
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
deefi already asked for my problem with my BQ M10, which doesn't connect to some WIFI networks, but nowhere I can find something pointing at the problem06:10
deefanyone with the same problem over here?06:11
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kaisozhi there :)07:25
dufludeef: Yes there's a regression in OTA-11 and OTA-12 that makes it fail to connect to some networks that have long passwords (like mine). It's fixed in OTA-13. Or to work around it start on OTA-10 to set up your wifi before upgrading07:25
MCMicduflu: How good news I noticed there is a wifi I can’t connect to, maybe it’s this bug I’ll have to try this with OTA-1307:27
dufluYeah if you flash your device with --revision=NNN where NNN is the build number of OTA-10 for your device then you can work around it. Then upgrade to newer OTAs without problem07:28
dufluOTA-13 is due next week in theory \o/07:29
duflu"Expected 2016-08-24" https://launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+milestone/1307:35
robinheroduflu, this was the expected ETA, but they postponed OTA-12 with one week, and the will postpone OTA-13 with one week too. there's no official release date, but it will be the first-second week of September08:03
duflurobinhero: Yes I said "due" and the page says "Expected", which has not been updated to reflect any delays. But delays are normal08:04
zzarrhow do I install Qt 5.6 in a schroot?08:25
zzarrdo I install landing 024?08:32
deefmaybe a silly question but how do i install OTA 10 starting from OTA 12?09:25
deefor downgrade in other words?09:25
popeydeef: system-image-cli has command line options to do that directly on the device09:28
popeydeef: or ubuntu-device-flash can do it from the pc09:28
davmor2deef: why?09:28
deefmy new bq m10 ubuntu touch OTA 12 does not connect to my wifi at home, elsewhere it does09:29
deefthis is a known issue apparently in 11 and 1209:29
popeyyou could move to the rc-proposed channel09:30
deefso I have to use 10 to connect to my wifi09:30
popeywhich is newer, and apparently fixes the issue09:30
popeyrather than go backwards09:30
deefhow do I do that popey?09:30
popeysystem-image-cli has an option to change channel too :)09:30
deef(quite new into linux sysadmin)09:30
popeyon the device, in the terminal, do this:- (however, this will move you to the daily builds channel which may break - they generally don't and aren't for end users)09:32
popeyyou could switch back to the stable channel once OTA-13 is out though09:32
popeysudo system-image-cli --switch ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en09:33
popeythat's what my m10 is running09:33
deefok i ' try that one popey09:35
dufludeef: Note that using rc-proposed is less stable than the 'stable' channel. If you want a fix for the stable channel you need to start with OTA-10 and configure wifi before upgrading09:35
dufluHmm, although in this case it's both less 'stable' and less buggy09:36
iolc_observingMorning guys, ive managed to get boot started on the port I'm working on but seem to be snagging somewhere near the lxc container and also getting adbd working. I'd really love to just get adbd working at the moment. Could anybody give me a little help please?09:37
popeyjohn-mcaleely: ^ do we have anyone who could help?09:38
john-mcaleelypopey, the best bet is ondra. I think he is doing the august-holiday thing at the moment09:38
john-mcaleelyiolc_observing, popey, maybe abeato would also know how to get adbd alive?09:40
john-mcaleelybut if not, it's wait for ondra, I htink09:40
iolc_observingthanks guys09:40
abeatoiolc_observing, are you using the development adbd?09:41
deefduflu: can you give me the command to go to OTA 10?09:42
dufludeef: Just a sec09:42
iolc_observingI have it showing in lsusb but no adb09:43
deefduflu: ok thx!09:44
dufludeef: Is it frieza or coller?09:44
dufluOh, same command either way09:44
dufludeef: OTA-10 is stable image #2 so:   ubuntu-device-flash --revision=2 touch --channel=ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris-pd.en ....09:44
