
jbicharobert_ancell: can you look into syncing appstream-glib?02:19
robert_ancelljbicha, sure02:19
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pittiGood morning05:41
didrocksbonjour pitti !05:46
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?05:47
didrockspitti: très bien, et toi ? :)05:47
pittiça va -- apparently I caught a cold :(05:47
didrocksoh :(05:47
didrocksis it cold in germany or just stayed at the wrong place ?05:48
pittiit's nice summer weather, apparently the latter05:48
ochosiseb128, Laney: morning you two! quick question: who is maintaining the headerbar patches? i have a suggestion (if you plan to keep the patches around for 16.10 and onwards)07:03
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seb128hey ochosi! unsure what patches you are talking about? the ones to not use headbar under unity? there is no dedicated maintainer, whoever update a package deals with refreshing the changes07:07
seb128oh, and good morning desktopers ;-)07:12
darkxsthey seb12807:16
seb128hey darkxst, how are you? it has been a while we didn't see you on IRC (at least on european hours)07:16
darkxstseb128, I am good, been up in the mountains with no internet ;(07:16
seb128ah, well it's good to cut from technology sometime ;-)07:17
darkxstin theory, but been dealing with windows crap at work ;(07:18
darkxstthere is a desktop team position going atm?07:18
seb128talk to willcooke when he's online, there were 2, one is taken and the other one has a potential lead but I'm unsure how they moved with it, I think it's not a done deal yet so you might be able to apply still if interested07:23
darkxstseb128, ok will do07:24
darkxstI am interested, finish up here in the mountains late September, but could leave earlier07:24
seb128good ;-)07:25
seb128I don't think the "when you can start" is an issue07:25
darkxstno! its probably a more, when the snow all melts issue ;)07:26
ochosiseb128: yeah, those patches07:30
darkxstat which point I wont have any more work here07:30
ochosiseb128: basically at the moment those headerbars still look like headerbars, maybe we can improve the patch so they look like toolbars07:31
seb128that would be nice07:33
seb128I think Trevinho looked a bit at that previous cycle and tweaked the theme07:33
seb128but we might be able to do better07:33
seb128coffee, brb07:34
Laneyhi there!08:02
willcookemorning all08:04
davmor2Morning all08:04
Laneyhi willcooke & davmor2 & darkxst & ochosi08:09
Laneydarkxst: you picked a bad time to disappear08:09
Laneyochosi: do you mean changing style classes or something else?08:09
seb128hey u.k08:11
seb128how are you today?08:11
Laneyhi seb128!!!08:11
ochosiseb128, Laney: it's not just the theme, you could e.g. simply set the toolbar class on each patched headerbar and to the worst add a single line to the theme/s to take that into account08:11
davmor2seb128: good thanks how's france08:12
ochosiLaney: yeah, exactly, didn't read yours before posting mine :)08:12
seb128davmor2, good :-)08:12
ochosiLaney: all other avenues are too much work08:12
Laneyochosi: ya, some of them do that already but possibly not consistently08:12
ochosioh i see08:14
ochosido you guys even plan to keep those patches around?08:14
ochosii remember switching to headerbars was an open topic practically every cycle08:14
Laneydon't even go there08:14
Laneyseb128: we've had like 6 days of sun now08:16
willcookeLaney, check out the forecast for the weekend.08:17
LaneyI choose to interpret that as you telling me it's going to continue08:17
Laneyand therefore I don't need to look08:17
willcookeany time08:17
LaneyBreaks/Replaces are hard08:26
* Laney gently stabs someone with a floppy carrot08:26
willcookeis LP slow for anyone else today?08:40
davmor2willcooke: are you insinuating that LP is fast sometimes ;)08:43
seb128speaking of08:45
seb128TheMuso, thanks for fixing bug #1613600 ;-)08:45
ubot5bug 1613600 in a11y-profile-manager (Ubuntu) "package liba11y-profile-manager-data 0.1.11-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/a11y-profile-manager/profiles/blindness/profile.manifest', which is also in package unity-accessibility-profiles 0.1.10-0ubuntu3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161360008:45
