
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
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kjackalHello Juju World!09:00
=== jaro is now known as Guest90451
rick_h_kjackal: howdy12:38
kjackalhi rick_h_!12:38
lazyPowero/ juju add-unit hello-world12:51
lazyPowermagicaltrout i am excite! We have a meeting in ~ 30 minutes, and there's a new com truise album! I dont know what i did to deserve today, but it must have been something right13:24
rick_h_lazyPower: lol, my brain turned that into "a new tom cruise album"13:25
lazyPowerrick_h_ - i do the same thing sometimes ;)   California based electronic artist != eccentric billionare movie star13:26
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
balloonsis there anyone running xenial who can verify a bug for me?13:41
lazyPowerballoons - i've got several xenial containers/vm's. Whats up?13:44
balloonslazyPower, I'm trying to figure out bug 1614959. You need a xenial with juju-1-default installed and to have not upgraded to 1.25.6 yet13:46
mupBug #1614959: /usr/bin/juju is missing after upgrade to 1.25.6 <juju-release-tools:New> <juju-core-1 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614959>13:46
lazyPowerweird, let me try to repro -- i'm headed into a meeting shoirtly but will ping back with results if i can repro13:46
lazyPowerthat awkward moment when you realize a system restore nuked your VM's because you omitted them from the backups...13:56
magicaltroutrick_h_: my double vision also turned that into Tom  Cruise13:58
lazyPowermaybe that will help13:59
balloonslazyPower, I'd like the output of all those commands in the bug before and after the upgrade. ls -al /usr/bin/juju* and dpkg-divert --list | grep juju14:00
lazyPowerballoons - ack, will do. just wrapped up creating a new vm14:00
lazyPowermagicaltrout - jwaiting on you sir https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/troutpocalypse?authuser=014:01
magicaltroutmy hangout says its requesting a join14:02
* magicaltrout tries again14:02
magicaltroutoh i was joining as meteorite.bi14:03
* magicaltrout swaps14:03
lazyPowerthat awkward moment when you realize you have the hangout locked up from the casuals14:03
magicaltroutlazyPower: Amazon Music just said14:54
magicaltrout"We ran the numbers and we think you'll like this station"14:54
* lazyPower smirks14:54
magicaltroutIt was Little Mix....14:54
lazyPowerlittle mix?14:54
lazyPoweri'm not familiar14:54
magicaltroutgirl band14:54
magicaltrouttheir learning algo sucks14:54
lazyPowerheh, do you have family members using your prime acct?14:55
lazyPowerthat's a sure fire way to mux up their learning algs14:55
magicaltroutaye. No one else uses it, the only stuff in it is Weather Report, Blue Brothers, and a few punk albums14:55
magicaltroutnot sure what planet they're on14:55
jrwren"we ran the numbers and the record label paid us to promote this factory band"14:57
lazyPoweri think thats more than likely the culprit14:58
magicaltroutmaybe they mistyped s/the/our14:58
magicaltroutoooh its so nice to nearly be able to read a screen today14:59
magicaltroutthat said I have a 4k screen with gnome-terminal on full zoom14:59
lazyPowermagicaltrout - they say trouts are wall-eyed15:01
lazyPowerdo you feel like you're looking through a fish-eye lense?15:01
magicaltrouthehe it does at times15:01
magicaltroutits weird today15:01
magicaltroutsometimes i can see with perfect clairty for a split second15:02
magicaltroutthen it switches to fuzzy15:02
magicaltroutbut keeps repeating for a few minutes15:02
magicaltroutlike my eyes remember how to focus and then forget15:02
jrwrenmagicaltrout: are you ok? detached cornea?15:02
magicaltroutna jrwren lasek15:02
lazyPoweri'm living vicariously through magicaltrout's surgery. i've considered it myself bu ti'm hyper scared to have someone lazering on my eyeballs15:03
magicaltrouti can read a license plate from 36 meters today when i tested it15:03
magicaltroutwhich is pretty cool15:03
magicaltroutits just the close up stuff that i'm having issues with15:03
magicaltroutbut thats normal15:03
magicaltroutfor 7 - 14 days15:04
lazyPowerso if i do it, it'll be over xmas shutdown15:04
magicaltroutdepends what you have done as well lazyPower15:04
lazyPoweri cant afford the time away from reading a monitor :( too much to do, too little time15:04
magicaltroutlasek or lasik15:04
magicaltroutlasik is more standard and much quicker recovery15:04