yutioHey guys I'm new here.. I would like to port ubuntu-touch for a board namd ham.(Lenovo Zuk Z1)It runs Qcomm SD 801 and Adreno 330..(like nexus 5 I guess) .. It has official cyanogen support too.09:45
zzarrI have some issues with OTA-12 as well (came in OTA-11) I have to click the hotspot slider many times before the icon appears09:46
zzarrand some times the phone hangs after I have ended a call09:46
iolc_observinghere's my latest dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069643/09:46
abeatoiolc_observing, maybe you will need to modify adb related jobs in /etc/init/09:47
abeatoiolc_observing, trying to make sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/23069657/ gets executed in all cases09:48
mardyjgdx: hi! is the ubuntu-system-settings not installable on s390x? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-090/+build/1063750009:48
yutioCan you guys get me started09:49
yutioThat porting guide is somewhat vague09:49
iolc_observingThank you abeato09:50
abeatoiolc_observing, do you have access to recovery image? a trick we use some times is to write stuff in the filesystem while starting ubuntu, then check what was written from recovery09:51
iolc_observingYes, i do have access to recovery09:52
abeatoiolc_observing, so that is an option too :) , you just have to mount userdata to see what was written09:53
iolc_observingbrilliant, thank you09:53
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
abeatoiolc_observing, taking a look at your dmesg output it seems that it is not finding adbd:09:58
abeato[    9.852160] init: Failed to spawn adbd main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory09:58
abeatomake sure it is executable09:58
abeatoand check the path09:58
iolc_observingabeato: thank you10:01
deefcannot install ubuntu-device-flash due to lock, ... howto avoid that one?10:02
abeatoyutio, what would you like to know?10:02
dufludeef: You system is doing a background update. You just need to wait a while and then it will work10:06
* duflu -> weekend10:06
ogra_abeato, thats not the init you are looking for (thats the android one)10:06
ogra_(we explicitly removce the in-container binary before container startup to avoid clashes with the ubuntu adbd, but not the init.rc lines for it, so that message is normal)10:07
abeatoogra_, oh, right, forgot that.  iolc_observing, that message seems to be normal ^^10:09
ogra_iolc_observing, you need to change the /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.conf job on the filesystem and chane the "start on" line (try making it "start on startup" or some other early job)10:09
iolc_observingawesome, thank you ogra_10:12
iolc_observingthanks for the help guys, really appreciate it. All the Best10:21
mcphailAre the bluetooth connectivity fixes scheduled for OTA13 already in rc-proposed?10:47
popeymcphail: do you have a bug ?10:59
mcphailpopey: yes - I'm one of the unluck many on the "can't connect to car bluetooth" megabug11:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1435040 in bluez (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Phone does not connect to car-bluetooth" [High,Confirmed]11:09
mardyseb128: hi! Is System Settings installable on s390x?11:14
* popey wants to know what phone mardy has which is powered by s390x11:14
popeyand what the battery life is like11:14
mardyseb128: I cannot build OA for s390x in yakkety, it looks like a dependency is missing: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-090/+build/1063750011:14
popeymcphail: doesn't look fixed11:15
mardypopey: BQ s390x edition, battery life is good, it lasts more than one minute when fully charged ;-)11:15
mcphailpopey: hokay. Ta. I'll try to be patient!11:16
popeymcphail: poke pmcgowan when he's about, he knows status of all things11:16
mcphailpopey: it's fine. Was just wondering whether to risk a reflash just now or await updates11:17
mcphailpopey: if we get working bluetooth _and_ owncloud calendar sync in OTA13 I'll be chuffed11:17