seb128lol, seems like that's the one Laney mentioned though :-/09:12
seb128thanks for fixing it harder!09:12
LaneyI'm not actually sure right now what breaks if you do B and not R09:13
Laneywould need to meditate on it a bit09:13
seb128did you hit an actual issue with the update?09:13
seb128or did you just look at the diff and fixed it on principle that it was wrong?09:13
LaneyI didn't get ubuntu2 yet, so it did break09:14
Laneybut then yes, that09:14
* Laney eyes ximion09:18
Laneyhe changed my patch when committing it and broke it09:18
Laneyincluding the testcase09:18
Trevinhohey people09:23
Trevinhosorry I forgot to send the notes for yesterday's meeting before the WE :/09:23
seb128hey Trevinho! had a good long w.e?09:26
TrevinhoYeah, barbecue, beach volley and gokarts... So yeah :)09:27
Laneyahoy Trevinho09:29
Trevinhohey Laney09:29
Trevinhohey seb128 too09:29
* Laney wants bbq09:29
Trevinhoseb128: it was NH in France too on monday, right?09:30
seb128Trevinho, nice ;-)09:30
* davmor2 sets up a big firepit to bbq Laney not sure why he wants to be bbq though09:30
seb128Trevinho, yes, but I decided to work, want to and swap the day for next week or do (going to spend a week in France, so need to drive there and might take some hours off while there)09:31
Trevinhoah, yeah... smart move09:31
Trevinhohere 15 aug it's like the summer version of christmas...09:31
TrevinhoWith no tree or decorations, but all the rests stays and applies in shorts and in a saside area if possible09:32
Laneymuuuuuuuuch better09:34
willcookeI just installed a Y daily09:50
willcookeIt installed fine, but then I got a message pop up something about "16.10 has been released after 16.04 do you want to upgrade"09:50
willcookeis that expected?09:50
seb128talk to bdmurray when he gets online09:52
seb128does shotwell has integrated menus for you?09:53
willcookeI'll try and reproduce it09:53
willcooke@ shotwell - 1 sec...09:53
meetingologywillcooke: Error: "shotwell" is not a valid command.09:53
seb128it didn't for me in a VM yesterday with the daily iso09:53
seb128wonder if that's just another of those racecondition09:53
* seb128 looks at Trevinho09:53
willcookeI have a global menu for shotwell09:54
seb128k, thanks09:54
seb128what I though09:54
Laneyit's s-s-s-ssystemd unit time09:54
seb128do we still have some unlanded ones that lead to that?09:54
Laneyunity itself09:55
willcookehikiko, Trevinho - lowgfxmode in a virtualbox machine working automatically, and it's *awesome*!09:56
Trevinhowillcooke: cool :)09:58
willcookeHere's a question...10:01
willcookeDoes anyone else find it annoying that clicking to focus a window also passes that click through to the window10:01
willcookeso if I want to focus a different browser window10:02
willcookeI click on it10:02
willcookeand then I might want to ctrl-f to find something10:02
willcookebut if, when I clicked on that window, I click on a link by accident - then that link would get opened10:02
willcookeso instead I have to be careful when clicking on a window to make sure I click in free space10:03
willcookewhich I find annoying10:03
Laneyit would be way WAY more annoying if you had to always click twice to do something in an unfocused window IMO10:03
Laneyfor example it would ruin dual monitors10:04
willcookehm, yeah10:04
willcookegood point10:04
Sweet5harkricotz: hmmm, folks are asking about the fresh ppa for precise, last upload was 5.0.6 there. I assume you did not do any security backports to that though?11:38
ricotzSweet5hark, hmm, I see -- and you assume wrong, it includes the backport of latest wily upload 1:5.0.6-0ubuntu111:56
ricotzare there really so many request which makes it worth to look into using a gcc-4.8 backport11:57
Sweet5harkricotz: wily is EOL too.12:07
ricotzSweet5hark, I assume you were referring to "SECURITY UPDATE: Denial of service and possible arbitrary code execution via a crafted RTF file" which is included there12:11
