=== Trixar_za is now known as Trixar | ||
ra1v3n | Good Morning | 04:25 |
cal_py | konichiwa | 04:40 |
dlPhreak | cal_py | 04:53 |
andrewlsd | morning ra1v3n cal_py dlPhreak | 06:07 |
ra1v3n | morning andrewlsd | 06:15 |
paddatrapper | Morning ra1v3n, andrewlsd, dlPhreak | 06:25 |
dlPhreak | paddatrapper how are you? | 06:25 |
dlPhreak | How is everyone doing? | 06:27 |
paddatrapper | dlPhreak: I'm good thanks. You? | 06:27 |
dlPhreak | Not too bad thanks. | 06:27 |
andrewlsd | morning paddatrapper | 06:27 |
theblazehen | hi all | 06:56 |
ra1v3n | Hello everyone | 07:02 |
ra1v3n | i pavlushka paddatrapper | 07:02 |
pavlushka | ra1v3n: who is pavlushka and who is paddatrapper ? | 07:04 |
pavlushka | ahoy ZA! | 07:04 |
theblazehen | hi pavlushka | 07:04 |
ra1v3n | lol | 07:04 |
ra1v3n | :P | 07:04 |
pavlushka | Hello theblazehen ! | 07:09 |
pavlushka | and the probable miss typed nick thatgraemeguy , :p | 07:09 |
pavlushka | Hello thatgraemeguy :) | 07:10 |
thatgraemeguy | 'lo 'lo :-) | 07:11 |
magespawn | good morning | 08:18 |
theblazehen | hi magespawn | 08:21 |
inetpro | coffee time | 08:32 |
inetpro | good mornings everyone | 08:32 |
pavlushka | Good Morning! | 08:41 |
jerit | morning! | 08:42 |
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest60909 | ||
=== Guest60909 is now known as jeffe | ||
SEptic | hey Kilos! | 09:42 |
Kilos | hi SEptic | 09:42 |
SEptic | look, a jeffe! hes new, be nice | 09:43 |
jeffe | ahoy! | 09:43 |
Kilos | hi andrewlsd cal_py d`_`b divansantana inetpro magellanic superfly and all those i missed as well | 09:43 |
Kilos | hi jeffe welcome to ubuntu-za | 09:44 |
andrewlsd | Hi Kilos | 09:44 |
cal_py | hey Kilos | 09:45 |
Kilos | hmm... 45 online nicks | 09:45 |
Kilos | 3 afk | 09:45 |
SEptic | olympic record? | 09:46 |
Kilos | for a week day yes | 09:47 |
magespawn | always going forward | 09:50 |
Kilos | taken forever | 09:50 |
Kilos | have you been watching the ibid peeps magespawn | 09:50 |
Kilos | dont let them slack off | 09:50 |
magespawn | not recently | 10:00 |
magespawn | not too much happening there | 10:02 |
magespawn | but if i know the superfly he will keep it moving forward | 10:02 |
theblazehen | hi Kilos | 10:05 |
Kilos | hehe | 10:07 |
Symmetria | wheeeeee | 10:24 |
* Symmetria watches ipv6 go live on Kenya FTTH/GPON clients | 10:24 | |
Symmetria | pretty :P | 10:25 |
Symmetria | So, guys, where is the best place to find seriously good Linux Sys Admins for hire in ZA | 10:25 |
Symmetria | without starting to go through employment agencies who I give crap to and they find me shitty people :) | 10:25 |
Symmetria | and what are good sys admins in ZA being paid these days? | 10:26 |
Symmetria | as in, per annum, 500k? 600k? a mil? | 10:27 |
Symmetria | no one awake? | 10:30 |
MaNI | I'm awake I just don't have any answers for you :) | 10:30 |
Symmetria | lol | 10:31 |
theblazehen | same as MaNI here | 10:31 |
Symmetria | I've been instructed to build a group sysadmin team | 10:31 |
Symmetria | because LOL, at the moment, I'm doign all the *nix admin shit and I don't have the time for it and its not technically my job :P | 10:32 |
Symmetria | the only problem is, finding people who will be able to maintain all the random systems I have running and some of those systems are a little complex ;p | 10:32 |
theblazehen | Symmetria: Full time? | 10:34 |
Symmetria | heh very much full time | 10:34 |
Symmetria | its a lot of systems | 10:35 |
Symmetria | and I'm flexible about CPT or JNB | 10:35 |
Symmetria | http://server.alstonnetworks.net/kenya-resolution.png <==== wheeee that script I got integrated with Cacti works | 10:35 |
