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pittiGood morning05:14
ricotzSweet5hark1, hi, while you are not pushing your packaging changes and therefore I can't push mine, here is a serious problem I ran into https://paste.debian.net/plain/790383 (this rogue comment breaks this command)06:30
willcookemorning all07:56
willcookeSweet5hark1, thanks for the LO FTBFS reports.   Sounds like you're having fun ;)07:57
Sweet5hark1willcooke: yes. see ricotz1 comment from  1:30 hours ago though. It _might_ be LibreOffice itself still after all. At least there is a glimmer of hope for that.07:59
* Sweet5hark1 tests that right now.07:59
Sweet5hark1Laney: heya!08:03
Laneyhey Sweet5hark108:04
Laneydid you win yet?08:04
LaneyTrevinho: I didn't see it before - try trunk?08:04
Sweet5hark1Laney: against the buildds? not yet, but ricotz is giving me hope ...08:05
Laneyhow are you?08:05
seb128hey willcooke Sweet5hark1 Laney08:06
willcookehey seb128 Laney08:06
Laneyhi willcooke et seb12808:06
Laneyhow's it going?08:06
Laneyhappy friday too08:07
Laneyit is raining!08:07
willcookeThe rain is here08:07
Sweet5hark1Laney: and ricotz scares me a bit: the thing should have broken the build ~always AFAICS, but for some reason it worked. And that stuff is in there for _two years_ already.08:07
Sweet5hark1seb128: heya ...08:07
willcookeGolf competition tomorrow and it's forecast for 45 mph winds08:07
Laneyhope you are good at compensating08:08
seb128it's not raining here yet but they forecast rain starting in the afternoon, which is unfortunate I was supposed to play after work :-/08:08
Sweet5hark1Laney, willcooke: hah, good of you to take the rain for a few days. Here it was a miserable summer the last weeks, but now its better (because you took the rain for a few days, I guess).08:09
Laneyit was our turn08:09
willcookeI think we're getting all our rain for the rest of the year in the next 24 hours08:09
Laneyi'm happy actually08:09
pittihey Laney, good morning!08:10
pittihello willcooke08:10
Laneythe water butt outside is empty08:10
pittibonjour seb128 !08:10
pittifinally, some life here :)08:10
LaneyAND i don't have to go to the allotment to water it08:10
Laneyhey pitti!08:10
seb128yeah, like it's not going to rain between august and decembre in u.k, riiiiight08:10
seb128rather ;-)08:10
seb128salut pitti! comment ça va ?08:10
davmor2willcooke: just drive the vw in a straight line you'll be fine it's small enough not to be affected by the wind.......what do you mean not that Golf there a game too08:11
seb128pitti, I'm up for a while, just doing quiet email catchups&co until u.k wakes up and IRC starts being active ;-)08:11
pittiseb128: j'ai encore une rhume, mais ça va, merci08:11
seb128oh :-(08:11
seb128repose toi bien !08:11
Sweet5hark1oh, nous entre l'heure du petit dejeuner francais!08:12
Sweet5hark1^^ imagine that with a bad german accent in addition to the broken grammar.08:13
pittinon, c'est trop tard -- mais bien sûr c'est toujours l'heure de la glace :-P08:13
pittiI just submitted a talk proposal for FOSDEM08:14
pittimissed the deadline the last three years, so 2017 it is!08:14
willcookedavmor2, :))08:14
Laneyoh wow, this is early08:15
Sweet5hark1all btw: let me repost https://twitter.com/maemst/status/766334568941096960 here because it is such awesome good news.08:15
pittiLaney: CfP ends in October, so still time; but I don't want to miss it again :)08:15
pittiSweet5hark1: PoC ≠ Proof of Concept in this case, I figure?08:16
Sweet5hark1I mean 863K CHF is some good funding. On can actually solve quite some problems with that amount of money.08:17
pittiSweet5hark1: this is a good day to die! err, "to deploy FOSS"!08:17
Sweet5hark1pitti: I think PoC is proof of concept here. so they actually might add more funds later.08:18
Sweet5hark1pitti: OTOH they are not commiting to migrating to LibreOffice/Linux with that yet. Just to spend up to 863K CHF to find out if that is workable. IMHO thats good: Its a serious budget and it doesnt say "with this budget you must be completely on FLOSS in the end or its a failure". Just with this budget you must be able to tell us if we should move to FLOSS in the end.08:21
TrevinhoLaney: I would try trunk... Let me see08:22
TrevinhoMorning by the way08:23
seb128hey Trevinho!08:23