ricotzbut I guess you mean "SECURITY UPDATE: possible arbitrary code execution via out-of-bounds polygon array"?12:11
Sweet5harkricotz: I mean no specific issue, just the general 'making sure all sec issues are accounted for'12:12
ricotzso far I am not doing specific CVE fixes12:13
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, did you see that the libreoffice update failed to build?12:29
seb128only built on armhf and powerpc12:32
Sweet5harkseb128: not yet, looking now thx12:35
seb128the log doesn't seem very informative12:35
Sweet5harkSession terminated, terminating shell.../«PKGBUILDDIR»/solenv/gbuild/CppunitTest.mk:99: recipe for target '/«PKGBUILDDIR»/workdir/CppunitTest/desktop_lib.test' failed12:37
Sweet5hark"Session terminated, terminating shell" is not something GNU make says. seems like the builder session is killed by some watchdog or something?12:38
Sweet5harkFWIW, the sd_exports_test is exactly the one I tested here locally and it had no issue running some 10 times in a row.12:39
Sweet5hark^^ seb12812:39
seb128which was the one hanging on the builders?12:39
seb128still seems to be an issue :-/12:39
Sweet5hark"Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity" <- ah yes, it was some watchdog.12:44
seb128so the issue is a test hanging12:45
seb128but not everytime?12:45
Sweet5harkseb128: well, it hangs on the buildds _sometimes_ but not so far on a local build. all the buildds seem to hang at the same position, but running the test 10 times here locally it doesnt hang at all.12:48
Sweet5harkseb128: I'd suggest to just disable that particular test for now.12:49
seb128it's going to be fun to debug ... maybe try to see if a buildd admin can give you a shell access to hanging build?12:49
seb128getting at least a bt should be useful12:49
seb128well, maybe first try that ^ and if that doesn't work out then disable it?12:51
Sweet5harkseb128: well, we are on FF date, right? and at this point I dont think the test is showing any major libreoffice functionality. at least not if the rest of the tests succeed.12:58
Sweet5harkThis test is mostly testing for some specific customer fixes in exports to not regression again. I doubt they do if they pass on another machine.13:00
seb128Sweet5hark, k, you are the maintainer, whatever you decide ;-)13:01
seb128Sweet5hark, btw you should ask the DMB again for upload rights13:01
Sweet5harkI would still go for disabling and then look at the details later (e.g. add some tombstone output and then see which of these hang for real)13:01
seb128k, wfm13:01
Sweet5harkseb128: DMB yes.13:01
flexiondotorgLaney, Will upload ubuntu-mate-artwork 16.10.6 later this afternoon. This add GTK 3.20 support.13:24
flexiondotorgJust testing a final build in PPA.13:24
Sweet5harkseb128: looking again at the output from the buildd again, I think its not actually LibreOffice or the test failing/looping13:27
Sweet5harkseb128: because the watchdog kill the process and then make says:13:27
Sweet5harkseb128: make[1]: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.13:28
seb128Sweet5hark, do you know what command is that test spawning?13:28
Laneyflexiondotorg: Nice one13:30
Sweet5harkseb128: that is the next curious thing: there is the "[CUT] sd_exports_test" which make puts out right before it should spawn the test, but I dont see the command spawning the test itself.13:31
LaneySweet5hark: You can ask in #webops internal for a process list when it's hanging if that helps13:31
seb128let's do a build retry and ask them later?13:32
Sweet5harkseb128: and make says confused things when killed: "no childs", but also "deleting intermediate file" and "recipe failed". IOW my bet is on GNU make losing its marbles. Or more specifically: GNU makes children finishing successfully, but GNU make somehow not noticing and waiting forever for them to finish.13:34
Sweet5harkhrmrhm, but the GNU make in yakkety is ... old.13:35
seb128I'm retrying some build13:35
seb128let's ask #webops for the ps output if those hang13:36
Sweet5harkseb128: aye13:36
Sweet5harkLaney, seb128: thanks13:36