theblazehen | nice | 10:36 |
Symmetria | WORKING=${!combined} | 10:37 |
Symmetria | heh, first time I ever used that syntax in a script | 10:38 |
Symmetria | its handy | 10:38 |
andrewlsd | Symmetria: if you want to outsource, you could chat to LSD. Otherwise possibly ZaTech slack community. (zatech.co.za) | 10:43 |
arts | hey ho | 10:43 |
Symmetria | andrewlsd yeah, we wouldn't outsource this stuff, a lot of it is simply 2 sensitive | 10:44 |
Symmetria | but will check out the slack community there | 10:44 |
arts | any web devs online? | 10:46 |
magellanic | arts: did you come right with the sizing? | 10:46 |
superfly | arts: hi | 10:46 |
arts | yeaah, onto new problem now LOL | 10:48 |
arts | I need some advice | 10:48 |
superfly | I have plenty advice. Not everyone likes my advice though. | 10:49 |
Kilos | lol | 10:49 |
theblazehen | I'll back superfly up with his advice as well | 10:49 |
Kilos | arts just ask then sort it through | 10:50 |
arts | I have 4 databases with +/- 30 fields each, each field is encrypted, what I want todo is decrypt all the data from the databases, use the username field to inser the persons name and suername, I want to put each database into an array and feed it into javascarip, right now each db has 3000+ entries, annnnnddddd the php script has stoped functioning properly, so im guessing I have reached the battery limits of drawing data? so is AJAX the | 10:51 |
arts | solution and is there an easy way todo it? | 10:51 |
arts | damn, this single line text box is not cool LOL | 10:52 |
superfly | arts: uh, that sounds like you're doing it wrong | 10:52 |
arts | how so? | 10:53 |
theblazehen | uhh.. | 10:53 |
superfly | arts: can you not find the user without decrypting? | 10:53 |
theblazehen | Are you literally iterating over all data to find what you need? ... | 10:53 |
superfly | arts: What database system are you using? | 10:53 |
arts | yep, thats what im doing but for each database it still has to run through the userbase to fined the encrypted username once I have it I replace the username with the decrypted name and surname | 10:54 |
theblazehen | Or I suppose you could SELECT * WHERE username ='encrypt('username')' | 10:54 |
arts | I dont think username is the issue | 10:54 |
theblazehen | So you're migrating to a new thing then? | 10:54 |
arts | no I'm just trying to take all of the data in the database and make a dashboard | 10:58 |
theblazehen | Well | 10:58 |
theblazehen | First you need to fix your database | 10:58 |
arts | fix? | 10:58 |
theblazehen | Are you encrypting data in php? | 10:59 |
arts | yep | 10:59 |
arts | i have made a encrypt nd decrypt function to take care of it | 10:59 |
theblazehen | How do you do a lookup for a user? | 10:59 |
arts | when I want to match the username to the name and surname? | 11:00 |
theblazehen | Eg, you want address of username, do you do a `SELECT * from users` and in php `for user in users {if decrpytuser() == user; then do stuff }`? I know that's far from correct php, but you get the idea | 11:02 |
arts | so if i wanted to find theblazehen it would llok like sprintf("SELECT * FROM database.table WHERE i = '%s'", encryption('e', 'theblazehen', expose_key())); | 11:03 |
theblazehen | Ok, not _as_ bad as I was thinking | 11:04 |
theblazehen | And where is the key stored? | 11:04 |
arts | in a secured script | 11:04 |
theblazehen | And how is the script secured? | 11:05 |
theblazehen | Is it on the same server? | 11:06 |