kal_cividFajdidahi, es posible instalar #ubuntu-touch en un huawei? donde descargary algun manual para instalar?11:26
oSoMoNMirv, do you happen to have a working yakkety machine/VM ?11:30
oSoMoNI’d like to test something for bug #1613258 but I can’t install a yakkety VM, the installer keeps crashing11:31
ubot5bug 1613258 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "signal 4 ILL_ILLOPN in webbrowser-app tests (glibc upgrade?)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/161325811:31
mcphailHmm. Did a wipe/reflash to OTA12 (having been lurking on OTA10.5) and I can't phablet-shell to my device. I'm getting "Permission denied (publickey)" on my client and "error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" in /var/log/auth.log on the device. Am I doing something wrong? I have the correct pubkey in the authorized_keys file in /home/phablet/.ssh11:42
MirvoSoMoN: plenty. couldn't you just build in a silo?11:42
oSoMoNMirv, well I don’t wanna test a fix, I want to test whether a simple oxide webview can be displayed by qmlscene11:43
popeymcphail: it has a popup these days on the device to allow phablet-shell access11:44
popeyyou may need to disable / re-enable dev mode11:44
popeyand have it unlocked when you try to shell in11:44
mcphailpopey: yes -allowed the popup11:44
popey(to see it)11:44
popeyhm, odd11:44
mcphailI'll try disable/reenable11:44
MirvoSoMoN: oh right, you'll need proposed then, I don't want to upgrade to that but I've lxc here that is such11:45
MirvoSoMoN: not 100% sure if then in lxc I get everything in identical way, but sure enough it does not start: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23070058/ - it does not exit at that point, just hangs in there without displaying anything. eg a QtWebkit browser however works11:47
mcphailnope. Still denied. Do I need to "android-gadget-service enable ssh" to get phablet-shell working? I don't think I had to in the past11:47
oSoMoNMirv, that looks very similar to the webbrowser-app build failure, which seems to confirm it’s a bug in oxide11:47
oSoMoNthanks for testing!11:48
MirvoSoMoN: you're welcome!11:48
robinheroguys, where can I find the Camera config files? I'd like to delete it11:54
robinheroI thought it is there: .local/share/11:54
robinherobut can't find it11:55
robinherofound it, it is under .config/com.ubuntu.camera12:00
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seb128mardy, check on #ubuntu-ci-eng, they have been deleting binaries on s390x because upstart is missing which makes u-a-l and others missing as well12:05
mardyseb128: thanks12:06
seb128mardy, btw I confirmed the desktop only account facebook/win is too small thing on yakkety, unsure if you saw my comment on the bug12:07
mardyseb128: yes, unfortunately I cannot test it because I get an oxide crash...12:07
seb128hum, k12:07
mcphailpopey: solved the phablet-shell issue. Looks as if DSA keys are now disbaled by default on the _client_ 16.04 machine. Time to update my keys on 100000 servers...12:40
kaisozI'm having a look to this bug from the band-aids project12:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1378814 in Canonical System Image "greeter does not properly update infographic after unlock" [High,Confirmed]12:49
kaisozI would like to work in this bug...is this going to be fixed?12:49
alecukaisoz: due to the age of the bug, it sounds like nobody is working on it.12:50
alecupete-woods: do you know who worked in the UI side of infographics?12:50
alecupete-woods: kaisoz wants to cut his teeth on some simple tasks, so he's looking at bugs in band-aids-uphone12:51
pete-woodsalecu: right, I can't remember the guy's name, but he doesn't work at Canonical any more12:52
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popeymcphail: ahhh, that's an issue I had on my home server too!12:52
alecukaisoz: so yes: please assign it to you, and mark it as in progress12:53
alecukaisoz: it does sound like a good place to start12:53
kaisozthanks alecu :)12:53
alecukaisoz: I know that pete-woods worked on the backend of infographics, so please ping me or him if you need any help.12:54
