
=== JanC is now known as Guest62829
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ricotzSweet5hark1, hi, https://paste.debian.net/plain/78813405:56
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GunnarHjseb128: Good morning, Sebastien! Any chance you have time to revisit bug #1607937? Patch attached, and I verified that it fixes the issue.07:05
ubot5bug 1607937 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu Xenial) "Font Viewer fails to start from dash: Unknown option --gapplication-service" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160793707:05
seb128hey GunnarHj, hey desktopers07:12
seb128GunnarHj, I can have a look today if no other patch pilot beats me to it07:13
desrthello world07:36
jcjordyn120go join #thelinuxgeekcommunity07:48
dufluMorning Trevinho.07:53
dufluI think we just got spammed on IRC07:53
dufluThat's new07:53
TheMusoI've seen that kind of thing on and off.07:54
TheMusoI think its generally ignored.07:55
dufluTheMuso: Happy Census week ;)07:56
duflu /month07:56
TheMusoduflu: You too, and yes I agree, census month.07:59
TheMusoI actually got it filled out but couldn't submit it.07:59
RAOFI think the census site is actually available now, two days after census day.08:00
dufluRAOF: Yes. Now everybody please stay on your side of the boat or else it will topple08:06
dufluRAOF: Uh, no. It's gone again08:06
seb128hey Trevinho duflu TheMuso RAOF Laney desrt08:26
dufluMorning seb12808:26
Laneywhat's upé08:30
Laneylooks like autumn is here08:34
seb128same here, cold rainy day :-/08:34
seb128yesterday was nice though, perfect evening for tennis ;-)08:34
Trevinhohey seb12808:35
Trevinhoand Laney08:35
Trevinhoand duflu which I forgot to greet before :)08:35
seb128Trevinho, how are you? having power today? ;-)08:35
Trevinhoseb128: full power08:35
Trevinhoyesterday it was back after lunch... All my batteries were enough08:36
Laneybring back berlusconi08:36
Laneythere was always power under him08:36
* Trevinho turned on all the lights just because... he can08:36
Trevinhoyeah... and trains were always in time.08:36
seb128good old times08:36
seb128but mind that when italians say "on time" they mean "don't make you wait more than 15 minutes"08:37
Trevinhonot true... :-), our hight speed trains are really the most on time of the europe...08:37
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TrevinhoThen you think to regional trains and..... ok, No one around :-D08:38
TrevinhoI'm indeed a regional train :-D08:38
seb128we noticed!08:38
* seb128 hugs Trevinho08:38
TrevinhoBUt... Really a nice one, isn't it!? :-D08:38
* Trevinho seeking for hugs08:38
Laneydefinitely the first class08:39
Laneythis armhf on arm64 inside lxd stuff is flaaaaaaaaaky08:39
Trevinhoahah :D08:39
* Laney is bisecting ffmpeg inside there08:39
seb128still wrestling with ffmpeg?08:39
Laneygetting there08:40
seb128go Laney go!08:40
* seb128 enables xenial-proposed to get the new goodness from andyrock and Trevinho08:40
andyrockmorning and yay for seb12808:41
Trevinhoand... getting some breakage? :)08:41
seb128hey andyrock!08:41
seb128Trevinho, oh, looking forward that, wouldn't be fun without a bit of those ;-)08:41
Trevinhoseb128: going to verify bugs too?08:41
TrevinhoI'm a little afraid from the... seb128's maledition. That means: every single race condition, is just a crash for him.08:42
seb128it's good to be good08:43
seb128I'm told that version is going to stop warning me that my keypad is working!08:43
seb128how dare you input numbers on a keypad without warning the user?! ;-)08:44
Laneynow just get the systemd service in for yakkety and you'll make me happy08:44
seb128Laney, btw what's the deal with gstreamer, should we go for 1.9?08:45
Laneydidn't think about it08:45
LaneyI'm struggling for time a bit08:45
seb128I noticed because it's in experimental/red on version08:45
seb128I can have a look if you want08:45
Laneyand nothing required it yet as far as I could tell08:45
