=== JanC is now known as Guest98943 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [04:12] Hello. [04:12] I'm a minetest developer. [04:13] Recently there has been a release of an upstream library minetest uses, irrlicht [04:13] that release has been ignored by debian, until now [04:13] maybe they will continue to ignore it, idk [04:13] is there a way to get the newest irrlicht release into ubuntu 16.10? [04:14] Thanks to anyone replying. [04:14] relevant links: [04:14] https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/watch?pkg=irrlicht [04:14] http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/?p=1575 [04:15] http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs//main/i/irrlicht/irrlicht_1.8.3+dfsg1-2_changelog [04:15] Current state makes me really sad, as there are bugfixes inside the library which the users need! [04:15] s/library/release/ [04:25] est31, you need to complain to debian [04:25] Looks like Julien Puydt did something on it just last month. [04:25] irrlicht comes to ubuntu through the debian import/merge [04:27] if the package in debian is updated quickly enough in unstable and testing, then it'll come to ubuntu 16.10 through the regular automatic import [04:27] Son_Goku, no, because there is already a freeze in effect [04:27] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze [04:27] then you'll need to request an exception [04:28] and what if debian doesn't update in time? [04:28] file a bug in the irrlicht ubuntu package requesting it [04:28] then you're stuck [04:28] as a rule of thumb, ubuntu doesn't make packages [04:28] nor does it generally accept any [04:29] it's downstream from debian, and aside from some extraordinary cases, usually the debian and ubuntu packaging is managed upstream in debian [04:29] testing requires stuff to be at least one month in unstable, right? [04:30] normally yes [04:30] however, being in unstable alone is usually enough [04:30] as ubuntu is sourced from testing and unstable [04:30] thats enough for updating? [04:30] well, that, and you need to make a good case to the MOTU [04:31] 1. only one dep -- minetest [04:31] 2. only a bugfix release [04:31] I'm not on the MOTU or an Ubuntu developer [04:31] heck, I don't even use Ubuntu [04:32] you need to file your request here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/irrlicht [04:32] but only after debian is updated [04:33] yes. [04:33] good luck [04:33] I just know that launchpad is not the medium I want to use so that stuff gets looked at in time [04:33] its ... experience [04:34] Son_Goku, what distro do you use? [04:34] Fedora and Mageia [04:35] Fedora and mageia have this issue as well [04:35] https://pkgs.org/search/irrlicht [04:35] but I know a mageia packager, I'll contact him as soon as I can reach him on irc [04:36] Akien? [04:36] yes :) [04:36] heh [04:36] how do you know [04:36] send him an email [04:37] Akien is the leader of the Mageia packagers [04:37] as well as one of the members of the Mageia.Org council [04:37] wow [04:37] and... he sent me a bugfix for lugaru several years ago :) [04:37] * Son_Goku is the project admin for Lugaru [04:38] he won't be back on IRC until the 26th, but he's available via email [04:38] akien@mageia.org [04:38] good to know [04:38] thanks Son_Goku will write an email [04:39] as for Fedora... [04:39] irrlicht is maintained by Tom Calloway [04:39] send him an email at spot@fedoraproject.org [04:39] i dont care about fedora [04:39] * Son_Goku shrugs [04:39] minetest is borken on wayland [04:39] fedora 25 ships with wayland per default [04:39] they ignored it [04:40] uhh [04:40] only one desktop environment uses wayland by default [04:40] that's gnome [04:40] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1277165 [04:40] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1277165 in wayland "[Wayland] Minetest no pointer lock" [High,New] [04:40] the rest of the desktops are using X [04:41] also, wayland is not likely to remain on through the end of f25 development [04:41] lets hope that. [04:41] and they're not gutting X support either [04:42] and it's also not being ignored, either [04:42] there's well over a dozen bugs related to that problem [04:42] it's going to get fixed as soon as the wayland folks agree on how to fix it [04:43] the only part that needs fixing is xwayland [04:43] at this point at least [04:43] * Son_Goku shrugs [04:43] latest mutter stable release already has pointer locking, and confinement [04:43] just remember not to be mean and spiteful