=== RajRajRaj_ is now known as RajRajRaj [09:27] dzień [09:50] hi there pk peeps [09:57] hello [09:57] anyone there [09:57] hi ahmed_bilal [09:57] in debian/ubuntu there is no /etc/inittab it works differantly [09:58] hi kilos [09:58] what do you want to do ahmed_bilal [09:59] maybe pavlushka has an idea [09:59] nothing just was reading about runlevels in linux [09:59] oh [09:59] i personally dont care what they change as long as it works well [09:59] Hello Kilos , Hello ahmed_bilal ! [09:59] hehe [09:59] so i thought to share it with u ppl. if somebody can give more explanation to that. it will be nice [10:00] hi pavlushka [10:00] hi there pavlushka [10:00] pavlushka your say on /etc/inittab not in debian/ubuntu but in rehhat [10:00] 16.04 uses systemd i think [10:00] so things have changed [10:01] ok [10:01] 16.04 ubuntu ? [10:01] yes [10:02] whatever they did everyone says everything is quicker [10:02] ahmed_bilal: I just tested a bit, the RedHat [10:02] i am still on 14.04 kubuntu [10:02] systemd resides in /etc [10:03] ok pavlushka [10:03] anything u add about this pavlushka. will be greatful [10:03] kilos you may plz add [10:04] all that stuff is too technical for me ahmed_bilal i am an irc greeter bot [10:04] ok Kilos [10:05] i am a diesel mechanic and farmer [10:05] still learning about computers really [10:06] pavlushka and researcher are the clever ones here [10:07] ok but they not here most of times [10:07] Kilos: [10:07] Researcher is here more during the day from work [10:07] ok [10:08] ahmed_bilal: debian is the upstream of all that uses .deb packages or debian architecture and Redhat is the upstream of all distro that uses .rpm packaging, so different distro's have slightly different conf but debian and Redhat are almost two different poles in GNU/Linux world [10:08] so their differences are a bit more in the conf. [10:08] bbl [10:09] ok both debian and redhat uses init as startup process? [10:09] pavlushka [10:10] ahmed_bilal: yep but in a different manner and they have different groups of developers who might deviate, :0 [10:10] :) [10:10] oh k [10:10] hehe some times you have to be patient with him too ahmed_bilal , he likes doing many things at once [10:11] Kilos you refering towards pavlushka? [10:11] yessir [10:11] and when i am slow to answer i am most likely outside doing some farm chores [10:19] cool Kilos [10:25] ok [10:27] oh ahmed_bilal i think the other thing ubuntu switched to was MIR [10:29] wts that Kilos? [10:32] QA tell ahmed_bilal http://askubuntu.com/questions/307095/what-is-mir-and-why-is-it-important [10:32] Kilos: Righto, I'll tell ahmed_bilal on freenode [10:35] .s [10:35] Sentencja na 233. dzień roku: „Można by się zamknąć w łupinie orzecha i czułbym się królem nieskończonych przestrzeni, gdyby nie dręczyły mnie złe sny. (William Shakespeare)” [10:35] .tr :pl :en Sentencja na 233. dzień roku: ?Można by się zamknąć w łupinie orzecha i czułbym się królem nieskończonych przestrzeni, gdyby nie dręczyły mnie złe sny. (William Shakespeare)? [10:35] Saying 233. day of the year: ?It would be possible to close in a nut shell, and I am king of infinite space, if not let me rest, a bad dream. (William Shakespeare)? [10:37] hi lubmil [10:37] hej Kilos === lubmil is now known as lub` [13:17] lub`: [13:17] Kilos: [13:18] .tr :pl :en hek [13:18] hek [13:18] .tr :pl :en hej [13:18] hi [13:18] hej Linox [13:18] hej lub` [13:20] hejka rajRajRAj [13:20] .tr :pl :en hejka [13:20] hi [13:21] .tr :en :pl how are you lub` and whats going on [13:21] jak lub co się dzieje [13:21] .tr :pl :en to takie prawie hej [13:21] these are almost hi [13:22] HEJka [13:22] .tr :pl :en siema [13:22] hi [13:22] siemasz [13:22] .tr :pl :en RajRajRaj : gdzie ty mieszkasz? [13:22] RajRajRaj : where do you live? [13:23] .tr :en :pl make a guess [13:23] założenie [13:24] .tr :pl :en nie wiem [13:24] don't know [13:24] .tr :en :pl guess [13:24] myślę [13:24] .tr :en :pl three guesses [13:25] .tr :pl :en wydawało mi się że w Indiach, ale chyba pomyliłem osoby [13:25] trzy próby [13:25] it seemed to me that in India, but I guess I messed up man [13:25] .tr :en :pl india is right [13:25] Indie to prawo [13:25] .tr :en :pl why u so afraid of guessing [13:25] dlaczego tak boisz się zgadywać [13:25] .tr :pl :en bo ciężko zgadnąć [13:25] .tr :en :pl anyways [13:25] because it's hard to guess [13:25] metronom [13:26] .tr :pl :en jest tyle państw na świecie [13:26] many countries in the world [13:26] .tr :en :pl you guessed it right in the first time, see its not hard [13:26] można się domyślić, to właściwie po raz pierwszy, zobaczyć jej nie jest trudne [13:26] .tr :en :pl anyways, so where are girls from your country :P [13:26] tak oto, gdzie dziewczyny z kraju :P [13:27] Polska? [13:27] .tr :en :pl have you met any indian yet [13:27] można spotkać indian jeszcze [13:27] Ameryka [13:27] .tr :pl :en Polska [13:27] Russia [13:27] -.