meg | hi | 00:32 |
=== meg is now known as Guest70045 | ||
Guest70045 | hi | 00:32 |
Guest70045 | Ive tried a few ways of trying to prevent bluetooth from turning on during boot but havent been able to figure it out | 00:33 |
Guest70045 | Anyone know how? IM running MATE 16.04 | 00:36 |
Guest70045 | tried modifying the /etc/default/tlp file and setting DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP="bluetooth" | 00:37 |
Guest70045 | but that doesnt work | 00:37 |
nomic | i saw auto setting in | 01:13 |
nomic | ooh gone | 01:13 |
dasti | hi ! just move from linux mint 17.3 to ubuntu mate 16.04.1 !!! | 02:39 |
teward | congrats, and welcome back to a more pure Ubuntu environment, dasti. | 02:41 |
teward | (I don't mean Ubuntu Unity, I just mean an official Ubuntu variant :P) | 02:42 |
dasti | teward: I still have to adjust to *not* using cinnamon but I can fee some obvious improvements :) | 02:43 |
dasti | no more bightness blocked at 100% when I unplug the 2 additionnal screen from the laptop ! yes ! | 02:45 |
=== sinewav1 is now known as sinewav | ||
Guest95499 | o7 | 05:16 |
=== Guest95499 is now known as Erasmus_ | ||
ouroumov | ô7 | 05:16 |
Erasmus_ | Sleep for onnce | 05:16 |
Erasmus_ | *slept | 05:16 |
=== te_lanus is now known as telanus1 | ||
=== telanus1 is now known as te_lanus | ||
beezleybuzz | heyllo?\ | 10:26 |
beezleybuzz | i need some help! just getting mate running on an acer laptop, no touchpad... | 10:26 |
=== te_lanus is now known as telanus | ||
beezleybuzz | i've got a bluetooth mouse to use but would like the touchpad to work... any ideas? it's synaptics | 10:27 |
beezleybuzz | anybody alive out there? | 10:32 |
* DarkPsydeLord cry out loud GOOD MORNING! | 13:08 | |
roger__ | hola | 14:04 |
DarkPsydeLord | hola! | 14:06 |
nomic | z. | 14:29 |
=== kisb_ is now known as kisb | ||
qwerty123456 | hello | 17:12 |
nomic | hello | 17:13 |
pavlushka | hello | 17:48 |
DarkPsydeLord | hello | 18:08 |
alkisg | hello | 18:08 |
jasonehines_ | Hi All. Does anyone know of way to add something to the global right click menu? | 18:18 |
mv_ | hello can somebody help me with a disk problem? | 19:21 |
bekks | Depends on your actual question. | 19:23 |
mv_ | well i have just installed ubuntu mate, i didnt understand everything in installation but i went ahead with it. now I have a disk that when I open it, it cant mount or something, i have an image of the long error message | 19:24 |
bekks | mv_: So share it with us please. | 19:27 |
mv_ | how? | 19:27 |
nomic | you instaling it on a pc | 19:27 |
nomic | pc it installs on a pc | 19:27 |
bekks | By uploading it somewhere, on a picture hosting service. | 19:28 |
mv_ | ok wait a few minutes while i do that | 19:28 |
mv_ | | 19:31 |
mv_ | a bit of dutch in there too | 19:31 |
bekks | Can you pastebin "dmesg" please, and share that URL, too? | 19:32 |
mv_ | how?? iḿ a noob sorry | 19:32 |
pavlushka | mv_: type dmesg in terminal and copy paste the out put to and post the link here. | 19:35 |
mv_ | ok tnx | 19:35 |
pavlushka | *output | 19:35 |
pavlos | mv_, sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:36 |
pavlos | mv_, dmesg | pastebinit | 19:36 |
pavlos | mv_, then paste the url given | 19:36 |
pavlushka | mv_: ^ better | 19:38 |
mv_ | um i should do this instead of dmesg? um sudo commands i find kind of scary is there a way with the user interface? | 19:39 |
odroid | does system boutique not work with arm 64bit? | 19:40 |
mv_ | i have software boutique | 19:40 |
odroid | mine keeps giving me error saying not compatible with this system | 19:41 |
odroid | could not find any features or software bc not compatible | 19:41 |
mv_ | o sorry dont know how to fix that | 19:41 |
mv_ | someone else does i think | 19:42 |
bekks | I am still waiting for the dmesg pastebin. :) | 19:42 |
mv_ | ok i should do that or the sudo or something?? | 19:42 |
bekks | dmesg. | 19:42 |
bekks | For the third time :) | 19:42 |
mv_ | ok wait sorry :) i dont wanna mess up the system | 19:43 |
odroid | id love to know how to fix it, hate to have to install android bc ARM isnt compatible yet | 19:43 |
bekks | "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" installs the program "pastebinit" which is then used for creating the pastebin using "dmesg | pastebinit". | 19:43 |
pavlushka | mv_: you wont, just do that, :p | 19:43 |
alkisg | dmesg | nc 9999 | 19:44 |
alkisg | No need for pastebinit | 19:44 |
mv_ | so much text with dmesg, im kinda privacy paranoid | 19:44 |
