
menn0thumper: easy one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5482/00:07
menn0axw: when you're around can we talk about bug 1569632 please?00:08
mupBug #1569632: status: decide on statuses for migration <juju-core:Triaged by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1569632>00:08
perrito666thumper: well that is awkwards, menn0 gave you a nice ship it and I just added a bunch of issues01:00
axwmenn0: I'm around now01:03
redirwallyworld: I think I'm ready for a consult01:04
redirif you're available01:04
wallyworldstandup ho?01:04
perrito666wallyworld: that is an awful thing to call redir01:06
wallyworldperrito666: you funny01:06
wallyworldi am having acl issues01:06
wallyworldthere's some code left in the admin_root which checks for read only calls01:06
wallyworldand the list of read only calls in incorrect01:06
wallyworldand we don't even need that check anymore01:07
perrito666wallyworld: well we can nuke that01:07
wallyworldyep, doing it01:07
perrito666I decided to nuke it post-implement acls01:07
perrito666just as a failsafe01:07
wallyworldsure, i need to remove it for my branch to work01:07
wallyworldusers can't list models01:07
wallyworldadmins can, but not others01:07
perrito666wallyworld:mm, after reading the list models method I assumed it would show to each user their own models01:08
perrito666therefore it was safe to make it RO01:08
perrito666since RO users will just not get results01:08
wallyworldit is, but that hard coded list omitted the ListModels call01:08
perrito666ahh I see01:08
wallyworldRO users need to be able to see their own models01:08
wallyworldanyways, all fixed now01:09
wallyworldi just wanted to check that you agreed we should remove that code01:09
thumperkatco: no01:21
thumperperrito666: hmm... we often don't check the error returns of fmt.Fprintf as well01:24
thumperperrito666: given the number of places we call flush without checking, I think this is ok01:25
perrito666thumper: I assumed so, It tickled me because we where checking it in just one place and you removed it, but I believe its ok too01:26
perrito666thumper: the other ones are valid though :p01:27
thumperyou expect me to file bugs for dfc's old comment?01:27
thumperthat's a bit rough01:27
thumperperrito666: and changing other fmt.errorf calls...01:28
perrito666thumper: you are the one that said that we should .... meh forgot the words but something about leaving stuff neater than we found, also you passed by that code and dfc was your teammate :p at least re-own it01:28
perrito666anyway, eod, cheers all01:30
wallyworldthumper: running a minute late01:31
katcothumper: yay01:31
wallyworldthumper: with colour, axw had a good point - you need to keep the * still, for the current controller etc even when it is a terminal and colour is used02:16
thumperwallyworld: let me show you something02:16
axw(for colour blind people; unless the contrast between green and white is enough?)02:16
thumpergood point02:16
thumperit was so good though :)02:16
wallyworldhaving an extra * is not big deal, it's still green02:17
thumperwallyworld: intermittent failure :(02:20
* thumper needs foot02:21
* thumper needs food02:21
* thumper has two feet 02:22
axwwallyworld: RB bot is asleep, can you please review https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/603402:46
axwwallyworld: I decided not to make the change to the machiner worker after all, if you force destroy a machine you shouldn't expect it to uninstall cleanly02:46
axwwallyworld: and there's another scenario where it could happen, with a note that we explicitly don't handle it because state could just be borked02:46
wallyworldthat's the change to react to not found?02:47
axwwallyworld: and uninstalling because of a bug would be bad02:47
axwwallyworld: yes. so I just changed the cleanup to not force destroy on destroy-model02:47
wallyworldaxw: lgtm, thanks02:49
thumperwallyworld: landed!!!!03:02
katcothumper: grats03:02
wallyworldwill propose my branch now03:02
wallyworldthumper: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5483/03:06
thumperwallyworld: why have you removed read only calls?03:07
wallyworld1. out of date, 2. did you read horatio's email?03:07
wallyworldno longer needed since permission checks are on each moethod now03:07
thumperwhat would the mechanism be to block all modifying calls for things like migration?03:08
wallyworldthe methods do permission checks03:08
wallyworldsigh, so many issues this week with people not reading their emails03:08
thumperwell, been a bit busy03:08
wallyworldall facade methods are expected to have a permission check now03:08
wallyworldas a code review checklist step, that must be enforced03:09
