
acheronukyofel: akonadi Depends: akonadi-backend-mysql (= ${source:Version})08:44
acheronukshould that not be? Depends: akonadi-backend-mysql (= ${source:Version}) | akonadi-backend-sqlite (= ${binary:Version}) | akonadi-backend-postgresql (= ${source:Version}),08:45
acheronukor is just the one backend an intentional choice for kubuntu?08:45
ahoneybunwow Linux Mint left their KDE version pretty vanilla for once09:56
ahoneybunoh snap Kate got movable tabs in 16.0810:03
yofelacheronuk: that's intentional10:11
yofel(until akonadi gets runtime available backends detection)10:12
acheronukgood to know. thanks :)10:14
clivejomhall119: RE: Canonical becoming a KDE patron - why KDE and why now?10:15
clivejoacheronuk: where did you get the powered by Kubuntu logo?10:27
clivejoand can you get stickers?!?10:27
ahoneybunnew link?10:28
clivejoahoneybun: what you mean?11:02
ahoneybunclivejo: that link does nothing11:23
mparilloahoneybun: Try this (you may need to logon to KFN first): https://www.kubuntuforums.net/member.php?30786-acheron11:45
mparilloOh cancel that. You meant the ultimate source, correct?11:46
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I very rarely use that forum, or forums in general12:46
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Need to change that since my position12:47
acheronukclivejo: http://amai-biscuit.deviantart.com/art/Kubuntu-Badge-34513067212:57
* clivejo likes that logo13:12
acheronukclivejo: yep. seen a fair few stickers/badge designs over the years, but that is quite nice in a simple way13:30
=== mgolden is now known as mgolden_
* clivejo applauds @ yofel's nomination 14:04
clivejoshort and sweet :P14:05
yofelright, so, where's yours? :P14:05
clivejonoone will vote for me14:05
* mamarley would vote for clivejo if he could vote.14:07
clivejoand you'll have to vote for yourself! 14:07
clivejoarent you a Kubuntu member mamarley?14:07
mamarleyI don't think so.14:07
clivejoyou should be!14:07
clivejowheres valorie14:08
mamarleyHow does one get to be a Kubuntu Member?14:08
clivejocan you ride a donkey?14:08
mamarleyclivejo: I have never tried to ride a donkey.  I can ride a horse though.14:09
clivejothen you'll be fine :P14:09
* BluesKaj recalls the th old saying by Groucho Marx. "I won't join any club that would have me as a member" :-)14:10
clivejobut on a serious note ---> https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Membership#Requirements14:10
mamarleyclivejo: I wouldn't call my contributions significant or sustained though.14:11
clivejoyou helped me out a few times, thats significant :P14:11
mamarleyI did, but what I did wasn't very hard and it has been a while since then.  Or maybe my impostor syndrome is just acting up again…14:12
clivejoyou are selling yourself short14:12
yofelFWIW: we need at least another nominee, and if there is only one more, there will be no voting :P14:13
yofelso for the sake of democracy, can another two people please apply? ^^14:14
* acheronuk nudges clivejo14:14
clivejois Myriam standing down?14:16
yofelthat's what she said she plans to do at least, unless she changed her mind14:16
yofel(that was a year ago)14:16
mamarleyIs this for membership?14:17
clivejodidnt realise that14:17
yofelmamarley: council14:17
clivejomamarley: KCC elections14:17
mamarleyAh, OK.14:17
yofelyou could go for membership and apply next year ;)14:17
clivejoif I get on the KCC can I make myself a dev without the interview?14:18
yofelno, while the council owns ~kubuntu-dev, it is not a member itself14:18
mamarleyclivejo: I think you should apply for KCC. :)14:19
yofelI mean, you *could* technically do it I think? But some people might want to talk with you if you do that :P14:20
clivejoI like talking14:20
clivejojust dont like interviews!14:20
yofelwell, if the KC ever does statements, they get posted on behalf of the KC, not by individual members of it14:21
* clivejo prefers to sit in the shadows14:22
yofelwell so do I, unless there is really nobody else left that takes care of whatever comes up14:23
yofelanyway, you have a couple days to think about it14:23
mhall119clivejo: we were invited to join KDE e.V.14:29
clivejomhall119: by whom?14:29
mhall119Aleix specifically, but I understood it to be on behalf of the whole group14:30
clivejoif one decided one would like to learn how to write programs for Plasma and KF5, where would one look?14:46
mhall119clivejo: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtexamplesandtutorials.html perhaps?14:53
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Perhaps indeed15:40
clivejodid anyone test digikam?16:10
