
naccis there a trivial way to set an environment variable during the build of a part? Specifically, I'm finding I need to (with or without snapcraft) specify PKG_CONFIG for a tool's configure to find pkg-config (not sure why yet, debugging that separately).01:24
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== mup_ is now known as mup
mupPR snapd#1701 opened: Change snappy command to snap <Created by caldav> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1701>07:55
mupPR snapd#1701 closed: docs/interfaces: change snappy command to snap <Created by caldav> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1701>08:04
mupPR snapd#1702 opened: many: preparations for image code to fetch model prereqs <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1702>08:41
bullsnapcraft is still doing unexpected stuffs ,09:10
bulli updated file under setup/gui/myapp.desktop and ran snapcraft , the resulting snap wont affected by the changes .09:11
mupPR snapd#1703 opened: Feature/spread all snap ubuntu core upgrade <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1703>09:18
ahoneybunpopey: around for some snap help?09:50
JamesTaitA couple of quickies: I created a rpi2 image with the u-d-f snap last night - it works! But how do I set the kb layout to "gb"?  Also, I'm losing the left edge of the console - can I adjust overscan?09:52
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
bullahoneybun, i need help building snap of my app deskie its on github10:08
mvoogra_: I uploaded a new pi2/dragonboard image10:12
mvoogra_: that fixes the boot problem10:12
ogra_mvo, with the upgrade fixes ?10:12
mvoogra_: yes10:12
* ogra_ downloads10:12
ogra_mvo, did you test kernel too ?10:12
mvoogra_: just core10:13
mvoogra_: should be ok, but feedback welcome10:13
ogra_(we have a set of unapproved kernels in the store, should all be no-change rebuilds that only bump the revision)10:13
mvoogra_: ok, will accept that10:13
mvoogra_: approved, once the caching of the store is expired it will be available10:15
mvo(usually ~5min or so)10:15
ogra_yeah, no hurry, sill downloading here :)10:15
bullsnaped application load veru slow why ???10:15
bullwhat does this mean ??  snap/supercalc/x1/bin/desktop-launch: line 144: /home/bull/snap/supercalc/usr/bin/supercalc: No such file or directory10:17
popeyahoneybun: for you, always10:17
bullpopey,  help :/10:17
ogra_looks like you are using a wrong path10:17
bullogra_,  where should i fix that , i dont know which part of snap is calling my application10:18
bullis it .desktop file or is it .yaml file command section??10:18
ogra_dunno, where did you define desktop-launch ?10:18
ogra_wherever you use that, you need to give it the right path to the application10:19
bullogra my yaml file10:19
bullogra_,  plz check it10:21
ogra_looks like desktop launch cd's to $SNAP_USER_DATA so you want to tell it to use $SNAP/usr/bin....10:21
bullogra_, my desktop file inside setup/gui is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069863/10:21
popeyprefix $SNAP before usr  bull10:21
popeyin your yaml10:21
popeydesktop-launch $SNAP/usr/bin/supercalc10:21
bullpopey, let me check10:21
ppisati401 Client Error: UNAUTHORIZED for url: https://public.apps.ubuntu.com/download-snap/b8X2psL1ryVrPt5WEmpYiqfr5emixTd7_292.snap10:22
bullokay what i have to do to rebuild the snap without redownloading everything ,10:22
ahoneybunpopey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23068283/10:22
ppisatiany idea what is that?10:22
ahoneybunI can't seem to get access to gi but I have python3-gi in the stage and build10:22
popeybull: snapcraft prime10:23
popeybull: you don't have to re-build, you can just re-run steps10:23
bullokay i will try ,10:23
ppisatii had to login again10:23
popeyahoneybun: looks like you're missing some stage-package? What you packaging? A GTK app?10:23
ahoneybunI keep doing snapcraft clean for every new build10:24
ahoneybunpopey: yea Pithos, I also have desktop/gtk3 in after10:24
ahoneybunevery page says python3-gi would be it10:24
popeyahoneybun: bug 157629110:24
mupBug #1576291: gtk/gio integration not easy to enable <snap-desktop-issue> <Snapcraft:Confirmed> <snapcraft (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576291>10:24
ahoneybunof course I hit a bug10:25
popeyseb128: do you still encounter ^ this issue that perhaps ahoneybun is having?10:25
popeyjust a guess, no guarantee that's it :)10:25
ahoneybunit could be it10:25
mupPR snapcraft#743 opened: make plugin: fix artifact collecting <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/743>10:26
bullpopey, copy plugin is depreciated  ?how to replace it with dump ?10:26
ahoneybunsounds right popey, it is a gtk and gio issue10:26
bullguys why they calling smplayer directly  in line no. 13   ?? https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/blob/master/smplayer/snapcraft.yaml10:28
bullit taking a lot of time to launch he app :O10:29
bullafter snapping and installing the app wont run , it hangs with http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069877/10:31
popeybull: using the desktop-launch script, the first run takes a little while, second run is faster10:31
bulland it wont run my app10:31
popeyyou can still use the copy plugin for now10:32
popeywe'll get the docs updated for dump10:32
bull stucked on this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069877/10:32
popeywhat does your yaml look like at the moment?10:33
mvoogra_: yep, works, kernel,core upgrade independent works, if you can try them together (just do sudo snap refresh) that would be great10:34
ahoneybunme popey?10:34
mvoogra_: fwiw, we have a spread upgrade test for amd64 soon too so at least the arch-indep issues (like the one we had recently) will be uncovered10:34
popeyahoneybun: no10:34
bullpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069859/10:34
popeybull: didn't you modify command: ?10:35
bullthats a older paste10:35
bullwait let me show you new one10:35
popeyahoneybun: I don't know how to fix your issue, sorry. I imagine there's a package you need to add, but I don't know without trial and error what it is, might be the one you mentioned, try it :)10:36
bullpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069888/10:36
popeybull: what is supercalc written in?10:37
bullpopey, it was running without desktop launcher , but theming issues were there so i add launcher10:37
popeyand does it work if you use devmode?10:37
bullwait let me check10:37
popeyah, interesting10:37
ahoneybunpopey: I have python3-gi in build and stage so it might be that bug10:37
popeyalso, another thing you can try.10:37
bullpopey, supercalc --devmode  ???  this ??10:38
popeysudo snap remove supercalc10:38
bullconfinement ?10:38
popeysudo snap install supercalc... --devmode10:38
popey^ that10:38
popeyalso, a useful tool to install is snappy-debug10:39
popeysudo snap install snappy-debug10:39
popeysudo snap connect snappy-debug:log-observe ubuntu-core:log-observe10:39
bullits running10:39
popeysudo snappy-debug.security scanlog | grep supercalc10:40
popey^ do that, and it will tell you what your app is trying to access10:40
bullpopey, no theming issue10:40
bullokay thanks man here is supercalc btw http://www.ktechpit.com/miscellaneous/supercalc-all-in-one-powerful-calculation-conversion-tool-for-linux/10:40