wallyworldsometimes the check is done for the entire facade at construction time03:09
wallyworldif all methods require write for example03:09
wallyworldthat hard coded list was also out of date - it omitted legitimate read only methods03:11
wallyworldso people were not maintaining it03:11
anastasiamacwallyworld: great idea ^^ could u plz add it to our review checklist? https://github.com/juju/juju/wiki/Code-Review-Checklists03:14
wallyworldi thought it had been, i'll need to double check it03:16
anastasiamacit's there :D "Do facades and methods have the required authorization checks? "03:19
veebersthumper: I'm late to the game but the colour output is pretty damn sweet03:39
mupBug #1614809 opened: api-caller remains post migration <juju-core:New for menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614809>03:39
wallyworldthumper: thanks for review, i was also wondering about MODEL UUID03:50
wallyworldi started with CONTROLLER but thought it looked a bit wrong tbh03:51
wallyworldi can go with that and we'll get feedback i'm sure03:51
wallyworldi went with Controller because it's not a table header03:53
anastasiamacwallyworld: axw: menn0:thumper: can u get to RB?03:54
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
natefinchis reviews.vapour.ws broken for anyone else?03:54
axwanastasiamac: nope03:54
wallyworldjust broke right now03:54
anastasiamacyep. the same :(03:54
menn0broken for me03:54
katcothis test has defeated me. /EOD03:55
wallyworldkatco: wow, you're on late03:56
anastasiamacaxw: wallyworld: I've cleaned up PR, PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/602303:57
wallyworldreal soon03:57
thumperaxw: my cunning plan to use the poolmanager has been poleaxed by an import cycle04:11
axwthumper: what about stateenvirons?04:12
thumperaxw: I was trying to use it in migration_import and export04:13
thumperwhich are in state04:13
axwthumper: yeah, you can't/shouldn't use stateenvirons from state. you also shouldn't need it04:13
thumperto get a NewStorageProviderRegistry04:13
axwun moment04:13
axwthumper: func (st *State) storageProviderRegistry() (storage.ProviderRegistry, error)04:14
thumperah ha04:14
thumperaxw: think I figured out a way to not expose the pool global key malarky04:18
axwthumper: move the poolmanager code into state? :)04:18
axwthumper: how?04:18
thumperyou'll see04:18
* thumper does more fixes04:19
axwokey dokey04:19
* thumper crosses fingers while tests run04:20
thumperaxw: I think this last attempt will may you much happier04:21
thumperw00t, tests pass04:21
thumpernow a bit of cleanup04:21
thumperaxw: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/602404:24
axwthumper: yes, much nicer :)04:26
thumperwallyworld, axw, menn0: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/603604:40
thumpernot sure about the green for current actually04:40
thumperI was thinking something that "pops" a bit more04:40
menn0thumper: light blue?04:40
* wallyworld is looking at another pr04:41
thumpermenn0: not sure04:42
menn0thumper: LGTM to me anyway04:42
* menn0 is tired04:43
thumperperhaps we land and bikeshed over color?04:44
thumperor make the color definable with an env var?04:44
* thumper out04:44
natefinchso we're bikeshedding on what to bikeshed on now?04:44
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
natefinchevery time I look at gojsonschema it looks worse04:45
axwwallyworld: pretty sure the ssh issue is another latent bug, woohoo04:45
axwwallyworld: the instance poller backs off when it sees a machine that isn't provisioned, doesn't start querying again immediately when it is provisioned04:47
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
axwwallyworld: so it takes a while for it to kick back in, since the machines are taking around a minute to come up04:48
wallyworldi can beliebe that - the poller is independent of the provisioner04:48
wallyworldif only we had pubsub04:48
axwwallyworld: nah it's just crappy implementation, it *can* react to the machine change04:49
axwand I will fix it to do that now04:49
menn0thumper-afk: I probably shouldn't tell you this but "less -R" will let you use less with colors ... could be interesting to integrate into debug-log04:51
wallyworldanastasiamac: latest pr is much smaller change set from the first one which is good; for some reason i find it easier to review on rb compared to github05:12
mupBug #1614835 opened: Unittest guiVersionSuite.TearDownSuite fails <ci> <unittest> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614835>06:06
anastasiamacwallyworld: \o/06:07
anastasiamacwallyworld: also hosted arch is added so that we can validate upload tools..06:07