arts | yes it on the same server, you need a session key and php variable to access it, it is not directly accessed there is a script that run to request all the needed scripts to run the page | 11:07 |
theblazehen | Well, in that case you'd need root on the server to access it (In theory, getting to the other bit still), so why not use MySQL encryption? | 11:07 |
arts | i didnt know there was sucba thing | 11:08 |
theblazehen | What does you checking variable and session script part look like? | 11:08 |
theblazehen | You're using MySQL I assume right? | 11:08 |
arts | you mean the sucurity? | 11:09 |
theblazehen | yeah | 11:10 |
arts | aish my spelling | 11:10 |
arts | https://bin.snyman.info/mmmzuk9f | 11:12 |
theblazehen | and getsome_key is a $_GET? | 11:14 |
arts | nope | 11:14 |
arts | its a defined variable in another script | 11:15 |
theblazehen | Where does it come from? | 11:15 |
arts | this script cant run on its own it get requested from another scrip | 11:15 |
arts | script | 11:15 |
theblazehen | Well, not gonna go into that further now | 11:17 |
theblazehen | > I have 4 databases with +/- 30 fields each | 11:17 |
theblazehen | You mean tables? | 11:17 |
arts | 1 db 4 tables my bad | 11:17 |
theblazehen | And you want to pass all that data to the client? | 11:18 |
arts | client? | 11:19 |
theblazehen | web browser | 11:20 |
arts | yes sir | 11:20 |
theblazehen | All 3000 rows? | 11:21 |
arts | yep | 11:21 |
theblazehen | And who will be able to load the page? | 11:22 |
arts | the user that is logged in | 11:24 |
theblazehen | So.. Every user can access all other user's data? | 11:25 |
arts | no a certain userlevel can, this dash is to get an overview | 11:26 |
theblazehen | Alright. Do you have an id field? Primary key, auto increment | 11:31 |
arts | id field | 11:31 |
theblazehen | You could do a WHERE id > x LIMIT 100 query | 11:32 |
theblazehen | php > var_dump("string"==0); | 11:32 |
theblazehen | bool(true) | 11:32 |
theblazehen | Fyi | 11:32 |
theblazehen | Don't rely on == for checking user input against a string | 11:32 |
arts | im not following | 11:36 |
theblazehen | You can't say if($_GET['thing'] == "secret string"){stuff();} because if you use ?thing=0 in the browser it will evaluate as true | 11:41 |
ra1v3n | Hi Im back | 12:08 |
magellanic | maaz coffee for ra1v3n | 12:09 |
Maaz | magellanic: *blink* | 12:09 |
ra1v3n | thanx | 12:10 |
ra1v3n | my connectioin dropped .... everything came to a screeetching halt | 12:11 |
dlPhreak | Damn coffee shop I'm at has some weird firewall filter blocking port 8001?? Dafuq | 12:18 |
theblazehen | dlPhreak: Now have a look at your http headers :) | 12:20 |
theblazehen | Ffs. post on reddit saying I pipe curl to sh to install salt on my pc/laptop/everything, and get downvoted. The fact that I didn't give a fqdn should have tipped them off that it's on a lan. And if it does bomb out like they suggest, so what? Takes 7 min for other script to install base arch system. Besides, it's 570 bytes. Small enough to fit into a single packet, using standard MTU of 1500. So, not gonna get a partial script | 12:23 |
theblazehen | ever. | 12:23 |
dlPhreak | theblazehen: should I expect something... uh, eccentric? | 12:23 |
theblazehen | dlPhreak: They're probably putting you through a proxy or something | 12:23 |
* theblazehen really needs to go to a coffee shop with my laptop sometime | 12:24 | |
dlPhreak | theblazehen: I figured. Yeah it's a dangerous place.. but only because I'm here ^__^ | 12:25 |
theblazehen | heh :) | 12:25 |
theblazehen | I wonder if people would do that "He's hacking the gibson!" stereotype here if you open a terminal | 12:26 |
dlPhreak | damn | 12:27 |
