-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Preparing packages | 00:19 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, yakkety/address-book-app). Uploading build (xenial/address-book-app) | 00:37 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Successfully built | 00:56 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Preparing packages | 01:27 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Currently building (xenial/thumbnailer). Failed to build (yakkety/thumbnailer). Successfully built (vivid/persistent-cache-cpp, xenial/persistent-cache-cpp, yakkety/persistent-cache-cpp). Uploading build (vivid/thumbnailer) | 01:45 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Currently building (xenial/thumbnailer). Failed to build (yakkety/thumbnailer). Successfully built (vivid/persistent-cache-cpp, vivid/thumbnailer, xenial/persistent-cache-cpp, yakkety/persistent-cache-cpp) | 02:05 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi mterry, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1816 Failed to build (xenial/unity-api). Successfully built (vivid/unity-api, yakkety/unity-api) | 02:18 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1703 Failed to build (xenial/thumbnailer, yakkety/thumbnailer). Successfully built (vivid/persistent-cache-cpp, vivid/thumbnailer, xenial/persistent-cache-cpp, yakkety/persistent-cache-cpp) | 02:25 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bregma ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1786 QA Signoff: Required | 03:26 | |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bregma ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1786 Successfully built | 03:47 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 05:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Currently building (xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper). Failed to build (vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Needs building (yakkety/account-plugins). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, | 05:33 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety | 05:53 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1773 QA Signoff: Ready | 06:45 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1497 QA Signoff: Required | 07:22 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1497 Preparing packages | 07:22 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Diff missing | 07:35 | |
Saviq | Mirv, hey, how're we looking on migration? I'd need to release another unity8 with at least the critical fix | 07:43 |
Mirv | Saviq: maybe 2-3 hours, infinity uploaded the required new kernel in the morning | 07:55 |
Mirv | as usual, that's the hope at least | 07:55 |
Mirv | Saviq: we can publish to vivid and xenial like the topic says | 07:55 |
Saviq | Mirv, ack | 07:57 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1497 Successfully built | 07:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 08:08 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 yakkety/keeper: Failed to commit https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/keeper/link-against-real-storage-framework. You must supply either a Commit Message on your MP, or a custom debian/changelog entry | 08:09 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 08:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Preparing packages | 08:17 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1712 QA Signoff: Approved | 08:33 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugi | 08:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Currently building (xenial/online-accounts-api). Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Uploading build (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) | 08:39 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1712 Publishing | 08:49 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1804 Preparing packages | 08:53 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1712 Proposed pocket (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Release pocket (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) | 08:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud, yakkety/net-cpp). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety | 08:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/online-accounts-api, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) | 08:59 | |
oSoMoN | trainguards: silo 51 contains a webbrowser-app SRU, and RAOF started looking at the bug report (bug #1600176), he said that he thinks it’s ok to land in the meantime as it will end up in the unapproved queue. Can you confirm? | 08:59 |
ubot5 | bug 1600176 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[SRU] webbrowser-app bug fixes" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600176 | 08:59 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: looking | 09:00 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: hm, looks ok, why didn't you switch the lander sign-off to Approved? | 09:01 |
sil2100 | Anything wrong with britney running this silo? | 09:02 |
sil2100 | (because of the overlay?) | 09:02 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, because I just finished testing myself, will switch now :) | 09:03 |
oSoMoN | done | 09:03 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: excellent, otherwise it looks good to land :) Packaging changes looking sane | 09:03 |
oSoMoN | thanks for checking! | 09:06 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 09:07 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Diff missing | 09:15 | |
Saviq | jibel, what's our current freeze situation? should I refrain from trying to land non-critical fixes? | 09:17 |
davmor2 | Saviq: you should always assume you are not allowed to land non-critical fixes ;) | 09:19 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, does https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/ticket-1650/landing-051-xenial/excuses.html mean I need to rebuild my silo? | 09:20 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- morphis, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1804 Ready to build (yakkety/pulseaudio). Successfully built (xenial/android-headers, xenial/libhybris, xenial/platform-api, xenial/pulseaudio, yakkety/android-headers, yakkety/libhybris, yakkety/platform-api) | 09:26 | |
Mirv | sil2100: uh oh, bzoltan published 70 (how did the button work, I thought robru disabled it).. | 09:27 |