seb128doesn't block us from working on a new upload that disable this test as well13:36
* Sweet5hark goes to #webops13:36
Laneyprobably going to be a while before it hangs no?13:36
seb128well, wait a bit, need some hours before being there :p13:36
Laneyset alarm for 10pm :P13:37
Sweet5harkseb128: patched package with disabled test already (source) build here locally, will sign and upload in a bit.13:37
seb128well, 150min timeout and the build took like 6 hours13:38
seb128so check around 7pm13:38
Laneyyou could get a silo and build it in there13:38
seb128for the hang?13:38
seb128would that be easier to debug?13:38
Laneyeither one actually, I was thinking the workaround13:38
Laneythen you can copy that straight in tomorrow13:38
seb128doesn't make much difference I guess13:39
Laneyfew hours13:39
Laneyif it's ready...13:39
Laneyup to you13:39
seb128I mean why not just uploading to the archive?13:39
seb128what do we win using a silo?13:39
Laneyoh right, well you can keep doing stuff to the broken build then if you want13:40
Laneyor copy/upload that one to a ppa13:40
Laneythere is more than one way to do it13:40
seb128right, well let's see what that upload is doing13:42
Laneyas you wish13:42
Sweet5harkurgs, bad news.13:46
Sweet5harkseb128, Laney: I see that while the broken libreoffice source build didnt even end up in -proposed (it hardly could), the libreoffice-l10n build happily completed and was promoted right from -proposed to yakkety proper ...13:47
seb128seems like you are missing some cross packages relations there13:48
Sweet5harkseb128: well, strictly speaking a libreoffice-l10n package hardly depends on anything. the problem is not having a 5.2 libreoffice-l10n package, its not having the libreoffice 5.1 one anymore ...13:51
seb128well if l10n n+1 should be installed with libreoffice n you might want to have the packaging to state that was with a Conflits or such13:52
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah :/13:53
* Sweet5hark wonders what the contigency plan is, if the pstree from webops is a GNU make process without children.13:55
Sweet5harkdebugging "GNU make gets confused after the first 20 thousand targets or so" isnt something that will be quickly debuggable.13:56
seb128well, if that's one bit that you skip that's going to be ok13:56
seb128let's wait for that build to hand and see what we get13:56
ricotzwas there a gnu make update within the last 2 weeks?13:57
seb128make didn't change since march13:57
seb128so not likely it13:57
ricotzsince 5.2.0 build fine on yakkety before gcc613:57
seb128it's doko's fault for sure ;-)13:57
Sweet5harkseb128: my fear is, that if this is GNU make running out of jobs or something it will just get struck a few spawns later ...13:57
Trevinhotedg: hey, I was about to land the systemd branch, but it seems there's still an issue13:57
Trevinhotedg: unity-services : Depends: indicator-common but it is not installable13:57
Trevinhowho should provide that?13:57
seb128Sweet5hark, let's see13:58
Trevinhotedg: maybe https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710 ?13:58
tedgTrevinho: It'll be libindicator, but we need to land that silo, unfortunately we need to land the UAL ABI one first. Then I can land that.13:58
Trevinhotedg: so you want me to remove your branch from my silo and land that alltogether?13:58
Sweet5harkseb128: well, on the other hand: I did see some weird Heisenbug hangs with GNU make earlier in this cycle (e.g. on the ppa builds_. But as Heisenbugs do, they disappeared once I wanted to look at them closer.13:59
tedgTrevinho: Your choice, I'm good either way. But all publishing to yakkety is blocked right now... so it won't speed you up much :-)14:00
seb128tedg, why is ual needed first?14:00
tedgseb128: Because it has a bunch of no-change rebuilds in it for some of the indicators.14:00
seb128k, that's a convenience, not a reason14:00
seb128we could land it and rebuild those out of that sil14:01
tedgseb128: Sure, just trying to play control tower for the landing planes :-)14:01
Sweet5harkseb128:  the interesting new thing is that it happened on four platforms now.14:01