Laneyyou get to use the git branches08:45
seb128we are also behind on glib and need that test fix from d_esrt08:46
Laneyi know08:46
seb128oh, urg08:46
Laneynext week08:46
seb128yeah, no hurry, might make sense to make the new tarball that includes the fix08:46
seb128well in fact we are in sync so I guess we could already sync the update that debian did in experimental if we wanted08:46
Laneyfor glib?08:47
seb128pochu did updates there08:47
LaneyI didn't test them yet08:47
Laneyand it won't have the test fix08:48
seb128no hurry08:48
seb128let's wait for next week and bring the test fix in08:48
willcookeseb128, @ gstreamer.  jhodapp is doing some work getting mediahub ready for desktop.  He might be able to offer some advice and support here, he knows it quite well.08:51
seb128willcooke, hey, thanks for the suggestion08:51
seb128I think as a rule it's good to follow the current version, they are more likely to have improvements that benefit us08:51
willcookemaybe they fixed vaapi integration08:52
seb128Laney, is there a page explaining that git workflow? it's on alioth?08:52
seb128the day that happens willcooke is going to feel lost08:52
seb128"what's next?!"08:52
willcookeI have a list of things ready to moan about.08:52
* willcooke is amazed at the speed the cards are moving around the Trello board 08:53
Laneydon't know about a page, sorry08:53
Laneyit's just git-buildpackage08:53
seb128but can I push? or how do I MR or PR on alioth?08:53
Laneythey are on launchpad08:53
seb128oh, ok08:53
seb128that I can probably manage08:53
Laneyyou add the debian branches as a remote, then merge the tags08:53
seb128I though you had branches on pkg-gstreamer08:54
Laneylook in `man dpkg-mergechangelogs' and do the git integration it says in there08:54
Laneythat will make your life better08:54
Laneyalso if you want me to review the first one, let me know ;-)08:54
dufluIn other news... seb128 if you could backport that Wayland/Mir fix for nautilus it would be awesome08:57
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, good job, that unity SRU seems to work as described without regression ;-)09:17
Trevinhoseb128: indeed, all the changes are in between statements: if (glib::gchar_to_string(g_get_user_name()) != "seb128") != { ... } :-D09:38
Laneyroughly 0 steps left09:49
Laney♥ git09:50
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* Laney is being spammed by italians on launchpad10:17
* Laney got subscribed to unity bugs10:17
Trevinhoyou'll love it :-)10:18
Laneygiving me a warm fuzzy feeling inside10:19
Laneyseeing such top quality work10:19
Laneycyphermox: right, this unity-settings-daemon thing10:34
Laneywhat's the best way to test it?10:34
Laneyoh look, unity went in11:37
cyphermoxLaney: the right way to test it is to make sure the scaling works, but it requires some HiDPI hardware12:10
jbichagood morning12:10
cyphermoxotherwise you can start ubiquity and make sure the desktop background still shows up in the "Install" session (Try doesn't use ubiquity-dm), and perhaps with sufficient logging you can see that things happen the way you expected them to12:11
cyphermoxLaney: if you add "debug-ubiquity" to the command-line (hit F6) you can put ubiquity in debug mode, then the logs will be in /var/log/installer/debug12:12
seb128hey cyphermox jbicha12:20
seb128jbicha, you merged e-d-s/evo but you don't plan to upload yet right?12:31
jbichaseb128: right, but is tonight ok? or the weekend?12:32
seb128well unsure, I though we wanted to clear some of the transitions before12:33
seb128check with Laney I would say, he has a better overview of the proposed state12:33
ochosihey folks!12:33
seb128but next week is still fine, no feature freeze yet12:33
seb128hey ochosi! how are you?12:33
ochosiquick question, has anything changed wrt compiz's window decorator in 16.10? people are reporting my theme suddenly has square corners (instead of rounded ones)12:33