* bzoltan gained some superpower during the night | 09:30 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 Preparing packages | 09:30 | |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: no | 09:32 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: that's hm, a usual error in britney when you try to publish an SRU | 09:32 |
sil2100 | oSoMoN: britney sees that there's some newer xenial webbrowser-app binary he used (like, for some overlay landing) and gets confused | 09:33 |
oSoMoN | sil2100, oh, I see. I triggered a new build anyway because the release team requested a custom changelog entry with more detailed info | 09:33 |
sil2100 | ACK | 09:40 |
Mirv | sil2100: bzoltan: the higher beings are ok with this act. let's try not to stir the yakkety more though :) | 09:44 |
bzoltan | Mirv: i will be kind and humbe in the future... I promise | 09:45 |
Mirv | bzoltan: it's not your fault, it's the machine's fault :) anyway, as a bonus you did get UITK to yakkety too, not everyone is getting that privilege at he moment | 09:46 |
bzoltan | Mirv: :D nnnnaaaaaais :) | 09:46 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 Successfully built | 09:52 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/mcloud, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, yakkety/keeper, yakkety/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins, | 09:54 | |
sil2100 | ;) | 09:55 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1636 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8) | 10:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Diff missing (xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/zeromq3, xenial/zmqpp, yakkety/unity-scopes-api, yakkety/zeromq3, yakkety/zmqpp). Ready to build (xenial/pyzmq, yakkety/pyzmq) | 10:15 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 10:21 | |
=== timp is now known as t1mp | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Diff missing | 10:35 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Preparing packages | 10:42 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Job cancelled by saviq! | 10:53 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Failed to build (yakkety/mcloud). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakket | 10:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Preparing packages | 10:54 | |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1796 Release pocket (vivid/libertine, xenial/libertine). Successfully built (yakkety/libertine) | 10:58 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 10:58 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Dependency wait (yakkety/autopilot). Release pocket (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot) | 10:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/net-cpp, yakkety/signon-plugin-oauth | 11:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Failed to build (vivid/unity8, xenial/unity8). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-settings-components, xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, yakkety/ubuntu-settings-components, yakkety/unity8) | 11:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Preparing packages | 11:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Dependency wait (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/mcloud, | 11:34 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Currently building (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/online-accounts-api) | 11:39 | |
mardy | Mirv: hi! have you seen a similar failure before? seems to happen on powerpc only: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/279618963/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-powerpc.ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts_0.7+16.10.20160818.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz | 11:46 |
ogra_ | jibel, fingerprint reader completely stopped working in todays rc-propoased for me, is that known ? | 11:48 |
ogra_ | (waking up with the home button is also shaky since a few images, sometimes i need two or three presses to wake up the screen) | 11:48 |
jibel | davmor2, ^^ do you know? I don't have a device with an FP reader | 11:48 |
jibel | could it be the device tarball that landed yesterday? | 11:49 |
davmor2 | jibel, ogra_: seems to work fine here on 162 | 11:50 |
ogra_ | bah, now it works | 11:51 |
ogra_ | i swear it didnt for the last hours | 11:51 |
ogra_ | :( | 11:51 |
ogra_ | heisenbug | 11:51 |
davmor2 | ogra_: the magic of QA | 11:51 |
ogra_ | indeed | 11:51 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins | 11:53 | |
ogra_ | btw, you might want to keep an eye on bug 1614459 ... it killed both of my 16.04 machines today | 11:54 |
ubot5 | bug 1614459 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "daily upgrade on 16.04 hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614459 | 11:54 |
jibel | ogra_, wow, it's pretty bad, did you notify the SRU team | 11:59 |
jibel | ? | 11:59 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/online-accounts-api, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) | 12:00 | |
ogra_ | jibel, not yet | 12:00 |
ogra_ | i only just tried to update my laptop and noticed i can reproduce it here | 12:00 |
sil2100 | uh, good thing I didn't upgrade | 12:01 |
jibel | good thing I use Yakkety ;) | 12:01 |
ogra_ | well, it doesnt seem to do much harm apart from having the oops and not being able to close update-manager anymore ... | 12:01 |
ogra_ | (i have to kill -9 all dpkg processes, else u-m wont react to any clicks) | 12:02 |
ogra_ | jibel, is there some highlight thingie to notify the SRU team on IRC ? (like trainbguards etc ?) | 12:02 |
jibel | ogra_, it can do some harm if you have to interrupt the upgrade process and packages are half-installed | 12:03 |
ogra_ | jibel, indeed | 12:03 |
jibel | ogra_, there used to be something, but I cannot find it in the sru process wiki page | 12:04 |
ogra_ | hmm, k | 12:04 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Preparing packages | 12:07 | |
oSoMoN | trainguards: why is britney complaining about a missing arm64 build here https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/britney/ticket-1650/landing-051-xenial/excuses.html ? there’s never been an arm64 build of webbrowser-app in xenial anyway | 12:09 |
Mirv | mardy: is it yakkety only? there is some trouble with (32-bit only) powerpc over there, I suggest disabling tests for powerpc (only, keep enabled for ppc64el etc) | 12:10 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: if I'd have to guess it checks the overlay... | 12:11 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: even if it's an archive landing, which is of course a bug | 12:11 |
oSoMoN | yup | 12:11 |