seb128Sweet5hark, seems random, I'm curious if some of the 3 archs I retried are going to success14:01
Trevinhotedg: well, I try to land unity alone first then14:01
Sweet5harkseb128: I see it coming: of the three rebuilds, two will magically succeed and one will fail :/14:02
Sweet5harkseb128: hehe, right.14:02
Sweet5harkseb128: the russian approach to the space race: if it doesnt fly use more power. the russian approach to release engineering: if it doesnt succeed, do more rebuilds.14:03
seb128that also explains why it's warmer here today right?14:04
Laneyoh MAN14:04
Laneythanks gcc (no joke)14:05
Laneydaemon/gkd-main.c: In function ‘on_logind_session_property_get’:14:05
Laneydaemon/gkd-main.c:865:2: warning: this ‘if’ clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]14:05
Laney  if (should_quit);14:05
Laney  ^~14:05
Laneydaemon/gkd-main.c:866:3: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it is guarded by the ‘if’14:05
Laney   cleanup_and_exit (0);14:05
Laney   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~14:05
seb128did that stop the build?14:07
seb128or was it just a warning that you happened to catch?14:07
Laneynein it's not in Werror14:07
Laneybut I did check for the files I changed14:07
seb128oh, not, :-(14:08
LaneyI guess it makes a lot of false positives14:08
seb128yeah, still nice14:08
seb128I wish we had reports of those14:08
seb128I wonder if somebody wrote a script to grab the current build logs from a list of package/a packageset14:08
seb128would be handy to grep for similar ones14:08
xnoxthere is stuff like that in debian, with the buildd log scanner14:09
xnoxreporting to the new PTS14:09
Laneyhappens at build time, right?14:09
Laneynot like "go scan all the existing logs for this new thing"14:09
Sweet5harkLaney: wait, gnome-keyring has a "goto fail" fail? nice14:10
xnoxscans existing build logs14:10
Laneythat was a laney fail14:10
xnoxit's post-processing thing, as far as i can see.14:10
Laneyremember the link?14:11
* Sweet5hark mumbles something about clang compiler plugins being awesome and having lots of this stuff btw14:11
Laneygo tell that to gnome :P14:12
* qengho hugs clang.14:12
Laneypitti: can you remind me where the thing to brutally kill gnome-keyring lives?14:16
pittiLaney: in /usr/share/upstart/systemd-session/upstart/systemd-graphical-session.conf14:17
xnoxLaney, i think it's build log scanner -> https://qa.debian.org/bls/packages/n/netcfg.html14:17
pittiLaney: (in the upstart package);14:17
pittiLaney: ah, did you see the upstream review of your patch?14:18
Laneyyes, that's exactly what I want to test14:18
* Laney dusts off that ancient VM14:18
pittiLaney: should work in standard yakkety now, no?14:20
Laneyjust dist-upgrading it14:20
ximionLaney: initial impression on your asgen PR is good :)15:06
ximionyu can easily fake a set type using an associative array15:06
ximion(hmm, I wonder if my keyboard is getting broken.... it's swallowing latters every once in a while)15:07
Laneyhey ximion15:09
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Laneylike with the same key and value or something?15:09
Laneyor just = true15:09
ximionLaney: just true15:10
Sweet5harka two-segment flight for 540EUR or the train for 130EUR. hard decision.15:10
ximionthen you can use if ("blah" in set)15:11
LaneyI found some old posts complaining about the lack of collecctions15:11
jbichaSweet5hark: train, right? unless you're in a hurry15:12
ogra_jbicha, nah, plane because he will get enough bonus miles to buy a new cozy :P15:13
ogra_s/cozy/tea cozy/15:14
Sweet5harkjbicha: sure train. possibly I even get an additional 25% discount on the train. and with preboarding and getting to downtown from the airport the flights are even taking almost the same time.15:14
* Laney cries15:14
LaneyI somehow broke the gnome-keyring stuff15:14
ximionLaney: that's one of the things which would be trivial to implement but super useful in *any* standard library15:14
ximionI could probably implement a Set type and submit a PR to add it to the stanrard lib...15:16