jhodapphey willcooke, seb12812:34
ochosiseb128: good good :) trying to get a release of my theme out12:34
seb128hey jhodapp!12:34
seb128ochosi, that's one for Trevinho12:34
jhodapphey hey :)12:34
ochosiok thanks, i'll ping him with it directly :)12:34
seb128could be a gtk 3.20 side effect?12:34
ochosiTrevinho: hey! quick question, has anything changed wrt compiz's window decorator in 16.10? people are reporting my theme suddenly has square corners (instead of rounded ones)12:34
ochosii dunno, i didn't think that normal window decos had anything to do with gtk12:35
jhodappseb128, we are upgrading the phone gstreamer to 1.8.x right now...it's in silo 58 in fact12:35
ochosithose are drawn by compiz or metacity, right?12:35
seb128jhodapp, nice, any opinion on 1.9 for yakkety?12:35
seb128ochosi, right, I though you were speaking headerbar/csd12:35
seb128but let's wait for Marco12:35
jhodappseb128, I haven't looked at the changelog yet, but why go with a dev version? Is there something compelling in there?12:36
ochosino, curiously it only seems to affect "normal" ssd windows12:36
seb128jhodapp, well it's dev cycle, we would get 1.10 before release so get that stable version12:36
jhodappseb128, it'd be nice for the desktop and the phone to be in sync for a little bit ;)12:38
seb128the phone needs to catch up! :p12:38
jhodappseb128, hehe12:39
jhodappwillcooke, btw, yesterday I got media-hub, music-app, unity8 music-scope and indicator-sound in unity8 all working together on the desktop :)12:40
seb128jhodapp, nice ;-)12:40
willcookeseb128, nice!!12:44
seb128jhodapp, ^12:44
seb128tkamppeter, hey12:45
seb128tkamppeter, the recent cups changes in debian removed the ubuntu patches and made it fail to build on ubuntu, could you have a look?12:45
jhodappvideo isn't playing, but we agreed that's ok for a first go at it12:45
jhodappwe'll have to finalize our hardware acceleration approach for video playback on the desktop12:46
seb128get vaapi to work and willcooke is going to buy you lot of beer rounds ;-)12:46
jhodappisn't he going to buy me lots of beer anyway? ;)12:47
willcookeof course12:47
Trevinhoochosi: gtk has changed, you need to update your .css to make selectors to work12:55
Trevinhoochosi: something like https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu-themes/gtk320.unity/+merge/298072 should work12:56
Sweet5hark1ricotz: thx, patched.13:03
jbichaseb128: I'm thinking about evolution 3.22 for yakkety because it ports to webkit213:03
jbichawhile https://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-data-server/commit/?id=6c3cff9 isn't bad,13:03
jbichahttps://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution/commit/?id=332789f is an awfully big commit to backport13:04
seb128hey Sweet5hark1, how are you?13:06
seb128jbicha, I didn't look at the details of the 2.20->22 change but it looks like yakkety should have new enough libs for it and it's not too crazy, so why not13:06
Sweet5hark1seb128: heya.13:07
Sweet5hark1seb128: merging some more packaging tweaks for 5.2 dpkg, which should be good then.13:08
Sweet5hark1seb128: the theming stuff is still annoying though ...13:08
seb128Sweet5hark1, great, aiming for a friday upload? ;-)13:08
seb128I can imagine :-/13:08
Sweet5hark1seb128: yeah, should work.13:08
ricotzSweet5hark1, yw, did you manage to successfully build 5.2.0 against current yakkety-proposed?13:09
Sweet5hark1seb128: needed to cherry-pick a change from debian: -draw needs some stuff we used to have in -impress, thus running draw without having impress installed created nasty crashers ...13:10
Sweet5hark1ricotz: yes, did so twice this week on multiple archs. why?13:10
ricotzSweet5hark1, build freezes at "[build CUT] sd_export_tests" on yakkety13:13
ricotzsee the prerelease ppa13:13
Sweet5hark1ricotz: meh.13:13
ricotzorcus and xixion isnt using boost1.61 yet afaics13:14