oSoMoN | Mirv, can this be overridden somehow? | 12:11 |
mardy | Mirv: yes, yakkety; ok, I'll do that; do you know if there's a bug for this? | 12:11 |
Mirv | mardy: yes, bug #1606927 - it's clearly related to QML running on powerpc (and maybe under xvfb only or such) | 12:12 |
ubot5 | bug 1606927 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Qt 5.6.1 causes some powerpc tests to fail" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1606927 | 12:12 |
Mirv | oSoMoN: not that I know of, you'll need robru or then just ignore it in practice and publish the SRU | 12:13 |
oSoMoN | ok, I guess I’ll wait for robru to be around | 12:14 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app). Successfully built (vivid/address-book-app, xenial/address-book-app) | 12:56 | |
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko | ||
boiko | trainguards: hello, I think this build is stalled: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-016/+build/10628927 | 12:58 |
boiko | trainguards: could you please cancel it and trigger a rebuild? | 12:58 |
sil2100 | boiko: yeah, cancelling build and re-running | 12:59 |
sil2100 | :) | 12:59 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Preparing packages | 12:59 | |
boiko | sil2100: thanks! | 13:00 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 Successfully built | 13:00 | |
sil2100 | Mirv: you think the archive guys would be mad if I push a new zeromq3 and zmqpp to yakkety soon? ;) | 13:00 |
tedg | kenvandine: Did you notice our discussion of the content-hub autopkg tests from last night? | 13:01 |
boiko | sil2100: this silo (16) is showing a "Diff missing" for xenial, how can I know what is the missing diff? | 13:05 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 13:05 | |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Preparing packages | 13:07 | |
sil2100 | boiko: once you finish building the packages just run the Diff button | 13:07 |
sil2100 | s/run/press | 13:07 |
boiko | sil2100: ah ok, got it, thanks | 13:08 |
sil2100 | boiko: since it didn't diff the xenial packages so far :) | 13:08 |
kenvandine | tedg, yes... didn't look into it yet | 13:08 |
boiko | sil2100: ok, cool | 13:08 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1819 Preparing packages | 13:10 | |
tedg | kenvandine: Cool, making sure it's on your TODO. | 13:10 |
kenvandine | it is | 13:11 |
kenvandine | tedg, did you say something about a missing depends? | 13:11 |
kenvandine | for some of the arches they passed in the past | 13:11 |
kenvandine | there was some apparmor issue when running the depends that caused them to fail for vivid armhf | 13:12 |
kenvandine | at least in the archive | 13:12 |
tedg | kenvandine: I grabbed your branch that has the qdoc fix | 13:13 |
tedg | kenvandine: I'm not sure about the others | 13:13 |
kenvandine | i'm pretty sure they always passed with the overlay enabled | 13:13 |
kenvandine | i thought someone suggested missing depends on url-dispatcher | 13:13 |
tedg | kenvandine: The test that failed was "url-dispatcher" so we thought that might be the issue, we don't know though. | 13:13 |
tedg | kenvandine: url-dispatcher is not being installed | 13:14 |
tedg | kenvandine: Not sure if it should be | 13:14 |
kenvandine | i don't think it needs to be | 13:14 |
kenvandine | we run the command that url-dispatcher runs | 13:15 |
kenvandine | not url-dispatcher itself | 13:15 |
tedg | Ah, okay | 13:15 |
tedg | Perhaps the test should be url-dispatcher-ish then ;-) | 13:15 |
* tedg helps kenvandine name things | 13:15 | |
kenvandine | lol | 13:16 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Failed to build | 13:17 | |
kenvandine | tedg, which silo? | 13:17 |
tedg | kenvandine: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1772 | 13:17 |
kenvandine | autopkgtest [19:01:11]: ERROR: erroneous package: Test dependencies are unsatisfiable. A common reason is that your testbed is out of date with respect to the archive, and you need to use a current testbed or run apt-get update or use -U. | 13:20 |
kenvandine | tedg, ^^ | 13:20 |
kenvandine | oh | 13:20 |
kenvandine | xenial had the real failure | 13:20 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Preparing packages | 13:20 | |
tedg | kenvandine: It looks like the errors on vivid are ignored | 13:23 |
kenvandine | yeah, i seem to recall that was because they needed the overlay or something | 13:24 |
kenvandine | been ignored for a very long time :) | 13:24 |
kenvandine | but they were passing on xenial | 13:24 |
kenvandine | passes locally | 13:24 |
kenvandine | on xenial too | 13:24 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1803 Dependency wait (yakkety/telepathy-qt5). Diff missing (vivid/telepathy-qt5, xenial/telepathy-qt5) | 13:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 Preparing packages | 13:29 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/test_fixes | 13:30 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (xenial/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/mcloud, | 13:33 | |
Saviq | jibel, davmor2, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 is the rotation fix (revert in unity8) and main inclusion-required packaging/test tweaks for ubuntu-system-components, IMO could skip QA as there's no code changes and/or is a revert | 13:34 |
jibel | Saviq, we'll sanity test it quickly. | 13:35 |
Saviq | ack | 13:35 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Preparing packages | 13:36 | |
Saviq | ubuntu-settings-components have new autopkgtests in there, too | 13:36 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Failed to build (vivid/address-book-app, xenial/address-book-app). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/address-book-app) | 13:37 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 QA Signoff: Required | 13:38 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1811 QA Signoff: Approved | 13:38 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Successfully built (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/online-accounts-api, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) | 13:39 | |
Mirv | sil2100: those sound like far enough from the transitions :) | 13:40 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1819 Successfully built | 13:42 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts). Successfully built (vivid/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, vivid/buteo-syncfw, xenial/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, xenial/buteo-syncfw, yakkety/buteo-syncfw) | 13:42 | |
tedg | kenvandine: So what's a reasonable path forward? | 13:44 |