Sweet5harkogra_: the miles for a flight HAM-MUC-BRQ wont get me far. maybe a free sandwich at the airport15:17
ximion(but quite honestly, I have better things to do at time ^^)15:17
Laneythat's what everybody must have said over the years15:17
ogra_Sweet5hark, tea cozys arent much more expensive than a sandwich i guess :)15:17
Sweet5harkogra_: true.15:18
Laneyya, my idea was good15:20
ximionLaney: I bet the issue isn't painful enough for someone to be forced to fix it :P15:20
Laneyximion: it just means that everyone invents their own collections15:20
Laneywhich is a collective sad face15:20
ximionthere are two things D people are bad at: writing standard libraries and writing build tools :P15:22
ximionthe latter is mainly due to not caring about distros and wanting to simplify too much, the former is due to historic legacy15:23
Laneyah well15:30
Laneyit's workaroundable15:30
seb128Sweet5hark, lol, ppc64el retry looks like it worked, it's doing dpkg-deb according to the log...15:32
seb128Sweet5hark, we might end up not needing another upload :p15:32
Sweet5harkseb128: yay15:33
seb128would be unlucky, trying to get info on the bug and having not showing up then15:33
Sweet5harkseb128: we just need a rebuild click bot15:33
Sweet5harklets see what the other builds will do15:34
ximionLaney: reviewed the PR (didn't test it!) and actually found nothing bad in there - LGTM15:37
Laneyximion: suggest you test :P15:37
Laneybut thanks!15:37
ximion(I will need to test it with Debian once it has been merged though, to spot any accidential breakage)15:37
Laneyshall I fix the set thing?15:38
ximionLaney: yes, that's be great15:38
Sweet5harkseb128: digging in my memory I think the other time where I saw such a "make looping" thing was actually on the snap build (which is 16.04 baseline after all). However that "disappeared" somehow. I fear there is some Heisenbug that depends on some weird stuff in the env ... after all four platforms broke here at the same time and other times it is reasonably well.15:38
Sweet5harkseb128: and "make looping" can also be make thinking it needs to restart itself (to reparse new dep files etc.). then again that doesnt match up with make still thinking it has active child jobs here ....15:40
seb128yeah, let's see what we get15:40
seb128other builds are still ongoing15:40
ximionLaney: do you know any (fast) way of checking whether a screenshot exists on screenshots.debian.org?15:40
ximionI think folding in screenshots into the AppStream data would make some sense15:41
Sweet5harkyep. /me goes jogging for a round, should be back when there is one hanging ...15:41
seb128Sweet5hark, enjoy!15:41
Laneyximion: https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/coreutils15:43
ximionoh yeah!15:44
Laneyseems you can get https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/realpath or https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/libgio-fam or https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/libglib2.0-015:44
ximionthat's even better API than I was hoping for15:44
Laneymany different failure types15:44
ximionand here goes my excitement...15:45
Laneyit's not that bad15:45
Laneycatch http errors, try the good json path and see if you get anything15:46
Laneyeither it's a 404 or "screenshots" doesn't contain what you want15:46
ximionthat's what I will do15:47
Laneystill weirdly inconsistent though15:47
* Laney wah15:49
Laneyusing the AA changed the order of the output which breaks the test15:51
* Laney sorts stuff15:51
ximionLaney: one interesting thing about D AAs is that - while being random - their ordering is much more predictable still than the Python dictionaries are, which look completely shuffled everytime you recreate them15:57
ximionI wonder how the AAs/dicts are implemented and what's causing this15:57
ximion(there is no performance difference)15:58
Laneywould be interesting to know16:01
Laneyhashtables are comples beasts16:01
Laneypushed the change btw16:01
xnoxximion, yes python uses randomisation, but one can reproduce the order by seeding the initial seed every time.16:03
xnoxor don't rely on the order, and sort things in test-suite.16:04
