flocculant | ochosi: are you sure *we* should be seeing a blue outline on password boxes ? looks a bit odd with greybird imo | 06:40 |
flocculant | ochosi: rather in yakkety the blue outline is a lot bigger than it is in xenial | 07:05 |
flocculant | if anyone is running yakkety - don't update ... | 07:53 |
flocculant | updated my yak install - get no desktop - not a thing ... no alt+f2 to try and get things running | 07:54 |
flocculant | thought it was just *that* install | 07:54 |
flocculant | did a clean install of yak from an oldish iso, updated and boom - same thing | 07:54 |
flocculant | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23072451/ doesn't appear to be anything of ours which has caused it | 07:56 |
flocculant | bluesabre: dailies are a bit meh atm - and ubuntu isn't :( | 10:43 |
flocculant | trying to live desktop - just blank - nothing there | 10:44 |
flocculant | wonder if that could be tied up with my earlier update at yak leaving me with wallpaper only | 10:44 |
flocculant | just trying an install | 10:45 |
bluesabre | flocculant: that sounds terribly exciting | 10:51 |
sakrecoer | flocculant: oddly enough i can't find the bug i filed, i remember it be set to "private".. but i had problems installing yakkety daily on 2016-08-06.. same bug as this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1610377 | 10:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1610377 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Unable to install Daily Build of Ubuntu Studio 16.10" [Undecided,New] | 10:51 |
sakrecoer | after failing with the US one, i tried the xubuntu iso, and it had the same problem... | 10:51 |
sakrecoer | some oddness with the DE.. | 10:51 |
flocculant | bluesabre: hugely ... | 10:52 |
flocculant | sakrecoer: mmm | 10:52 |
sakrecoer | i mean, might not be related at all... but i thought i'd mention it... | 10:55 |
flocculant | sakrecoer: yea - thanks :) | 10:58 |
flocculant | bluesabre: so it appears that what we show at the try/install dialogue and for ubiquity when going straight to install is ok, installs apparently, reboots to login (eventually) then zilch, nada :( | 10:59 |
bluesabre | sounds like something somebody else broke | 11:00 |
flocculant | yea | 11:00 |
flocculant | like I said earlier - can't see anything in the list of updates I got which would be us | 11:00 |
bluesabre | suppose this means you get to relax this weekend and not work :D | 11:01 |
flocculant | might try enabling proposed on one of the 2 broken installs ... | 11:01 |
flocculant | bluesabre: hah - I been working - built some flapjacks and some lardy cake \o/ | 11:02 |
flocculant | feasting on sugar today lol | 11:02 |
bluesabre | don't know what lardy cake is, but I know what lard is | 11:02 |
bluesabre | D: | 11:02 |
flocculant | http://plum-kitchen.blogspot.co.uk/2010/07/lardy-cakeno-im-not-kidding.html | 11:03 |
flocculant | basically bread - with fruit and lard and sugar in it - then when it's cooked, pour the escaped lard over the top and put a bit more sugar on it :D | 11:03 |
bluesabre | ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwq | 11:04 |
flocculant | :p | 11:05 |
flocculant | bluesabre: so that's a no for proposed, but not unexpected | 11:20 |
flocculant | weekend off then as you said \o/ | 11:20 |
bluesabre | flocculant: when was the last good image? | 11:21 |
flocculant | couple of days ago - there's been non-existent network for a day or two | 11:21 |
flocculant | I know that wed build was good - I installed from it - then made the mistake of upgrading it :p | 11:22 |
flocculant | I'm not going to rebuild ubuntu (though I could) so will see if that crashes in flames tomorrow - which would at least help us ;) | 11:22 |
bluesabre | flocculant: thanks, heading out for now, bbabl | 11:23 |
flocculant | bluesabre: have a good day :) | 11:23 |
bluesabre | you too | 11:23 |
flocculant | bluesabre: Mate has same issue - no desktop after install and login - suspect all will once built | 12:21 |
flocculant | flexiondotorg: fyi ^^ | 12:22 |
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Unit193 | bluesabre: whisker 1.6.0 look important enough? | 17:59 |
Unit193 | https://mail.xfce.org/pipermail/xfce/2016-August/035152.html | 17:59 |