kenvandine | tedg, i need to figure out how to run the autopkgtests they way they are run for britney | 13:47 |
dobey | kenvandine: click https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=xenial&arch=amd64&package=content-hub&trigger=content-hub%2F0.1%2B16.04.20160809-0ubuntu1&ppa=ci-train-ppa-service%2Fstable-phone-overlay&ppa=ci-train-ppa-service%2Flanding-061 | 13:48 |
dobey | all that curl stuff at the beginning looks pretty abnormal | 13:48 |
dobey | along with the python stack trace fro mnova | 13:48 |
dobey | from nova even | 13:49 |
kenvandine | yeah | 13:49 |
kenvandine | maybe the environment isn't setup right | 13:49 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings) | 13:49 | |
tedg | kenvandine: See "Reproducing tests in the cloud" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration | 13:49 |
dobey | the url-dispatcher tests aren't the only ones that failed | 13:49 |
kenvandine | yeah | 13:50 |
kenvandine | they all did | 13:50 |
dobey | at least re-running tests on a single arch for a single run should give us a little more info about how reproducable this is | 13:50 |
dobey | we really need to get this silo landed | 13:51 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1800 Preparing packages | 13:51 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Preparing packages | 13:56 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 Preparing packages | 13:58 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/test_fixes | 13:59 | |
dobey | kenvandine: doh looks like they still all failed. i like how the logs are totally useless for this | 14:02 |
kenvandine | :/ | 14:03 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 Preparing packages | 14:04 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Preparing packages | 14:04 | |
dobey | i don't see how the changes in the silo would cause this though | 14:05 |
rvr | pstolowski: Hi | 14:11 |
rvr | pstolowski: Can you take a look to this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1614549 | 14:11 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1614549 in YouTube Scope "Update translation template" [Undecided,New] | 14:11 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/unity-scopes-api). Ready to build (vivid/unity-scopes-api, vivid/zeromq3, vivid/zmqpp). Successfully built (xenial/unity-scopes-api, xenial/zeromq3, xenial/zmqpp, yakkety/zeromq3, yakkety/zmqpp) | 14:17 | |
sil2100 | robru: hey! Thanks for the review, I'll correct the MP as per the pointers | 14:20 |
tedg | kenvandine: Would you be against flagging this silo through? I don't think this silo is causing content hub problems. | 14:22 |
kenvandine | tedg, i'd be fine with that :) | 14:22 |
kenvandine | but i'm not the one that you have to convince | 14:22 |
kenvandine | :) | 14:22 |
tedg | kenvandine: Who do I have to convince? | 14:22 |
* tedg thinks kenvandine is king of all things | 14:23 | |
kenvandine | i've run this test on my xenial desktop and my rc-proposed turbo | 14:23 |
kenvandine | and it passes | 14:23 |
kenvandine | tedg, jibel | 14:23 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Elleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1800 Successfully built | 14:23 | |
renatu | trainguards, hi, could we unblock this silo? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1755 | 14:24 |
tedg | jibel: We're looking at ticket 1772 and it seems the content-hub autopkgtests are being odd. The silo only has a no-change rebuild of content-hub so is likely unrelated. kenvandine agrees. Would you take it in QA? | 14:24 |
renatu | I would like to free it | 14:24 |
tedg | Hmm, I can do that, but I'm not quite sure what to put in the pad. | 14:26 |
tedg | Looks like we just need the ticket. | 14:26 |
pstolowski | rvr, ok | 14:28 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1755 Merging to trunk | 14:28 | |
renatu | thanks guys | 14:29 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1815 Successfully built | 14:37 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dbarth mardy, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1817 Dependency wait (yakkety/online-accounts-api). Successfully built (vivid/online-accounts-api, vivid/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, xenial/online-accounts-api, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, yakkety/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts) | 14:39 | |
oSoMoN | robru, are you around? | 14:39 |
jibel | tedg, kenvandine I'm moving it to our queue, it seems to be a general failure of the autopkgtest infra | 14:41 |
tedg | jibel: Great, thank you! | 14:41 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tedg, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1772 QA Signoff: Ready | 14:42 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts). Successfully built (vivid/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, vivid/buteo-syncfw, xenial/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, xenial/buteo-syncfw, yakkety/buteo-syncfw) | 14:42 | |
sil2100 | hm, nice, unity won't start on my laptop | 14:42 |
kenvandine | jibel, thx! | 14:45 |
jibel | sil2100, it's because you should run unity8 | 14:46 |
jibel | sil2100, about bug 1521222 can you check if the language pack is correctly updated? | 14:47 |
ubot5 | bug 1521222 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit Extras "Untranslated strings in Photoroll" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1521222 | 14:47 |
sil2100 | jibel: will check once I get my UI up again, but I checked a week or two ago the diagnostics and things looked fine | 14:48 |
sil2100 | Ok, brb, reboot | 14:48 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kdub, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1654 QA Signoff: Approved | 14:54 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1799 QA Signoff: Ready | 14:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine jgdx, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1807 Successfully built | 15:09 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- fboucault, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1813 Preparing packages | 15:11 | |
robru | oSoMoN: yes, britney is hard coded to consider overlay PPA even if the ticket is an SRU. Nothing blocks on that you just need a core dev to ack your packaging changes and publish | 15:13 |
oSoMoN | robru, ok, thanks | 15:18 |
oSoMoN | kenvandine, may I ask you to ack the packaging changes in https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 and publish ? | 15:18 |