magicaltroutbut my cornea was too thin15:04
lazyPoweri have astigmatism so i'm likely to have the extra expensive and tricky lazering15:05
magicaltroutyeah i had an astigatism as well15:05
magicaltroutit wasn't cheap, but i don't like my lenses and glasses get on my nerves15:05
lazyPowerthey fog up in winter, and slide off your nugget in summer15:05
lazyPowerthe only perk is transitions15:06
lazyPoweri always have sunglasses on hand15:06
jrwreni've only had glasses for a month. :p15:06
lazyPoweri've been wearing glasses since i was 12 :/15:06
magicaltroutexcept i now have hipster sunglasses without the problems of a prescription ;)15:06
lazyPoweri'm over it15:06
magicaltroutyeah i had them around 1215:06
magicaltrouti like lenses because of the all round vision15:06
magicaltroutbut they just wear your eyes out15:07
lazyPowereyestrain is a real thing15:10
lazyPowerI tend to work until my eyes hurt and thats when i know its time to EOD15:10
lazyPowernot the best policy by any means15:10
magicaltrouti don't get eyestrain15:11
magicaltroutmaybe thats why i just keep going15:11
jrwrenI never felt eyestrain, but maybe its because I've trained my eyes since I was 6yo :p15:11
jrwrenAnd now with fancy pants lenses doing that whole polarization filtering thing... even less eyestrain, not that I ever noticed.15:11
magicaltroutwell assuming my near sighted vision clears up i'm well happy with this investment15:16
magicaltrouteven if i need glasses for some near sighted stuff which isn't the plan, i'd still consider it money well spent15:17
lazyPowerfair enough :)15:19
magicaltroutfunnily when i had my checkup the other day i couldn't see anything out of my right eye15:20
magicaltrouttoday its much clearer than the left eye15:20
magicaltroutthey need to hurry up and align so I can write talk content ;)15:21
lazyPoweryour cones and rods are working against you15:21
balloonslazyPower, did you try replicating the bug?15:22
lazyPowerballoons - i have the vm stood up, was just about ot circle back and run through the log15:23
lazyPowerballoons - give me 15 minutes and i'll context switch to this until i have your log output15:26
balloonslazyPower, thank you. The key is to ensure juju-1-default is diverting /usr/bin/juju to juju-1 before and after the upgrade15:28
jcastrorick_h_: so far for the summit I only have your talk and dimiter's on networking for core-ish talks.15:45
jcastrorick_h_space is filling up so if you want more core-ish talks please lmk asap15:45
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
kjackalkwmonroe: petevg: I have a question regarding the Barcelona style issue that we have,  what zookeeper charm should we use for promulgated bundles?15:58
lazyPowerballoons - to be very specific, if i install juju-1.25=1.25.5-0ubuntu3  and then upgrade15:59
petevgkjackal: I think that we should use the trusty version.15:59
lazyPowerthats the path we are looking to have tested?15:59
kjackalpetevg: the one we have from james, right?16:00
petevgkjackal: correct. The one that's already in the store.16:00
petevgThe xenial one isn't promulgated yet.16:00
petevgAnd when we do promulgate it, we'll probably do so without the need for the openjdk relation.16:00
petevgcory_fu: does the above sound correct?16:00
kwmonroepetevg: the xenial is promulgated16:00
kwmonroehttps://jujucharms.com/zookeeper/ (xenial only)16:01
balloonslazyPower, yes. And make sure juju-1-default is installed16:01
petevgkwmonroe: cool! In that case, kjackal: I think that you should still use the trusty one, if the rest of your bundle is trusty stuff. Though if you want to wait for the xenial one to get re-deployed without the need for the openjdk relation, then you could use the xenial one.16:02
balloonslazyPower, and record the values before and after so we can vet it looks good before (and works), and doesn't afterwards16:02
kwmonroepetevg: kjackal, the trusty version (james') has to be explicitly namespaced (cs:~charmers/zookeeper/trusty): https://jujucharms.com/u/charmers/zookeeper/trusty16:02
petevgkwmonroe: Did we deploy a trusty version of the new zookeeper charm, then?16:03
shilpaHi, can we have a package name without any extension say .zip or tar.gz in resources ?16:05
lazyPowerballoons http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070607/16:06
kwmonroeno petevg.. bigtop zk for trusty is not promulgated.  that version is only available in bd-dev: https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-dev/zookeeper/trusty16:06