- [13:27] .tr :pl :en Ameryka [13:27] America [13:28] Polska - Poland [13:28] .tr :en :pl why you tell these country names [13:28] dlaczego mówicie te nazwy [13:28] lol [13:28] .tr :en :pl so where are poland girls :P [13:28] więc gdzie Polska dziewczyny :P [13:29] .tr :pl :en no już nie trzymaj mnie w niepewności [13:29] come on, don't keep me in limbo [13:29] .tr :en :pl in what? [13:29] w czym? [13:29] ;/ [13:29] .tr :en :pl whats linbo [13:29] co linbo [13:29] .tr :en :pl whats limbo [13:29] że limbo [13:29] .tr :en :pl limbo [13:29] limbo [13:30] .tr :pl :en niepewność [13:30] uncertainty [13:30] .tr :en :pl oh [13:30] oj [13:30] .tr :en :pl so where are girls from poland in irc :P [13:30] gdzie dziewczyny z Polski do IRC :P [13:31] .tr :en :pl do you have a girl friend :d [13:31] masz chłopaka dziewczyna :d [13:31] .tr :pl :en polskie dziewczyny rzadko ircują [13:31] Polish girls rarely ircują [13:31] .tr :en :pl whats your profession by the way [13:31] kim jesteś z zawodu, przy okazji [13:31] .tr :en :pl why polish girl rarely ircują [13:31] dlaczego polka rzadko ircują [13:31] .tr :pl :en teraz nie pracuję, bo jestem inwalida, więc na rencie [13:31] I'm not working because I am disabled, so retirement [13:31] .tr :en :pl have you met any indian in reality [13:32] można spotkać indian w rzeczywistości [13:32] .tr :en :pl oh retirement, so you have a wife or not? [13:32] o emeryturze, więc masz żonę czy nie? [13:32] .tr :pl :en ale kiedyś pracowałem jako nauczyciel matematyki i potem jako informatyk [13:32] but when I worked as a math teacher, and then as a programmer [13:32] .tr :en :pl cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [13:32] cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool [13:32] lol [13:32] .tr :en :pl cool [13:32] super [13:32] super [13:32] .tr :pl :en wiem. [13:32] I know. [13:32] .tr :en :pl super [13:33] super [13:33] haha [13:33] .tr :en :pl supper [13:33] kolacja [13:33] .tr :pl :en teraz będę spał bo w nocy oglądałem mecz Polska - Dania [13:33] now I'm going to sleep, because the night watching match Russia - Denmark [13:33] .tr :en :pl so why you join irc? [13:33] dlaczego więc dołączy do IRC? [13:34] .tr :en :pl oh my god you live in denmark? [13:34] Boże mój, ty mieszkasz w Danii? [13:34] .tr :en :pl whats the time [13:34] whats czas [13:34] nie [13:34] .tr :en :pl ? [13:34] ? [13:34] .tr :pl :en ja jestem Polak [13:34] I am a Pole [13:34] .tr :en :pl a pole? [13:34] polak? [13:35] .tr :en :pl lol a pole is made of iron [13:35] lol słup wykonany z żelaza [13:35] .tr :pl :en ale na olimpiadzie był mecz w piłkę ręczną polska - dania [13:35] but at the Olympics was the handball match Russia - Denmark [13:35] jaka kurwa russia [13:35] RajRajRaj: and 'Pole' also means 'Polish', when talking about the person [13:35] dania = denmark, right? [13:35] ChiefJustice: oh ok [13:35] you should have googled it [13:35] :P [13:35] :D [13:35] still, afk [13:35] ok [13:36] .tr :en :pl ok i get it you are polish [13:36] ok ja rozumiem, że nie polski [13:36] o, ChiefJustice się ujawnił [13:36] tak, i mnie nie ma [13:36] mój osobisty tłumacz :D [13:36] bo jestem zajęty [13:36] więc afk [13:36] .tr :pl : en o, ChiefJustice się ujawnił [13:36] : en, ChiefJustice himself showed [13:36] .tr :pl :en tak, i mnie nie ma [13:36] Yes, and I do not [13:37] * RajRajRaj .tr :pl :en mój osobisty tłumacz :D [13:37] .tr :pl :en mój osobisty tłumacz :D [13:37] my personal translator :D [13:37] .tr :pl :en bo jestem zajęty [13:37] because I'm busy [13:37] .tr_ChiefJustice [13:38] .tr :en :pl dude why are you always busy on irc, what do you do here [13:38] stary, dlaczego ty zawsze jesteś zajęty pracą na IRC, co tu robisz [13:38] ChiefJustice: wytłumacz