
bluesabreUnit193: you around?01:33
bluesabreI'll check back later then01:33
bluesabreI have a fix for exo... wondering if you wanted to test it yourself, https://git.xfce.org/xfce/exo/commit/?id=f016e39ba009e3cfa66c82af9394cae7951e691601:34
Unit193Fine, fine. :(01:57
Unit193bluesabre: Right, so without re-logging or rebooting, seems no longer able to reproduce error just opening a terminal.02:07
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/rWxn5Up2EdlsaA7hmssP/ FWIW.02:12
flocculantUnit193: they appear to be ignoring you re core ... 07:07
Unit193Big news, been doing that past few cycles.07:08
knomeUnit193, i've pinged infinity re: core/base again, as we're still waiting for actions from him09:21
knomeakxwi-dave, btw, do you still plan to keep using the qa tab on the tracker during next cycle?10:16
akxwi-daveyep.. if possible10:17
knomeof course :)10:18
knomei was just checking10:18
knomeand as i've said before, if there is something i can help with... please ask and we'll see what's realistic :)10:18
akxwi-davewill do mate10:23
knome(^ not only related to tracker)10:23
bluesabre(^ true statement)10:23
knomehello bluesabre 10:24
bluesabrehello knome and akxwi-dave 10:24
akxwi-davemorning bluesabre 10:24
bluesabreochosi, Unit193: new exo released, package in https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce4-gtk3 (just don't grab the xfconf from there)10:27
knomehello ochosi too10:31
* ochosi is just lurking10:32
knomewe know, we know...10:32
=== burtons is now known as BusFactor1
nairwolfHi, I receveid a mail saying that my membership in the Xubuntu Testers is due to expire. I've renewed this membership but I wanted to understand why I've received this mail ? Is it automatic, or is it because 'something' has detected I wasn't active ? 20:28
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers/+members which do you think? ;)20:29
knomeeverybody is set to expire from 6 months after they register20:33
knomeerr, 6 months from20:33
knomeor -from20:33
Unit193bluesabre: Debian #83465220:46
ubottuDebian bug 834652 in src:mugshot "mugshot: typos in debian/rules (override_dh_installchanglogs -> override_dh_installchangelogs)" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/83465220:46
Unit193Heh, two different ways you used to spell it, neither are right. :D20:47
nairwolfso, it's a good thing ;)21:07
Unit193Normal at least.21:07
nairwolfto send a mail every six months ;)21:07
knomethe goal is to have the most up-to-date list of people who test xubuntu, so yes, that should be useful21:09
nairwolfand it's a good reminder21:25
knomeexactly that's why it's useful21:26
Unit193"Hey are you still doing this?"  "No I suck as a tester"21:26
knomewhen you renew, you at least subscribe yourself for another batch of reminders and requests for testing21:27
knomewhich is good too21:27
nairwolfYeah, that's the perfect timing because I was planning to install from scratch yakkety tonight21:31
Unit193xfce4-notifyd: spelling-error-in-binary usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd Faild Failed  :D23:57

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