[01:30] acheronuk: looks fine to me? [02:39] yofel, clivejo, acheronuk: do we fix binary-without-manpage and if so, how? [03:20] * tsimonq2 throws https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-akonadi/+merge/303504 at acheronuk [04:00] so I'm fixing things [04:00] pushed a fix to prison-kf5, should show up here soon [04:01] I believe I just made akonadi-contacts normal again [04:01] so that'll show up soon as well [04:01] I also submitted a PR for akonadi because I'm rusty updating symbols [04:11] gosh freaking darn it [04:11] that was me... :( [04:12] wth is it doing? [04:12] I'll figure it out after I finish this [04:26] so for prison it's due to symbols [04:26] now unstable seems to be pulling a newer version [04:26] so I'll grab that... [04:30] well that's weird [04:31] I think it might be best to just leave prison unstable? [04:31] that's because the daily snapshot bumps the version, so we would have to update symbols every day,,, [04:31] s/,,,/.../ [04:32] yofel, clivejo, acheronuk: prison is fine :) ^ [04:43] yofel: there's a Lintian error on every single package I've seen: source: debian-revision-should-not-be-zero [04:49] tsimonq2: file a bug with Debian on Lintian? [04:54] valorie: can't that just be bumped in KCI? isn't that intentionally set like that? [04:55] debian bug 832420 [04:55] Debian bug 832420 in wnpp "ITP: qtwebengine -- Web content engine library for Qt" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/832420 [04:55] tsimonq2: I have no clue [04:55] I was sort of kidding [04:56] lol [07:13] tsimonq2: fixing a merge means resolving the cause of the merge markers, not leaving them [07:14] acheronuk: ? [07:15] tsimonq2: on prison there has been a soname change, so needs something more extensive than wild-carding any soname. I don't think you ever wildcard like that anyway, as then you would miss soname changes etc [07:16] tsimonq2: +<<<<<<< HEAD etc [07:16] in https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/messagelib/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=4c8509f665aba222136ca27250d696fecbc3ba29 [07:17] uhhh did I really do that? [07:17] I'm stupid... :P [07:17] WOW was I not paying attention... [07:18] that's why we want reviews! [07:18] no, maybe just a bit too hasty due to enthusiasm sometimes... [07:18] like I said, I was just not paying attention, sorry, wow... [07:19] I just can't believe I did that... [07:19] * acheronuk has made a few **** ups [07:19] acheronuk: are you going to fix that or should I? [07:19] acheronuk: that's why we have git revert right? ;) [07:20] I don't mind, as long as it checked and is ok. [07:21] nice catch, thank you [07:21] ok. I need coffee now! [07:21] ok. I need sleep now! [07:21] :P [07:21] XD [07:22] I'll be less grumpy after that.. [07:22] acheronuk: by the way, just so you know, I'm almost done packaging QtSpeech! \o/ [07:22] and I'm the only person doing it lol [07:22] great :) [07:24] I've been trying to gradually get KCI error/warnings down to a minimum, so that will be one less thong it can grumble on [07:25] besides it being a nice thing to have as well [07:25] yeah I was sorting through a few of them [07:25] you saw my thing about prison? don't touch it unless it's actually broken :P [07:25] (because it's unstable) [07:25] you saw my comment on prison above? [07:26] oh no sorry [07:26] [08:15] tsimonq2: on prison there has been a soname change, so needs something more extensive than wild-carding any soname. I don't think you ever wildcard like that anyway, as then you would miss soname changes etc [07:26] I see :) [07:26] so what now? [07:27] tsimonq2: something like http://packaging.neon.kde.org/cgit/frameworks/prison.git/commit/?h=Neon/unstable&id=d7962eb1ec3a8fb2e9b79fc5f106cd7a31577718 I guess [07:28] but I want to check if we can kill off the debianabimanager or not if we do that [07:28] ok ok I promise this will be the last thing I do before bed :) [07:28] tsimonq2: so I want to check with Phil 1st === chs is now known as chris17 === chris17 is now known as chs [09:05] mhall119: it would be great if you could find someone in the relevant (DX?) team