dlPhreak | forgot I'm not running irc in screen | 12:28 |
theblazehen | heh | 12:28 |
theblazehen | Why not a bouncer? | 12:28 |
dlPhreak | I used znc for a long time but I got a new vps and I was just too lazy to set it up again so I figured, irssi and screen.. much simpler | 12:29 |
dlPhreak | I actually want switch to tmux tho | 12:29 |
theblazehen | tmux is great | 12:30 |
theblazehen | Doesn't handle all escape sequences though I think. Can't do Ctrl+[ArrowKey] | 12:31 |
dlPhreak | Does it do the emacs style keybinds? | 12:33 |
theblazehen | Sorry, I meant it doesn't pass them through | 12:33 |
theblazehen | So I can't Ctrl+Left to go a word back in my shell for example | 12:33 |
dlPhreak | Oh, but that's not a huge dealbreaker. | 12:36 |
theblazehen | I use it a lot, but yeah, might not be for you | 12:39 |
dlPhreak | theblazehen: vim or emacs? | 12:40 |
theblazehen | dlPhreak: I use vim, but I still sometimes use the ctrl+arrow keys | 12:40 |
theblazehen | I tried emacs | 12:40 |
theblazehen | Was nice | 12:40 |
theblazehen | Well, spacemacs | 12:41 |
theblazehen | And I'm sure it can do good text manipulation | 12:41 |
theblazehen | But tramp mode is slow | 12:41 |
theblazehen | And evil is a little buggy | 12:41 |
theblazehen | If I ever write something more than a simple script I'll probably use emacs, but for small things, I still go vim | 12:42 |
theblazehen | vim works over ssh | 12:42 |
theblazehen | I *know* emacs does too, but vim has a better console interface | 12:42 |
dlPhreak | I don't like emacs. It's like having a fridge that also fixes your car and bakes bread. | 12:43 |
theblazehen | dlPhreak: Yeah. But I prefer it over a full IDE so far | 12:48 |
theblazehen | Handles large files "better" than vim. emacs was extremely slow to scroll | 12:48 |
theblazehen | Vim used up around 18 GB RAM, and I don't have a swap file, so had to reboot | 12:49 |
theblazehen | nano complained about file being too large | 12:49 |
theblazehen | vi was fine | 12:49 |
dlPhreak | Damn that must be a huge file. | 12:53 |
theblazehen | Might be thinking of the wrong file, but if I'm right the file was 37k lines, 1.9 MB | 12:53 |
dlPhreak | I gotta go. Chat again! | 12:54 |
theblazehen | One thing I like about docker: If the devs give crappy install instructions, there's always the Dockerfile | 13:00 |
Kilos | who was it that was battling with ns on ubuntu yesterday or day before | 13:57 |
Kilos | http://adnan.quaium.com/blog/3535 | 13:57 |
Cryterion | evening everyone | 15:18 |
Kilos | hi Cryterion | 15:32 |
Kilos | and jerit | 15:32 |
Kilos | hi chesedo you been quiet | 15:42 |
Kilos | my kop te plat | 15:47 |
jerit | south african dog training college removed me from their group apparently because I insisted that people be held responsible for what they post on it | 16:42 |
jerit | I held that if people were going to make claims of animal cruelty against the SPCA and/or other organisations in the group, they should be able to substantiate their claims otherwise either not make the claims or retract the claims publicly... Seems this didn't go well | 16:44 |
superfly | People don't like being wrong | 16:46 |
MaNI | https://xkcd.com/386/ | 16:55 |
MaNI | participating too much on facebook is a sure fire way to destroy any remaining faith you have in humanity | 16:57 |
theblazehen | MaNI: Almost thought you beat me to the one I wanted to post.. Was like "Damn, I'm away for 30 s and someone else posts it.." | 16:57 |
theblazehen | http://xkcd2.com/1357/ | 16:58 |
MaNI | at this point I'm genuinely surprised that most so called 'adults' are actually capable of tying their own shoelaces | 16:58 |