robru | oSoMoN: you're welcome | 15:18 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Preparing packages | 15:20 | |
kenvandine | oSoMoN, sure | 15:24 |
kenvandine | sil2100, hey... i was just going to publish silo 51 | 15:25 |
kenvandine | but | 15:25 |
kenvandine | 2016-07-08 06:53:40 -0400 (sil2100) WARNING! Since this is an SRU silo I have temporarily removed the overlay dependency from the PPA - please re-add before publishing! | 15:25 |
kenvandine | sil2100, i don't need to re-add it before publishing this silo... just whatever else gets this silo later right? | 15:26 |
sil2100 | kenvandine: yeah, just after publishing switch the PPA config to use the overlay again | 15:27 |
sil2100 | :) | 15:27 |
* sil2100 goes back to battling his broken GUI | 15:27 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 Publish failed: webbrowser-app has merges in bad states | 15:29 | |
kenvandine | oSoMoN, ^^ | 15:30 |
oSoMoN | kenvandine, darn, I guess the MR wasn’t top-approved, let me fix that | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | kenvandine, done, can you please try again' | 15:31 |
oSoMoN | ? | 15:31 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 Successfully built | 15:32 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- fboucault, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1813 Failed to build (yakkety/camera-app). Successfully built (vivid/camera-app, xenial/camera-app) | 15:35 | |
kenvandine | oSoMoN, done | 15:38 |
kenvandine | sil2100, and i added the depends back to the ppa :) | 15:39 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 Publishing | 15:39 | |
kenvandine | oSoMoN, make sure you subscribe ubuntu-sru to the bugs | 15:39 |
oSoMoN | kenvandine, doing now, thanks! | 15:39 |
sil2100 | Thanks | 15:40 |
kenvandine | np | 15:41 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1650 UNAPPROVED queue | 15:52 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts). Successfully built (vivid/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, vivid/buteo-syncfw, xenial/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, xenial/buteo-syncfw, yakkety/buteo-syncfw) | 16:02 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Preparing packages | 16:03 | |
Trevinho | sil2100: can you finalize https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1789? | 16:05 |
sil2100 | Trevinho: currently not, I have no UI, but other trainguards could ^ | 16:05 |
robru | Trevinho: done | 16:08 |
Trevinho | robru: nice, thanks | 16:08 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1789 Merging to trunk | 16:08 | |
robru | Trevinho: you're welcome | 16:08 |
Trevinho | robru: only train guards can do that or what is needed to have such powers? :) | 16:09 |
robru | Trevinho: yes finalizing is reserved for train guards and core devs because it short -circuits proposed and should only be used in exceptional circumstances | 16:10 |
Trevinho | ah, ok... | 16:11 |
robru | Trevinho: normally proposed shouldn't be so completely broken, if your package is stuck there it's supposed to mean that there's something wrong with your package you need to fix | 16:12 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1712 Merging to trunk | 16:40 | |
Mirv | robru: can you check why publish worked today, while you thought you disabled it? we got UITK to yakkety-proposed which was not wanted although in the end did no harm since we handled its autopkgtests etc. | 16:41 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh Kaleo, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1812 QA Signoff: Ready | 16:43 | |
Mirv | (worked when pushed by a normal lander https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-070-2-publish/19/console ) | 16:43 |
Mirv | right now I believe we definitely don't want disturbance in yakkety-proposed with the final kernel bits being in | 16:44 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Failed to build | 16:45 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Preparing packages | 16:57 | |
robru | Mirv: hm. | 17:05 |
robru | Mirv: oh, duh, lol. I disabled it in bileto but production is still jenkins. | 17:07 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit) | 17:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Preparing packages | 17:14 | |
om26er | robru, Hello | 17:17 |
om26er | robru, this silo was approved https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 but it did not land, can you check whats stopping that, please ? | 17:17 |
robru | om26er: the yakkety version has an arch build regression, as it says 'dependency wait' | 17:18 |
robru | om26er: you need to either fix s390x or get an archive admin to remove autopilot s390x from yakkety archive | 17:20 |
om26er | robru, I talked with sil2100 and the dep wait is intentional as the package fails to build on s390x | 17:20 |
Mirv | robru: thanks! | 17:20 |
robru | Mirv: yw | 17:20 |
robru | om26er: ok but it didn't used to fail on s390x, and regressions are not allowed. | 17:20 |
robru | om26er: so you need to get an archive admin to remove the s390x binary | 17:21 |
Mirv | robru: om26er: it's published to vivid and xenial, which is recorded here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/yakkety-pending-landings - yakkety should indeed be sorted out, but even if it'd be ok it shouldn't be published right now because yakkety-proposed is frozen right now for infinity's efforts on getting the transition finalized | 17:21 |
om26er | robru, is there no way around that (except from removing it from the failing arch ?) | 17:22 |
robru | om26er: no, there is no way around that. bileto looks at yakkety and sees a successful s390x build and then looks at your PPA and sees the failure and says "hey this crap is broken, fix it". the fix is to either fix your build, or remove the success from yakkety so it stops thinking this is a regression. | 17:23 |
om26er | robru, alright, understood. Can you guide on where can I find the admins ? | 17:23 |
robru | om26er: asking in #ubuntu-release is a good start, probably sla_ngasek or inf_inity | 17:24 |
dobey | how did it even get through qa with a dep wait on yakkety? | 17:24 |
robru | dobey: well everything is so damn broken that QA has made a habit of just ignoring all yakkety and britney failures. | 17:25 |
om26er | dobey, autopilot requires upstart and upstart is not present on s390x so there was no way to fix it, so we added a build-dep on upstart after a discussion with sil2100 | 17:25 |
robru | Mirv: for those yakkety-pending-landings, what's the plan? we just expect everybody's tickets to languish until proposed is fixed? how horrible is it to just finalize without publishing yakkety? | 17:26 |