popeyrun that in one terminal, and then run your app in another terminal10:40
popeyyou need to fix this, because you can't upload devmode snaps to the stable store10:40
bullyeah i will10:41
bullpopey,  one more thing that is weird here is , when i click on the website button which actually , opens up my website when user click on the menu entry , won't open up any browser10:43
popeyyeah, i have seen that issue.10:43
ogra_a fix landed recently but is not published yet10:44
bullmy app do that using qt's qdesktopservices library10:44
bullogra_, you talking about my issue ??10:44
ogra_(at least if the backend uses xdg-open at the bottom)10:45
bullogra_, yes qdesktopservices uses xdg-open i know that '10:45
bulli gone through the lib source10:45
bullon linux they call xdg-open10:45
bullpopey, ogra_ mouse cursor is not usual its not following system theme10:47
bull85mb snap vs 300kb deb :D :D10:48
bullapplication icon in the dash not showing what i set inside .desktop file daem >/10:50
bullmy icon path inside .desktop file is like this -- Icon=${SNAP}/meta/gui/supercalc.png10:50
ogra_[FAILED] Failed to start Service for snap application snapweb.snapweb.10:51
ogra_See 'systemctl status snap.snapweb.snapweb.service' for details.10:51
ogra_seems that doesnt wait for ifup10:51
ogra_(at least on the dragonboard wehere we use wlan ... seems the pi2 with wired works fine)10:52
ogra_"sudo systemctl start snap.snapweb.snapweb.service" works10:53
bullpopey,  it says sudo: snappy-debug.security: command not found10:54
popeybull: did you install it?10:54
popeysnap list snappy-debug10:55
popeydoes it show up?10:55
bull0.23 version10:55
bulldaem whats going wrong , command auto complete with tab key too10:56
popeyoh, you added a colon10:57
popeysudo snappy-debug.security scanlog10:57
popeyno colon10:57
bullokay wait10:58
bullpopey,  where is colon ??10:59
bullno there is no colon in my command , it was the output11:00
ogra_you need to use the full path with sudo11:01
ogra_(fix for that is underway too)11:01
bullogra_, daem :D11:02
ogra_just add /snap/bin11:02
bullpopey, you got it right bro ?11:02
bullpopey,  in devmode the qt session error wont show up that mean something is wrong there11:03
popeyright, it might mean there's a problem which the security debug command may list11:06
popeyso, close your app, start the sudo snappy-debug.security scanlog, run your command, then look at the scanlog11:06
bullpopey, i reinstalled the app without --devmode and  on other terminal ran  sudo snappy-debug.security scanlog | supercalc , then ran my application in other terminal11:11
ogra_you pipe the output of scanlog into supercalc ? why is that ?11:12
bullhere is the output : - http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069967/11:12
bullogra_,  am using grep11:13
popey1. install your app with devmode11:13
popey2. run the scanlog11:13
popey3. run your app11:13
bullwith devmode it working fine11:13
popey4. get the output from scanlog11:13
popeyyes. but scanlog will find the things it wants11:13
popeytrust me :)11:13
ogra_teh app wants to open /etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf11:13
bullhaha okay :P11:13
ogra_fix that so it reads it from your snap11:14
bullogra_,  how to get that permission11:14
ogra_you wont get that permission11:14
ogra_ship the file in your snap11:14
ogra_and make the app read it from that location11:14
bullogra_,  they are qt things how can i modify that path11:15
ogra_no idea, not a qt guy ... but i guess there are environment variables for such stuff11:15
bulli have to recompile my app :/11:15
bullogra_,  bro what path in env variable in qt i will pass then :D11:16
bullat that time qt will unaware of the $SNAP/ :D11:17
ogra_whereever your Trolltech.conf is11:17
bullogra_, any interface for that ??11:17
bullsnap interface11:17
ogra_why would your app be unaware where $SNAP is when you just started it from $SNAP11:17
ogra_env vars here are a runtime thing, not compile time11:18
bullogra_, if i build it with qmake11:18
bullam not comiling source with snapcraft11:18
ogra_again, this has nothing to do with compiling11:18
bullogra_, you mean i have to set env variable in launcher file ?11:19
bullmy app is nothing special idk why it causing trouble :D11:20
ogra_because it does not have the right environment for being used as a snap11:20
bullam clueless :P11:20
bulli will try to find out the solution :(11:21
lpotteruse after: [desktop/qt]11:21
bulllpotter my app is qt411:21
lpotterok, desktop/qt411:21
bullam having that11:22
bulllpotter, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070010/11:22
bulllpotter, my snapcraft11:22
bullwell my new app uweather is ready to be snapped : https://s3.postimg.org/6vaj9uvxv/Screenshot_from_2016_08_19_16_38_15.png11:23
bulllpotter, is it okay ?11:24
bullogra_, you there bro ?11:27
ogra_bull, try https://www.google.de/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=XDG_CONFIG_HOME+XDG_CONFIG_DIRS+trolltech.conf&ie=utf-8&en=utf-8 and read up how Trolltech.conf can be used in other locations11:27
bullogra_,  i found that etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf in the snap of supercalc11:28
bullwhy my app not reading that from there ?11:28
ogra_because you didnt tell it to11:28
bullokay :(11:29
ogra_create a wrapper script that sets the right XDG var pointing to the dir11:29
bullokay :|11:29
ogra_and then do your desktop-launch from there11:29
bullam trying hun11:29
ogra_should be at most 10 lines11:29
bullcalling warp script right >11:29
ogra_whatever you like11:29
ogra_you have to put it in your snapcraft.yaml instead of the desktop.launc line11:30
bullokay i will mess with it now11:30
ogra_https://github.com/ogra1/laidout is an example where i use a simple wrapper to just cd into the snap himedir of the user before running the app11:32
ogra_looks at the snapcraft.yaml and "wrapper" ... use something similar in yours but point the right XDG var to your $SNAP/etc/xdg11:33
mvoogra_: thanks for the report about snapweb - yeah, it sounds like that is the issue11:33
bullogra_,  thanks bro :*11:33
ogra_mvo, upgrade on pi2 worked, could you approve one of the dragonboard kernels (seems jdstrand's kernel package approval still didnt land in the store )11:34
* ogra_ is just building another ubuntu-core to test armd64 upgrade too)11:34
mvoogra_: done, there is a dragonboard-kernel now11:36
ogra_witing for ubuntu-core now11:36
ogra_or i could just do two upgrades11:37
* ogra_ does so11:37
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
mupPR snapcraft#744 opened: testing: only run the ros demo on xenial <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/744>11:44
bullogra_, what this line mean - export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=$SNAP/etc/xdg:$SNAP/usr/xdg:$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS11:44
bullthis is written already in desktop-launch11:45
=== King_InuYasha is now known as Son_Goku
mupPR snapd#1704 opened: snap: Add key management commands <Created by cjwatson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1704>11:53
ogra_mvo, dragonboard is fine, if you can give me the udf line for getting snapweb in, i'll roll a pi3 image too12:03
ogra_(but first ... some lunch)12:04