to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/appmenu-qt5/+bug/1434516 as it breaks plasma5 integration [09:05] Launchpad bug 1434516 in appmenu-qt5 (Ubuntu) "KDE Applications Use Oxygen Widget style eventhough Breeze is selected (Plasma 5)" [Undecided,New] [10:10] clivejo or yofel: need kirigami added to git and CI I think. new lookandfeelexplorer in plasma-sdk needs it for a start [10:16] acheronuk: do you know how to copy it? [10:17] clivejo: I imagine I could work it out, but a run through would be helpful if you have a sec [10:17] its in debian? [10:20] clivejo: debian or neon. same state [10:21] grab the debian one [10:21] git clone --mirror [10:22] yes [10:22] git remote rm origin [10:22] remove? [10:22] git remote add origin git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kirigami [10:22] yes [10:23] Note: A branch outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy was not removed; [10:23] to delete it, use: [10:23] git branch -d master [10:23] we dont want to delete it [10:24] new remote added [10:24] then git push --mirror origin [10:24] done. gone to have a look [10:24] https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kirigam [10:25] my insanity check involved removing the git folder [10:25] and git clone kubuntu:kirigami [10:25] umm. somehow an 'i' got missed on the end [10:26] can rename it via web interface [10:26] Change repository details [10:27] already did it by removing and pushing back [10:27] ok so now you need to create new branchs [10:27] but noted you can rename like that [10:28] create new branch kubuntu_unstable [10:28] update the VCS fields to point to LP [10:31] git checkout kubuntu_unstable gives fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree [10:31] git checkout -b [10:32] same [10:32] are you in the git folder? [10:34] yes [10:34] remove it and clone it again [10:35] that gives me a kirigami.git folder [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 7 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 ./ [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 68 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 ../ [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 2 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 branches/ [10:35] -rw-rw-r-- 1 neo neo 187 Aug 22 11:34 config [10:35] -rw-rw-r-- 1 neo neo 73 Aug 22 11:34 description [10:35] -rw-rw-r-- 1 neo neo 23 Aug 22 11:34 HEAD [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 2 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 hooks/ [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 2 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 info/ [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 4 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 objects/ [10:35] -rw-rw-r-- 1 neo neo 98 Aug 22 11:34 packed-refs [10:35] drwxrwxr-x 4 neo neo 4096 Aug 22 11:34 refs/ [10:36] did you push with --mirror? [10:37] ^^^ my fault, I missed a step having to sort out the rename [10:38] * acheronuk needs more caffienation [10:39] are we shipping kirigam? [10:39] just adding it to KCI [10:39] ok, now on kubuntu unstable [10:39] cool [10:39] ok, now change the VCS filds to point to LP [10:40] yep [10:40] and give it an unreleased entry [10:40] ubuntu style [10:41] comment? anything in particular? [10:42] Initial Ubuntu release [10:43] that was pretty captain obvious, but had to check. lol [10:44] commit and push? [10:44] yup [10:45] fatal: The current branch kubuntu_unstable has no upstream branch. [10:46] git push origin kubuntu_unstable [10:46] umm yes. duh. [10:47] that would help! [10:47] Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/plasma-phone-packaging/kirigami [10:47] needs updating too [10:49] Vcs-Browser: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kirigami [10:49] Vcs-Git: git://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kirigami [10:52] ok. Simon will want to change that to http :P [10:53] no he wants to change it to https [10:54] yep. just missed that off [10:54] anything else? [10:55] did you fix the two lines? [10:56] yes [10:56] :) [10:56] bit slow here as people keep trying to talk to me. [10:56] no bother [10:57] * clivejo is freezing cold but sweating [10:59] go to the doctor [11:02] that involves getting an appointment [11:02] sweating is out is a good sign [11:04] until it isn't [11:05] you sound like my mother :P [11:05] antibiotics are like magic smarties [11:07] o/ [11:07] hi soee [11:11] clivejo: at last count I have 5 doctors and 1 nurse in fairly immediate family. so I think some attitude rubs off a bit [11:13] Howdy all [11:14] clivejo: so you now set up a KCI job/config? when you have time that is [11:14] yofel: will have to do that [11:14] can you create a yakkety_archive branch [11:15] * clivejo isnt sure if it will make it into yakkety, but KCI will probably look for it [11:17] clivejo: branch added [11:20] good morning everyone [11:20] morning :) [11:21] valorie: thank you for taking the time to read the "wall of text" [11:22] acheronuk: so ... regarding that issue you mentioned about the new-release script I think I'm going to do some experiments today with that script [11:24] so hopefully I could get a draft implementation of what I have in my mind right now [11:46] santa_: Ok. see what you have later [12:38] `KDevelop 5.0 Appears Ready For Release` [15:42] topic is wrong [15:42] plasma has landed in yaketty === clivejo changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.7.2 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING 5.6.5 Y-LANDING, X-BACKPORTS / Apps 16.04.03 Y-STAGING, X-STAGING / FW 5.24 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING, 5.23 X-BACKPORTS| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging [15:44] * tsdgeos tips hat [15:44] clivejo: 5.6.5 Y-LANDING does it matter? === clivejo changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.7.2 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING 5.6.5 X-BACKPORTS / Apps 16.04.03 Y-STAGING, X-STAGING / FW 5.24 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING, 5.23 X-BACKPORTS| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging [15:46] looks better [15:47] soee: yep. looks like 5.0 for YY in blaze's ppa === clivejo changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety feature freeze | Plasma 5.7.2 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING 5.6.5 X-BACKPORTS / Apps 16.04.03 Y-STAGING, X-STAGING / FW 5.24 Y-ARCHIVE & X-STAGING, 5.23 X-BACKPORTS| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging === pavlushka is now known as Guest4994 === mgolden is now known as mgolden_ === ghostcube__ is now known as ghostcube === tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 [18:59] yofel: my friend gave me an idea about the installer [18:59] slideshow [18:59] what if the base iso does not have pyqt5 [19:02] well the iso does have python3-pyqt5 [19:02] but not python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit [19:03] * valorie is reading up here...... [19:13] still getting the 'No frontend available' error [19:13] ... [19:13] santa_: ping [19:14] clivejo: pong [19:14] :) hi [19:14] hi clive, what happened? [19:15] regarding prison, we used the Debian ABI Manager to look after a major change in symbols [19:15] ooh what's that? :O [19:15] it now looks like upstream have bumped the lib, is it safe to remove? [19:16] you mean you got an abi break, you noticed that when updating the symbols file, and finally the soversion was bumped. right? [19:16] yes, I think it's safe to remove [19:16] acheronuk: so what now re: akonadi ? [19:17] well is looks like they renamed the symbols [19:17] and used upper case instead of lower [19:17] for example? [19:17] but they didnt bump the library until recently [19:18] _ZN6prison13Code39Barcode10paintImageERK6QSizeF@Base became _ZN6Prison13QRCodeBarcode10paintImageERK6QSizeF@Base [19:19] and the new symbol is ... [19:19] sorry that wasnt a good example [19:20] they basically went from prison to Prison [19:20] Neon's change in packaging in response --> https://packaging.neon.kde.org/?p=frameworks%2Fprison.git&a=commit&h=d7962eb1ec3a8fb2e9b79fc5f106cd7a31577718 [19:21] well, ok if I'm not missing anything it's ok to remove the debian abi manager [19:22] note that from now up to the next stable