panom, że w nocy u nas był mecz i polazłem spać o 3:30 więc muszę teraz odespać [13:38] .tr :en :pl does he even understands afk? [13:38] czy on w ogóle rozumie AFK? [13:38] .tr :en :pl ChiefJustice: wytłumacz panom, że w nocy u nas był mecz i polazłem spać o 3:30 więc muszę teraz odespać [13:38] ChiefJustice: pana wytłumacz, że w nocy u nas był mecz ja polazłem spać o 3:30 więc тераз ale odespać [13:38] what the help [13:39] heck* [13:39] .tr :pl :en ChiefJustice: wytłumacz panom, że w nocy u nas był mecz i polazłem spać o 3:30 więc muszę teraz odespać [13:39] ChiefJustice: explain, gentlemen, that yesterday evening we had a match and I went to bed at 3:30 and what am I supposed to sleep [13:39] .tr :en :pl he is afk, away from key board [13:39] jest AFK, z dala od klawiatury [13:39] .tr :pl :en zatem dobranoc :) [13:39] so good night :) [13:40] .tr :en :pl why you always busy here lub` , what do you do here [13:40] dlaczego zawsze jesteś zajęty lub` , co tu robisz [13:40] .tr :en :pl have you been to denmark? [13:40] byłeś w Danii? [13:40] lub`: [13:40] lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: lub`: [13:40] :D [13:43] .tr :pl :en też tak umiem [13:43] I can do the same [13:43] raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj raj [13:43] o. [13:44] .tr :pl :en nie byłem w danii [13:44] I wasn't in Denmark [13:44] RajRajRaj: as he sad, he had been watching a match between Poland and Denmark, it ended at 3:30am, so he's going to sleep now [13:44] (in Poland it's 3:44pm right now) [13:44] .t CEST [13:44] Sat, 20 Aug 2016 15:44:35 CEST [13:44] ChiefJustice: oh my god he never said that [13:44] nie, pomiędzy brazylią a polską [13:44] przecież mecz był w brazylii [13:45] * RajRajRaj .tr :en :pl nie, pomiędzy brazylią a polską [13:45] RajRajRaj: he did [13:45] .tr :en :pl nie, pomiędzy brazylią a polską [13:45] my, pomiędzy brazylią w dostarczanych przez polską agencję prasową [13:45] 15:33 < lub`> .tr :pl :en teraz będę spał bo w nocy oglądałem mecz Polska - [13:45] Dania [13:45] he actually did [13:45] 15:33 < ChanSeba> now I'm going to sleep, because the night watching match [13:45] Russia - Denmark [13:45] ^ [13:45] but this stupid translator translates Poland with Russia [13:45] .tr :pl :en teraz będę spał bo w nocy oglądałem mecz Polska -dania [13:45] now I'm going to sleep, because the night watching match Russia-Denmark [13:45] nigth watching? [13:45] because (in the) night (I was) watching [13:45] lol, co ten .tr tłumaczy [13:45] -.- [13:46] yeah translator messes up the sentences [13:46] .tr :pl :en nie, pomiędzy brazylią a polską [13:46] no, between Brazil and Poland [13:46] but you can easily get the sense of it [13:46] :P [13:46] look [13:46] lmao [13:46] p"dostarczanych przez polską agencję prasową" ;] [13:46] .tr :en :pl dostarczanych przez polską agencję prasową [13:46] dostarczanych dostarczanych przez polską agencję prasową прцівниці agencję prasową [13:46] wykurwiam [13:46] I don't care about which match lubmil was watching [13:47] at night [13:47] if i had got the ence i wouldnt ask the stupid question [13:47] he was just watching something, he's tired, he's going to sleep [13:47] :P [13:47] .tr :en :pl I don't care about which match lubmil was watching [13:47] Nie obchodzi mnie, że mecz lubmil oglądałem [13:47] .tr :pl :en dostarczanych przez polską agencję prasową [13:47] polską [13:48] I've run out of cigarettes, eh [13:48] and where the hell is my watch [13:48] .tr :en :pl i think this channel should do the automatic translation from non-english to english for english people and for polish, non-polish to polish [13:48] myślę, że ten kanał powinien zrobić automatyczne tłumaczenie z angielskiego na angielski dla anglików i dla polskich, nie polski polski [13:49] no, lubmil should learn English instead of hanging here all the day [13:49] :P [13:49] lol [13:49] .tr :en :pl ChiefJustice> no, lubmil should learn English instead of hanging here all the day [13:49] ChiefJustice> nie, lubmil muszą się uczyć angielskiego, a nie wisieć tu cały dzień [13:50] if he had started month ago, today he would be able to speak it [13:50] how old are you ChiefJustice [13:50] 20 [13:50] and how did you learn polish by the way [13:50] because I'm Polish? [13:50] how did you learn english the [13:50] I've told you that