wallyworldanastasiamac: but it's not an arch supported by the substrate06:08
wallyworldif you bootstrap from amd64 and try and run an arm64 controller that should break06:08
wallyworldwhen uploading tools, ther question to ask is - does the cloud and image i will be using to bootstrap on match the arch of my bootstrap client06:09
wallyworldadding host arch to the list of supported arches subverts that06:10
anastasiamacwallyworld: let me clean up this pr and if this is the question to ask then validateuploadallowed is not asking it06:10
anastasiamacwallyworld: i really need to land it, u can fix as an iteration. this fix fixes my bug06:10
wallyworldbut introduces a new one06:11
anastasiamacwallyworld: i dont see how it introduces new one - currnet behavior06:13
wallyworldit's not current behavour, that's the issue06:13
wallyworldif you try and upload tools from an amd64 client to a ppc64 cloud it will fail06:14
wallyworldor more so, from a s390 client to aws for example06:14
anastasiamacif there is a test, then i will not b able to land my change. at this stage = all tests pass06:15
axwwallyworld: PTAL, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/603706:56
axwwallyworld: BTW I was confused, we don't get updates on the machine doc in general; only lifecycle changes06:58
axwso I've left it as polling for now, but changed it to only back off after it's been provisioned06:59
=== mup_ is now known as mup
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
wallyworldaxw: yeah, that's why i was wishing for pubsub - could easily notify of such changes, looking now07:47
wallyworldaxw: i think i'm reading the test wrong - it seems that prior to m.setInstanceId("inst-ance") we *want* case <-polled and thereafter not, but it seems the test is the other way around?07:56
axwwallyworld: before setInstanceId, the test fails if <-polled. after, it fails if it times out waiting for <-polled07:58
wallyworldyeah, that's what's confusing me07:58
wallyworldbefore set instace id, machine is not provisioned so we want regular polling07:58
wallyworldso we'd expect to see,_polled, no?07:59
axwwallyworld: perhaps the var name is throwing you off. <-polled means that it queried the provider for instance info08:00
wallyworldi was thinking polled was for querying instance addresses08:00
wallyworldwhich we want to do regularly until provisoned08:01
axwwallyworld: and that hasn't changed, the only change is that there's no backoff. that's proven by the clock advancing exactly the "short poll" amount of time08:01
axwwallyworld: nope, how would you do that without an instance ID?08:01
wallyworldgood point08:01
wallyworldi haven't context switched in the code properly08:01
wallyworldlgtm though, i was was confused08:02
mattywhey folks, I'm getting an XML AccessDenied from reviewboard, anyone else?08:02
wallyworldmattyw: yeah, it's borked08:03
mattywwallyworld, awesome, hello by the way!08:04
voidspacefwereade_: ping09:19
fwereade_voidspace, pong09:20
voidspacefwereade_: txn-revno is maintained by the txn layer, so all I need to use it is to declare it in the doc. Right? Like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23069609/09:21
fwereade_voidspace, so long as you *only* read that doc and don't write it, yes09:21
fwereade_voidspace, iirc accidentally writing a txn-revno can mess everything up09:22
voidspacefwereade_: sounds like fun09:22
voidspacefwereade_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23069620/09:22
voidspacefwereade_: although I think that code should return no-ops if the hostports are equal (it doesn't currently do that either)09:23
fwereade_voidspace, +1 to that09:23
fwereade_voidspace, and if you just declare that doc inside that func then you shoudl be safe from anyone accidentally writing it in future09:23
voidspacefwereade_: I don't think this particular contention problem is possible to test directly - other fixes we've committed didn't have new tests09:26
voidspacefwereade_: so if the existing tests pass (checking that they're good tests of course) I'll call it good09:27
voidspacecurrently they pass - just trying again with the NoOp path09:27
fwereade_voidspace, hm, surely you can test SetAPIHostPorts racing with itself at least?09:29
voidspacefwereade_: I'm hoping there is already a race test :-)09:29
voidspacemaybe optimistic09:29
fwereade_voidspace, fwiw I can think of two: (1) BeforeHook change to a new value, check 2 txn attempts; (2) BeforeHook change to desired value, check 1 attempt only09:31
voidspacefwereade_: understood09:32
voidspacefwereade_: there's at least one concurrent test already09:32
fwereade_voidspace, cool09:32
voidspacetwo - ConcurrentSame and ConcurrentDifferent09:32