release any further abi breakage doesn't count [19:22] I mean [19:22] * ahoneybun wonders about : https://packaging.neon.kde.org/?p=neon%2Fubiquity-slideshow.git [19:22] lets say tomorrow you lose a new symbol, producing an abi breakage [19:22] tsimonq2: you up for fixing that? [19:23] clivejo: yes but pls halp :P [19:23] in that case you wouldn't need to bump again [19:23] clivejo: in addition, look at my MP on akonadi [19:23] because upstream already did [19:23] santa_: we did mention it to upstream but they didnt seem to care [19:23] so we added the Debian ABI Manager to deal with it [19:24] because maybe they planned this [19:24] yes, upstream merged and did away with their frameworks branch, and went from 1 to 5! [19:24] I guess they planned to maked the changed first, then do the bump [19:24] make the changes [19:25] anyway I think you did the right thing [19:25] clivejo: should we make the same changes as Neon? [19:26] yes, but need to also remove the ABI Manager [19:26] I never understood, what is the ABI manager> [19:26] s/>/?/ [19:27] maybe santa_ can explain it better? [19:27] let me find the "fabulous" manuals ... [19:28] it's crystal clear if you read --> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/pkg-kde-tools.git/tree/cmake/README.DebianABIManager [19:28] LOL [19:28] in your own words would probably be better [19:29] * acheronuk forgot to add some indication of sarcasm in his last comment [19:29] but probably not needed :P [19:31] santa_: can the ABI Manager just be totally removed, or is there a transition? [19:32] clivejo: not sure what you mean with 'transition' here, but yes it can be totally removed [19:32] I guess it's easier as it needs new library package anyway? [19:32] tsimonq2: to sum up is an invention to bump the soversion of a library when upstream doesn't [19:33] santa_: ok [19:33] santa_: how is that removed then? [19:33] I was trying to find what acheronuk linked but in case it isn't very clear, that's what it is [19:34] also, what does X-Debian-ABI: 1 mean? [19:34] tsimonq2: you are tying to remve it from prison I guess? [19:34] yup santa_ [19:34] thats the ABI I added [19:34] X-Debian-ABI: 1 is the version of the abi [19:34] because upstream broke it [19:34] so does that need to be touched at all? [19:35] it needs removed [19:35] if there is a second breakage and you need to bump the soversion again you would put [19:35] X-Debian-ABI: 2 [19:35] In addition, the package name is Package: libkf5prison1abi1 [19:35] santa_: did I make a mistake there, should I have started at 0? [19:35] and now it would be libkf5prison5 [19:36] clivejo: I think the one was fine [19:36] 90% is in that Neon commit [19:36] so if I'm getting you both right, I just need to remove X-Debian-ABI: 1 and change libkf5prison1abi1 to libkf5prison5 ? [19:36] tsimonq2: you also need to remove the patch [19:36] yes [19:36] iirc the 0 was for things we tought they would break abi [19:36] and fix the name of the install files and fix the symbols [19:37] ok [19:37] don't change the quilt format is was done in that commit. they had do undo that in their next commit [19:37] *as was done [19:38] can you push as a merge request that we can see the commit before you do it [19:39] clivejo: I mean I don't remember the exact reason but for all those libraries which we suspected they would get an abi breakage in the future we added the debian abi manager to it with 0 [19:39] I was gonna spit a diff at y'all but I guess an MP works better :P [19:40] and when they got the breakage we started with 1 [19:40] i guess it was more of a problem before the releases? [19:41] and this particular package seems to be released soon with framerorks [19:42] mm found something I missed [19:43] nah thiing was that, back in the days, kde sc 4 days, we knew some libraries were going to break its abi [19:43] the kwin libraries were very prone to do this for instance [19:44] however today we live in a "different world" [19:44] mm Ark is broken [19:44] or I should say it can't handle zips [19:45] I opened a zip and created a zip couple of minutes ago [19:45] to upload a child Wordpress theme [19:45] * tsimonq2 