seb128popey, I didn't rely try for a while12:05
Son_Gokuzyga, morning12:09
Son_Gokuand happy birthday! :D12:09
bullThe 'build' step of 'glue' is out of date. Please clean that part's 'build' step in order to rebuild12:10
mvoogra_: just add --install snapweb to the commandline12:10
mvoSon_Goku: oohhh, good morning-  and happy birthday to zyga12:10
bullzyga,  happy birthday12:11
bullmvo, is there a way to clean without deleting old downloaded cache12:11
ogra_mvo, ok12:11
bullogra_, my warpper.sh http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070095/12:12
popeyseb128: ah okay12:13
bullpopey you know how to set env variable for qt app to launch from snap ??12:14
bull is there a way to clean  a part without deleting old downloaded cache12:14
stokachuis it possible to keep the --devmode flag when manually running snap refresh?12:15
mupPR snapd#1705 opened: overlord/snapstate: check changes to SnapState for conflicts also <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1705>12:15
ogra_bull, look for the possible clean options in snapcraft --help12:16
bullogra_, it says Remove content - cleans downloads, builds or install artifacts. :D12:16
popeybull: create a launcher and set variables in there12:17
bullpopey,  my warpper.sh http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070095/12:17
bullis it fine12:17
popeybull: like https://github.com/ubuntu/snappy-playpen/tree/master/jtiledownloader12:17
popeyas an example12:17
popeythats not right12:18
popeyexport $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS= $SNAP/etc/xdg/12:18
bullogra_,  gave me example i followed that12:18
bullyeah i did the same :)12:18
popeyexport XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=$SNAP/etc/xdg/12:18
popeyno dollar sign when setting the variable12:18
bullpopey i dont wana redownload dependencies again and again i just modified something in part and it will download all again :/12:19
bullpopey, thanks for pointing that out12:19
popeyyou don't have to re-download12:19
ogra_bull, just use the right option to clean12:19
ogra_read the help again12:19
bullogra_, okay :P12:19
ogra_there is more in it ;)12:19
bullogra_, snapcraft [options] clean [<part> ...] [--step <step>]   i wan clean glue part only12:20
popeysooooo, you have the help right there12:20
bullhehe am confused with this [--step <step>]12:21
bullsnapcraft clean glue  will enough ??12:21
ogra_read more ;)12:21
bullhehe okay12:22
bullthis is like rocket science :P12:22
popeythere's 5 steps, pull, build, stage, prime, snap. which are done in that order12:22
bulli got ot baiebeee12:23
popeyhttp://snapcraft.io/create/ see the section on "build"12:23
bullbui wan clean build of glue so am trying this - snapcraft clean glue build12:24
popeyyou missed --step12:24
bullpopey,  can this whole be ported as gui app soon ??12:25
popeywhat, a snapcraft GUI?12:25
bulli mean for user's simplicity :D12:25
popeysure, someone could do that12:25
bullit will make it easy12:25
bulli would like to do that but i need learn about it first12:25
bulland it should be in a stable stage :D12:26
bulli developed my own app packaging tool which package apps for my own app store http://www.ktechpit.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-play-store-version-3-0-released-adds-paypal-integration/12:27
bullpopey, am talking about something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be3vRVqPt58&feature=youtu.be&t=227212:29
jdstrandogra_: it should've landed. can you point me at the store entry?12:30
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
bullpopey, after adding wrapper file  , snapcraft says- No such file or directory: '/home/bull/snap/supercalc/parts/glue/build/wrapper12:44
bullam a biology student finding career in IT LOL12:50
mupPR snapd#1705 closed: overlord/snapstate: check changes to SnapState for conflicts also <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1705>13:25
mupPR snapd#1706 opened: add process-control interface spread test <Created by fgimenez> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1706>13:36
mupPR snapcraft#745 opened: Actually return a non-zero error code on errors <Created by josepht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/745>13:41
bullpopey, i wana make gui of snapcraft , give me basic application design idea and i will present you working demo in within 2 days13:41
bullmup, you are very informative :P13:42
mupbull: I apologize, but I'm pretty strict about only responding to known commands.13:42
bullwhat ? mup you are a bot ?13:42
bullmup,  okay :D13:42
mupbull: In-com-pre-hen-si-ble-ness.13:42
bullmup, i want make gui for snapcraft13:43
mupbull: Roses are red, violets are blue, and I don't understand what you just said.13:43
bullmup, you are a funny bot13:43
mupbull: I apologize. I'm a program with a limited vocabulary.13:43
ogra_jdstrand, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5697/13:47
ogra_(the last one was manually approved though)13:47
bullogra_,  deb store is dead right ?13:49
mupPR snapd#1685 closed: snap-exec: Fix broken `snap run --shell` and add test <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1685>13:49
bullubuntu deb store at developer.ubuntu.com13:49
jgdxI'm getting a “execv failed: No such file or directory” even though $ SNAP=prime ./prime/<wrapper> runs fine. What am I most likely doing wrong? :)13:50
jgdx(getting that from running $ snap run <snap>)13:50
jgdxdoes execv need absolute paths, is that it?13:51
bullogra_, i need a quick help brother13:51
bullwhenever i add a new file to my glue part in snapcraft.yaml do i need to start the process from begin ?? snapcraft automatically wont pull stage and prime the new file hence fails with file not found error13:52
bullogra_, i added trolltech.conf to copy in a location in  but it throws this error No such file or directory: '/home/bull/snap/supercalc/parts/glue/build/Trolltech.conf'13:55
bulli cleaned the build --step too13:55
bullit should probably be pulling file again, and stage and prime , so what am doing wrong !! while after a full clean command make it find the file13:57
bullthis could be bug13:57
popeybull: you need to snapcraft clean glue14:01
bullpopey, i cleaned it all , now it is downloading what it cleaned :D , just to add a file which is already in my system14:02
bullthis is senseless14:02
bullwasted my 400Mb data since i begin building supercalc , debian wont take a bit while building apps :D14:04
bullsnap is ready an checking it14:04
bullpopey it says permission denied again this time set wrapper to set custom env vars14:07
bullthis is irritating , am uploading the snap recipe in github along with the supercalc executable if some f you wana fix it please have a look14:09
jdstrandogra_: this kernel didn't autoapprove for a different reason: unknown entries in snap.yaml: 'dtbs,firmware,initrd,kernel,modules' lint-snap-v2_unknown_field14:16
jdstrandogra_: has the kernel yaml been finalized?14:16
ogra_jdstrand, the build script and snapcraft yaml is identical for all kernels14:16
bullpopey, ogra_ https://github.com/keshavbhatt/supercalc   please fix this :(14:18
jdstrandogra_: ok... but is that finalized?14:18
ogra_jdstrand, no idea ... but the other kernels dont have that error14:19