kaisozperfect :)12:54
pete-woodskaisoz: I did some refactoring work on the early QML code for the infographics, but I think the code has changed hands several times since then12:55
pete-woodsso it might not look like anything I was familiar with12:55
kaisozthx for the info :)12:57
kaisozI'll have a look at the code and let you know if I need some help :)12:57
kaisozhave to go, see u later!! :)13:03
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mcphailI've flashed rc-proposed, and my wifi connection doesn't seem to be getting DNS. How can I debug this?13:43
mcphailI can ping and access sites by address, but not by name13:43
pmcgowanawe, ^^13:59
awemcphail, there's a longstanding bug that sometimes dnsmasq may not respond properly to dns queries when switching from WiFi to mobile data ( or visa versa )14:01
mcphailawe: can i poke it back into life?14:01
aweit should just start working by itself14:01
awemcphail, what device are you running?14:02
mcphailawe: krillin (bq4.5)14:02
mcphailawe: had it on wifi for an hour with no connection14:02
mcphailawe: back to 36 -> instantly worked14:02
mcphailBack to wifi -> nada14:03
awethat's odd.  so the phone showed it was connected to your AP, but no DNS14:03
aweand it never recovered...14:03
awehave you tried another AP for comparison?14:03
mcphailawe: don't have access to another just now, but selected "forget network" and readded with no improvement14:04
aweif this is reproducible, then the best bet is to file a bug and start capturing the details there...14:04
awemcphail, do you have other devices working with the same AP?14:04
mcphailawe: yes - everything else working OK14:04
aweis this is a new AP?14:05
aweor was your phone working fine with it, and then started acting up?14:05
mcphailawe: new for the phone, as it is a reflash today. Was working OK this morning before the flash14:05
mcphailawe: was on OTA 10.5 at that point, though14:05
awebut rc-proposed, right?14:06
mcphailawe: rc-proposed since the flash, yes14:06
aweAFAIK, there's been nothing related to dns released, but I'll go ahead and flash my krillin to check14:06
mcphailawe: thanks!14:07
awethe last NM release we made, fixed a specific issue with WPA passwords14:07
awe( unless someone else has been playing around with dnsmasq )14:07
awepmcgowan, ^^???14:07
pmcgowanawe, dont think so, will look14:08
pmcgowan10.5 was a long time ago though14:09
mcphailHmm. Working now. That's about 20 minutes from when I switched back to wifi14:18
mcphailAnd it has failed again...14:22
pmcgowanmcphail, bug #127018914:23
ubot5bug 1270189 in Canonical System Image "Ubuntu Touch devices are using cellular DNS servers over wifi connection" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127018914:23
pmcgowanawe, anything to grab for that?14:23
pmcgowanmcphail, thats a very old bug, although perhaps somehow made worse with recent nm upgrade14:24
awepmcgowan, doubtful14:24
awethe only thing we touched recently was the timeout for passwords14:24
mcphailpmcgowan: don't think that would explain why name resolution keeps switching on and off14:24
pmcgowanawe,  he went from 10 to 12, so never ran on 11 if I understand it14:25
awepmcgowan, I'll flash an image, but in the middle of something else right now14:25
mcphailpmcgowan: I had name resolution for a minute there, but then it stopped working again as I was browsing14:25
pmcgowanawe, so this is first experience using nm 1214:25
awemcphail, have you checked from the command line14:25
awethis could be browser related14:25
mcphailawe: yes14:26
mcphailawe: can ping but not any names14:26
mcphailawe: for a moment, though I _could_ ping names when the browser was working14:26
mcphailawe: then both stopped14:26
awemcphail, intermittent DNS isn't something I've seen before14:26
aweso again, I'll try and reproduce as soon as I have a moment to do so14:27
aweI need to reflash my krilling14:27
aweit'd be helpful if/when you get a chance14:27
aweto see if this occurs with all APs, or just a specific AP14:27
aweand then as mentioned above, file a bug14:27