wxlok kind of noobish kwin scripting question. workspace.clientList() appears to pump out an array including id, but walking the array and trying to print .id returns undefined. what am i missing?16:24
clivejowxl: #plasma or #kde-devel might be a better place to ask?16:25
acheronuk**clang goes the portcullis**16:26
acheronukFeature freeze in effect16:26
clivejoand still hardly any of our stuff made it in :(16:27
wxloh yeah great idea :) thanks clivejo 16:27
acheronukclivejo: it's possible QT/FW/plasma is about to migrate. maybe. possibly. if we are lucky16:33
clivejoif something else doesnt pop up and set us back again16:33
clivejoyofel: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging/+git/dolphin/+merge/303412 looks reasonable, you any objection if I push it?16:35
clivejoor are they pulled in elsewhere?16:36
acheronukclivejo: well looks like much of it has vanished from update_output.txt, I wait with everything crossed16:36
mamarleyLook at this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+publishinghistory16:38
mamarleyIt looks like all that crap is just about to make it into the main archive!16:39
clivejoabout time too!16:40
acheronukmamarley: seems so :) 16:40
acheronukI still don't get how the last thing to hold it all up was a new kernel, but there you go!16:40
mamarley(Does this mean we can get FW 5.25 and Plasma 5.7.3 now?)16:41
clivejomamarley: probably not16:41
clivejowill have to fight to get apps 16.04.3 in16:41
mamarleyNot even since Plasma 5.7.3 is a bugfix release?16:43
clivejomaybe, but it hasnt been looks at yet16:43
clivejolooked 16:44
acheronukdepends if they snuck any new 'features' in with it16:44
clivejoacheronuk: do you have Neon handy?16:45
acheronukin a VM16:45
clivejocould you find out what deps on ffmpegthumbs16:46
acheronuk'neon-all' meta-package and 'digikam' by the looks of it16:48
clivejoI wonder should kubuntu-desktop be pulling it in, or dolphin16:49
Mirvtsimonq2: yofel: acheronuk: I'm not sure if I'm dreaming but the transition is happening16:55
acheronukMirv: Yes. Seems so \o/16:56
ahoneybunkenlive 16.08 is out!17:11
ahoneybun!info kdenlive17:15
ubottukdenlive (source: kdenlive): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1662 kB, installed size 6340 kB17:15
ahoneybunclivejo: is there a way to help get 16.08 packaged?17:16
clivejoahoneybun: maybe KCI could build it for you18:01
ahoneybunno idea how to use it18:02
ahoneybunI don;t want to break things18:02
clivejolooks like both XX and YY are building18:03
clivejoand in the green18:03
clivejomaybe copy it from unstable into your own PPA and add that to your system?18:06
ahoneybunmm I try it in a little 18:07
ahoneybunjust find a inkscape snap!18:07
ahoneybunand it works18:07
clivejoahoneybun: get anywhere with the installer?18:16
acheronukahoneybun: you on YY?18:18
clivejomhall119: so Canonical/MS were KDE's first patron and that relationship started in approx 2006 to 2012 when support was dropped for both KDE and Kubuntu, what has changed between 2012 and now?18:21
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> clivejo, not atm I can';t get it to load the UI at all18:23
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> acheronuk, I am on my desktop18:23
clivejois your desktop xenial or yakkety?18:24
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> my desktop is Kubuntu 16.10 with all staging ppa's , laptop had Ubuntu 16.04.118:24
clivejo!info libkf5iconthemes518:27
ubottulibkf5iconthemes5 (source: kiconthemes): Support for icon themes.. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.22.0-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 83 kB, installed size 284 kB18:27
* clivejo rolls eyes18:27
clivejostill stuck in proposed18:27
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> what is with the questions?18:28
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> nvm18:29
clivejoneed to add proposed18:32
clivejo!info libkf5coreaddons-dev 18:32
ubottulibkf5coreaddons-dev (source: kcoreaddons): KDE Frameworks 5 addons to QtCore - development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.22.0-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 60 kB, installed size 351 kB18:32
clivejostill frameworks 5.22 in archive18:32
acheronukor let them migrate, as that version will be there soon18:32
clivejoi guess18:33
clivejoIm trying to copy the relevant packages to a PPA18:33
clivejobut as usual the publisher is being slowwww18:33
clivejoahoneybun: you mean my questions to mhall119?18:35
ahoneybunoh no18:35
clivejojust curious, lot of talk about it all over the internet18:35
ahoneybunis there?18:37
santa_clivejo: what are you trying to copy?18:37
clivejoworking set of packages to install kdenlive18:38
