zequence | Ok, the build worked. I pushed the fix to Debian | 05:50 |
zequence | OvenWerks: I'm uploading the source for ardour to our dev-testing ppa. So, ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/dev-testing | 06:12 |
zequence | Would be good to test it for other errors. I only made sure it started pretty much, but I think the desktop files are not updated yet, and there may be other things as well | 06:13 |
zequence | Will notify the mail list, once the build is finished, so hopefully we can catch all the major problems before next week | 06:23 |
zequence | OvenWerks: Did you hear falktx is going to take over maintenance of jack1 from las? | 08:03 |
zequence | trebmuh: Thanks for the bugfix tip. Though self evident, also spared me a bit of time. But, I'm sure there are other problems. Not sure yet, but the desktop file probably needs to be updated | 11:40 |
zequence | The package doesn't seem fully ready to be released IMO. Shouldn't be up in unstable in this state | 11:40 |
trebmuh | zequence, no worries, glad it helped | 11:57 |
trebmuh | zequence, what doesn't sound good for you in the desktop file ? | 11:57 |
trebmuh | https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-multimedia/ardour.git/tree/debian/ardour.desktop | 11:57 |
zequence | trebmuh: Yes, that looks alright. I didn't get one after my install on Debian, and was a little surprised by the binary being called ardour5 | 11:59 |
zequence | Could be there are other problems. I quickly checked plugins and that seemed to work as it did on ardour4. | 12:03 |
zequence | I mean, I probably got the desktop file (but I never checked the dir, which I should have done). Didn't appear in the menu (which is another problem) | 12:04 |
zequence | It has happened before with ardour specifically that the desktop file was not done right (early ardour3, I think) | 12:04 |
OvenWerks | zequence: I was aware falktx was going to become new jackd1 maintainer yes. Jackd1 will probably get dbus added to it shortly. (this would indicate to me that Cadence will be able to control it) | 14:14 |
OvenWerks | zequence: ppa:ubuntustudio-dev/dev-testing is that for x or y? (do I need to install a Y iso to test? | 14:15 |
zequence | OvenWerks: I uploaded both y and x to that ppa. Was not sure that x would build, but it seems it was fine. | 15:17 |
zequence | Hopefully jack1 will make jack2 obsolete and we only need one jack | 15:18 |
zequence | Good move by las in the end, I think. | 15:18 |
zequence | Well, of course, remains to be seen. But, one can be hopeful. | 15:18 |
OvenWerks | zequence: I saw the email, I will test today. | 15:33 |
zequence | OvenWerks: I guess it looks alright. It's the plugin you mentioned that had a bug then. | 18:09 |
zequence | If 5.1 appears in Debian in good enough time we could do a sync-request | 18:11 |
OvenWerks | zequence: That shouldn't have kept it from building running, just sounds bad. In a stereo use the tail went to one side and the early reflections to the other | 18:11 |
zequence | Ok. Good to know. If 5.1 is not synced I may do a patch for it, if no one else beats me to it. | 18:12 |
OvenWerks | zequence: 5.1 may come quite quick (it may be 5.2 to avoid confusion that it supports 5.1 surround (which it does not on it's without plugins) | 18:12 |
zequence | Oh, right | 18:12 |
OvenWerks | s/it's/it's own/ | 18:12 |
zequence | Another build failure, but this time it's libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 causing it. One would hope it is fixed by tomorrow. | 18:42 |
zequence | Or, at least very soon. | 18:42 |
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