
autumnasakrecoer, krytarik, geirdal whoever else I am missing who works with the website: 2 things11:52
autumna1) after finishing the contribute section I think the site is ready to launch. yes/no? 11:52
autumna2)  I am almost wondering if having a single image header (the gradient style, but thinner) is a good idea, will experiment with it a bit, although this is not something we need to decide by the launch 11:54
autumnaok merchandise and artwork pages11:57
autumnaformer can happen before or after the launch, latter will probably happen after the launch because we need to have a tally of what we have. the challenge there will be that we won't have one type of media unlike the gallery pages of krita or blender for example. we have audio, and graphics and video down the line when we have submissions. which makes it more challenging situation. 12:01
sakrecoerautumna: yes, we are very close.12:28
sakrecoeri agree to the points above12:28
sakrecoerall i can think of are details atm12:29
autumnaWIP place actively typing :)12:29
sakrecoersuch as the margin bellow the posts in top section... the "!" mark after "studio" that is white (that is there at all)...12:29
sakrecoerbut those are details really...12:30
sakrecoernot too sure about the ltter spacing in the titles... so forth and so on :D12:30
sakrecoerfunny to see you type :D12:30
autumnahang on guys, I'll resize windows so that I can see what you guys are commenting12:36
autumnaactually there might not be need for the formatting12:38
autumnalet me see some pads have export option12:38
autumnaerr no no such luck12:38
krytariksakrecoer: Of course it is white, and of course it is there - it's a greeting, not a statement.12:42
sakrecoerkrytarik: haha... no it's a typografic error in my schoolbook12:43
sakrecoeralso, it's in regular, where "studio" is in bold, so 2 typographic errors in one glyph :D12:45
sakrecoerand there are 2 sizes in the title12:45
* sakrecoer sheds a tear for poor guttenberg, shrugin in his grave :D12:46
autumnayes the size was intentional12:46
autumnaI made the ubuntustudio a bit larger as a css12:46
autumnawe can change that12:46
autumnabtw sakrecoer I was think re the logo, there is a distinct disadventage of making the logo image and that is people who disable css will not be able to see it12:47
sakrecoeryes, please. i don't min 2 different sizes, but it has to be consistent, such as 2/3, 1/2, bigger...12:47
autumnavs css styling of the logo goes away with the rest of the css12:47
autumnait is consistent12:47
autumnaits something like 120%?12:48
autumnaof the text type it is in12:48
sakrecoeryeah, that is not enough.. makes it look like an error in my eyes.12:48
sakrecoerit is in CSS now?12:48
autumnadouble size would hmmm12:48
sakrecoersame size...12:48
sakrecoerthere is already a font difference.12:49
autumnamaking it too big would make it look weird12:49
sakrecoerits medium on ubuntu and regular on welcome12:49
autumnaubuntu+studi- actually you are right12:49
sakrecoerno need to add size difference on top of that ;) it's called putting a cake on the cake :D12:49
autumnastudio is larger than ubuntu.12:49
autumnawhat on earth12:49
autumnadid WP nest the 2 spans or something?12:49
krytarikThat's just how the logo is...12:50
sakrecoeryeah, there are three fonts, three sizes and 2 colors atm...12:50
autumnaits the logo12:50
autumnaone thing WE CAN do 12:50
autumnais to put the title into two lines12:50
autumnaok let me fix that real quick before going back to contribute12:50
sakrecoerright, krytarik is right..12:50
autumnabut after that can we please focus on one thing?12:50
sakrecoerits the wight difference i think12:50
sakrecoerthose are details, i agree...12:50
autumnaits not it sakrecoer12:51
autumnait is important12:51
autumnajust like jumping around we won't get anything finished ;D12:51
sakrecoeryes, but the content should be in place before we go through the finess12:51
sakrecoerotherwise we will be constantly chasing loose ends12:51
autumnahttp://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/ here we go12:54
krytarikUhh, ok..12:58
autumnayou don't like it?12:59
sakrecoeri like it :D13:03
sakrecoeri can see the "!" mark there, but in blue and in ubuntu-bold13:03
sakrecoeranyways, we'll check that later ;)13:03
autumnaI deleted the !13:04
autumnaor I should have13:04
sakrecoernono, i see that you removed it...13:04
sakrecoerthat is why i mention it, knowing krytarik likes it.13:04
sakrecoerlet it be for now autumna :)13:05
autumna*forces brain to switch gears back13:05
krytarikNah, I think the multiline thing can work - just seems to need a little getting used to - and I don't mind the dropped exclamation mark either then, of course.13:09
autumnaits a question of getting the proportion right13:10
autumnawhich am I not sure is QUITE there13:10
autumna(or it might be)13:11
autumnaok I think I have a rough draft 14:12
autumnasakrecoer /krytarik feel free to contribute, also we can probably move this into stage, unless somebody wants to do some radical changes to it14:12
sakrecoeri am going to be away until tonight from now, but i will look at it as soon as i can..14:14
autumnathis is the link whoever wants to hack at it14:24
autumnaI'll also be off for a bit doing some other things. thanks sakrecoer and kryten14:25
sakrecoerthank you autumna ! enjoy your evening!14:35
autumnakrytarik, sakrecoer, geirdal, anybody else who is interested in website: http://www.ubuntustudio.zequence.net/support/15:21
autumnaadded background to the ordinary pages, to make it more streamlined with the front page. good idea? bad idea? terrible idea?15:22

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