acheronukoooh! on yakkety http://paste.ubuntu.com/23071193/18:38
clivejooh good lord18:39
clivejoIve gone blind18:39
* clivejo hi fives acheronuk and santa_18:40
ahoneybunsome packages are pushed to the repos now?18:40
acheronukyofel: we have some migration!18:40
clivejopython3-pyqt5 (5.6+dfsg-1build1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1 => 5.7+dfsg-1) ?18:41
ahoneybunawesome work everyone18:41
ahoneybunmm can't connect to KCI18:42
santa_before you get your hands into fw 5.25 remember that I have some pending patches to fix ftbfs'es18:42
clivejothey should probably go into kubuntu_unstable18:43
santa_I think they should go into _archive followed by an archive upload, otherwise you are going to release 5 frameworks which will fail to build18:44
clivejoyou'll have to speak to yofel about that18:44
clivejoI dont have upload rights18:44
clivejosanta_: have you worked on an archive sync script?18:45
santa_btw, clivejo have you seen my kde4libs merge request? it's very important18:45
santa_not sure what you mean exactly with "archive sync script"18:46
santa_something to sync git with whatever it is in the archive?18:46
santa_if that's the question no18:47
clivejoto check that what we have in git (ie kubuntu_yakkety_archive) matches what is in the archive18:47
santa_aha, no I don't have that18:47
santa_last thing I worked on KA was the bumping system fixes and the overrides feature18:47
santa_by the way, talking about that18:47
clivejostaging upload seems to do some kind of check18:48
santa_some build depends where wrongly bumped due to that apps map updating issue18:48
santa_so the way they are some pacages *might* fail to build if you din't get lucky with the build order18:49
santa_so they are 2 possible ways to deal with it18:50
santa_a) cheap solution - keep them as they are and re-bump and re-upload whatever fails18:50
acheronuksanta_: BTW, the KA 'new-release' script is another that assumes you are running in 'packagename/git/', and fails if you are not18:50
santa_acheronuk: I know, I didn't change that yet because I have some plans for that which I would like to discuss calmly once I get my work3 branch merged into master18:51
santa_b) premium solution - re-bump build depends in applications and re-upload to the ppa18:52
clivejodo you a list of the packages affected?18:55
ahoneybunclivejo, sounds like unixstickers are cleared to make them18:55
ahoneybunjust need to get them to do it18:55
santa_clivejo: I have a list of packages which *might* fail to build, they are 19 or so18:56
clivejosanta_: it will depend on what version yofel wants to ship in Yakkety19:02
yofelprobably 5.25 - it'll need an FFE though, and comes after apps and digikam19:04
clivejoif stick with current packaging, then we will have to patch19:04
santa_yofel: o/19:04
yofelthe bugfixes can go up as 5.24 though, and probably should19:04
clivejoif we go for new versions then we need to get to work fixing and opening FFE19:04
clivejoah yofel19:04
clivejospeak of the devil and he appears!19:04
santa_yofel I'm glad you are here, may I poke you about the things I got on my table for you?19:05
clivejoyofel: can we write that down somewhere19:05
yofelyou may, I'm a bit absent minded though so my replies will be laggy19:06
santa_ok, first and most important one, the kde4libs patch19:06
santa_I made a merge request, it's a patch which fixes a bug which affects the exported ABI of the kdelibs so it's very important19:07
clivejo==> https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kde4libs/+merge/30324519:08
santa_yeah, that one, thanks clivejo19:08
yofel-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:4.14.22 amd64 i38619:08
yofel+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 4:4.14.11 amd64 arm64 armhf i386 powerpc ppc64el19:08
yofel-> huh?19:08
ahoneybunclivejo, also need to know if that user who made that logo wants to share19:08
yofelhm, that preview diff doesn't look like what's in the commits...19:10
clivejoahoneybun: Licenced under CC3.019:11
ahoneybunwhich means?19:11
ahoneybunUnixstickers is cleared to make them if they want to, according to mhall119 19:11
santa_yofel: keep in mind that I had to revert a symbols updating19:11
clivejonot sure how you would give appropriate credit on a sticker19:13
clivejoyofel: regarding installation of ffmpegthumbs, santa_ submitted a patch to have the dolphin package recommend it's installation19:24
clivejothis makes a lot of sense, but its omitted from Debian and Neon have it in a meta package19:25
clivejois there a reason for this?19:25
yofelI'm 99% sure it's fine. I think there were licensing worries in the past - and image disk space19:25
clivejohi soee19:25
soeehiho all19:26