kjackalkwmonroe: have we promulgated the bt spark? (You are our official release manager!)16:08
kwmonroenegative kjackal, latest spark with your most recent "Spark tests need to pass" fixes is https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-dev/spark/trusty/916:11
kwmonroekjackal: i was going to promulgate after checking out your "spark houskeeping" review16:12
kjackalCool, thank you16:12
lazyPowerballoons - all that looks sane to me16:12
lazyPoweri've nuked and repeated twice now... unable to reproduce16:13
kjackalpetevg: I got multiple agents in failed state when deploying the hadoop bundle, digging into this16:14
petevgkjackal: cool. thx for investigating.16:14
balloonslazyPower, that makes me very happy to hear.. Although I'm still not sure why others are seeing it16:15
balloonslazyPower, thank you16:15
* lazyPower nods16:15
lazyPowerhappy to help, sorry it took so long16:15
lazyPowerwho knew friday would be busy when you come back from time off ;)16:15
kwmonroeshilpa: i just checked out the latest resources docs (https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/developer-resources), and it seems like there is some logic to check the extension.. so i'm not sure if you can omit one.  the test would be to specify a non-extension filename in metadata.yaml and see if juju allows you to subsequently attach a non-extention file to that charm.16:17
kwmonroeshilpa: here's the sentence that makes me think there's some extension logic happening:  "The filename is what Juju will name the file locally when it is downloaded. Juju will check the extension on the file being uploaded and will prevent files with different extensions from being uploaded."16:17
kwmonroeshilpa: based on this bug, it seems you should be able to define a filename with no extension in metadata.yaml and attach a resource with no extension:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/157838316:21
mupBug #1578383: incorrect extension on resource upload <resources> <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1578383>16:21
kjackalpetevg: this is in the ganglia nodes but it seems unrelated... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23070770/16:21
petevgkjackal: interesting. I think that I may have seen something similar. Will dig around in the logs in a bit (right now, my local juju is busy bootstrapping a new aws controller).16:23
shilpathanks kevin, sometime back i had tried without specifying extension in metadata file, when i did juju attach, it was throwing some error.16:23
shilpai will try once again without extension in metadata and do juju attach.16:24
petevgkjackal: hmmm. I don't seem to have that particular error in my current ganglia node. You're right that it's probably not related, though.16:29
kjackalpetevg: going to queue the tests on a different machine16:30
rick_h_jcastro: k, tganks fornthe heads up. have we reached out to bac about something around the charmstore/gui?17:11
jcastroare you asking me or telling me?17:12
rick_h_jcastro: and any suggestions on core thing that would go over well for the audience? /me isn't sure who' coming to this one17:12
rick_h_jcastro: asking17:12
rick_h_jcastro: and slightly suggesting if the answer is no17:12
cholcombehow do you specify local charms in a juju2 bundle?18:01
cholcombeit seems to have changed18:01
cholcombenvm, giving it the full path works18:02
jrwrencholcombe: I think relative path works too, it just needs to start with ./18:03
cholcombedoes charm push take into account layer+reactive charms?  I'm guessing I push the built bits correct?18:18
jrwrencholcombe: charm push knows nothing about layer or reactive. push the built bits.18:21
cholcombejrwren, ok cool that's what i thought18:25
bdxmarcoceppi: what is secretstorage ?18:45
petevgkwmonroe: are you able to get bundletester to work at all with juju beta 15? I fail on a KeyError in jujuclient (it looks like its due to some consistencies in how "juju show-model" and "juju switch" name the models).18:46
marcoceppibdx: it's like a dependency or a dependency of a dep that got bumped and broke a bunch of stuff18:55
marcoceppibdx: beisner has the details18:56
ahasenackhi, do you guys know what's up with juju(2) storage?18:59
ahasenackI can't get a pool list18:59
ahasenack$ juju-2.0 storage pool list --filesystem18:59
ahasenack"machine-pool" is not a valid machine tag18:59
ahasenack"machine-list" is not a valid machine tag18:59
