[02:54] colors in Hexchat make no fucking sense anymore http://imgur.com/a/Xeupn [03:06] Omnifrog: Hexchat never made sense to me anyway [03:08] at least it's colorful [21:16] irssi or weechat are good, too Omnifrog [23:06] * cyberanger uses a few with znc [23:10] I like Quassel it is like screen and irssi but looks nice ;) [23:11] * Unit193 wonders if it has aliases or scripting support yet. [23:13] I use a Mac I don't use that ;) [23:13] I'm not smart enough too [23:13] wrst: Mac has aliases and scripting too [23:13] * cyberanger thinks wrst is smarter than he knows [23:13] cyberanger: an attempt at a dumb Mac user joke [23:13] * cyberanger knows [23:14] But I'm always chatting via debian when I use Quassel even if on Windows [23:14] wrst: and people say ubuntu users are the dumbest unix users [23:14] wrst is likely smarter than me. :3 [23:14] * cyberanger might need to hide for that comment [23:15] cyberanger: I disagree, Mint users seem to take the cake on that one.. [23:16] Unit193: More than a Mac even? (Kidding aside, don't know too many mac owners who know how to reinstall it) [23:18] Ha ha cyberanger it's easy on a Mac to reinstall, but really if you can install arch you should be able to install anything except maybe Gentoo? [23:18] * wrst misses arch [23:27] cyberanger: ssl certs were do you go for such things? [23:28] I'm tired of self signed and not being able to easily share files in owncloud [23:29] 1. My own CA. 2. StartCom. 3. Let's Encrypt. [23:30] Thanks Unit193 I need to make that a weekend project [23:33] wrst: Why not run Gentoo [23:33] Sorry, I meant arch [23:34] wrst: Let's Encrypt + my own (I cross sign mine too sometimes) [23:35] I am trying to remember who my backup was, but I think it'll soon be StartCom too [23:35] Unless I get an EV (I might for hidden service too) [23:36] StartCom is nice in the fact you get a year's cert, Let's Encrypt gets you 90 days. [23:37] Let's encrypt is a cronjob away from being forever though [23:37] Eh... [23:40] Unit193: best part is it doesn't mess up my cert pinning at all, and that really was a pain to do. [23:44] I can have StartCom or any other sign my backup key, then use it (Or use it now, self signed) [23:49] * cyberanger does too much crypto, on his "shopping list" is a true hardware random number generator and a good GPU for generating primes [23:51] * wrst may need assistance :) [23:55] wrst: Willing to help [23:55] thank you [23:55] bbiab, church run [23:55] * cyberanger loves driving the van [23:59] ha ha [23:59] have fun