ricotzso I am curious if 5.2.0 magically succeeds on the yakkety archive builders13:14
jibelcyphermox, can you look at bug 1611010 ?13:20
ubot5bug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161101013:20
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hikikoi forgot to change my nickname :p13:27
seb128hey hikiko13:35
Sweet5hark1https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/7/7e/TDFAnnualReport2015LR.pdf <- still no news on my helicopter in there.13:36
hikikohi seb128 :)13:36
hikikoI was there...13:36
hikikojust forgot the nick since lunch break 5 hrs ago :p13:36
Sweet5hark1despite TDF spending 518.000 EUR in 2015: no helicopter.13:37
qenghohikiko: Five hour lunch? What, are you French?13:38
seb128qengho, not friday yet!13:39
GunnarHjseb128: Hi Sebastien, do you possibly have time to revisit bug #1607937? Patched 3.16 with that commit.13:41
ubot5bug 1607937 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu Xenial) "Font Viewer fails to start from dash: Unknown option --gapplication-service" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160793713:41
seb128GunnarHj, sure, thanks for working on that!13:41
GunnarHjseb128: Great, thanks!13:42
cyphermoxjibel: ack13:45
Laneycyphermox: don't need hidpi to test the signal stuff?13:49
LaneyI do have hardware, but it's my laptop and I would prefer not to use it directly :-)13:49
cyphermoxLaney: well, you can approximate it doing the right thing if xsettings really does show up and then the desktop background, etc.13:49
Laneynow how to get ubiquity onto it early enough13:50
Laneycyphermox: how do I get VTs when in ubiquity-dm?13:50
Laneyor would a systemd debug shell work?13:51
cyphermoxyou don't13:51
cyphermoxadd break=bottom that will get you in the system before ubiquity starts13:51
Laneyit would be easier to be able to iterate by restarting lightdm13:52
* Laney has started the debug shell13:56
ricotzLaney, hey :), I see you are fighting with ffmpeg, please don't ignore that 3.1.2-1 is available14:10
LaneyOne thing at a time14:11
Laneyricotz: Also it doesn't contain that commit14:14
ricotzLaney, I mean no need to waste time on this old release, but alright14:19
seb128the new one might be buggy in other exciting ways ;-)14:19
Laneyok, thanks - I saw it yesterday but it doesn't have the fix, so it was less risky to just find the commit and take that than try to merge at the same time14:20
Laneyfeel free to re-merge after it goes in14:20
ricotzseb128, yeah, sure14:22
ricotzthis is just my opinions by looking at the upstream release dates14:23
seb128right, it's a fine balance between newest and stable14:23
jbichaanyone want to try to get the gspell tests to pass on autopkgtest.u.c? bug 161058815:30
ubot5bug 1610588 in gspell (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gspell" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161058815:30
seb128jbicha, that gspell MIR, is the issue that builder don't have a session bus? didyou try with dbus-run-session15:31
seb128I was just typing about that15:31
seb128look a gnome-keyring or policykit15:31
seb128jbicha, e.g http://sources.debian.net/src/gcr/3.20.0-2/debian/rules/?hl=25#L2515:31
seppestasHi, are there any plans to fully support the Freedesktop StatusNotifierItem specification (https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/StatusNotifierItem/) on Ubuntu?15:48
seppestasI would like to do it, but it kind of contradicts the Ubuntu Design guides regarding status menu's (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomStatusMenuDesignGuidelines)15:49
seb128seppestas, hey, there is no plan to change from the current ubuntu design no15:50
qenghoseppestas: Is this an x/y question? You're asking about StatusNotifierItem, but that is a facility for doing something. What is it you want to do?15:52
seb128going for some exercice, bbl15:52
seppestasseb128: But what about the design guidelines? I.e, would code that allows applications to draw stuff when the status menu icon is pressed be submitted in the Unity panel / libappindicator?15:52