pavlushka | mv_: dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer, copied from dmesg manual. | 19:45 |
mv_ | where is the manual?? | 19:46 |
bekks | "man dmesg" | 19:46 |
mv_ | sorry this takes me so long guys :) | 19:46 |
mv_ | ok i go copy the things and upload sorry a few more minutes :) | 19:49 |
bekks | 0811 214436 < alkisg> dmesg | nc 9999 | 19:53 |
mv_ | how to paste images on that ubuntu pastebin site? | 19:57 |
alkisg | mv_: run this command: | 19:57 |
alkisg | dmesg | nc 9999 | 19:57 |
alkisg | It will reply with one URL, one web address | 19:58 |
mv_ | how to do it with user interface? | 19:58 |
alkisg | That will be the paste that people here asked you. Write it here. | 19:58 |
alkisg | So that you see what will be sent? | 19:58 |
alkisg | dmesg > /tmp/out | 19:59 |
alkisg | pluma /tmp/out | 19:59 |
alkisg | This will open the output in the editor | 19:59 |
alkisg | Without sending it anywhere | 19:59 |
mv_ | i have made 10 screenshots .png | 19:59 |
mv_ | i will go use imgur i know how that works | 19:59 |
pavlos | mv_, for images, I use | 19:59 |
mv_ | commands scare me | 19:59 |
mv_ | i dont know if its in the correct order but here are the images: | 20:02 |
mv_ | the png's themselves filenames are 1.png, 2.png etc. | 20:02 |
mate|93317 | Hi All just a quick question,iam running windows10 and have decided to try ubuntu and downloaded ubuntu mate 16.04/lts and it said I cud run it without changing anything but Iam unable to get it to run.Wud someone be able to tell me what Iam doing wrong.Thanks. | 20:07 |
pavlos | mate|93317, did you burn the iso into a usb stick or DVD? you can boot off that device and try ubuntu | 20:10 |
mate|93317 | dd that but cud not get it to run either.I keep getting Nero to come up to open the program and that is a burner | 20:11 |
mv_ | hey guys are you finding the problem i sent in the images? | 20:13 |
pavlos | mate|93317, Nero should have an option to burn an image to a DVD ... use that | 20:13 |
mate|93317 | OK I'll give it a go and thank you very much.I wud like to get rid of windows as I finally have ran out of payience with it. | 20:15 |
ouroumov | yo | 20:15 |
mv_ | guys are you still searching??? | 20:40 |
bekks | No. Since you havent provided a pastebin of dmesg yet. | 20:44 |
mv_ | yes i had | 20:45 |
pavlos | mv_, all I see is that it cannot mount /dev/usb1 as ntfs | 20:45 |
mv_ | the imgur link has the terminal screenshots | 20:46 |
mv_ | the images of the terminal are on imgur is that ok?? | 20:48 |
mv_ | | 20:51 |
bekks | you just rebooted, didnt you? | 20:53 |
bekks | If not, your images are far from complete. | 20:53 |
mv_ | ummm i think iḿ still on my first boot | 20:58 |
mv_ | after install | 20:59 |
mv_ | so what should i do now? | 20:59 |
bekks | sudo ap install pastebinit; dmesg | pastebinit | 21:00 |
bekks | sudo apt install pastebinit; dmesg | pastebinit | 21:00 |
mv_ | ok | 21:00 |
bekks | The second one is correct. | 21:00 |
mv_ | just copy paste in terminal? | 21:00 |
bekks | Yes. | 21:01 |
mv_ | ok wait | 21:01 |
mv_ | i got a link in the terminal | 21:06 |
mv_ | copy paste here? | 21:06 |
mv_ | | 21:07 |
mv_ | here ya go | 21:07 |
ouroumov | bekks, what's with the pastebin logs? | 21:10 |
bekks | Nothing to be seen in there in relation to the error image before. | 21:11 |
mv_ | o, what could i do now? | 21:12 |
bekks | The disk in question is an external disk? | 21:12 |
mv_ | no | 21:14 |
bekks | So pastebin "sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid" | 21:15 |
mv_ | ok | 21:15 |
mv_ | umm not typing pastebin? | 21:19 |
bekks | sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid | pastebinit | 21:19 |
mv_ | | 21:22 |
bekks | mv_: And what do you expect to be found on sda1? | 21:22 |
mv_ | that was the drive we were talking about? about 924 GB.. umm i have photos and videos and games on there | 21:24 |
mv_ | if sda1 is the drive we were talking about, dont know the name | 21:24 |
bekks | I am wondering why there is no linux partition to be seen. | 21:25 |
bekks | What are you actually trying to achieve? | 21:25 |
mv_ | i want to get to my files again, they are important to me.. and yes i am running linux right now | 21:26 |
mv_ | i can prove it with a screenshot | 21:26 |
bekks | You are running linux from a live cd, are you? | 21:26 |
mv_ | ummm i think not?? ummm i do have linux installed... i did hear the dik drive making operations i think | 21:27 |
mv_ | disk* | 21:27 |
bekks | So pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please. | 21:27 |