bluesabre | Unit193: the changelog sounds good at least | 18:00 |
flocculant | evening | 18:00 |
bluesabre | hey flocculant | 18:01 |
flocculant | bluesabre: just finished checking most of the iso's - seems like only us and mate with an issue | 18:01 |
bluesabre | :\ | 18:01 |
flocculant | yup | 18:01 |
flocculant | that said - ubuntu will be rebuilt overnight and I'll check that tomorrow | 18:02 |
bluesabre | k | 18:02 |
flocculant | my installs are still dead though | 18:02 |
Unit193 | I thought US had a problem too? | 18:02 |
flocculant | and guest login | 18:02 |
Unit193 | flocculant: Also thanks for the warning, though I have a feeling it's too late. I just won't reboot now. :3 | 18:02 |
flocculant | Unit193: probably - I rarely bother with that as it's loads big and if we're dead they usually are :) | 18:03 |
flocculant | Unit193: good luck then :p | 18:03 |
bluesabre | Unit193: time for max uptime | 18:03 |
flocculant | I'm just glad I'd actually got around to sorting a xenial install out ... | 18:04 |
flocculant | bluesabre: even if ubuntu is ok - if we (and mate) are still broke monday - martin w is more likely to be around in -release :p | 18:05 |
bluesabre | flocculant: indeed | 18:05 |
flocculant | during uk day ofc | 18:05 |
Unit193 | Making a loooot of noise. :P | 18:05 |
bluesabre | which is handy dandy | 18:05 |
flocculant | :) | 18:05 |
bluesabre | since I can't complain while UK folks are at work | 18:05 |
flocculant | anyway - I'll obviously check again tomorrow morning and keep you updated on where we stand there | 18:06 |
bluesabre | goodie | 18:06 |
Unit193 | flocculant: Going to poke at it in VM. | 18:06 |
flocculant | I'm not even sure what package to report bug against :( | 18:06 |
bluesabre | go for broke | 18:06 |
flocculant | if I knew that I could start failing tracker | 18:06 |
bluesabre | "linux" | 18:06 |
flocculant | I guess so :D | 18:07 |
Unit193 | 'ubuntu' :P | 18:07 |
flocculant | ha ha ha | 18:07 |
Unit193 | Meh, I suppose I should get the GTK3 whisker too. | 18:08 |
flocculant | tracker tells people to report against syslinux if dead when booting live | 18:08 |
flocculant | Unit193: I saw that pop up :) | 18:08 |
Unit193 | Mir and lightdm updates, what could go wrong? | 18:09 |
Unit193 | Oh, kernel and systemd too.. | 18:09 |
bluesabre | all of the above | 18:09 |
flocculant | "<pitti> Laney: ooh -- you mean THINGS really, like half of -proposed" "pitti> Friday evening is the BEST time to break yakkety" | 18:10 |
Unit193 | fwupd, gcc, binutils... Yeah didn't hit those last night, I might be safe. | 18:10 |
flocculant | Unit193: those were definitely in the updates that killed mine off | 18:11 |
flocculant | unless you actually read the pastebin and know that :D | 18:11 |
Unit193 | Yeah it could be any number of things. :D | 18:11 |
flocculant | :) | 18:11 |
Unit193 | flocculant: I looked at it, but I didn't study it. | 18:11 |
flocculant | I'll hold of on reporting it against some vague package till tomorrow - but if it's still the same I suppose anything is better than nothing | 18:12 |
flocculant | bbl | 18:13 |
Unit193 | I'm a bit wondering if it is a lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter mismatch. | 18:14 |
flocculant | Unit193: is it only us and mate use those? | 18:15 |
Unit193 | flocculant: Well, Xu, US, Myth, MATE. I'm not sure if Lu does this cycle. | 18:16 |
flocculant | Myth is finished with iso's afaik | 18:17 |
flocculant | Lu worked - so perhaps not :) | 18:17 |
flocculant | seems they do according to buildlog | 18:18 |
flocculant | and there both same versions for us and them - so wasn't some update during day | 18:20 |
Unit193 | Still waiting on the VM, but glad it wasn't that. Got the switch to a TTY or whatnot on upgrade, same as I had in Debian a couple days ago. | 18:21 |
flocculant | anyway - bbl to see what you find | 18:22 |
flocculant | Unit193: see anything of note in vm? | 20:16 |
Unit193 | flocculant: Yeah, that systemd doesn't tell you much, I really miss upstart's logging to ~/.cache/upstart/. I just bailed and went with my custom .xinitrc and startx. :P | 20:17 |
flocculant | :) | 20:17 |
flocculant | I'll have another go tomorrow | 20:18 |
flocculant | for now - goodnight all | 20:18 |
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