pittiSweet5hark1: that sounds workable indeed -- I suppose they want the answer in about a year, so this is like 8 well-paid full-time jobs for a year08:23
pittiwell, "normally paid" for .ch :)08:23
* Sweet5hark1 is willing to tell a lot of folks they should move to FLOSS for 863K CHF.08:23
Sweet5hark1pitti: yep08:23
Trevinhoseb128: hey, how is it?08:24
seb128Trevinho, good! you?08:24
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, allright... Although waking up at 5 to watch the beach volley final wasn't a great choice unfortunately :-(08:25
seb128oh, why, feeling too tired now? or was the match not good?08:26
TrevinhoNo, we've lost it 😢08:26
LaneyTrevinho: pretty sure you want https://github.com/hughsie/appstream-glib/commit/1feb3abbe56661d83ee798d9ad98e49cfd52526708:27
LaneyTrevinho: and hi!08:29
TrevinhoLaney: yep, that's the one... Can you backport it?08:29
TrevinhoLaney: Yes... Ciao!! ;-)08:29
ricotzSweet5hark1, I doubt this will fix the build failure on yakkety, it is a more subtile break where the envars before the comment as really needed10:45
ricotzSweet5hark1, did you got complaints about the removal of systray-support aka quickstart (gtk2 only)?11:21
Sweet5hark1 ricotz: wrt quickstart: nope. isnt visible on Unity desktops anyway ...11:29
desrtand good morning to all11:33
Laneyhi de$rt11:35
desrthow did you know that i sold myself to microsoft?11:36
Laneyi was thinking ke$ha11:36
Laneybut that works too11:36
Laneyhow's it going?11:37
willcookemorning desrt11:39
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desrthello willcooke11:42
ricotzSweet5hark1, ok, rene disabled/dropped it with 5.211:47
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seb128hey desrt12:07
desrthello seb12:07
LaneyTrevinho: you can try your unity build again12:11
Guest53425hi, I need some help with a drive mounting problem, my external hard drive is now mounted with both HDDname and HDDname1 and if I try to open the original it says permission denied12:32
Guest53425I have some seeding torrents that have paths that point to the HDDname (original) drive, so how could I fix that without having to go through each torrent and manually changing path?12:33
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TrevinhoLaney: thanks, it seems to go now13:26
seb128good for some exercice but the rain starts, bbiab13:34
LaneyTrevinho: nice13:41
ximionLaney: you *think* you build Unity in Ubuntu?13:58
ximionhow can you not know what you build? :D13:58
LaneyI didn't build it13:58
LaneyTrevinho just told me about it13:58
ximionfor some reason hughsie and I simultaneaously decided to throw out bad releases of AppStream :P13:59
ximion(although I am leading in bug-count right now)13:59
ximion(yay! :P)14:00
jibelcyphermox, can you have a look at bug 1611010, very frequent14:02
ubot5bug 1611010 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "yakkety desktop - non-english installation crashes with /plugininstall.py: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161101014:02
cyphermoxjibel: yeah, already aware of it, but it's a complicated issue14:04
ximionLaney: can't look at NMUs right now, because of $travel, but will do that later14:05
Laneyximion: can reschedule if you want14:05
Laneywhere are you $travelling to?14:06
ximionto some friends in Bonn (who are visiting the gamescom in Cologne) and then to my parents14:06
ximionreschedule might be useful, I would like to have the changes in Git so Git and what's in unstable don't differ14:07
Laneyone of my school friends is posting pictures from the gamescom14:07
ximionbut actually, we could also just let it in and I will import it into Git later14:08
Laneyk, well I attached the git patch to the bug14:08
Laneyunless you have the ACLs on pkg-packagekit set up sensibly (i.e. so DDs can push) :)14:08
ximionI don't think that's the case14:08
* ximion didn't even create the team14:08
Laneyseems not14:08
* Laney runs dcut ftp-master reschedule -f appstream-glib_0.6.1-1.1_source.changes -d 014:10
Laneytrying to think how to do this langpack thing in a sensible way btw14:11
Laneycurrently thinking of some kind of hook facility14:11
Laneyso backends can add their sauce14:11
ximionyeah, that is probably the best way to do it14:21
LaneyI wonder how to do it though14:31
Laneywithout having to keep lots of things in memory14:31
willcookethis -gtk-scaled thing is horrible14:54