throws https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-prison/+merge/303620 at clivejo [19:45] hmmmm, I heard about a package that is sometimes missing for Akk [19:45] ark [19:46] you copied the symbols from Neon? [19:47] clivejo: today since the KCI invention by harald, rohan & company I have the impresion that libraries doesn't break its abi so much [19:47] but back in the days that didn't exist [19:47] ark does zips here ok as well [19:47] nor the automation [19:47] yeah, KCI is great because we can see changed as they happen upstream [19:48] so only, we, the dinosaurs know how to actually use the abi manager :P [19:48] it's still a good thing to have in case of emergency [19:48] ahoneybun: `apt-cache policy libzip` [19:49] ahoneybun: what version you using, mine is Version 16.04.3 [19:49] santa_: definitely [19:50] no package [19:50] but its only will practice like this that I learn [19:50] valorie: ^ [19:50] with [19:50] clivejo: so...what do you think? [19:51] looks ok [19:51] can you push that [19:51] clivejo: also, QtSpeech is almost ready. I'd be good to get your feedback on this. I'm completely lost with the debian/copyright file. how do I write one? [19:52] sure, pushing now [19:52] copyright files are an art I have yet to master [19:52] I have unzip, p7zip and libzip4 [19:52] clivejo: think it's too early to get QtSpeech in KCI yet? XD [19:52] not sure which Ark uses [19:53] https://git.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/+git/qtspeech [19:53] seems you need to read all the copyright files included in the source and compile it into the copyright file [19:53] * clivejo wonders if there is a tool for it [19:54] I'm just confused as to what coverage a specific copyright notice had [19:54] s/had/has/ [19:54] I can just about fix small error in copyright, but from scratch? Not a scooby. [19:54] filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1615799 [19:54] Launchpad bug 1615799 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu slideshow is broken" [Undecided,New] [19:54] well technically it should also include your changes to the debian folder [19:55] clivejo: I started this package from scratch :P [19:55] so I'd like to keep the copyright on that ;) [19:55] I'm just not sure if the Debian KDE/Qt team allows for debian/* to have a license other than LGPL [19:55] Files: debian/* [19:55] Copyright: 2016 Simon Quigley [19:56] and the licence type [19:56] I want GPL 2 [19:56] tends to be GPL-2+ [19:56] s/2/2+/ [19:56] ok, I'm changing that right now :P [19:57] then you need to go into the source and figure out any copyrights [19:59] clivejo: that's the confusing part [19:59] I have something like this [19:59] have a look at this Qt copyright https://packaging.neon.kde.org/?p=qt%2Fqtbase.git&a=blob&h=b8badd81c1c35b375868f7b0b365b4ca515b5f14&hb=ffee6908928ceedea7f3cb7425afe36c71384119&f=debian%2Fcopyright [20:00] foo/bar/bar1/whatever.pro [20:00] foo/bar/baz/thing.cpp [20:00] foo/bar/baz/thing.pro [20:00] foo/bar/baz/thing.cpp has a license [20:00] I don't know if that covers all of foo/bar/baz/ [20:01] but no file in foo/bar/bar1/ has a license [20:02] santa_: is there a tool for scanning source code to create the copyright file? [20:02] or is it purely manual process? [20:05] Qt is a complicated one because KDE have a special arrangement [20:05] https://www.kde.org/community/history/qtissue.php [20:06] "the announcement on Freshmeat"! [20:06] omg that is old [20:07] tsimonq2: you had 5.25.0~ for those symbols, but left the package version as 1.2.2~git20160726-0ubuntu1? [20:08] oh noes [20:08] and those old nokia links are broken [20:08] clivejo: clivejo clivejo clivejo [20:08] clivejo: you said it was OK :P [20:08] acheronuk: fixing now [20:08] * clivejo is seeing double [20:09] more up-to-date: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/opensourcelicense.html [20:09] clivejo: can I bump 1.2.2~git20160726-0ubuntu1 to 5.25.0~git20160726-0ubuntu1 or should I create a new entry? [20:09] clivejo: or what should I do about the versioning? [20:09] just use 5.25.0 [20:10] just plain 5.25.0-0ubuntu1 ? [20:10] what do you mean? [20:10] acheronuk: keeping track of ubiquity? [20:11] ahoneybun: yes, on that bug [20:11] can you repeat the question [20:11] Im not following [20:11] clivejo: so prison has 1.2.2~git20160726-0ubuntu1 as the current UNRELEASED on top version [20:11] clivejo: Neon, which packaging we sort of stole (:P) bumped the versioning [20:12] well technically it hasnt been released [20:12] our staging script will bump it [20:12] clivejo: so do I change the existing 1.2.2~git20160726-0ubuntu1 or do I create a new entry? [20:12] oh ok [20:12] * tsimonq2 doesn't touch it [20:14] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/280405701/buildlog_ubuntu-yakkety-amd64.prison-kf5_1.2.2+p16.10+git20160822.2007-0_BUILDING.txt.gz [20:17] tsimonq2 clivejo http://paste.ubuntu.com/23079414/ [20:19] tsimonq2: is it in sync with the archive? [20:20] needs to be 5.25 [20:21] !info libkf5prison-dev [20:21] libkf5prison-dev (source: prison-kf5): barcode API for Qt - development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2~git20150223-0ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 8 kB, installed size 95 kB [20:23] that changelog could be tidied up [20:24] prison on kde git dumped the 1.2.2 project version and went with the KF5 version [20:25] so we need to bump to 5.25 [20:25] which is why neon set 5.25 in their changelog and symbols I think [20:26] but there was no 5.25 release [20:27] I guess Im just making a point, dont assume a version until they make a release [20:27] Ive been bitten with version numbers before [20:28] in this case Jon and Harold probably have insde info that its going to be released as 5.26 [20:28] http://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/5.25/ [20:28] but it hasnt been officially released [20:28] they have 5.25.0~git20160810-0 indicating pre-release git? [20:28] Yep [20:30] you can always bump a version, but you cant downgrade [20:30] Well we *do* have epochs :P [20:30] believe me, you dont want to use them [20:31] https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/footnotes.html#f37 [20:33] Hello humans [20:33] and Aaron [20:33] hi chicken head :P [20:33] o/ ovidiu-florin [20:33] Hey crazy pants chicken man [20:33] XD [20:34] I wanted to tell you guys about what I made [20:34] I made this Docker image that I use to compile KDevelop, since I always use master [20:34] https://gitlab.com/ovidiub13/kde-build [20:34] Ooh tell us :D [20:35] but it can be used for any KDE application [20:35] just in case you guys find it usefull [20:36] acheronuk: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=prison.git&a=commit&h=99016c74549d1cd3e58a2d0e1210c59009fb8c06 [20:37] clivejo: yes, have seen that [20:37] Note: it's just for compiling KDE Applications [20:37] not for running them [20:37] I guess its ok to do in the changelog then [20:38] but just be careful [20:38] clivejo: can't remember which package, but there is at least 1 calling for prison version 5.25 as an optional build dep [20:38] but in unstable it shouldnt cause any issues [20:40] yes, and should only go into anything else if/when it is released with frameowrks, at which point that version has to be ok for that to happen [20:40] could also fix the changelog [20:41] no need for those UNRELEASED as they werent actually released [20:42] hmmm. just new git snapshots? [20:42] yup, probably just to get KCI to build or something [20:44] so 5.25~git20160822 ? or we need the ubuntu? [20:44] I think we need the Ubuntu [20:44] wait yeah we do [20:44] the git is added by KCI now [20:44] because it's not JUST an upstream package [20:45] all being well, it should be released in 5.26 [20:46] you should create a new section for Scarletts merge with Debian [20:47] yep [20:48] and even the git release [20:49] uh oh who broke it? :P ^ [20:53] clivejo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23079527/ [20:53] Scarletts should be at the top [20:54] recent changes go at the end [20:54] duh! [20:54] and version number change to 5.25.0-0ubuntu1 [20:55] we really need to do a release of that lib! [20:55] we were versioning the unreleased 1.2.2 as 1.2.2~git20160726-0ubuntu1 before [20:56] because it wasnt actually