ahasenackjuju-2.0 help storage also doesn't match, at all, what's described in https://jujucharms.com/docs/2.0/charms-storage18:59
rick_h_ahasenack: yes, there's a bug open on the docs to get it caught up to the 2.0 cli updates19:00
ahasenackrick_h_: according to help, there isn't any subcommand for storage anymore, is that right?19:01
rick_h_juju help commands | grep pool19:01
rick_h_ahasenack: yes, like everything else in 2.0 there's a pool "noun" and verbs to list, etc19:01
ahasenacklist-storage-pools lists the types, not the pools I created19:02
ahasenackI guess that's when "juju-2.0 storage" comes in19:02
rick_h_ahasenack: hmm, there's show-storage for a specific one, is storage the list-storage equiv that shows the created ones?19:03
* rick_h_ needs to play with that more19:03
ahasenackI grepped for pool :)19:04
* ahasenack refines the grep19:04
ahasenackok, I see19:04
ahasenacklots of aliases19:04
ahasenacksince we are still in beta, these aliases could be dropped19:04
rick_h_ahasenack: yes, definitely19:04
rick_h_ahasenack: another bug that's filed to clean those up somewhere.19:05
ahasenackI think pool, count and size are in the wrong order19:10
ahasenackThe acceptable format for storage constraints is a comma separated19:11
ahasenacksequence of: POOL, COUNT, and SIZE, where19:11
ahasenack      juju add-storage u/0 data=ebs,1024,319:11
rick_h_ahasenack: heh yes, agree19:17
wolsenlazyPower: for the kubernetes bundle on openstack, looks like they need to be able to add an external keyserver... so if there is firewalled access I'll have to clear the firewalls right19:54
lazyPowerwolsen - there's quite a few external dependencies there19:54
lazyPowerexternal key server, external image registry, and github access required to clone easy_rsa19:54
wolsenlazyPower: ack thx, let me just enable the squid proxy in general19:54
petevghiya, bradm: are you still maintaining the bip charm? There are a couple of open PRs against it (start at https://code.launchpad.net/~josvaz/charms/trusty/bip/client_side_ssl-with_helper-lp1604894/+merge/301802) that need some love from the maintainer (and possibly a redirection to your branch).20:56
cloudguruHave a strange error.  We are building new layer-docker charms that passed proof and build back in March .  The exact same code now produces the following error when running 'charm build ./hss' :21:32
cloudguruTraceback (most recent call last):21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/bin/charm-build", line 9, in <module>21:32
cloudguru    load_entry_point('charm-tools==2.1.2', 'console_scripts', 'charm-build')()21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/__init__.py", line 673, in main21:32
cloudguru    build()21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/__init__.py", line 516, in __call__21:32
cloudguru    self.generate()21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/__init__.py", line 467, in generate21:32
cloudguru    self.formulate_plan(layers)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/__init__.py", line 408, in formulate_plan21:32
cloudguru    self.plan = self.plan_layers(layers, output_files)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/__init__.py", line 319, in plan_layers21:32
cloudguru    next_layer / BuildConfig.DEFAULT_FILE, True)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/config.py", line 81, in add_config21:32
cloudguru    c.configure(config_file, allow_missing)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/config.py", line 69, in configure21:32
cloudguru    tactic = load_tactic(name, basedir)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/build/tactics.py", line 661, in load_tactic21:32
cloudguru    obj = utils.load_class(dpath, basedir)21:32
cloudguru  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/utils.py", line 321, in load_class21:32
cloudguru    dpath, workingdir))21:32
cloudguruOSError: Unable to load tactics.docker.DockerWheelhouseTactic from /home/juju/charms/deps/layer/layer-basic21:32
cloudguruAny advice is appreciated21:33
marcoceppicloudguru: have you updated the layers recently?22:54
cloudgurui've done apt update .. how do you update layer-docker layers ?23:15
cloudguruIt looks like the charm pulls in the latest layer-docker .. I also tried to pull in from git but had the same result23:55
cloudgurucould this be a simple permissions issue ?23:55

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