
Mirvmorning. how's the transition going, is the kernel landing?04:43
slangasekMirv: according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#linux it's still blocked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1609913.  Have you spoken with the kernel team about it?06:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1609913 in Kernel Development Workflow "linux: 4.6.0-10.12 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]06:04
slangasek(I don't know how long their automated testing takes to finish)06:04
Mirvslangasek: no, I just heard that inf_inity was talking about it06:37
Mirvasked on #ubuntu-kernel now06:38
oSoMoNis this the right place to request feedback on https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600176 ?09:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1600176 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[SRU] webbrowser-app bug fixes" [High,New]09:55
dokoinfinity, I'd like to restore that for now09:56
RAOFoSoMoN: Could be!10:43
RAOFoSoMoN: Hm. You probably should check your claims in that bug. Specifically - the first two links I clicked on did *not* have details on how to reproduce, neither did they mention autopilot tests.10:46
RAOF(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1572673, for example)10:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1572673 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] Invalid variable access error 'popupWindowController'" [Medium,Fix released]10:47
oSoMoNRAOF, let me check, I filed that SRU a while ago and I need to refresh my memories of it10:58
oSoMoNRAOF, I have updated the bug reports, adding test cases where they were missing, and specifying in the SRU bug what kind of tests each bug has11:22
oSoMoNlet me know if anything is missing, I’ll try to address right away11:22
RAOFoSoMoN: Hm. webbrowser-app doesn't actually appear to be in the unapproved queue? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=111:27
oSoMoNRAOF, not it’s not, I have a silo containing the packages but I was looking for feedback on the paperwork prior to actually landing it11:29
RAOFAh. It *should* be fine to land it at the same time as getting the paperwork in order. I *think* the silo will correctly dump things in unapproved rather than directly into -proposed.11:30
RAOFoSoMoN: OK, so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1572673 is missing reproduction steps (what is an overlay, and how would I cause webbrowser-app to try to open one)11:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1572673 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] Invalid variable access error 'popupWindowController'" [Medium,Fix released]11:33
RAOFLikewise, I'm not *entirely* clear on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/1573017 - I *think* this is about a webapp in a container requiring multi-stage login and opening up the browser for the sso.ubuntu.com step, but I'm unfamiliar with the specific terms used.11:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1573017 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] SAML detection logic broken" [High,Fix released]11:34
oSoMoNRAOF, bug #1572673 has an autopilot test along with the bug fix to verify it, but I’ll clarify the bug description anyway11:34
ubot5bug 1572673 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] Invalid variable access error 'popupWindowController'" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157267311:34
RAOFOh, you should probably mention the autopilot test then :)11:35
oSoMoNwill do11:35
RAOF(And how to run it)11:35
oSoMoNand same for bug #1573017, I’ll clarify and explain how to run the tests11:35
ubot5bug 1573017 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[webapp-container] SAML detection logic broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157301711:35
RAOFFinally (before I look at the actual code), it'd be nice if the changelog entry in your .changes file had a brief description of the changes, rather than just a list of bug numbers.11:35
RAOFThat's a nice-to-have, though.11:36
oSoMoNthat will require a silo rebuild, but it should be fine11:36
oSoMoNI’ll take a quick lunch break and will be right on those afterwards11:37
oSoMoNRAOF, I’ve updated the bug reports to indicate when there are autopilot tests, and how to run them12:35
oSoMoNRAOF, sil2100 told me that the CI train currently doesn’t allow using the entire commit message of a merge request as the changelog entry12:36
oSoMoNI could probably add a detailed changelog entry to the branch itself, but not sure how well bileto would deal with it…12:36
pete-woodshey all! any archive admins about who could delete a binary package for me from s390x?13:16
pete-woods^ that's the list of packages that needs to be nuked from s390x on yakkety13:16
pete-woodssome of the dependencies for that lib have just been removed, so I can't build it on s390x any more13:17
jbichaUbuntu GNOME amd64 yakkety has been stuck at "re-building" in the iso tracker since yesterday14:31
pete-woodsslangasek: hi! any chance you could take care of the binary package removal I nagged about just above?14:57
infinityjbicha: Looking.14:58
infinityjbicha: Fixed.14:59
jbichathank you15:00
slangasekpete-woods: which is the dependency that's been removed on s390x?15:35
pete-woodsslangasek: url-dispatcher15:36
slangasekpete-woods: ack, removed from yakkety and yakkety-proposed15:38
pete-woodsslangasek: awesome, thanks!15:38
flexiondotorginfinity, I just uploaded mate-media_1.14.1-0ubuntu1~yakkety1.0 to the archive in error. Can you rejected it please.16:07
flexiondotorginfinity, And sorry.16:08
infinityflexiondotorg: I can't.16:08
infinityWell, maybe I can if I'm fast.16:08
infinityNope.  But I can delete it.16:09
flexiondotorgThat works :)16:09
infinityflexiondotorg: Done.16:10
flexiondotorginfinity, Thank you. Add it to your next beer tab ;-)16:11
MirvI see "gcc-snapshot" as a newcomer to update_output.txt on arm6416:47
Mirvdoko uploaded one earlier today16:48
=== nacc_ is now known as nacc
infinityMirv: An upload that hasn't managed to build yet shouldn't affect migration.  Curious why snapshot in the release pocket is going to be broken by that block.16:53
infinityWill look once I'm happy with the kernel state.16:53
jbichahttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/yakkety/ubuntu-gnome/+build/72765 and 72766 appear to have stalled17:00
infinityjbicha: Or it's just taking a very long time to push the bits over the ocean.17:01
infinityWe don't have any visual feedback for "the builder is returning results now".  We probably should.17:02
infinityNever mattered when everything was in London. :/17:02
infinityOh.  Wait.  That *is* in London.17:02
infinityWell, in Redhill.  Close enough.17:02
jbichaI don't mind if we wait a bit longer17:04
jbichaI'm wondering why empathy still seems to want to be on the UG images, does something else need to be manually updated for a metapackage change like that?17:05
infinityjbicha: mcp-account-manager-goa17:16
infinityjbicha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23065193/17:18
jbichainfinity: can you update the tasks then? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-gnome-meta/0.6317:21
infinityTasks are automatically generated from germinate output...17:34
infinitySo, perhaps something's going wonky.17:35
jbichafor a simpler example, germinate is pulling in both gucharmap and gnome-characters but gnome-characters replaced gucharmap in the metapackage today17:38
bladernrHey, when will the ISOs for 16.04 GA be moved to Old Releases, now that 16.04.1 is available?18:21
bladernr^^ old-releases.ubuntu.com18:22
jbichainfinity: it took over 3 hr but the UG iso's finally finished :)21:55
jbichaI have 3 gnome-games I want to upgrade to new versions but they depend on libgnome-games-support ^22:34
jbichaso, release team assuming that new pkg doesn't get accepted in the next 24 hr, would it be better for me to upload those games now and have them be in depwait, or just wait22:35

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