fwereade_huh, access denied from reviews.vapour.ws09:32
voidspacefwereade_: reading them09:32
fwereade_anyone else09:32
fwereade_voidspace, awesome09:32
fwereade_voidspace, the test names seem good, anyway ;)09:33
voidspacefwereade_: yep, me too09:33
fwereade_mgz, I think of you as the person who effortlessly fixes everything, is that something you can address? ^^09:33
voidspaceAll current tests pass, that's a good sign09:34
hoenirhow to know if juju is using the default tools or the tools that I specified ?09:51
hoenirthis means it's using the deafult?09:52
hoenircmd is juju bootstrap maas maas --debug --show-log --config agent-metadata-url='' --bootstrap-series='trusty'09:53
perrito666hoenir: looks a lot like its using the default10:15
hoenirperrito666, how can I use my own tools?10:17
mupBug #1614929 opened: Panic when destroying controller <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614929>11:43
fwereade_voidspace, if you have a moment, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/604011:57
fwereade_voidspace, the critical thing is really to QA it, and come to a conclusion re the JustRemoveOp(..., -1); everything else has been reviewed in detail by many people11:57
voidspacefwereade_: about to go on lunch - can look after that12:02
fwereade_voidspace, cheers12:04
mupBug #1614929 changed: Panic when destroying controller <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614929>12:46
mupBug #1614948 opened: cmd/juju: "error" capitalisation is inconsistent <usability> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614948>12:46
jamnatefinch-afk: ping if you're around12:56
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
natefinchjam: pong13:27
perrito666tha lag13:28
perrito666mgz: could you kick reviewboard server?13:29
mupBug #1614961 opened: juju ssh to azure hosts fails <azure-provider> <ci> <jujuqa> <regression> <ssh> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614961>13:31
mgzperrito666: I don't think I can13:40
perrito666mgz: I think you do :p13:40
perrito666that is one of CI machines, I am sure of it13:40
mgzwell, I guess I do have ssh access, just not the management creds13:41
perrito666or you can provide me access+sudo and Ill gladly dig into the pile of... code13:41
mgzso i can poke around at least13:41
mgzperrito666: you have it13:41
perrito666mgz: oh13:41
mgzcloud-city and ssh with the staging-juju-rsa key13:42
mgzhm, proxy error spam13:44
mgzwhy is it even trying to access /releases/unknown-outcome13:44
mupBug #1614961 changed: juju ssh to azure hosts fails <azure-provider> <ci> <jujuqa> <regression> <ssh> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614961>13:46
voidspacehmmm... reviewboard is borked again13:48
mgzyeap, not sure what the fix is13:50
perrito666voidspace: looking into it13:51
voidspaceperrito666: thanks13:51
rick_h_natefinch voidspace ping for standup14:00
voidspacerick_h_: omw14:00
sinzuiperrito666: voidspace I am going to reboot review board. the services are healthy. I think the host or the proxy have thrown a wobbly14:07
voidspacesinzui: much appreciated14:09
babbageclunkvoidspace, frobware: Could you take a look at this please? (github link since there's no RB link) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/604214:10
voidspacebabbageclunk: I think my review plate is full until EOD I'm afraid14:10
babbageclunkvoidspace: :(14:11
voidspacebabbageclunk: I have two to do and I want to leave and go to mountains, sorry14:11
babbageclunkvoidspace: Well, at least it's not just on my hard drvie now!14:11
voidspacebabbageclunk: haha, yeah - ice14:11
voidspaceI mean *nie14:11
voidspace*nice dammit14:11
voidspacefat fingers14:11
babbageclunkvoidspace: That's wjat I meant too.14:11
voidspacebabbageclunk: new SSD or repaired computer yet?14:11
voidspaceERROR invalid config: lxd version 2.1, juju needs at least 2.0.014:12
voidspaceanyone seen that - is it fixed on master?14:12
babbageclunkvoidspace: using a loaner that Rodney gave me - it's a beast! 8 cores and 32Gb14:12
voidspaceI guess I can check master...14:12
voidspacebabbageclunk: wow14:12
babbageclunkvoidspace: test runs are nice and quick. Not much fun biking home with it though.14:13
voidspacebabbageclunk: yow14:13
voidspaceyeah, I bet14:13
katcowith juju/errors, how can i retrieve the underlying error if it has been Wrap(..)ed14:23
* katco crosses fingers and does a full test run of cmd/juju/application14:34
* rick_h_ looks for a chicken to sacrifice to the test run gods, but finds none14:37
natefinchkatco: if you want the original error, you can get Cause(err) ... if there's N wraps, that gives you the first one, if you want the N-1th one, I'm not sure you can14:37
