
tsimonq2I hear merger failure!00:39
tsimonq2hah I did that00:45
tsimonq2not a failure after all...00:45
ahoneybunyofel: ping03:05
tsimonq2yofel: ping, clivejo says I need to clear by Thursday to Sunday vacation with you :P03:06
ahoneybunanyone with a Windows machine for gaming?03:06
tsimonq2anyone with a Windows machine to contribute to Lubuntu with?03:07
ahoneybungoing to mock me?03:07
tsimonq2are you going to mock me?03:07
ahoneybunI take that as a yes03:08
tsimonq2I'll take that as a yes03:08
tsimonq2(note that I'm slightly modifying his statements :P)03:09
tsimonq2bed for me, I'm tired03:09
valoriesweet dreams, tsimonq203:14
valorieenjoy your camping trip03:14
ahoneybunof course the day I install Steam a game is on sale03:18
ahoneybunvalorie: ^03:18
valoriethere is always something to spend your money on!03:19
ahoneybunmm yea03:20
ahoneybunI have double copies of a few games for some reason03:20
acheronukMorning :)07:23
yofeltsimonq2: lolwhat? 07:58
yofelahoneybun: I have win for that07:58
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soeethird attempt11:39
soeei ordered the same monitor third time... fingers crossed this time it wont have any issues :|11:40
soeeacheronuk: do you have Plasma 5.7 installed ?12:32
acheronuksoee: yes12:32
soeeacheronuk: can you test maybe and reproduce https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=366827 ?12:33
ubottuKDE bug 366827 in weather "Widget location configuration is lost after reboot" [Normal,Needsinfo: waitingforinfo]12:33
acheronuksoee: I'll try in a neon VM, as I don't really want to reboot this box at the moment.12:33
acheronuksoee: location I set is still there after a reboot12:38
soeeok, thanks anyway for testing it12:40
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ahoneybunyofel: want any games?14:09
acheronukahoneybun: I tried running that conversion script on kde_ui.py and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/23064742/14:58
acheronukdoes that make any sense?14:58
acheronuk? yofel also ^^15:01
* soee using kmail https://media.giphy.com/media/vvH9qwSsaSfMQ/giphy.gif15:27
acheronuksoee: yes, using that is self inflicted hassle15:33
yofelnow if I could only figure out how to make enigmail work properly >.<15:43
acheronukenig,ail often fails to find my gpg keys when I first set it up. exporting then importing them again sometimes seems to be the only way to get it to see them16:03
ahoneybunat changed a few of the elements to the Qt5 version17:39
ahoneybunbut a few stayed at QtGui17:39
ahoneybunie. ln 41 and 4217:39
ahoneybunoh wait17:40
ahoneybunlike ln46 should QtWidgets.QSpacerItem17:40
ahoneybunwhen I changed them a few of the lines got hit by PEP8 errors when I converted them17:42
tsimonq2yofel: well clivejo said I had to clear my vacations with you :P17:44
tsimonq2clivejo: so I'll be gone from tomorrow to Sunday (and most of today)17:45
tsimonq2yofel: ^17:45
tsimonq2whoops :P17:45
acheronuktsimonq2: have a good time :)18:15
clivejohi sick_rimmit18:52
clivejohi soee18:55
* clivejo hi fives18:55
* soee high fives back18:58
yofeltsimonq2: enjoy your vacation ;)19:04
* tsimonq2 throws a pile of angry cats at clivejo 19:06
* clivejo sets his puppy dog on the angry cats19:07
clivejorendering them null and void19:08
clivejohow do I fix ugly FireFox?19:09
yofelis the right gtk3 theme set?19:12
clivejoin plasma?19:14
clivejowell thats didnt work as expected :/19:15
acheronukFirefox went fugly as soon as gtk3 got updated to 3.20 on yakkety. with any gtk theme I tried19:16
acheronukAt the moment I am using Firefox developer and nightly builds from mozilla's ftp, and those seem to not have the problem19:18
acheronukUbuntu builds still seem to be not compatible19:18
yofelhm, does electrolysis work for you in those? I tried with 48 and 51 (from mozillateam ppa), but it only renders a white page for me19:19
acheronukelectrolysis = multiprocess, yes?19:20
acheronukif so, then yes it worked, but ate about 50% more memory, so I disabled it.19:21
acheronukI think it depends very much on your addons19:21
yofelyes, the addons disable it for me, but I also tried a session with no addons and there I only got a white page. Not like the page content wasn't there, you could see the mouse change on links etc. but you only saw a white page19:22
acheronukThat is odd.19:25
acheronukYofel & clivejo: This is the dev version from mozilla FTP running with multiprocess now, with the Arc-Darker GTK3 theme - http://i.imgur.com/egjhHvq.png19:26
acheronukok. bbl19:29
blazei'd recommend to try qupzilla but there's no qtwebengine so far19:31
sick_rimmito/ Hi everyone19:31
tsimonq2o/ sick_rimmit 19:32
yofelhm, the nightly from FTP works, nightly from PPA not o.O19:35
clivejoanyone got a working YY chroot on their container? 19:41
santa_good evening/night20:05
soeeah good :D20:05
clivejo!info pkg-kde-tools20:20
ubottupkg-kde-tools (source: pkg-kde-tools): various packaging tools and scripts for KDE Applications. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15.21~ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 90 kB, installed size 434 kB20:20
clivejoyofel: is there something wrong with pkg-kde-tools?20:26
clivejoI cant seem to install them :/20:26
yofelnot that I know of20:35
clivejoacheronuk: would you check please on your YY install?20:39
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* soee playing with kmail -dev ... http://goo.gl/axKP1z21:43
yofel"as expected" ? ^^21:46
soeecan remove message, can't mark it as read :|21:46
yofelthat sounds familiar..21:47
soeenice plasma change: remove colored system icons and add 32px monochrome ones21:49
clivejopoor horsey21:59
clivejohe falled over22:05
yofelyay, plasma became even less usable22:08
yofelmy eyes aren't that great, so I'm actually glad if I can keep icons apart by colors. So I'm the last guy you'll make happy with anything monochrome22:11
yofelthough the situation improved a bit over the last years thanks to every icon getting an unique form22:17

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