
=== YDU_away is now known as YankDownUnder
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ahoneybunanyone know the command set your grub up?06:16
ahoneybunI have grub-pc installed and can't get rid of it as I closed it during its configing06:16
valorieahoneybun: grub-repair I think is what you want07:03
ahoneybunyea I rebooted and it let me remove all the stuff07:03
ahoneybunI use grub-efi so I did not want grub-pc07:03
ahoneybunstupid ubiquity07:04
obertsomeone know about apache installation on kubuntu?09:00
obertI got this error http://dpaste.com/30W0XH7 when run sudo a2enmod php7.009:02
spacecublo all..09:05
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=== MARCUS is now known as Guest88756
datamanhi. I like kubuntu, but would like to have the newest kde packages. Would it be a good idea to install KDE neon and install the kubuntu-desktop package on top of that, or should I rather install kubuntu and add the kde neon repository? or is none of that a good idea?12:03
BluesKajHey folks12:24
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boolcrapfor some reason my desktop just died14:37
boolcrapsound was still going for like 10 minutes then it restarted the desktop14:37
boolcrapuptime is stll going14:37
boolcrapsays HC died; cleaing up, only thing in dmesg14:38
soeeHC ?14:40
viewer|23717Hey all. Having some trouble with a new install. Installation seemed to go OK. But I can't type my password into the password field. The password just appears in plaintext at the top left of the monitor. Any advice?14:59
boolcrapsoee: xhci_hcd15:00
boolcrapxHCI HOSt not responding15:00
BluesKajviewer|23717, is there field for the username ?15:01
viewer|23717"Please unlock fisk ***"15:02
viewer|23717Oops. Disk15:02
BluesKajviewer|23717, try the vt/tty and login there, then update and upgrade, then reboot15:03
viewer|23717Will do. Cheers.15:04
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=== Guest84781 is now known as pavlushka
josephello, I just recently installed ubuntu 16.04 and after that, i installed kubuntu but I have a problem with the activities in kubuntu. I can't create activities. Can somebody  help me please?16:18
realiesmacbook pro retina compatibility?16:18
tonythetigerDoes anyone know how to browse local file system with Cantata?16:20
josephello, I just recently installed ubuntu 16.04 and after that, i installed kubuntu but I have a problem with the activities in kubuntu. I can't create activities. Can somebody help me please?16:21
obert_I launched apt-get distr-update but it still show me the message 'a new version of kubuntu is available'17:20
Ab3Lobert_: apt-get distr-update ?17:33
obert_ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:34
BluesKajobert_, sudo do-release-upgrade17:36
Ab3Lobert_: that command upgrade packets that are inside the same release you have. it does not a release upgrade17:37
Ab3Lobert_: btw, before to make a release upgrade, it is a good practice to have an uptodate system17:38
obert_then I need to do other things to get the new version of kubuntu?17:38
Ab3Lobert_: yes.17:38
obert_sigh bbl dinner time17:39
Ab3Lobert_: in my opinion the good way is to do a "sudo apt-get update", then a "sudo apt-get upgrade", then a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and when you are sure your current kubuntu is completely uptodate, you can make a full backup of your files, after that be sure you have a live distribution if something turns wrong and finally give a "sudo do-release-upgrade"17:41
Ab3Lobert_: remember, a release upgrade is not like a common upgrade. it will not take 2 minutes. So be sure you have enough free time in front of you (if you understand what I mean)17:46
obert_thank you18:00
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A1ReconRunning kubuntu 16.04. I can't connect to a PPTP VPN. Can someone help me with this?18:58
A1ReconIs anyone online?19:14
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BluesKajA1Recon, i could probly help if it was openvpn, but I'm not familiar with pptp19:50
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me5anybody around?22:29
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