katconatefinch: hm, that didn't seem to work14:37
katconatefinch: i'll sanity check and try again after this run is done. didn't get much sleep14:38
natefinchkatco: oh, wrap, yeah...14:38
natefinchwrap changes the cause to the new error14:39
natefinchyou want Underlying()14:39
katcohm, i thought i tried that too14:40
katcoi think it just gave me back the wrapped error or something. i probably screwed it up14:41
natefinchit might that if it's wrapped and then gets annotated, you lose access to the underlying error14:42
katcoahhh that is almost definitely what's going on14:43
natefinchin theory you're not supposed to need to know what the underlying error is14:43
katcoso this was inflicted by my own hand. a very techy error was making it out to the cli, so i wrapped it. mask and annotate still leak the techy error14:43
rick_h_katco: can you also look at natefinch's PR please. In the bug is a direct link to the .sh script to QA with and get the security report which should work against a lxd deploy I htink.14:43
katconatefinch: actually, no, the full history is still in the error because i can gc.Matches on errors.Details(err)14:44
rick_h_natefinch: I'm assuming you've done this as well to make sure it works14:44
katcorick_h_: ok14:44
katconot bad: OOPS: 204 passed, 1 PANICKED, 1 FIXTURE-PANICKED, 1 MISSED14:45
katcothat's down from hundred failing/panicing14:45
rick_h_katco: <314:45
natefinchrick_h_: I haven't, actually. I should do that.14:46
natefinchI'm sure it'll pass, since I hand-wrote the list of ciphers we support, but it would be good to verify with the tool they're using14:46
rick_h_natefinch: rgr, it's what the bug is filed with so if we don't pass the tool, the bug reportor will come back at us.14:46
mupBug #1614724 changed: Juju isn't protected from new versions of LXD <juju-release-tools:New> <juju-core (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614724>14:53
mupBug #1614992 opened: Cannot assign unit: unable to connect <add-unit> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <jujuqa> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614992>14:53
natefinchlol, I've forgotten how to bootstrap 1.2515:08
katconot sure i've done that myself in awhile15:09
natefinchyou have to switch environments first and then juju bootstrap without specifying the environment15:10
natefinchbut now it's saying no registered provider for lxd, which is weird15:10
katcolxd is a 2.0 thing haha15:10
katcobelieve it or not. it's been that long15:11
katcohave to use local i think? or lxc15:11
natefinchlcoal yeah15:11
natefinchand gce panics during bootstrap with a nil pointer15:12
katcowtf? on latest in 1.2x?15:13
natefinchyep.  I'm guessing it's this line:15:14
natefinch// The missing credentials will be caught later.15:14
natefinchreturn nil, nil15:14
natefinchoh, they were caught all right15:14
katcosigh... please raise a critical bug. gce flat out not working is a huge deal i imagine. rick_h_ ^^^15:15
natefinchit's an edge-ish case, I think.  my config specifies a credentials file that apparently isn't there15:15
natefinchlemme double check if that's the problem15:15
katcothat would make me feel loads better15:16
natefinchno, that's not it.  Sorry, let me figure out exactly what's causing it15:17
katcoi hope it's an edge case15:17
natefinchyeah, my config is all messed up. wrong property names and stuff. Possibly from very very early in gce lifetime15:19
natefinchLet me attempt to fix it and double check gce works, but I'm pretty sure that's it15:20
mupBug #1615008 opened: jujud uses max cpu cores 100% overnight <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615008>15:23
natefinchahhh..... this is not a helpful error message: ERROR there was an issue examining the environment: invalid config: key "project_id" not supported15:31
natefinchwhat environment? what config? where?15:31
katconatefinch: like ~/.juju/environments.yaml under "local"15:32
natefinchyeabut.. that key doesn't exist there15:32
natefinchand I don't have JUJU_HOME set15:32
* rick_h_ runs to long family lunch today biab15:33
natefinchor any JUJU_* variable, actually15:33
katcogrep -r project_id ${HOME}15:33
natefinchyeah, just started running that.  gonna be a while15:34
natefinchfunny seeing it pick up javascript in my browser cache15:35
natefinchSkills: 5+ years of Agile, Scrum15:37
natefinchoh recruiters15:38
natefinchMUST have long projects and long time in US15:39
natefinch...what does that even mean?15:39
perrito666natefinch: wrong channel?15:39
natefinchrecruiter sent me an email for a .Net job.15:40
perrito666probably means they wont do the h1 for you15:40
