra_geez ... using apt (instead of apt-get) on a serial console ends in a large mess of chars on my screen15:57
jdstrandkgunn: well, mir on classic... eh, it is possible there, but it isn't by default15:57
jdstrandkgunn: ie, debs have to be installed and you have to be running the unity8 session15:57
jdstrandkgunn: so it really shouldn't simply be offered on classic I don't think, cause most classic systems today don't actually have it (hence the detection idea)15:58
kgunnjdstrand: no...that's not right, mir is there, you don't have to be logged in15:59
kgunnmir can run on X too in u715:59
kgunnit's a tinker-toy....it can do a lot of differnt things15:59
kgunn*logged into u815:59
jdstrandI'd really prefer to land this PR as is and work through the classic user cases in a separate PR16:00
kgunnjdstrand: ok, no prob...so i remove from implicit altogether for the moment16:00
jdstrandkgunn: I think that is best. once landed if in another PR you want to update the manual testing instructions for all the user stories on classic then we can advise on how to implement the policy changes16:01
joc_zyga: interface question - should i be able to test the number of attrs on plug with len(plug.Attrs) in my SanitizePlug function?16:02
jdstrandkgunn: based on your comment of core snap + u8 snap, it sounds like what would be committed today would work there. mir is either an installed snap or it is bundled in u8 and u8 slots: [mir]16:03
jdstrandkgunn: so all good16:03
* jdstrand suspects the nicest dev experience would be mir bundled in u8, so then clients could simply plugs: [unity8]16:04
jdstrandthat's for another day :)16:04
zygajoc_: yes but you have to remember about the type16:04
zygajoc_: interface{} has no len()16:04
zygajoc_: you have to type-assert16:04
zygajoc_: (that can fail)16:04
zygajoc_: then you can check the length16:04
ogra_mvo, just FYI, all kernel snaps built from my new branchs work fine and sideload fine, tested on all boards and kvm (tomorrow morning i'll rip out everything unneeded from livecd-rootfs)16:05
* jdstrand is really not terribly excited that we aren't chdir()ing to some snap-specific dir16:06
zygajdstrand: hmm, that would break git/bzr/hg as a snap16:06
jdstrandI realize that none of the options are perfect, but not doing it results in weird behavior16:06
jdstrandzyga: well, every snap I do ends up in a dir that isn't accessible16:06
joc_zyga: something like len(plug.Attrs.(string)) ?16:07
jdstrandwhy can't the git/bzr/hg snap developers do a chdir($OLDHOME) or something?16:07
zygajoc_: no, because type assertion should be handled by an assignment to a pair16:07
zygajoc_: look at how we extract stuff out of attrs in bool-file or serial-port16:08
jdstrandthe "don't do a chdir()" only makes any sense at all if you plugs home16:08
jdstrandthe home interface sucks16:08
zygaanway, I have to go AFK now, sorry16:08
jdstrandwe shouldn't be pushing people towards using it16:08
zygajdstrand: I think we will have more interfaces later and doing this chdir would just break the world, plus there's devmode and we want people to feel at home with snaps16:08
jdstrandzyga: how is: $ ls16:09
jdstrandls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied16:09
jdstrandfeeling at home?16:09
jdstrandyou are forcing anyone who doesn't use 'home' to do the chdir16:09
zygajdstrand: more than ls /16:09
joc_zyga: i understand how to get a particular attribute but just knowing how many there are of any type i'm not sure16:09
zygajdstrand: or /home/foo/stuff $ ls16:09
zygajdstrand: that prints stuff that's in another directory16:10
jdstrandzyga: my point is if I don't plugs home I'm in a dir I can't do anything with. that is poor16:10
ogra_[ 9037.726155] audit: printk limit exceeded16:10
ogra_oh, lovely16:10
jdstrandso devs will be conditioned to plugs: home16:10
* zyga needs to run now16:10
zygasorry joc jdstrand, let's talk later16:10
jdstrandwhich is really bad security-wise16:10
jdstrandthat's fine. I'm mostly ranting16:10
jdstrandthough I would prefer to see this handled better16:11
jdstrandogra_: sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=016:11
ogra_i think we really need to turn off the "ALLOWED" spam on all-snap images ... since you can only use the classic shell in devmode that makes the logs go crazy16:11
ogra_jdstrand, ah, that should perhaps become a default firstboot setting on all-snaps16:12
ogra_unless there are plans to quieten apparmor in --devmode16:12
ogra_now that one is actually more interesting16:13
ogra_(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~/kernel-test-snap$ sudo cat snapcraft.yaml16:13
ogra_cat: standard output: Permission denied16:13
jdstrandthe whole point of --devmode is to log what is against policy16:13
jdstrand--devmode with no logging is just unconfined16:13
ogra_well, then we probably need an additional "mode"16:14
jdstrandogra_: why is it noisy?16:14
ogra_like --unconfined ;)16:14
jdstrandwe should fix the noisy accesses16:14
* jdstrand notes that it shouldn't log something that is allowed by the policy, only something that is not allowed by the policy16:14