released [20:56] so 5.25~git20160822-0ubuntu1 ? [20:56] KCI coped with that [20:56] nor is this [20:57] well we are assuming the next release will be 5.26 [20:57] but in the source code the release is set as 5.25 [20:58] I'm losing track of which FW has actually been release I think. lol [20:59] the problem is this has never been released as a FW [20:59] it was a stand alone package [20:59] http://download.kde.org/stable/prison/ [21:01] 1.2~git20150223 [21:01] that was a snapshot from git on the 23rd Feb 2015 [21:01] not an official release [21:02] yes, I know [21:04] clivejo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23079544/ [21:05] at least indicates it's a pre-release snapsnot of *something* [21:06] yes, thats fine, but just to be compatible with the other frameworks the version is 5.25.0 [21:06] KDE name the sources like this -> baloo-5.25.0.tar.xz [21:08] That is what I *meant* to put. not sure how it got the other way [21:09] just a - instead of a . [21:10] indeed [21:10] 5.25.0~git20160822-0ubuntu1 [21:10] surprised I spotted it with my runny eyes! [21:12] ready to go I think [21:12] clivejo: last time I touched a copyright file was a long time ago, back then it was done manually, not sure if there's some script out there today [21:14] clivejo: happy with that? [21:14] I think so [21:15] clivejo: ... but with the help of licensecheck and some grepping [21:15] but my brain isnt firing on all cylinders tonight! [21:16] kdevplatform probably needs adding to CI as well, but that is not urgent I think [21:16] there are a few apps Id like added into KCI [21:17] oh is that a new framework? [21:18] old thing finally being updated to KF5 I think? [21:20] https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdevplatform.git [21:20] v 5 there now [21:21] !info kdevplatform-dev [21:21] kdevplatform-dev (source: kdevplatform): development files for the KDevelop platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 272 kB, installed size 1957 kB [21:21] 1.7.3 in YY archive [21:22] need version >= 4.90.90 for plasma-sdk to build some bits now in KCI [21:22] optional for now, but I guess will need it [21:23] will you copy over debian git to LP? [21:24] remember the --mirror option on clone and push [21:24] Harold was building it more or less from scratch earlier, as the changes were extensive [21:25] usually the case when they port to KF5 [21:26] so copy from debian, then make our branch [21:26] instead of directly using https://packaging.neon.kde.org/?p=kde-std%2Fkdevplatform.git [21:26] Neon is not out upstream [21:26] our [21:27] just seems wasted steps, but fair enough [21:27] well once you copy the debian repo and push to LP [21:28] you can add Neon as a remote and cherry pick the changes [21:29] Neon maintain their own branches [21:30] when you cherry pick like that you should give credit to them though [21:31] remember to change the VCS fields [21:32] ok [21:35] I guess that should at least start off as 1.7.3-0ubuntu2 UNRELEASED, as 1.7.3-0ubuntu1 is in YY archive? [21:36] could do the same as prison [21:36] find its current version in git [21:37] 30 hours ago it was bumped to 5.0.0 [21:38] 5.0.0~git20160822-0ubuntu1 [21:39] actually no [21:41] no? [21:43] http://download.kde.org/stable/kdevelop/5.0.0/src/ [21:43] looks like it was released [21:43] ooh [21:43] so should be versioned like that [21:43] 5.0-0ubuntu1 [21:44] yep [21:44] check/update the watch file too [21:45] * New upstream release [21:45] yes, I would put the version in brackets [21:45] you are doing this on a new Kubuntu_unstable branch? [21:46] yes [21:46] :) [21:46] http://download.kde.org/stable/kdevelop/([\d.]+)/src/kdevplatform-([\d.]+).tar.