natefinchWe are looking to fill a contract opportunity with one of our direct customers and like to check if you have any resources available for the same. Please submit the resume with rate, contact details, and availability.  Kindly note that each resource submitted must be on your W2 payroll.15:40
katcoi once had a recruiter attempt to recruit me to my old company15:40
mgzwhat's a w2 payroll?15:41
mgz"must have long projects, must not have long hair"15:41
natefinchW2 is the form a business uses to report your income to the government (and to you)15:41
natefinchit sounds like this was half rewritten from something sent to a contracting company15:42
natefinchJob Title : Superstar .Net Technical Lead/Architect (strong SQL) (Chi)-multi-year contract (long projects)15:42
mgzyeah, they seem to think you are an owner of resources15:42
perrito666I thought owning such resources was sort of illegal15:43
perrito666for at least a couple of hundred years?15:43
natefinchyou don't own them, you just rent them out15:43
katcohey redir15:46
natefinchkatco: I figured out the gce problem... I'm using a file to hold my gce credentials, and evidently that file format does not work for 1.25.  I'll test in a minute if it works for 2.015:50
katcoah cool15:50
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
perrito666btw, reviewboard is back, you can thank sinzui for that15:57
natefinch2016-08-19 15:57:27 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:429 cannot initiate replica set: cannot dial mongo to initiate replicaset: no reachable servers15:58
natefinchERROR failed to bootstrap environment: subprocess encountered error code 115:58
natefinchme testing this bug fix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1CYncXkCv416:11
* natefinch abandons gce for now and bootstraps amazon16:55
natefinchuh hmm17:05
natefinchis 1.25  supposed to work on xenial?17:05
redirnatefinch: does that mean you'll be breaking bad soon?17:08
natefinchredir: gotta break sumethin'17:09
redirnatefinch: lemme know when it happens, I'll make popcorn:)17:11
mupBug #1615051 opened: Dubious hook failures deploying trivial charm <ci> <deploy> <hooks> <jujuqa> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615051>17:14
rick_h_natefinch: 1.25 is packed ajd in universe for xenial...so yes? 1.25 and local...not so much17:14
cmarsfix for LP:#1614330, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5484/17:15
mupBug #1614330: agree command uses 'less' for a pager, fails on windows <windows> <juju-core:In Progress by cmars> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614330>17:15
rick_h_perrito666: can you review ^ please?17:15
perrito666rick_h_: certainly17:20
rick_h_perrito666: ty much17:20
natefinchhm... I seem to remember there being some extra tweak I had to do to TLS for mongo because mongo was being a turd17:21
katcoreally quick review for someone who has a few seconds: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5485/17:21
natefinchyes yes, I have it17:21
perrito666cmars: did you see thumper's patch that now takes stuff and writes them into a writer?17:30
cmarsperrito666, no17:30
perrito666cmars: landed last night iirc17:30
perrito666cmars: you tried this with latest masteR?17:31
cmarsperrito666, implemented & tested this on top of 3785445 which is pretty recent17:32
perrito666cmars: please try with current master and if so ill ship it17:33
cmarsperrito666, it's up to date with current master, a fetch & a rebase show it's still up to date w/master. i tested this maybe 30 min ago17:34
perrito666k, ship it17:35
cmarsperrito666, thanks17:36
natefinchkatco: I updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5480/ with steps to test using the script from the bug (after verifying it myself).17:53
katconatefinch: ta. i will finally be getting around to this in just a bit17:53
natefinchgood timing then :)17:53
natefinchkatco: welp... - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/147771218:13
mupBug #1477712: GCE provider dumps stacktrace when missing a config option/value <config> <gce-provider> <panic> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1477712>18:13
natefinch reported by Charles Butler on 2015-07-23 importance: medium18:14
katcowow this was reported over a year ago18:14
natefinchalso this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/153379018:16
mupBug #1533790: GCE provider is very restrictive when using a config-file (json) <docteam> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1533790>18:16
natefinchboth are 1.25 only18:16
natefinchit behaves nicely in 2.018:16
redirEAsy review anyone http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/5486/18:16
rick_h_natefinch: katco good to know, I'm glad to hear we cleaned it up in 2.0.18:23