willcookeI'm going word blind14:54
willcookeLaney, should I use -gtk-scaled in places like this as well?14:57
willcooke    border-image: url("assets/backdrop-combobox-button.png") 10 12 10 1 / 10px 12px 10px 1px stretch;14:57
Laneywillcooke: I think you only need it when there's an @215:08
Laneybut haven't used it myself, so can't be sure15:08
willcookeright, there is a @2 for that one, but just not sure how to put it togther in that example15:08
willcookewould it be something like:15:08
willcooke-gtk-scaled(url("blah",url("blah@2")) 10 12 10 1 / etc15:09
willcookealso:  is there some kind of checker I can run over these new files, I've gone copy & paste blind and might have missed a few commas etc15:10
Laneyhmm, not sure, probably15:10
Laneygtk should tell you if there's a syntax error15:10
Laneyif you launch something15:10
Laneywillcooke: thanks for the effort, sorry it's so lame a task15:15
willcookeLaney, aint no thing.  Happy to be contributing.  It makes for a pleasant change away from slide decks and trello boards15:18
willcookeI'll give it a go anyway and can undo if it breaks15:19
bschaeferTrevinho, got a fun looking compiz bug for you15:42
bschaeferTrevinho, http://i.imgur.com/VSCQZq3.jpg15:42
Trevinhohey bschaefer15:43
bschaefer(offset/origin messed up?) Notice the screenshot rendering of the desktop is correct15:43
bschaeferTrevinho, also hello!15:43
Trevinhonot that fun.. :-)15:43
TrevinhoMmhmh, hikiko ^ ?15:43
bschaeferTrevinho, it flashes a bunch15:43
bschaeferthis was the first time it actually *stopped*15:43
bschaeferbut it goes from okay to crazy offset/origins15:44
bschaeferTrevinho, i assume its late for her15:44
Trevinhobschaefer: yeah, it should be... but hopefully she'll see the log on monday15:44
bschaefercool yeah15:44
Trevinhobut... yeah, is eems some camera issue15:44
Trevinhobschaefer: how is input going?15:44
bschaeferTrevinho, doing gamma atm :)15:45
bschaeferTrevinho, unless i mis understood that question :)15:45
Trevinhobschaefer: no, I meant.... in your bug :)15:47
bschaeferTrevinho, haha input is fine15:47
bschaefersoo if drag the cursor15:47
Trevinhobschaefer: what you do when you press the corners, is the input respecting what you see or  no?15:47
bschaeferit stops at the *bottom* of the perceived edge15:48
bschaeferTrevinho, the input behaves as if the rendering is the correct region (ie. if i move my cursor to the bottom of the hardware it goes to the top)15:49
bschaeferas if its still in the screen15:49
bschaeferTrevinho, ive had this happen with and with out workspaces15:49
bschaeferon yakkety15:49
bschaefer(two different intel machines)15:49
Trevinhobschaefer: is that happening always=?15:50
TrevinhoI mean, do you have a way to reproduce it?15:50
bschaeferTrevinho, no it happens randomly sadly :(15:50
Trevinhoa specific one... or just it happens?15:50
bschaeferseems to happen when typing...15:50
bschaeferor opeing a menu15:50
bschaeferor switching workspaces (but doesnt need to have those for it)15:50
* Trevinho after winning another battle with a new x11/gtk race, calls this a week...16:15
Trevinhohave a nice WE everyone16:15
bschaeferTrevinho, have a good weekend!16:15
Trevinhothanks bschaefer, you too16:15
willcookecya Trevinho16:16
willcookeUbiquity in Y has lost the right alignment of the "skip" box when copying files.16:27
willcookeKnown issue?  Maybe because of theme work?16:27
seb128Trevinho, have a nice w.e!16:28
seb128Trevinho, just being curious but what bug was that?16:28
seb128willcooke, not know afaik and likely gtk/theming yes16:29
willcookeseb128, it'll have to wait to next week now, up to my shoulders in hidpi copy & paste hell. :)16:31
seb128good luck with that... and thanks for working on it!16:31
willcookebut basically, the "skip" box is now tagged on the end of the text and moves backwards and forwards as the string lengths change16:32
willcookeseb128, I'm winning on the theme.  Just got some more 3.0 to do and then on to 3.216:32
seb128I see what you mean, I wonder if that's really new16:32
willcookethen I need to run it through a parser or something to find all the typos I made and fix them :)16:32
seb128oh, Laney send the ff email, official now16:33
seb128we should start making a list of things we didn't manage to land and might want16:33