mcphailawe: I probably won't be near another AP I can connect to for a couple of days, but I'll try then14:28
awedavmor2, have you seen any issues with WiFi DNS with recent proposed images?14:28
awemcphail, ok14:28
davmor2awe: nope14:29
mcphailI'm going to go out to pick up the kids from school. Will see if I pass any public APs on the way14:30
davmor2awe: I've seen it if a page is still loading and I move out of range and it flips to modem then nothing loads in browser, unless you close the session and reopen but that is a real pain to reproduce14:31
davmor2awe: that is a proper racy issue that might happen one in a thousand times14:32
awedavmor2, sure.. . in this case, it's not flipping, it's working, then not working, then working14:32
aweall on WiFi14:32
davmor2awe: yeap don't think I've seen that in a very long time14:33
mcphailI passed a supermarket on the way to the school. I could log on to their wifi captive portal (was redirected to the logon page) but I didn't want to give them my credentials to get beyond the portal. Don't know if that meant I got DNS or not, though. Certainly, it had a name in the address bar15:14
mcphailI'm quite happy to make this rw and install dig/traceroute/whatever you think could help debugging15:15
Pixel_i have a sdl2 game, does anyone know if gamepad support is available?15:20
Pixel_it's pretty simple, i need to control the game with a game controller15:21
mcphailPixel_: I'd guess it should be. bschaefer did the SDL code and would probably know15:21
popeyas I said on telegram, you wont have access to the joystick devices15:21
popey /dev/js0 etc15:21
popey(I have tried this already)15:21
* bschaefer reads backlog15:22
Pixel_popey,  :(15:22
bschaeferfor sdl215:22
bschaeferwell last time i tried joysticks it worked on mir... but15:22
bschaeferthey talk directly to the devices (not mir)15:22
Pixel_it also works with libertine15:23
Pixel_but i need it for Fishy Shooter15:23
bschaeferwell popey has tested more then i have :) but i've not tried on U815:24
bschaeferonly on a mir demo server like a year or so ago15:24
Pixel_ok then, i guess i'll open a bug report15:25
popeyi have a multi-mode joystick, it works in keyboard mode, but not in js mode, not tested recently but I dont think anything has changed recently15:25
popeyalso didn't you make this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM9vDDc29P815:25
popey"Ubuntu Phone keyboard, mouse, gamepad test15:25
popeyPopescu Sorin15:25
bschaeferi mean SDL2 does the joystick on its own15:25
popeyPixel_: happy to test a click if you want15:25
bschaefertheres no mir code that does this since SDL2 does all the talking to the joysticks/gamepads15:25
popeyi have a bunch of controlers here15:25
* bschaefer only has one15:26
bschaeferbut theres a15:26
bschaeferPixel_, in SDL2/tests15:26
bschaefertheres a controller test15:26
bschaeferyou can use as well15:26
bschaeferbut you said it works on libertine (x11)15:26
bschaefersoo hmm15:26
bschaeferthat is strange15:26
Pixel_popey, i did, but it only shows that the gamepad is powered (leds are on :P)15:26
popeydoes the latest fishy have joystick support?15:27
bschaeferPixel_, you should test testjoystick if you can (in SDL2/tests/testjoystick)15:27
Pixel_popey, yes15:27
bschaeferas all that does is joysticks15:27
Pixel_only for left/right dpad keys15:27
Pixel_and you need to plug the game controller before starting the game :>15:28
Pixel_bschaefer, i have a cheap gamepad :D and sdl2 complains that is unknown or something15:28
bschaefero ... dang well15:28
Pixel_bschaefer, i installed steam, configured the game controller and exported the configuration15:29
Pixel_still nothing15:29
popeyxbox360 is the one to test15:29
popeyits well supported15:29
Pixel_export SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG="03000000ff110000313300001:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,"15:29
Pixel_popey, yep, xbox, ps15:29
* bschaefer tested with xbox360 and it worked a bit ago :(15:29
popeycheck dmesg15:29
popeyapp probably trying to talk to /dev/js0 or /dev/joystick or something15:30