jdstrandor is it going to change in the next 3 weeks?14:19
jdstrandsergiusens: can you comment? ^14:19
ogra_jdstrand, oh, i lied, they do14:20
popeybull: will take a look14:21
ogra_jdstrand, but why would a warning block promotion ?14:21
bullpopey, thanks :)14:21
jdstrandogra_: the review tools warn (and block) on things it doesn't know about. this is part of the whole 'fail closed, fail secure' philosophy of the tools14:22
jdstrandogra_: I'm adding a card to finish the kernel yaml checks assuming they are finalized14:23
jdstrand(last I checked I was told it was not so not to bother. that was a while ago though)14:23
ogra_yeah, it was supposed to be finalized at the heidelberg sprint14:28
mupPR snapd#1707 opened: tests: do not leave "squashfs-root" around <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1707>14:29
popeybull: I have got it lanuching, but it's still trying to read from /etc http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070394/14:36
bullpopey, you testing it with --devmode ?14:36
bullits running with fine devmode14:37
bullwith devmode apparmor allowing it the access14:37
bullwhen i scanlog without devmode it clearly says denied14:38
bullpopey,  ogra_,  told me to ship your own trolltech as it is not possible to get access to read that file in /etc/xdg/Trolltech.cofig so i wrote wrapper and exported my custom located trolltech.config with that but still it says permission denied14:39
morphis__zyga: ok, I have prooved now that snap-confine breaks lxc's approach of attaching to a container which is running within another snap-confine session14:40
morphis__makes totally sense that this is broken as snap-confine creates a slave mount for each executable it runs so this must break14:41
popeybull: yeah, I don't know why it keeps looking at the one in /etc, I don't know enough about qt, sorry14:42
bullpopey, thanks for your time dear :)14:42
popeybull: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070410/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070412/  changes i made14:43
ogra_sounds like your app simply doesnt respect the XDG_* values14:43
bullpopey, is it with my app only or other qt4 apps acting same14:43
popeydunno, not packaged any qt4 things14:44
bullogra_, my app is normally build with qmake no modifications , nothing14:44
ogra_and ?14:44
bullit runs fines from ubuntu series 12.04 to 16.0414:44
ogra_if the developer siimply doesnt respect the XDG stanndars14:44
ogra_and hardcodes /etc/xdg ...14:44
bullogra_, should i post the source code too ??14:44
ogra_then you have no chance to solve it without patching the app14:45
bullnot its not like that14:45
ogra_not to me, really14:45
ogra_talk to the upstream dev14:45
* ogra_ has no clue about qt4 apps14:45
bullogra_,  any idea how can we identify those hardcoded stuffs ??14:46
ogra_by reading the source i guess14:46
bulli never did that actually so an clueless14:46
* ogra_ goes back to actually get some work done before ending his day14:46
bulli will try snapping my new weather app which is a qt5 app14:47
bullpopey,  have look at my first qml only music player using ubuntu sdk ui toolkit 1.0 :D i updated the code today on github and it is running fine on 16.04 too14:48
kyrofabull, I may have missed something, but from the YAML is doesn't seem you're using desktop-launch14:48
kyrofabull, have you tried that?14:48
bullpopey,  https://github.com/keshavbhatt/kmusicplay14:48
kyrofabull, oh nevermind, your wrapper is14:48
kyrofaIgnore me :)14:48
bullkyrofa, cause my app was not following theming14:49
bullso i used desktop-launch14:49
bullwith desktop-launch it worked fine but only in --devmode install :/14:49
elopiokyrofa: I have a qt4 snap complaining about xcb not found. Did we have an easy fix for that?14:51
ogra_kyrofa, the app seems to have a lookup for /etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf hardcoded somewhere ... i tried to help bull to get a wrapper up that sets XDG_CONFIG_DIRS too point to $SNAP/etc/xdg/ but apparently the app simply ignores XDG standards14:51
kyrofaelopio, do you have the stage packages from the qt4 demo?14:52
kyrofaogra_, does it just die as a result?14:52
jhodappogra_, any idea why my snapd would seem to be dead on my 16.04 laptop installation? "$ snap find alsa-utils14:52
jhodapperror: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get http://localhost/v2/find?q=alsa-utils: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused"14:52
ogra_kyrofa, no idea, ask bull :)14:53
elopiokyrofa: yes, libqtgui414:53
ogra_jhodapp, nope, i havent seen that ... usually systmed cares for it to be u14:53
kyrofajhodapp, what does systemctl status snapd.service say?14:53
bullkyrofa, it runs only with --devmode as apparmor allow to read $SNAP/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf14:53
kyrofaelopio, are you using the correct launcher?14:53
jhodappogra_, this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23070428/14:54
ogra_hmm, no idea what is in line 52 of main.go :)14:55
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: so if you can get snapd to use something other than /snap for the mount location, the last remaining blocker can be dealt with and snapd will be able to go into Fedora14:55
kyrofajhodapp, can I see some more of that error there? journalctl -u snapd.server maybe?14:56
Pharaoh_Atemthe presets for having snapd enabled and started automatically on installation of the snapd package have been provisionally approved as well14:56
om26erHi! which snappy image shall I use on raspberry pi2?14:56
Pharaoh_Atemit's contingent on snapd being approved to go into Fedora14:56
jhodappkyrofa, I get "-- No entries --"14:56
kyrofajhodapp, so sorry, snapd.service, not server14:57
kyrofaI've only had two cups of coffee so far14:57
jhodappkyrofa, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23070435/14:58
om26erI want to run a django service to remotely control some appliances, should I be using the 15.04 image or is there a newer stable image out there ?14:58
kyrofajhodapp, yikes14:58
jhodappkyrofa, that bad huh?14:59
kyrofajhodapp, first of all, you should log a bug. Second though, does systemctl start snapd.service actually bring it back up? Or does it error again?14:59
* ogra_ bets on the latter 14:59
jhodappkyrofa, it does not bring it up15:00
kyrofajhodapp, okay, definitely log a bug with that log. Have you been doing anything out of the ordinary with snaps? snap try, messing with mounts in /snap/, etc?15:00
jhodappkyrofa, is there any way to reset my snapd installation? I have been messing with custom snapd builds locally which is probably where this went wrong15:00
kyrofaAh ha!15:00
kyrofaYes, definitely15:00
kyrofajhodapp, perhaps not worth a bug, then15:01
ogra_om26er, well, 15.04 will be EOL as soon as the series 16 images go stable ... we have experimental images at http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/15:01
jhodappthat's what I was thinking, although it shouldn't be this brittle15:01
kyrofajhodapp, snapd writes a json state file that isn't always backward compatible15:01
kyrofajhodapp, please feel free to log the bug, I agree that it shouldn't blow up like that15:01
om26erogra_, when will 16 release ?15:02
kyrofajhodapp, are you okay losing the snaps you have installed?15:02