not very long time ago [13:50] then* [13:51] well, we learn English at school [13:51] i thought you told me that you know polish [13:51] cool [13:51] since our primary [13:51] thats cool [13:51] .tr :en :pl lub` why didnt you learn english in school :P [13:51] lub " dlaczego ty uczysz się Angielskiego w szkole :P [13:52] probably because he has ended his school 40 years ago [13:52] anyway, here we ought to learn two foreign languages nowadays [13:53] I have been learning French for six years, yet I cannot speak it fluently on even basic level [13:53] but I understand it, somehow [13:54] ChiefJustice: so what you gonna be in future [13:54] a prosecutor [13:54] or a judge, or an attorney [13:55] we'll see in the future [13:56] lol in first glance i read [13:56] a prostitute [13:56] it doesn't even look the same [13:56] lol [13:56] .tr :pl :en RajRajRaj: ja już się nie uczę w szkole, bo mam 54 lata [13:56] RajRajRaj: I have not taught in school, because I have 54 years old [13:56] I think you're just aberrant :P [13:57] .tr :en :pl learn it now [13:57] nauczyć się go teraz [13:57] .tr :en :pl not too late till death :P [13:57] nie jest za późno, aż do śmierci :P [13:57] he is gona get angry now lol [13:57] a na chuj mi angielski.. [13:57] he will find million of excuses [13:57] lub`: bo zawsze znajdziesz jakąś wymówkę [13:58] ludzie starsi od Ciebie studiują na uniwersytecie [13:58] .tr :pl :en a na chuj mi angielski [13:58] :P [13:58] and fucking English [13:58] lol [13:58] znam go na tyle że z programami w kompie se radzę [13:58] RajRajRaj: „why the hell I need English” [13:58] .tr :pl :en lub`: bo zawsze znajdziesz jakąś wymówkę [13:58] or: because you will always find some garbage [13:58] s/garbage/excuse [13:59] .tr :pl :en ludzie starsi od Ciebie studiują na uniwersytecie [13:59] the elderly You are studying at the University [13:59] .tr :pl :en ja już studia dawno temu skończyłem [13:59] I have long finished University [13:59] people elderly than you study at the university* [14:00] oh [14:00] damn this translator [14:00] lub`: a gdybyś poświęcił dziesięć minut dziennie mniej na spamowanie z botami, to dzisiaj byś mówił po angielsku na podstawowym poziomie [14:00] :P [14:00] wszystko to wymówka [14:00] ale nie mam takiej potrzeby [14:00] .tr :pl :en aa gdybyś poświęcił dziesięć minut dziennie mniej na spamowanie z botami, to dzisiaj byś mówił po angielsku na podstawowym poziomie [14:00] Ah, if he spent ten minutes a day for spam bots, today would be speaking English on a basic level [14:01] .tr :pl :en wszystko to wymówka [14:01] everything is an excuse [14:01] if he spent 10 minutes on learning English instead of spamming with bots, today he would speak English on basic level* [14:01] ChiefJustice: wymóeka czego? [14:01] .tr :pl :en ale nie mam takiej potrzeby [14:01] but I have no such need [14:01] ChiefJustice: i got that one thanks [14:01] mnie się nie chce robić czegoś co mi niepotrzebne [14:01] ChiefJustice: mnie się nie chce robić czegoś co mi niepotrzebne [14:01] to skoro Ci niepotrzebne, to nie pisz z ludźmi :P [14:01] oops [14:02] .tr :pl :en mnie się nie chce robić czegoś co mi niepotrzebne [14:02] I don't want to do that for me once [14:02] RajRajRaj: „I don't want to do things that are unnecessary” [14:02] będę pisał, i co mi zrobisz.. ;> [14:02] (for him) [14:02] .tr :pl :en wymóeka czego [14:02] wymóeka that [14:02] s/wymóeka/wymówka [14:02] = an excuse [14:02] oh [14:03] .tr :pl :en to skoro Ci niepotrzebne, to nie pisz z ludźmi [14:03] that is, if You want, then don't write with people [14:03] .tr :pl :en będę pisał, i co mi zrobisz [14:03] I wrote, and what you can do [14:03] oh my god [14:03] „if you don't need it, don't write with others” [14:03] .p Zielona Gora [14:03] Zielona Gora, PL: 26.67°C, Lekkie zachmurzenie, 1014 hPa, wsch. 05:51:44, zach. 20:09:21, wiatr 1.03 m/s (202°), wilg. 38% [14:03] cold [14:03] „I will, and what you're going to do with it?” [14:03] yea i get the sense [14:03] :P [14:04] he is stubborn [14:04] somehow... [14:04] what kind of a thing he does with .p all the time [14:04] .p indie [14:04] Connaught Place, IN: 28.32°C, Bezchmurnie, 988.93 hPa, wsch. 02:23:25, zach. 15:24:46, wiatr 3.57 m/s (91.5038°), wilg. 84% [14:04] he checks weather [14:04] oh man [14:04] lol [14:04] i was like every