bschaeferbut sadly, this would be 100% sdl2 issue (vs mir/u8) likely?15:30
* bschaefer checks source code15:30
Pixel_bschaefer, SDL_NumJoysticks() returns 115:31
Pixel_but SDL_IsGameController(0) returns false15:31
bschaeferPixel_, but this controller works 100% fine on X11 SDL2?15:32
Pixel_bschaefer, mine, nope :D it's the same on X1115:32
Pixel_it worked well with sdl 1.215:33
Pixel_i am not sure what changed in 2.x15:33
bschaeferPixel_, this is how they add joysticks :| http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070509/15:33
bschaeferthey iterate through 32 devices and check if its a supported joystick i assume15:33
bschaefersoo it seems to detect that its a joystick15:33
bschaeferit might not be pulling correctly or assuming something incorrect (data its polling out of device)15:34
bschaeferannd it does some ioctl stuff... with the device15:34
bschaeferPixel_, but yeah this is a bug for SDL215:34
bschaeferand you should write down what game controller you have15:34
bschaeferin a bug report (https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/)15:35
Pixel_it's a cheap controller :d "Serioux"15:35
bschaeferPixel_, sdl1.2 ---> sdl2 is a huge difference a lot of things were re-written15:35
bschaeferPixel_, you can always dig around in SDL2/src/joysticks/linux/*.c to figure out *where* its failing15:36
Pixel_bschaefer, yeah :D btw.. the controller worked in steam big picture15:36
bschaeferbut i assume that device isnt supported for some assumptions on SDL2s part15:36
Pixel_it said that it never heard of it and i should upload the configuration but it worked15:36
bschaefersteam uses X11 not SDL2 yet :(15:36
bschaefer(steam client wise)15:36
Pixel_oh :D15:36
* bschaefer hopes one day :)15:37
Pixel_hehe :D15:37
bschaeferPixel_, but you can see the check if its a joystick is a little low level: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23070515/15:37
Pixel_that would be nice :)) i can turn my tablet into a game console15:37
bschaeferthey are talking directly to the device15:37
bschaeferwhich is ... usually not good for multiple device support :)15:37
bschaeferbut if its showing up as a joystick it must be the polling of data out of the device thats failing (soo its like half supported)15:39
Pixel_bschaefer, canonical should send Ryan a tablet or a phone LOL :P15:40
* bschaefer did the SDL2 porting for mir :)15:40
bschaeferthough still needs some work15:40
Pixel_bschaefer, thanks for help, i have to go out for a while now15:41
=== Pixel_ is now known as Pixel_AW
bschaeferPixel_, np! Good luck with that!15:41
dobeymcphail: that sounds like you did not get DNS. That is, all DNS lookups resolve to the captive portal IP16:44
dobeymcphail: if you could get around the portal by just typing IPs though, it sounds like they didn't built the portal very well :)16:45
kaisozhi there16:59
Elleobschaefer: should SDL2 work with the SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL flag on mobile platforms? having a quick poke around with the urho3d engine which should support GLESv2, but I get errors from the mir backend about it being unable to get a valid egl pixel format when trying to create the SDL window17:17
bschaeferyeah it should17:18
bschaeferElleo, IIRC theres an issue with it trying to use actual gl vs gles17:18
bschaeferbut i thought i disable-video-opengl17:18
bschaeferfor armhf17:18
Elleobschaefer: ah, urho3d bundles its own copy of SDL that gets built with it, so I probably need to do that for its build too17:19
bschaefero possibly yeah17:19
bschaeferyou could also attempt to LD_PRELOAD=/other/sdl2/lib17:19
bschaefer(as long as they didnt break ABI or anything crazy with theirs)17:19
Elleobschaefer: okay, will have a play; I think they statically link SDL into their engine, so I'd guess the LD_PRELOAD stuff wouldn't be an option17:24
bschaefero that wouldnt be good17:25
bschaeferElleo, you could check17:25
bschaeferjust in case :)17:25
* bschaefer isnt sure if thats open source but if it is you can attempt to set the configure flag --disable-video-opengl17:25