bekks | sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 21:28 |
mv_ | ok | 21:28 |
mv_ | | 21:30 |
bekks | The drive in question is sdb, not sda. | 21:30 |
mv_ | ok | 21:30 |
mv_ | that a problem? | 21:31 |
bekks | Yes, because you tried to mount sda1. | 21:31 |
mv_ | ummmm so how do i open the drive?? | 21:31 |
bekks | What did you do to "open" sda1? | 21:32 |
mv_ | sorry i have little experience in this and i am not english | 21:32 |
mv_ | went to computer and double clicked on the drive | 21:32 |
bekks | So do the same for sdb1 | 21:32 |
mv_ | which one is that? | 21:33 |
bekks | The disk with the UUID 30B24522B244EDC2 | 21:34 |
mv_ | in the file manager can i input /sdb1 ? | 21:34 |
bekks | No. | 21:34 |
bekks | Try mounting it manually: sudo mkdir /tmp/sdb1; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdb1; ls -lha /tmp/sdb1 | 21:35 |
mv_ | should i do the 2 sudo's one at a time? | 21:39 |
mv_ | i just put in sudo mkdir /tmp/sdb1 and it goes to the next line, but it did do something???? | 21:41 |
mv_ | just did the second thing and got a response | 21:42 |
mv_ | hey bekks look at private chat | 21:46 |
bekks | Keep it in this channel please. | 21:47 |
bekks | So whatever you are trying to mount there is either invalid or corrupt. | 21:48 |
bekks | The latter one is more likely. | 21:48 |
mv_ | shit | 21:48 |
bekks | If you have valuable data on it, I'd take that disk to some professionall, for data recovery. | 21:48 |
mv_ | yeah its very important | 21:49 |
mv_ | so we are done for now? | 21:49 |
bekks | yeah, unfortunately. | 21:49 |
mv_ | thanks so much for your help | 21:49 |
bekks | You may call OnTrack, and ask them how much it would cost to recover data. | 21:50 |
mv_ | i live in the netherlands | 21:50 |
mv_ | maybe its here too but it doesnt sound like it | 21:50 |
bekks | They have offices around the world. | 21:50 |
mv_ | ok cool | 21:50 |
bekks | | 21:51 |
mv_ | ha wow tnx | 21:51 |
mv_ | will look at that | 21:51 |
mv_ | thanks again all the people that helped | 21:52 |
mv_ | i will be going now, time for some netflix :) | 21:52 |
Gallomimia | i need to know why the super key minimizes any fullscreen app i'm using (like a game) and how to disable it | 23:12 |
ubuntu-mate | Ola | 23:15 |
ubuntu-mate | turma como estao ai | 23:15 |
ouroumov | ubuntu-mate, you speak English? | 23:16 |
bekks | !es | ubuntu-mate | 23:16 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:16 |
javashin | ola | 23:16 |
javashin | eso no es epanol | 23:17 |
javashin | something else | 23:17 |
javashin | ok | 23:17 |
javashin | hello | 23:17 |
ubuntu-mate | hello | 23:27 |
ubuntu-mate | i am from brazil | 23:27 |
bekks | !br | ubuntu-mate | 23:28 |
ubottu | ubuntu-mate: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 23:28 |
ubuntu-mate | hehe viva o linux | 23:29 |
gordonjcp | ubuntu-mate: hello | 23:29 |
TheMariuz | viva english | 23:30 |
TheMariuz | :) | 23:30 |
ubuntu-mate | this is very good | 23:31 |
TheMariuz | this is better than very good | 23:31 |
javashin | brazil | 23:32 |
javashin | hola | 23:32 |
TheMariuz | however linux needs a new soundsystem | 23:32 |
TheMariuz | pulseaudio doesnt cut it | 23:32 |
TheMariuz | too fragile and buggy | 23:32 |
javashin | pulseaudio is ok | 23:32 |
TheMariuz | got my mic working for 1 day | 23:32 |
javashin | pulseaudio works on freebsd now | 23:33 |
TheMariuz | didnt play with settings.. then it died on me | 23:33 |
TheMariuz | never an issue in windows | 23:33 |
TheMariuz | however there arent options as far as i know.. well theres jack... but seriously.. heh | 23:35 |
TheMariuz | a simple sound system with plug IN and plug OUT (like windows) that just work | 23:36 |
TheMariuz | focusing on stability, low latency and low cpu/ram footprint | 23:37 |
TheMariuz | that could run "on the iron" without being dependent on alsamixer etc | 23:38 |
TheMariuz | if theres one thing that sucks BIGTIME in linux i just said it | 23:39 |
gordonjcp | Windows doesn't really do sound, though | 23:44 |
gordonjcp | there's no sane way to do multi-channel low-latency sound in Windows | 23:44 |
gordonjcp | it's fine for beeps and pings for video games | 23:44 |
gordonjcp | it's passable for playing back music | 23:44 |
Gallomimia | how do i stop the super key from minimizing my full screen apps? | 23:51 |
Gallomimia | oh its a menu | 23:52 |
Gallomimia | aha. i fixed it! | 23:53 |
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