seppestas'cause in the current state Ubuntu is inconsistent with other operating systems for the sake of consistency15:55
seppestas(and by Ubuntu I mean Ubuntu Unity)15:55
seppestasSo specifically: If I put code in the Unity service panel so that it sends an Activate method (https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/StatusNotifierItem/StatusNotifierItem/#activate) when an menu status is clicked and if I put code in libappindicator so that applications can use those events, for things that might not comply with the Ubuntu Status Menu design guidelines, would pull request ever be accepted?16:06
ximionLaney willcooke: Ever wondered why GNOME Software shows nothing but apps? (not even addons)16:11
willcookeximion, ahh.  I thought it was a design decision16:11
ximionwillcooke: for apps, yes - but this means that also fonts, addons, input-methods, etc. won't be shown16:12
willcookeahh, kk16:12
ximionwillcooke: I wonder if this warrants a fix in Xenial... Afterall, addons should really be shown (e.g. for gedit)16:13
ximionfor this to work, this patch needs to be taken too https://github.com/hughsie/appstream-glib/commit/2c479053850958575c8de50fbee4433ec05019d316:13
willcookeximion, I'm +1 - will speak to Robert16:13
ximionthis is really insane...16:14
* ximion should have investigated why addons don't show up way earlier16:14
Laneyyou linked the same commit twice16:15
ximioncopy-pasting is hard....16:17
ximionLaney: I also got an email from vlc people yesterday, wondering why their app isn't showing up in Ubuntu16:19
ximionmight be the good old Contents-file-not-up2date issue16:19
ximionjbicha said it would also not show up on Debian, but I couldn't reproduce this here16:20
jbichaximion: it does show up in Debian with 'appstreamcli search vlc' but not in the Software app16:21
ximionjbicha: does appstream-util search vlc give any results?16:23
TrevinhoEOD here... See you tomorrow.16:23
Laneydon't ask me16:24
Laneythe icon was always in vlc-data16:24
ximionjbicha: or rather: can you run killall gnome-software; gnome-software --verbose and paste the full outout somewhere?16:25
jbichabash: appstream-util: command not found16:25
ximionthe Debian data itself is fine: https://appstream.debian.org/data/stretch/main/16:25
ximion(also the icon is there)16:25
LaneyI'll re-run for vlc, just in case16:27
ximionfor the Ubuntu data, I have no idea what happened there - the dep11gen algorithm should have found the right icon16:27
LaneyOne day I'll get time to work on asgen16:27
jbichaximion: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/406303/16:27
Laneyre-running is stupid, it relies on people noticing16:27
Laneyneed to switch16:27
ximionjbicha: also looks like an appstream-glib bug16:28
Laneycyphermox: getting there16:30
Laneydon't know if I will get all the way before EOD16:30
ximionjbicha: could actually also be an issue in GS icon-refine16:31
ximionjbicha: I'll update GS and asglib in Debian, let's see if that changes anything16:33
ximionjbicha: can you also paste the output of appstreamcli status?16:40
ximionokay, so the icon sets are there16:42
Laneycyphermox: got to go now, do you want my wip or shall I try to finish it fully on monday?17:02
Laneyright, sorry, got to go - but I've fixed it apart from checking the name of the signal17:06
Laneyhappy weekend!17:08
willcookenight all17:26
seb128Laney, have a nice w.e!17:28
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liuxgdoes anyone know what it means "while [ ! -f "$mysqld_pid_file_path" -o ! -S "$mysql_socket_file_path" ]; do ...." I do not fully understand the "-o ! -S" part, thanks23:07
sarnold-o means "or"23:07
sarnold! means not23:07
sarnold-S probably means "file of type socket"23:07
liuxgsarnold, thanks for your explanation.23:08

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