dobey | oh why does autopilot build-depend on upstart? | 17:26 |
dobey | om26er: ok, you need to find an archive admin (slangasek probably best person to ping in this tz) to remove the s390x binaries of autopilot from yakkety | 17:27 |
slangasek | dobey: I'm out of the office today, I punt to infinity | 17:27 |
dobey | slangasek: oh ok, enjoy! | 17:27 |
om26er | dobey, we use upstart to launch apps on devices | 17:27 |
om26er | UAL to be precise. | 17:28 |
dobey | om26er: then the correct dependency would probably be on ubuntu-app-launch-tools, not on upstart | 17:28 |
Saviq | jibel, FYI, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 is green on vivid and xenial, red as usual recently on yakkety | 17:28 |
om26er | dobey, the build dep on s390x was added so that the package build is blocked in the silo, this unblocked the QA testing. | 17:29 |
om26er | else Bileto would not let the Lander Sign-Off | 17:29 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Needs building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) | 17:29 | |
dobey | om26er: i understand that reasoning. i'm just saying you should dep on things you actually depend on | 17:29 |
Mirv | robru: publish after transition is done, but if next landing is needed then like for those ubuntu-system-settings landings at the top, finalize and do the next landing | 17:30 |
Mirv | robru: one way or another, as long as it's tracked. even a no-change landing for yakkety could be done if needed. but if there's no need for the next landing for certain component, the ticket can be kept languishing as well. | 17:31 |
jibel | Saviq, set to ready | 17:32 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Saviq, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1818 QA Signoff: Ready | 17:32 | |
dobey | om26er: either way, if you want to get rid of s390x binaries in the archive, you need an archive admin to do it | 17:33 |
slangasek | om26er, dobey: actually, looks like I have time to get to it - python3-autopilot-trace s390x binary removed from yakkety | 17:37 |
dobey | slangasek: ah, thanks | 17:37 |
om26er | slangasek, thanks a lot :) | 17:37 |
dobey | om26er: should clear up when bileto status job runs again i guess | 17:38 |
dobey | om26er: if not, there might be old binaries in the PPA that need removed, but any trainguards should be able to do so | 17:38 |
Saviq | jibel, thanks | 17:39 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Destination version missing from changelog (yakkety/autopilot). Release pocket (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot) | 17:39 | |
om26er | robru, ^ s390x binary is now removed, shall I update my merge request to remove the dep on upstart ? | 17:40 |
slangasek | om26er: you should go ahead and keep that upstart dep | 17:40 |
slangasek | (build-dep) | 17:40 |
robru | om26er: you still need the dep to prevent it from trying to build. Removing the binary just makes it stop caring about that failure | 17:41 |
slangasek | exactly | 17:41 |
om26er | robru, ok, trying to wrap that around my head. | 17:42 |
robru | om26er: adding the dep fixes the archive. Removing the old binary fixes bileto | 17:42 |
robru | om26er: anyway bileto has progressed to the next problem now. You need to investigate why dest version is missing | 17:43 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Preparing packages | 17:43 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Currently building (vivid/webbrowser-app). Failed to build (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Needs building (xenial/webbrowser-app) | 17:43 | |
om26er | robru, what causes that generally ? I am landing a silo for the first time. | 17:45 |
slangasek | om26er: upstart fails to build on s390x in yakkety, but was present in xenial; we're working through un-picking the reverse dependencies on upstart on yakkety, one bit at a time; one of the corner cases is packages that have runtime dependencies on upstart without a build-time dependency, which leads us to add an "artificial" build dep on upstart so that we don't build s390x binaries that then | 17:46 |
slangasek | can't be installed | 17:46 |
slangasek | om26er: otherwise, we would remove binaries and the binaries would come back again | 17:47 |
robru | om26er: well there are two main causes: 1) somebody uploaded a manual release without using bileto, or 2) somebody published some other silo but your build didn't include that release | 17:47 |
robru | om26er: first, look at the status job log, and it tells you what version is missing | 17:48 |
robru | om26er: then look here to see where it came from: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/+publishinghistory | 17:48 |
om26er | slangasek, that helps understand the situation. | 17:50 |
robru | om26er: so the release that is missing was built in April in PPA 0 and then published in May. Typically this would mean that the other ticket is still assigned but it doesn't appear to be there anymore | 17:52 |
robru | om26er: if you look at the packaging diff: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_39a8dbb93caf4ec889f8a1b7f69885db/bileto-1758/2016-08-10_16:41:56/yakkety_autopilot_packaging_changes.diff it appears that you're reverting a giant chunk of autopilot (like you're erasing the last 16 releases), so it seems like all your MPs are based on some | 17:54 |
robru | stale branch | 17:54 |
robru | om26er: so it seems you need to find the real development trunk and release from that | 17:55 |
om26er | robru, ok, I think I understand what could be causing this, there was a release branch 1.5, I believe the missing changelogs are there | 17:55 |
dobey | yeah, this is why you deal with the missing binary builds before shipping things off to qa | 17:56 |
om26er | those changelogs never made into trunk, so when I created 1.6 release branch I cloned trunk, resulting in missing changelog entries | 17:56 |
dobey | om26er: so you need to fix these issues, rebuild, and then get qa to test again | 17:56 |
robru | om26er: right, so it sounds like if you merge 1.5 into your 1.6 branch and rebuild it should be good (but you need to re-QA such a large rebuild) | 17:57 |
dobey | publishing the silo as-is, is obviously not an option given this situation | 17:57 |
robru | dobey: it's already in overlay, just not published to yakkety. fun times! | 17:57 |
dobey | oh, ewwwwwww | 17:57 |
robru | so currently any images built from overlay are going to have a massive autopilot regression going 16 releases back. fortunately I don't think phone users use autopilot much. | 17:58 |
