[00:05] i'm giving http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132620/ another spin [00:05] Swedish original of the Stieg Larsson Millennium trilogy, aka Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and so on [00:05] with the shocking IT references ;) although nmap showed up earlier === andyjones2001_ is now known as andyjones2001 === geheimni1` is now known as geheimnis` === diddledan__ is now known as diddledan [09:11] morning boys and girls. === brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon === mike_ is now known as Guest54661 [12:35] am I in the right place, I need to install a logitech cam [12:57] windy [12:57] I swear I didn't eat beans last night [12:58] * zmoylan-pi raises hand and drops it quickly [13:40] Hello everyone - you're on the projector at ManLUG [13:41] vim is best!!! :-P [13:45] emacs users are still waiting for their editor to load before launching a witty response from it... [13:47] zmoylan-pi: Hey I did the vi talk at ManLUG about 15 years ago :-) [13:48] your work there is donw... :-) [13:48] *done [14:02] * diddledan locks the n0rty people in the cupboard [14:02] hey, let me out! [15:08] hi [15:09] hi [15:09] kitten hmm defoucs has irc cloaks the chat channel ? [15:22] SebthreeBQM10HD: yes [15:30] kitten_, h eh a IRC cloak for chatting lots in a channel ? [15:32] yep [15:32] kitten_, ok :) [15:41] kitten_: cool :) [15:45] Morning [16:00] allo allo [16:11] How do I overcome an issue like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23073354/ without borking my system? I'm on 14.04, when I try and do apt-get dist-upgrade it tells me various dependencies are broken [16:16] hmm doing apt upgrade seems happy enough [16:57] marxjohnson: remove unity8? [16:57] on 14.04 I'd purge all of unity8 and friends [16:58] so that would remove indicator-network too [18:26] anyone wanna be cortana? http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/adult-cortana-costume-halo/131382.uts [18:27] pffft. i'd prefer to be google, i already know everything... :-P [19:19] http://i.imgur.com/zkmkNF7.gifv [21:06] diddledan: find me a chicken sized one and i'll order it [21:06] get that chicken with the blue trousers and swap [21:08] i'm rocking the chocolate hob nobs tonight [21:10] * penguin42 reaches across and pinches one [21:11] :D [21:19] * zmoylan-pi liberates peanut lion bar from the cupboard... [21:20] pity the man that puts a lion in a cupboard and then has to retrieve it later [21:20] ;) [21:20] but your hobnobs will be protected [21:21] sadly there were only 3 left after last nights pig-out, so they're all dead now [21:21] it was either them or you... [21:23] i feel like dinking around with another distro, so i'm snagging fedora... but most of the time i get frustrated at not having a clue of another package manager and give it quite quickly :) [21:39] * zmoylan-pi is looking at linux lite... [21:39] o0 [21:41] no harm in trying it... [21:42] taking a look at some pics etc [21:53] thank Tux for this nice cool evening [21:54] todays walk was a damp wind blasted chill fest [21:55] ooh, i barely even left the house [21:59] my nuband fitness tracker counted 14000 paces... [21:59] at least there weren't many people blocking the pavements in damp weather === brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar [22:17] well i'm not too impressed with fedora's installer :) [22:17] i'm not sure i want to be impressed by an installer... :-) [22:18] it suggests they expect you'll be spending a lot of time in there... [22:18] well i suspect you won't be too pleased seeing it screw up partitioning and only offer to quit [22:18] that's what i mean by unimpressed! [22:18] ah... partitioning... the achilles heel of installing linux [22:19] well it's fine for my level of experience, but when you only offer me my multiple disks as a large pool of x TB in manual mode, it's just a guessing game as to which will be created where [22:20] also when you key in 132GB and it turns that into 122GB for no reason, have to wonder what's going on [22:20] the number of times i've installed some distro and found it's erased my laptops other partitions despites it's insisting it won't... usually windows, backed up so no real loss [22:21] :) [22:21] but i can't recommend them when they do that [22:21] here we go all copied now [22:21] i'm using my one remaining core 2 quad desktop :) [22:21] fingers crossed it boots ok... [22:22] 'tis no shadow of doubt! [22:41] "Delta RPMs reduced 