ogra_om26er, when it is done (but surely within the next months)15:02
jhodappkyrofa, absolutely and I'd like to lose them all as it caused my main deb pkg installed pulseaudio to stop working right15:02
om26eroh the `s` infront of month15:02
* ogra_ doesnt have the exact dates for RTM and GA releases at the top of his head, sorry15:02
kyrofajhodapp, haha, okay use this then: https://github.com/zyga/devtools/blob/master/reset-state15:03
timothyhello, I have some errors on ./run-checks static15:03
ogra_after RTM (which is "soon") they should only stabilize ...15:03
om26erogra_, ok, I am having some issues with classic snap on latest all-snap15:03
timothyis it a known problem with new go version (1.7)?15:03
ogra_yeah, there are some bugs15:03
kyrofatimothy, yeah, vet is more picky now :)15:03
ogra_realted to virtual terminals15:03
ogra_i'll try to tackle some of that next week15:04
kyrofatimothy, surely worth a pull request if you're up for it!15:04
ogra_but you can just use an ubuntu-base tarball instead of classic ... after all that is the same :)15:04
jhodappkyrofa, looks like it was successful except for one of them which a remount doesn't seem to help: "rm: cannot remove '/snap/pulseaudio/x4/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pulseaudio': Read-only file system"15:06
kyrofajhodapp, hmm...15:08
om26erogra_, sudo classic.create gives me: chroot: failed to run command ‘/var/lib/classic/enable.sh’: No such file or directory15:08
kyrofajhodapp, I'm not sure what to say about that one. ogra_, any clues?15:08
ogra_om26er, smells like your ubuntu-core isnt up to date in the all-snaps image ... that script was only added a few weeks ago15:08
om26ersnap refresh is downloading something, lets see15:09
ogra_kyrofa, nope, i dont use zsh ... no idea why that would be a mountpoint inside a snap15:09
ogra_om26er, from when is that image ... if you are not on rthe very latest img the update will likely just make the img eat itself15:09
om26erogra_, downloaded from here: https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/all-snaps/16/15:10
jhodappkyrofa, ogra_ hmm ok...it got rid of all the others so that's progress15:10
jhodapplet's see if snapd starts up now15:10
kyrofajhodapp, a reboot might help?15:11
jhodappit does start up!15:11
ogra_om26er, well, better use todays ... mvo only fixed the update code this morning15:11
jhodappand snap find alsa works again15:11
jhodappthanks very much kyrofa15:11
kyrofajhodapp, of course, sorry for the breakage!15:11
jhodappno worries, lesson learned...don't try and install development snaps locally just quite yet...use a container :)15:12
ogra_yyou mean snapd15:12
jhodappyeah that too15:13
elopiokyrofa: desktop-launch for desktop-qt4. Is there another?15:13
jhodapptime for a reboot15:13
mupPR snapd#1707 closed: tests: do not leave "squashfs-root" around <Created by mvo5> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1707>15:13
kyrofaelopio, huh. No you should be good, but it's worth pointing out that the qt4 demo uses a different cloud part for the launcher15:13
kyrofaelopio, I would be very surprised if that worked better though15:14
elopiosame here, but I'll try anyway.15:14
jhodappkyrofa, that fixed my pulseaudio issues as well...very good15:16
elopioyes, fails earlier because it can't find libX11.15:21
mupPR snapcraft#743 closed: make plugin: fix artifact collecting <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/743>15:23
mupPR snapcraft#743 closed: make plugin: fix artifact collecting <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/743>15:23
kyrofaelopio, odd... not sure what's going on there then :(15:23
kyrofaelopio, I do know that qt4 was a little weird. I was never sure if it was using the qt4 on the system or in the snap15:24
kyrofaRemember that conversation?15:24
bullguys am having dinner :D keep snapping15:36
elopiokyrofa: I more or less remember. And I'm sure the qt5 launcher solved that xcb problem for keepassx.15:39
elopioI can wait for didier. This is a cool project I want to get working, but is the hardest I've tried so far.15:40
elopiohave you used synergy?15:40
naccAsked this late last night w/o response, but is there a trivial way to set an environment variable during the build of a part? Specifically, I'm finding I need to (with or without snapcraft) specify PKG_CONFIG for a tool's configure to find pkg-config (not sure why yet, debugging that separately).15:40
om26erwhat does `snap refresh` do, is it to update the system ? I just installed the very lastest all-snap and snap refresh still downloaded some stuff15:44
kyrofaelopio, synergy the keyboard/mouse sharing thing?15:44
ogra_it updtaes all updateable snaps15:44
ogra_(unless you provide a snap name, then it only updates that one snap)15:44
elopioyes. They have a crazy package generator. That part is ready, I'm getting back a snap with the required binaries. Maybe I can focus on the networking instead of the UI.15:46
jhobbsis spand going to be backported to trusty?15:46
ogra_jhobbs, i dont think anyone looked into that, but i saw a bug report pass by where sabdfl said he'd like that15:47
ogra_(will definitely be non-trivial)15:47
jhobbsi would like it too :) we have some stuff that needs to run in both trusty and xenial and it would solve the dependency differences problem15:47
jhobbsi thought i'd heard sabdfl mention it but haven't seen any hard evidence of it happening15:48
ogra_it will definitely not happen in the very near future ...15:48
jhobbsthanks ogra_15:48
ogra_everyone is focused on getting towards images and get all the missing features in currently15:48
ogra_i guess after the images are golden there is opportunity to work on this15:48
mupBug #1615030 opened: Ability to completely remove a snap from the snap store <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615030>15:56
om26erclassic went bonkers for me while installing vim :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070754/16:11
om26erseems it even broke my ubuntu-core installation as well, sudo says: sudo: unknown uid 1000: who are you?16:12
ogra_om26er, why didnt you just use a ubuntu-base tarball like i suggested16:12
ogra_classic is clearly still having bugs, as i said before16:12
om26erogra_, sorry I missed that message16:13
om26erogra_, shall I install the 16.04.1 server image on RPi2 ?16:13
ogra_though this one looks like it might be snap-confine related16:13
om26erhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04.1/release/ << this ?16:14
ogra_om26er, no, just download an ubuuntu-base tarball, scp it to your pi, unpack in /home/ubuntu and use it as a chroot16:14
elopiokyrofa: got the certifiacte, finally \o/16:15
om26erogra_, aah, ok, will my nginx work fine from it ?16:15
kyrofaelopio, \o/16:15
ogra_oh, you want it for running stuff ? not sure16:15
kyrofaelopio, how was the workflow?16:15
ogra_(note that things you run in classic will not survive a rebbot either)16:15
elopiokyrofa: fine. I had to use canonistack because I couldn't get my modem to redirect port 80.16:16
ogra_(by design)16:16
elopiokyrofa: now what? I'm redirected from http to https but the URL is not serving anything.16:17
kyrofaelopio, ... eh? That should be it! When you say it's not serving anything, what does that mean?16:18