soeeclivejo: tere was a bug with this screen disabled i asked you to toest :)19:26
soeesebas tracked it down: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36749019:26
ubottuKDE bug 367490 in libkscreen "Disabling laptop screen makes it also external screen disabled" [Major,Resolved: fixed]19:26
clivejowhy did it work on mine?19:27
soeeyou have the same size of screens or the bigger one was on the left side in configuration ?19:28
clivejoexternal is bigger19:28
soeelocated on the left or right side ?19:29
clivejoI have the external one on the wall behind, so it on top of my laptops 19:29
soeeah so maybe this way also works :D19:29
clivejowhere is simon and his magic merger fixer upper19:38
yofelhe simply runs git merge without dpkg-mergechangelogs19:41
clivejoholy moly19:41
acheronukthat kdenlive built for what it's worth, and runs19:49
valorieclivejo: your earlier statement about Canonical becoming a patron of the e.V. -- they never were before; Mark Shuttleworth personally put up some money19:51
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> might have something to do with Unity819:51
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> just might19:51
valorieand while Canonical stopped paying a developer to work on Kubuntu some years ago, they have never stopped supporting us with infrastructure, etc.19:52
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Early end to my vacation :(20:22
acheronuktsimonq2: doesn't sound good20:24
valoriewhat happened, tsimonq2?20:33
valoriewe're happy to see you back, but..... vacation is good!20:33
mhall119sgclark: sitter: would KDE Frameworks work if they were located in a non-standard folder in an application snap's install space?21:21
mhall119like, /snap/kdevelop/x1/kde/21:22
mhall119instead of /snap/kdevelop/x1/usr/ where they likely are now?21:22
mhall119without having to have that full path as a build-time prefix21:23
mhall119I'm playing with the content-sharing interface, and it will let you bind-mount directories from one snap to another, but it doesn't do an overlayfs kind of thing so you can't share the same space21:24
sgclarkmhall119: possibly with some env magic. I am certain sitter is out for the weekend by now21:29
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Heyo sgclark21:29
mhall119sgclark: I'm about to be as well, I'll give you both another ping on Monday21:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> How's things in KDE land?21:30
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> good busy?21:31
mhall119ahoneybun: since you seem away from IRC, I need to see your new snapcraft.yaml before I can help you more21:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Yea my bad need to take my roommate somewhere21:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I can tell you that removing pithos-run broke everything21:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> So I put it back and removed that config stuff21:34
* clivejo points at ahoneybun21:34
clivejokitten killer21:34
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Left it building till I get back21:34
mhall119ahoneybun: judging by the error message, I think you changed something more than just removing pithos-run21:40
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I think that config I did is not needed anymore21:49
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Since the new snapd  update21:50
tsimonq2acheronuk, valorie: uncle had to go home early21:53
tsimonq2problems with his GF21:53
sgclarkhi valorie, at some point we need to talk about akademy? when are you arriving etc21:54
valorieoh yes, I'll email you21:54
sgclarkcool thx21:54
sgclarkwas kubuntu day set yet?21:55
sgclarkso confusing with all the qt stuff mixed in21:55
sgclarkclivejo: you going to akademy?21:56
clivejoapparently I am21:56
sgclarkyay :)21:57
clivejoextremely nervous about it!21:57
sgclarkyeah my first was nerve racking, it was still a grand time :)21:57
acheronuktsimonq2: A shame21:57
clivejohavent been out of Ireland for a while21:58
acheronukclivejo: akademy sounds a lot of fun :)21:58
sgclarkyeah my first akademy was my first escape from the states in over a decade, now I travel much more. love it.21:58
clivejoit sounds it yes21:59
sgclarkit is a blast21:59
sgclarkhave not missed one since21:59
clivejobut Im bad understanding people speaking english accent21:59
clivejonever mind strong german accent21:59
sgclarkI am getting used to all the different accents. in person seems easier than in video chat22:00
valorienot sure anyone claimed some Kubuntu time22:00
valoriewe can't have a whole day22:00
valoriemore like a half-day twice or so22:00