dobey | well it's not in the default image | 17:58 |
robru | s/much/at all/ | 17:58 |
dobey | but i guess autopkgtests or such would use the version from there | 17:58 |
dobey | which might cause regressions | 17:59 |
dobey | (more fun!) | 17:59 |
dobey | haha actually | 17:59 |
dobey | when was it published to overlay? | 17:59 |
dobey | yesterday? | 17:59 |
robru | dobey: yeah | 17:59 |
dobey | kenvandine: ^^ would that explain the content-hub autopkgtests breakage? | 18:00 |
dobey | hmm, lp says "6 hours ago" for published time, so i suppose not | 18:00 |
robru | dobey: 6 hours ago is yesterday to me ;-) | 18:01 |
dobey | robru: UTC yesterday is the only yesterday there is :P | 18:02 |
robru | heh | 18:02 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- oSoMoN, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1821 Failed to build (yakkety/webbrowser-app). Successfully built (vivid/webbrowser-app, xenial/webbrowser-app) | 18:03 | |
om26er | robru, dobey it seems the only thing that is not in sync is the changelog entries, the code is in sync between 1.5 and trunk, so that should not cause any regressions | 18:03 |
robru | om26er: ok, well we still need those changelog entries in there, so you still have to sync that up and rebuild and re-QA | 18:04 |
robru | om26er: QA I guess could do a lighter smoke-test but it still requires verification since the new binary isn't the one they verified. | 18:04 |
dobey | hard to tell from content.diff | 18:06 |
dobey | for all i know, half the + lines in the diff could be regreession from previous branches that removed them | 18:06 |
kenvandine | dobey, no | 18:07 |
kenvandine | this isn't an autopilot test | 18:07 |
robru | dobey: yeah somebody familiar with autopilot would have to look at the content diff and say whether it's a huge regression or just a chunk of the changelog missing | 18:08 |
dobey | kenvandine: yeah, realized that when i found the "published" time for autopilot, and the tests failed before that time | 18:08 |
dobey | robru: well, can compare with the MP, but doesn't change the fact that the silo needs fixed and re-QAed | 18:08 |
robru | dobey: yeah | 18:10 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) | 18:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Preparing packages | 18:11 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (xenial/keeper). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/keeper, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakke | 18:13 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Preparing packages | 18:16 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Preparing packages | 18:16 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Preparing packages | 18:18 | |
om26er | robru, do I need to not add any manual changelog entry ? i.e. will that be automatically created from commit messages ? | 18:22 |
robru | om26er: if you don't create a changelog entry, one will be created from just the first line of your commit message on your MP. Given that it's a dummy commit you may want to create a manual changelog that lists all the features of 1.6 if this is the first 1.6 release | 18:23 |
om26er | robru, ok, shall the version number only be 1.6.0 ? will the ubuntu specific numbering be added automatically ? | 18:23 |
robru | om26er: yes the version number will be generated automatically. Better use 1.6.0-0ubuntu1 though, there might be some bugs in the version handling. | 18:24 |
dobey | well, to bump the root version number, you must include a branch that modifies debian/changelog with that version bump | 18:29 |
om26er | dobey, will this do https://code.launchpad.net/~autopilot/autopilot/dummy_commit_for_release/+merge/302021 ? | 18:34 |
om26er | (ignore the branch name, its definitely no longer a dummy commit) | 18:35 |
dobey | om26er: what's the ticket url again? | 18:35 |
om26er | dobey, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 | 18:35 |
dobey | om26er: mostly, but i think the first entry needs to be "UNRELEASED" instead of "yakkety" for the release | 18:36 |
dobey | (if i understood a previous conversation where robru mentioned that) | 18:37 |
robru | dobey: actually that's no longer required, it used to be required by dch, but bileto is now clobbering the first line of the changelog with sed so it doesn't matter what you put there | 18:38 |
dobey | ah ok | 18:38 |
dobey | then yeah it looks ok i guess | 18:38 |
om26er | dobey, robru too late, I changed to UNRELEASED shall I revert or is it fine ? | 18:38 |
robru | om26er: no it's fine | 18:39 |
dobey | om26er: doesn't matter | 18:39 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/autopilot). Release pocket (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot) | 18:39 | |
robru | dobey: om26er: I haven't tested this yet, but I think if you put UNRELEASED, the bzr commit will be taken from the changelog, but if you put yakkety then the bzr commit will be taken from the MP. depends how debcommit works | 18:40 |
om26er | robru, so the process now would be: 1. get branch re-approved, 2. rebuild silo, 3. Lander Sign-Off 4. QA Sign-Off 5. cross fingers ? | 18:40 |
robru | om26er: yes, but 5 is "ask a core dev to publish" | 18:40 |
dobey | om26er: re-build silo doesn't depend on the branch being re-approved | 18:40 |
robru | right | 18:40 |
robru | om26er: yeah you can do 1 and 2 in parallel | 18:41 |
dobey | om26er: in fact, i'd say re-build first, and make sure the cotnent.diff is correct afterward, then get someone to approve and push it through qa | 18:41 |
om26er | dobey, done | 18:41 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 QA Signoff: Required | 18:42 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Preparing packages | 18:42 | |
dobey | becauxse if the content.diff shows changes outside of what's in your MP, something else is still wrong | 18:42 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Currently building (yakkety/compiz). Failed to build (yakkety/unity) | 18:43 | |
robru | dobey: no no they've been developing their "trunk" and are doing an "empty" MP to release the trunk, so it's expected that there'd be a big diff for the actual 1.6 release that they're doing | 18:43 |
dobey | oh | 18:43 |
dobey | that seems broken | 18:43 |
dobey | but w/e | 18:43 |
