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purukumiguden,  hätte mal ne frage zum bootvorgang meines laptops, habe die bootzeit mal gestoppt und die liegt bei etwa 50 sek. bis zum login-screen und etwa 1:30 min bis zum desktop..habe dann mal im terminal mit dmesg geschaut was denn so lange dauert und habe festgestellt, dass das bluetooth etwa 40 sekunden gebraucht hat, hab es dann in /etc/rc.local durch den befehl rfkill block bluetooth ausgeschaltet (und im bios ebenso)..habe00:33
purukumihochgefahren und es dauert immernoch genauso lange, in dmesg zeigt er mir 30 sekunden an - was allerdings nicht wirklich stimmt --ps.sorry für langen post :P00:33
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HoolaHoopWhat exactly i this "unatende" process which runs as root which sometimes locks package management ? I cant seem to find out what it is and why it locks the lock file04:26
HoolaHoopfor package management with apt04:26
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kubuntu1I have a kindle mtp device I noticed that on kubuntu 16.04 it only detects the kindle in USB mode on complete reboot not if I unplug and replug in the device09:25
kubuntu1how to fix ? It looks like something in KDE09:25
kubuntu1ANy idea why this happens09:29
kubuntu1funny the kindle is detected on reboot but not on plug n play09:47
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qwandorhi... I've just upgraded my mum's computer from Kubuntu 14.04 to 16.04, and now whenever she logs in plasmashell crashes and she gets a blank screen (just showing the desktop image, nothing else)11:37
qwandorthe problem seems to happen for all users, even a freshly added one, so it's not caused by any config under /home11:37
qwandorshe sees "We are sorry plasma closed unexpectedly, Executable: plasmashell PID: 4207 signal: segmentation fault 11"11:38
qwandorI'm trying to debug remotely over a (slow) SSH connection11:38
qwandoranyone seen this before? or any ideas of things I can lookat11:38
qwandorI see messages like "Executable: plasmashell PID: 4207 signal: segmentation fault 11" in .xsession-errors, not sure if that is related11:39
qwandorit looks like it crashes and is restracted a few times then gives up11:41
DottorLeosomeone here has a laptop with Intel+nVidia combo? how is your experience?11:45
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BluesKajhiyas all13:32
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seelecan someone help with uefi booting? the dell and ubuntu instructions dont seem to work15:12
seelewhen i boot the installer secure boot isnt giving me disk access to install15:13
BluesKajsessel, disable secure boot if possible in the uefi/bios, also fast boot if that's enabled15:34
ghostcube_hi folks, just installed 16.04.01.  automatic driver detection isnt working.16:18
ghostcube_any known workarrounds?16:18
acheronuksudo apt-get install apt-xapian-index && sudo update-apt-xapian-index16:23
BluesKajacheronuk, hope he doesn't get the bug update-apt-xapian-index has on my pc16:29
acheronukBluesKaj: not had a problem with it here on xenial or yakkety16:29
BluesKajif you pc have more thn 2 cpu cores ghostcube_ , then you probly won't notice it16:30
BluesKajyour has16:30
BluesKajacheronuk, then your cpu is probly more current than mine16:31
acheronuknot seen it running excessively on any core, and I do pay attention to anything that does16:33
BluesKajacheronuk, do you use muon?  not discover, I mean the original which I use as a package reference16:39
BluesKajthat could be the culprit from what I've read, muon and synaptic16:40
acheronukI use synaptic, and it will run it briefly to update the index, then stops16:43
ghostcube_hmm the xapian install was for me?17:06
ghostcube_if so it didnt bring any effect17:07
ghostcube_BluesKaj: its an old core2duo that i upgraded to more ram and new grafic. but the install hasent changed anything for the driver detection17:08
ghostcube_systemsettings is just buggy as hell here crashes very often17:09
ghostcube_kmenu couldnt be opened if any other window is in focus.17:16
ghostcube_or even not minimized17:16
ghostcube_hmm ok strange behaviour. if any window is opened i cant use any of the mini apps inside the plasma panel. its just not staying opened17:26
ghostcube_is this caused by any option in the settings for the effects or something in this direction?17:26
ghostcube_uh got it17:28
ghostcube_prevent focus stealing  ... if set to high it wont work17:28
ghostcube_acheronuk: worked after another xapian update18:19
acheronukghostcube_: good :) should be fixed in yakkety so you don't have to do that, but not sure how long will take to get to xenial18:21
ghostcube_but the focus stealing prob is more pita :D18:29
user|79495I am looking for a Kubuntu iso file for USB18:38
user|79495I checked on unetbootin18:39
user|79495they have not the lates version..help..18:39
BluesKajthe kubuntu iso will work on both disks and usb , there' no special iso for usb, user|7949518:40
BluesKajuse disk creator, it's more reliable than netbootin. if you're on windows use rufus18:41
user|79495I am a newbee, I have tried for load down on unetbootin18:42
user|79495but I do not see there 16.04 version for download..18:42
user|79495I am on a linux version18:42
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I use unetbootin all the times18:45
user|79495do I have to download that on packetmanager18:50
user|79495thank you18:53
ranuJust download the *.iso and use dd18:54
ranuIs super easy and you don't have to bother with the fs18:55
ranuIt is*18:55
BluesKajranu, agreed but dd is dangerous for new users18:57
user|95019Hey, I want to switch from Windows to Linux, is there any Software for Linux to encrypt the hdd (used diskcryptor)19:40
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Dragonsliceruser|95019- there's an option during Kubuntu's installer to encrypt your home drive19:45
DragonslicerYou can also use LUKS to create encrypted hard disk partitions19:46
DragonslicerSorry, meant home directory19:47
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caliculkHello, I just went to try out Kubuntu 16.04.X on my laptop and initially, I had a working Wireless Driver installed while in the demo mode (prior to installation). After installation, my wireless driver is not installed and no longer shows up when running lspci. This is running on a Lenovo Yoga Pro 13" model (the original one, not version 2 or 3). Was wondering if anyone knew where I need to start from here to just get wireless working. It22:42
caliculklooks like that is the ONLY thing not working as far as I can tell.22:42
ahoneybunubuntu-driver command can list them22:43
ahoneybunI think the Driver Manager is a but broke22:43
ahoneybunthere is a fix, can't remember it22:43
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caliculkahoneybun, alright, but ubuntu-driver ONLY lists intel-microcode when running "ubuntu-drivers list"23:02

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