kyrofaelopio, a blank page?16:18
elopiokyrofa: server not found. https://test.elopio.net16:19
kyrofaelopio, can I see `systemctl status snap.nextcloud.apache.service`?16:20
elopiokyrofa: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23070771/16:21
kyrofaelopio, uh... hmm. Any chance you have the output of the setup-https run?16:22
elopiokyrofa: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23070775/16:22
kyrofaelopio, interesting. And I assume ps ax | grep httpd shows nothing?16:23
elopiokyrofa: correct.16:23
kyrofaelopio, does `sudo systemctl start snap.nextcloud.apache.service` fix things?16:23
elopiokyrofa: yes.16:24
elopioso it says apache was restarted, but that's a lie!16:24
kyrofaelopio, huh. So my output masking is not helpful there :P16:24
kyrofaelopio, the restart exited successfully! Not the scripts fault! :P16:24
kyrofaelopio, hmm. I'm not really sure what happened there, or how to make it better16:26
kyrofaelopio, mind blowing it away and trying again? Let's Encrypt will limit how many legitimate certs you can get in a week, so I suggest passing the -t flag to setup-https (i.e. `sudo /snap/bin/nextcloud.setup-https -t`)16:27
kyrofaThat will get a cert from the Let's Encrypt staging server instead, which the browser doesn't recognize as a CA, but isn't limited16:28
elopiokyrofa: yes, let me retry.16:30
kyrofaGahh, I just pushed up an entire nextcloud snap, only to get a 502 after it got to 100%16:30
kyrofaOn 20k upload speeds16:30
ogra_get a better gateway :P16:30
elopioeven better, fix this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/161077616:32
mupBug #1610776: "snapcraft push" without registering first should fail fast <Snapcraft:New> <Software Center Agent:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1610776>16:32
kyrofaelopio, maybe I should log "if the store is going to 502, do it before it accepts the entire snap" ?16:32
elopiooh, right, that's a different error.16:33
elopiowell, you can always fix it for me :)16:33
kyrofaelopio, :P16:33
kyrofaWhen I get my house I've already selected a good-looking ISP. Though 100/100 fiber is going in like a block away :'(16:34
kyrofaI've submitted a petition :P16:34
mupPR snapd#1615 closed: overlord/snapstate, daemon: support for multi-snap refresh <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1615>16:40
mvoom26er: hm, I just tested with the all snap image from today (I uploaded a new one some hours ago) and "sudo snap install --devmode --edge classic ; sudo classic.create" seems to be ok. this was on the pc image . did you have the issue on a different one?16:44
mupPR snapcraft#745 closed: Actually return a non-zero error code on errors <Created by josepht> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/745>16:44
om26ermvo, I was able to enable classic mode once I reflashed the latest image on my RPi16:44
elopiokyrofa: seems to have started okay this time.16:45
kyrofaelopio, darnit16:45
mvoom26er: \o/16:50
mvoom26er: thanks16:50
mupPR snapcraft#746 opened: Release changelog for 2.15.1 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/746>16:50
mupPR snapd#1606 closed: debian: add extra checks when debian/snapd.postrm purge is run <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1606>16:52
mupPR snapd#1708 opened: fix vet error <Created by teknoraver> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1708>16:53
mupPR snapd#1709 opened: many: teach prepare-image to copy the model assertion (and prereqs) into the seed area of the image <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1709>16:54
mupPR snapd#1710 opened: tests: add content-shareing binary test that excersises snap-confine <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1710>17:03
elopiokyrofa: creating text files doesn't work. I wait for it to say "Saved!", but when I open it again is empty.17:12
rtsisykhi, I requested to register reserved name for my software, but it is still "Pending review"17:12
rtsisykname is "tarantool"17:12
rtsisykwho can help me?17:12
kyrofartsisyk, when did you request it?17:12
rtsisykcouple days ago17:13
kyrofanessita, any chance you could help out with that? ^^17:13
mupPR snapd#1702 closed: many: preparations for image code to fetch model prereqs <Created by pedronis> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1702>17:13
elopiokyrofa: ah, the user has 0 quota. Then it's a bug in nextcloud because it doesn't say anything about it :)17:14
kyrofaelopio, did you just create a new user, then?17:16
elopiokyrofa: yes.17:17
kyrofaelopio, or are you saying by default even the admin has 0 quota?17:17
elopiono, admin has unlimited quota by default17:17
kyrofaelopio, yeah, that does indeed sound like a nextcloud bug17:17
elopiokyrofa: where do I report it?17:18
kyrofaelopio, wait, I just tried17:19
kyrofaelopio, works fine. On the far right, when you create the user, the quota is available. Any chance you accidentally scrolled or something there?17:20
kyrofaelopio, because for me, the default is unlimited17:20
elopiokyrofa: yes, the default is unlimited. I had set it to 0. The bug is that when there is no quota left, the text file editor still says: "Saved!"17:21
kyrofaelopio, ah ha!17:21
kyrofaelopio, I'm not sure if it's part of nextcloud core, or part of the files app17:22
kyrofaelopio, but you can probably start with logging against the core: https://github.com/nextcloud/server17:23
sergiusenshey ev can you look into ^ (rtsisyk's request for tarantool)17:24
sergiusenskyrofa is this the nextcloud snap with letsencrypt all bundled in?17:25
kyrofasergiusens, yeah, on the beta channel17:25
* sergiusens will wait for stable17:26
kyrofasergiusens, yeah, things will change a little17:26
elopiosergiusens: get it while it's hot. Works for me.17:27
* sergiusens is using too much beta software already ;-)17:27
nessitakyrofa, checking17:36
nessitakyrofa, approved tarantool but the user left, he will receive an email ne erthelesss17:39
kyrofaThank you nessita :)17:39
elopiokyrofa: where does this leave the logs?17:45
kyrofaelopio, which logs?17:46
elopiothe bug template is asking me for the apache and nextcloud logs.17:46
mupPR snapd#1622 closed: client, cmd/snap: use the new multi-refresh endpoint <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1622>17:46
kyrofaelopio, apache logs are in $SNAP_DATA/apache/logs, nextcloud logs are in $SNAP_COMMON/nextcloud... I think17:50
elopiokyrofa: both of those should be in ~/snap/ right?17:54
elopiojust empty dirs there.17:54
elopiooh, no, in /var, ok.17:55
* ahoneybun finds a inkscape snap17:57
ahoneybunmhall119, who handles the snap store17:59
mupPR snapd#1708 closed: fix vet error <Created by teknoraver> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1708>18:00
evsergiusens: I’ve ferried it along (tarantool)18:11
qenghoahoneybun: What are you wanting to do?18:21
mhall119ahoneybun: depends on what you mean by "handles"18:45
ahoneybunmhall119, launchpad seems to be hitting an 404 error when trying to upload inkscape to the store18:49
rtsisyksorry, I was disconnected18:50
rtsisykYour "tarantool" registration has been approved.18:50
rtsisykthanks a lot!18:50
mhall119ahoneybun: ah, maybe cjwatson can see what's going on with that18:51
mhall119also, yay inskscape snap!18:52