robru | dobey: yeah they're not really using it as it was designed but it works for them I guess. | 18:44 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- tiagosh boiko, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1319 Failed to build (xenial/telephony-service, yakkety/history-service, yakkety/messaging-app, yakkety/telepathy-ofono, yakkety/telephony-service). Successfully built (vivid/history-service, vivid/messaging-app, vivid/telepathy-ofono, vivid/telephony-service, xenial/history-service, xenial/messaging-app, xenial/telepathy-ofono) | 18:44 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Preparing packages | 18:48 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit) | 18:49 | |
kenvandine | dobey, i have a vivid amd64 chroot built for autopkgtests... if i try to run the content-hub tests with autopkgtest using the chroot it fails with the annoying "Test dependencies are unsatisfiable" | 18:50 |
kenvandine | but if i go into the chroot... and install content-hub content-hub-testability dbus-x11 xvfb | 18:50 |
kenvandine | with apt... it resolves them just fine | 18:50 |
dobey | kenvandine: you're using a chroot, not a vm image? | 18:51 |
kenvandine | yeah | 18:51 |
kenvandine | i couldn't get the vm to work | 18:51 |
dobey | hmm | 18:51 |
kenvandine | but this is reproducing the vivid problem of not installing the test deps | 18:52 |
kenvandine | but no freaking clue why... | 18:52 |
kenvandine | since apt in the same chroot has no issue | 18:52 |
dobey | kenvandine: well, honestly, the only time i've ever gotten autopkgtest stuff to work locally, is using a vm, and doing autopkgtests of a click package | 18:52 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Preparing packages | 18:52 | |
dobey | and it was a lot of work to even get that working reliably | 18:52 |
kenvandine | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 18:53 |
kenvandine | autopkgtest-satdep | 18:53 |
kenvandine | i wonder if that is meaningful | 18:53 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Currently building (xenial/account-plugins, yakkety/mcloud). Failed to build (vivid/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Needs building (vivid/storage-framework). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/stora | 18:54 | |
dobey | kenvandine: i think that itself isn't meaningful as it's just the autogenerated metapackage which lists the other depends | 18:57 |
dobey | kenvandine: if it's being removed by installing something in the depends though, seems like you have an odd conflits/breaks issue there somewhere | 18:57 |
dobey | hrmm | 18:58 |
dobey | wtf is cmake not installing the .so symlinks for this one package | 18:58 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Failed to build (yakkety/autopilot). Needs building (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot) | 19:00 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Needs building (vivid/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, xenial/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts, yakkety/buteo-sync-plugins-contacts). Successfully built (vivid/buteo-syncfw, xenial/buteo-syncfw, yakkety/buteo-syncfw) | 19:03 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- michi jamesh marcustomlinson gary-wzl charles xavigarcia, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1791 Failed to build (vivid/keeper, yakkety/keeper). Successfully built (vivid/account-plugins, vivid/mcloud, vivid/net-cpp, vivid/signon-plugin-oauth2, vivid/storage-framework, xenial/account-plugins, xenial/keeper, xenial/mcloud, xenial/net-cpp, xenial/signon-plugin-oauth2, xenial/storage-framework, yakkety/account-plugins, yakkety/mcloud, | 19:14 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Failed to build (yakkety/autopilot). Successfully built (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot) | 19:20 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 Successfully built | 19:22 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Currently building (yakkety/compiz). Failed to build (yakkety/unity) | 19:23 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Preparing packages | 19:24 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Currently building (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Failed to build (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (yakkety/ubuntu-ui-toolkit). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) | 19:30 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Trevinho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1820 Failed to build (yakkety/unity). Successfully built (yakkety/compiz) | 19:43 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Preparing packages | 19:46 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Successfully built | 19:59 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1808 Failed to build | 20:10 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1779 QA Signoff: Ready | 20:26 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 QA Signoff: Approved | 21:34 | |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
bregma | trainguards would any of you be able to upload a new source package to silo 53 for me? | 22:39 |
robru | bregma: couuld do, from where | 22:39 |
bregma | https://launchpad.net/~libertine-team/+archive/ubuntu/libertine-testing/+files/xorg-server_1.17.2-1ubuntu0.1~overlay15.dsc | 22:39 |
bregma | I've never done it this way before | 22:39 |
bregma | very exciting | 22:39 |
robru | bregma: personally I find it easier to use the PPA link than the DSC link, for next time | 22:40 |
bregma | there's a bunch of unrelated cruft in the PPA, didn't want any confusion | 22:40 |
robru | bregma: yeah but I just rather use the web interface than download the file & reupload, it's more direct | 22:41 |
bregma | next time if I remember | 22:41 |
robru | bregma: also you don't need to wait for the build to finish because we need to rebuild anyway, we can just copy he source package while it's still building | 22:41 |
robru | bregma: anyway, done | 22:42 |
bregma | I had to test to make sure there was sanity in my packagin | 22:42 |
robru | fair enough | 22:43 |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1814 Preparing packages | 23:04 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bregma ChrisTownsend, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1786 Successfully built | 23:06 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- sil2100, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1811 Release pocket (xenial/ubuntu-touch-session). Successfully built (vivid/ubuntu-touch-session, yakkety/ubuntu-touch-session) | 23:12 | |
-queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- om26er, https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1758 Release pocket (vivid/autopilot, xenial/autopilot). Successfully built (yakkety/autopilot) | 23:59 |
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