[00:17] welp looks like that's gonna be done by 5am ;) [00:24] diddledan_: http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/635876/resized_chemistry-cat-meme-generator-i-don-t-know-what-i-m-doing-fdisk-84f247.jpg [00:52] daftykins: fdisk all the things [00:52] oh i try to [00:52] daftykins: does anyone ever understand the ramifications of a y or an n answer when fsck throws up errors? [00:53] like. "I have no idea what you say. just do it." [00:53] fsck -y /dev/foo [00:53] i don't think i've ever had to point someone toward fsck, when others have tried - i've asked for the SMART data and found a dead disk instead [00:54] bad things can happen if they fsck'd a wonky drive :< [00:54] aye. blows up any corruption [00:54] 41% verified on this RAID :) [00:55] \o/ [00:55] that means i've got 40+ TB in the room D: [00:58] blimey [01:01] so, the new star trek goes backwards again, eh? [01:07] I think it's between enterprise and ToS [01:09] yarr [01:09] i never did bother watching Enterprise [01:10] I didn't finish it [01:11] that good? [01:12] who names a Beagle Porthos D: also, wow i remembered that [01:12] lol [04:12] morning [06:46] hello all [07:52] hey MooDoo [07:55] how you doing mapps [07:58] https://streaming.media.ccc.de/guadec2016 o/ [08:06] on hold....boooo [08:32] has anyone been able to build pf kernel with ubuntu sources? [08:47] http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/08/microsoft-secure-boot-firmware-snafu-leaks-golden-key/ [08:48] Funny. [08:48] But not if you own a Volkswagen [08:48] should be possible for ubuntu on the surface then? [08:48] kilogramme is okay as an en_GB translation of kilogram, right? [08:48] kilogramme is the correct spelling, yes. [08:49] Never seen "kilogram" before [08:49] thought so, just not written it much [08:49] they both have the same SI unit, so its safe [08:50] Huh, every dictionary I can find used "kilogram". But then they are all USAian.... [08:50] wikipedia thinks its ok [08:50] Ah-ha. Merria-Webster lists it as a "British variant" [08:53] good, am translating something to en_GB so will use it then :) [08:54] it's funning seeing comments in other languages "Cricket is not popular in brazil!" [08:55] both are acceptable according to chambers [08:56] oed wants me to sign up so they can suck it [08:56] i've never seen kilogramme actually used anywhere [08:59] Time to take our language back from these Yankee imperialists! [09:00] The fact some of our spellings were due to a fashion for all things French years ago, is totally beside the point. [09:00] Never let facts get in the way of a good opinion, I say. [09:02] It's be funny to see regional translations. "User is not in sudoers" could be come "Yer naw wan o' the big yins" [09:03] https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QYtHAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA7-PA86&dq=kilogramme&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=kilogramme&f=false [09:03] kilogram is not a US spelling ^ [09:04] or it wasn't in 1843 [09:06] morning boys and girls. [09:09] No Man's Sky releases today at 6pm. Sam just pointed out that he's not going to be able to use Family sharing on steam this weekend because I'll be on it all the time :) [09:09] he's right [09:09] i'm still on skyrim..maybe i'll get round to NMS if its any good in about 10 yrs [09:10] popey: NMS runs on Linux? [09:11] Sadly not [09:11] Ah, forget it then. [09:11] but NMS appears to be blocked from Family Sharing :( [09:11] https://steamdb.info/app/275850/graphs/ [09:11] according to that [09:11] dunno if that's just because it's not out yet, still beta testers only [09:11] might open once released [09:11] I have enough games I still need to finish...and movies to watch...and books to read...then there's this pesky thing called "work" [09:12] bbc.co.uk has 320 kilogrammes and 394 million kilograms [09:12] Are they still being sued for patent breach over the "super-formula" for the procedural generation [09:12] not aware of that [09:12] first talk at GUADEC has started now https://streaming.media.ccc.de/guadec2016 about flatpak http://flatpak.org [09:13] :) [09:13] "No Man's Sky doesn't actually use this "superformula" thing or infringe a patent. This is a non-story... everybody chill " [09:13] whats the superformula? [09:13] Ah...cool. I know someone was trying to flinging a sueball in their direction. [09:13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superformula ? [09:13] for you Linux people too watch [09:13] :] [09:14] http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-07-21-why-no-mans-sky-fans-are-worried-about-a-patented-superformula [09:14] ali1234: A mathematical procedure that makes it easy to procedurally generate models etc. Someone has a patent on it. [09:14] i guess it is that, since it is patented [09:14] People who patent pure maths should be taken outside and...well...you can imagine. [09:14] yeah it is that one ^ [09:15] i might have to use that for something now [09:15] we could just not sell stuff in America [09:15] This kind of stuff affects the EU too [09:15] bittin: flatpak seems really basic compared to snappy [09:15] EU don't allow nonsenical alogrithmic or software patents AFAIK [09:16] Not quite true from what I recall reading a while back. I agree totally that the intention is to not let it happen, but.... [09:16] * TwistedLucidity tries to find linky [09:17] https://fsfe.org/campaigns/swpat/swpat.en.html under "Current Status" [09:18] Quote: the European Patents Office (EPO) grants software patents by declaring them as "computer implemented inventions". [09:18] I'm not sure how TTIP will affect the situation. [09:19] The European Patent Convention (EPC), Article 52, paragraph 2, excludes from patentability, in particular [09:19] discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; [09:19] aesthetic creations; [09:19] schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers; [emphasis added] [09:19] presentations of information. [09:19] Totally agreed. But they weasel around their own rules. [09:19] "mathematical methods" are algorithms and formulaue [09:20] Software is, to a large degree, just mathematics with pretentions of grandeur. [09:21] Quite why copyright isn't enough beats me. [09:22] Not sure if this has been overturned: http://www.out-law.com/page-9995 (IPO approves software patent for UK) [09:23] Good morning all! Happy Friday, and happy World Elephant Day! 😃 🐘 [09:24] * TwistedLucidity wonders what kind of magic calendar JamesTait has [09:25] TwistedLucidity, it's called the internet, and it has special celebration days for everything, and it's fabulous! 😁 [09:26] Is there are World Day Day? [09:26] And a World Day Day Day? [09:27] World Mention A Day On IRC Day [09:27] That's every day round these parts [09:29] alan@homeserver:~$ grep -i JamesTait irclogs/2016/freenode/* | grep -i Happy | grep -ic Day [09:29] 97 [09:29] figured it would be higher than that [09:29] Me too. [09:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/23048819/ [09:30] TwistedLucidity, I bet if you look hard enough, there is somewhere. 😉 [09:31] is anyone else watching the flatpak talk? [09:32] No, I didn't know about it, but I probably should be. [09:32] does anyone with a lwn.,net subscription wish to share https://lwn.net/Articles/696868/ please? [09:32] https://streaming.media.ccc.de/guadec2016/room1/ [09:33] seems like they are only targeting desktop apps [09:33] you have to do everything over dbus [09:33] Right, that's what I understood. [09:33] like opening files or urls [09:34] i think they'll quickly discover that basically no interesting software can work in this model [09:34] ubuntu uk podcast is now called ubuntu podcast? [09:35] yes it's rebranded [09:35] http://ubuntupodcast.org/ [09:36] Thanks, ali1234. [09:37] foobarry: yeah, only a few years ago [09:38] woops. i kind of stopped listening at some point and never got back in the habit [09:40] "You can ask PulseAudio to load any DLL from the host and it can do anything." Does that affect snaps as well? [09:40] probably [09:43] got the lwn.net link now. [09:49] blast from the past I'm watching - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJAFPoiRODM [10:00] popey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23048883/ [10:14] bloody hell JamesTait lol :D [10:15] haha, brilliant [10:15] taitbot [10:15] I suspect there are some duplicates in there where formats changed and/or emoji were added. [10:16] realised i#m not getting unicode in my screen session [10:23] Oh noes 🐧 [10:23] (ʘ∇ʘ)ク 彡 ┻━┻ [10:25] oh i got those [10:25] not the oh noes one though [10:28] that's a cheeky little penguin [10:28] I've never got to grips with entering unicode on GNU/linux [10:29] http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/81923/gnu-screen-doesnt-echo-unicode-characters-correct/81924 [10:29] Can use the compose key though, that's a cool feature [10:30] Reminds me, I need to find out how to force byobu to use tmux rather than screen. [10:33] it does by default now [10:52] hey everyone [10:56] hello knightwise [11:13] hi knightwise === zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi [11:23] Goood Morning! [11:24] hey MooDoo [11:28] Hows it going dude [11:33] Hey BigRedS [11:33] find anything more on that site I showed you ? [11:39] Aha, yeah, I've bookmarked it for when I remember the things I'm supposed to be learning about, too :) [11:46] hahah :) Know what you mean [11:46] more books to add to the "I should read this somedauy " list [11:57] haha, yeah [12:24] got my new watch strap for my f91w [12:27] does adding a new watch strap to a f91w increase it's value? :-) [12:27] watch strap is £3 , watch is @£6 [12:28] mind i have seen smartwatches for €20 locally... [12:29] stil more than 3x the price of the worlds best watch [12:29] * popey hugs his f91w [12:29] I asked for directions recently, noticed the guy had an f91w, and afterwards I said "hey, nice casio f91w watch!" he looked at me like I was a freak, and got away sharpish [12:30] lol [12:30] directions?? do you not have 2-3 gps enabled devices about your person on a average day...? [12:31] guy had greatness on his wrist without knowing it [12:31] or realised he was in the presence of a watch geek... [12:32] i'm no watch geek just a satisfied customer [12:32] i never wear my £80 rotary any more [12:32] we had gps / map, but internet was patchy [12:32] i like my cheap fitness tracker nuband... but it is annoying to have press the button to read the time... [12:33] and when internet goes away, the google maps app conveiently "forgets" the map you had on screen [12:33] hmm how to get the strap off... [12:33] i use cycle streets. a downloadable map pack of uk and ireland. won't calculate routes offline but full maps are all i need [12:34] foobarry: tiny holes in either side of where the strap attaches [12:34] yeah, tiny pin reqd i think [12:35] this new strap feels nicer. tempted to change both sides, but i'll prob only change the borken bit [12:36] video of changing strap... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2ufbrNYLcc [12:36] dunnit already :) [12:38] I recently swapped the metal strap of my Moto360 to a silicone one [12:38] using a paperclip... thank goodness i have my https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fwherebadmovieslive.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F09%2Fmacgyver-paperclip-tool.jpg&u=https://wherebadmovieslive.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/macgyver-paperclip-tool.jpg [12:38] i used a 1.4mm precision screwdriver [14:12] yay one verified array and xfs mounted fine :> [14:17] XFS sicks [14:17] sucks [14:17] especially when it kills the filesystem on disk failure/full disk [14:18] been working fine for me for large RAIDs that are just media stores [14:20] we've had a few go bad [14:20] and don't use it anymore [14:20] esp bad on centos 6 [14:20] what do they tend to be, database volumes? [14:22] data files [14:22] research data [14:22] scratch volumes [14:23] hmm, welp this is ubuntu server 14.04 [14:38] /dev/sdb: Timing cached reads: 4494 MB in 2.00 seconds = 2247.33 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 1396 MB in 3.00 seconds = 465.00 MB/sec [15:41] Azelphur: hehe had someone teasing you in another channel for not thinking an SSD would benefit games ;) [15:41] daftykins: I was right though, beyond loading times it won't do nothing for you [15:41] not entirely true, there's silence! [15:42] but you putting together a system in 2016 and neglecting an SSD? crazy talk, sir [15:57] diddledan: must resist... urge to watch mr.robot s2 before it finishes airing! D: [16:05] minor news today, our understanding of everything might be wrong: http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/08/researchers-orbit-a-muon-around-an-atom-confirm-physics-is-broken/ [16:06] not the first time that's happened [16:07] daftykins: realised i'm now ats2ep4 [16:07] of Mr.Robot? [16:07] e5 is weird [16:09] se1e0-se2e4 is weird [16:11] e5 is weirderer [16:12] i just did a bit of a recap on s1's last ep [16:13] boo [16:13] they could make it better [16:13] a UK series would be quite different [16:13] and potentially epic [16:14] Azelphur: "loading times" can be signficant in some games [16:15] Seeker`: true, but not many [16:15] I think the games designers could improve those if they thought about it a bit [16:15] Azelphur: for large values of "not many" [16:15] still I haven't done bad, I've got this: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/wBjNPs on £300 [16:15] i.e. load enough to get the level loaded at the spawn