theblazehen | Agreed | 16:58 |
Kilos | hey | 16:59 |
theblazehen | hi Kilos | 16:59 |
Kilos | i tie my shoelaces fine ty | 16:59 |
Kilos | sitting or kneeling down | 16:59 |
Kilos | hehe | 16:59 |
theblazehen | heh | 17:00 |
SEptic | Maaz coffee on | 17:06 |
* Maaz washes some mugs | 17:06 | |
Kilos | Maaz coffee please | 17:06 |
Maaz | Kilos: Righto | 17:06 |
Maaz | Coffee's ready for SEptic and Kilos! | 17:10 |
Kilos | Maaz danke | 17:10 |
Maaz | Bitteschön | 17:10 |
SEptic | hehe | 17:12 |
Cryterion | Maaz Beer cold | 17:25 |
Maaz | Cryterion: Excuse me? | 17:25 |
Cryterion | he still refuses, grrr | 17:25 |
SEptic | lol | 17:26 |
jerit | [18:55] <theblazehen> http://xkcd2.com/1357/ ... this was well done | 17:45 |
jerit | my problem with the whole situation which was relevant to this xkcd post, is that the group in question is the South African Dog Training College. Now they remove me from the group because, apparently they're cool with just anybody going and making whatever claims they like on that group without being held accountable. That's just wrong in and of itself | 17:47 |
theblazehen | jerit: I agree | 17:49 |
MaNI | Facebook groups about animals are especially prone to illogical emotional driven thought and mob mentality I'm afraid, even more so than regular groups (which are already pretty bad) | 17:49 |
theblazehen | jerit: Hmm. Were you in there 2 years ago? | 17:49 |
theblazehen | MaNI: I'm not even gonna look | 17:50 |
MaNI | so that sort of thing is pretty much the norm | 17:50 |
MaNI | I've lost count of how many times I've seen people share pictures of some animal being abused or whatever, where upon research the picture turns out to be fake, and not one person has ever apologized for contributing to the spread of fake stories. | 17:51 |
MaNI | I guess it will continue to get out of hand until there are more court cases and the law starts to catch up | 17:51 |
SEptic | oh gosh, animal facebook groups ... *calms himself* | 17:56 |
MaNI | though the group for my area is pretty scary as well, hehe | 17:58 |
SEptic | when i got my collie i was looking around at places to get involved for training ... boy was i amazed at self-serving ppl | 17:59 |
SEptic | trained her myself, dudn't need a facebook page for that | 18:00 |
SEptic | i maybe open facebook once every 2 months maybe | 18:00 |
MaNI | I open it more than I should, mostly because all my family lives far away, it would probably be good for my sanity to open it less often | 18:02 |
MaNI | or just leave all groups, hmm | 18:02 |
SEptic | lol | 18:04 |
SEptic | we survived for thousands of years without it | 18:04 |
MaNI | we survived without the internet as well, that doesn't mean I don't want the internet :p | 18:06 |
Kilos | lol | 18:06 |
theblazehen | MaNI: http://xkcdsw.com/1845 you're right | 18:07 |
MaNI | though if we could go back to how the internet was in the 90s before the masses found out about it that would be fantastic ;) | 18:07 |
theblazehen | Hell, late 00's is okay even | 18:07 |
MaNI | just before flash became popular preferably, so like 1996 :p | 18:09 |
theblazehen | Yeah | 18:09 |
ra1v3n | I use Facecrook for work | 18:11 |
ra1v3n | A necessary evil I'm afraid. | 18:12 |
Kilos | eeeek | 18:13 |
ra1v3n | Hello Kilos | 18:14 |
Kilos | hi ra1v3n | 18:14 |
Kilos | fb for work | 18:14 |
Kilos | that sucks | 18:14 |
SEptic | indeed i agree | 18:15 |
ra1v3n | I hate it ... But I will use any service that creates traffic | 18:16 |
jerit | theblazen I might have been in the group 2 years ago | 18:16 |