* xnox really hates gcc616:05
xnoxwell, g++-616:06
ximionLaney: ok - would you fix the remarks I made in the PR? If not, I can do that quickly as well, it's all minor changes16:07
Laneyin one of those you comment on your own code that I just reindented :P16:08
ximionthat was probably from when I didn't know D yet16:10
ximion(the Debian backend is the olderst code in the project)16:10
Laneyximion: ok, pushed the fixes16:15
Laneythere's some other scope(exit) without the space too16:15
Laneydidn't fix as they aren't part of this set16:15
ximionok, I'll look at them16:17
ximionI'll merge this as soon as the CI is green, and then test it locally and (if that worked) on Debian16:17
Laneyenjoy the translations16:17
Laneynext up is langpacks :(16:18
LaneyI probably should make an ubuntu backend for this16:18
Laneyif it's possible for this to just copy the debian one and override one function, or something similarly lightweight16:18
Laneys/copy/inherit from/16:18
ximionLaney: you should be able to inherit from the Debian backend16:20
ximionI see no reason why that wouldn't work16:20
Laneyhope so16:20
Laneyalthough it requires looking in the desktop file16:21
Laneywhich is in the core code...16:21
ximionright, that will break the backend limitations16:23
ximiontranslations patch merged16:23
jbichaI'm getting bug 1605868 when I try to change settings in software-properties-gtk16:42
ubot5bug 1605868 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk crashed with dbus.exceptions.DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.debian.apt was not provided by any .service files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160586816:42
Laneyis aptdaemon installed?16:44
ricotzLaney, seb128, Sweet5hark, libreoffice amd64 is stuck16:46
jbichaLaney: no but installing it fixed it, should we make that a Depends then?16:46
Sweet5harkricotz: yes, as is i38616:46
LaneySweet5hark: gogogo #webops16:46
Laneyjbicha: It seems like it depends on python3-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets which is okay, but python3-aptdaemon only Recommends aptdaemon - maybe this is what needs to be upgraded16:49
Sweet5harkarm64 and s390x still building16:51
jbichaLaney: ok I'll do that16:53
Laneyjbicha: just a preliminary look, but it seems like if it uses aptd over dbus unconditionally then it should depend on it16:55
Sweet5harkseb128: the more I look at this the more weird it is. the rule that hangs is this here: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/core/solenv/gbuild/CppunitTest.mk#9816:56
Sweet5harkseb128: and the $(call gb_Output_announce ..) is just a glorified $(info ) -- so GNU makes way of "echo". And that is already on stdout. So the rule is already expanded. However, the sd_export_test command that follow is _not_ spawned it seems. at least its not on the output.16:58
willcookenight all17:14
Sweet5harkseb128: see discussion on #webops. everything is horrible.17:29
Sweet5harkseb128: given this is smelling a bit like IPC b0rkage, I wonder if trying to restrict jobs to 1 would help ...17:31
Sweet5harkk, #webops says aint nobody got time for that, so I spammed multiple ppa builder with various shots into the dark which could circumvent this issue ....18:47
Sweet5harkand with that good n8 ;)18:47
attenterobert_ancell: hey, i have to head out for a few hours, but there's this commit here from master that i think is meant to replace a lot of the gs-application.c hackery: 995f9967c1e943760bba40b89462b65ea2bea31121:26
robert_ancellattente, ok, I'll try dropping our stuff then21:26
attentei'll have to take a closer look to see how to make it work to fix the corresponding bug though21:27
jbicharobert_ancell: could you look at bug 1613954 ? I'd like to upload some gnome-games today (thurs) that need it21:29
ubot5bug 1613954 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu) "Sync appstream-glib 0.6.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161395421:29
robert_ancelljbicha, done21:37
jbichathank you21:40
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