to all the fedora users just because of the gnome people [04:44] the community is much bigger than them [04:44] and spot is a good guy [04:44] okay, will drop him a mail [04:45] :D [04:45] we can all be friends, right? :) [04:46] Son_Goku, sometimes its hard to be sympathetic to all parts of the open source ecosystem [04:46] but you changed my mind about fedora at least [04:46] :) [04:47] (It was hard enough btw to convince irrlicht devs to do a release at all...) [04:47] :) [04:48] Good morning [04:59] o/ pitti, how are you? :) [05:00] tsimonq2: okayish, thanks (still have an annoying cold); how about you? [05:02] aww get better soon [05:02] I'm great :) [07:08] pitti: A server error occured. https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=yakkety&arch=i386&package=unity8&trigger=ubuntu-system-settings%2F0.4%2B16.10.20160817.2-0ubuntu1 [07:19] Mirv: hm, just worked for me [07:19] Mirv: the logs show an SSL timeout [07:20] so it appears to be spurious [07:56] (thank you) [08:23] slangasek, I've added aodh and barbican to the misc-servers seed so that they stick in main... [08:49] hey archive admins - could ovn-controller-vtep and python3-openvswitch be demoted to universe please - neither should be in main for now [09:01] jamespage: done (in y-proposed, the binaries only exist there) [09:02] xnox: did you get a chance to look at LP: #1611133 since dragan-s uploaded the status files ? [09:02] Launchpad bug 1611133 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "dpkg truncates lines in 'status' file which begin with two spaces." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1611133 [09:05] caribou, no. Just opened good/bad files, they do look weird. (I was not subscribed to the bug, hence didn't get email notifications) [09:06] pitti, ta [09:06] xnox: looking at it atm; the amount of 'corrupted' files is surprizing > 1000 in one file [09:07] caribou, it does look bad. The diff between the two is not encouraging. [09:07] i really hope it is not actually dpkg bug, but something/somewhere else that tries to parse status file. Because trivial precise debootstrap + upgrade did not reproduce this issue. [09:08] xnox: I'm looking at precise's code to get a hang of dpkg's workflow [09:09] the installation appears to be fairly bog standard: ubuntu-standard/minima/desktop [09:10] caribou, first step can you reproduce the issue reliably? E.g. bootstrap/install from .0 iso, or just release archive. Install ubuntu-desktop. Upgrade to latest dpkg, then upgrade the world, then spot broken status file. [09:10] if yes, buggy dpkg / libdpkg-perl or some such, otherwise something somewhere else. [09:11] xnox: that'd be the easy way out ;-) it happens in an environment where Landscape Dedicated Service is in use [09:11] caribou, wait a minute - does landscape-* stuff parses and/or writes and/or touches internal dpkg status file at all? [09:11] xnox: so the archive is not our public archive but an LDS provided one built with reprepro [09:12] is there a way to tell from the status files of any custom packages at all? [09:12] xnox: I wouldn't think so; the broken status file is at the receiving end (i.e. the client) [09:12] xnox: let me check on a few broken package [09:12] somehow i would have thought the problem would be spotted / be more widespread than just one deployment if it was dpkg. [09:14] however ubuntu-minimal description is borked. [09:17] xnox: I see 650 of them, all standard Ubuntu packages [09:18] xnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23077770/ [09:49] xnox: FYI, the list I pasted is wrong, there are less corrupted packages than listed [09:50] caribou, i pasted a diff with a lot of context to the bug report. [09:50] it seems to show a few, and i guess we only need one package to be corrupted. E.g. "ubuntu-minimal" is corrupted. === tvoss is now known as tvoss|lunch === hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr === tvoss|lunch is now known as tvoss === hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko === marcustomlinson is now known as marcustomlinson| === marcustomlinson| is now known as marcustomlinson === _salem is now known as salem_ [12:37] I removed mate-hud from the ubuntu-mate-core seeds and meta package last week. It needs more time to bake. [12:38] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-mate.yakkety/revision/113 [12:39] But it is still being seeded via germinate and is present in todays daily-live ISO. [12:39] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu-mate.yakkety/core [12:39] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-meta/+changelog [12:39] Have I overlooked something to ensure a package is no longer seeded in the Ubuntu MATE 16.10 images? [12:44] popey: anyone from snappy coming to akademy/qtcon and possibly staying for discussions (Sept 5-8)? should we register a time slot? [12:47] sitter: i don't think there's snappy specific devs at qtcon/akademy. I think we do have *some* people going. Will find out who. [12:55] flexiondotorg: Bodged for now, but the problem is apparently that somebody deleted lp:~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.vivid and that broke the update-seeds cron job. Will need to investigate ... [12:56] (I might just push my latest version back up. Old seed branches aren't supposed to be deleted.) [12:56] cjwatson, Thanks for the feedback. [13:04] popey: I also got asked by a colleague who's working on plasma mobile whether someone from the touch team might be at qtcon :) [13:25] I'm comparing the initramfs of a cloud instance and of my laptop (both on the same xenial kernel); per lsinitramfs my laptop's contains fsck whereas the cloud instance does not. I can't work out where this difference is coming from, having examined /{etc,usr/share}/initramfs-tools. Where should I be looking to find it? [13:26] Odd_Bloke: presumably because cloud instances disable fscking in fstab? [13:27] Odd_Bloke: see /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/fsck [13:28] s/?// (I know that cloud-init disable fscking partitions, and rightly so) [13:28] cloud instances, I mean (not sure if it's actually cloud-init) [13:28] Aha, right. [13:29] OK, that makes sense. [13:30] Thanks! === Guest7251 is now known as zokko [13:51] flexiondotorg: aha, I found https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/+junk/ubuntu-gnome.vivid. No idea how it got there (I have an IP address for the change but that doesn't tell me a whole lot). Moved back to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-gnome.vivid where it belongs. [13:57] Thanks for that. [15:00] cjwatson: I clicked the archive button for eol stuff at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ but I didn't otherwise move branches [15:00] sorry, not archive, I changed the branch status to "abandoned" [15:01] jbicha: Yeah, Abandoned is fine, but somebody also changed the branch target to "Personal". I changed it back [15:02] hmm, now that I think about it, that IP address might be familiar then but I don't remember what I might have clicked :( [15:24] jamespage: ok, thanks :) [15:25] slangasek, np - need to teach coreycb how todo that :-) [15:25] but he's not around today [15:25] ddellav, hey - I 'seeded' aodh and barbican packages - I'll grab you this week to explain how and what that means... [15:29] "C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro" c++ FTBFS of the day. [15:50] jamespage ok, sounds good [16:24] Laney, pitti, do we have a tag for systemd user session bugs? [16:26] not that I know [16:27] hum, k [16:27] Laney, bug #1615726 just for info then [16:27] bug 1615726 in gnupg2 (Ubuntu) "gpg-agent.service "Invalid escape sequences in line" warning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1615726 [16:27] feel free to invent one [16:30] Laney, pitti, I tagged it systemd-user-session [16:34] seb128: close: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=systemd-session [16:34] :( [16:34] oh, urg, renaming it! [16:35] Laney, thanks [16:39] pitti, bug #1484027 seems to still be there/be back on xenial and yakkety, should I reopen that one or open a new bug? [16:39] bug 1484027 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "systemd-tmpfiles-clean warns about duplicate /var/log line" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1484027 [16:58] k, enough for today, have a nice evening everyone! [17:29] seb128: right, I used that to correspond to our earlier systemd-boot tag [17:34] seb128: ah, and now I got the notification -- I'm subscribed to the tag [17:34] seb128: bonne soirée ! [17:34] pour moi aussi [17:45] cjwatson: I can confirm that germinate is working again for Ubuntu GNOME/yakkety [18:14] Hi [18:14] sorry to bother you [18:15] it is possible to install unity8 currently with Yakkety daily from today ? [18:15] I got this error http://www.hastebin.com/jatizuraka.vhdl === tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 [20:24] jbicha: good good, thanks === mchro- is now known as mchro === Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000