Kilos | business is business | 18:16 |
SEptic | true | 18:17 |
Kilos | hi nsnzero | 18:23 |
nsnzero | hey there Kilos | 18:23 |
SEptic | hey nsnzero | 18:24 |
nsnzero | hey SEptic | 18:24 |
nsnzero | hi all | 18:24 |
Kilos | SEptic what was the reason for deciding on your nick | 18:25 |
Kilos | it sounds kinda septic | 18:25 |
SEptic | sheesh ... online nick i been using for ages, there was a reason for the SE, cant rem though | 18:27 |
SEptic | it was for something | 18:27 |
Kilos | lol | 18:27 |
nsnzero | after 6 months i finally was able make my printer work - months of googling and reading finally paid off - i feel happy now | 18:27 |
Kilos | you been on irc for ages? | 18:27 |
Kilos | cool nsnzero | 18:28 |
nsnzero | turns out all i had to do was add myself to the printer group - such a easy fix - hidden amongst hundreds of other fixes | 18:30 |
Kilos | haha | 18:30 |
Kilos | who knows the chanserv commands and how to use them to give someone ops with some flags | 18:32 |
Kilos | /msg ChanServ HELP FLAGS | 18:33 |
Kilos | i cant get the extra flags to work | 18:33 |
SEptic | i was on irc a lot like early 00 to 07 then quite until the other day | 18:33 |
SEptic | i prefer this to social media stuffs, its too much, too spammy, too integrated, too naggy | 18:34 |
Kilos | i love irc | 18:34 |
Kilos | but getting too technical now | 18:35 |
nsnzero | i dont use social media - except to save games | 18:35 |
* Kilos blames inetpro and superfly | 18:35 | |
nsnzero | +o - Enables use of the op/deop commands | 18:37 |
nsnzero | i think that what you need | 18:37 |
ra1v3n | Gnyt all | 18:39 |
Kilos | i have that | 18:39 |
Kilos | but i want to give someone else ops with some flags | 18:40 |
nsnzero | Grants the operator flag to another person on the channel / op nickname | 18:40 |
Kilos | i have these | 18:40 |
Kilos | +AViotv | 18:40 |
nsnzero | night ra1ven | 18:41 |
Kilos | i need to know the complete command | 18:41 |
Kilos | i mess them up | 18:41 |
Kilos | or get told i dont have athority | 18:41 |
nsnzero | Kilos: are you channel ops ? | 18:42 |
nsnzero | ttp://tekkitclassic.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tekkit_Classic_Wiki:IRC/Operators | 18:43 |
Kilos | yes im ops | 18:44 |
Kilos | but need to hand it over while im away | 18:44 |
nsnzero | Administrator who does want operator privileges: +vVoirtA | 18:45 |
Kilos | ty im reading | 18:46 |
Kilos | all i dont have there is r | 18:46 |
magespawn | chat late all home time for me | 18:49 |
Kilos | go safe magespawn | 18:49 |
nsnzero | night guys | 19:06 |
Kilos | night nsnzero | 19:06 |
=== eebrah|wtf is now known as eebrah | ||
SEptic | boy, ubuntu server is sure a challange | 19:23 |
SEptic | but im winning | 19:24 |
Kilos | hehe | 19:24 |
SEptic | should never have studied electrical engineering | 19:25 |
theblazehen | SEptic: installgentoo.org | 19:25 |
theblazehen | SEptic: Installing Gentoo takes only two easily memorable commands: | 19:26 |
theblazehen | 1) fdisk /dev/sda && mkfs.xfs /dev/sda1 && mkswap /dev/sda2 && swapon /dev/sda2 && mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo/ && cd /mnt/gentoo/ && links http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors.xml && md5sum -c stage3-*.tar.bz2.DIGESTS && tar xvjpf stage3-*.tar.bz2 && links http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors.xml && md5sum -c portage-latest.tar.bz2.md5sum && tar xvjf /mnt/gentoo/portage-latest.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo/usr && nano -w /mnt/ | 19:26 |