rick_h_natefinch: with that in can you look at redir's pr please?18:23
natefinchrick_h_: yep18:23
rick_h_katco: I'll QA yours here in a sec just need someone to do the code review18:24
katcorick_h_: cool ty18:24
katconatefinch: qa checks out18:40
rick_h_katco: QA in, it wasn't clear what changes to expect in this branch vs not expect so feel free to tell me to be patient for future branches18:43
katcorick_h_: it only corrects the bugs mentioned in the commit message18:43
rick_h_katco: right, but in my QA it only fixes the local case in that bug not the full bug18:44
katcorick_h_: which now that i type that i remember you had listed multiple issues18:44
katcorick_h_: let me fix the rest. that bit is trivial now that i can just write unit tests18:44
rick_h_katco: rgr, it was a wrapper for several "deploy" scenarios around the exposure of "add charm" which shows up in the QA several cases still18:44
rick_h_katco: k18:44
rick_h_katco: <3 on the reduction of api connections and such18:47
katcorick_h_: yeah that was kind of rediculous18:48
katcorick_h_: but that's what i mean when i say cruft builds up. people are understandably just trying to get their change in, and they just cargo-cult bad practice18:48
rediraka tech debt19:00
natefinchrick_h_: can I jfdi this backport of the security fix?  the changes are very localized and highly unlikely to break anything unrelated.19:07
natefinch(for 1.25)19:08
rick_h_ natefinch shoulnd't need to since you can fixes-xxxxx19:08
rick_h_natefinch: unless I'm missing something?19:08
natefinchrick_h_: not sure how that works for private bugs19:08
natefinchrick_h_: I can try :)19:09
rick_h_natefinch: well this all came about because the bot told voidspace he couldn't land because it wasn't that fix so I'd expect it to work19:11
natefinchha, ok19:11
rick_h_natefinch: obviously, if that doesn't you're fixing a blocking critical so jfdi seems the only way around it19:11
natefinchrick_h_: yeah, just didn't realize it was a blocker since I usually use juju.fail for that, which I believe you mentioned has that blind spot for private bugs19:12
rick_h_natefinch: rgr19:12
natefinchredir: your PR fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1614732 - so that's the thing bug should be testing, right?19:17
mupBug #1614732: Race in github.com/juju/juju/api/state.go <ci> <intermittent-failure> <race-condition> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Committed by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614732>19:17
redirnatefinch: I  don't follow19:18
natefinchredir: sorry, changed thoughts mid-sentence19:18
redirnatefinch: understood19:19
natefinchredir: the QA steps are a little unclear.19:19
redirI'll update19:19
natefinchredir: I should apply the mgo patch and then run the api test suite with -race on a slow AWS machine, and it should trigger the race?  And then apply your patch and it should no longer trigger the race?19:20
redirnatefinch: to clarify when running the fix on the aws instance it was no longer triggering hte race that it fixes, but the other race which has a fix htat is waiting for upstream to incormprate. So I applied that patch too, to make sure it doesn't hide the race that this PR is addressing.19:22
redirI do'nt know if htat is more clear but Le t me know if not19:22
redirand I'll update the PR desc on RB19:23
natefinchredir: I get it.  Just wanted to make sure I was understanding it correctly19:23
natefinchf yeah, tests that rely on files in the git, thanks!19:32
natefinchpanic: cannot read repository found at "/home/nate/src/github.com/juju/juju/testcharms/charm-repo"19:33
natefinchI geuss it was foolish to think we had isolated tests.  I was trying to avoid having to set up a whole dev environment on an aws server in order to catch a race condition19:34
natefinchmaybe if I just run hangouts and compile juju while I run the tests, that'll be slow enough to trigger the race19:35
katcowe have to chip away at this stuff as we see it. it's the only way forward19:36
rick_h_natefinch: 1hr limit, if you can't QA it in that time then just review the code please and let the CI runs figure out if the race appears again or not19:39
natefinchrick_h_: ok, thanks19:39
redirnatefinch: just symlink /home/ubuntu to home/nate...19:46
redirnatefinch: also. Uh, I'll update the wiki19:48
natefinchredir: I was trying to run a test binary on a machine without any of our code or anything... it probably would have failed due to not having mongo there anyway19:49
natefinchsinzui: is the landing bot for 1.25 using go 1.2?  It seems to be missing TLS ciphers that are in 1.6 but not 1.219:49
sinzuinatefinch: check the Makefile19:50