695MB of updates to 298MB" [22:41] err, wow [22:49] daftykins: f24? [22:53] yep [22:58] http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/234/765/b7e.jpg <-- this is me [23:00] * penguin42 has f24 installed so, ask away [23:01] (but I've not got any particularly fancy partitioning) [23:04] ah ty sir [23:05] just got myself updated after learning a bit of dnf, booting into the 4.6.6 kernel now and being shocked at how there's no mechanism or built in packages to get proprietary nvidia support [23:05] also find the TTY layout odd [23:07] ah I still type yum; hmm not sure about nvidia stuff, I stear away from that; what about the ttys - during install or during normal use? [23:07] awesome ladies are awesome: http://usat.ly/2batS8o [23:07] i'm installed now, 1 appears to show a flashing cursor, 2 goes to the gnome 3 DE and 3 is where normal TTYs start? [23:08] you're installed? as in physically? [23:08] shh [23:08] I wonder how one goes about getting themselves installed [23:09] daftykins: That's odd, for me 1 is the X desktop, and 2 onwards are normal ttys [23:09] looking for Xorg's log was also interesting, i ended up reading the README in /var/log and so running "journalctl | grep GDM" or something to see Xorg's log [23:10] yes, finding logs can be erm interesting [23:11] I simultaneously love and hate journalctl - it's very nice that you can tell it to get the logs for the current boot for a given service (or for boot n-3 say) but it's horrid at times [23:11] erm, this could be worrying: https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/767136640275980288 [23:12] wait, you need a work permit to speak at a conference in the UK (if you're foreign)?! [23:12] ref: https://twitter.com/rachelnabors/status/766808673679138816 [23:12] diddledan: I read that; from that the answer seems to be 'it depends' [23:13] https://medium.com/@rachelnabors/wtfuk-73009d5623b4#.t7dh1ltfr [23:14] diddledan: It was one of those things where they asked whether they got paid and they said no, but it turned out they had got paid for airfair etc and then it turned out the conference was organised by someone outside the UK; so basically they were beign a pain at the airport for no good reason [23:14] effed-up, that's what it is [23:14] diddledan: So only way to be sure not to get hastled seems to be to get the permit [23:14] diddledan: Yeh [23:16] diddledan: In the end it was the immigration people finding an easy target, tricking them and then getting into a mess - rather than concentrating on people it's useful to stop coming in [23:19] wow fedora seems to be geared around extending a middle finger to proprietary drivers [23:20] feels pretty outdated to rely on nvidia's own installer [23:20] daftykins: I thought the whole point of fedora was a middle finger to everything and everyone? [23:20] i have no idea [23:20] perhaps so far said finger is at me :) [23:21] well i cheated by adding a param to grub one-time to blacklist nouveau, as it seemed to ignore creating /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf - now i'm at init 3 and running the installer [23:21] lets see if things turn into a ball of flames... [23:22] lol. [23:27] ok there we go [23:29] so it only needs a manual kernel boot param to blacklist nouveau followed by a good init 3 manual install [23:30] definitely a lot smoother on the desktop now... [23:31] penguin42: what's your DE of choice atop f24? [23:32] kinda satisfying that some experience from the past applies so even though i was reading through google's top result on nvidia installation for f24, i knew half of it was useless [23:38] daftykins: I'm using xfce [23:39] daftykins: But it does have pretty much everything; I used to kde4 but when fedora shifted to kde5 I shifted to xfce [23:39] i'm definitely not up for these 3D driven resource murdering ones [23:40] daftykins: It's got Mate as well [23:41] wow gnome3 seems to want to imitate Windows and Macs at the same time o0 [23:41] yeh I really don't like gnome3 [23:45] what happened with KDE5? i've never really touched KDE either [23:46] like the kde3->4 transition it's all a bit touchy still; might have settled down a bit by now; also all the setup I could find were it was still a bit big [23:52] ah classic early adoption burn [23:52] well that was fun, i used the gnome3 account setup to add my google account - it auto configured evolution with the test gmail i used [23:53] nice to see *some* things progressing when it comes to usability