ogra_jdstrand, well, i'm building packages inside a classic chroot ... and the classic snap uses the chroot command ... so nearly every action i do causes a line16:15
ogra_though i'm more curious why i dont have access to stdout in the dragonboard classic shell16:16
ogra_(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~/kernel-test-snap$ ls -l /dev/std*16:17
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan  1  1970 /dev/stderr -> /proc/self/fd/216:17
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan  1  1970 /dev/stdin -> /proc/self/fd/016:17
ogra_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jan  1  1970 /dev/stdout -> /proc/self/fd/116:17
ogra_hmm, interesting date16:17
ogra_(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~/kernel-test-snap$ ls /proc/self/fd/016:17
ogra_ls: cannot access '/proc/self/fd/0': Permission denied16:17
jdstrandogra_: classic chroot on all snaps hasn't been a focus yet for devmode. I suggest talking to tyhicks about the issues you are seeing. but it does seem that the classic snap is a very special case16:17
ogra_it definitely is16:18
jdstrand(tyhicks is working on various logging things related to devmode)16:18
ogra_we should perhaps just makes it as special package with special apparmor profile16:18
jdstrandclassic chroot isn't really --devmode16:18
ogra_it isnt urgent, i'm just playing around with the new images to see what works and what doesnt16:18
jdstrandogra_: that is what I was thinking16:18
ogra_well, it moved into a snap16:19
jdstrandand devmode was there so people used it16:19
ogra_which we havent done before16:19
jdstrandbut that isn't disigned16:19
* ogra_ scratches head16:20
ogra_(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~$ cat kernel-test-snap/snapcraft.yaml16:20
ogra_cat: standard output: Permission denied16:20
ogra_(classic)ubuntu@localhost:~$ cat kernel-test-snap/snapcraft.yaml |head -116:20
ogra_name: canonical-snapdragon-linux16:20
ogra_so if the output goes through a pipe first i can write to stdout ... how weird is that16:21
ogra_(this only happens on dragonboard)16:21
jdstrandI bet it has to do with a bug I saw16:22
* jdstrand goes to find it16:22
jdstrandogra_: could it be bug #161149316:23
mupBug #1611493: No TTY in snaps. <landscape> <Snappy:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611493>16:23
ogra_ah !16:23
ogra_yeah, that could be it16:24
* ogra_ lets the boards build their test kernels and goes afk for a bit16:25
jdstrandkgunn: sigh, github removed a '*' in my suggestion :\16:31
jdstrandkgunn: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1299/files#r7445600316:31
mupPR snapd#1299: create mir interface <Reviewed> <Created by kgunnfront> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1299>16:31
jdstrandkgunn: apologies16:31
kgunnjdstrand: weird i tested it manually and it worked!16:32
jdstrandkgunn: it would work for /dev/tty0-9 but tty10 it would not16:32
jdstrandkgunn: this is future proofing16:32
kgunni didn't think that looked right, i should've asked16:34
mvoogra_: cool, are they auto-uploaded yet ?16:37
mvoogra_: I see that core is now auto-accepted and auto-published, neat16:39
mvoogra_: is that all the chagnes in the review scripts?16:39
ogra_mvo, kernels arent auto-uploaded yet i'lll get that going tomorrow16:49
ogra_core is though ...16:50
ogra_mvo, i cant tell what the review scripts will say about the LP build kernels yet16:51
ogra_(but given that it takes weeks between kernel changes i'll happily go on doing them manually til everything is sorted ... core was more important due to daily builds16:52
mupPR snapd#1548 closed: many: add new `snap prepare-image` command for ubuntu-image <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1548>17:06
mupPR snapd#1664 closed: integration-tests: add update-rollback stress tests <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1664>17:06
powersjDoes the ant plugin allow parameters today so I can specify `ant exejar`?17:32
mupPR snapcraft#721 opened: Set owner/group for directories in stage and prime <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/721>17:33
josepht powersj: it doesn't look like it from scanning the plugin source17:36
powersjjosepht, is this what you were looking at: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/plugins/ant.py17:37
josephtpowersj: yes17:37
powersjjosepht, thanks17:37
josephtpowersj: if it's something you need please file a bug so we don't forget about it. :)17:38
mupPR snapd#1669 opened: interface: add usb device support to serial-port <Created by jocave> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1669>17:42
powersjjosepht, will do shortly, thanks! was trying to snap up weka17:44
mupPR snapcraft#722 opened: Set owner/group for directories in stage and prime <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/722>17:48
mupPR snapcraft#722 closed: Set owner/group for directories in stage and prime <Created by josepht> <Closed by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/722>17:51
mupPR snapd#1670 opened: osutil: do not error if the SUDO_USER can not be looked up <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1670>17:56