qenghoahoneybun: Have you ever uploaded a snap package to there?18:53
qengho$ snap find inkscape   #finds nothing18:54
ahoneybunIt's not me18:56
ahoneybunqengho, ^18:56
ahoneybunmhall119, it launches as well18:56
ahoneybunand HUD works mhall119 !!!18:56
elopiokyrofa: email with the php mode doesn't work.18:58
qenghoahoneybun: I suspect you, plural, have to have registered a project to have launchpad upload a package for it first.18:59
ahoneybunI did not19:01
qenghoahoneybun: Okay. That's your problem, then. Do you know how to?19:02
ahoneybunqengho, I don't have a snap to upload19:03
qenghoahoneybun: Oh. Here's one. https://launchpad.net/~inkscape-uploader/+snap/inkscape/+build/313119:04
ahoneybunit's not my project to upload dude19:04
qenghoahoneybun: Okay. What do you want us to do?19:05
mhall119ahoneybun: awesome!19:05
ahoneybunqengho, I just wanted to alert someone to the issue and not get a rude answer back19:05
mhall119ahoneybun: with --devmode or no?19:05
ahoneybunmhall119, standard19:05
ahoneybunno --devmode19:05
ahoneybunit is awesome19:07
ahoneybunjust need kdenlive to have the software I need19:08
qenghoahoneybun: It looks like it succeeds sometimes, yes?  https://launchpad.net/~inkscape-uploader/+snap/inkscape/+build/313419:08
qenghoahoneybun: I don't know what the first problem is.19:09
ahoneybunqengho, you can't find it in the search if it is19:09
ahoneybunit might be in the other channels19:10
ahoneybunsince it is only a devel version19:10
ahoneybunnever thought of that19:10
MrChrisDruifHey guys, where would you recommend I start reading up on how snaps works on a semi-technical level?19:10
MrChrisDruifBecause I know there is a snap for Nextcloud but afaik it uses the Apache server by default to run.19:11
qenghoahoneybun: I don't know a way to "snap find" in other channels. :(19:11
ahoneybunneither do I19:11
MrChrisDruifAnd that is a bit needlessly killing resource on something like a Raspberry Pi 1 B+19:11
ahoneybunthat LP link has the snap though19:12
qenghoMrChrisDruif: We have some light docs, but there's nothing that will change the nextcloud snap into working that differently.19:13
qenghoMrChrisDruif: The kind of think you could do is make a new snap that does what you want.19:14
MrChrisDruifqengho: So it doesn't look into running services?19:14
MrChrisDruifApache is just the web server part of the configuration19:14
MrChrisDruifIt doesn't check if one is already running one, like Nginx?19:15
ahoneybunqengho, reading man snap shows a way to install from the other channels19:15
ahoneybunmhall119, is there a place we can find snaps other then 'snap find'?19:16
mhall119Ubuntu Software19:18
sergiusensMrChrisDruif it s all in the same snap19:18
mhall119those all only find snaps in the stable channel though, so if you use confinement: devmode or only publish to edge/beta channels you won't see them19:19
sergiusensMrChrisDruif think of it as a complete product; if you need a different product, it would be a different snap19:19
sergiusensMrChrisDruif also, rpi 1 is armel, not supported by Ubuntu for some years now19:20
MrChrisDruifsergiusens: thanks. It wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but at least it is an answer =)19:20
MrChrisDruifsergiusens: true but isn't snappy "cross-platform"? ;-)19:21
ahoneybunman my wifi is bad on 16.0419:22
sergiusensMrChrisDruif yes, but that doesn't mean every piece of hardware on the planet ;-)19:25
sergiusensMrChrisDruif it doesn't support MIPS either19:25
sergiusensMrChrisDruif that said, even if it were on Ubuntu you'd need to convince the publisher for those apps to build for those esoteric devices19:26
mreednessita, ping19:27
MrChrisDruifsergiusens: calling the RPi esoteric is overstating I think ;-)19:27
sergiusensMrChrisDruif a real world example for that today is android on x86, the app selection there is much smaller19:27
sergiusensMrChrisDruif an rpi 1 yes :-)19:27
sergiusensand rpi in general, no19:28
mreednessita, can you review my snap?  https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/5749/rev/1/19:29
ahoneybunany ideas about this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23068283/19:30
sergiusenswe don't support the RPi Zero either MrChrisDruif19:30
ahoneybunNo module named 'gi'19:30
ahoneybunbut I have python3-gi in staged19:31
ahoneybunthe snap builds fine19:31
ahoneybunPithos is the project btw19:31
MrChrisDruifsergiusens: I don't own one of those so I don't care ^_^19:32
MrChrisDruifYeah it sucks for the owners of Zero's but I don't care O=)19:32
ali1234ARMv6 just refuses to die19:33
MrChrisDruifali1234: just like IPv4, 32-bit and that NSA forcefully crippled encryption level...19:41
ali123432 bit x86 is dead19:41
MrChrisDruifOn it's dying breath but not completely dead...19:52
ahoneybunmm I think I found the issue20:28
ahoneybunthe snap is looking the python3-gi libs in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages20:29
ahoneybunbut it is not in there20:29
ahoneybunlooking at this :http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/python3-gi/filelist20:30
ahoneybunany idea20:30
ahoneybunmhall119, I see you got the new content sharing thing to work20:34
mhall119ahoneybun: mostly working20:40
mhall119I ran into this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-confine/+bug/161511320:41
mupBug #1615113: snap-confine prevented from mounting base directory through the "content" interface <Snappy Launcher:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615113>20:41
ahoneybunit seems python3-gi is what I need but the lib are not going to the right place20:41
mhall119jdstrand: if you're still around, can you take a look at the diff in the bug description in ^^ and comment on whether or not it's a bad idea20:41
ahoneybunnot even sure they are there20:42
mhall119ahoneybun: do you have python3-gi in your stage-packages list?20:43
ahoneybunthe snap is looking the python3-gi libs in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages20:43
ahoneybunwhich is right20:43
ahoneybunlooking at this :http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/python3-gi/filelist20:44
ahoneybunbut I don't see any of those files in there20:44
ahoneybunit's even in the build-packages20:44
ahoneybunas it is needed to build20:44
mhall119ahoneybun: can you share your whole snapcraft.yaml?20:45
mhall119the snap should look in ${SNAP}/usr/lib/ not /usr/lib/20:46
ahoneybunI used a extra thing to change that20:46
ahoneybunalso error : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23068283/20:46
mhall119ahoneybun: put python3-gi in your stage-packages, not just build-packages20:47
mhall119build-packages are installed to your host, stage-packages are installed into the snap20:47
mhall119so anything you need at runtime should be in stage-packages or otherwise installed by the plugin20:48
ahoneybunit;s in both20:49
mhall119and it looks like you could move your stage-packages section out of pithos-run and into the pithos part, then drop pithos-run altogether20:49
mhall119ahoneybun: not in the pastebin you gave me20:50
mhall119it's only on line 3420:50
ahoneybunI removed it as it does nothing20:50
ahoneybundid nothing20:50
mhall119do you see it in ./prime/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/20:52