theblazehen | gentoo/etc/make.conf && mirrorselect -i -o >> /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf && mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc && mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev && chroot /mnt/gentoo/ && env-update && source /etc/profile && emerge --sync && cd /etc && rm /etc/make.profile && ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/desktop make.profile && cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern /etc/localtime && cd /usr/portage && scripts/bootstrap.sh && | 19:26 |
theblazehen | emerge -e system && emerge vim && emerge gentoo-sources && cd /usr/src/linux && make menuconfig && make install modules_install && vim /etc/fstab && passwd && emerge grub vixie-cron syslog-ng dhcpcd && cp /boot/grub/grub.conf.sample /boot/grub/grub.conf && vim /boot/grub/grub.conf && grep -v rootfs /proc/mounts > /etc/mtab && grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda && init 6 && emerge gnome mozilla-firefox openoffice && emerge -- | 19:26 |
theblazehen | sync && emerge portage openssh | 19:26 |
theblazehen | 2) reboot | 19:26 |
theblazehen | from http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Gentoo | 19:26 |
Kilos | sjoe | 19:26 |
SEptic | :o my donder | 19:27 |
SEptic | what!?!?! this is amazing | 19:28 |
SEptic | On August 29, 1997, Gentoo's constant desire to upgrade itself led it to become self-aware, and therefore, turn on its masters and begin a nuclear war against humans. John Connor made the first response, sending the Governor of California back in time to stop it. | 19:30 |
theblazehen | " As with RS-232, the standard for VGA video is that there are lots of standards. Every manufacturer seems to list different timings in the manuals for their monitors. The values given in the table above are not particularly critical. On a CRT monitor, the lengths of the front and back porches control the position of the image on the display. If the image appears offset to the right or left, or up or down, try adjusting the | 19:31 |
theblazehen | front and back porch values for the corresponding direction (or use the image position adjustments on the monitor, which accomplish the same thing)." Oh, great... | 19:31 |
theblazehen | hey paddatrapper | 19:31 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: * | 19:31 |
pavlushka | yes theblazehen ! | 19:32 |
SEptic | theblazenhen: why the nitty gritty on vga? scratching something together? | 19:35 |
theblazehen | SEptic: Trying to upgrade an OS to use 1024x768 (first prize), or otherwise at least 800x600 | 19:35 |
theblazehen | Last time I did something totally out of spec and managed to get 1024x512, but that's not working any more | 19:36 |
theblazehen | Because (1024x512*4/8 )/1024 = 256 KB | 19:38 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 19:38 |
theblazehen | Night Kilos | 19:38 |
theblazehen | The size of the VGA memory | 19:39 |
theblazehen | I put it into 1024x768 VESA mode, but didn't implement page swapping so I could only get up to 1024x512, and had 256 black lines below | 19:39 |
theblazehen | Anyone here familiar with qemu? | 19:40 |
theblazehen | https://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Devices/Graphics/BIOS/vgatables.h gave me the undefined behaviour that just happened to work last time | 19:40 |
theblazehen | get Symmetria | 19:40 |
theblazehen | hey* | 19:40 |
theblazehen | " /* index=0x0e vga mode 0x0e */" and " /* index=0x11 vga mode 0x0f */" seems kinda fishy | 19:41 |
SEptic | hmm let have a lewk | 19:44 |
theblazehen | SEptic: Know any x86 assembly? | 19:50 |