point and then load the rest in the background [16:15] Azelphur: still how can you dev and use high end gear and not want SSDs in all the things O_O [16:15] skyrims surely could preload when you are near somewhere [16:15] daftykins: not for me, it's for the gf, she wants one large drive for games [16:15] maybe other games do [16:15] right but you have to have an OS too [16:16] nobody stores there games on SSD [16:16] yes they do [16:16] i have a dedicated one for my game installs [16:16] Azelphur: Hi, I'm nobod [16:16] well, hardly anybody [16:16] y [16:16] Seeker`: me too [16:16] I have a 1TB SSD [16:16] but, baring in mind that cost more than the entire cost of this build...yea [16:16] I think by "hardly anybody" you mean "most people" [16:16] i'd still rather the OS on SSD and the games could be on a large mechanical volume [16:16] at a minimum [16:17] Seeker`: +1 [16:17] Seeker`: I don't think most people install games on an SSD? [16:17] * Seeker` has two SSDs, one for OS, one for games [16:17] i've got an M.2 SSD in my new build with the OS on and the older 512GB SATA for games - then a mechanical for media [16:17] daftykins: hehe, but it's already a £300 birthday present, I think that's plenty enough ;) [16:18] do it once do it right [16:19] even a budget drive is like £50 or less no? :) [16:19] daftykins: I've been following "if (buying) { buy good } else { use what I have }" [16:19] Azelphur: Why don't you think most people do? [16:19] Out of the total population of the world, probably most people don't [16:19] which is the good adblocker? [16:19] out of the population that, say, buy games from Steam, I suspect most do [16:19] Seeker`: it's very expensive [16:19] i keep forgetting which is best for chrome/firefox [16:19] foobarry: ublock origin [16:20] reasons? [16:20] lightweight and superior to ABP [16:20] good enough for me :D [16:20] no whitelisting paid rubbish [16:20] thats also good reason [16:20] ok i'll do it [16:20] You can get 400GB SSDs for about £100 [16:20] Seeker`: *shrug* I think 1TB min really for regular gaming [16:20] Admittedly they aren't the fastest on the market, tehy still blow spinning discs out of the water [16:20] but, I can still buy a decent SSD later [16:20] Azelphur: No, 1TB isn't the minimum for regular gaming [16:21] i don't really see why you would leave tonnes installed at the same time [16:21] I've got a 500GB drive, I uninstall games I haven't played in about 6 months, I've still got about 100GB free [16:21] That isn't exclusively games either, I've got 100GB+ of video that I need to transcode too [16:22] Seeker`: I have 252GB of steam alone, and I don't even have all my games installed. [16:22] Why do you need all of your games installed at once? [16:22] nor do I game that much [16:22] right but you'd have to be a little bit silly in your head to keep them all installed [16:22] I suppose, game shuffling works [16:22] I can download 25GB of data an hour from the steam servers, I can think "I want to play X now" and have it installed in (mostly) minutes [16:23] I actually barely have any of my games installed, and I only have the ones installed that I play fairly regularly at current [16:23] they're only a folder paste away if you keep them on other media, too [16:23] (for steam) [16:23] Gaming more often doesn't mean that you have to have more games installed, it just means that you spend more time gaming [16:23] Games I have installed: CS:GO, DiRT Showdown, Distance, Golf with your Friends, Payday 2, Portal (1+2), ShellShock, The Stanley Parable, Tabletop Sim, TF2, Rocket League and Hearthstone [16:24] and whoop, there goes 250GB :) [16:24] Often, people that spend a lot of time gaming spend most of their time on one game [16:26] i'm still loving Hitman \o/ [16:26] haven't even moved off the first level still, with 32+ hours of play [16:26] I've got WoW, Diablo, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Keep talking and nobody explodes, CS:S, Doom, Factorio, Fallout 4, FF VIII, rFactor2, Rocket League, Sonic & All-stars racing, Stardew Valley, Tomb Raider installed [16:26] so much to do and see :D [16:27] and Battlefield 4 [16:45] Geeky weekend time :) [16:45] o rly? what do you have planned? [16:45] Installing Kali on the chromebook while propped on the couch watching old episodes of beverly hills 90210 [16:46] oof [16:46] my wife loves the show :) She is rewatching all nine seasons [16:47] Playing around with a 125 euro laptop SSH'd into a 40 euro raspberry pi to use a 20 year old chat program has something ... Cyberpunky [16:47] i'm not familiar, but kali references tend to make me cringe due to the types that would come in #ubuntu lying about running it (when it used to be ubuntu based) and trying to get help cracking wifi or something equally mundane [16:47] daftykins: I can understand that [16:48] learning pen testing could be fun though i'm sure :) [16:48] I would like to use it to quicly enumerate clients networks and stuff [16:48] Not planning on becoming the next kev mitnick though. [16:48] :D [16:58] hmm.. whow .. kde [16:58] havent done THAT in a while [17:00] do people still use KDE? [17:02] I still don't like that qt isn't suitable for app-stores like apple and gplay [17:02] or rather the open sauce version isn't [17:03] there's something about the GPL license and the way that you package for those platforms that makes it incompatible :-( [17:13] deleted the Chroot , trying again with Xfce [17:49] Any idea on the best way to backup a running Ubuntu or Debian system? I was thinking dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -1 - | dd user@host dd of=file.gz [17:50] Or I could use dump. [17:50] This would be easier if I had lvm, because I could snapshot that bad boy then write it to a file. [17:50] Suggestions? [17:50] dd'ing a running system will lead to a dirty filesystem [17:50] with potentially weird results [17:51] Hey, it worked to swap out for a bigger drive :) But I did stop all services prior. [17:52] xD [17:52] I'd rsync everything over [17:52] then re-rsync just before turning off the old one :) [17:53] Rsync could world, but I've got so much customisation, I don't remember half of the things I did. :D [17:53] just rsync everything on the / filesystem (and other "actual" filesystems) [17:53] you'll then have a copy of the machine [17:53] then the second rsync run is to see what changed since the last one [17:53] and you can test the new one [17:54] Don't have the pleasure of a second machine right now. [17:54] I could just get another drive, create a LVM, dd the partitions over, then I have the ability to snapshot. [17:55] Which would mean I'd have a frozen in time point to actually do a dd to a file. [17:56] I wish ZFS was included in the kernel. Then I could have done a ZFS rootfs :) [18:02] you and your exotic setups! [18:02] m0nkey_: this is a good wake up call as to writing notes of your own mods in future [18:03] Heh [18:03] getting it to work once is such a Linuxy thing to do, but it's totally worthless if it can't be repeated [18:04] All the recent stuff I can re-produce. [18:04] Just all the other junk [18:04] ;) [18:04] And it'll be nice just to have an image backup. [18:06] why does it have to be running during the backup? [18:07] It's headless, then I got to get it out of the closet, hook up a keyboard/monitor, who wants that? :-) [18:07] ah so the typical case of wanting to avoid some real work :) [18:07] The lazy IT guy approach. Yes. [18:08] * daftykins has no sympathy [18:08] :) [18:09] yay clonezilla, etc. [18:10] I could do that. But I'd like to schedule this, back it up like 2-3 times a month [18:10] Automation :D [18:11] mmm good luck with that [18:14] zfs send | ssh moo zfs receive [18:14] :-p [18:14] zfs really is a panacea [18:15] i'd prefer pancakes [18:15] mmm, pancakes [18:15] with icey cream and maple syrup [18:17] diddledan: ZFS on the rootfs, mmm... I'd totally do that. zfs send/recv .. easy as pie. [18:18] hmmmm, pie.... [18:18] m0nkey_: it _might_ be possible with a bit of fiddling of the initrd on an ubuntu system [18:19] or, yannow, freebsd it :-p [18:19] I haven't heard any more news about the ubuntu/bsd crossover project since the initial announcements [18:27] diddledan: I have considered fbsd'ing it. However, I have LUKS encrypted disks for my off-site backups [18:27] I don't think fbsd support LUKS [18:28] no, I don't think it does. they use geli IIRC [18:28] Yes, it's geli [18:28] Which, I could use. But then I'd need to re-write my backup scripts. [18:29] I list all my disks /dev/disk/by-id in a file to loop though to mount attached drives. I don't think fbsd has the same /dev/disk/by-id [18:31] I suppose if I'm using gpt, I could use /dev/gptid [18:32] but then, I got pam customisation I'd need to port too. [18:32] Heh, maybe I should customise so much? :) [18:33] there's no /dev/disk/ on my FreeNAS [18:33] just looking to see if there's anything similar [18:33] Nope, there aint. [18:36] Yeah, migrating to fbsd could be done, won't be easy. pam.d customisations, (log-in notifications, apache pam