sgclarkwe all tend to stick together anyway, so half day probably fine22:00
acheronukI'm very envious22:01
acheronukin a friendly way22:01
sgclarknext year apply and go :)22:02
sgclarkacheronuk: are you a kubuntu member?22:02
acheronuknot yet22:02
sgclarkapply! I see you put in work22:02
acheronukI'm waiting out the 6 months22:03
sgclarkI am verey happy things are rolling along here in my life madness break.22:03
clivejosgclark: where you based these days?22:03
sgclarkI had to move to Arizona, still in the states22:04
tsimonq2I'm waiting *exactly* six months to apply for Kubuntu membership22:04
sgclarkI am considering a move to Berlin, we'll see where life takes me22:04
tsimonq2(although I'm still an Ubuntu member)22:04
valorieoooo, how exciting, sgclark22:04
sgclarkhi tsimonq2 :) nice to see you here22:04
tsimonq2o/ sgclark, how are you? :)22:04
sgclarklife is improving, so I can't complain22:05
tsimonq2when I'm older at one point I might move to Europe. I like the timezones a little better. :P22:05
tsimonq2that's good sgclark :)22:05
sgclarkyeah valorie we have much catching up to do, I look forward to seeing you22:07
sgclarklooking at the dates we have a day to explore Berlin?22:07
valorieat least one, yes22:08
valoriecan't recall exactly now22:08
tsimonq2WHAT I've been gone for a day and a half and I have *514* unread emails!?!22:08
sgclarkyeah I gave up on mail, I simply can't keep up :(22:09
tsimonq2I obsess over it. My inbox is always clean.22:09
sgclarkwow nice22:09
sgclarkI get like 10000 a day lol22:09
sgclarktoo many mailing lists! and update from a bizzilion project commits, and CI spam galore.22:10
acheronuktsimonq2: you have the boundless energy of the very young, so can keep up22:10
valoriefiltering works22:10
tsimonq2acheronuk: except for when I get physically tired :P22:10
tsimonq2yep valorie 22:10
sgclarkyeah, I have tried. gmail hates me. and kmail is always broken it seems :(22:10
sgclarkbut I have seen that you got the launchpad workflow going, that makes me very happy.22:11
valorieme too22:12
valorieI think it's coming together22:12
sgclarkclivejo:  you apply for dev yet?22:13
acheronukhe should22:13
sgclarkyou should22:13
acheronukinterview won't be that bad22:14
clivejoI dont want to suffer the interview22:14
clivejoha, says you!22:14
clivejodevs are evil22:14
sgclarkit was dreadful, but only happens once :)22:14
acheronukcan't be worse than my degree vivas22:14
valoriebaptism by fire!22:14
clivejothey prey on your weakness and devour you!22:15
sgclarkprobably be me yofel and sitter likely22:15
sgclarkclivejo: I think you will pass with flying colors22:16
* sgclark urges clivejo to apply22:16
sgclarkI will gete to bug you in person in a week or so :)22:16
* acheronuk hands clivejo yet another application form22:17
tsimonq2sgclark: throw clivejo into a river for me, will you? :P22:17
* tsimonq2 runs22:17
clivejoit would take a few of you to throw me in a river22:17
valorieinto the Spree!22:17
clivejomight need Harold and Phil too22:17
valoriejust get ya drunk first22:18
valorienot that there is much drinking at Akademy!22:18
clivejoand tell me theres a bottle of whiskey in the river22:18
clivejoIll go get it!22:18
valorieI mean rofl22:18
valorieyou and Riddell can fight about whisky vs whiskey22:19
clivejoIll call him a twinkle22:20
valoriehe'll call you a wee twonkle22:20
tsimonq2if I continue to be around the Kubuntu folks in a year, hopefully I can convice someone to fly me out to Akademy so I can push clivejo into a river myself :P22:20
sgclarkpoor clivejo22:20
sgclarkdestined to be wet22:20
clivejowe'll see :P22:21
acheronuktsimonq2: I'll help clivejo throw YOU in22:21
valorievisit here, clivejo -- hot dry and windy here22:21
valorie33 now22:21
clivejoIm 6'2" and built like a brick **** house22:22
sgclarkhot hot hot here. 22:22
tsimonq2so on September 9th, I'll know how tall I'll be22:22
sgclarkand monsoon too so humid22:22
clivejobe interesting seeing tsimonq2 push me anywhere22:22
tsimonq2let me explain why I know how tall I'll be in #k-offtopic :P22:22
acheronukonly time I've been to the states, I froze my ass off in a wintery Washington DC :(22:23
valorieI'm about to broil there, visiting my youngest22:23
clivejodo you have weetabix in the US?22:23
valorieyes, in health food stores22:23
valoriemaybe in whole foods or so22:24
acheronukmarble? how can one package have so many missing symbols!22:43
* acheronuk hides marble under something so he doesn’t have to look at it22:45
sgclarkokies I have ot take off, catch you all later. I will keep an eye out for your email valorie22:48
tsimonq2o/ sgclark 22:50

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