time i am here he does that thing [14:04] he does it everyday for 3-5 hours when everybody is sleeping [14:05] lol [14:05] checks the weather, checks the time [14:05] searches the dictionary [14:05] * RajRajRaj .tr :en :pl raz dwa trzy cztery wylaczamy komputery [14:05] .tr :en :pl raz dwa trzy cztery wylaczamy komputery [14:05] raz DWA trzy w hotelu cztery wylaczamy komputery [14:05] oops [14:05] .tr :pl :en raz dwa trzy cztery wylaczamy komputery [14:05] one, two, three, four wylaczamy computers [14:05] and my backlog is everytime missing a lot of meaningful lines [14:05] backlog? [14:05] s/wylaczamy/wyłączamy [14:05] yeah, I've got a shell [14:06] .tr :pl :en raz dwa trzy cztery wyłączamy komputery [14:06] one, two, three, four turn off the computers [14:06] oh [14:06] i dont get it [14:06] when I disconnect, I'm still on the channel(s) [14:06] oh that blacklog [14:06] so when I'm back I can see what was going on [14:06] we dont call it backlog [14:06] we just call it logs [14:06] :P [14:06] it'd be rather called playback [14:07] yeah w/e but not backlog [14:07] backlog is meant for keeping items pending on you [14:07] s/you/yourself [14:07] anyways [14:07] this sis first time i saw him leave [14:08] was he angry, or he understood the humor and just left coz he was sleepy [14:08] s/sis/is [14:08] he usually leaves at 2-3am, he joins back at 11am, leaves 3-4pm and joins back again at 7-8pm [14:09] well, all elderly people can do is sleep all the time [14:09] :P [14:09] he left because he was sleepy, I think [14:10] he doesnt' get angry with anybody that easily [14:10] doesn't* [14:11] oh [14:11] cool [14:11] you know him very well :P [14:11] is he your grand pa :P [14:11] he isn't [14:12] lol [14:12] just kidding [14:12] he lives in Zielona Góra while I live in Cracow [14:12] :P [14:12] hmm [14:12] so do you meet any polish girls here [14:12] hi ChiefJustice [14:12] sometimes [14:12] hi Kilos [14:13] wooohooo sometimes [14:13] have you met any indian in real life ChiefJustice [14:13] sorry was reounding up sheep to lockup for the night [14:13] RajRajRaj: probably not [14:13] ChiefJustice: ok [14:14] one thing I know that's Indian is Queen-Indian Defense (and King-Indian Defense as well) [14:14] :P [14:14] the chess openings [14:14] what is that? [14:15] as I explained (I knew there would be a question on it), these are chess openings [14:15] the chess openings? [14:15] yeah, chess openings are usually named [14:15] o.o [14:15] after a famous player or just after a country [14:15] oh [14:15] like Sicilian Defense, Ruy Lopez... [14:16] Bishop Opening, Caro-Kann Defense... [14:16] you mean, starting with pawn that is infront of king = king diffeence ? [14:16] defence* [14:16] not at all :P [14:17] when you play e4, the pawn in front of king, the opponent can make a lot of moves [14:17] so what is king-indaian defence [14:17] when he plays, for instance, c5, it's called Sicilian Defense [14:17] oh [14:17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Indian_Defence [14:17] here you can see how it looks [14:18] ok [14:19] i see [14:19] you wanna play chess with me ? ChiefJustice [14:19] do you play chess? [14:19] oh, that's nice [14:19] yes i do [14:19] just for fun [14:19] not profesionally [14:20] I was about to say that I know one grandmaster from your country [14:20] Anand [14:20] yeah we all know him [14:20] :D [14:20] he was playing a match with Carlsen [14:20] vishwanath Anand [14:20] k [14:20] i dont watch chess games though [14:20] i used to play when i was a kid [14:20] anyways [14:20] wanna play now? [14:20] yeah, he's the one of the best chess players [14:21] how can we play? [14:21] do you have any idea? [14:22] ChiefJustice: ok are you aware of fics? [14:22] fics? [14:23] I mean, we can play, of course, but I'm asking how you want to do that :P [14:23] http://www.freechess.org/ [14:23] make an acocunt there [14:27] oh my [14:27] it needs java [14:29] ChiefJustice: no [14:29] ChiefJustice: just register [14:29] thats a global FICS account you can use it on any app [14:31] I need to install an app then [14:33] okay [14:33] installed pychess [14:33] I think I'm in [14:47] RajRajRaj: I've installed pychess, yet I need to go for a while, I'll be back soon, so we will play [14:47] as I can see, everything is working, so please