[03:37] hey im currently trying to play and avi and getting an interesting issue of error occurred could not demultiplex stream [03:38] any ideas [04:07] hi all. i have this "Locations" dropdown in the upper bar. how can i remove it? [04:21] is anyone familiar with terminator? [15:27] does anyone have problem where their icons disappear? https://hodzic.org/img/ubuntu%20gnome%2016.04%20no%20icons.png [15:28] I mean this for "lts" release this is unacceptable stuff [16:43] hi all. does anyone know how i can have - if i open multiple windows, i have all the windows listed int he upper bar? [16:43] right now only the currently active program is listed [16:56] and how can I select what apt-server is used and what packages to install (also add proposed updates etc.)? [16:56] ic ant fidn it [16:56] i know its there [17:02] got the answer to the 2nd question [17:32] and is there a way to get hte autodock feature like they have it in windows 10 to the sides so i can have 1 window at the left side and 1 window at the right side# [17:35] https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/shell-windows-tiled.html [17:44] jbicha: thank you very much :D [17:45] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/307/dash-to-dock/ [17:46] you can install ^ with Firefox, I don't think it does quite what you asked for but it might be good enough