authentication, etc), drive encryption and backup scripts. [18:45] Anyway, I'm out. Back later. === Chunkyz_ is now known as Chunkyz [20:09] hello [20:09] lo [20:09] already gone [20:10] mmm slow eyes :> [20:17] I've got slow ears. I don't listen fast enough [20:18] speed of sound is just too slow... [20:20] faffing with too much here, me and a mate in the US were talking about racing games etc - i found the old colin mcrae rally but it doesn't run very well, no pad support for modern controllers [20:20] then i found coline mcrae rally 04 which is nice and modern enough for LAN play even - got it running between my desktop and laptop :D [20:20] https://www.dropbox.com/s/p3q3vpzx042zkjj/cmrally04-2.jpg?dl=0 [20:21] i was always more into space combaty games... [20:21] or gauntlet style top down shooters [20:37] cute kitty: https://twitter.com/sarahjeong/status/764198606295343105 [20:45] doesn't get much fuzzier than that [20:55] hosted raspis! https://blog.mythic-beasts.com/2016/08/05/sneak-preview-from-mythic-labs-raspberry-pi-netboot/ [20:56] run out of a phone box with a out of order sign on the outside i presume... it's a huge operation... :-) [20:57] wow suddenly getting interest in the PCs i'm selling [20:57] 2 emails in the past few hours [20:59] hope they lead to sales [21:01] hehe, the core 2 quad one nearly did before i realised it was worth more to me to keep after doing it up, than having the £120 i'd listed it for [21:30] "To anyone looking for a simple, even crude explanation for the Web’s rise, this is it: the ability to view a reasonable facsimile of a naked woman in the privacy of your own home." [21:30] from: https://www.minnpost.com/business/2016/08/rise-and-fall-gopher-protocol [21:39] hi [21:39] j [21:40] wb with the usual nick [21:40] daftykins, this tablet this nick, computer old usual nick [21:41] bebetin? :) [21:41] hmm? [21:42] nevermind [22:01] Why are space rocks gay? [22:01] Oops, wrong channel [22:01] Clearly they are very delightful though [22:02] permanently in the sun sir, they must like the heat [22:02] keeps 'em chirpy [22:59] By Grabthar's Hammer, By the suns of Warvan, You shall be avenged! [23:00] hmm BBC Panorama did another proggy on North Korea [23:02] no more alan rickman... no galaxy quest 2... [23:11] :-( [23:11] * zmoylan-pi shakes fist at 2016 [23:12] I want my money back for this year! [23:14] so today's new Windows 10 Insider build killed iTunes [23:15] so... not all bad then... [23:15] sounds ace [23:16] i had to repair vmware workstation earlier since the new version went on, minor task though [23:16] ooh, get you [23:16] vmware workstation! [23:17] :P [23:17] better than oracle break all the things virtualbox [23:18] hyper-v *cough* ? [23:18] vmware workstation... an ancient pentium 1 propping up wonky desk... :-) [23:19] hyper-v is a huge turd [23:19] * daftykins holds his arms out wide [23:19] HUUUUUUUGE [23:19] ooh, bsod [23:19] :O [23:19] best memtest [23:19] * daftykins runs [23:20] wonder how I caused that...? [23:20] i miss gpf's and uae's sometimes. bsod's seem bland now [23:20] I did repair iTunes and reboot.. [23:20] zmoylan-pi: but they have faces [23:20] and again. same code [23:21] 12.4.3 they're up to now isn't it? [23:21] why do you even use that :( [23:21] I think I killed Windows by fixing iTunes [23:21] THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! [23:22] I don't want to use Windows anyway *pouts* [23:22] well installing itunes replaces a lot of windows anyway [23:22] do you run insider because you didn't want to pay for a copy of 10? :) [23:23] i think diddledan runs w10 as they hang out in linux chatroom and is trying to be a rebel... :-P [23:23] :D [23:24] lol [23:24] * zmoylan-pi once guessed correctly the colour of an engineers tie before they arrived... :-) [23:24] haha [23:25] it was red and they worked for i.b.m. good old big blue... and i knew they thought of themselves as a rebel... therefore had to be a red tie... :-) [23:25] what kind of engineer wears a tie? [23:26] ali1234 has a good point [23:26] i.b.m. engineers [23:26] I thought engineers were jeans wearing [23:26] maybe even shorts [23:26] justifies the size of the invoice later [23:26] often in sandals [23:26] not any of the i.b.m. engineers i dealt with [23:27] IBM doesn't employ engineers. they employ suits [23:27] briefcase carriers [23:27] shirt, ties and jacket hanging in their car in case it was a formal location like lawyers etc. [23:28] they usually knew their stuff mind so a few steps ahead of the h.p. engineers i dealt with