SEptic | meh not really, all my assembly and C is related to micro-controllers, Microchip and Atmels | 19:52 |
SEptic | perhaps i can help | 19:53 |
theblazehen | http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Kernel/KStart16.html#l81 | 19:54 |
theblazehen | We call http://martin.hinner.info/vga/timing.html mode 12 here | 19:55 |
theblazehen | "12 | 19:55 |
theblazehen | 19:55 | |
theblazehen | APA | 19:55 |
theblazehen | 19:55 | |
theblazehen | 640 x 480 | 19:55 |
theblazehen | 19:55 | |
theblazehen | 16 | 19:55 |
theblazehen | 19:55 | |
theblazehen | 60Hz" | 19:55 |
theblazehen | Whoops | 19:55 |
theblazehen | Sorry | 19:55 |
theblazehen | Hmm | 19:56 |
theblazehen | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INT_10H Check bottom function | 19:57 |
theblazehen | Write string, then in the source "StreamPrint("INT 0x10"); //Enable VGA" | 19:57 |
SEptic | StreamPrint("INT 0x10"); hmm | 20:01 |
SEptic | seems a tad odd to be the only streamprint | 20:03 |
theblazehen | SEptic: With intel syntax If I had 0x0C12 (arbitary) in that MOV instruction, would the interger representation be 300 because of little endian or 3090? | 20:03 |
theblazehen | "Write string (EGA+, meaning PC AT minimum)" Maybe I can use EGA modes? | 20:05 |
SEptic | 3090 i believe | 20:05 |
theblazehen | SEptic: https://linx.home.theblazehen.com/2016-08-11-220654535x117scrot.png | 20:07 |
SEptic | stupid intel little-endian | 20:17 |
theblazehen | SEptic: You'll like TempleOS I think. Only thing's compiled are the bootloader and compiler | 20:18 |
theblazehen | Kernel and everything is JIT compiled | 20:18 |
theblazehen | Variant of C | 20:18 |
theblazehen | Global autocomplete | 20:18 |
theblazehen | No need to manually compile stuff because JIT | 20:18 |
SEptic | 0x0C12 would be 4620 surely? | 20:18 |
SEptic | templeos, lemme check that out | 20:19 |
theblazehen | Eh. I put it in my calculator, and it gave 3090 | 20:19 |
theblazehen | Yeah. Let's get resolution up first :) | 20:19 |
theblazehen | http://wiki.osdev.org/VESA_Video_Modes might be on to something | 20:20 |
theblazehen | AX=0x4F02 looks familiar | 20:20 |
theblazehen | Cryterion: Yeah, there we go | 20:21 |
Cryterion | ?? | 20:21 |
theblazehen | Cryterion: Upgrading an os to 1024x768 resolution | 20:22 |
SEptic | i'd be more use if hadn't been nailing so many beers this eve | 20:23 |
Cryterion | adjust in screen display properties, need to read back to catch up ;) | 20:24 |
theblazehen | Cryterion: Heh. It's using vga modes | 20:24 |
theblazehen | Trying to use VESA modes now | 20:24 |
theblazehen | then just edit the width and height in config | 20:25 |
Cryterion | and I've been looking for something like this, mainly for the raspberryPi, couldn't seem to find much on getting into graphics mode in the first place on linux via terminal | 20:26 |
theblazehen | Cryterion: Do you get a framebuffer device? | 20:27 |
SEptic | little-endian in x86 id byte order? then 0x0c12 => 0x12c0 = 450? | 20:27 |
theblazehen | SEptic: idk | 20:27 |
theblazehen | SEptic: https://code.coreboot.org/p/seabios/source/tree/master/src/std/vbe.h we can target this video bios | 20:28 |
pavlushka | Good night ZA! :) | 20:32 |
SEptic | eish i've run out of juice, calling it a night | 20:35 |
theblazehen | Alright, cheers | 20:36 |
SEptic | will have a look again moro | 20:36 |
SEptic | night all | 20:36 |
theblazehen | cool | 20:36 |
Cryterion | theblazehen: still trying to get into a graphics mode via c on a terminal application, haven't succeeded as yet, been a bit busy lately to continue atm | 20:36 |
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