mupBug #1614177 opened: Can not connect cups-control interface  <snapd-interface> <Snappy:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1614177>20:52
ahoneybunno just a pkg_resource dir20:53
ahoneybunbut I have not rebuilt it with python3-gi in stage yet20:53
ahoneybunyou broke my yaml20:54
ahoneybunIssue while loading plugin: properties failed to load for pithos: Additional properties are not allowed ('configflags', 'source' were unexpected)20:54
ahoneybunsince I took out pithos-run20:55
mupBug #1615124 opened: my snap apps should be able to run /usr/bin/* <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615124>20:55
sabdfljhobbs, ogra_, actually i believe tvoss and others are looking into snapd on 14.0420:56
sabdfli haven't had an update recently but in leiden it was described as hackable20:57
ahoneybunI swear snap errors are the worst20:59
ahoneybunthe word choices are just bad20:59
tvosssabdfl: yup, we are making good progress, a ppa with all required packages is here: https://launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/+archive/ubuntu/trusty, testing instructions are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z64VCTX9kU43Xb2wSDQN7g6QHuFStFGZqEBoEQbI6oQ/edit21:00
tvossogra_, jhobbs ^21:00
tvossI mostly focused on 14.04(.5) server images thus far21:00
jhobbssabdfl, tvoss: awesome, thanks, i'll have a look there21:01
ogra_sabdfl, ooh21:02
ogra_tvoss, +1 !21:02
mhall119ahoneybun: pastebin your new snapcraft.yaml21:06
tvossjhobbs: let me know how it goes, you could also just leave comments on the doc21:22
sabdflphwoar tvoss that is awesome21:38
sabdfljhobbs, share your experience after testing please :21:39
tvosssabdfl: also credits to pitti for helping out with the systemd specifics21:40
sabdflthis will be super useful for cloud bits21:40
sabdflthanks pitti :)21:40
jhobbstvoss, sabdfl, will do21:41
notadeveloper_got an rpi321:49
notadeveloper_and snappy 160421:49
notadeveloper_how do i install audio drivers21:49
wililupyQuestion: looking at trying to port flexswitch from deb to snap, but not quite sure where to start with this. It is built from a bunch of python scripts that download other git repositories and debian dependancies, and then builds it into a nice debian package, but not quite sure how to best approach this for snapcraft.21:53
mupPR snapcraft#746 closed: Release changelog for 2.15.1 <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/746>21:59
tvossokay, calling it a day22:00
tvosshave a nice weekend everyone22:01
sabdflwililupy, hi22:16
sabdflthings that are very easy to snap are things which can be built, installed and run in a developer home directory as a non-root user22:18
sabdflthat's unlikely to cover flexswitch though, but it's useful to keep in mind that the main areas to look out for are:22:18
sabdfl - where you read and write files (the run-from-$HOME test is really about whether you need to write all over the root filesystem)22:19
sabdfl - how much you poke at kernel or other structures (in your case i suspect you are working with networking structures)22:19
sabdflin the first case, a snap by default gets versioned and unversioned data directories, for a user and for the system (so thing of it as a 2x2 grid)22:20
sabdflby versioned we mean "backed up automatically on upgrade"22:20
sabdflwhich is part of the transactionality22:20
sabdflsay you are a game, you would not version the common data files (images) but you would version the saved game history etc22:21
sabdflin the flexswitch case i suspect you have relatively little local data so just version it all would be my recommendation22:21
sabdflbut you'll need to be able to tell flexswitch to use $SNAP_DATA to write in22:22
cjwatsonahoneybun,mhall119: looks very clearly like a software-center-agent bug - please file it as a bug against that22:22
cjwatson[2016-08-19 01:31:38,129: DEBUG/Worker-3] "POST /unscanned-upload/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None22:22
cjwatson[2016-08-19 01:31:38,324: DEBUG/Worker-3] "POST /dev/api/snap-push/ HTTP/1.1" 202 None22:22
cjwatson[2016-08-19 01:31:38,622: DEBUG/Worker-3] "GET /dev/api/snaps/tIrcA87dMWthuDORCCRU0VpidK5SBVOc/builds/06ba2029-8c39-47ff-b862-cb4ca81a5db0/status HTTP/1.1" 404 None22:23
sabdflon the second front, there are what are known as "interfaces" which define security access profiles22:23
sabdfland there are probably already all the interfaces you need to snap up flexswitch22:23
cjwatsonso SCA returns a status URL that it then later claims doesn't exist, which is pretty bad form of it22:23
sabdflsince quite a few networking snaps already exist22:23
cjwatsonqengho: ^- FYI - can't have been the thing you suggest about needing to register it first, because that would have failed much earlier in the process22:23
sabdflwililupy, make sense?22:23
sergiusenscjwatson interesting, I was assured that we only got a response once the url existed22:26
cjwatsonsergiusens: that is definitely how it should be.  there's got to be a race somewhere here22:26
cjwatsonsergiusens: my first guess would be something to do with multiple appserver units but it'll take some trawling through logs22:27
cjwatson(which I'm not going to try to track down after 11pm on a Friday, sorry!)22:27
wililupysabdfl that does. This application includes the modules for a specific kernel, which adds a "twist" to it, but I like a challenge.22:32
ahoneybunmhall119, on a site note I have the gi dir in stage/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ now22:53
ahoneybunmm same error though...22:54
ahoneybunnew yaml : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23071795/22:56
ahoneybunmight be a new pithos release by the time I get this to work lol23:01
sergiusenscjwatson I am in no hurry at all ;-)23:12
mupPR snapd#1692 closed: asserts: add serial-proof device assertion <Created by matiasb> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1692>23:23
ahoneybunman this error is kicking my but23:31
ahoneybunI made the a python file with the same import and it works with no error23:31
ahoneybunso I might be missing a package, or the snap is looking in the wrong place23:31
naccahoneybun: what's the error you are getting now?23:35
ahoneybunsame one23:36
ahoneybunImportError: No module named 'gi'23:37
ahoneybunwhole error23:37
ahoneybunI can run a python file like that with no problems on the sustem23:37
naccahoneybun: in your snap's squashfs (unsquashfs -l might help list contents), is the gi module present? Is your app for some reason trying to use python2 rather than python3?23:38
ahoneybunthe depends are python323:39
ahoneybunI see something about gi in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages in stage23:39
ahoneybunyaml file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23071837/23:40
ahoneybunI'm following the deps of the package to build from source and what it needs from apt23:44
naccahoneybun: ack, looking at it locally to see if i can help23:44
ahoneybunthanks nacc23:45
nacctaking a while to cleanbuild due to the number of deps, i think23:47
nacc / my home network being unreasonably slow23:47
nacchrm, my build failed with http://paste.ubuntu.com/23071850/, which i've run into before due to locale sutff23:50
ahoneybunlooks like local issue23:51

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