natefinchsinzui: I don't know where the makefile is19:51
redirnatefinch: true. I installed mongo on the instance and rsynced the env up... whatevs19:51
sinzuinatefinch: the landing bot is go 1.6. the tests come from the juju branch. If the Makefile in the branch installs the wrong go, then you found your problem19:51
perrito666aghh this is ridiculous, I need to fix a bug to be able to reproduce another19:52
sinzuinatefinch: in my experience, the Makefile is rarely updted to match the deps19:52
natefinchsinzui: oh, THAT makefile. Sorry19:52
sinzuiperrito666: get in line. natefinch is about 4 bugs deep trying to fix  azure windows deploy.19:52
perrito666sinzui: I am starting to be suspicious of one of the reports as it sounds odd that they could actually find that issue with the other in place19:53
natefinchsinzui: I thought axw was working on the azure bug19:53
mupBug #1615095 opened: storage: volumes not supported <landscape> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615095>19:53
sinzuinatefinch: He is. you were working in the winows machines do not come up when we deoploy a windows charm. That is difficult to fix when the azure provider is broken and metadata generate-tools is broken19:54
natefinchsinzui: for what it's worth, the bug with TLS is not the problem with that. the machine downloads the tools from the controller just fine.  Andrew submitted a fix for some other bug that I saw on the machine later.  Ihoped that would fix the last of the azure bugs.19:55
natefinchsinzui: and I *think* the makefile is installing go 1.6?  I can't tell if that's actually what it's using to build, though.  And given that it's failing to find tls ciphersuites that exist in 1.6 but not in 1.2, I'd say it's probably not using 1.6 to compile.19:57
natefinchI should make a canary file to tell us when someone tries to compile with an old version of go19:57
sinzuinatefinch: I wish you had said that earlier. I agree with you19:57
sinzuinatefinch: http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/4278/job/azure-arm-deploy-windows-amd64/attempt/10019:57
sinzuinatefinch: ^ I see the windows charms were deployed and they did exchange tokens19:58
sinzuinatefinch: The failue is just azure is slow. I bet this test would pass if I added 10 minutes19:58
natefinchoh yeah, I saw Ian say that azure slowed even further with their latest update because everything is serialized now19:59
natefinchredir: gave you a ship it... didn't ultimately have time to run the tests, but I trust you did, and the code is simple enough.20:00
natefinchI gotta run early today, prepping for daughter's birthday party tomorrow20:00
redirnatefinch: yeah and still running, if it doesn't trigger by my EoD I'll merge. I was able to repro pretty easily -- and repeatedly before fixing.20:01
cmarsi'm confused why this didn't land: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/604320:25
cmarsspecifically http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/8854/20:25
mupBug #1615106 opened: actionSuite.SetUpTest: forcibly closed <ci> <intermittent-failure> <mongodb> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615106>20:26
mupBug #1615108 opened: ConstraintsMerge arch problems <arm64> <ci> <jujuqa> <ppc64el> <s390x> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615108>20:26
mupBug #1615112 opened: EnableHASuite.SetUpTest: forcibly closed <intermittent-failure> <jujuqa> <mongodb> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615112>20:26
perrito666cmars: flaky test20:29
cmarsperrito666, should i wait for it to be fixed? or just keep trying?20:30
perrito666cmars: retry, it has been like that for a while20:30
* perrito666 runs slow tests20:36
perrito666cmars: if its a known flaky test (as is the case with that agent one) I believe that your magic number is 3, if same failure hits you 3 times you have broken it a bit more than it already was20:36
cmarsperrito666, uh-oh, this is the third try.. D:20:38
perrito666same failure?20:42
cmarsperrito666, running now20:42
perrito666cmars: you might want to run that isolated test on your machine20:42
* rick_h_ runs, have a good weekend folks20:59
mupBug #1615118 opened: clientSuite.TearDownTest: mongodb has exited without being killed <ci> <intermittent-failure> <jujuqa> <mongodb> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615118>21:06
mupBug #1615121 opened: SettingsSuite.SetUpSuite "no reachable servers" <ci> <intermittent-failure> <jujuqa> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core kpi-metrics:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615121>21:06
redirtaking a break, bbiab21:27

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