(?:xz|bz2|gz) [21:47] I would test it with uscan [21:47] that just confuses me [21:47] ditto [21:47] in the git folder run [21:47] uscan --download-current-version --destdir=../ [21:47] make sure it can find version 5.0 [21:48] it grabbed that ok :) [21:48] then the watch file is fine :) [21:48] I only look at it if it fails! [21:50] we should look about getting 5.0 in the archive [21:52] unstable pushed. kubuntu_yakkety_archive as before I presume [21:52] wait until you get the packaging sorted out [21:53] good point! [21:53] if you cherry pick from Neon [21:53] remember to give credit for it in the changelog [21:54] I will probably run through it myself tomorrow, just as practice [21:55] and only refer elsewhere if I get stuck [21:55] best way to learn [21:56] I tend to comment all the old stuff out [21:57] figure out the new build depends, let it build and then try and break it up into the different packages [21:57] yep [21:58] even Harold was forgetting to add ECM for build deps earlier o_O [21:58] most of not all need that [21:58] if not [21:59] took an hr or so for their KCI to build! [22:00] I hope this machine is faster than that [22:01] have they moved it from nci? [22:02] the builders? I have no idea where they are to be honest [22:02] I thought the master was all on the same box [22:02] dci, kci and nci [22:03] http://pangea.pub [22:03] could be, if not on kde infra yet [22:03] Id love to get Daily Kubuntu ISO's working [22:05] they are broken again? [22:05] they need a green board I think [22:06] you will have to explain that remark [22:06] http://kci.pangea.pub/job/iso_yakkety_unstable_amd64/ [22:06] its a job that creates an iso image [22:06] hadn't noticed that. nice :) [22:07] but would require a lot of packages to be fixed! [22:07] I've been slowly trying to get the KCI error and warnings down [22:07] I noticed :) [22:07] me too [22:07] but symbols are terrible :P [22:08] so I've been trying to get this freaking LXQt instance good to go... [22:08] :O ^ [22:09] clivejo: can actually run KCI fairly well as a repo in a VM at the moment. [22:09] bar PIM :P [22:09] its well broken [22:09] well, yes [22:09] but thats a given [22:11] KCI is definitely a great tool [22:12] but needs to be constantly kept right [22:12] KCI --> http://i.imgur.com/JxGtEcG.jpg [22:12] No Neon required [22:13] Neon was the name for our CI [22:13] back in the day [22:13] DAYUM that background acheronuk [22:14] clivejo: I know. I tinkered with that back then [22:14] tsimonq2: toooooooooo bright! [22:14] :( no no no [22:14] it's PERFECT [22:14] I LOVE it :D [22:15] acheronuk: BTW how did you get that KDE Plasma version? [22:15] perfect if you want to follow the yellow brick road [22:15] tsimonq2: that is the KCI unstable ppa added to a YY VM [22:16] OOH I'm doing that now! :D [22:16] not on production machine! [22:16] BTW I always wondered, why do y'all call it YY? [22:16] I know clivejo, I'm not THAT stupid :P [22:17] Yakkety Yak = YY [22:17] s/YY/Yakkety/g [22:17] ik but still :P [22:17] just short hand [22:17] ic [22:19] Apart from doing it as I could for the hell of it, and to see what happened, thought adding that to a VM might be useful [22:20] find dependency/conflicts/missing stuff etc that are more obvious on a real install [22:24] new login http://i.imgur.com/pdCLyVQ.png [22:28] is that the distributed login ? [22:28] or roaming or whatever its called? [22:29] not heard it called that [22:29] they wanted something better for enterprise etc use [22:30] kontact runs [22:30] you can setup a username@kde and log into any internet connected computer and it downloads your profile [22:31] don't see any sign of that [22:31] you checked in system settings? [22:32] dont think it would be enabled by default [22:33] can't see anything in settings. not obviously or by searching, anyway [22:33] http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=KDE-Plasma-5.7-Logins [22:34] sounds really good in an enterprise environment [22:35] I don't recall seeing that in any plasma 5.7 announcements [22:35] I looked but couldnt find it [22:35] thought it might be in 5.8 [22:37] kde they were putting together preliminary 5.8 release notes on an etherpad or similar I think? [22:37] oh there is an online accounts section in settings [22:38] maybe you have to give it your owncloud details before it offers that login [22:41] don't see it [22:42] http://i.imgur.com/IiNj51x.png [22:42] me neither [22:44] missing package? [22:44] https://notes.kde.org/p/plasma_5_8 [22:46] * New small graphical utility to create Look and feel themes [22:46] that is what needs kirigami ^^^^