Unit193 | pleia2, nhandler and jose should all be at OLF, anyone else from here? | 03:52 |
yano | really? awesome | 05:05 |
yano | i might try to make it out this year | 05:05 |
belkinsa | God, I think that the lamest thing that I said on our mailing-list. | 15:45 |
belkinsa | But it's the truth, Adam-M. And welcome, Adam-M to our LoCo and our IRC home. Where do you hail from? | 15:46 |
Adam-M | Akron | 15:46 |
belkinsa | I think Unit193 is in that area also. | 15:46 |
* belkinsa hails from West Chester, a place between Ciny and Dayton | 15:47 | |
belkinsa | Unit193: well, you gave me a reason to come to OLF. | 15:48 |
AntonM | Hi | 15:48 |
belkinsa | o/ AntonM | 15:48 |
belkinsa | Are you two bothers, AntonM and Adam-M? | 15:48 |
AntonM | Yes | 15:49 |
belkinsa | Ha, I knew it. :D Anyways, welcome to our LoCo and our IRC home. | 15:49 |
AntonM | Thanks | 15:50 |
AntonM | BTW, how were you able to tell? | 15:50 |
belkinsa | Not a problem. | 15:50 |
belkinsa | Last names when you requested to join. | 15:50 |
* belkinsa is one of the leaders | 15:50 | |
belkinsa | along with Unit193 and jrgifford. | 15:51 |
belkinsa | Did you discover Ubuntu recently? | 15:53 |
belkinsa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa <--- that's me. | 15:53 |
jenni | [ belkinsa - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://bit.ly/1eqs1VA | 15:53 |
Adam-M | I started with Ubuntu 10.04, but I only ran it in a virtual machine until 12.04. | 15:55 |
AntonM | ^ | 15:56 |
belkinsa | I started with 9.10. So I guess you two want to voluteer in the Community or just support our LoCo and Ubuntu? | 15:57 |
Adam-M | How will we volunteer? | 15:58 |
belkinsa | It depends on what skills you have. | 16:00 |
belkinsa | For example, I don't really have techical skills but I do have people skills that allow me to build community and that's what I focus on. | 16:01 |
belkinsa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu | 16:01 |
jenni | [ ContributeToUbuntu - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://bit.ly/2bg0z6c | 16:01 |
belkinsa | Oh, and Unit193: http://askubuntu.com/questions/811218/failed-to-restart-idmapd-service-unit-idmapd-service-is-masked Can you give me some insight if possible. Or whoever is the server guy here. | 16:03 |
jenni | [ networking - Failed to restart idmapd.service: Unit idmapd.service is masked - Ask Ubuntu ] - https://bit.ly/2bg01gC | 16:03 |
belkinsa | Adam-M and AntonM: we always need help in building this LoCo. | 16:04 |
AntonM | Ok | 16:04 |
belkinsa | But you can go out of our LoCo and help the greater Community if you wish. | 16:05 |
AntonM | I'll help this LoCo | 16:05 |
belkinsa | :0 | 16:06 |
belkinsa | :)* | 16:06 |
belkinsa | From what I know, I think most of members are from nothern Ohio. One idea is to restart the idea of the Regional LoCo in that area. | 16:07 |
AntonM | How do we get started? | 16:10 |
belkinsa | Ask on the mailing-list who is from the area and suggest the idea of doing a meet up. See if you can get some folks that way. You can also try Twitter and other social media. | 16:12 |
AntonM | Ok | 16:14 |
belkinsa | And I do wish you luck, we do need a few active peeps. | 16:15 |
AntonM | Thanks | 16:15 |
belkinsa | Not a problem. | 16:15 |
belkinsa | Anyways, I need to go to work. If you need me, please feel free to ping me here (and stay of course), PM me, or e-mail me. Just keep in mind that I might not repsonsd quickly like I did. | 16:17 |
AntonM | Ok | 16:17 |
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Unit193 | Wosh, there's backlog here. | 19:56 |
Unit193 | belkinsa: While it may partially be a "got a life" problem, that's not entirely it. | 20:08 |
Unit193 | AntonM: Well howdy and welcome back. I'm not in the Akron area actually, just Mans. | 21:33 |
AntonM | Hi | 21:34 |
Unit193 | Welcome to Freenode. | 21:34 |
AntonM | Thanks | 21:37 |
Unit193 | One of the guys from Ashland was going to the Akron area LUGs, seems they had some good sessions. | 21:37 |
Unit193 | http://www.meetup.com/Akron-Linux-Users-Group/ this, I think. | 21:38 |
jenni | [ Akron Linux Users Group (Akron, OH)- Meetup ] - https://bit.ly/2b55ovx | 21:38 |
Unit193 | I'd take a guess that you use Ubuntu/Unity? Doesn't really matter, but I'm an Xfce user myself. | 21:41 |
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