seb128like new gstreamer16:33
seb128new gnome-software?16:33
seb128superm1 hey, was there any discussion with robert_ancell about updating fwupd? I guess that blocked on updating g-s? we couldn't backport that work if we don't update g-s?16:34
superm1seb128: i'm missing context here16:34
seb128superm1, sorry, I'm mostly wondering why is "there is a fix upstream"  for months but we don't get the version with the fix16:36
superm1this in relation to xenial or yakkety?  and to a particular issue to solve?16:36
seb128bug #158958516:36
ubot5bug 1589585 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Software tab Installed refreshing endlessly every 2 seconds" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158958516:36
seb128and we just hit ff16:36
seb128I was sort of hoping somebody would update before ff16:36
seb128that's the context ;-)16:36
superm1so no concern on my side uploading a newer fwupd to yakkety16:37
superm1i was actually planning to do that once 0.7.3 is released16:37
seb128I assumed you didn't do it for a reason16:37
superm1but will be blocked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsmbios16:37
seb128I though the reason was that it needed g-s 3.22 and we still have 2016:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1603072 in libsmbios (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsmbios" [Undecided,New]16:38
superm1sorry that16:38
seb128ah ok16:38
seb128it's assigned to jdstrand16:38
seb128jdstrand, ^ is that MIR on your backlog?16:38
seb128superm1, do you think we could backport the fix the usb thing to 0.7 otherwise? would be nice to get in the LTS in any case16:39
superm1seb128: it is a pretty big change16:39
superm1seb128: i would rather bring the whole newer version of fwupd to LTS than try to backport just that change16:40
seb128but that needs new depends apparently16:40
superm1well that's for a different reason, but yes16:40
superm1lots of things going on in parallel really16:40
superm1the newer fwupd can flash non ESRT UEFI devices like TPM and docks16:41
superm1but so i think the order of events i'm hoping can pan out:16:42
superm11) that MIR is approved16:42
superm12) newer fwupd is released16:42
superm13) upload newer fwupd to yakkety16:42
superm14) upload newer g-s to yakkety16:42
superm15) bake all that and when it's known to be good backport to LTS16:42
superm1and that will solve that issue, add teh support for the extra devices in one swoop16:42
seb128that sounds like a good plan to me ;-)16:42
seb128we might need some ffe for that though16:43
superm1i had no idea it would take jdstrand this long on the MIR16:44
superm1otherwise I would have been pushing for the newer fwupd release upstream and get this ball rolling sooner16:45
seb128yeah, things are a bit crazy with snappy for him16:45
seb128and MIR teams is sort of DoS-ed atm with unity8 stack reviews16:46
superm1can it be assigned to someone else who's got the cycles maybe?16:46
jdstrandwhat mir?16:50
jdstrandif it is assigned to me, that is wrong16:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1603072 in libsmbios (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsmbios" [Undecided,New]16:50
superm1mterry assigned it16:50
* mterry looks16:51
jdstrandit should go to ubuntu-security16:51
mterryyeah that's fine16:51
jdstrandso then ratliff and or ty hicks can get it assigned16:52
seb128Laney, have a nice w.e!17:02
Laneyand you17:02
* Laney is going to go fly his spaceship around17:02
willcookeseb128, fyi I think I'm about half way through now:  https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/hidpiicons17:22
willcooketried to push at logical intervals so that we can unpick the broken stuff more easily ;)17:23
seb128k, enough for this week17:33
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers!17:34
willcookehave a good one!17:34
willcookenight all17:34
superm1Laney: since you're uploading in debian, would you mind including the patches for appstream-glib referenced at the end of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appstream-glib/+bug/1591868 ?18:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1591868 in appstream-glib (Ubuntu Yakkety) "fwupd consuming 100% CPU" [Medium,Confirmed]18:59
superm1they need to be SRU'ed into xenial too19:00

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