Pixel_bschaefer, hey :D managed to make SDL2 detect my gamepad :>17:33
bschaeferPixel_, nice!17:33
bschaeferwhat was the issue?17:33
Elleobschaefer: yeah, it's open source, I've got it building without opengl now17:33
bschaefernice, hopefully that was the issue!17:34
bschaeferElleo, since on armhf sdl2 just checks in gl/gl.h or w/e exists17:34
bschaeferit just checks the header to enable opengl support17:34
bschaeferwhich it gets installed with the .... (some package forgot)17:34
Pixel_bschaefer, the bindings17:35
Pixel_bschaefer, so i added     SDL_GameControllerAddMapping("03000000ff1100003133000010010000,serioux,a:b2,b:b3,y:b1,x:b0,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");17:35
bschaefero the first part was wrong?17:36
* bschaefer has no clue what that binding really does :)17:36
bschaeferbesides config (i assume some device id?)17:36
bschaeferor header for the bytes17:36
Pixel_bschaefer, so SDL2 detects the gamepad, but doesn't know the bindings, configuration? the buttons layout17:37
Pixel_from what i understand17:37
Pixel_i had to use steam big picture to generate the GUID?17:37
bschaeferthat makes sense, the only difference i see between then one you pasted was the17:37
bschaefervs 03000000ff11000031330000117:37
bschaefero you add some more17:38
* bschaefer doesnt know much about joysticks :)17:38
Pixel_same here :)17:38
Pixel_i'm a graphic designer btw :))17:38
Pixel_i code for fun17:38
bschaefero nice!17:38
Pixel_i'm not a coder17:38
bschaeferwell that makes sense to need the GUID to read from the device17:38
bschaefersdl2 kind of has a very hacky joystick support (reading the code)17:39
bschaeferbut idk if theres a good joystick device library anyway17:39
Pixel_hehe :D17:39
bschaefersoo :)17:39
Pixel_when i "cat /dev/input/event13" and press the keys on the gameplad17:40
Pixel_i see stuff on the screen :))17:40
Pixel_like some ascii stuff17:41
Pixel_probably that's the gamepad17:41
bschaefercat should just print the bytes that are coming in17:41
bschaeferannd sdl2 will interpret that into actual *data817:41
bschaefer*data* that you can set to BUTTON_X etc17:41
Pixel_um.. now let's try on the phone :D17:42
Pixel_nope :/17:49
Pixel_oh well :D i have to run again17:50
=== Pixel_ is now known as Pixel_Aw
Elleobschaefer: http://i.imgur.com/eJSsJxH.jpg <-- works! thanks :)19:18
bschaefero thats awesome!19:18
bschaeferhappy that fixed it!19:18
strixdioAny opinions whether I should get a Nexus 5 or a OnePlus 3? Not sure which is likely to be supported longer.19:22
dobeystrixdio: well the oneplus3 doesn't have a working port yet at all i don't think19:59
dobeystrixdio: just don't try to buy whichever nexus 5 i try to buy20:00
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
mimecarhi SebthreeBQM10HD21:38
SebthreeBQM10HDmimecar, hi22:04
mcphailI am _so_ close to getting a background IRC service working...23:32
mcphailI've got a quasselcore service running on the phone, which does not die on screen-off. The quassel client on the store can connect to it, but by gosh it is a clunky arrangement23:34
mcphailI can read messages on the device, but can't seem to send23:35
Acou_Bassmcphail: thats cool to know ;D i saw the quassel client in store and it looks nice23:38
mcphailAcou_Bass: it needs a bit of polish. No way to configure connections etc from the client23:39
Acou_Bassahh hmm23:39
mcphailIf anyone wants to play with it, you can download it from http://themcphails.uk/quasselcore.njmcphail_0.1_armhf.click . You need to run it on your phone (it will never "launch" - just keeps spinning) then connect and configure from a client on your PC. After that, you can install the quassel app from the store and connect to it. Really clunky...23:41
mcphailmcphail_quassel: ping23:42
Acou_Basssadly my nexus 4 is running sailfish right now or id love to give it a test ;P23:44
mcphailTraitor! ;)23:44
Acou_BassBUT one of the reasons i switched is because ubuntu lacked a good IRC client... so your work may change that xD23:45

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