mupPR snapcraft#721 closed: Set owner/group for directories in stage and prime <Created by josepht> <Closed by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/721>17:57
mupPR snapcraft#723 opened: Set owner/group for directories in stage and prime <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/723>17:57
mhall119zyga: kyrofa: where do we have good documentation on the snap store API for publishing snaps?18:06
kyrofamhall119, like the API used by snapcraft to upload snaps to the store and release to channels?18:11
mhall119http://snapcraft.io/docs/reference/snapcraft lists "upload" still, but not "push"18:12
niemeyerkgunn, jdstrand: Yes, I've been hoping since we first talked about this that we'd have a single core snap18:36
niemeyerIn the last sprint, there were indications that this will indeed be the direction we'll move towards18:36
niemeyerAs in, not have a personal-ubuntu-core18:37
niemeyerBut just the one and true18:37
kyrofamhall119, this is the only one I know about: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ClickPackageIndex18:38
kgunnjdstrand: so now that tests have passed...do i need to do anything? or will it eventually just get merged18:56
argessergiusens: hey. during the build phase of snapcraft, where does the snapcraft.yaml file go?18:58
argesI have some code that parses version strings like so: VERSION=$(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null || grep ^version snapcraft.yaml | cut -f 2 -d ' ')18:59
mupPR snapd#1670 closed: osutil: do not error if the SUDO_USER can not be looked up <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1670>18:59
kyrofaarges, nowhere-- snapcraft generates the snap.yaml, and only reads the snapcraft.yaml to do that18:59
argeskyrofa: could I read the snap.yaml during the build phase? Mostly a trick for me to parse a version string19:00
kyrofaarges, no. The snap.yaml isn't actually generated until prime19:00
kyrofaarges, also, during the build phase each part is built in what is intended to be an internal directory whose path could change, so we don't recommend hard-coding relative paths to get back to the snapcraft.yaml either19:01
argeskyrofa: ok. i'll adjust looks like the .git directory is in the build19:01
argesso I could parse things there19:02
kyrofaarges, indeed, that could work19:02
argeskyrofa: thanks19:02
jdstrandkgunn: nothing you or I need to do. zyga or someone else will merge it19:22
jdstrandkgunn: thanks for all the hard work on it! :)19:23
kgunncool, and thanks jdstrand for all the help and pateince...i learned a ton19:23
mhall119kyrofa: it's for krita, who already use snapcraft, so I'll stick with it's interface19:23
jdstrandglad to hear :) you're welcome19:23
argeshi is there a good snapcraft example of handling sockets exposed in /var/run ?19:50
argesi take it i'll have to move my socket from /var/run?19:52
kyrofaarges, I put mine in $SNAP_DATA19:58
argeskyrofa: yea that seems reasonable19:58
kyrofaarges, if /var/run is writable (not sure), it's probably /var/run/snap.<snapname>/ or something similar19:58
argesi didn't see the later grepping through the source. but I could be missing something20:00
jdstrandogra_: fyi, this isn't really more than what you had, but in the interest of sharing: lp:~jdstrand/+junk/snap-sshfs.jdstrand20:01
powersjIs there a command to see all available parts? or is the wiki the primary list?20:58
=== icey is now known as icey|vacation
popeypowersj: snapcraft search21:23
powersjpopey, oh it finds parts as well?21:23
popeythats only what snapcraft search does21:24
powersjah, I was getting snap find and snapcraft search crossed in my head.21:37
blackboxswhmm, I'm getting ascii encode errors when I attempt to add after: [desktop/gtk2] to my snap.  it hangs on the slash any tips?21:51
blackboxsw'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u29f8' in position 38: ordinal not in range(128)21:51
blackboxswtried copying directly from snappy-playpen as other examples just worked and seem to have the same content21:52
mupBug #1612440 opened: Full systemd socket activation support <lxd> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612440>22:05
mupBug #1612441 opened: Cannot include wiki-defined part desktop/gtk2 in after clause <landscape> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612441>22:11
mupBug #1612441 changed: Cannot include wiki-defined part desktop/gtk2 in after clause <landscape> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612441>22:39
mupBug #1612453 opened: `snap connect` requires me to type ubuntu-core <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612453>23:03
mupPR snapcraft#724 opened: In travis, install the static checkers with pip <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/724>23:15
mupBug #1612459 opened: SM should by default point valid kickstart file if nothing is given <Snappy:New for sgurumurthy> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612459>23:18
mupBug #1612459 changed: SM should by default point valid kickstart file if nothing is given <Juniper Openstack:New for nitishk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1612459>23:21
=== evnmar_ is now known as evnmar

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