wait a minute or two :P [14:47] ChiefJustice: ok [14:48] ChiefJustice: if you have an android phone i would suggest you a FOSS app [14:48] ChiefJustice: ok [14:48] ChiefJustice: let me know when you are in [14:48] okay, I will download it in the meantime [15:54] RajRajRaj: I'm back [15:54] ChiefJustice: cool [15:55] ChiefJustice: so you got your account activated? [15:55] yeah [15:56] downloaded Mobialia from Play Store [15:56] I couldn't find FOSS app :/ [15:56] anyway, Mobialia seems to work [15:56] I'm connected to FICS [16:02] ChiefJustice: wait [16:02] i tell u [16:02] okay :P [16:03] ChiefJustice: its calles chesss [16:03] called* [16:04] under MIT licence [16:04] it's accessible via Play Store? [16:04] ChiefJustice: jwtc.nl [16:04] ChiefJustice: not its not [16:05] ChiefJustice: its a free app [16:05] FOSS [16:05] you know foss right? [16:05] free and open source softwares [16:05] it's accessible via Play Store [16:06] I've found it :P [16:06] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jwtc.android.chess [16:11] cool [16:12] yeah thats the one [16:16] I'm connected [16:19] ok [16:24] wait [16:24] I'm waiting, I'm not going anywhere [16:24] :P [16:26] „Unfortunately, Google Play Services has stopped.” – thanks, I love to know that [16:26] -.- [16:39] ChiefJustice: challenge me [16:39] ChiefJustice: i m rajrajrajraj [16:39] what's your nickname? [16:39] okay [17:42] ChiefJustice: [17:42] you've lost your connection [17:42] What happened [17:42] Oh me [17:42] I thought u were lagging [17:42] I played 24. Rac1 [17:42] Haha [17:42] Whats that [17:43] and my phone said „black forfeits by disconnection” [17:43] Anyways play again? [17:43] Oh [17:43] rook from a1 to c1 :P [17:43] 24th move [17:43] I didn't notify me at all [17:43] I thought you were thinking [17:43] I though YOU were thinking [17:43] and well, to be honest, you were rather to win [17:43] Haha [17:44] Hmmm [17:44] I know :p [17:44] why didn't you take my rook instead of that bishop? [17:44] while my king was in check [17:44] I didnt want to loose my Knight [17:45] Play again? [17:45] Well later [17:45] I gtg make food now [17:45] yeah, definitely later [17:45] U play great though [17:45] Bye [17:45] I've made myself a coffee [17:45] now it's cold [17:45] :D [17:45] Lol [17:46] Cya [19:46] ChiefJustice: [19:46] QA: [19:46] RajRajRaj: Sorry... [19:47] QA: [19:47] RajRajRaj: What? [19:47] QA: lol [19:47] RajRajRaj: Huh? [19:47] QA: yo [19:47] wussup [19:47] QA: hi [19:47] hi [19:47] QA: hey [19:47] hoezit [19:47] pavlushka: [19:47] lubmil: [19:47] lubmil: [19:47] lubmil: [19:48] RajRajRaj [19:48] lubmil: [19:48] lubmil: [19:48] lubmil: [19:48] break; [19:48] Lol [19:48] .tr :en :pl lubmil play chess [19:48] lubmil grać w szachy [19:48] ChiefJustice: wanna play [19:48] nie [19:48] RajRajRaj: okay, let me log in [19:49] Ok [19:49] .tr :en :pl lubmil u coward [19:49] lubmil u tchórza [19:49] :p [19:49] Hehehe [19:49] .tr :en :pl lubmil u afraid of me :p [19:49] lubmil u mnie boi :p [19:49] .tr :en :pl yes [19:49] tak [19:50] RajRajRaj: 15 mins is enough? [19:50] or should I change it to 20, for example [19:50] ChiefJustice: ywah i guess [19:50] 15 is ok [19:50] U can set up gain like 2 sec or 5 sec [19:50] okay, good idea [19:51] are you connected already? [19:51] Yes [19:51] ok, so I'll send you a challenge proposal [20:04] zaki: [20:53] Badly lagging [20:53] you were disconnected [20:54] ChiefJustice: i challenegdd u again [20:54] Did u receive the challenge [20:54] blitz? [20:54] my God [20:54] it'd be too fast for me [20:55] ChiefJustice: blitz? [20:55] I don't think properly, my brain is shitty [20:55] Whats blitz [20:55] blitz, 5 min game [20:55] Oh [20:55] Can u do the challenge again [20:55] of course [20:56] I need to think more during the game [21:03] !pk wieczorny [21:03] lubmil: już już wykurwiam do kuchni po kawę [21:14] ChiefJustice: yeah [21:14] .tr :en :pl lubmil yo [21:14] lubmil yo [21:14] I've accepted your offer [21:14] ChiefJustice: i dont see it [21:15] .tr :pl :en 02:33:36 lubmil: już już wykurwiam do kuchni po kawę [21:15] Wth [21:16] .tr :pl :eb już już wykurwiam do kuchni po kawę [21:16] Mmmm, kurwa. [21:16] The pl to eb translation failed, sorry! [21:16] RajRajRaj: maybe try to connect again [21:17] ChiefJustice: it somehow works for u [21:17] ChiefJustice: u challenge me [21:17] .tr :pl :en już już wykurwiam do kuchni po kawę [21:17] already wykurwiam to the kitchen for coffee [21:18] ChiefJustice: are u able to challenge me [21:18] challenged [21:19] ,k [21:23] ChiefJustice: tired [21:23] it said you're disconnected [21:23] okay, I understand [21:24] I'm kind of tired too [21:24] Oh [21:24] That client is shitty [21:24] ChiefJustice: i dont see messages properly [21:24] are you using Ubuntu? [21:24] Bo [21:24] No [21:24] Its android [21:24] or any Linux distro? [21:24] Phone [21:24] Mobile [21:24] I mean, on a computer [21:24] !dk wieczorny [21:25] lubmil: smacznej kawy! :) [21:25] On laptop i have many os [21:25] Windows [21:25] maybe you should try to play via computer [21:25] Ubuntu [21:25] Rhel [21:25] I've installed pychess via terminal [21:25] Via conputer its good i know [21:25] and it works good, as I could see [21:25] Oh great [21:26] Isee [21:26] or try Mobialia, on freechess.com, when you access download page or something like that [21:26] Where is lubmil [21:26] it is said that on Android you can download Mobialia [21:26] Ok i will try mobiala [21:26] Lia [21:26] I'll give you the link [21:26] Mushkadiz: [21:26] K [21:26] hej muszka :) [21:27] hey RajRajRaj :) [21:27] witam lubmil [21:27] RajRajRaj: http://www.freechess.org/interfaces.html [21:27] the last bullet [21:27] lubmil: hey :) [21:27] Mobialia chess: A feature rich mobile client for Android devices. [21:27] Let me try thanks [21:27] hey hey raju :) [21:28] RajRajRaj: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alonsoruibal.chessdroid.lite [21:28] here's the link to Play Store [21:28] it'd be easier to access [21:28] :P [21:28] Yeah [21:28] lubmil: hey lub [21:29] .tr :pl :en ile razy jeszcze będziesz się witał.. [21:29] how many times do you have to.. [21:29] ChiefJustice: what kind of a name is lubmil [21:29] Lol [21:29] RajRajRaj: what do you mean? [21:30] .tr :en :pl lubmil hahaha [21:30] lubmil hahaha [21:30] you ask me what it means in Polish? definitely nothing [21:30] ChiefJustice: what is the meaning of lubmil [21:30] .tr :en :pl what kind of a name is lubmil [21:30] jakie imię lubmil [21:30] Oh [21:30] just a bunch of letters :P [21:30] Haha [21:30] .tr :en :pl lubmil what u doing [21:30] lubmil co robisz [21:31] .tr :pl :en gram [21:31] I play [21:31] .tr :en :pl play what [21:31] grać to, co [21:31] .tr :en :pl lubmil [21:31] lubmil [21:31] .tr :en :pl lub mil [21:31] lub mil [21:31] .tr :pl :en lub mil [21:31] or miles [21:31] .tr :pl :en gram w gry online z upjers.com [21:31] I play online games with upjers.com [21:32] .tr :en :pl lubmil those are kids game :p [21:32] lubmil jest to gra dla dzieci :p [21:32] .tr :pl :en ponadto piję kawę i wpierdalam chałwę [21:32] does anybody else play chess here? [21:32] in addition, I drink coffee and wpierdalam chałwę [21:32] I know RajRajRaj does [21:33] but if there is many people to play, we can do IRC tournament :P [21:33] Lol [21:33] Yeah [21:33] .tr :pl :en chałwa [21:33] halva [21:33] Halva? [21:33] Whats halva [21:33] there are* [21:33] Oh [21:34] ChiefJustice: chess is something real test of mind [21:34] definitely, but the 3rd and 4th game was terrible [21:34] Too much to think [21:34] Lol [21:34] Yeah [21:34] I used to resign, there was no game for me :P [21:34] I played like a monkey [21:35] I wonder how many we plaed [21:35] haha, it reminds me of something [21:35] RajRajRaj: seven games [21:35] Oh [21:35] You won 4 or 5? [21:35] Reminds u what [21:36] lubmil: hi [21:36] hihi [21:36] lubmil: :) hi [21:36] RajRajRaj: when there were no smartphones with Android, there were games with .jar extension [21:36] and there was a game called Grandmaster [21:36] Oh [21:36] What was that about [21:36] lubmil: hi [21:36] with the elderly one looking like Gandalf, I think [21:36] and there were levels [21:37] 10 levels, from Monkey to Master [21:37] :P [21:37] jebaj się z tym "hi" [21:37] Lol [21:37] and indeed I played the 3rd and 4th like monkey [21:37] nie chcę być kurwa niegrzewczny.. ;> [21:37] Lol [21:37] He said something [21:38] .tr :pl :en jebaj się z tym "hi" [21:38] jebaj with this "hi" [21:38] Lol [21:38] .tr :pl :en nie chcę być kurwa niegrzewczny.. ;> [21:38] I don't want to be fucking niegrzewczny.. ;> [21:38] Niewhat [21:38] ? [21:39] lubmil: what's niegrzewczny [21:39] niegrzeczny [21:39] .tr :pl :en niegrzeczny [21:39] naughty [21:40] Awww [21:40] RajRajRaj: we played 7 games, you won two (2x resign), I won two (1x out of time, 1x checkmate), three was ended by your disconnection (which system counts as win) [21:40] Cool [21:40] so it's like 2:2 (5:2 w/ disconnection) [21:41] Good :D [21:41] lubmil: [21:41] Hi [21:41] :p [21:41] lubmil: hi there [21:41] no przecież ja mu jebnę zaraz [21:41] .tr :en :pl lubmil how r u [21:41] lubmil jak ty [21:42] .tr :pl :en no przecież ja mu jebnę zaraz [21:42] well, because I told him jebnę now [21:42] Jebne? [21:42] no pierdolnę [21:43] .tr :pl :en no pierdolne [21:43] well pierdolne [21:43] O.O [21:43] .tr :pl :en znaczy zbiję mocno [21:43] so I'll take much [21:43] .tr :pl :en udrzę [21:43] udrzę [21:43] .tr :pl :en no pierdolnę [21:43] well pierdolnę [21:43] .tr :pl :en uderzę [21:43] I hit [21:44] .tr :en :pl lubmil hot what [21:44] lubmil gorąco, że [21:44] Hit* [21:44] Dayum [21:44] .tr :en :pl hit what lubmil [21:44] kliknij, że lubmil [21:45] lubmil: ze [21:45] .tr :en :pl lubmil r u angry [21:45] lubmil jesteś zły [21:45] tak. [21:45] wkurwiony [21:45] .tr :pl :en wkurwiony [21:45] drunk [21:45] .tr :pl :en wkurwiony [21:46] drunk [21:46] .tr :en :pl drunk [21:46] pijany [21:46] .tr :en :pl lubmil :( [21:46] lol [21:46] lubmil :( [21:46] wkurwiony = pijany ?? [21:46] .tr :en :pl i dont know [21:46] nie wiem [21:47] .tr :pl :en wkurwiony oznacza zły [21:47] rage is a bad [21:47] .tr :en :pl why dont u learn English from ChiefJustice [21:47] dlaczego uczyć się języka angielskiego z ChiefJustice [21:47] bo nie. [21:48] .tr :pl :en bo nie [21:48] because it is not [21:48] hihi [21:48] .tr :en :pl you will be a great english speaker [21:48] będziesz wielkim języka angielskiego [21:48] Mushkadiz: hi [21:48] ta, chyba w piździe [21:48] xD [21:49] .tr :en :pl Mushkadiz meet lubmil from russia he is my friend [21:49] Mushkadiz spotkać lubmil z Rosji to mój przyjaciel [21:49] Mushkadiz: gadaj z nim bo ja już nie mam zdrowia [21:49] .tr :pl :en 03:19:20 Mushkadiz: gadaj z nim bo ja już nie mam zdrowia [21:49] 03:19:20 Mushkadiz: speak with him because I have no health [21:50] .tr :en :pl 03:18:52 ta, chyba w piździe [21:50] 03:18:52 ta, z w piździe [21:50] .tr :pl :en 03:18:52 ta, chyba w piździe [21:50] 03:18:52 it's probably in piździe [21:50] ? [21:50] pizda = cunt [21:50] lubmil: :( [21:51] .tr :en :pl what did i do to make you Angry lubmil [21:51] co zrobiłem, aby zły lubmil [21:52] .tr :en :pl i am paradise right? [21:52] jestem w raju, tak? [21:52] Tak ? [21:52] I m sleepy [21:53] .tr :en :pl lubmil good night [21:53] lubmil dobranoc [21:53] .tr :pl :en dobranoc raj :) [21:53] good night Paradise :) [21:53] ChiefJustice: good night [21:54] .tr :pl :en która tam godzina? [21:54] what time is it? [21:54] .tr :pl :en że on spać idzie [21:54] he goes to sleep [21:54] 3:30 am [21:54] uu [21:54] .tr :en :pl who goes to sleep [21:54] kto idzie spać [21:54] .tr :pl :en ja wczotaj poszedłem spać o 3:30 a.m [21:54] I wczotaj I went to bed at 3:30 a.m [21:54] Oh [21:55] Wczotaj [21:55] ? [21:55] .tr :pl :en przez ten mecz poland dania [21:55] this match Poland Denmark [21:55] Oh k [21:55] Ok bye [21:55] Bye [21:55] baj baj [21:55] .tr :en :pl byr [21:55] pln [21:56] .tr :en :pl bye [21:56] nie ma [21:56] .tr :pl :en baj [21:56] buy [21:56] Not buy [21:56] Bue [21:56] bo [21:56] Bye [21:56] .tr :pl :en u nas bye wymawia się baj [21:56] yet pronounced Bai [21:57] .tr :en :pl tata [21:57] Tata [21:57] mama tata [22:02] .t [22:02] Sun, 21 Aug 2016 00:02:10 CEST [22:02] .tr :pl :en i już Niedziela. [22:02] and already Sunday. [22:02] * lubmil listens to: The Tremeloes - Once On A Sunday Morning [22:03] .s [22:03] Sentencja na 234. dzień roku: „Wieku mój, zwierzu mój, kto potrafi zajrzeć w twoich źrenic głąb? (Osip Mandelsztam)” [22:04] .tr :pl :en Sentencja na 234. dzień roku: ?Wieku mój, zwierzu mój, kto potrafi zajrzeć w twoich źrenic głąb? (Osip Mandelsztam)? [22:04] Saying for 234. day of the year: ?My age, my zwierzu who will be able to look at your pupils into? (O. Mandelstam Osip)? [22:04] aren't you going to sleep? I think it's very late in India [22:06] 3:30 rano to wszędzie jest późno [22:06] albo wcześnie [22:06] zależy jak patrzyć